Chapter 218: Abandonment and Choice, National Track and Field Team (Fifth update, please subscribe)_1

Over the next few days of the National University Games.

What Ding Yue was most concerned about was his Mist City Arts and Science University's basketball team's games. There was hardly any hope of winning a championship for the other events.

In fact, Mist City Arts and Science University already won a women's swimming championship and a men's 100-meter champion.

Moreover, in the 100-meter showdown, Yang Chen broke the record of the National University Sports Games and thus became the "popular" champion overnight.

Because he drastically improved the 100-meter sprint record of the National University Sports Games.

The previous record was 10.27 seconds, and now it's 9.98 seconds. It seems outrageous and is now considered on par with professional sprinters from the National Track and Field Team, right?

11th August.

Shencheng Stadium.

A basketball semi-final of the National University Sports Games is being held here today.