Chapter 231: Fake Medical Robot (Second update, please subscribe)_1

August 24th.

In an old neighborhood in Haicheng.

An old lady is bragging to the other seniors around her that she obtained a private health robot through her inside connections.

"Did you really manage to buy a health robot?" A white-haired but energetic old lady curiously asked.

Wang Cuifen nodded proudly, "Of course, my son's classmate works at a large pharmaceutical company, he got hold of an internal purchase privilege. People haven't even started selling it publicly yet."

"Your son is really good to you."

"I've wanted a medical health robot for a while, it's quite stylish, and it has great functions too."

"But I haven't heard that Mist City Arts and Science University's medical health robot Big White is formally in production and sales yet?"

An old man raised his doubt.

Wang Cuifen glared at this old man, "What would you know! My health robot is made by a big company, it was not cheap."

"How much for one?"

"Yes, yes, how much?"

"Is it useful?"