Chapter 14: Us Against The World

*Serene POV*

What did she want? Did she always have to appear like a vampire in the dark to suck away any drops of joy I managed to accumulate? I guess to answer my hypothetical question, yes, she did have to appear and suck away my joy.

“Why the h*ll do you care?” I pushed back, keeping a controlled voice devoid of emotion. I didn’t want her to think I cared about what she said or how she felt. And, I didn’t care. It was just very, very annoying.

“Oh, keep your temper under control,” she scolded. “Why are you always leaving before we wake up and coming home after dark?”

“Maybe because I have a life?” I retorted, my levels of annoyance reaching their peak. “You should try getting one.”

Her face turned bright red, and I felt that it looked a lot like Rufus, so I chuckled. That only made her angrier and I could not help but snicker more.

“Stop laughing!” she commanded, but it fell on deaf ears.