
Alric did not realize just how lonely his work was if there was nobody else around. Amidst the dusty stacks of tomes piled up on his desk, he sat at his computer, looking like an oddity in a museum. He only saw the Keeper once a day when she summoned little sparks of light to carry the books for the day to his desk.

Aodhan had accepted the offer and was never seen again. Or heard. Alric checked his secondhand smartphone regularly, but his friend had not texted in a while. He knew he was alright, though. Mugs and plates continued to pile up, and their shared bathroom was still full of pixie glitter from the Fae's wings.

To make matters even worse, Fiera had decided to hole herself up, not responding to his emails. On the rare occasion of stumbling into Zan, all the angel could get was him shaking his head.