Chapter 167 I Have a Bold Idea (Second Update) _1

Less than an hour later.

On the internet, a new buzzword appeared - "Casually Teaching Principal Ding!"

That's right.

The principal of the Mist City Arts and Science University mentioned in an interview that the reason why students are so good at studying is simply because he was teaching them "casually".

When talking about himself, Ding Yue also insisted that he was just a "plain and unremarkable" ordinary person.

In no time, netizens were in a frenzy.

Such a handsome Principal Ding – and you're telling me you're plain and unremarkable?

In just one academic year, students have won various awards and even created a highly popular robot named Big White.

And you claim that this happened simply because you "taught offhand"?

For a while, Ding Yue's modesty during the interview quickly went viral online.

"Principal Ding, you're trending!"

While having dinner in a restaurant, Wen Ruohan was browsing Twitter on her phone and saw Ding Yue was trending.

The critical point is.