Chapter 17 giant light gave light the dead

In the first place, the red snake attempted disregarding Edgar's body, just to seek for the devil. Unfortunately, his effulgent longed searching for the justice why Satan did not exist on the land. He has a desire to act as an angel in paradise might not happen anymore.

When the red snake ultimately brought Edgar's body right away, however, he did not know where he could bring the dead.

The six dragons still waited for the right master to visit the icy water, every now and then; their heads moderately acquired new lessons, not only that but also, to evaluate how imperative their lives were in line with the white angel. So, they eagerly craved taking their genuine lives. After a white, the sun, moon, fresh wind, and shadow which formed into human beings.

Each of the shadows sauntered above the water together with the shimmering light, its purpose just making the paradise more awesome. When the black bird moderately found the changes, his silver heart automatically craved to have a new life with the white angel.

Luz lost her hope waiting for her husband to come back the crust, what she felt sanguine the earth similarly rounded like before when she had sweetly haunted her family.

Her heart realized to have children, perhaps they sought her presence. Instead of waiting for Edgar's life, her ears sometimes heard the awesome voices of the birds, including the fresh light attached to her body, even though the soil covered her.

Her feet still stood up alongside the stone, there was a fountain of light. Aptly, her feet ran the light, then she sanguinely held it," darling, do you find my hubby?"

Too awesome," you may pass this way," light said. Her golden heart adored what the light revealed to, she actually rejected such direction, maybe the devil might have waited for her presence somewhere. Indeed, her feet awkwardly moved forward," hey girl, do you want to live in the world peacefully?"

"peacefully?" she asked.

" Yes girl," the light still persuaded the girl till they might reach the flat earth. Anyway, the light sweetly touched the girl like what Edgar did before. Her heart exhilarated and trudged the pathway.

Will the light seriously bring her to the flat earth?

The sun, moon, wind, air, and birds gave too lovely art to the world. They had formed together beside the icy water, and then their voices were totally awesome. As the dragons loudly heard it; the water automatically had gone, indeed their bodies did not recognize the wet anymore.

Each of them did not have clothes, the light cheerfully touched them. After a second, everybody wore white t-shirt who stood up in front of a huge light. Nobody felt chuffed unless they found the white angel.

Satan transparently found the status of the world through his third eye. He murmured and regretted his presence on the water. His body kept slapping the waves which passed to his arms and feet.

Luz finally arrived on the flat earth where the sun and wind welcomed her presence most. Too much wind reached her nose; it might have slipped back the heart of her hubby.

"Excuse me, light, where do I find my hubby?" Such a fresh wind clutched to her shoulder," you may proceed to the giant light." Her feet were still steady beside the small light but her eyes behold different places which implied that her body kept secretly shifting.

Luz hopefully got some information from the giant light. Her ears still awaited the response from it, when she noisily heard the splendid voice which definitely altered her mind," can you please guide me searching for my husband?" Her voice imbibed explode if Edgar might go back to the white angel.

The red snake shifted his body till arriving at the hot mountain. He found the giant cave where it was suitable for placing the dead body of Edgar. His eyes were unable to gaze at the flawless light, if he does too much fire might explode his body. Otherwise, Edgar's body may have flown to the white angel.

He never came out the mountain unless his mind might have received information from Satan who still existed in the world. This cavern contained much water which was similar to the ocean; indeed his mouth tasted how salty it was!

Is there a connection to the ocean?

Satan unintentionally felt mad listening to the music which was loudly played by the dragons. After a while, he noticed somebody who was lonely looking at the earth, his face not the human beings but the animal. He asked himself the implication that matters most.

Will he still connect to the snake?

Starting today, the giant light ruled the world together with the dragons, black bird, and Luz. They were all chuffed living together for a couple of minutes. Such a leader waited until the ice might fly above their heads for he could alter the images of his humankind.

Just waiting for it to happen in life, he clutched his shoulder to them wherever he went. His hands still clutched to them, even though too much light was arising from their arms. With him, the folks felt too much love for him, especially when they found the changes to the earth. Nobody could explicate how chuffed they were, especially when the giant light kissed them.

Luz uninterruptedly asked about her hubby to the giant light. Her mind expected a better response from him.

Too slow voice," sorry for the delay, your husband is still under investigation. I will hire someone to investigate his death," he said. Then, the giant light comforted her again through its cool arms," I'll never allow you to go away from my life unless you follow the darkness."

Too angry," never to follow such directions," she said. That time, the six dragons slightly heard the snake who annoyed in their ears," do you hear it, light?" And the twinkle light revealed the truth that," we must be happy to live our life, just remove their voices because I will be making their lives into human beings." And the red snake uninterruptedly," are you sure? Could you change my life? I only idolized Satan not you." Everybody happily detected that the devil still existed in the world, anyway the giant light swore to make its mission before facing the trials. And then, to close covering their bodies till the darkness might pass.

In the ocean, Satan's teeth still rounded upon listening to what the giant light swore to the humankind. His mind was actually touched by the icy water which might have altered his attitude to be a good follower to the white angel. However, his heart finally grew from his jealousy, crime, braveness, and revenge. He dreams of facing his guns just to live the land with the demons.

Will he still rule the world?

The giant light dreamt to make the dragons into his policemen, doctors, and artist designer just making the world wonderful again.