Chapter 219: Soft and Hard Measures, The Girl Almost Fell (6k Big Chapter, Please Subscribe) _4

Now, Rentang Medical Technology Group wants to buy the health robot that Mist City Arts and Science University gave away to Twitter user Flying Wheat Cake. Their motives don't seem pure, do they?

With such speculation and suspicion, Wen Ruohan felt it necessary to tell Principal Ding about this.

"Principal Ding."

Wen Ruohan called out to Principal Ding.

However, because the crowd was so lively, with loud cheers and applause, Principal Ding did not respond to her.

So Wen Ruohan reached out and patted Principal Ding's arm, and called out again: "Principal Ding?"

Ding Yue felt someone patting him, turned his head and found it was Wen Ruohan, and asked curiously: "Huh? What's up?"

"Principal Ding, about something, do you still remember the Rentang Medical Technology Group?"

Wen Ruohan quickly spoke when she saw that Principal Ding had heard her.

However, just then, Guangcheng University scored another three-pointer, and the arena erupted in cheers and applause.