Chapter 9 Unique Experimental Methods

Lin Xiaoqing, senior three class three, study committee member, English class representative.

Rank, first in the class.

Final exam in the second year of high school, ranked third in the whole grade.

Sweet and generous, full of youthful energy, loved wherever she goes.

She is the so-called "someone else's child".

Not only the parents of class three, even the parents of other classes, many of them know Lin Xiaoqing, as the teachers often use her as an example when talking about good students.

If you don't have close contact with Lin Xiaoqing, it's hard to find any faults in her just by looking at the surface.

Of course.

As Lin Xiaoqing's deskmate, one of the people who has close contact with her, Zhao Yi has spotted her shortcomings.

"A pair of A's?"



Zhao Yi couldn't think of anything else, but he had to admit that Lin Xiaoqing indeed had many advantages.


Lin Xiaoqing stood under the national flag, her clear and loud voice reading the script in her hand, her bright and sweet tone spreading throughout the entire playground.

Zhao Yi's script was of quite good quality, coupled with Lin Xiaoqing's youthful and emotional voice, it would definitely be considered an outstanding speech if taken out on its own.


Where there is comparison, there will be harm.

Zhao Yi's speech was mostly colloquial, but the content was very realistic and vivid, with interactions with the audience throughout, making it feel closer and more persuasive.

Lin Xiaoqing's speech, no matter how good, was just reading a script, talking about "ideals and dreams", which paled in comparison.

With teachers in charge, the students' discipline is controllable.

The parents are different.

Even during Lin Xiaoqing's speech, many people were still discussing Zhao Yi's speech.

It's difficult to describe Lin Xiaoqing's speech as successful.

In the end, Lin Xiaoqing could only step off the stage amidst scattered applause and walk into the class three lineup with her head down, standing directly in front of Zhao Yi.

"What?" Zhao Yi found another stool and sat in the middle of the students.

He turned his head and glared at her.

Lin Xiaoqing glared back.

Glaring again!

And turned back again!

Lin Xiaoqing took a stack of money out of her pocket, took out a twenty and threw it at Zhao Yi, "Take it!"


"Manuscript fee!"

"I said it's free!" Zhao Yi said nonchalantly, quickly pocketing the money, "Why do you still want to pay? We're friends, very close friends!"

Lin Xiaoqing gritted her teeth in anger.

Zhao Hongjuan was chatting with nearby parents and noticed out of the corner of her eye her daughter handing over money, she immediately widened her eyes and became alert, "Why is she giving money to a male classmate? It isn't puppy love, is it?"

"Even if they're officially dating, you can't give your boyfriend money to spend!"

"As a woman, you absolutely can't find a phoenix man!"

"No, I have to talk to her when we get home..." Zhao Hongjuan secretly made a decision and paid even more attention to the situation over there. Fortunately, nothing happened, as her daughter seemed to have a disagreement with the other party, and they almost started arguing after just a few words, looking very annoyed, with her fists clenched tightly.

Is she going to hit someone?

Don't be impulsive!

Zhao Hongjuan was a bit worried for Zhao Yi.

After the senior three grade assembly, each class held parent-teacher conferences.

Students could leave early.

At this point, Teacher Sun discovered that Zhao Yi's parents hadn't come and quickly found him to ask, "Where are your parents?"

"They're both at work, so they couldn't come."

"Really?" Teacher Sun frowned, "Can't they take time off work? It's such an important thing for their child to start senior year...Well, I'll find time to visit your house after school starts."


"What 'huh'? Your grades in the second year of high school have declined, and you haven't been paying attention in class lately, so I must communicate with your parents..."


Zhao Yi listened with a bit of a tearful look, as the saying goes, "where there's magic, there's trouble!"

There's nowhere to hide!

Teacher Sun nagged a lot before stopping reluctantly, only to add, "You did a good job in your speech today, I hope you can live up to your own words, try your best, and strive for a good university!"


Zhao Yi shrugged helplessly.

He's not afraid of home visits.

But he felt a bit guilty about affecting his parents because of his own affairs.

The school breaks in the afternoon.

Even a half-day break is hard to come by.

Senior three classes started in mid-August, with half a month of continuous remediation, and after the official start of school, they had a break every three weeks, with only a day and a half of vacation time.

From now on, he would have to spend his time studying.

Zhao Yi wasn't worried about going back to school. In fact, returning to school was a novel experience for him, a rare opportunity to make up for the regrets of his past life. What he needed was some time to do his own thing.

Such as, making money.

In the years to come, his life would be ordinary, always living on the edge financially. But as tight as things were, he had never been so poor that he only had a few bucks in his pocket.

That was just too pathetic!

Zhao Yi took out the money from his pocket.

A twenty yuan note with Lin Xiaoqing's name on it, adorned with a cute and adorable magical girl.

Quite fitting, huh?

"You're in high school, and you still like magical girls? How childish!"

Zhao Yi commented sarcastically, then put the twenty yuan back into his pocket.

He was left with one five yuan note and one one yuan note.

His usual daily allowance was five yuan, regardless of whether he was in school or on vacation.

What could he do with five yuan?

Buy lunch, get a drink...

And that's it.

There's a saying that goes, "Boys should be raised poor"!

Zhao Yi quite agreed with this statement.

During his junior high school years, he spent his pocket money at the arcade. In high school, it was the Internet café. He had been an online gamer for over a decade, and it all started in high school.

Since returning to this time, Zhao Yi hadn't been to an Internet café yet.

But he had plans to use a computer.

For free, if possible.

So he went to his father's workplace, a garment factory where Zhao Zhenxi worked as a technician.

Technician sounded like a decent job title, but in reality, it was just a fancy name for a repairman. His job was to fix machines in the factory. Repairmen were in short supply, so the pay was decent, and they even had their own offices. With the popularization of the Internet, each technician was also assigned a personal desktop computer. However, most of the time, the computers were just sitting there, doing nothing.

Zhao Yi went to the factory, found Zhao Zhenxi, and walked straight into his office.

"Why didn't you go home? What are you doing here?" Zhao Zhenxi asked, puzzled.

"To use the computer."

"To play on the computer?!"

Zhao Zhenxi almost kicked him. In the end, he couldn't bear to do it, only grumbling, "You're in your senior year, you should be studying."

"I have half a day off today, and from now on, I'll be in class every day," Zhao Yi said. "I want to use the computer, but the Internet café is too expensive! How about giving me twenty yuan, and I'll go to the Internet café?"

Zhao Zhenxi searched his pockets, took out a ten yuan note, and was about to hand it to Zhao Yi when he suddenly said, "Alright, don't mess with anything in the office, and don't play too long."

Then he tried to take the money back.

Zhao Yi quickly reached out, grabbed the money, and stuffed it into his pocket, laughing. "Okay, I got it. You go ahead and do your work!"


Zhao Zhenxi wanted to take the money back, but with people constantly passing by the door, he felt like it would be embarrassing to argue with his son over money at work.

Feeling a bit helpless, he walked away.

Now alone in the office, Zhao Yi bent down to press the power button on the computer. As he waited for it to boot up, he glanced around and noticed a familiar box under the desk. His eyes lit up.

An unexpected surprise!

Unwrap it!

Open it!

He placed the Mac on the desk, pressed the power button, and soon it came to life.

He rested his elbows on the table.

Cupped his chin in his hands.

Closed his eyes.

Initially, Zhao Yi just wanted to find a computer to test out some system vulnerabilities he knew about. Some of the vulnerabilities were discovered later on, and the system version with those vulnerabilities might not be the same as the current one.


Zhao Yi thought of his own ability.

Causality Law!

Why bother doing it manually when he had this ability?

Using Causality Law was quite exhausting, especially for complex and unknown problems. Some unknown problems had no answers at all. Having a computer in front of him would provide more 'clues', and naturally, the consumption of energy would be reduced.

Now that he had the Mac, consumption would certainly be significantly reduced.

He set up the question--

[Does the current version of Mac have the following vulnerability: On the open-source Kerberos authentication system, by implanting code... turn the software into a backdoor for computer networks?]

[A. Yes.]

[B. No.]

[Causality Law!]

[Answer: A.]

Zhao Yi opened his eyes, smiling.

It was feasible!