Chapter 220 Principal Ding! Entered! (6k big chapter please subscribe)_1

Ding! Dong!

Flying Wheat Cake finally received a Whatsapp reply from Wen Ruohan.

She herself could not make a decision, unsure if she should sell her medical health robot, Big White, to Rentang Medical Technology Group.

So she chose to ask someone at Mist City Arts and Science University.

After all, this Medical Health Robot, Big White, was manufactured by Mist City Arts and Science University.

Wen Ruohan: I asked Principal Ding, he said if you are short of money, you can consider selling it.


Mist City Arts and Science University suggested it could be sold?

After Xu Jia saw Wen Ruohan's Whatsapp message, the scale, which had been evenly poised between selling and not selling, began to tilt towards selling.

At the Shencheng Stadium.

"Principal Ding, why are you suggesting to Flying Wheat Cake to sell the medical health robot, Big White?"