The Tengu [Past]

He watched Alric perform his usual morning routine in the office. Drinking coffee so strong, even ordinary angels would distort their faces at the bitter taste. Checking emails on his hovering screen and directly yeeting unwanted messages into the spam folder. He was watching the news on his tablet. Staring out the window, lost in thought. Helping himself to more coffee. Straightening his cuffs. Taking calls with an annoyed voice. Loosening the top button of his shirt. Another cup of coffee.

To Samael, it had some type of magical rhythm to it. As if his boss performed his tasks to an unknown beat of a drum. If he was honest with himself, he could watch Alric work all day and not grow tired of it. And it felt like an honor to be this close to Gabriel's son. Even though he didn't fully resemble the archangel, Alric carried himself regally. His posture, manners, mindfulness. Whenever he wasn't in a whirlwind state, he emanated the soothing calmness of an archangel without being one.