Chapter 218: Abandonment and Choice, National Track and Field Team (Fifth update, please subscribe)_2

For Yang Chen, this is certainly a great opportunity, and as the Principal, Ding Yue has no reason to deny it.

Besides, the most important thing is what Yang Chen himself thinks, which Ding Yue can't dictate.

"This is a excellent achievement. By joining the National Track and Field Team and receiving more professional training, I believe student Yang Chen will achieve extraordinary accomplishments in athletics and sprinting in the future."

Ding Yue stated, "However, student Yang Chen is currently representing our Mist City Arts and Science University in the semi-finals of the basketball competition at the National University Sports Games. After the competition, I will inform him of this good news. Thank you, Coach Kang, for choosing student Yang Chen."

"Alright, Principal Ding, we will wait for student Yang's response."

After a few words, they ended the call.