The Terrible Night! The Kyubi's Attack!
Biju Sealing Chamber, Island Turtle
In the Biju Sealing chamber, Yamato, Hinata, and Killer Bee waited when all of a sudden Naruto had a content smile on his face. The mokuton user blinked, lowering his hand and he looked at the young Hokage, then the Hachibi Jinchuriki and the Hyuga Heiress.
"I can't tell...did he manage to do it?"
"Well if he hasn't changed by now, he must have given the Kyubi a big bin bam pow!" Bee replied, and Hinata smiled.
"...I knew he could do it...Naruto-kun doesn't give up..."
Inside Naruto's mind, Naruto had just finished putting the ripped Kyubi chakra between several Torii. It was huge, filled up a massive area, almost like a small moon floating in the 'air'. When he was finished he turned his direction back at his mother.
"You...were the previous Kyubi Jinchuriki?" Naruto asked her and Kushina breathed out.
" remember why my chakra is special, right? Its because, like you I am a Uzumaki...our chakra and bodies can contain the Kyubi itself despite its insane power. Other human beings bodies aren't able to," Kushina started, rubbing the back of her head. "The very first Jinchuriki of the Kyubi was Uzumaki Mito...the First Hokage's Wife."
Naruto did a double-take. "WHAT? You mean...Tsunade-oba-chan's a Uzumaki?"
"Yes, and she inherited the special chakra as well in a lesser amount," Kushina said with a smile. "She was actually one of my teachers...because of her I was as good in taijutsu and chakra control! Though I wasn't suited for medical ninjutsu..."
"Hm...that means Tenko..."
"Uh...yeah he's Jiraiya's and Tsunade's son..."
Kushina had to do a double take. "Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sensei had a son?Since when? How did they keep him hidden?"
"Its a...long story mom...he's my age though," Naruto said with a grin and Kushina nodded.
"Damn it, if I wasn't limited by chakra I'd want to learn more!" Kushina complained, taking several deep breaths to compose herself. " I was saying...I was selected from the remains of my village to become the new Jinchuriki of Kyubi when Mito-sama began to get older..."
"Wait...why were you have to be taken from your old village?"
"...the Uzumaki Clan and the Senju Clan of Konoha have been allies for decades, and Konoha and Uzushio, the respective villages of each clan would come to one another's aids whenever there was a crisis," Kushina explained. "The Senju and Uzumaki are distantly related anyway, and our village was under attack by several enemy clans who had allied under one banner..."
"Why did they try so hard to destroy your village?"
"Because we were granted with longevity that other people were envious of, as well as our fuinjutsu. Which are great enough to seal an entire Biju without a sacrifice," Kushina said and she breathed out. "By the time the Sannin arrived, it was already too late. The entire village had been razed and the survivors were fleeing in all directions. Jiraiya-sama saved me and my dad personally, and escorted us back to Konoha."
"And then what happened?"
"I met Mito-sama...she was old then, near the end of her life...but her hair was still as red as mine. I was then selected to be the new Jinchuriki of Kyubi...and only three people would know, the Hokage and his advisers," Kushina began, closing her eyes. "I felt so no one could understand what would be happening to me. Then I spoke with Mito-sama...and she told me there must be one preparation first before I become the Jinchuriki..."
"And what was that?"
"The Jinchuriki must first be filled with love," Kushina said fondly, remembering the warm embrace that Mito gave her to comfort her. "It counteracts the Kyubi's hatred...keeps it tranquil..."
Naruto blinked for a few moments...and he began grinning, getting it.
" I was saying..." Kushina started, smiling back at her son. "There are times when a Jinchuriki is at their most weakest."
Naruto blinked. "Like...when?"
"For women who become Jinchuriki, its during childbirth," Kushina said, lifting up her finger. "The seal weakens during that time...not to mention that the biju sealed inside us disrupts the length of the pregnancy, making it 10 months instead of nine...though as a young man, you won't need to worry about that."
Naruto nodded. "And...someone attacked then?"
"Yes, you're catching on..." Kushina replied. " began..."
Sixteen Years Ago, Konoha
It had been three years since the Third Great Shinobi World War ended, with a minor border war still raging in the North against Kumo. Despite that, the village of Konohagakure was experiencing an economic and population boon, the scars of the war were slowly fading. Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Sandaime Hokage had retired when the War ended, passing on the title of Yondaime Hokage to the hero of the War, the legendary Yellow Flash, Namikaze Minato.
Minato was sitting in his office, one of his Hiraishin Kunai in his left hand and a Rasengan in his right. Concentrating on the kunai, a small wave of Futon chakra burst through it, slowly lengthening the reach of the knife into a full sword. The wind started blowing up a small gale in the room as he began thinking.
All my attempts to add my Futon to the Rasengan have ended in it just impossible? Minato thought as he began trying to channel the Futon into his Rasengan, the wind starting to spin around it but the sphere began to become unstable...and it exploded, making him fall out of his seat and the windows and desk were obliterated. He groaned as some of his aids ran into the room with kunai's drawn, thinking their Hokage had been attacked.
"Hokage-sama, are you alright?"
"Yes, yes fine..." Minato said with a grin, rubbing the back of his head. "Just was trying to do something, there's no reason to worry."
The aids blinked and nodded slowly. "...we'll get your office repaired right away, Hokage-sama."
As they walked out, Minato breathed out. Got a lot of other things to worry about today... a small grin appeared on his face. But I'm going to be a dad...
Hiruzen came walking in, seeing the destruction in his old office. "Now this I didn't expect, are you this nervous, Minato?"
Minato chuckled nervously. "Well...not about that...hehehehehehe..."
Hiruzen smiled. "Jiraiya is expected to be back soon, I'm sure he'll make it for..."
"Yes, I know," Minato said, becoming serious. "Everything is set up?"
Hiruzen nodded. "Yes. My wife is getting yours ready. Though I suspect Kushina is visiting with her friends now to see their new children before going."
Minato nodded. "Of course..." he gave a grin. "Same as always, Kushina-chan..."
Kushina was now walking down the street with Biwako, intending on visiting her best friend before going off to the birthing location. Due to the...sensitivity of her pregnancy, it was classified until after Kushina had given birth. Biwako, Hiruzen's wife would be the midwife while the ANBU captain Taji would be there for medical ninjutsu support, and Minato's job would be to keep his wife's seal in check during the birth. There would also be a barrier around the site, on top of ANBU patrols. Kushina had remarked it was a little excessive, but the former Hokage had informed her they were just being cautious.
"Didn't you have a girl?" Kushina asked, seeing the little baby in her best friend, Uchiha Mikoto's arms. He had black hair that was slightly spiked, and was dressed in the black and blue Uchiha garments. Since he was still sleeping, he snuggled in his mother's arms.
"Nope, another boy," Mikoto replied with a grin.
"Well? What's his name Mikoto-chan?" Kushina asked excitedly, very happy for her friend.
"Sasuke..." Mikoto replied happily, looking down at the cute infant.
"Ah...the same as Hiruzen's father," Biwako said with a smile, looking at little Sasuke as he stirred in his sleep. "Yes...I'm sure he'll make a fine shinobi."
"You're almost due right Kushina-chan? You should pick a name before its too late," Mikoto advised with a smile.
"Oh, we already did! From Jiraiya-sama's first book, 'Naruto'!" Kushina informed her cheerfully. "Naruto and Sasuke'll be in the same grade, I'm sure they'll become good friends! Just like us!" she then looked around. "Where's Hannah-chan?"
"She's having an ultrasound today, Kushina-chan," Mikoto replied, rubbing the back of her head. "She wanted to see how little Hinata is developing..."
Kushina nodded, and then she cringed. "Does it"
Biwako sighed, grabbing her wrist. "Come on already!"
"See you, and good luck!" Mikoto said with a grin, raising Sasuke's hand in a wave.
"Remember, we need to keep your birth classified, try not to talk about it anymore, even to your friends!"
"Right, right sorry about that..." Kushina apologized bashfully, rubbing the back of her head.
"The fact we're leaving the village is classified as well!" Biwako told her as she folded her hands behind her back. "Don't go screaming your head off, even wen contractions start!"
Outside the village, exact location unknown
Out of the village, the birth had started. It was a large cave with a ramp leading up to it, and there was a river at the bottom of the cliff wall that lead up to it. In front of the cave itself was a Torii with four ANBU standing guard at strategic places, as well as several hidden in the trees on the opposite side of the river. Momentarily there was a flicker of the defense barrier around the cliff, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary...except for the screams of pain Kushina was having during her contractions.
"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Kushina yelled in pain. "IT HURTS, IT HURTS SO MUCH!"
"I...I've never seen Kushina in so much pain before..." Minato said, his hands over his wife's stomach. She was laying on the special birthing bed that was inside the cave, and her seal was clearly visible on her stomach. "Are you sure she's alright?"
"She's fine!" Biwako told him, her hands under the white cloth that was suspended over Kushina's legs for privacy. "Just keep your eyes on the seal!"
"Good lord, you're the Yondaime Hokage, don't panic!" Biwako ordered him as she kept her hands in position while Taji looked on, ready with any medical ninjutsu help. "This is why men can't have babies, they can't handle the pain!"
The seal on Kushina's stomach began shifting from a whirlpool what looked like a giant eye. She gritted her teeth in agony as the Kyubi began trying to break the seal, roaring as she strained to push her child out. She panted rapidly, breathing in and out as sweat trickled down her brow and she bit into her lip.
Its so strong, I can feel the Fox trying to break out! Minato thought, redoubling his efforts to keep the seal in check. "Hang in there Kushina! Hang in there Naruto!"
Outside the cave, there was a minor battle. A man in a mask, wearing a black cloak was advancing as the defending ANBU tried countering him, tossing jutsus, kunai, and shuriken in an attempt to stop him. He leaped at the nearest ANBU, seeming to vanish and he grabbed his neck. With one swift movement, he crushed his trachea and left him to die drowning on his own blood. A whirlpool-like vortex appeared as he disappeared from a counterattack, appearing behind two more ANBU who were standing on the water and he shoved his hands into their backs...and solidified. They jerked as he destroyed their hearts, and he kicked the last one and jumped onto him, grabbing his neck and choking him to death. He lifted his hand off the dead ANBU's neck, turning his attention to the cave.
He took a step silently, the barrier flickering in an attempt to keep him out. And then...he turned intangible and took one step through the barrier...and then the rock of the cliff face like neither was there. And then there was no trace of him that could either be sensed, smelt, or seen.
Kushina gave another cry of pain as she continued pushing. Gritting her teeth, she closed her eyes tightly. "The head's out, almost there Kushina!" Biwako told her as she kept her hands ready.
"Keep going, Kushina!" Taji encouraged, looking up at her.
She felt the Kyubi roar in anger in her mind, trying to push forward. "Naruto, get out of there, Kyubi stay just where you are!" She gave a loud yell as the final contractions started and she began relaxing, panting heavily.
"Get the hot water!" Biwako ordered.
"Yes ma'am!" Taji yelled, running off.
Minato paused, looking at his panting wife. "Its okay..."
There was a new crying sound heard and in Biwako's arms there was the infant Naruto, letting everyone know he had arrived. He was wrapped in soft, warm blankets and he continued to cry, and his parents glanced over with an exhausted smile.
"Congratulations, its a healthy baby boy!" Biwako announced happily.
Tears of joy streamed down Minato's face as he wiped his eyes. "Look at me, I'm a father!"
Biwako moved Naruto close, putting him close to his mother's face. "Naruto...its good to finally meet you..."
"Okay Kushina, I know you're exhausted from the birth but we've gotta get the Kyubi completely sealed!" Minato said happily.
"Right!" Kushina cheered while panting.
Minato went to place his hands over Kushina's seal again when he heard Taji and Biwako cry out in pain. His head snapping back he saw that both of them had fallen on the ground...their blood starting to pool on the floor.
"Biwako-sama, Taji!"
Minato then slowly looked up to see the cloaked, mask man holding Naruto up with one hand, and holding the other over Minato's son's face. There was a fowl chakra emanating off of him which began making Yondaime's skin crawl. He took a single step and the man's hand began lowering, forcing him to stop mid-action.
"Yondaime Hokage...Minato. Back away from the Jinchuriki," he ordered, the eye hole of his mask now visible despite the shadow of his cloak. "Or else your son dies at the tender age of one minute."
How did this guy break through the barrier...? Minato thought, keeping himself calm. Who the hell is this guy?
His foot began sliding back as Kushina hissed in pain. On her stomach, another black bubble began forming as the Kyubi attempted to break out. It popped before reforming again, even slower as a tiny amount of red chakra burst out.
"Kushina!" Minato yelled, glancing back as Kushina gritted her teeth. The seal's not done!
"Back away from the Jinchuriki...or do you care if your son dies or not?" the man demanded, a kunai dropping into his hand as he held it over the infant Naruto.
Minato glanced at Biwako's and Taji's bodies as blood continued to seep from the open wounds they had on their stomachs. His wife thrashed as she tried to keep her prisoner sealed inside her, grabbing the sides of the bed and using pure willpower to try to force the Kyubi back.
"Hold it, j-just stay calm," Minato said, putting his hand on Kushina's bed as he looked at the man.
"Oh, I'm perfectly calm..." he then tossed Naruto into the air, raising his kunai to where he'd fall. "You should take your own advice, Minato."
"NARUTO!" Kushina yelled as she watched.
Minato's eyes narrowed as he calmed himself as the masked man thrusts upwards with the kunai in his hand, intending to impale the baby without any care for his life. And then in a yellow flash, Naruto vanished before he could touch the man's kunai. He was now safely in his father's arms as Minato stood on the wall, crouching.
"You definitely live up to the Yellow Flash moniker," the masked man derided, his eye looking directly at the Yondaime Hokage. "But now what?"
Minato heard a sizzling sound and he looked underneath his son's blanket, seeing multiple in mid activation explosive tags attached to it. Acting quickly, he pulled Naruto out as the explosions began starting. Kushina's eyes widened as she pushed herself up.
Reacting quickly, Minato vanished in a yellow flash, carrying the mid-exploding tags to one of his safe houses before jumping out in a blur as they all exploded. Rolling on the ground as he shielded his son he finally skidded to a halt and looked down at Naruto who was crying.
"Thank're not hurt..." Minato said in relief, seeing there wasn't a scratch on Naruto's body as he cried. There was a large splinter his own leg, however, and he yanked it out...glancing back at his Hiraishin kunai. He's after Kushina he forced me to use the Hiraishin to separate us! Gotta hurry...
Using the Hiraishin, Minato appeared at another of his safe houses outside the village. Naruto squirmed in his arms and he rocked him gently, and gently put him down on a nearby bed, pulling the blankets up over him. The infant Naruto immediately began to calm down, and his father leaned down and kissed his forehead gently.
"I'll be right back, Naruto. I just have to rescue your mom," Minato said comfortingly, standing up slowly.
Location Unknown, Fire Country
The moon slowly raised higher into the air as the masked man continued his operation. Kushina was restrained on a rock, black 'chains' of a sealing jutsu keeping her kneeling on it. The markings were chained around the four rocks behind her, with a small pond underneath her. She panted, looking weakly up at him.
"What...are you after...?"
"I came here to rip the Kyubi no Yoko from your stomach and crush Konoha..." he replied coldly, looking right at the 'eye' that her seal made on her stomach.
"...what...?" Kushina uttered in shock as the lines of the seal's breaking began to climb up to her face.
"Minato's teleportation technique uses a special marking that lets him instantly move from one marking to the next," the man ignored her question, looking at the steadily opening seal on her body. "I see he's incorporated it into the design of your own seal. All so he would be here to protect you...but I managed to get away from him." Kushina could...make out the Sharingan in the man's eye.
He' Uchiha? But...
"And the seal weakened from you have any idea how long I've waited for this moment?"
Kushina's eyes widened and the veins bulged in her sclera as the extraction began. Inside her mind, where the Kyubi was sealed, the massive fox looked down as the masked Sharingan user focused on him. He gritted his teeth, the chains that bound him to the massive 'rock' clattered as he tried resisting. He was bound completely to the stone, spikes impaling all four paws, all nine tails, and even his stomach.
Despite his best efforts...the Sharingan began appearing in his eyes, and they slowly replaced them. The cat-like pupil was replaced by a human-like round pupil and on the edges of his iris...the tomoes of the Sharingan shrank into tiny, barely visible dots on the edge. The rock began melting as the seal was fully broken in that moment and with one movement, all the chains shattered as Kyubi threw his hands and his tails forward.
In the physical world, Kushina gave a cry as the Kyubi's cloak bubbled up forcefully around her and from her opened seal, a blackness came out through a little...tether of chakra to her body. Then the cloak expanded from her full body, and the fox's entire head was formed from the cloak.
"Come forth, Kyubi no Yoko!" the mask man commanded, making a seal.
From Kushina's stomach, the massive demon fox burst forward, regaining its flesh, blood, and full size. It stood on two feet and threw its from legs forward in a loud howl at the full moon. Its tails flickered, sending shockwaves along the countryside as it followed up the howl with a tremendous roar that could be heard for kilometers. Still though...due to being inside her for so long, Kushina still possessed a tether of Kyubi's chakra, and she slumped forward as her seal vanished.
The masked Sharingan user turned and took as step, leaving the woman on the rock. "We head for the village next..."
"S...STOP!" Kushina yelled as a chain shot from her body and passed right through the man's head. He seemed to turn around disinterestedly.
"...the Uzumaki Clan is truly something special, even wrenching a Biju out of your body didn't kill you outright," the masked Sharingan user remarked, stepping out of the chain attack as Kushina grunted, breaking it from her body. The Kyubi then lifted its paw up, looking menacingly down at her. "Its only fitting for the Kyubi to kill its former Jinchuriki."
The Kyubi slammed his hand down where Kushina was slumped on the rock...but she vanished in a small puff of smoke and reappeared on a nearby tree, in Minato's arms. He held her gently, reaching up to rub her cheek comfortingly.
"A small flash of hope..." the masked Sharingan user said. "But its too late..."
"Minato...Minato is...Naruto okay?" Kushina whispered weakly, sweat dripping from her brow as dark marks formed under her eyes, she was struggling to stay alive and conscious after the extraction.
"Yes, he's fine. I hid him somewhere safe," Minato replied reassuringly, rubbing her cheek.
"Oh...thank god..." she whispered as Yondaime shot a death glare at the masked Sharingan user. "Minato...stop the Kyubi...they're headed for the village..."
Minato looked down at Kushina silently...before vanishing in a circular flash of smoke when he activated his Hiraishin. The masked Sharingan user looked at the spot they vanished from for a few seconds, and he smirked behind his mask.
"Gone again..." he said with a smirk. "No onto Konoha!"
With that...he began vanishing into a swirling whirlpool vortex through his visible eye, the Kyubi standing there and waiting.
Minato's hideout, location unknown
Minato and Kushina arrived back at the hideout a few moments later, and the Hokage rose to his feet, walking over to the bed where he left Naruto. Their son was now sleeping peacefully, oblivious to the coming destruction of his home.
"...why...?" Kushina whispered softly.
Minato laid her gently in the bed next to Naruto. "Never mind the why...stay with Naruto..."
Kushina panted, looking at her son, and she gently pulled him close, putting their foreheads together as tears started to form in her eyes. "...Naruto..." She cuddled him softly, biting her lip as she forced herself to stay alive.
Her husband watched, and he slowly closed his hand into a tight fist before squeezing it tight. Storming over to his closet, he pulled it open and knelt down...grabbing more of his special Hiraishin kunai and slipping them into packs on his waist. He then stood up, looking at his coat...and he reached for it.
"Minato..." Kushina whispered, holding her newborn son close. "Thank you...good luck..."
"I'll be back before you know it," Minato said, pulling his coat on as the 'Yondaime' kanji showed prominently on it.
At the Uchiha Compound, a young Itachi was holding his little brother as he looked up at the moon. The boy began having a strange feeling of dread, looking down at his little sibling. A bead of sweat began trickling down his cheek as he breathed in.
Of all the times for mother and father to be out...where are they...? he thought as little Sasuke began waking up, and then began crying. What's this awful feeling...? He rocked his brother, slowly calming him down. "Don't cry Sasuke...your big brother is here to protect you..."
At the same time, two of the Sannin, Jiraiya and Orochimaru were walking back into the village through the West Gate. Both were wearing the standard Jonin uniform, and were highly respected in the village. The white haired Sannin grinned, rotating his shoulder, while his snake-like comrade was looking more solemn. They had just returned from a suppression mission on the border against Kumogakure, having encountered the new Raikage himself.
"Heh, I can't wait to do some research later tonight!" Jiraiya said with a grin.
"Yes, yes of course, Jiraiya," Orochimaru said as they walked through the crowd. "Still waiting for Tsunade-hime to return?"
"Heck yeah! After the night we had last year..." Jiraiya replied with a smirk. "Though I'll be checking in on Minato and Kushina...she's due today..."
Suddenly, both felt a chill in the air and looked up. "What was that...?" Orochimaru whispered, looking around.
"I don't know..." Jiraiya whispered, his eyes narrowing. "But something bad seems to be coming."
Near a large tree further inside the village, Hatake Kakashi and Maito Gai were walking down the street, past a huge tree as they met up with Sarutobi Asuma, Yuhi Kurenai, and Mitarashi Anko. Anko was munching on her third dango stick, Asuma was taking out a cigarette and Kurenai was sipping a drink.
"Hey guys," Kakashi said as he walked over with Gai. "Your mission went well?"
Asuma smirked. "Perfectly," he said, snapping his lighter close as smoke began wafting from his cigarette, and he took a deep drag from it.
Gai then threw his arms back, his eyes blazing with a new challenge for his 'rival'. "Yosh! Kakashi, my eternal rival, we shall race around the entire village on our index fingers to see whose best this time!"
"Can't we just do janken this time, Gai?"
"Not again! I want a more hot-blooded contest! And you call yourself my rival!"
Kakashi blinked, and looked up and around. "...hey you sense something off? Like there's an awful chill in the air...?"
"Why do you have to act like this?" Gai roared angrily. "We're only young once!"
At the Hokage Tower, Hiruzen was enjoying a good smoke from his pipe as he filled out the paper work while Minato was away helping Kushina deliver her baby. He flipped through a expense report of the village, seeing how much the border war with Kumo was costing. Hiruzen lifted his pipe out of his mouth and blew out a ring of smoke, and then he looked up suddenly.
It couldn't be...!
And then, on the outskirts of Konoha, just near the southern wall, the masked man appeared from a swirling vortex. Dropping to one knee, he slammed his palm down. Two huge circular markings expanded from his hand to the buildings he was standing in the middle of.
"Kuchiyoise no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)!"
In a massive puff of smoke, the people walking through the streets looked up as a shockwave of the mass that was distributed hit them. Buildings were torn asunder as both civilians and shinobi were sent flying like ragdolls, being killed either by the fall or by the debris. Like a terrifying blooming flower...nine red tails spread out, the first two slamming down on the wall like it was nothing. Standing before them was the Kyubi no Yoko, the strongest of all the Biju.
"Attack, demon fox!" the masked man commanded.
Kyubi took a step, completely smashing an entire building under its massive foot as it took a deep breath, letting lose a loud roar. Adding its chakra to the roar, it blew apart all the buildings around it, practically flattening them as it sent the stunned citizens of Konoha flying into the air. Its tails swished as it began charging through the village, destroying buildings like they were made of cards.
The masked man smirked, slowly sinking into the ground as his pet began fullfilling his plan. The few shinobi in the area who weren't killed in the initial attack began scrambling to either get the civilians out or distract the demon fox. Several brave ones leaped up, tossing kunai with explosive tags attached to draw its attention, or shot blasts of fire, wind, or lightning at it. However, the Kyubi just swatted them away like flies, crushing several with one swipe of its tails or paws.
From the west gate, Jiraiya and Orochimaru felt the carnage and began leaping onto the buildings. "How did the Kyubi get here?" Orochimaru demanded, biting his thumb as they kept moving.
"I don't know!" Jiraiya yelled, leaping to another building and summoning a series of smaller toads to begin helping the civilians evacuate. Did Kushina's seal fail? If that's the case, how did the demon get all the way here from the hiding place?
He jumped down to street level while Orochimaru continued to run on the buildings. Jiraiya's toads continued to lead civilians out, shielding them from debris and shockwaves that the Kyubi kept throwing up. The Toad Sannin landed where Team Ino-Shika-Cho were covering the retreat. In the distance, a group of ANBU leaped up, launching a combined Futon, Katon, Doton, Suiton, and Raiton attack right at the massive demon fox. In response, the Kyubi gave another massive roar, flattening the area as the combined elemental attack was sent crashing back into its users. The massive fox then began charging offensively, tearing up more of the village as explosions went off under its feat as it trampled gas lines.
Orochimaru leaped up when it did that. "I'm going to stall him, Jiraiya, back me up!"
He slammed his palm forward, and in a massive puff of smoke the mightiest serpent was summoned. Manda gave a hissing roar as Orochimaru rode on his head, zipping towards the Kyubi at high speed. The demon fox slashed at it the approaching purple form, but Manda dodged it and he wrapped around Kyubi. The fox roared, its arms, torso, and tails restrained around in the giant snake's muscular body.
"JIRAIYA, NOW! MANDA CAN'T HOLD THIS FOR LONG!" Orochimaru ordered on Manda's head.
"RIGHT!" Jiraiya yelled, biting his thumb and leaping up. "Kuchiyoise no Jutsu!"
In another massive smoke, the Toad Sannin summoned Gamahiro, who immediately took the building sized swords off its back to begin an attack. Jiraiya landed on his head and with a mighty leap of the massive toad's legs, they charged the restrained Kyubi. Bearing his teeth angrily, the demon fox roared, violently breaking Manda's hold on him. Orochimaru and his snake cried as the were sent flying into Konoha's wall.
However, Gamahiro was able to get in close attacking with an X-Slash at the Kyubi's waist. The blades, despite the giant toad's strength's behind them, as well as their sheer sharpness...broke in two and were sent flying back by just coming in contact with the demon's skin! Forming a fist, Kyubi slammed it up in an uppercut, hitting Gamahiro in the chin and sending him crashing all the way across Konoha and slamming right into the bottom of the Hokage Monument, barely missing the Hokage Tower.
Jiraiya groaned. Its...just too strong...Minato...where are you?
Hiruzen had managed to get his armor on and was standing on top of the tower as Gamahiro groaned in pain beside it. An ANBU in a dog mask appeared in a puff of smoke, kneeling in front of him as he pulled up his gauntlet.
"Sandaime Hokage-sama, its the Kyubi! The Kyubi started attacking the village out of nowhere!"
"I can see for myself, focus on evacuating the civilians," Hiruzen said calmly, a bead of sweat dripping down his brow as Jiraiya hopped off of Gamahiro's head as the giant toad puffed away at the same time Manda did. Did Kushina's seal fail? Were all our safeguards for nothing...?
Jiraiya wiped his lip, spitting out some blood. "I can still fight sensei!"
"Good," Hiruzen said as in a puff of smoke he summoned the Monkey King Enma, who immediately transformed into the Kongōnyoi. "We have to be sure to attack before it gets bored of its usual destruction methods..."
It was just then, Minato appeared on top of the Hokage Monument, on top of the highest spike in his 'face' on the monument. He breathed in, seeing the destruction as the Kyubi let loose another roar and breathed a tongue of flame into the streets of the village. It then looked up, seeing the Yondaime Hokage standing right there.
"So you noticed me already?" Minato asked, his cape flapping in the wind as the Kyubi stomped, facing him from a distance. Black and white chakra began swirling around the demon fox's mouth, forming a large black ball as he opened it. In response, Minato did a few seals around his Hiraishin Kunai. "Not on my watch!"
Like an enormous cannon ball, the massive Bijudama was launched from the Kyubi's mouth. It plowed through the village, crushing everything that it flew over. Jiraiya and Hiruzen managed to leap off the Hokage Tower, however the ANBU wasn't so lucky as he was crushed when the tower was blown apart. Minato pushed his hands forward and lines appeared in the air...which swallowed up the Bijudama harmlessly. He then transported it far outside the village, where it exploded taking a mountain range with it, the explosion being seen from the center of Konoha.
That was close...that's the safest place I could have put it...
From one of the evacuation zones, Akimichi Choza and Nara Shikaku had watched what had happened. They saw a massive barren landscape of destroyed buildings with the earth itself exposed from where the Kyubi shot its Bijudama all the way towards the Hokage Monument. The tower was still partially standing, although the entire top of it had collapsed.
"It stopped the Kyubi's attack! A Jikukan Kekkai (Time-Space Barrier)!" Choza gasped as Shikaku narrowed his eyes to get a better look.
"Its Minato-sama, he's arrived!"
Hiruzen straightened himself out, slamming the Kongōnyoi down as Jiraiya wiped the blood away from his lips. Orochimaru arrived, cracking his neck as he opened his mouth, and pulled out the Kusanagi sword. Dozens of other shinobi leaped down behind them as the Sandaime Hokage and his students began forming a counter attack.
I have to warn Sandaime... Minato thought as the masked man appeared behind him out of his strange swirling vortex jutsu. Reacting in an instant, Yondaime spun around aiming to stab him right in the head. However...his attack just passed through him like it was air...and the masked man continued to raise his hand, his fingers passing through Minato's wrist before the swing had completed its arc, and then he grabbed his wrist.
"You will face me..." the masked man said in a taunting voice, tightening his grip. "Aaaannnnd...we're done..."
He then activated his jutsu and began to pull Minato right into where his eye was. Reacting as best he could...Yondaime disappeared right before he was about to disappear completely into the center of the vortex. He flexed his hand in surprise, looking up at the night sky.
"He about fast," the masked man said in slight surprise. "Next time I'll warp you the moment I lay my hand on you."
Minato's hideout
Minato fell to the ground where he left one of his Hirashin Kunai, and he glanced around as he picked himself up. Getting his pack open quickly, he tossed his extra kunai around in strategic places to prepare himself for when the masked man arrived. He put his hand onto his head, closing his eyes to think and calm himself.
My attack slipped right through... he thought, squeezing the kunai hilt in his hand. But a moment later...he was solid again...and trying to suck me into some dimension or something. What was that move?
In another vortex, the masked man appeared before him again. "You won't escape me."
Does he use Jikukan Ninjutsu as well? Whatever he did, it must have been how he moved so far with Kushina! His eyes narrowed, meeting the masked man's eyes and seeing the Sharingan in the hole of his mask. He defeated the ANBU that were under the direct command of Sandaime, his hand picked...and he got past the most powerful barrier we have. And he must have known the seal would be weak when Kushina was giving birth. The masked man took out manacles with a long chain attached to them to his wrists. Then with the seal undone he took control of the Kyubi...even extracting it right from Kushina's stomach with another technique I don't recognize...and marched straight to the village without so much as passing through the barrier. There's only one man I can think of that makes sense...
The image of the Valley of the End flashed in Minato's mind, the Shodaime Hokage, Senju Hashirama facing down the full might of the Kyubi no Yoko as he created a forest to counter. Then in the air, his opponent and arch rival Uchiha Madara leaping up, blowing out a massive blast of flame from his lips, with Hashirama countering with a wave of water higher than the waterfall they were fighting in. The Kyubi then prepared a Bijudama...
"Are you Uchiha Madara...?" he asked as the man lifted his hood off, his chains clattering. " couldn't be. He's long dead."
"Oh...I don't know about that..."
"On second thought, I don't need to know who you are," Minato said as the masked man continued pacing. "But why have you attacked Konoha?"
"Oh, you now...its fun, its part of my plan..." the man replied mockingly. "To start a bring peace."
Whoever he is, he's very powerful...he can control the Kyubi and wields Jikukan Ninjutsu that exceed both Nidaime's and my own. And he clearly has evil intentions... Minato thought as he lifted his kunai in a horizontal guard. If I don't kill him now, or at least incapacitate him, he'll become a bigger threat than the Fox! If I just teleport back to the village, he'll just follow me and things will get even more chaotic. If he really is Madara, the I doubt he can keep the Kyubi summoned for long...I'll just have to leave the village in Sandaime's hands and finish this man off here and now!
"There's no hope for you!" the masked man announced, charging at full speed at Minato.
Minato ran towards him, meeting his charge as he thrusts out his kunai in a stab and again he past through the masked Sharingan user's body once more, nearly getting entangled in his chains after he solidified again. In response, Yondaime vanished in a yellow flash to another kunai in one of the trees and the masked man followed, launching a punch which made Minato duck. Minato was forced to go through his entire network, teleporting and avoiding the masked man's attacks.
He's trying to force me to reveal where I threw all of them! Minato thought, appearing back on ground level and kneeling down. He opened his hand as the masked man appeared a distance behind him from the last tag. He makes his body intangible to negate attacks, then solidifies to counterattack. My only shot is to trade hits with him! But attacking at all is a big risk for him...if he can only keep the Kyubi summoned for a short time, he won't want to have this fight drag on. My only option is to beat him in speed, whoever strikes a split-second earlier wins!
The masked man moved his hands around, readying for Minato's next attack as the Yondaime charged at him once more. In response, he began charging towards him too, the two moving in a blur as they picked up speed as they approached each other. Changing his strategy, Minato threw his kunai right at the masked man, which then passed through his head as the two converged. Time seemed to slow down as they kept their charge.
When both were near striking distance...the kunai began appearing out of the masked man's head as he began a long reach for Minato's chest. In response, the Hokage created a Rasengan, the spinning ball of chakra not even causing his opponent to worry despite it being twice the size of a normal one. Behind his mask, the masked man grinned even though Minato moved his Rasengan hand close to his head to seemingly counter.
Got-! The Masked Man thought, just about to lay his hand when Minato vanished. The color drained from his face as his Sharingan widened.
And then, from right above him Minato twirled as the kunai continued flying on its course. He then went into an immediate downward thrust with his Rasengan, smashing it down full force on the masked man's back before he could turn intangible.
"RASENGAN!" Minato yelled, slamming the full force of his attack hitting the masked man on the back, and he idly caught the kunai. "This was Hiraishin Kou-Ni (Flying Thunder God Version Two)."
The Rasengan slammed the masked man down, and the entire area cratered. Massive slabs of rock and soil were sent jutting up from the force of the impact, and then it went even deeper as Minato kept pushing down. His Rasengan then began disappearing and he slapped his Hiraishin seal onto the masked man's back. Blood appeared on his hand from the masked man's fresh wound. The masked man leaped away, cradling his arm as he panted.
His arm began turning into white goop as red blood began flowing down it. Suddenly, Minato flashed towards him and stabbed his kunai into his stomach. The force made him stumble back and his hand went flying off, soon turning into goo as well.
Hiraishin no Jutsu...he must have planted his seal somewhere on my body!
Minato then vanished, and to the masked man's Sharingan he could see him appearing from all angles. A slash down his chest appeared, then across his neck, then two slashes on his hack before finally Yondaime reappeared, slamming his heel into the masked man's chin.
"Kiiroi Senkō Dangan (Yellow Flash Bullet)," Minato uttered coldly as the masked man landed on his feet, bleeding from his new wounds as Minato flashed over again, getting some of his opponent's blood and slamming his palm into his chest.
"A...Keiyaku Fūin (Contract Seal)...are you trying to remove my control over the Fox?"
"No, I already did," Minato replied, continuing his dark glare. "You no longer have control over him!"
In front of the Konoha defenders, the Kyubi began thrashing in pain and it let lose a mournful wail. Hiruzen, Koharu, and Homura were fighting side by side when they saw the demon's eye shoot open...and a Sharingan appeared. It then slowly began receding, replaced with the Kyubi's natural slitted eye. It then stomped on a building, causing it it erupt in an explosion and it a loud, terrifying roar.
On the ground, a young Umino Iruka had been protected by the blast and debris by his mother, who was panting weakly as blood leaked from her mouth. "Iruka...are you hurt...?"
"Mom..." he whispered, seeing the huge gash on her back from debris. Her flak jacket didn't even protect her despite the steel plates underneath the green cloth. "Dad! Mom's-!"
"I'll take care of your mother, get out of here!" his father commanded as red blood trickled from his forehead.
"No way! I can't leave you and mom alone!" Iruka protested, his eyes widening. "I'll protect her!"
"Cut the crap, parents are supposed to take care of their children Iruka!" his father commanded desperately. "Get out of here now!"
At Hiruzen's position, a young ANBU landed. "I'm here, Hokage-sama."
"Good, attack the best you can Tenzo," Hiruzen said as the ANBU nodded, jumping in for an attack as Kyubi used it's tails to smash through several buildings, sending another enraged roar out.
"Mokuton: Daijurin no Jutsu (Wood Release: Great Forest Technique)!" he yelled, throwing his arm out as tendrils of wood appeared, shooting around the Kyubi's mouth, stopping it from roaring. He gritted his teeth behind his mask, letting the wood fall away from his arm as he leaped back.
Hiruzen then leaped into an attack of his own, landing on the Kyubi's head as it tried clawing at the wooden muzzle that Tenzo had created. This blasted Mokuton...I thought with Shodaime dead, I'd never have to deal with it again!
"Doton: Take Sumasshu (Moutnain Smash)!" he yelled, running down the demon's neck, spitting a wave of mud to cover it all...and he jumped back as a small mountain grew from Kyubi's back and smashed the demon right to the ground, pinning it. "Keep fighting, we just have to keep stalling it until Minato gets here!"
He smashed his Kongōnyoi into the Kyubi's eye, momentarily blinding it. In response, the Kyubi broke the binding on its mouth and let lose a wave of chakra from its back which shattered the earth wall binding it. Hiruzen channeled chakra to his feet to keep himself from falling off the demon's head, parrying his claws with his staff. He then backflipped off as Kyubi created another Bijudama, firing it right into the crowd of defenders.
"Not on my watch!" Hiruzen yelled, landing on the ground as he did a seal, intertwining all his fingers. "Doton: Dachi Haikkekaku no Jutsu (Earth Release: Earth Consumption Technique)!"
A massive wall in the shape of a monkey rose, and Hiruzen had its mouth open wide. The Bijudama slammed in and the Sandaime Hokage slammed his hands down, the wall disappearing underground as he channeled the Bijudama safely out of the village. In the distance, the Bijudama exploded underground, simulating the eruption of a volcano.
He breathed in and out through his nose, slamming the end of his Kongōnyoi down onto the ground as his eyes narrowed. Where is Minato?
The Kyubi growled, and in a giant red flash, it jumped out of the village, skidding to a stop as its tails continued whipping in the air. It gave a roar as several ninja began tossing kunai and shuriken at it to try to get its attention off the village. Lifting its paw, it smashed the first few just as the chirping of birds was heard.
"CHIDORI!" Kakashi yelled, charging up the Kyubi's leg and he smashed his attack into its face, his Sharingan blazing. The attack didn't even get through the fur, but it got its attention. "NOW GAI!"
"RIGHT!" Gai yelled, leaping into the air as green chakra burst off his body. "Keimon (Gate of Joy)...OPEN!" He then got right into the Kyubi's line of vision in a burst of speed. "Asa...KUJAKU (Morning Peacock)!"
He began punching the air and sending fireballs right at Kyubi's face which impacted with enough force to move its head an inch. However, the barrage only seemed to annoy the demon and it gave a roar, blowing Kakashi and Gai away. Both were caught by Jiraiya on Gamaken's head, and Gamaken blitzed Kyubi, smashing his shield into the demon's face.
"Fall back Gamaken!" Jiraiya ordered, the giant toad nodding and leaped back. Kakashi and Gai groaned from the impact of the roar, and Jiraiya sighed. "You two were supposed to be evacuated with the rest of your generation."
"We couldn't sit by and let our village be destroyed, Jiraiya-sama!" Gai said as the pain from the gates hit him. "We have our part!"
"Gai's right, Jiraiya-sama. We all need to fight the Kyubi until Minato-sensei comes back," Kakashi said as he stood up on Gamaken's head.
Jiraiya sighed, and he smirked. "You two have guts, I'll give you that..."
"We've driven it from the village!" Hiruzen yelled, pointing at the Kyubi who was snarling in irritation. "Continue the attack!"
Minato's Hideout
The masked man leaped to a tree branch, still panting and bleeding from his many wounds. Minato could see through the eye-hole a trickle of red blood going down his eye. The Sharingan closed momentarily before opening again...the sclera stained with the man's own red blood. He lifted his remaining arm to his shoulder, still panting.
"You truly are worthy of the title of Yondaime wound me to such an extent...and managing to wrest control of the Kyubi from me," he said, breathing in and out as he kept his cool. "But someday, it will be mine again." The whirlpool effect of his jutsu activated and he panted. "The Kyubi, and this world will someday be mine. Many doors are still open to me..."
And with that, he vanished into the swirling vortex generated by his eye as Minato's eyes narrowed. Something tells me...he isn't lying...
Konohagakure, outside the walls
A desperate counter attack on the Kyubi began, being lead by Hiruzen, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru. Orochimaru had reappeared after he had finished evacuating the remaining civilians trapped in the village into the war shelters that he knew of. The snake sannin gritted his teeth, yanking out his Kusanagi as he jumped for an attack at the giant demon.
"Kuchiyoise: Sen'ei Tajashu (Summoning: Many Snake Hands)!" he yelled, shooting about a dozen snakes from his wrists and having them bite into the Kyubi's nose, and yank him up. "YAH!"
He used the momentum and swung up above the Fox's head before plunging down, stabbing the Kyubi right in it's forehead. his shock the Kusanagi shattered in two, the blade flying off in the opposite direction and he was then hit hard by the Kyubi's tail.
Little gnat...
"Hold it off till Yondaime arrives!" one of the ninja on the ground yelled, throwing dozens of shuriken right at the beast.
At that moment, a ninja had grabbed the young Iruka, pulling him from the battlefield. "Lemme go! My parents are still fighting!"
At the safe area for the younger generation, there were several barrier tags spread around as Yuhi Hideyoshi kept watch. Hyuga Hiashi and his twin brother, Hizashi were providing a look out, both their Byakugan were active as they relayed the situation of the village to Hideyoshi. The new Hyuga Head performed a seal...extending his Byakugan's range so he could see nearly the entire village.
"...the destruction..." he whispered, glancing at his brother. "Most of the clan compounds have been hit, not even the Uchiha's has escaped unharmed...where are the military police?"
"I'm not picking them up, brother..." Hizashi said...he could only get his Byakugan to extend a kilometer, though his was able to pick up details better than his brother's. "Maybe they're getting their own clansmen to the shelter?"
"Possibly, though Fugaku-san should be out here fighting," Hiashi replied as he thought of his wife...using his Byakugan to take a look at the Hyuga Compound. Piercing through the barriers, he could see Hannah-and their unborn child were still safe. Thank god...
"What do you mean?" Kurenai then yelled at her father. "We should be out there fighting!"
Asuma groaned. "Kurenai, he's already pissed that Kakashi and Gai were able..."
Hideyoshi closed his eyes. "I don't want any of you kids going anywhere near the Kyubi. We're not fighting another village, this is an internal matter. And not something you should be risking your lives for..."
"That's a load of crap and you know it!" Kurenai shouted, preparing to use one of her genjutsu to try to fool the barrier.
"Calm down Kurenai..." Asuma whispered.
"You're shinobi, you might not live a long life. As such, all of you need to pass on the Will of Fire to the next generation due to the risk," Hideyoshi said calmly. "Pass the Will onto our grandchildren...promise me that at least, and I'll put my faith in you."
Hiashi looked up. "The Kyubi's creating one of those chakra balls again, its...getting huge!"
Back at the battlefield, Kyubi had opened his mouth wide as black and white chakra began swirling around its muzzle. Damn pests, I'll wipe you all out with one attack! It thought as the ground began shattering under its feet. The Bijudama began growing as more black and white chakra swirled around it and everyone there could feel the destructive chakra.
Minato reappeared on the Hokage Monument, looking down at the damage. Nearly two thirds of the village had been crushed, much of it was in flames, and the scar from the first Bijudama was still visible. The dead and dying villagers and shinobi were strewn in the barren streets, some burnt so badly they were unrecognizable. It was like Konoha had been ravaged in War...he then saw the Kyubi in the distance, readying another chakra bomb in its mouth which was even larger than before!
This is awful!
"Not again!" Hiruzen snarled, dropping to one knee and the Hyuga bodyguard near him tried to help him up.
Jiraiya gritted his teeth, breathing in as he saw the massive Bijudama. Damn it...there has to be some way...
"Kuchiyoise: Yatai Kuzushi no Jutsu (Summoning: Toad Food Court Destroyer)!" was then heard and Gamabunta plummeted from above the Kyubi, smashing into its back before it could complete its attack. And there, on top of his head was Minato!
"Sensei!" Kakashi shouted.
"Minato, bout time you arrived!" Jiraiya yelled.
"Its Yondaime!" another ninja remarked.
Minato remembered what the masked man said, and he closed his eyes. Sorry Kushina... Opening them, he focused and looked down at Gamabunta. "Keep the Fox pinned for a minute!"
"Easier...said than...done!" Gamabunta yelled, smashing his hands down on Kyubi's neck to keep it from getting back up. "I may be big...but I'm not a miracle worker!"
"I need enough chakra to get him out of here!" Minato said as Hiruzen stared the Kyubi right in the face, seeing the Bijudama become complete and shrink...and the Fox just bit it and smoke came wafting out of its mouth.
Suddenly, in a puff of smoke Kyubi vanished, as did Minato. The rest of Gamabunta's weight smashed to the ground finally since the demon was gone, leaving a massive crater. Everyone held their breath, wondering if the Kyubi would finally be gone.
"Minato...did he teleport himself and the Kyubi?" Hiruzen whispered, and there was a large, nearly black red dome explosion cresting over the mountains and hills in the distance, even from the village's outskirts they could feel the shockwaves. "Out there!"
Minato's hideout
The Kyubi was crouched low, looking in surprise at the destroyed landscape of his Bijudama detonating. Several mountains were blown apart from ground zero of the explosion and debris was still falling around the area. He looked around in confusion, Minato was now carrying both Kushina and baby Naruto, panting slightly.
"We need to set up a barrier!" Minato yelled.
"Leave that to me!" Kushina exclaimed, creating a tiger seal and from her back and chest, several chains burst out.
The Kyubi was now attempting to make a break for it when the chains wrapped around his legs, neck, and tails, then jammed into the ground and above and a powerful shimmering barrier was formed. The massive demon growled angrily, struggling against the chains. Kushina panted, blood now dripping from her nose and lips, but she looked determined...
"Minato...take care of Naruto..." Kushina whispered, steeling herself. "I'll draw the Kyubi back inside me and we'll both'll take a few years for it to revive, giving Konoha enough time to prepare to recapture it..."
"What...?" Minato asked, his eyes going wide.
" responsibility as its Jinchuriki..." she said, panting weakly as she saw a tear beginning to go down Minato's cheek. "...don't worry about's our son's only that I won't be able to see Naruto when he's older..."
Minato sniffled, and then lifted his hand up and wiped his eye. " will be able to," he said after a moment.
"Minato...?" Kushina asked as her husband began doing a set of seals, channeling the last amount of his summon a Shinigami...the Death God. "Shiki Fuin? Minato that's..."
"'d be able to recover with medical attention," he said after a moment. "Naruto needs his mother more than he needs me..."
Kushina's eyes widened. " Minato..."
"As the Hokage, and as his father, I need to do this!" Minato said as the Death God formed behind him. "I'll seal the Yin half of Kyubi's chakra into the Shinigami...and the Yang half into Naruto."
"Naruto? Why are you burdening him with this?"
Minato closed his eyes, remembering what his sensei talked about...a 'Destined Child'... "...since he's going to need it...he's the one whose going to defeat the man who did all this."
"Minato...he's our can't..."
" has to happen, Kushina," he bent down, hugging her tightly. "...this is the best way I can protect Naruto too...and give the future the fighting chance it needs."
Kushina breathed out. "...Minato...I..." if she hadn't been so weakened from the day's events...she could have debated longer. "...very well...I'll make sure he knows it's for his own well being..."
Minato smiled. "After all this time, I've finally won an argument with you..." he said, sounding sad. "...if anything goes wrong, I'll seal some of your chakra into the seal itself to help our son when he tries to take control of the Fox."
"Right..." she looked at Naruto who was now sleeping pleasantly despite the raging fox nearby. "Naruto-kun...we'll be there for you..."
Present, Naruto's mind, Biju Sealing Chamber
Naruto had listened to his mother's story in its entirety, almost captivated in what his father and the others had done. And his eyes narrowed...everything that Madara had done...and he squeezed his hand into a tight fist. He then blinked, looking at Kushina.
"If you're here...something went wrong right...?" Naruto asked her.
"Yes..." Kushina admitted sadly, breathing out. "When Minato had sealed the Yin Chakra, my binds around the Kyubi were weakened due to it shrinking half its original size. When Minato went to seal the Kyubi inside lashed out, trying to kill you. Both Minato and myself leaped in front of it's path...and we stopped it's claw from hitting you."
"...I see..." Naruto said, rubbing his eye. "...thanks for telling me mom...I know what to do now."
Kushina wiped her own eye. "You...don't regret what we did to you?"
"No...I'm thankful...and I'm thankful that you love me so much! It makes me so happy," Naruto said with a grin. "Both you and dad! Man...I got a lot to tell Hinata-chan and Bee-sensei!"
"I wish I had more time...I'd have loved to hear how your girlfriend is..." Kushina said as she began to drift away. Naruto came over, pulling her into a hug.
"I love you mom...thank you..."
Kushina smiled sadly...fading away...but Naruto could still feel the warmth of her embrace. Pausing for a few seconds...he broke out into the widest smile he ever had. Filled with the confidence and love of his parents, he threw his arms into the air, cheering and making a vow.
I swear to be a bigger badass than my father...and stronger than my mother! He thought to himself with a grin. And I will defeat Madara, once and for all!