Chapter 230 Academic Overlord Totem! (First update 6k big chapter subscription request)_4

As for how much a student's learning efficiency and brain development can be improved, it depends on each individual's situation.

After all, the effect of the study BUFF scrolls varies for each person.


Ding Yue was leaning on the couch in his apartment, a thought initiated the system interface.

Then entered the system shopping interface.

Since Ding Yue has now upgraded the level of Mist City Arts and Science University to "Minor Achievements", in the "Minor Achievements" level system store, Ding Yue can buy some higher-level items that increase study BUFFs.

In the previous level store, Ding Yue only bought the Junior Focus Scroll and Junior Scroll of Wisdom Light.

"Now that it has reached the Minor Achievements level, I should be able to buy intermediate scrolls, right?"

Ding Yue muttered, and looked for items that could give students study BUFFs in the Minor Achievement level system store.
