Chapter 8 Satan finally left the ocean

Satan's lips clipped moderately to the red clouds, which reflected the water. Then, he further harkened quick cries that came out from the children. Instead of tolerating them, he cooked his teeth to the water," Archangel, please save us from the fire," he chuckled hearing their problems.

"What did I inform you about?" He quickly shouted his scream supported by the waves," I can't get out from this worse habitat, I am still glad to demand the red snake."

His spirit clipped back to the first level of water; he saw the red snake who held carefully the crown which symbolized their victory. His cells were updating the serpent and red snake regarding their accomplishment.

Each of their heads had quickly gone to the crust, especially when the red snake held their spirit. It made the six dead nervous, attaching to the red snake's mouth," don't bring us to the ocean, we still aspired to seek the Archangel." Flashed out the saliva on their eyes," never, you must seek Satan than him."

"Why?" still noiseless beside their ground, the six dead were climbing down from the snake's mouth. However, the waves were quickly catching their skulls," hello red snake, finally! You have brought these six dead in your hands," Satan saluted his fingers to the snake, then the dead were sinking into the hot water, whether they would follow the waves, which ran above the surface. Unfortunately, the red wire was hauling their bones and rib cage to the deep part of the water.

A serpent did not hear any noise on the land, though the paradise was centered on happiness. He quickly called them many times till the mountain might answer his question," just proceed to the front sea right away," he asked such a question, since he did not hear anyone who had ended his voice. He immediately ran to the clouds which interlinked to the ocean," oh! what's happening?"

Nobody quaked up the front sea, except his tongue which kept on moving backward. He never touched the water unless someone would hold him.

His heart filled with gratification and admiration for the red snake, but he saw another snake who looked like an Archangel's face. He quickly called him through his tongue," come on snake," interruptedly," never" the demon got befuddled about the right action that he might be dealing with.

His mind sent information to the red snake, but they were not similar in their eyesight," come on the front sea, red snake," the demon did not tolerate the snake through pulling his vestige to the wall," what did I do wrong?"

He immediately left them; to hide the six dead," where is your promise, demon?" Luz said. His mind remembered him through her statement, he never forgot the pathway where the brown fish had taken before. Instead of following the six dead, he tried forcedly his body to fly away," come on snake,"

Satan never disregarded his intention following the serpent. He successfully arrived the front sea," where are you now, serpent?" A cool sand danced up," don't be confident, you're responsible to the children's death and six dead." His vent was similar to the white angel who had confronted him beside the slight fog.

He quickly danced and jumped up the lowest part of the cottage. An amazing view in the right direction," everything has changed," he arrived at paradise; then, he witnessed the death of the brown tree.

Each bough uttered the words," why are you late? I confirmed that you're not the best god, but the worst demon." He seriously corrected the giant tree; however, the leaves fell down into the fat soil.

He seriously wanted to fight the demon, however the building couldn't hold the devil. To perceive slightly, the devil went up to the building, he intentionally put this building to the millions of stones," awkward reactions,"

A devil stayed above the tomb, where Archangel suffered his death without good explanation. He laughed unendingly seeing the skull which had been sliced by the knife; he quickly moved backward his body till the inner world joined his awesome feelings for it.

The dead's children were gladly moving their bodies, when the rain fell down to the soil. These dead soils may have grown up soon, especially when the wind advocated their goals.

This incoming activity shall happen through white angel's power on the crust, which would work out if the moisture might be absorbed to the deep part of the mantle.

He prolonged his voice when everything got cool. He desired making the paradise into a hot kingdom where the dead would live together with him.

It's quietly living in the ocean, the six dead were waiting for the serpent who had marked his statement on the water," just be patient, I'll be glad saving you all."

It's salty beside the red snake's mouth, he attempted flying away, however the salt lived his body forever including his eyes. It would be the definite reason why he couldn't perceive the objects around him.

He went back to paradise, however his body filled with the fire," hey, serpent! Just be back to my hand, I'll never punish you." He ran fast to the big mountain where he saw the white angel's mirror.

His feet couldn't reach immediately due to the hot sand which dragged his body to the plain surface," as I said, you would never depart from me, snake."

"Why do you still have an interest? First and foremost, you didn't give justice to my death." He slapped the demon many times until the devil recalled his broken promises, which raised up his heart," serpent leave the demon, I am also his victim." He looked down the whole paradise; he only saw the dead tree which seemed like a skull.

He slipped back his promise to Edgar's. Anyway, he made another promise; to make the paradise a hot kingdom exclusively with them," don't worry, I'll invite your family to live here again with you."

He never listened attentively to the demon," please allow me to enjoy my life." At the back of their chairs, there were two shadows which had ten thousand hands, which would be identical to the killers of Edgar's death.

It might alter the entire world, when the roots and pillars had transformed into Miguel's body, except his enemy who might judge him as the ten thousand hands.

His behavior is not similar to the originality that he had. He dreamt to meet the white angel; however, he clearly glanced at the dead who kept tempting the serpent.

He turned in the left direction, where the demon never glanced out his eyesight. It might have been a perfect night glimpsed with him; that certain time, Satan left the serpent due to their arguments, he sometimes included him in the fire, since the physical appearance was perfectly similar to a white angel.

The six dead never harkened the red snake, though they were crossing their eyebrows. Sometimes, they have pushed the water to his face, though they don't have an assurance of getting his mindset.

In the night, everyone saw the perfect angel who had declared his power above the moon; then, many sharp objects kept moving the soil, though it was located to the ocean, yet they were still affected regarding the movement.

Beside the right side," six dead, just be patiently waiting for my power," they saw the trees together with the fog, which sat on the moon.

Serpent had sashay to the giant tree, a low voice pulled back out his ears," where is the demon now?" He judged such vent from his enemy, but he felt compassion for him. Indeed, he did not feel the world if he couldn't sniff him.

The ten clouds raised up the demon who had planned for the changes of this paradise," hey, how's your life, king" at that time, Archangel coordinated to the roots; to fight the demon. Some roots and leaves valued his request, though it was physically like moisture.

A serpent got busy looking at the sunrise, which visited the paradise. He coordinated the celestial object, regarding the best time to link his wife and family. At the left side," don't worry, I can show you the justice,"

"What do you mean?" His vent was similar to the person who had sliced his body on the earth. His soul and spirit were getting mad at him," just be calm, Satan had commanded to slay you before."

"What is your name?" the serpent was electrifying noticing the fogs, which turned into Miguel's body.

"So sorry, Edgar,"

"Why do you know me?" A serpent used the light rays to figure out his image; he finally glanced his image was already Edgar. He jumped down the soil, yet the moisture helped him remember about the white angel's hands.

"I would accept your apology if you would convert my body into Edgar." Alongside their area, "never to happen, that would be your forever body," Satan said. The two people were shaking their eyebrows, though no wind was still attacking them.

Under the soil, Archangel felt ecstasy knowing the recovery of Edgar and Miguel's body, though it would take decades until he might open the world. Nowadays, he finally realized how to coordinate blindly with them. He considered them as his sons in the world including the six dead.

Every day, the red snake touched his colossal sin to the six dead. In that way, they would not seek their master except the demon. He fairly anticipated that the demon had never come back to the ocean.

Satan hurriedly reached back to the two people who might be against his power. He longed to tempt them, however Miguel always brought the ice, which froze his body, if he would approach him.

His mind stopped planning in making this place to be a hot kingdom due to his new problem, which centered on his vocabulary. After that, he saw clearly the group of leaves, which was composed of 300 branches," can you please accept my third promise?"

"Never," she ran fast to the serpent, however the demon pulled her image under the wet soil nearby to the million of stones. He actually felt doubts in occupying her, but he did not have a choice, except passing such the wrong way.

"Then, why are you guilty?" they heard this statement together, though they only lived in the soil for the time being.

In the night, the serpent occupied the whole building, though he felt scared if the demon might visit the tower, while Miguel spent his time searching for an experiment to make Edgar's body.

He displayed his loneliness to the sky; the moon fell down to investigate him," why are you gloomy?" Her physical appearance was identical to Luz, this would persuade him to seek his journey.

"I urgently want to transform my friend's soul." Quickly uttered his mouth, though the moon was not closely attached to him.

"It's just a small problem, you can use my body in behalf of his current body." Its light whiffed how thirsty the snake was. So, they were shifting to the building to enter the serpent's eyes; otherwise, the moon might have descended to the snake. That time, Archangel went against their plan; indeed, the whole pathway became so wet like the irrigation," don't trust the moon because the demon had made many moons yesterday."

In opposition," I am here to help you, what's your final decision?" Miguel befuddled his actions," if I missed it, how could Edgar forgive my sin for him?" His brain placed on the fire, where the rain never promised to come.

The brown leaves chuckled her shimmering lips, which persuaded the moon to make its mission, despite the black light made by the demon. Her hubby still acted as a snake, though he had already spread the ice.

Inside the building, Miguel quickly followed the smooth instruction, especially when he had shifted the white angel. The moonlight was still guiding his way, rummaging the finest way; to transform Edgar's body again. In fact, the moon was spiritually supplanting the angel's power; to block Satan's plan on the earth.

Satan transparently sniffed the moon, which ruled the building. He was creeping to tumble off the rooftop; then, he used the needle hauling Miguel's body," moon, come and spread the ice throughout the room." When the celestial object plucked off the window; unfortunately, the building exploded into paradise, which ended Miguel's life.

A demon ruffled the pillars to the stones, where the white angel had sadly taken his death. Meanwhile, he sniggered his voice, upon ruffling the whole soil and sand. Many clouds were congenitally scattering to the demon's head, but it was whispered like the foam. He plucked off his vestige until the demon had astonished his invisible shadow," come and witness the building, Edgar had died." He quickly snickered his snake, till the serpent took it.

"Stop laughing, demon,"

"Why? It's my pleasure to display my euphoria for you."

"I'd chuckled like what you're displaying; if you would be seizing up your vision." Several congested were indeed his point, that would block to the devil's mind. Instead of embracing him; to visit back the sea, however the serpent had intentionally whirled above the clouds. Then, this would forcibly absorb his body under the stones, he might be meeting the angel.

The serpent was thirsty strolled back the white building, while the moon had secretly pulled on the pillars; to make a small nipa hut," sit above my eyes, snake," the serpent was scurried his shadow, though he did not have sufficient waters to his tongue," can you please give me one glass of water?" Meanwhile, the four pillars were forming into Edgar's body," accept it, my friend."

When the serpent moderately drank the violet water. Unexpectedly, the miracle had happened to the snake who had transformed into Edgar's body, which was displayed beside the moon. He whirled and tiptoed his tongue, to witness his new life, while the moon had informed them to go back to the atmosphere.

Miguel hugged sincerely to the Edgar; then, he vociferated in the fore of him," sorry for everything Edgar, you had already seen the changes of your life." His ecstasy couldn't be replaced by worldly gratification.

Miguel and Edgar heartedly cleaned up the whole paradise, though it would be tricky to raise the buildings and dead trees. It took seven thousand nights in organizing everything; however they were still planning to meet the six dead, whether night or day.

Under the soil, Satan linked to a dead tree, which scattered its roots to his neighbor's land. He sniffed nature through scattering his teeth; it genuinely marked up to Brown tree.

The thousands of trees were pleasantly gratified, when the paradise had displayed its wonderful nature. Its pillars and boughs were almost dying, but this would grow up, when the sunrise and water had together hauled its parts. But the whole tree kept on staggering and whirling, especially the dark moon that was worldly absent.

Might the devil tempt the brown tree again?