Chapter 8 The Saddest Thing in the World.

"What is the true meaning of learning?" A bold question rings out.

The playground falls silent.

Hundreds of high school seniors sink into silent contemplation, lost in thoughts of their uncertain futures.

Many of these students, from birth to the present, had never considered why they are supposed to study. Their education is often arranged by their parents, who shepherd them through primary school and middle school before pushing them to work hard to get into high school.

The goal?

For many, it is simply to 'make their parents proud'.

Very few genuinely enjoy studying; playing is the natural inclination of children, and even adults.

They study because they have no choice.

If they spend countless hours, energy, and money on education, only to find that it bears no fruit, what is the point of it all?

Certain teachers also fall silent.

Unlike their students, who have yet to step into society, these teachers have already begun working and feel a deeper resonance with the examples brought up by Zhao Yi.

Most of the wealthy individuals nowadays do not have a level of education comparable to theirs.

This is the harsh reality.

So, what truly is the purpose of striving so hard in education?

Several people grow anxious.

Li Lisheng, the head of grade 12 instruction, is frantic. "What is happening with this speech? How could it contain these topics at a high school conference!" He exclaims loudly several times.

Eventually, he bends over and moves next to Teacher Sun, "Teacher Sun, this student from your class, why would he say such things? This is not appropriate, right?"

Teacher Sun glances back at the stage and sees that Zhao Yi has a calm demeanor. She clenefully responds, "The speech isn't over yet! Let's continue listening!"

The other teachers also turn to look.

The parents harbor considerable objections; although they find Zhao Yi's humor amusing, they believe it is inappropriate to discuss such disheartening topics at a concluding high school conference meant to inspire students.

Zhao Yi stops speaking after presenting his question, allowing time for the students and parents below stage to think and digest the information, before finally picking up the microphone again. Feeling strongly about the topic, he proclaims loud and clear, "Each person holds a different understanding towards education. However, in my understanding, it is most tragic to believe that education is meaningless in the face of reality, this is why I've named my speech as, the 'most tragic event.'"

"So, what, for us high school seniors, is the most miserable thing? The most miserable is when even you start to believe that going to college is pointless!"

"There are certainly many examples of those who have risen to success without college degrees. Bill Gates, the creator of Microsoft, and Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Inc, are both school dropouts. That is, they achieved success after dropping out of college but they both already gained admission to Harvard University!"

"They are merely outliers among countless successful individuals, not role models who show that you can succeed without a formal education."

"Don't focus solely on outliers; consider the bigger picture, the entire world, and the broader society. In reality, top universities only consider PhD candidates, the recruitment for top primary and secondary school teachers only allow candidates with degrees from first-class universities, management positions in companies require at least a bachelor's degree…"

"Without an education, the comfortable position and satisfactory salary you desire, may only be separated from you by a thin layer of glass, but it is one you can never break through."

"Indeed, education may not necessarily represent success, but it is the most dependable key to the door of success!"

Zhao Yi's tone grows even-tempered as he speaks, "Actually, knowledge cannot be tied to wealth, knowledge is knowledge, wealth is wealth, money is valuable in today's society, but the value of knowledge far surpasses the knowledge itself. "

"Knowledge can bring about changes in your demeanor, your worldview, your interests, and your way of thinking about life, society, and various other aspects.""

"That's why we say, education is the most valuable investment!"

"Now, do you consider the role of a degree as merely a tool for securing a job? That's the wrong perspective!"

Zhao Yi's voice rings out with conviction, "The experience of going to college for several years is far more important than the piece of paper stating your degree; it is much more significant to your life!"

"Go to college, go to a good college!"

Zhao Yi waves his hand, shouting enthusiastically, "If you can get into Shuimu, don't settle for Zhengda University; if you can get into a first-tier university, don't settle for a second-tier. Strive to get into the best possible university with all your efforts!"

"This is what we, as high school seniors, should do!"

"Do so, and you won't have any regrets even if you fail; if you don't do so, regret will haunt you for the rest of your life!"

"The most tragic thing in the world is not about encountering adversities in life, but about choosing to live an easy life and waste the most precious years when you are clearly capable of reshaping your life!"

Zhao Yi concludes with the sincerest sincerity.

The playground is eerily silent.

All attention is focused on the figure standing under the national flag, speaking passionately and sincerely.

He is truly sincere.

He exudes confidence.

His speech is moving!

Under the gaze of the audience, Zhao Yi respectfully bows. The seriousness on his face disappears; the corners of his mouth curve up as he concludes, "This concludes my speech, 'The Most Tragic Thing in the World.' Thank you all!"

After speaking, he quickly exits the stage.

"Wha, wha, wha~~~"

The mighty applause from the audience breaks out. All the students, parents, and teachers clap as hard as they can. The applause lasts for a long time.

Some students chant Zhao Yi's name, "Zhao Yi, well said!"

"You represent us, we are the average students!"

"We are bad students!"

Zhao Yi, just returning to the line of his class, hears these last words and stumbles almost falling.

All of the attention continues to follow Zhao Yi, watching him until he returns to his classmates who excitedly crowd around him, obscuring him from view.

The teachers in the front row look at each other and nod in agreement.

Teacher Sun is filled with pride; looking left and right, the corners of her mouth turned up, she is as if saying proudly, "See? This is a student from my class!"

Principal Wang is seated upright, a smile appears on his face; he turns his head to ask Li Lisheng, "What is the name of that student?"


Li Lisheng stumbles over his words.

There are eight classes in the senior year, almost four hundred students. Zhao Yi's academic performance isn't exceptional and he doesn't stand out as a troublemaker so Li Lisheng never remembered his name.

Principal Wang purses his lips in disapproval, "You don't even know the name of your students."

Li Lisheng feels like crying.

The parents are all discussing among themselves; some are still continuously applauding, and others casually converse, "This kid is from class 3? He spoke very well!"

"I know him, he's Zhao Zhenxi's son!"

"Zhao Zhenxi, the owner of the clothing factory? He's so gentle and docile, but his son is impressive!"

"His mother is Liu Jing! I see her often when buying groceries!"


Zhao Yi has already returned to the line of his class and received a warm reception from his classmates.

A group of students surrounds him.

Some even show looks of admiration.

Ling Xiaoqing, standing at the front, also stares at him, but there is no admiration in her eyes; instead, it is filled with surprise and anger.

Her fists are clenched tight.

The papers in her hand have been crumpled out of shape.

Ling Xiaoqing tightly presses her lips together for quite a while; suddenly, her eyes flash with a strong light. With both hands, she tears her speech to shreds.


She picks up Zhao Yi's speech and walks onto the stage.