C.9: The King of Capsule Corp

Dr. Brief was a chill guy. Always a cigarette in mouth, the only thing on his mind was tinkering with technology and enjoying a laid back life with his wife and daughter.

One day, he overheard a green guy, and a fat black man in turban argue over mystical powers and other such frippery. About how the Hyperholic Crime Chamber or something like that could twist space and time magically.

Despite him not believing in mystical powers for one second, he drew a lot of inspiration from the two. He reached a groundbreaking breakthrough, and somehow Capsule Corp formed around him as the center. The Hoi-Poi Capsule becoming his bestselling invention up to date.

When he tried to find them with his company, they were nowhere to find. Shrugging at that, he lit a cigarette and went back home like every day, to spend time with his wife after a day of work.

Fantasy really is mankind's best friend.

Then picture him surprised, when his daughter came home with an old man, and a kid her age.


"Daddy! Daddy! Look I made a friend! He can understand me! He's an alien and said that he brought his spaceship!"

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about sweetie?"

Of course, he didn't take his daughter seriously. She was smart, but still a kid.

Angered by his assumption, Bulma stomped her foot on the ground and insisted.

"It's real! I've seen it."

Master Roshi, distracted by Mrs. Brief's timeless beauty, awoke from his stupor as Leon hit his leg. He took out the Hoi-Poi Capsule, and placed the wet and sandy spaceship in the middle of the yard.

"Not my good yard! Heavens, what is that thing?"

He looked at Leon.

"Your school project?"

"I'm not even one year old..."

"That's no reason not to go to school, young man!"

Bulma kicked her father in the shin. Which was more for dramatic purposes, since she knew she couldn't hurt him.

"Just open it up, and look if you believe me or not!"

Deciding to better humor his daughter, he took out his screwdriver, opening up the hull. His efforts were rewarded with a rush of seawater falling on his shoes.

"Ahh! The grass! It will get all yellow like that!"

He wanted to complain more, but intricate machinerie greeted him, and he was entranced.

"This... This can't be from earth!"

Hearing this, Roshi was stunned as well. Looking at Leon, he saw a giant monkey instead. His mouth twitched.

'10 times as strong he said. With his amout of Ki, that would almost make him a match for King Piccolo!'

He couldn't help but worry. The full moon was yesterday! If Leon out, who knows how much damage he would have caused!

'Should I destroy the moon? It probably doesn't do anything important anyway.'

Ripped him out of his musings, Dr Brief exclaimed.

"What a jumble! Darling, could you please brew some tea for the guests? Making sense of this washed up mess might take a while."

Bulma, happy to have her new friend's story acknowledged, rocked her chair back and forth, humming a jolly tune.

Seeing Dr. Brief so focused and relaxed, depite the fact that he was extraterrestrial, Leon wasn't surprised.

'You could detonate a nuke 5 kilometers away and he'd only sternly frown, and invent a cure for radiation poisoning.'

Remembering how he even refused to evacuate earth without his dog during the cell arc. He could only think.

'Sounds about right.'

He drank his tea, watching how Mrs. Brief calmly destroyed Roshi's confidence as a pickup artist.

Bored, Bulma tugged his sleeve.

"Do you wanna see my house?"


Bulma led him through the mansion excitedly. Pridefully showing off large pools, vast balconies and an unusually big garden, considering that they're in the middle of the city.

Leon watched all this with mild curiosity. He wasn't rich in his previous life, but he had learned not to wish for things that are out of reach. In his country, you could drive at 16 with adult supervision. If he used all of his savings, he could have bought a small car. But did he really NEED that? No. That's how he thought.

Seeing him react positively to her little tour, she took him to a container in the back.

"That's where dad keeps all his inventions which he couldn't sell."

Leon's ears perked up.

'One man's trash is another man's treasure.'

Even if some inventions can't go on the market because of lack of demand, or high production costs, he might find something usable.

"That sounds great!"

Smiling brightly, Bulma pointed at a laser gun.

"That's the 'Hairinator 6000'. One shot, and hair grows all over the place! But one shot is all you get!"


He could test this on Roshi.

"Can I take this as payment? Master Roshi could use some new hair."

After thinking a bit, Bulma bobbed her head.

"You can take all you want. Seeing how excited daddy was, he'd probably have nothing against paying with his flopped inventions."

Storing it in the capsule Bulme gave him, they walked by similar inventions.

The Nosepicker 100, a sentient lighter, and a waterboiling toaster. Just to name a few.

Leon was a bit disappointed. He knew that Dr. Brief wouldn't just leave potentially dangerous gear lying around for his young daughter to take.

"And this is the Time Buzzer. It stops time in a 1 meter radius for an hour. Daddy said, that he made it for long and useless company meetings. He didn't sell it, because normal people would only do nonsense with it."

"Wow! That sounds incredibly useful!"

Clenching his fist. he felt so happy, he could dance.

'Finally! My days of suffering have been rewarded!'



One after another, Bulma and Leon yawned.

'Oh. I totally forgot we're children.'