Just why?

"Why do you wear a mask?"

"Are you single?"

"Are you and Busujima dating?"


(Please, spare me, I have to go through puberty again, I don't need this right now.)

Looking over at Saeko, he could see that she was suffering from the same treatment.

God, Highschool. What a pain. it was the first day and the fangirls were already crowding the desk he was sitting at.

Taking out his phone, He started texting.

[K: This is torture.]

Saeko looked at her phone, her attention grabbed by its buzzing, opening it she started reading.

[S: Endure it, We can get sighed up for Kendo club later.]

Ah right, Kendo... He didn't want to do that if he was honest.

[K: ... Who said that I was joining?]

Saeko frowned.

[S: You aren't?]

[K: No.]

[S: Why?]

[K: ... Just don't feel like it.]

He could see the slight flash of disappointment on her face before it went away, Concealed with a bored look.

He ignored it, He already went with her father's whims once, The Kenjutsu he taught was quite inferior to the Uchiha style.

He wouldn't join the Kendo club just because he could kick ass with a stick in his hand.

He also needed to go into his Kamui Dimension, He just never had a reason to.

Pocketing his phone, he looked up when the teacher came in.

This was going to be an extra-long day.


"I heard that You didn't join the Kendo club..."

Kakashi looked up with a bored look, raising an eyebrow. Was he going to chew him out?

"Yeah, Beating the crap out of amateurs doesn't sound that pleasing."

With a sigh, He closed the notebook and placed down the pen, turning to his father.

"...That sounds like a valid enough reason."

The smirk the older man sent his way was smug, He didn't understand why.

"Anyway, I'm going to the range, Im done with the homework, Just need to get my gun and some bullets."

Kakashi bent down to his bed and reached inside, summoning His pistol from his pocket dimension, followed by the magazines.

When he stood up, His father was gone, but he could hear the older man coming up the steps in a hurry. Kakashi waited for him to come back, meanwhile pulling the top of the pistol back, locking it in place.

Looking up, he saw his father holding a brown case...

"Here, I thought that the pistol would be too little of a prise, So I decided to rummage through the garage, And found this, Got it a few years back..."

He placed the case down and opened the clips holding it down the lid, and lifted it. Revealing an MK-18 With Halo scope, a grip and a suppressor.

There were three extra clips along with the one inside the rifle itself.

(...Holy shit.)

"Really? I can have this?"

"Meh, yeah."


He squeezed the trigger.

The hammer snapped forward, The bullet was shot, The recoil kicked in.

He held firm, Keeping the rifle in place, Repeating his actions a few more times.

Bringing the rifle down, He looked at the target.

Four Times in the centre of the chest and two in the head, The spread was small, not getting closer to the Nine pointe area.

"Damn son, That spread is tighter than my-"

"Finish that sentence and ill put a bullet through your head, Old man."

This was Haru, The owner of the shooting range. The man was in his sixties, But he wouldn't let that fool him, He has seen the old man's performance, The bolt action in this man's hands is like a pencil in the hands of john wick.

Weird comparison, but not inaccurate.

"Aw come on Lad, Let me make my remarks."

Kakashi snorted, Taking out the Magazine from the Rifle, he looked at the bullets that remained in the magazine... And he realized that he needed money.

What's the best way to get money?


Maybe he could draw a manga, his Sharingan could help him and Shadow clones would be a huge help.

He just had to look at what was available on the internet. Maybe he could draw Jojo's bizarre adventure, Or maybe food wars.

With a sigh, He started putting the remaining bullets inside the magazine and placing both the rifle and the magazine inside the case.

Taking out his Springfield he turned to the target again and aimed.