Chapter 15: I Like You

*Serene POV*

The morale wasn’t right in the studio. I needed to cheer them up, and fast, before shooting our next scenes. I turned to Damon, who was still grinning at me. His contented smile filled me with a hopeful, optimistic attitude.

“Don’t worry, Serene, I won’t disappoint you,” Damon reassured me. “I’ll get you some tea since you don’t like coffee right?”

“Oh, yeah, I prefer tea, and preferably not matcha,” I instructed. “Bad memories. Yuck.”

He laughed at my display of the exaggerated “yuck” and went to grab me the tea. I took advantage of his absence to speak with Katherine.

“How do you think we can inspire Michelle to work with Damon?” I asked, bringing her attention up from her laptop. She looked thoughtfully at her screen for a moment before making eye contact with me.