Chapter 9 Demon secretly imbibed at Miguel's mouth

The moon had gladly discovered to the deep portion of earth; to link with the white angel, regarding its accomplishment, while Satan kept complaining, especially when the soil trembled to his feet, and then the roots might be clenched him up to the ocean," red snake, make the serpent to be demon like you." His voice flashed out to the face of Edgar and Miguel who had planted crops and trees.

It might have disgruntled their hearts to continue taking their accomplishment. Indeed, they were physically gloomy looking out the sun," how to upgrade this earth" their voices were giving hope to the six dead who had hauled with the red snake.

A demon snake clearly noticed the two people who had ruled the paradise. He had yearned to verify such invisible objects which would have lost his hope, predetermined that the devil had already cleaned up the world, whether the waves were stronger than the thunder, which always disturbed him tonight.

The six dead were excitedly desiring to depart out the ocean; to meet up with them, perhaps they could go back to their normal lives. Conditionally, they might have idolized their angels on the land; indeed, their brains had associated what Archangel revealed his mouth before," be loyal to your savior; otherwise, I allow everyone to find their devil salvation." This would always put their memorable statement now and then, though the waves were noisy above their ears.

In the night, Edgar allowed his confidant to take his sleep, while he had sprinted his mind regarding the possible formation of earth, it would be foggy, though it's raining.

That time, Miguel had seriously taken his night off, though he had promised himself to go back his mouth to reveal what he had invisibly on the land. His adversary kept connecting the roots; indeed, these roots were sprinting to the wood where the guy had slept out," haul down Miguel to the soil."

The brown tree physically alive to Edgar's eyes; indeed, the trees were dancing like the artists on the stage," Miguel, wake up," his voice distracted to the roots; so the demon immediately transformed the roots into stunning birds who had sung a beautiful song for them, while they had secretly plucked out Miguel's eyes, what Edgar harkened," don't disturb me friend, Archangel still over my dreams."

Instead of pulling his body under the brown tree, Edgar had became enthralled to know more the details of Miguel's dreams. That time, Miguel had unconsciously opened his mouth on the bed, as the demon apparently detected it. Well, the birds reached Edgar's mouth to serve as the commander to his body and spirit. On the other hand, the six dead were moderately floating on the water, which had requested the moon to save their lives. In a slow," just wait until the two people would make the paradise better again."

A demon happily sniffed the birds, who had smoothly reached at Miguel's mouth," you could never depart from my power, Archangel," the white angel had pulled back the roots to the ice land, however the devil gave a shimmering light to Edgar, who distracted his eyesight.

Might Edgar remove the birds?

A shimmering night, the white angel imbibed his stimulus, regarding the folks, who operated the land. His adversary ceased to chuckle, when he whiffed the angel's dreams. This would be depicted by his roots and boughs were getting ready to slay the white angel, their enemy had concealed his body in the crust.

Archangel slowly whiffed Miguel's bad dream that was associated with the stones. He yearned to visit the cool paradise for this purpose, however he never linked to the moon, since it's not the right season. Despite that, he commanded the single leaf to ride Miguel's face.

This leaf had honestly visited the small house, though the knife wind had dragged it. Edgar did not notice the leaf which bonked his t-shirt, he only glanced at the king who had trudged the light rays, coming to the small cottage.

Apt murmuring to his side that couldn't be understood due to the vibrated teeth to the neck. Edgar looked back at the bridge lights, yet many birds hauled his hair. He immediately bonked them, though their scary nails already biffed his arms and stomach," Edgar circle your eyebrow together with my white t-shirt." This is considered as subconscious thoughts, upon staring at the bird.

When Edgar unintentionally kneeled his knees to the razor-edge; the two portraits were flying from his arms, he clutched them, though it's extremely hard," let me haunt in my life," his voice similar to the great fire. Indeed, his artificial skin imbibed how hot it was! He continuously hauled the small house, even though he obviously got scared of Satan.

His skin recognized the demon's temptation, whether he stared at the moon, however the celestial object did not respond to him," am I only existing on this earth?" He wiggled his body; to remove his fear, a huge hot hug to him," welcome to my kingdom, Edgar whatever you do, you could never see the killer of your body before." He aptly ran away, though the road had shown its difficulty to pass by," don't depart your body," it's just a voice, but this would be imbibed to the deep part of his cells and organs.

His angry voice," don't disturb me Satan, I can haunt my life without you," Satan overpowered his chuckled for it. Then, the colossal bird was flying above the small house," what you are waiting for?" He acted as the best follower to the demon, that would make the devil pleased to witness him.

His mouth opened," archangel, come back to the earth; to penalize the demon," the devil shouted pellucidly," don't call him, he was already dying. His reaction cut out the cells of the roots; hence, the lights enlightened the whole world. That time, Edgar ran to the cave which had made by the white angel. His silhouette was still advocated by the slight sun that would emerge in the world.

The six dead harkened the demon's snigger on their ears, despite the strong waves covering their walls. Unable to witness the demon's actions, but they were all hopeless to haunt back the land of Satan beside their lives.

It popped into the red snake's mind, he had corrected them to reject such assumptions. He further nurtured them to prepare themselves, which broke their vocabulary to certain information.

The demon still whiffed at a particular location; to slay Edgar's body. Then, to put it above the stone fire, which served as the fountain of his power.

Edgar, filled with slight scariness in living the soil, though he sometimes harkened the bell which converted to the white angel's time saving his life, not only that but also, he got nervous if the bird might whiffed his current location. He urgently craved to meet the angel who would give a prediction to his nose because he did not know Miguel's life.

Above the thousands of stones, the bird slowly predicted the soil where to eat Edgar as well. His back, the demon kept on smelling his scary nose to the cave, especially when something had shifted.

In the ocean, the red snake left the six dead; to help Satan make the world better. His mind did not optimistically believe that the demon could slay the white angel without his support.

Beside the seashore, the white angel was similarly like a flawless bird. He walked slowly over the water; to save the six dead. That time, the dead had not approached the bird," let's live the paradise," their ears were immediately centering on the demon's plan. So, they had not approached the bird to avoid a bad aftermath.

The white bird silently followed the black bird including the demon. He noticed their intention to slay Edgar, he further knew that the black bird was the original body of Miguel. He could actually clutched him to follow his way, but he respected the demon how's the world going on.

It's already blackened by the sunset, Satan noticed the white bird who had held the sharp wood which linked to his lungs. Quickly, he had pushed the thousand stones to the white bird. Hence, the bird scattered his feathers, but it approached the devil's stomach. Thus, his blood ran to the ground which imbibed to the cave where Edgar had haunted," oh! what's a bad breath?" His lips tried to judge the moisture but it was sour. Hence, his teeth aptly trembled like the earthquake.

The black bird had finally seen the person who had not comfortably haunted the soil. He used his blade teeth; to get his body, however the white bird had sliced his neck," don't support the demon but to my plan," the neck still flew down the blood which made the red snake pleased upon seeing their war, his expectation that the black bird would be the Archangel.

That time, Edgar quickly got out of the cave, but unfortunately the red snake had followed him.

Will the red snake slay Edgar?