The discoveries

"You had Kriss Vector and you didn't tell me..."

Kakashi looked at his old man, eyes full of betrayal, sadness, and determination.


The older man looked Horrified, He had been demoted from Dad to Father.

"Now, now... Don't overreact, all of my guns will be yours one day, And hey! you can shoot it this weekend."

Narrowing his eyes at the old man, Kakashi observed him for a moment... Then released a sigh.

"You are forgiven."


"So, what are you planning to do tomorrow?"

With a raised eyebrow, he turned to his only friend. What was with this question? Gasp! Was this a confes- Moving on.

"I'm free. Why?"

Saeko tore her eyes away from her notebook and looked at him.

"Father wants to train you."

Well, that was unexpected.

Was the old swordmaster going to kill him for hanging out with his little princess? but why would he wait for so long?


Instead of running away, he raised his other eyebrow.

"He found out that you are training and wants to "Refine" you. His words, Not mine."

Her answer unnerved him, He wasn't a clay figure others could mould however they wanted, He didn't even need sword training, Having Madara's knowledge was very handy, He could use a sword damn well, He just needed to grow up a bit.

"I'm not interested in the way of the sword..."

However, He needed an excuse for his skills anyway.

"...But I'm willing to try."


Doing homework on the ceiling was a novel experience, Just being stuck to the roof-


And just like that, he was sitting on a bed like nothing just happened.

"Come in."

To his surprise, it was Saeko... With a bag in her hands.

"I need help..."

...This was his life now. The beat friend... Probably they only had each other as friends... which was kind of sad.

"Meh, I have nothing to do anyway."

She nodded and walked over. He stood up, got another chair, brought it to the table and sat next to Saeko.

"It's English and Math. I'm having a hard time with a few words and some equations."

Nodding, he turned to the words in the notebooks. Pointing out where she was pronouncing it wrong, The math was... Well, math, AKA: Boring.

"Kakashi, do you ever plan to take the mask off?"

The boy looked up in thought at the sudden question, he expected this and he had the perfect answer.

"I'm planning to show my face to the one I'm planning to spend the rest of my life with."

It was said in a passing tone like he was talking about the weather, but the meaning was there.

"Or... You are just so Hideous under that mask that you are trying to cover it up to be able to talk to people."

...That came out of nowhere... The incredulous look he gave her must have been noticeable even with his mask on since Saeko started giggling.

"What the hell? you know what... Nevermind."

The two continued studying, Kakashi forgetting the conversation in a few days... But Saeko didn't.


"Congratulations son, You got the best scores, the teachers were impressed...though how you managed that is beyond me. isn't school supposed to be boring for kids these days?"

His father mumbled the last part before brightening up again and continuing.

"Now you just need to apply for a permit. That includes firearm classes, written exams, psych evaluation and firing training... Fun right?"

Kakashi groaned, of course, there had to be something like that.

(Why? Cant I just have a convenient way to carry a gun without...a... licence?)

Hand meet Face, Long time no see huh?

"Can I put it away at least? it is going to be my gun anyway right?"

His father nodded and handed him the pistol, Without a thought, he aimed the barrel to the floor and took out the clip, There were no bullets but that was fine, he would get them soon enough.

Walking into his room, he closed the door and looked at the Emissary...

His eyes turn red, Gaining three commas, a spin later they turned to a three-star pattern with the tips connecting to the pillar next to them.

Carrying a gun was no problem now.

He just needed bullets.