C.10: Awakening

Waking up from his nap, Leon yawned and stretched himself.

'I didn't sleep this well in ages!'

No Sailor Moon, no Bunk. Only dreamless, restful sleep. Looking at the clock, he slept for an hour. But this one hour was all he needed to get back on track. He had big plans for his stay in this world! He couldn't just be passive all the time. With that determination, he jumped out of bed, making the sleeping Bulma frown at losing her hugpillow.

Leon walked in front of the wardrobe mirror and investigated his new body for the first time. Trademark Saiyan tail, hair, and pitch black eyes. He had a baby face, but time would iron that out. There were faint eye rings on his face.

'Seems like even a Saiyan body is helpless in front of bad sleep, huh?'

Smiling bitterly, he turned around, examining himself from all angles. He clicked his tongue in displeasure.

"No matter how you look at it, I'm absolutely fabulous in that outfit."

Comparing his getup with that of his old self, he frowned.

His parents always dressed him in brand clothing. Despite money being scarce. He tried to stop them, because he'd rather have them use that money on holidays and presents. But they never listened.

'It must have been some kind of status symbol.'

In his opinion however, he used to look like a poor person throwing away his fortune for nice sneakers. More than anything else.

Seeing himself, he looked like a tidy young man from a distinguished family. While he wouldn't stand out in a crowd.


Rubbing his eyes, he notice something very important.

'I look like a 3 year old?!!'

Cold sweat broke out all over his body. He was sure that it couldn't have been more than a year since he was born.

He knew that.

Since as he reincarnated, his body wouldn't move as he intended. Furthermore, in the old canon, Goku was born in the year 737. The same year Frieza destroyed planet Vegeta. And the same year Goku arrived on earth.

Despite him being born with a big Power Level, his muscles, nerves, and skeleton were that of an infant. Incapable of supporting reckless stunts, like swimming to Kame House, or doing a triple backflip with half a twist. All the while landing on a single finger!? He was just way too beat up, from all that bullsh*t happening, to suspect a thing!!!

Even the original Goku was clumsy enough to hit his head, the moment he arrived on earth damn it!

Taking a deep breath, he calmed his thoughts. Brainstorming ideas on what could be wrong with him.

'An old soul in a young body?'

He faintly remembered some isekai protagonists growing up prematurely for such a reason. He remembered laughing at that, because the resulting growth pains would be bad enough to kill a base human.

'If I was reincarnated as a human, I would be in big trouble right now.'

The only thing preventing him from living in pain, while strapped to a hospital bed, was his Saiyan Power. Which passively healed him.


Catching himself, he continued his musings.

'In the Dragon Ball World Body, Soul and Spirit are deeply intertwined. But the people living in this world seem to only partly grasp this connection.'

Souls who go to heaven may regain their physical body, and keep their Mind/Spirit without needing to reincarnate.

In training, the connection between the three became even more obvious.

Why can't Vegeta easily overcome Goku with his superior heritage? Why isn't Broly the absolute strongest with his legendary body?

The answer is elementary... or not.

While Broly had the absolute advantage as the Legendary Super Saiyan, he was unable to comprehend and control his power.

His heart/soul was impure. Growing up under an evil and abusive father like Paragus. One who saw him as nothing but a tool. His gentle disposition was twisted. Denying him governance over his mind and spirit. As he forcefully enters Super Saiyan only with the might of his body.

His untrained mind/spirit couldn't keep up with his naturally strengthening body. Giving him a false sense of invincibility. That's why he never bothered training either.

This made him run berserk, the moment his powers exceeded what his untempered mind/spirit could handle.

Broly may have had the potential to be great. But in the old and new canon, he had nothing to show for other than his not-so-invincible body.

Vegeta is a trickier case. While Broly was like an untrained civilian with the physique of a dragon, Vegeta was like a talented, yet cocky warrior in shiny and expensive armor.

He certainly understood what he had to do to get stronger. He just couldn't lower himself to accept his place on the Power Scale. He looked down on all of his problems with the 'pride' and 'arrogance' of a true Saiyan Elite.

And that's the problem. He never truly solved his problems, only administering minimum care to them. Like fixing a water bucket with numerous holes with cheap tape. Instead of getting a new bucket! Or breathing on with a punctured lung. Refusing to go to the doctor.

He saw the benefits of a Pure Heart to Goku's combat prowess, yet deemed it beneath him. He saw the strength Goku drew from having people to protect and a place to call home, Yet deemed it his weakness. Finally half-assedly committing to it as well with time, as he started to mellow down.

It may deviate from the topic, but objectively, Vegeta was worse than Broly, who didn't train. He was half-assed. This was the reason for his inability to beat Goku for most of the series.

All things considered, it was a miracle he was still alive. Considering that he was filling up all checks for the 'Arrogant Young Master' template, but we digress.


Leon's point was, that all three aspects influenced one another. And that he must have had the luck of the devil, to reincarnate as a Saiyan.

Looking at the clock, not even five minutes had passed. This pleasantly surprised Leon, as he seemed to have finally regained his mental faculties. Dumbly nodding at obvious matters already started to annoy him.

'No time like the present.'

Sensing that Bulma was about to wake up, he took full advantage of the opportunity provided by his restful nap.

Taking pen and paper he busily noted down his immediate plans for the future, as well as useful wishes for the Dragon Balls. The pen only stopping, as he was about to write down his final wish.

He was torn. The final wish could solve many of his future problems, but he wasn't sure if he could handle that kind of power. It was very tempting and easy to use. Leaving no traces.

It could potentially mean his downfall.

And that was why he hesitated.

Idly, he put the pen aside. He had all the time in the world to think this over. But first, he needed to inaugurate Roshi.

On everything.

His knowledge of the future, and even the fact that he was reincarnated.

Bulma stirred awake.

"Leon? Are you there?"

Cracking a smile he responded.

"Yes. I'm just looking around the room."

A sharp glint flashing through his eyes, he chuckled.

'Maybe now I'm as smart as Baby Bulma'


"What's up?"

Tilting her head, some of her hair fell into her mouth. Trying hard to inconspicuously spit it back out She didn't notice that Leon had seen the whole ordeal.

"Oh nothing. It's just that looking at you, I suddenly feel smarter."

Sensing mockery, Bulma was furious. Chasing him through the hallways, she soon joined in on the laughing.

Playing around like that every now and then wasn't bad. It wasn't bad at all.