


Two twelve-year-olds stared at each other from across the desk. Ignoring the adults they had their staring contest. it was so intense that the adults would give them weird glances from time to time.

He ignored the imbeciles, they could have their talk while this war raged on for centuries, their children would carry their flags to the batt-

She blinked.

(I win.)

He smirked, and even though she couldn't see it beneath the mask, she felt it, Indicated by the frown on her face.

Oh, she was going to be fun to tease.

"Ah, see, They are getting along."

Yes... Yes, they were getting along just swimmingly.

"What do you do for fun?"

Kakashi rose an eyebrow at her question. Usually, he would answer that by studying and learning self-defence... But...

"I try to manipulate my own innate energy to bend the forces of nature to my will, only using some hand gestures to do so..."

He trailed off, holding back a laugh at her deadpan expression and the expressions of pure confusion of the two adults.

"You have a weird sense of humour..."

Oh, really Mister Busujima? where did you get that from?

"...I tried, everyone saw it."

His eyes reverted back to "Bored as fuck" and looked to his father, who nodded.

There wouldn't be more "Making friends day" For a while.


"So...When am I learning to... you know, Shoot a pistol?"

His father sighed, This wasn't the first time he asked this question, but he didn't have to answer this time.

"... You're late for school... and are you sure you don't want to take off that mask?"

Kakashi deadpanned, picked up a small book from the table he left on the table and walked off.

"Whatever, who needs to shoot a gun when you can shoot lightning?"

He grumbled under his breath as he closed the door behind him.

Activating his Sharingan, he started reading, memorizing everything written on the paper.

He had a bet with a certain someone that he could recall every word on any page of the book.

Kakashi smirked, remembering a certain purple-haired Samurai with a challenging grin on her face, and imagining what expression she would have when he won the bet.

A few minutes later, he was at their meeting place, waiting for her to show up.

"Kakashi, Your here."

He turned to his left with a raised eyebrow directed at The girl that was occupying his mind for a few moments ago.

"Who? Me? and here I thought was at the airport, ready to sabotage a flight."

The sarcasm in his voice was obvious, and Saeko just sighed, it was a wonder how she put up with him for the past six months.

"You know, Being that sarcastic won't help you make more friends..."

He just rolled his eyes, who needed friends? He would make friends when he was twenty.

"Anyway, How is the training going? Got any better?"

He teased, getting an annoyed look from his female companion.

"It's going fine, thank you."

She was still mad about him disarming her in a spar. Last six months he was busy, mostly entertaining the girl next to him, as well as training.

There was also a promise that his father made him. If he got good grades until he reached high school, he would buy any pistol of his choice... and he already had one in mind.

Springfield Emissary.

It was a good pistol, used 9mm rounds and was easy to disassemble.

"How are your precious guns?"

"Still working on getting those good scores to get one of my own. Though, Dad's not letting me shoot one of his."

She snickered, covering her mouth with her hands.

"You know... You could laugh more often."

He could see Saeko's eyes widen, cheeks redden and that's all he could get before she turned her head away.

"Flattery will get you nowhere, It might get you a girlfriend at school though...For a few months."

He snorted, They were twelve, who needed a twelve-year-old girlfriend?

"...Huh, you say something?"


"Please you two, introduce yourselves."

Kakashi had his hands in his pockets while Saeko was standing politely, holding her bag in her hands, and positioning it in front of her.

"Kakashi Hatake... I have some likes and dislikes, I don't hope for much and my dreams are personal. I feel neutral about meeting you."

There, the perfect introduction, now Saeko just had to do the same.

"My name is Saeko Busujima, It's a pleasure meeting you all."

Perfect, the only thing they knew was their names, That's all they needed to know. most of them would die anyway.