Chapter 219: Soft and Hard Measures, The Girl Almost Fell (6k Big Chapter, Please Subscribe) _1

"Hello everyone, I am Flying Wheat Cake, and today I'm dressing Big White in a pink skirt..."

In a girls dormitory.

As the first global user to own a medical health robot called Big White, Flying Wheat Cake is taking selfies and videos while interacting with Big White today.

With her daily updates about Big White, Miss Flying Wheat Cake has now become a popular influencer with over one million fans across all platforms.


While Flying Wheat Cake is filming a video, suddenly a call came in.

"Hello, how are you?"

"Hello, Xu Jia. This is Xu Wei, the chairman of Rentang Medical Technology Group," said a middle-aged male voice over the phone.

"Hello, President Xu."

Miss Flying Wheat Cake was quite surprised.

That's because she has cooperated with Rentang Medical Technology Group lately and made several video ads, which earned her a good sum of money.

She didn't expect the chairman of Rentang Medical Technology Group to personally contact her.