Chapter 10 Archangel revenge red snake

Edgar filled with nervousness, upon glancing at the red snake who had faster running than him. He was regretful why he had gotten out of the cavern, though Miguel had totally gone to his eyesight, but he valued his help," Miguel pushed the demon's snake at the back of me." His pitiful voice pleased the red snake, not only him but also Satan who commanded the black bird to hold Edgar who couldn't run well.

The white bird, originally Archangel, felt sad when the black bird and red snake had worked together to arrest the kind guy. He humbly waited for the right time, slaying either.

He went back above the blood, throwing the black bird's neck. Unfortunately, the black bird had madly supported the demon. His cells were getting furious remembering Satan's deed; he unusually craved revenge on Satan. But there was no opportunity for him.

Instead of going back to his habitat, to use the black tree; originally Luz's body," will anyone save my life?" His voice looked like a dead body, but the substance could not be altered, which was coming from Edgar. That time, the ground literally looked like full darkness. Indeed, he never whiffed and saw Edgar's body, yet he could hear," where is your beloved master now? Call me to be here, I want to fight with him," that voice was coming from the red snake and black bird.

Edgar never gave up though the two scary animals were strongly clutched to him. His cool mind had not stopped believing the humble saviour who might save him sometime. In spite of too much nervousness that he had felt, he never gave his full body to the demon.

A mad voice," call your master, the red snake is aggressively craving to slay him," black bird said. Beside him, the red snake had counted the numbers till one hundred. Otherwise, he would round his body to Edgar's body till arriving at the purgatory where Satan waited for him.

The brown tree luckily grew up till meeting Edgar's body. Her mind never expected to reconcile their relationship but to meet each other, even in a single minute. That time, the white angel had approached the red snake who had pushed the thorny woods to Edgar.

A slight rain slapped the red snake, then the clouds removed Edgar's body from the snake," don't allow him to sacrifice for me," the white angel bravely uttered his complaint to the opponent.

A giggle came out from the snake's mouth," really? are you ready for our fight?" Beside them, the black bird got ready to finely slice the white bird, upon perceiving that the white bird linked with Archangel.

Interrupted," let's begin the fight now," the demon said. That moment, the white bird waited till the foe might physically harm him, while the red snake ultimately pushed the sharp tree to the feathers. Consequently, everything had scattered that would Satan pleased to look at them.

Despite that, the white bird secretly used the stones which would serve as his feathers to fight the red snake.

Aloud voice trembled the entire earth which affected to the brown tree and ocean. To that, the six dead person's thought that Satan ultimately slayed Archangel, including Edgar, each of their skulls strongly shook up the water. Unfortunately, the sharks considered them as the demon's descendants.

"Where are you now, white bird?" The black bird was happy when the opponent showed his nervousness to them. His commander had commanded him to throw the feathers into the lighthouse where the fire was still spreading the building. So, the black bird eagerly brought the feathers. Besides his brain," don't be dependent on him, why? you should act as Miguel." He often recognized the white angel who had saved his life before, however his brain ultimately engaged with the demon. This might not be linked with him, if ever the miracle eyes were attaching to his brain.

The red snake confidently trolled the cool ground where millions of stones had been built. It is further linked with the brown tree associated with Luz. That moment, the red snake ultimately took his rest above the smooth stones. However, the group of stones had attempted to cover him," hey, black bird pulled out the stones from my neck."

The black bird only heeded the six dead who were dreaming to haunt paradise. He finally disregarded the call since his heart was already attached with the devil. That time, the white bird felt compassionate to the red snake who could get out from the stones, though he did his best in pushing out the group of stones. On the other hand, Satan sadly looked at the snake where nobody responded to help from him. He quickly knocked the head of black bird," open your eyes and push out the wires to the snake.``

Unlimited wire quickly approached the snake, which would make him pleased," hey, where are you white angel? Prove me your power." His hand held the sharp knife to cut Edgar's neck," if you won't display your image to me, I will surely slay him."

Quick the Archangel came out from the stone," I'm already in front of you, snake. I only wanted to talk with Satan, not you."

Aloud voice," never, he has gone in the world, let's take our revenge not what you are currently planning." Meanwhile, he placed Edgar at the back of the black bird, then he pushed the stones at white bird's face. Thus, his body couldn't fight him.

A merry mood," black bird plucked off the angel's eyes," the demon finally removed the eyes, then Satan concealed it above his demon's altar. Those eyes shall be finally frozen after three weeks,

That time, Edgar secretly haunted the soil where the roots of a brown tree linked his heart. Although, it would be too sad to depart his saviour but he realised to live as dead. Over his arms, he slightly whiffed his wife," Edgar, when should you surrender looking at the person who had slayed your body."

Edgar slipped back his main goal in living his temporary second life. Despite the saviour's loss, he never gave up in seeking the justice of his death. Above his head," be comfortable Edgar, don't worry I will help you meet your justice soon," his voice was similarly awesome like the Archangel, which revealed that Miguel might not be the genuine killer of his death. On the other hand, the brown tree further gave another inspiration to Edgar, though the entire soil would be dry.

Will the Archangel meet Edgar?