Chapter 7 Satan dictated destroying the paradise

Beyond the whales and sharks who looked angry seeing the demon who had worn his fire eyes. Though they did not approach him, they felt that their intestines were starting to break up.

It's still raining over the surface of this ocean, it made Satan feel mad at the universe. He found a woman who looked like a brown fish, her name was Luz, the wife of Edgar who lived in the ocean for almost 100 centuries. Though her portrait was not perfectly identical to the fishes, but she dreamt to meet Edgar's spirit, she tried visiting the front sea, however she would not be qualified to stay there, because the sun and moon would dissolve her silhouette.

Her portrait reached back to the varied sharp stones which gave rough life to the fishes. Her intention would be to meet the fishes, since they were usually nervous when she would pass alongside them.

Upon walking the rough water, some sharp lights hit to her, she never saw it before, this would be clumsy to face it," don't afraid to me, I am the saviour of supreme justice of Edgar"

"Are you a lawyer?"

"Honestly, I am not a lawyer, but a saviour of the world. Do you want to see your husband's spirit?"

Luz's body whispered, staring at him," really?' She never continued her goal to the rough place, but took time to speak with him. Alongside the brown fish, Satan chuckled to imagine her response," I finally kidnapped a girl who might seek the white angel." He pretended of his character that he was very kind through displaying his diamond smile and cool shadow.

Archangel visited the garden where he had planted the seeds. These seeds had grown as millions of children who had walked on the ground. His six dead were making a nipa house for them till night.

The six dead were very proud of the white angel's achievement. Then, they were optimistically anticipating that the world might stand wonderful again. Although, it would be very difficult to fix the houses for the children in one day, yet they used their extraordinary energy.

The children were sleeping alongside the serpent which would serve as their guard either night or day. That time, Archangel did not fully trust the serpent who had voluntarily acted as security guard.

Every single time, the six dead were always staring at the millions of children who discovered their new world, whether the serpent looked back at the red sky, his mind still pointed to the angel's miracle, though the red snake kept on dictating him to kill the children who had stood up on the ground.

The red snake would never tempted the serpent unless the demon might be back to the world. He knew that Satan was still temporarily living in the ocean, that's according to his real dream, which would be his daily mirror.

When the twilight emerged the cool paradise, the children felt nervous staring at the brown fish beside the sunset. Her head filled with many thorns which could come out their bloods inside their stomach.

Archangel sensed something wrong, especially when the children ran. He came immediately to the ground, but he saw the brown fish beside the serpent snake. He ignored such fish, even though everyone got scared.

He investigated the children regarding the fish," the brown fish wished for the burning of our paradise,'' he came back to the serpent," how are you related to this fish?"

"She is just my best friend, she is asking a favour to inhabit our paradise with us."

"Where is the fish now?" astonished his voice.

"I'm here helping the seven dead to develop the houses for the one million children."

When Miguel and six dead were astonished seeing the brown fish. They advised Archangel; to slice her body which would be their viand tonight. As the children harkened to such a plan, all of them felt excited to take it.

In the night, Miguel had started to slice the brown fish, even if the serpent was against their plan, Archangel kept on observing the aftermath of their actions, based on what he noticed the brown fish had gone on the giant dish.

The six dead were interrogating about the brown fish, they looked for Miguel who had firstly cut the fish. However, they did not see him anymore, what they found the million children.

As Archangel never saw Miguel, he confronted the serpent. His intention was to gather information about the brown fish. He took 30 hours to investigate him," everyone, run fast now, there is a giant tree which possesses his unlimited horn and sharp teeth."

The giant tree was intentionally breaking the children and six dead. His original foundation was Miguel, while the sharp trees were the brown fish; formerly Luz. He would not be happy if the paradise might stand by the white angel's hand.

Satan was standing by neighbor in the rough place, his head attached to the long horny tree. He moderately saw the brown fish who had hidden her body under the leaves. He chuckled many times," oh, I am smarter than Archangel, whatever you would do for me, white angel, you would never win, hahahaha," his loud chuckled scattered the whole earth.

His gratification couldn't be measured, what his mind thought he might be visiting personally the white angel soon, while the white angel covered the children seriously using his smooth feathers, whoever hit his feather died. His six dead were getting their swords to cut the tree which kept pushing its sharp weapons to them.

"Don't cover the children, if you want them to exist in paradise."

"Skip out the paradise giant tree, I made this paradise for us to live peacefully."

"You were the worst angel in the world, we won't you exist anymore, if you were kind like Satan, you should give another life to Edgar."

Archangel connected this tree to Satan's hands. He felt disgruntled to slip back his objective again," let's work together white angel," six dead said.

Will Archangel defend the folks?

The giant tree consisted of 100 boughs which would stand as brown fish body, while the roots and pillar should be the serpent's body. They cooperated sincerely with each other, without knowing Luz and Miguel had met each other.

The trees kept on flashing to the white angel together with the storm which occurred in the paradise. That moment, the folks couldn't properly attach their bodies to their angel, when the giant tree attached to them. Hence, some of them were falling down on the earth which hit the sharp stones.

"Archangel, please save us, we might be frozen by the trees."

"Don't call him because he is a devil."

Archangel dragged his heavy feathers to the brown fish. Hence, the tree was apparently flying to the lakes, then the red snake had punished the angel with his weapon by covering the stones with him.

"Please allow me to develop the paradise."

"We don't need you angel, you're a demon not a fresh angel."

The white angel couldn't call his followers to skip out from the stones. His body went down to the sharp portion of this paradise. That time, the red snake felt glad to witness his achievement.

When the six dead saw the lost angel, they were feeling like thunder. Instead of forgiving the giant tree, they were getting furious to perceive the leaves and pillars," Miguel, where are you now? :Let's save our angel."

"Miguel was dying recently, so don't call him."

The red snake strongly attacked the giant tree, which he anticipated would be his enemy. He did not listen to his explanation, he longed to follow what the devil was demanding of him. That time, the six dead were laughing when they chewed over such circumstances, though it would be against their hearts.

The serpent approached the red snake; to open the stones. He couldn't breath well if these stones were covered by the angel. He coordinated with Satan who witnessed their war on the land. However, Satan did not approve it unless the angel would be forever dead like him.

Whatever the red snake explained to his colleague, however the serpent won't listen to him. So, he left his master to burn the people who had cried over the surface, each of the leaves was still holding the children.

To end up his angel, he carried these children to the top house where the six dead were building their houses. That time, the giant tree explained to the red snake," our heart's objective is still connecting, so don't punish me." Slow voice interrupted ,``The giant tree is our colleague."

The red snake threw these boughs to the hole, then he simultaneously put the unlimited fire. Hence, the children's heads were scattered to the land which would be glad to the devil, especially the sliced legs and body to the ocean. That time, Satan expected that the brown fish had succeeded to her goal.

That time, the six dead were genuinely compassionate when the giant tree exploded the hole. They approached such hole; to pull out the children's head," don't join with them," when they chewed over the tree. Then, the red snake hauled his fire teeth to them.

Who would rule the paradise, red snake or Archangel?