Mom's Red Hair leads to the New Seal!
Biju Sealing Chamber
Naruto looked up in confusion, looking at the beautiful woman with long red hair, with purple eyes. She was wearing a white shirt and a long red dress with a whirlpool symbol on her back. And around her neck she had a Konoha headband, which had a smaller whirlpool symbol under the leaf. The young Hokage looked at her in confusion, blinking.
"Who" Naruto asked and the woman walked over.
"Don't you know...?" she replied with a smile.
Naruto blinked, looking at her closely. "...could"
"So have you finally figured it out?" she asked with a giggle.
"You're the Kyubi's human form!" ...she laughed as her eye twitched. "I knew it! That's no human laugh! You're-!"
"LIKE NO!" She yelled, bopping him on the head.
"OW!" Naruto groaned, putting his hand on his head. "Wait...what?"
She giggled bashfully. "...guess I got a little carried away there..." she opened one of her eyes to look at him, smiling weakly. "I've kinda been hot-tempered since I was born and talking like that when I get excited. I try not to do it but my mouth sometimes bypasses my intentions." She smiled, closing her eyes and blushing. "But what about you? I always hoped you wouldn't saying such silly nonsense words when you get worked me..." she then noticed the outfit he was wearing. "'ve become Hokage?"
Naruto slowly realized. "You're..."
"Minato never told you anything, did he? Good lord..." she started as his lip trembled. "Yes, I'm your..."
Naruto cut her off, hugging her tightly. She smiled gently, wrapping her arms around him as well.
"I've...I've always wanted to meet you..." Naruto whispered, his lip trembling as tears began flowing from his eyes.
"'Its like' really are my son," she said with a soft smile.
In the real world, the forced transformation had ceased, Naruto was still sitting in front of Hinata, Yamato, and Bee, the cloak still around him. The Mokuton user, blinked, his hand still out. The swirling Kaiten vortex around Hinata began shutting off, but her eyes stayed the same.
Bee blinked, looking at Yamato. "Did ya do that technique the First Hokage could do?"
"No, I don't know what happened!" Yamato said, lowering his hand slowly.
Hinata smiled. "Naruto-kun isn't giving up and fighting back, that's what happened!"
Back where Naruto was fighting the Kyubi, Naruto grinned and looked at his mother and threw out his arms. Kushina smiled back, glancing back where the Kyubi was.
"There is so much I wanna talk to you about, mom!" Naruto cheered with a grin.
"Yeah...we'll have a long talk, but lets keep the Fox out of it!"
From Naruto's other 'body', he closed his eyes tightly as threw his back up, and several golden chains shot from his body at the Kyubi. They all wrapped around his arms and legs, as well as his tails. He slammed back against the white ground, groaning.
Wait...this chakra... The Kyubi growled in irritation. Kushina...
Now Naruto and Kushina could talk without interruptions, finding a seat next to each other. The young Hokage's mother smiled, and it seemed like sunshine was around them.
"Minato used my chakra to help form the seal, so I could help you when you tried to take the Kyubi's power one day," Kushina told him happily. "We wanted to help you however we could."
"Heh heh heh..." Naruto chuckled as his mother looked at him.
"Aren't you listening?"
"...heh...I'm just glad that my mom's good looking," Naruto said, rubbing under his nose.
"Well thank you!" Kushina said happily. "Heh, well Naruto, I'm sorry you ended up with my face, but at least you got your father's hair."
"Why? If my mom's good looking, your hair would make me a babe magnet," Naruto said, speculating...and he remembered Hinata. "...though one girl likes me just the way I am."
"Oh? My little boy has a girlfriend?"
" could say that...she's Hyuga Hinata..." he said, rubbing the back of his head. "I was just too dense to see it..."
She giggled. "A Hyuga...aiming high huh son?" she grinned, making Naruto blink. "You're the second person to ever compliment me on my hair."
"Huh? Who was the first?"
"Your father...Minato...of course!"
"Aha! I get it!" Naruto cheered with a grin.
"...what?" Kushina asked, blinking.
"Hey...there's always been one question I've wanted to ask you mom!"
"Oh, what's that?"
"How did you and dad meet? And get together?"
Kushina giggled at the question, rubbing the back of her head. She paused for several moments to get a starting point. Humming to herself, the young Hokage waited anxiously.
"Well to start with...I wasn't originally from Konoha. I moved to Konoha from Uzushio in the Land of Whirlpools," Kushina started with a smile. "...something had happened. My dad and I came to Konoha so we could start a new life...on my first day at the Academy, I decided I should better made a good impression."
"Yeah, what did you do?"
"I sucked it up when everyone was looking at me...and then announced that I'd become the first female Hokage!" She gave a grin. "...all the kids laughed at me...and they began calling me 'Tomato'!"
"Tomato?" Naruto asked. "And did dad stop them from making fun of you?"
"Oooh no..." Kushina replied, making a fist and it shook. "I beat the crap out of all of them! And from that day, I became known as the "Red-Hot Habanero'!"
Naruto made a face, sweatdropping. ...Kiba wasn't's can be scaryat times... he chuckled weakly. "...well...then what did dad do?"
"Honestly? Then I thought he was a little girly weakling...he just stood up then and introduced himself and said 'I want everyone in the village to acknowledge me and become a great Hokage', he said with absolute sincerity..."
"...get everyone to acknowledge him and become Hokage huh?" Naruto repeated, sounding nostalgic.
"When I heard that...I thought no fucking way a flaky guy like that could become Hokage," Kushina said with a giggle, rubbing the back of her head.
"What...but dad's the Fourth Hokage. He was so strong the Third Hokage chose him over Orochimaru!"
"Yes, but what did I know? I was young, so I looked down my nose at Minato," Kushina said, rubbing the back of her head. "Until a certain incident."
"Incident?" Naruto asked as Kushina breathed out.
"I've always hated my red hair..." Kushina started softly, not meeting her son's eyes. "Until one day, thanks to your dad, I came to like it..."
"What happened?"
"My chakra's a bit special you see...and at the time Kumo desired it for their own," Kushina explained. "So they kidnapped me and began leading me back to their village. However...I left a trail with my hair." She gave a grin. "Despite the best trackers Konoha had to offer, no one had been able to find it until...Minato did. He picked it up and single handily rescued me."
"Wow! That's amazing!"
"He fought off the older Kumo Ninja...saying he only needed a few strands of my hair for him to find me..." Kushina said, blushing a little bit. "After he said that...suddenly he looked like the most magnificent shinobi someone who could make all my dreams come true. And most importantly, he changed me. My bright red hair led me to my soul mate..."
She smiled, thinking of when she was younger, in Minato's arms looking up at him and blushing for the first time for him. "It became my personal 'Red Thread of Fate' and from that day on I liked my hair. And most importantly, I loved Minato."
Naruto gave a wide grin, it was like his entire body was feeling warm and fuzzy after hearing that. "Wow mom..."
"There's a little something I like to tell the men who compliment my hair, yourself included, Naruto," Kushina started as Naruto grinned, and she smiled back. "I love you." Naruto paused for a second, and began blushing when he remembered Hinata's confession. "So tell me, what is the product of Konoha's Yellow Flash and Bloody Hanabero?"
Naruto grinned, standing up and he tugged on his outfit. "Konoha's Orange Hokage!"
The Kyubi glared at Naruto, pulling himself up as Naruto repeated Kushina's 'I love you' and Hinata's 'I love you' in his mind. The chakra connecting the young Hokage to the Kyubi began to clear up as the poisonous hatred of the Fox was then forced all the way back instead of just being held at bay. Naruto then yelled, full of happiness.
Damn you Kushina... Kyubi snarled, his hatred being fully repelled. Reaching his massive paw up to his chest, he tore the chains off as his Jinchuriki crossed his fingers.
"Tayjuu Kage Bushin no Jutsu!" Naruto called out, creating nearly a thousand clones which began charging the Kyubi.
The massive Fox roared in challenge as the swarm of Narutos charged all over him, half creating Rasengans while in midair. The Kyubi's massive paw lashed out, destroying several clones in one go as he reached down, yanking the last chain off his leg and he rose to his full, menacing height. Several of the clones managed to get in range with the Rasengans, crying out.
"Rasen Chō Tarengan (Rasengan Super Barrage)!" they all yelled, smashing the Rasengans into the Kyubi's face and torso. In response, the Kyubi laughed, its tails whipping out to destroy the attacking clones.
Several dozen were still in the air as Naruto entered Sage Mode once more, and he did the inverse of his time limit increase, transferring it and more Natural Chakra to his moving clones so they could enter the form. The clones, now in Sage Mode around the Kyubi's legs, grabbed on as those still in the air added more and more chakra to their carried Rasengans, making them assume their Cho Odama Rasengan form.
"We got him! Let him have it!" Naruto's Clones yelled as the Kyubi struggled against the tremendous strength of the Sage Mode clones.
"Right! Senpō: Chōōdama Rasen Tarengan (Sage Art: Super Odama Rasengan Barrage)!" they all yelled, smashing the vulnerable demon with their massive Rasengans.
Each had the power to destroy a mountain, and a total of 24 impacted on the Fox. Kyubi howled in pain, being tossed back by the massive explosion as his fur was singed and burned. The clones leaped to grab the chain, throwing them around the Kyubi's neck, tails, and legs as he was pushed back and all kept a good grip. In response, Kyubi created another Bijudama as another clone armed with a Futon: Rasenshuriken came leaping in.
"Get out of my-!"
Before he could continue, the Kyubi blasted him with the loaded Bijudama, destroying several clones as the real Naruto landed at his side. Drawing both hands back, he gathered the Natural Energy around them.
"Kawazu Kumite: Niju Rei Ken (Frog Kata: Twenty Ghost Punch)!" he roared, blasting the Kyubi with all twenty ghost punches, pushing him back hard as two clones leaped at him, and helped him create another Rasenshuriken. " I was saying!"
He charged the Kyubi, still stunned from the impact of the twenty heavy punches that Naruto had launched at him. Naruto pushed his hand forward, pushing the Fox back with all his might as the wind sphere formed between him. The multitude of wind blades cut deep into the Kyubi's chin, neck and chest as he was pushed back.
How on he so powerful? Kyubi thought in disbelief, his claws on his back feet barely holding him back. His chakra began being separated from his body due to the chains being attached to him. Nearly five tails worth was pulled from him.
"NOW GET OUT OF MY FACE!" Naruto roared. With one last mighty push he sent the Kyubi flying back entirely, completely separating all nine tails worth of chakra away from the Kyubi itself.
Roaring in pain, the Kyubi crashed into the ground, weakly trying to push himself up as he saw his chakra flicker in its form. Instead of being its red color, it was yellowish orange...his poisonous will had finally been completely negated. Naruto's clones dispelled and he pulled all the chakra into himself. His body then changed, enveloped in warm, yellow orange chakra as it flickered around him like flames and his eyes had turned red. His seal became visible, changing with a whirlpool seal pointing down like a shuriken edge, and extended all the way up to his arms and legs, having two more whirlpool markings on his shoulders. Above his headband, his two of his hair points had grown out longer and nearly looked like horns! Finally around his neck were the full set of the Yasaka Magatama like what the Rikudo Sennin himself wore.
He looked at his new form in awe, clenching his hand several times as the power swirled around him. Breathing in through his nose, he looked at the Kyubi who was snarling. The muscle mass around his chest began fading, his ribs becoming visible as it looked like he was getting emaciated.
Naruto...don't... the Kyubi snarled, panting several times. "DON'T MAKE ME ANGRY NARUTO!"
Above Kyubi, a incredibly huge mass of black and white chakra formed. It grew, expanding into a massive Bijudama, but the Fox started to get more and more emaciated as he put more and more power into it. When it was nearly finished, he panted, his lips having disappeared around his mouth.
"You've still got all that power..." Naruto said calmly, looking at the massive Bijudama. "'re really something else."
Activating the Key, he put his hand on his stomach and then twisted the seal. Massive torii then slammed down from the sky, inhibiting the movement of Kyubi's tails and then larger ones slammed down like staples around the Kyubi's torso and neck, preventing it from moving. Then...its Bijudama looked to be turned to stone and started crumbling, and its last hope for victory died.
This is...the Rikudo Sennin's technique? Kyubi thought in disbelief as a new cage made of the constructed torii went around it until finally huge new gates slammed shut on the demon, sealing it once again. I won't forget this...Naruto...
Kyubi...I'm sorry...but I won't hurt you anymore, Naruto thought, his eyes opening as his remaining clone looked up, looking at his mother.
"Naruto, you did it!" Kushina said happily, running over and hugging him.
"Heh...yeah..." Naruto said with a grin, rubbing the back of his head. "So mom...are you..."
"And now I can follow after Minato..." Kushina started and her son looked up at her. "But first...I need to tell you something. Something important."
"...what is it?"
"Naruto...I want you to learn of the truth behind the attack 16 years ago, the day you were born."
She paused for a few seconds. "I...I was the previous Kyubi Jinchuriki. That is where it all begins."
Naruto looked to her in shock, his eyes widening. He couldn't believe it...and waited.