Chapter 16 Satan placed his six dragons above the fire

Satan still prayed that Edgar may transform into another demon. He heeded the murmur alongside his ears," hey devil, did you conceal something from us?"

Prompt answer," what's the matter?"

An awkward response," you were the killer of our death," they said. Meanwhile their faces were sternly staring at the black bird.

A dry face," that news is fake," he said. He deleted to his mind however the six demons were craving to depart from him, if ever they would prove it.

"Can we talk with the black bird?' they said together. They were willing to go back to the ocean, at least their hearts purely haunted their habitat.

Satan awkwardly looked back at his actions, then he turned his face back to them," sure," but his heart seemed guilty to approach them, especially when the red snake did not respond to his question.

"What are you waiting for? Don't wait until our feet may proceed to the black bird," which took as his challenge to plastically approach the black bird. His heart flawlessly believed that," what should I feel fright for him? He's my confidant, not my opponent." He gradually shifted his feet to approach his colleagues, while the black bird deeply glanced at how unlucky Edgar's life was!

Will they fight for it?

Edgar unluckily pushed his arms onto the extending fire which he anticipated that the world filled with the conflagration together with the ashes which might be converted into fire.

His heart and mind were physically broken through the wire and never stopped flashing its dangerous light. A white angel badly fell down his presence alongside the star, however the pathway was yet ready. What the celestial object always reminded him that time may come taking revenge with the demon.

His mouth loudly revealed what he put into his instinct; maybe the six demons were disclosing the power that he concealed below the violet tree. The moon just laughed hearing such problem," my eyes were centering to that matter," too vibrant splashed out.

A black bird got ennui waiting for the six demons who awkwardly shifted their bodies. His heart got an epiphany recalling how imperative the angel was! Indeed, his heart never appreciated what the demons did. A loud voice ramped down to his ears," may you please tell us the reality?"

His ears clicked by the sun," what are you trying to imply?" He actually longed revealing the veracity, however the demon showed up his shining heart which altered the mind of the black bird.

A loud voice," it's the sufficient time, knowing the reality," the six demons were wanting to pull the demon into the black planet.

A demon bawled his eyes," I just fell down my tears," he pointed out how his heart was sincerely attracted to them. Interruptedly," we couldn't wait for the news," they said.

Loud voice," what news are you looking for?" his eyes were madly dragging their bodies above the fire," black bird, push out the fire which ate our bodies," they noisily yelled.

Black bird strongly started flying into his feathers to the fire, but the demon literally held him," don't follow the dragons! They were crossing my way, it's better if we must work together unlike them." he said. Meanwhile, his hot hands were tempting the black bird haunted his life again.

In this occurrence, the moon never felt thrilled tolerating its heart staring at the demon who put the dragons above the fire. So, it's energy purposefully flashing to the devil, particularly his mouth. In that way, the moon allowed the white angel to go back to the world through the small dots.

A demon still persuaded the black bird," you might be my assistant leader if ever you may render your effort following my command," the black bird insisted that the red snake might be the best advocator, not him.

A white angel fell down above the fire, and he found six dragons who were breaking their spirit. What his helpful hands did; he heartedly brought their images into the icy water. Similarly when comparing the figure and size of the sea, it's exclusive for the people who were aiming to look for their spirits.

As of now, the dragons could not recognize how blissful they were until nobody might touch them. The white angel went back to paradise, just ceasing the whole fire whether the demon blocked him or not.

Satan and black bird were smoothly moving their feet approaching the conflagration, when they found the large fire which started to spread its lights. Quickly, the demon scented the footsteps and kept on approaching his shadow," do you recognize it?" And then, the black bird did not seriously glance at his face, anyway he just followed the time waiting for the white angel.

It gave large madness staring at the slow fire; when he slapped the whole fire. Abruptly," it's not enough demon," his light reached the lungs of a black devil. Too slow murmured," black bird, just eat the angel," the bird neutral faced such a situation.

Quick voice," no, I can't," the white angel brought Satan to the white ocean filled with ice. Then, his hands forcibly placed the hardest stone into the mouth of Satan. In that way, his heart might change into a good one; he proved his power to be more powerful than him.

The black bird persuaded the light not to follow the green pathway, where the footstep might cancel the decision of white angel. However, it's still not effective for him.

Satan finally fell down to his respective awkward place. His power could not function anymore except if the red snake may pass over the wind, just to hold him, but it might be incredible happening if ever the dragons might guarded the ocean. In spite of that, he never accepted what the white angel wanted to happen in the world; his heart would forever make for the war against the white angel.

The red snake sleeplessly stared at the cause why the fire and his master had gone. He challenged himself when the world seemingly linked with the white angel. He still hoped that his eyes might build any resolution. Aloud voice confidently touched his heart," my master, why didn't you include my body. I also want to live in the icy water." When the devil snake glanced at the black head which kept on jumping; his mouth intentionally uttered its words," don't look for him because I am willing to give my life for you." Then, two sentences were displaying into his eyes," you must fight the white angel because I am not longer part of the land." His brain sincerely confirmed that Satan never saw his actions. Meanwhile, a strong wind pushed the red snake to the water. It was initiated by the black bird.

Will the red snake be able to bring Edgar's head?