Chapter-3 Satan formed the mountain into undying fire

Miguel was shocked looking at his side, he's actually needing an explanation from the world, but he didn't notice any celestial objects in the sky. He ran away from the serpent snake, even if the pathway is being attacked by the unending fog. With his energy that he exerted for that. He felt how worse it is to live alone without the powerful king.

"Archangel, don't allow the devil touching my spirit. I only exclusive your hands to hold it. Otherwise, I want to go back to my status." His voice can't continue shouting his voice because the unlimited fire and ash are following him, whatever he does at that point. Unfortunately, no one approaches to aid his situation.

"Heaven, heaven, just hold the devil, I should find my master," the celestial object gives a sign to fly using the single feather. He laughs looking at the invisible win, even if the celestial object promised to him; his status is already invisible to their eyes.

He desires to come back to the earth; to seek his white angel. Unfortunately, the single wind didn't allow him unless the world altered its portion. Upon evaluating such a statement, he admires such a concern; indeed, he likes to hear it again. His eyes wanted to hold him/her using his eyebrow. But the single wind swears to meet him if the white angel will be alright in the cool world.

Edgar keeps on looking at his body in the worst earth. He could only chew over his feelings but the shadow is always absent to his eyesight,' who am I? Is this my final shadow on the earth? I almost hate the devil but why did I like his action? Everything has turned ironic when it comes to my genuine feelings for." In spite of such problems, he is still casted back as the guy who had been killing his body since 1800. His aim does not change which would be searching for him either night, or day. After a while, he smells Satan who keeps on commanding his action; he declines to such command, then he eats him using his teeth.

When the mirror is widely reflecting his image, he goes back to the old mirror where he could glance it apparently; he attempts looking back the green leaf and water; to remove his image maybe such scary image might be changed into humankind again," you can't skip out my plan for you, the rules that you have started might be forever." He jumps up like the thunder above the sky, but Satan keeps on holding him. It seems like his body forever absorbs it.

When Satan seriously looks down at the earth. His eyes were seeing the open soil; it's small to be taken. In spite of such doubts, he moves forward to that habitat; to live formally with his spirit. As he promises that his body might stay there within 20 years. That time, Satan flies back to the earth; to follow the image of Miguel; he believes that guy would be the reason why the angel is still existing in the world. His mind corrects that the angel is forever dead inside the serpent.

"Edgar, just follow me okay."

On the earth, the six dead are looking for their king, as they have known their images will be formed into human beings again after ten days. So far their eyes didn't discern their archangel, they are positively wishing he will be back as soon as possible. After a while, the single wind passed above their areas, even if they can't cover the leaves, but such an objects have gone directly.

Satan feels furious at the dead's absence, his mind is pessimistically expecting that they are useful to be forever soldiers on the earth. Accordingly these six dead had been making worse actions when they were living in the world since 30 centuries ago. There were millions of bad people who were under Satan's hands however, they can't be searched anymore since the sand has been covered under the ocean.

Satan feels buggered of searching for them, even if the distance is not so long. But he gets pressure if the angel has another king, or queen who has given another life to the humankind. So he quickly stands up pulling the mountain, perhaps these six dead are hiding under the mountain. He calls these persons millions of times; to know if they would still follow his statement. After five minutes, no one disappears beside the mountain, so he calls the serpent who will put the fire at the top of this hill. However, the serpent is not responding to his call.

Where did the serpent live?

The serpent is still living in the small habitat, his body can't be attached to such a habitat, if ever his body is not flexible like the stick. Now on, he feels over hot on his body; indeed, he does not desire to end up! After a few minutes, such ash becomes an old fire; no one is shouting in the mountain including the birds.

As the large fire forms above the mountain, Satan laughs loudly beside the large fire," at the end, the earth is burning by my power." Archangel directly opens his eyes when too much heat enters his body; " hey skip out this place now." To that, the serpent is under the devil's command, however he is being persuaded by that message.

"Is Archangel still alive in my eyes?" he asked.

Satan fully fragrant the snake beside the cool leaves. Instead of showing his sadness, he feels pleased to smell him. After a while, Satan is flying above the fire;" snake, come on, I urgently needed your cooperation. Let's now take our awesome activity. To that, the serpent heard his master including the white angel's voice.

The six dead were being attacked by the large fire, even though they're still staying under the crust. They were already drying but each of their bodies can feel how painful it is! "Archangel, why do you leave us? Please save the world with your power and allow us to ride above your head." The large fire keeps on eating the bottom part of this mountain.