Chapter- 2 Edgar punished Miguel; the reason of his early death

Luz dreamt of meeting her husband in the village, every time she would bounce, her spirit felt the heat, particularly at the upper part. Sometimes, she could harkened the laughter beside the brume. Her invisible eyes could chew over the plain angel. On the other hand, Satan never came back to inferno unless Edgar might finish his aspiration in assassinating the white angel.

Archangel temporarily plucked his eyes beside the millions of dead. He didn't sense Satan who tried to put his sword, even though the raindrops exhibited bravery against the adversary. He kept on wishing that the dead may open their eyes, even though it's just a single minute.

The seven dead revealed the truth," hello Archangel, the new dead moved their bodies." The angel felt glad to discern the news, indeed he stood up and clapped his hands together with them. However, three thunders were aptly shaking humankind.

"Angel, please cover with us, our eyes might be biffing on the stones," dead said. All of their heads were apparently exhibiting the skull. It would be scary to discern on the earth.

"Just trust me, the thunderstorm might just pass, you must show your anger to chew them," Archangel informed.

Whatever the thunderstorm did however, Archangel and people just ignored them. So Satan moved forward his heat at the heart of humankind, thus they were vibrating their brain and bones. Instead of holding their king, yet they hauled him together," just stop dragging my soul, I am your master.``

Meanwhile, Satan clutched the angel, and then Edgar used the devil sword; to cut the feathers; hence, the unlimited bloods were running into the soil," Edgar, I finally behold you, why are you cutting my feathers?" Archangel asked, His tears were scattered the entire face of Edgar, though he stood up as spirit, yet he felt for it. At that moment, Edgar felt pity for the angel," you must casted back that your request is still under my hands."

Edgar immediately altered his mind instead of ceasing to cut Angel's feathers. His master commanded him; to put Archangel above the large fire, shark thunderstorm, broken glasses, swords, and axes which would be Archangel's bed.

Satan chuckled in front of the humankind," as what I had told you, I would make this earth as my second inferno. Each of you must salute my command. Otherwise, I'll always make trouble with your life, which one do you like?"

The folks disliked his policy on the earth, indeed they kept on crying; to discern Archangel above the giant fire. They wished to become powerful gods in saving the angel, however Satan used the seven dead together with the new dead.

Everyone disliked sitting above the large fire, but Satan will shut anyone who didn't like to follow his command. He further informed them scattering the entire village, though the lakes and rivers have unlimited amounts of water, yet the water turned to humid. Indeed the river and lake were physically pathways to inferno.

Edgar quickly followed up Satan's promise, his master just giggled beside him. He showed his stubborn teeth to him," don't worry, I will convert your body into a king snake together with the seven dead. If you finish scattering the large fire all over the world. Well, I will make another third hand for you."

Too pellucid, "I'm not sure if I could do that, if you were treated as your follower, devil. Well, you must tolerate me to see my adversary. I need to meet the killers who have been assassinating my body since the 15th century," Edgar said.

His heart thought pessimistically, if Satan may allow him to kill his foe. On the other hand, his heart got regretful; to slay the angel. His mind got befuddled if Satan would be the white angel or not. He aptly needed someone who would explicate his uncertainty, every side in the village was a large fire. He strongly slapped Satan, however his spirit fell down into the large fire where the seven dead shook their fire.

Archangel shrilled out loudly over the large fire. He would actually convert into three sprinkles, so that the large fire might end up. But he tested his best friend; Edgar, if he would join him or to Satan. On the other hand, Miguel felt scared when Edgar noticed his face, his two hands were vibrating upon seeing Edgar's muscle. With that, he could recall his past when the brume hauled on the earth for almost three years.

Luz just waited for the perfect god; to carry her soul in heaven. Otherwise, she will wait until the ocean might lose its water. Every night, she saw her spouse who sat above the sharp knives.

In the night, Satan approached Edgar, he declared the killer who had killed him before through guessing the seven dead. He further instructed him; to touch their hands, although it was quietly hot. Edgar noticed a guy who kept on vibrating his hands.

"What is his name?" Edgar asked. He surely suspected the seven dead who belonged to number six, the more to clench him; he could feel how razor-edge the knife was!

"His name is Miguel," Satan asked. Miguel sarcastically interrupted," what are you talking about?"

The devil didn't answer his question, even if Miguel asked a million times.

"Really?" Edgar asked. He confidently carried Miguel using his sharp sword into the throne. His intention was just to place it under a black sack full of fire and ash. Immediately, he hauled his spirit right away, and then he hung his spirit over the large fire where Archangel stayed.

Archangel was finally fixing his decision; to flash its water into the large fire. When he found Edgar who gave a punishment to Miguel. Instead of correcting Edgar's action, his mind decided to throw the billions of ices. That time, Satan brought weapons such as swords and knife; to slice Miguel's body. In that way, his hotness would increase to 100 percent, not 85 degrees.

(I finally slipped back that I was a killer before, but to face such a punishment might not be the right solution. If Edgar will lock the sack, surely my sharp teeth shall put him inside the sack.)

When Edgar gladly accepted the weapons; to slice Miguel, however strong hands contradicted his hands, when he glanced at the sack again. Unfortunately, Miguel did not exist there, but Satan was lying down his spirit over the surface of fire.

"Are you lying to me? You said, Miguel would be dead, in fact your image wouldn't be him. To end my doubts," you were the one who had killed my body before," Edgar said.

"No," a loud voice.

Who killed Edgar's spirit before, Satan or Miguel?

Satan slightly came out the sack; to explain his colleague, he brought him to the Archangel; to witness their conversation. But Archangel had left over his assigned large fire, instead of taking their reflection. Satan commanded the six dead together with Edgar; to urgently seek the angel.

"For what? I lived under your hands for almost two centuries, but I didn't recognize your help. Indeed, you were the killer of my spirit," he said madly. He ran away from Satan, even though the thunderstorms were blocking the pathway, wherever he chewed over the world, everything looked like an unending inferno.

Now, he casted back how helpful the angel was," Archangel, cover my spirit, I just surrender to behold the cause of my death." He didn't discern Archangel, yet Miguel who giggled alongside in heaven. He got green envy if Miguel will be given a second life.

Archangel put unlimited ice, every corner where Miguel hauled. His desire to destroy the devil on the earth, he would be willing to sacrifice himself, at least the dead persons will be risen again from the large fire.

Satan flawlessly perceived the three colors which reflected on the water. He felt scared since the colors were formed into strong rain; to haul the large fire into the ocean. When he came back to the throne, unfortunately the heat turned to be cool again.

His demon commanded him to use his six dead into another snake; he utilized his second power; to form their images into serpents, but Archangel held their bodies to sit beside his altar. He didn't have a choice except to fight the angel, but Edgar didn't advocate him," you should make him your serpent."

Edgar silently approached Archangel to ask for an apology, meanwhile he displayed his genuine regret for him," is that you, Edgar? Just use the sunrise to verify your appearance," white angel said.

(Oh! What's happening to me? My physical appearance looked like a snake. I wiggled up many times; to skip my spirit, yet I whiffed a giant snake.) With him, the six dead and new dead got frightened if their images might turn like them, while Satan imbibed the body of the snake, his intention was giving unlimited command; to make a chaos.

Instead of showing their gladness, however, Archangel aware the dead to be alert including Miguel. That moment, the serpent went to lakes; to hide his body, but his direction would move backward the village. His eyes were staring at the shadow of Archangel, although Archangel flew over the surface, but the snake made his own feathers using the skull.

Luz stayed beside the seashore; she saw the village slightly, although the blood was gone, however she apparently glimpsed the doughty snake. Her impression would be that the serpent would be the new king. Instead of seeking her justice, however, she had lost her hope. On the other hand, Miguel encouraged Archangel to bring the dead to heaven," your advice is nice, however it's better to value the soil where you had been living since birth."

"But I want to discover the image of heaven, I was dying before, however I didn't reach apple paradise yet," Edgar said.

"No, I will convert earth into heaven after the dead will put the dead into their respective houses. And then, each of their spirits must enjoy; to live with me soon," Archangel said.

Miguel and Archangel sauntered the hills; to seek the other dead, while the ice covered the six dead beside the cave, when Miguel stop stuttering. He was staggering in the absence of his master," Archangel, where are you now?" In a loud voice," don't search your angel because the serpent ate him." Although he didn't discern the image of the serpent yet, his imagination was beyond the habitat of the snake. He ran away in the left direction; but he harked the voice of Archangel beside the giant snake.

Did a serpent snake eat Archangel?