Moving the Pieces into Place Part II
Moving the Pieces into Place Part II
Amegakure, the same day
A steady downpour of heavy rain continued to bathe the industrial village of Amegakure, it has been like this ever since its late former leader, Nagato, had sacrificed himself to bring back everyone he killed in Konohagakure. His partner, the blue haired Konan was fixing a origami rose into her hair as she closed her gray eyes...she was still trying to get the technique down that could control the rain which Nagato had used. Konan looked down upon her village, she was focused on getting Amegakure into a war footing to aid the newly formed Allied Shinobi Forces against Madara's Akatsuki. Her Jonin and Chunin marched down the streets of the village while the clang of weapons being forged were heard in the blacksmith district. All over the village, little 'angels' were put up made of her kami bushins.
Paper began forming behind her back and formed into large, angelic wings and she flew into the downpour towards the hidden shrine where Nagato and Yahiko were entombed. She then looked up as if she noticed something.
That chakra...I definitely recognize... even though Konan couldn't cancel Nagato's technique, she could still use it to sense intruders. "Madara, so he's finally decided to make his appearance..."
In the streets of Amegakure, Madara had appeared out of the swirl of his mask, his Jikukan Ido providing a whirlpool effect in the area. He breathed in through his nose, looking around as he first set up guard. He slowly put his hand to the ground and smirked behind his mask.
This'll be the perfect place, right in the highest concentration of Ame's population...
Once he was finished, he jumped up to see several paper butterflies converging around him, which slowly unfolded and formed into Konan's full form with two angelic wings on her back. Her gray eyes narrowed, seeing Madara their who folded his hands behind his head.
"Is that anyway to greet your former comrade and leader, Konan? I was expecting to meet you the second I arrived."
"Nagato was Akatsuki's true leader, you were nothing but its mastermind," Konan said, hissing through her teeth at him.
Madara chuckled darkly. "Really now?" he stretched nonchalantly. "I guess we'll have to fight, though you could really save yourself the trouble if you just tell me where you're keeping Nagato."
"Over my dead body," Konan said bitterly, her eyes narrowed to thin slits. "I predicted you'd come, lets take the battle out of the village."
"Very well," Madara said with a smirk behind his mask.
With that, Konan's body broke apart into many slips of paper that were unaffected by the heavily falling rains. Once they had fully broken apart they formed into little paper butterflies and flew out into the area. Madara followed suit, his body disappearing right into his visible eye while the citizens of Amegakure went along their merry way without noticing the change.
On the outskirts of the village on a small sea, Madara reappeared on top of a floating destroyed pipe while Konan reformed a half second later. The lost Uchiha's Sharingan began tracing every piece of paper that formed around the former Akatsuki member. Once her torso and wings were formed, Konan lifted her hand up and the remaining papers all formed into several Kami Bushins, nearly 50 in all.
She really seems to have prepared for my Jikukan Ido...the clones will provide a distraction so she can have a chance of hitting me while I re-solidify... Madara's Sharingan narrowed as steam began rising and his vision was obscured by a wall of chakra. Kirigakure no Jutsu...
"I haven't been sitting on my ass all this time, Madara," the real Konan said as she formed a spear out of paper and sharpened it to an insane degree at the tip. "ATTACK!"
The clones burst through the blinding mist and Madara let the first two phase through him as he jumped off of the pipe he was standing on, grabbing a metal support from it and he blocked two paper swords from another two clones. He spun his improvised weapon as he leaped back blocking several kami shurikens from the clones. His eyes widened as he saw explosive tags forming right on the edge of some of the kami shurikens he deflected which immediately exploded, forcing him to phase through it as two more clones came close.
Using one handed seals, Madara took a deep breath. "Katon: Bakufū Ranbu (Fire Release: Blast Wave Dance)!" Combining his Mangekyo with the blue colored Katon he blew out from outside his mask he obliterated nearly 10 of Konan's clones with one massive swirling vortex of flame.
The mist had temporarily been blown away but Konan was already acting quickly, sending out hundreds of paper kunai right at Madara who began warping them to counter while blocking attacks from the clones. Then two of the clones leaped right into the path of his eye, being consumed in what looked to be a suicidal gesture.
"Bushin...Daibakuha (Clone Great Explosion)!" the clones yelled as their bodies glowed and detonated with the force of at least 10 explosive tags...right in Madara's face.
Madara snarled, pushing himself back as his robes were blasted off as two more clones flew in, tossing kami shuriken with explosive tags attached to keep the pressure up. In response, the Uchiha phased into the water to avoid the assault and he reappeared behind several more clones and began firing large, blue colored fireballs right at them.
The clones were destroyed as Konan herself began firing several hundred kami kunai right at Madara who let them phase through him. The remaining clones flew towards him, creating chakrams made out of chakra and then tossing them at high speed. The Uchiha avoided one, and then he began to phase out of the second one and just as he finished the chakram exploded, sending him tumbling forward as more of his Akatsuki robes were blown off.
The rest of the clones flew at him and Madara took a deep breath through his nose and he blew out a large firestorm from where his mouth was on his mask before spinning around at high speed. The clones were caught in the fire tornado as the Uchiha stopped, his eye showing an arrogant smirk. The mist began reforming as Konan herself flew in.
Madara's eye narrowed as Konan pointed her wings forward and shot forth a huge stream of paper right at him directly. The Uchiha stood up, his Sharingan darting from sided to side as the paper enveloped him and he phased through it.
What is the wench trying...? Madara thought as he paper all began swirling around him and pelting him.
"Kami Teikiatsu (Paper Cyclone)!" Konan yelled as she charged her paper spear with chakra, flying in at full speed.
In response, Madara reached and grabbed her by the neck. "I think we're done here..."
With that, Konan saw the Uchiha's Sharingan swirl...into a Mangekyō form she recognized from Deidara's description of his battle with Hatake Kakashi. It was like a three pointed shuriken, and the blades were 'connected' like it was in mid spin. When he had used it before, she couldn't make it out because of the distance and the shadow of Madara's mask.
"Meet my real technique, Kamui," Madara said coldly and began sucking her into his eye.
"I'm not going down yet!" Konan yelled as her torso disintegrated into many sheets of paper.
Madara's eye widened as the papers he had already sucked into his Kamui changed into explosive tags and simultaneously ignited with such force he was sent flying back and his arm had been blown off. The top of his mask spun in mid air before falling into the water and he skidded back on its surface as Konan reformed, breathing in and out through her nose. She had used the explosion to get the distance she needed away from the Uchiha, her wings reforming.
"Impressive...I underestimated you," Madara said, red blood trickling from his forehead as he flexed his remaining arm. "No wonder why Nagato trusted you so much."
"I'm not done, Madara," Konan said as she pushed her hand forward. "You're now in my battlefield."
Madara blinked rapidly at that, his Mangekyō keeping a good look at her as he tried to process what she meant. "...what..."
Before he could even complete his sentence, the water began peeling away at a extremely fast rate...the entire massive lake split in two and papers began fluttering in the wind of the mass displacement. And Madara began to fall into the abyss, being unable to keep his footing since it was gone. He gritted his teeth behind his mask.
"Ever since I left Akatsuki, I've been preparing for this day Madara," Konan said as he fell. "Your Jikukan...your Kamui if that's what its called has a time limit of five minutes. You can't keep it active more than that!"
"Having me fall won't stop me from..." Madara started as paper began wrapping around him as he began to Kamui...and the paper turned into explosive tags and exploded and prevented him from using his jutsu.
"The chasm you're falling'll fall for 10 minutes..." Konan flapped her wings to gain altitude. "And all that time, myKami no Shisha no Jutsu (Paper Person of God) will be erupting in explosions...six hundred trillion explosive tags were put in there! You'll vanish!" The color faded from Madara's face as he continued his descent. "NOW DIE!"
And with that, the explosive tags started to detonate and the entire area began to vibrate from the force of the combined blasts. Even dozens of kilometers away, the blast plumes could be clearly seen and the citizenry of Amegakure all turned to watch their 'Angel' fighting the 'darkness' that she had warned them about. They began cheering as the explosions continued, shockwaves and reverberations shattering the glass of buildings on the outskirts of the village.
Madara attempted to remain intangible with his Kamui, each set of explosions making it harder and harder for him to concentrate on it. She really...knew how to prepare...that Jiraiya trained her well... For five minutes, the blasts continued and Konan watched and set off the next amount. I'll have to use...THAT technique to survive...
Just as Madara's intangibility ran out he performed a set of one handed seals. The rest of his Akatsuki uniform was blown off by the nearby explosions as he completed the jutsu...and let Konan's continue. Amegakure's Angel landed nearby, breathing in and out through her nose as she kept focused.
"Die Madara...vanish into the light..." Konan whispered angrily as another massive downpour started, and her senses through it still confirmed that Madara was in the chasm.
After the ten minutes were up, she dropped to her knee. Her Shikigami no Mai wore off from the chakra strain and she took deep breaths to recover from the ordeal. The rain was confirming that Madara wasn't in the chasm anymore, and she wiped her head. Nagato was safe, as were the Rinnegan, and she could begin plans to destroying the Gedo Mazo...
"At last...Madara is..."
"Dead right?" a voice said from behind her and her eyes widened, her sensing flaring as she jumped, shifting right to the left as a pipe pierced her torso. She had barely avoided her vitals being hit and was forced back to the water's surface.
" are you still alive...?" Konan demanded as blood began to leak from her mouth.
"Izanagi," Madara said from behind her as he twist the pipe to inflict more damage, the eye in shadow he had slowly closing as his Mangekyō eye took on an deranged look, the veins visible nearly up to the iris. "Only those who have both Senju and Uchiha powers can use this technique."
"Senju...and Uchiha...what are you talking about?" Konan growled and she spit out a little blood and wiped her lip.
"The Senju and Uchiha Clan used to be one and the same, the Rikudo Sennin being the progenitor of both clans," Madara explained as he twisted the pipe a bit more. "You are looking at the second Rikudo, with Nagato being the third. Senju and Uchiha in one body means that a technique similar to that of the Sennin's, Banbutsu Sōzō, is unlocked. Said technique being Izanagi." With that, he pushed Konan forward roughly as she stumbled forward. "With the Rinnegan, Izanagi doesn't carry any cost...a Sharingan that's used will be closed forever. Now, save yourself more...damage, tell me where you hid Nagato."
Konan snarled as she put her hand to her wound to stop the bleeding. Even a non-vital area would bleed out if she didn't re-assume her Shikigami no Mai. "So that's one...of the reasons why you want Nagato's you don't have a price to pay if you use that technique."
"Very astute," Madara said as he flicked the pipe and Konan's blood flew off it. "It'll also allow me to complete the real objectives in the War. I doubt Nagato even realized what exactly the Gedo Mazo statue truly was."
Konan finally was able to will up enough chakra and her body began splitting into paper as she lifted her hands. "No matter what you're planning, I'll stop you. I'll protect the trust that Nagato put in Naruto!"
A Kami Chakram was formed over her head and she tossed it at full speed at Madara. The Uchiha leaped over it as it created a wave. Konan began tossing more and more at the Uchiha who blocked them with his pipe but one managed to slice through it and he managed to phase through it. Landing as opponent created a blade of paper, she charged him him and began to duel him, their blades clashing and Konan pushed him back. Block, parry, spin, and sparks flew off their blades as they fought on the surface of the water. Blood dripped from Konan's wound but she still pushed forward, the strength of her chakra disrupting the water as much as the rain did.
Even with that injury, she just isn't quitting, Madara thought in annoyance and Konan yelled, disarming him and she slashed at him. He wasn't able to use Kamui in time and received as slash right into his side, his blood spraying forward. In anger he smashed his fist right into her wound and sent her skidding across the surface of the lake. "You have forced me to use this..."
Madara lifted up two fingers and there was a massive puff of smoke at the center of Amegakure. Two of its skyscrapers were seemingly cut in half by massive blades as the Nanabi, the Seven Winged Beetle appeared and gave a loud destructive roar which blew apart the surrounding area. Konan's eyes widened as she spat out more blood and the Uchiha used that distraction and dashed forward grabbing her by the neck and lifting her up with one hand as his own wound leaked blood and coated his pants red.
A small black ball was formed right at the Nanabi's mandibles, which it promptly consumed as Amegakure's ninja desperately tried to defend their home. Small puffs of smoke were seen on its bluish -black carapace from explosive tags and jutsus being used, but they couldn't even dent its shell. Steam was expelled from the Nanabi's thorax as it fired, its Bijudama being fired as a beam. Several buildings were torn apart by the sheer force of the attack before it detonated and took part of Amegakure with it. Konan could tell that Madara was having it hold back on its destructive might so he could keep her village hostage.
"Now you have a choice: save you damn village by telling me where you interred Nagato or let my pet there tear everything down until his corpse is found," Madara said as he squeezed. "Or I could just force you the old fashioned way and let your damn village be destroyed."
"I'll...never...even if..." Konan whispered, struggling in his grip as she tried to get her jutsu active again.
"Fine," Madara said as his Mangekyo spun and he forced eye contact with her, he then spun her around and forced her to watch his pet's rampage. The Nanabi gave a massive roar which shattered several buildings and it threw its horn around and smashed into the Ame ninja's counter attack. Her eyes widened as Madara made her get into eye contact with him again. "TELL ME!"
" I..." Konan whispered as she tried to resist and Madara made his genjutsu stronger. "...the Rinnegan...Shrine...under the...Smiling...God...Tower..."
"There, was that so hard...?" Madara said with a snarl, starting to tighten his grip. "For your resistance, you're going to die...and your village will be destroyed."
Konan's eyes widened in panic as...what looked like grains of sand began flying around them. Suddenly, they burst and Madara was forced to let go and a platform of sand formed under the paper user to catch her, and lift her up. The Uchiha watched her be raised out of his grasp and he turned...seeing the Kazekage and Hokage standing on a platform made of the same sand that had forced him to release her.
"Sorry we're late," Gaara said as Konan took several breaths, her airway clear and she coughed up more blood.
"More troublesome gnats," Madara said as he jumped out of the way of several Suna Shuriken. With my injuries, I can't afford to fight Gaara and Tsunade...
Tsunade knelt down by Konan and began healing her but the paper user grasped her wrist. " my village first..."
"Alright...hold out until then," Tsunade said as she did a seal and her Sōzō Saisei (Creation Rebirth) was released on her forehead. "I'll handle the Biju, Kazekage, you handle Madara."
Gaara nodded and his sand exploded from his gourd, whipping around and lashing right at Madara who dodged and did another set of one handed seals, blowing out several massive fireballs to try to distract the Kazekage. In response, Gaara's sand wrapped around him and Konan and the fireballs exploded harmlessly against it while Tsunade used a Shunshin to head to Amegakure. Bumps appeared on Gaara's sand as his eyes narrowed.
"Rendan: Suna Shigure (Successive Shots: Sand Drizzle)," Gaara said as he shot forth hundreds of bullets made out of sand right at Madara. They were moving so fast there were multiple pops as each projectile broke the sound barrier many times over.
In response, the Uchiha just stood there and activated his Kamui. Each of the bullets, despite their tremendous speed and piercing power all of them just passed through Madara's body without harming him. However, Gaara had counted on this and he lifted his hand before crushing it.
"Suna Bakuhatsu (Sand Explosion)!" Gaara had the chakra overload in each bullet and when Madara had finished phasing through the first wave he was sent skidding forward by the explosions of each bullet that was nearby.
What a nuisance... Madara thought with a snarl, his back being hit by the shockwaves and the now molten glass that the exploded sand had made.
In Amegakure itself, the ninja were desperately trying to hold the giant Biju beetle back. Several hundred kunai with explosive tags were tossed at the Nanabi who just flicked them away with its wings. A line of jonin all got into position and flew through a set of seals and shot forth a massive combined Water Dragon right at the Nanabi, hitting it right in the thorax with a massive amount of force...but the Biju didn't even stagger. The Nanabi's shell was the second strongest defense the Biju had, next to Kyubi's own massive durability. Thus the massive beetle Biju was practically invulnerable to damage. It then roared, sending all the Jonin flying back like they were nothing but ants caught in a windstorm.
"What are we supposed to do here?! We're not even denting it!"
"We have to hold out for Angel-sama! She'll be back here soon to help us fight this thing!"
The Biju charged forward and smashed its horn into the Amegakure's defenders and ripped another one of the giant skyscraper's in two. Its wings slashed out, cutting several more buildings as the civilians tried to flee. A genin, no more than 11 or 12 clutched a kunai and prepared to guard the civilians behind him from the massive beetle as the Nanabi charged forward, its mandibles clicking it used its mass to cause more damage. Just before it could reach the boy there was a sound above them.
"Tsūtenkyaku (Heavenly Kick of Pain)!" And a blonde haired woman fell down from the sky out of nowhere and smashed her heel right into the Nanabi's head. The sheer force of the blow sent it crashing to the ground...and the Nanabi's armor then cracked and splintered. The genin looked up in awe as the woman landed, putting her hand to her hip. "Boy, be sure to get the civilians to safety, I'll handle things from here."
Blue blood dripped from the Nanabi's wound as it rose back to its full height and Tsunade, the Godaime Hokage charged to meet its challenge. The Nanabi roared and pushed its horn forward and the Sannin grabbed right onto it, twisted and pulled with all her strength to toss the Biju right in the opposite direction. Several Jonin and Chunin landed near the Hokage as Tsunade cracked her knuckles.
"Whose the person Konan left in charge?" Tsunade demanded as the Nanabi struggled to get up, being a beetle it was having trouble righting itself when thrown right onto its back.
"I am ma'am, Daichi Hachiro is my name," Hachiro said, he was a tall, well built man with a scar that covered his forehead, that also went down his cheek. He was wearing the traditional Amegakure flak jacket and had two kunai swords on his back. "We weren't expecting a Biju to attack us when Angel-sama said she was going to fight Madara!"
"I wouldn't have planned for that either, but you have to adapt," Tsunade said as she breathed out. "While I fight the Biju, you keep the civilians safe. Get them to the shelters, understood?"
"Understood, ma'am!" Hachiro said as he turned to his comrades. "You heard her, we have to focus on the evacuation! Lets move!"
With that, the Jonin and Chunin disappeared using Shunshin as the Biju righted itself. It gave a roar and Tsunade punched her fist to her hand. The Nanabi flew at her at high speed as the Sannin leaped towards one of the collapsing buildings and grabbed it...and then lifted it right up. Using it like a giant bat, she swung it right at the Nanabi and hit it in the face. The Biju roared and was sent flying back. Its wings began beating at a higher rate to right itself as Tsunade kept up her attack.
Using another shunshin she charged chakra to her fist and drew it back. Just as the Nanabi had managed to equalize its falling momentum Tsunade slammed her fist, using the full force of her strength as well as the enhancing of it with her chakra control to shatter another part of the beetle's carapace and send it sprawling to the ground. She landed just as the Nanabi managed to counter, slashing forth with a wind blade from its wings. She jumped out of the way...but her arm was severed right above her elbow, near her shoulder and she gasped in pain.
She glanced back as the wind blade cut through several massive buildings before losing power on the outskirts of the village. The Nanabi seemed to laugh at that, finally having scored its own blow against the Sannin...when she held out her stump. New bones first grew out, completing her arm and then her hand, before muscles regrew on them and then a new layer of skin completed the regeneration. Tsunade squeezed her new fist, breathing out.
Alright, avoid the wind blades-at least I know about them now, Tsunade thought, flexing her new arm and rotating it.
The Nanabi growled in annoyance, floating back up as its broken armor began dropping from its thorax. Tsunade noticed the last 'tail' that the Nanabi seemed to use to 'stand' on or keep itself balanced in the air. Forming a plan, she grabbed her blood from her old limb, and did several seals before slamming her palm down.
"Kuchiyoise no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)!" Tsunade yelled out and in a massive puff of smoke, Katsuyu, the Queen of the Slugs, had been summoned. "Katsuyu, get ready for combat!"
"As you wish, my lady!" Katsuyu said as the Nanabi roared and flew towards them. The giant slug met the charge. "Zesshi Nensan (Tongue Tooth Sticky Acid)!"
The Nanabi managed to avoid the acid spit that Katsuyu shot at it but several droplets of it managed to hit its wings, and the Biju hissed in pain as the acid burned holes through them. It roared in anger and launched more wind blades, dozens of them at the queen slug and Tsunade. Tsunade predicted this and leaped off her summon's head...just as Katsuyu was hit. However the queen slug divided just in time and split into hundreds of tiny Katsuyus which were all linked.
The Nanabi roared in annoyance and created a screen of wind blades as it tried to hit all the divided clones that Katsuyu had created. In their smaller form however, the Katsuyus were faster and more agile and crawled and dodged each blade while they shot acid right up at the Biju. Tsunade herself had landed on top of a nearby skyscraper, forming a plan.
Without that tail to keep itself balanced, it won't be able to fly nor stand, Tsunade thought to herself as the Nanabi hissed and roared, blowing away several of the Katsuyu clones. In response they all shot a massive combined acid attack. With Katsuyu keeping it busy, I'll be able to grab onto it but I won't be able to drag it down with my weight...
Katsuyu's clones continued their barrage and fired wave and wave of corrosive acid right at the Nanabi. The massive beetle roared and managed to dodge most of it but its wing-tips began to melt as miniscule amounts of the acid made contact.
"Suppaikō (Acid Rain)!" the Katsuyu's yelled and shot a massive amount of acid into the air above the Nanabi which began falling with the rain, hitting the Biju's in the back.
The Nanabi howled and roared in pain as its carapace started to succumb to the acid rain as the Katsuyus began to reform. Tsunade leaped down from her safe area, putting her hand on one of the clones.
"Tsunade-sama?" Katsuyu asked and looked up at her.
"I have a plan," Tsunade said as she stood up. "But I need your help. Can you make a smaller clone and put it on me to start with?"
Katsuyu nodded and from the clone, a smaller Katsuyu split off from her and Tsunade put it on her shoulder. With that, the Sannin used a shunshin to get back onto the skyscraper. Katsuyu herself reformed into her full form and began to slither forward at full speed and launched herself into the air right at the Nanabi. The biju contemptuously avoided the massive slug by flying up, then it spun around and sent a flurry of wind blades right at Katsuyu.
The slug split again and avoided each and every wind blade and the Biju gave a loud, frustrated roar which managed to blow away Katsuyu's clones. They began reforming in a longer formation as they withstood the roar's shockwave and Tsunade leaped to make her move.
"Kage Bushin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)!" Tsunade said as she leaped into the air and created a clone next to her which jumped up from her shoulders and sent her flying down towards the Nanabi's tail.
The Nanabi was so distracted by Katsuyu it didn't see the Sannin's clone doing several seals and she squeezed her hand into a tight fist. "Raiton: Ikazuchi Ryu (Lightning Release: Thunder Fist)!" she yelled and her fist was engulfed by lightning.
Just as the Nanabi was about to notice her she smashed her fist right into the Biju's chin. The force of the blow sent the Biju's head flying up...and the electricity that was forced into its body from the punch temporarily inflicted paralysis. The real Tsunade controlled her fall thanks to Katsuyu and grabbed the Nanabi's balancing tail.
"NOW KATSUYU!" Tsunade yelled as the rest of the Katsuyu extended up and reformed right at the Sannin's legs using the Betabeta no Jutsu (Sticky Technique). Using Katsuyu's weight, I'll pull the Nanabi right out of the air while it's still paralyzed from the Ikazuchi Ryu. Then I'll slam it down a few times to rip it off...!
The Nanabi howled in surprise as it was dragged right down to the ground by Tsunade and Katsuyu, the Sannin's clone bursting away in a puff of smoke. The Sannin landed with her slug summon supporting her, the impact on the ground causing everything to shake and crack from the minor earthquake due to the weight from both Katsuyu and the Nanabi.
Tsunade then yelled and lifted the Biju up by the tail again as Katsuyu detached herself from the Sannin. She lifted the Nanabi up and over her shoulder and smashed it to the ground belly first before she lifted it up again and slammed it onto its back. Each impact shook the entire village of Amegakure and got the attention of Madara,Gaara, and Konan who were still kilometers out.
"Take...this...and...this...and THIS!" Tsunade yelled as she smashed the Nanabi around like a ragdoll again and again and she heard each and every crack and splinter of the Biju's exoskeleton. Just a few more...and the tail...
Despite the paralysis of its body, the Nanabi began gathering the black and white chakra at its mouth as Tsunade smashed it again face first. She leaped up, feeling the tail being weakened more from all the strain and she gave one more tug as the Nanabi landed flat on its back again. The impact sent her up even higher as she leaped...and the stabilizing tail was ripped right off in a sickening crunch. The Nanabi roared in pain and fired of its fully formed Bijudama right at Tsunade.
Katsuyu reacted quickly, grabbing the Sannin in time to get her mostly lifted above the Bijudama...but Tsunade cried out in pain as her legs right above her knees were melted off by the heat and power of the attack. The Bijudama flew into the sky then, exploding with such force the rains that had been drenching the village were completely banished, fresh sunlight began shining through.
"Tsunade-sama!" Katsuyu yelled in surprise.
"Just give me...a second..." Tsunade said as she purposely cut open the cauterized wounds on her leg stumps with a Chakura no Mesu (Chakra Scalpel) and they began to regenerate. In just a few seconds the Sannin's legs had completely regrown and Katsuyu put her down gently. "We won..."
Tsunade panted for a little bit as the Nanabi exploded away in a puff of smoke, too damaged to continue the battle. She dropped on one knee and breathed in an out, there had been nothing which had taxed her regeneration like the Nanabi had. Deactivating Sōzō Saisei, the Yin Fuin reappeared on her forehead but she didn't transform back to her true age.
"Time to heal Konan," Tsunade said after a few moments and she rose to her feet. "Katsuyu, you can return back now."
"As you wish, my lady," Katsuyu said as she vanished in a puff of smoke.
Tsunade looked around the battlefield, nearly three quarters of Amegakure had been demolished by the Nanabi's rampage and her fight with it. Smoke rose from the ruins, and the few buildings that still stood near the epicenter were melting from Katsuyu's acid. She breathed out, the scene was very similar to the condition Pain had reduced Konoha too.
Were the civilians able to get to their shelters in time...? Tsunade thought as she made a seal. Due to being part Uzumaki, she had inherited a bit of their sensory abilities. It had enabled her to find injured and dying people when Konoha was under attack by Pain and heal them. She sensed a large mass of people outside and under the village, hiding in the battle shelters. Thank goodness, Konan will be happy about this...
Back where Gaara was still fighting off Madara, the Kazekage had his sand in its full shield and had caught several huge shuriken with it that the Uchiha had launched using his Kamui technique. Madara's eye shot towards Amegakure, seeing the smoke rising from the village yet the Nanabi was nowhere in sight. His eye narrowed and he squeezed his hand into a tight fist.
"I guess I shouldn't have underestimated Tsunade...but I believe I can't stay here and play for much longer, Kazekage," Madara's Kamui activated and pulled himself into his eye. "I got what I came from, it was a good workout."
"Suna Shuriken Rendan (Sand Shuriken Shower)!" Gaara went, firing off several shuriken made of sand from his shield at Madara, but it was too late...he had vanished right into his eye.
Konan breathed in and out, her eyes narrowed. "With that...technique...he'll reach where Nagato is interred and disappear before we can even get there...damn it..."
Gaara knelt by her. "Don't push yourself too hard, you fought well against him despite his power."
"Thank you, Kazekage..." Konan said as she closed her eyes. "And forgive me for what I did to you when I was part of Akatsuki."
"There's no need," Gaara said as he stood up. "You've already redeemed yourself in my eyes, I'm sure Naruto'll be glad to hear about this fight."
Under the Smiling God Tower, which had been relatively untouched by the massive battle that had raged in the village, Madara reappeared. He noticed all the origami flower bouquets and resting right on a bed of white roses were the bodies of Nagato and Yahiko. Yahiko looked like he had been put asleep, and all the chakra rods from his time as Nagato's Deva Path had been removed. Nagato though...his eyes...his Rinnegan were still open and the smile he died with was still present, and his normally red hair was now as white as freshly fallen snow.
"You have definitely become the Sandaime Rikudo. It was said that later in life, when he reached the full extent of his abilities the Rikudo himself had white hair..." Madara said, and he noticed Nagato's deathly smirk. "Even in death, you mock me..."
He put his hand on Nagato's body...and warped him into his eye with Kamui. He glanced at Yahiko, briefly debating if he should take it as well to get his pair of Rinnegan, but decided against it. He needed to implant Nagato's eye into the one he sacrificed for Izanagi, as well as heal himself after the extremely difficult battle with Konan. With that, he disappeared into his own eye and left the imprint of Nagato's body in the flower bed.
Island Turtle, mid-air en route to Land of Lightning
After the attack by Kabuto and his Edo Tensei, Deidara and Hanzo, it had been decided by Naruto, Mei, and Onoki to relocate the island back near Kumogakure for added security. The plan was for an additional, stronger barrier network to be set up around the island to provide an added defense if another attack was launched. Tenko glanced down from the flank of the Turtle, his eyes wide and he grinned.
"Damn, I can't believe that old man is lifting this entire thing!" Tenko said as Hinata and Naruto came over. Naruto was still training in his Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode, the chakra flickering around him.
Naruto grinned. "I've never been so high up!" he grinned at Hinata. "Have you Hinata-chan?"
"No, I haven't...its quite incredible..."
Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi then flew up, carrying some folded clothes as well as a new headband. They also had orders of the divisions that Hinata and Tenko were assigned in. The Iwa Kunoichi grinned as she landed and stretched after she put the flak jacket, shirt, and pants down.
"Man, everything seems to be almost finished at Kumo! I've never seen so many ninja before in my life!" Kurotsuchi exclaimed with a grin. "Oh, Hinata right?!"
Hinata nodded. "Yes...that's me..."
"We've been assigned to the same Division, the Second!" Kurotsuchi said happily as she lifted the clothes up for Hinata. "After you change, lets hang out together before we arrive at Kumo, at the pace Gramps is flying we won't arrive in Kumo for another 48 hours!"
"Oh, I see," Hinata said as she blinked, taking the uniform from Kurotsuchi. "Thank you, and sure."
Tenko grinned. "Where am I assigned?"
"First Division!" Akatsuchi said with a grin. "Under General Darui, I've been assigned to General Gaara's Fourth Division!"
Tenko grinned. "That's great!" Maybe I'll have time to talk with mom before hand...I haven't seen her in a while...
Naruto rubbed the back of his head. "I hope you guys do okay on the front lines while I'm here..."
Hinata blushed a bit. "We'll...we'll win this war Naruto-kun. You don't have to worry!"
"That's right! If the enemy doesn't know where you are, we can probably end this War with minimum casualties too!" Tenko added and Naruto breathed out.
"Right...I guess...for now...I should really just master this power..." Naruto said as he looked determinedly. "So if I do have to go on the field, I can be of help!"
Tenko grinned. "By the time you're in the War, I'll have fully mastered Sage Mode, you won't be the only perfect Sage around!"
"Oh I'll really like to see that!" Naruto said enthusiastically and he put his hands behind his head as Bee walked over.
"Yo Naruto we still have training to do!" Bee said as he moved his fingers around. "Big black ball creation is the nation of the Biju's ultimate attack jack! Gotta start on that, so lets head back!"
Naruto blinked. "Okay, right! Lead the way Bee!"
"Wait!" Tenko said with a grin. "I completed the jutsu you taught me, Naruto!"
With that, chakra swirled at the center of Tenko's palm and formed into a solid, rotating ball and Naruto grinned widely. "That's awesome Tenko!"
"I've done it too Naruto-kun..." Hinata said as she held open her own hand and the Rasengan swirled to life over it. "...I feel I got stronger because of it, thank you for teaching it to me."
Naruto hugged her tightly at that and patted Tenko's back. "Man I wish I could teach you how to add your elements to your Rasengans or make them bigger!"
"Adding our elements?" Tenko asked and he looked at Naruto in confusion.
"Well the Rasengan is designed for the element of the user to be incorporated into it..." Naruto exited his Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode and stood still for a second to enter Sage Mode. He then created three clones to show the process, first creating the Rasengan, and then he had the clones add their wind chakra to it and the wind blades spinning around the sides grew and created a large, fuma shuriken size attack. "And this would be the final product I made...the Futon: Rasenshuriken!"
"Holy crap!" Tenko yelled as he jumped back and saw the Rasenshuriken for the first time. "But...I'm not a Futon element..."
"'d have to add your Ero-sennin you're a Katon and Doton right?"
"Right!" Tenko said with a grin. "I'll work on getting my Katon into my Rasengan! I'll show you the results!"
Naruto gave a wide grin at that as he gave a thumb's up to Tenko. Hinata was dragged off by Kurotsuchi before she could say anything more, the Iwa Kunoichi talking happily with her about things in Iwa and the upcoming War. Naruto himself was led back to the Tailed Beast Temple underneath the Falls of Truth by Bee so that they could continue training. Tenko himself started listing off things he had to complete so he could catch up with his friend.
In the Tailed Beast Temple, Bee lead Naruto to one of the other chambers. He had the young Hokage reach in a Hachibi head carving and hit the button that would open up the large room. When that was done, the two walked in into yet another pure white space in the area. Naruto looked around as Bee grinned.
"Alright Naruto its time to learn the Biju's most powerful jutsu: the Bijudama!" Bee said as he fully transformed into the Hachibi's full form. Naruto's jaw lowered, seeing the full transformation for the first time as the absolutely giant ox-octopus looked down at him. "First off get into your Chakra Mode, Naruto!"
Naruto nodded. "Right!" he pushed his palms together and entered his Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode, the chakra dancing around his body like flames. "Now what?"
"Now push all that chakra out, and you'll assume the full fox form about!" Bee replied in a rap.
"Alright..." Naruto said as he focused. "Push the chakra out...form the Fox...lets SEE!"
Naruto's Chakra Mode flared around him as his body took a more fox like appearance. In a burst of smoke, Bee looked intently and expected a massive fox with nine tails to be standing in front of him. However...when the smoke cleared there was a...tiny red fox with nine tails, and the form still had Naruto's blonde hair on top.
"...that's...not what I expected."
The form puffed away as Naruto fell on his butt and panted. "That...took a lot of chakra...I wonder what was wrong..."
Bee, let me take over, the Hachibi said as Bee nodded. "Alright Naruto, Number Eight wants to talk with ya!"
"Uh...okay..." Naruto said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead from the attempted transformation.
"Alright Naruto, I think I know the and the Kyubi aren't synced. If that doesn't happen, you can't fully transform like me and Bee," the Hachibi explained as he crouched down and got eye level with Naruto. "Until that happens, I think fully transforming is out of the question."
"...that does make sense...but I kind of left him in a bad mood when I beat him..." Naruto said as he rubbed the back of his head.
"That also means you may be unable to use the Bijudama at this point," the Hachibi continued as the young Hokage gave a nod.
" exactly does a Bijudama work anyway? I've seen the Kyubi do it...and I think when I blacked out and the Fox taking over had me do it too," Naruto asked.
"Well, if you noticed, the Bijudama is created from chakra only the Biju know how to use. Its called Black and White Chakra. When we gather it, we form it into a dense ball that focuses above our mouths. Said ball is a ratio of 8:2-black and white respectively. When formed...we have the choice of either swallowing it to compress it more, fire it as a wave blast, or fire it as the uncompressed ball itself. The last choice is often the most powerful," the Hachibi explained as Naruto nodded.
"So...basically...dense ball formed of that black and white chakra...what does the 8:2 ratio feel you just know when it happens?" Naruto asked and the Hachibi thought about it.
"Yes, basically. Though it blew up quite a few times in Bee's face before he got it down," the Hachibi replied.
"...if I can do it in the tailed forms that Kyubi put me in, I should be able to do it in Chakra Mode!"
"One more thing about your Chakra Mode, Naruto. Unlike your V1 state, the Kyubi will consume your chakra while you're in Nine-Tailed Chakra Mode. So you have to be careful on how long you stay in it," the Hachibi warned and the young Hokage blinked. "If Kyubi consumes it all, you'll die. And if you use Kage Bushins in that form it'll speed up the rate of consumption."
Naruto crossed his legs as he thought, digesting that. "...of wouldn't be without risks..." but then he smirked. "It hasn't been the first time I have faced them, and gotten around them!"
"...well that's an attitude towards it, I suppose..."
"Hey...uh Hachibi...can I ask another question?"
"Well what is it?"
"...should I call you Hachibi...Number Eight...or something else?" Naruto asked him. "Just...kind of feels weird calling you by your tails..."
The Hachibi blinked at that, but actually smirked. "Gyuki. Just call me Gyuki if you want then Naruto. Told Bee but he says 'Number Eight rhymes better'."
Naruto grinned. "Alright Gyuki!" he then put his hand to his chin. "...should I continue to call Kyubi, Kyubi then?"
"Well his real name is Kurama, but I bet he'd be pissed off if you knew that..." Gyuki replied and he sighed as he heard an angry 'You stupid ox!' in his head. "Called it."
" can hear him even though we're not doing that fist-bump thing that Bee does?"
"All Biju share a telepathy that's undetectable to the rest of the world. Not even a Yamanaka can pick it up," Gyuki explained and the young Hokage nodded.
"Right...okay then...I'll get started on trying to get the Bijudama in my Chakra Mode down!" Naruto announced and he grinned.
His Chakra Mode flared up and he put his hands near his seal instinctively. He tried to gather the black and white chakra...some began to appear but quickly fizzled out and he blinked. Naruto tried again, this time he used his chakra arms to began pulling more and more of the black and white chakra he created and a small ball began forming. Like the Rasengan...he began to spin the chakra but it burst after the ground cracked and splintered under his feet and he was sent flying back. Gyuki blinked in surprise as Naruto winced and lifted up his hands which started to sizzle.
"Naruto...what were you trying to do when you added the rotation?"
"Oh...I saw it was starting to destabilize when it began forming a ball...and thought that the Rasengan can keep the chakra spinning inside..."
Yo Eight, let me say something before its too late! Gyuki stepped back in their mind as Bee's voice boomed out. "Naruto yo, where'd you learn that bro?"
"...Ero-Sennin taught it to me...though he learned the Rasengan from my dad, the Yondaime Hokage," Naruto said as Bee pictured it...and he grinned.
Even in Gyuki's massive form, Bee began...trembling. Yondaime Hokage...I can't believe he actually did it...
"That was designed like the Bijudama itself!" Bee exclaimed with a grin. "That Hokage, I can't believe he actually pulled it off! The Rasengan is just a human level Bijudama!"
Naruto's eyes widened, and he grinned. "If that's the case...I'm gonna get the Bijudama down for sure!"
"And we'll work on getting the rest of your attacks ready to be used in this form too!" Bee said with a grin. "When we enter the War, Akatsuki won't know what to do!"
For the rest of the day, Naruto trained with Killer Bee as Hinata and Tenko got on their uniforms for the Allied Shinobi Forces. Both of them also started training as well, Tenko immediately attempted to try to get his element into his Rasengan while Hinata worked on mastering both the Rasengan and Rasenyari in combat.
Hinata darted around the imaginary enemies, a Rasengan in one hand and a Rasenyari in the other as she dodged an imaginary attack and thrusts her Rasenyari forward like a drilling spear. She then dodged another attack and slammed her Rasengan into the attacker's face, her Byakugan tracked each target and she finished off the last with her Rasengan which she used to smash into the target's face.
Tenko, meanwhile had created three clones and he was attempting to get his Katon element into his Rasengan. Already, he was surrounded by craters and covered in dust and dirt from his attempts. He breathed in and out, trying again as he had his hand out and he began to create the Rasengan again. A Rasengan swirled to life in his palm and the clones began breathing flames around it and spinning it into the ball. But then it blew up, and Tenko was sent flying back and his clones were dispelled. He groaned and rubbed his head.
"Damn it, what am I doing wrong?!" Tenko yelled as smoke wafted off his palm. "Ow..."
Kurotsuchi was watching both. "Wow, the Hokage's training, and Hinata and Tenko too..." she grinned. "They're really..." Tenko was trying again after making three more clones with the Kage Bushin technique and his attempt made another explosion in his face. "...getting ready for the battles ahead!"
Hinata jumped near a tree, and avoided another imaginary enemy and she spun and drilled through said tree like their was an enemy there, and the tree shuttered and fell. She panted and she turned off her techniques and wiped her forehead.
"Hey Hinata, Tenko, want to go get something to eat?" Kurotsuchi asked as she jumped down. "We won't be back at Kumo for a while so come on!"
From yet another crater, Tenko yelled. "Give me a bit more time, I think I'll be onto getting this down then!"
" too much before a War doesn't sound like a smart thing to do," Hinata said with a smile and walked over to Kurotsuchi.
They were shortly at Bee's house on the Island Turtle, having some onigiri and dimsum to eat. Kurotsuchi grinned at Hinata as she slowly bit into her dimsum, the pork bun tasting really good to her.
"So Hinata, what's your relationship with the Hokage?"
Hinata nearly choked, grabbing the tea she had and drinking it. "Uh...well...we're...together..." her cheeks were flushed deeply. "...basically..."
"Oho! Shame, he's real cute! I'd have loved to be with him!" Kurotsuchi said with a grin. "You planning on being with him before you head out? Might be a long time till you next see him..."
Hinata flushed at that. I...suppose that's true...but what should I do...?
Kurotsuchi slapped her back. "Well, I'm gonna go explore this island more, see ya later Hinata-chan!"
After more training, Naruto had left the Temple and wiped his forehead. The sun began to set, and his stomach started to growl. He grinned, and put his hands behind his head as he went back to Bee's while the Gyuki Jinchuriki went to check on his animal friends.
"Man, I wonder if Bee has some good ramen here..." Naruto wondered aloud as he jumped through the trees, heading back to Bee's house.
When Naruto had gotten there he smelt something very good in the kitchen and dining room. His mouth began watering as his stomach grumbled again. Kicking off his sandals he rushed in seeing Hinata already there, her cheeks were covered in a light blush and she was wearing an apron over her ninja uniform.
"Hello...Naruto-kun..." Hinata said as she breathed in and out.
"Hinata-chan!" Naruto exclaimed with a grin as he went over to her. "Man, what smells so good?!"
"I' have ramen, rice, and even sushi prepared eat..." Hinata said, her cheeks still bearing the twinge.
Naruto hugged her tightly while he grinned. "Thank you Hinata-chan, it smells great!"
Hinata fought off a blush as the two separated and she went to get the food. She put the rice container on the table, as well as the pot of ramen under a little burner on it too. Sushi and other dishes were also laid onto the table as Naruto's stomach continued to growl. Finally Hinata put the dessert-a bunch of homemade onigiri right onto the table.
"Lets...dig in shall we?" Hinata asked.
"Sure!" Naruto replied as his grin widened and the two took a seat across from her.
The two talked while eating, the Hyuga Heiress having took off her apron since she had finished cooking. They were telling each other about their training and wondered about things in Konoha at the moment. When both Hinata and Naruto were on their fifth bowl of the ramen, it began to sink in they wouldn't be able to see each other for a while.
"'ll out there right Hinata-chan?" Naruto asked her. "You're strong...I know that's war right...?"
"Yes...I'll be safe out there...I'm not fighting alone Naruto-kun..." Hinata said as she breathed out and finished her bowl.
He finished his bowl and walked over to her and put his hand on her's. "You'll be okay...I know're smart unlike me Hinata-chan. You even saved me during Pain's attack..."
Hinata looked up at him, her cheeks flushed again as he leaned in closer. She grasped his hand tightly...and in a moment of courage she leaned up and gently pushed her lips against his. The kiss lingered as the two wrapped their arms around each other. Naruto reached up...feeling Hinata's cheek tenderly as they kissed slowly.
Their kiss lingered for one minute...two...then three before they separated breathlessly. Naruto felt Hinata's cheek which was flushed even more as they kissed again and hugged each other close. The two then slowly began kissing again, and Hinata closed her eyes and savored it. When they broke off, taking deep breaths as they smiled at each other.
"We'll...see each other again...Naruto-kun..." Hinata said as Naruto gently pushed his forehead against her's. "I know it..."
"I know it too..." Naruto said happily.
The two held onto each other gently as they enjoyed the warmth that radiated off each other's bodies. They returned to the couch in the main room and Hinata cuddled against Naruto, her eyes slowly drifting off to sleep as the young Hokage held onto her. He looked up at the ceiling, and squeezed his hands tightly.
I swear Hinata-chan...I'll see you well as the rest of my friends...don't any of you dare die out there! If you do I'll beat the crap out of you! Naruto thought as he punched the air. ...I just have to...master my new power. And then I'll kick the crap out of Madara just like my dad did.
Akatsuchi and Kurotsuchi were about to walk in when the Iwa Kunoichi peeked in and giggled. "Lets leave the two love birds alone for a bit more, Akatsuchi..."
"But Kurotsuchi I'm hungry..." he said in a pleading whisper.
"We'll catch a deer or something and camp out like we did when we were training for the Chunin exams, so come on!" Kurotsuchi said in a harsh whisper.
Kurotsuchi dragged her whining teammate away before they could disturb Hinata and Naruto. The two were wrapped up in their own little world at the moment, the young Hokage wrapped his arms protectively around his girlfriend. The Hyuga Heiress nuzzled him, still fast asleep.
Mountain's Grave
Both Madara and Kabuto arrived back at the base at roughly the same time. The Akatsuki mastermind dropped to his knee's, using his Kamui to warp Nagato's corpse out of his dimension. His wounds were already closing up, but he had expended a massive amount of chakra and panted slightly. White Zetsu rose out of the ground, his yellow eye blinked seeing Madara in such a state.
"Damn Tobi, I haven't seen you that messed all before!" White Zetsu exclaimed as Madara glanced at him.
"Konan was a more powerful opponent than I had anticipated," Madara said simply. "Though it doesn't matter anymore. I got what I needed."
" the stuff you wanted. The new mask, cloak, and your fan too!" Zetsu said as the Uchiha nodded.
"Good," Madara said as he frowned. "Was Kabuto successful in his task?"
"...well...yes and no...he wasn't able to get either Jinchuriki but he said he has something that can empower our troops," Zetsu replied as he rubbed the back of his head.
Madara nodded and he put his hand to his chin. "And how is Sasuke's recovery, when should we expect his eyes to be ready?"
"From the look of it, about a month. But he's Even though he's blind," Zetsu replied. "His two teammates had the advantage at the start...but Sasuke's quickly adapted. Now Jugo and Suigetsu end up as heaps on the ground whenever they face him."
"Seems like he's learning to trust his other senses besides his eyes, good," Madara said as he dragged Nagato's corpse to the lab. "Prepare a new arm for me too, I'll get Nagato's Rinnegan right into my socket..."
"Are you sure you can handle that thing Tobi? It took years for Nagato to master those eyes right?"
"I don't have much choice," Madara said bitterly. "At best I'll get complete control over the Gedo Mazo statue, and gain the Gedo ability. It'll be enough for the War if I fight strategically."
Zetsu nodded. "Right boss. Should I tell Black Zetsu to get ready for a fight?"
"Yes," Madara replied as he entered his lab. "Make sure we're all ready for war."
Kabuto in the meantime was hooking the unconscious Yamato up to the Zetsu Flower, right under Senju Hashirama's clone. The kick that he had received from Tenko was regenerating and Manda II would be able to fight again in a few days. He cursed himself for not researching the garrison of the Island Turtle more thoroughly when he first arrived. But either way, he had achieved the objective...and had extracted a bit more of Hashirama's DNA from Yamato. Just enough for his purposes...
White Zetsu appeared, slowly appearing from the ceiling. "You almost done there? Tobi's back."
"Bout time, for a bit I thought he had been killed," Kabuto said as he used his middle finger to push his glasses back up. "I've finished getting Yamato hooked up, the changes to the army should become visible soon."
"He'll be happy to hear about that..." Zetsu said.
Kabuto smirked at that and straightened out his hood. At least Madara didn't learn of my true appearance, nor did he learn about my special poison for Mokuton users...
At the same time in the compound, Jugo was giving a loud roar, his arm changed into a massive ax as he leaped at Sasuke. The blind Uchiha idly dodged and ducked each slash and punch and gave Suigetsu the signal to join in the attack. The swordsman charged, swinging the Kubikiribocho overhead in a vertical slash silently but Sasuke managed to dodge and pulled out his chokuto Kusanagi sword and slashed upwards and blocked an attack from Jugo simultaneously.
Grr even blind we can't even touch him! Suigetsu thought bitterly as he swung vertically at Sasuke who jumped over the slash and lanced a solid kick in the swordsman's face.
"You need to work on yourSairento Kiringu Jutsu (Silent Killing Technique) if you want to surpass Zabuza, Suigetsu," Sasuke said nonchalantly as he elbowed a Jugo as he charged right at him, Suigetsu's face exploding into a torrent of water which quickly reformed.
"You're even more annoying now Sasuke!"
Sasuke had a smirk. Next time I face you Naruto, I won't go so easy on you! Just as Jugo was about to make another attack alongside Suigetsu, there was the sound of chirping birds around the last Uchiha and bolts of lightning arced right off his body. "Chidori Nagashi (Chidori Current)!"
The lightning attack passed through both Jugo and Suigetsu's bodies and they crashed back to opposite sides of the room. Jugo groaned, his Sennika (Sage Transformation) receded as he put his hand into his orange hair. Suigetsu had been reduced to a jelly-like state from the force of the Chidori Nagashi and he tried to reform despite being shocked.
"Damn you have to attack like that so hard?!" Suigetsu snarled as he pulled his body back together. "It'll take a bit for me to reform...!"
"I need to keep my skills honed Suigetsu. We'll go again when you're reform and remember, don't hold ANYTHING back."
...I'm starting to think Karin had the right idea by ditching him... Suigetsu thought bitterly his arms resumed their normal shape and texture.
Kumogakure, Allied Shinobi Forces Main Camp
Onoki had arrived in the early morning and put the Island Turtle back down in the harbor near Kumogakure. A was there to greet the Tsuchikage and Mizukage while Hinata, Tenko, Gai, Aoba, Akatsuchi, and Kurotsuchi made their way off the Island Turtle to join their Divisions as Mei and Onoki made their way to the Raikage. He had his hands folded behind his back, and was flanked by two bodyguards.
"Akatsuki was able to retrieve the Rinnegan," A said as he grumbled. "Despite our best efforts. The only thing that came out of it was the Hokage managed to defeat Madara's new attack dog, the Nanabi. Konan is recovering from her injuries in Kumogakure hospital, and Tsunade has recovered from the damage she sustained from the Nanabi."
"...that's something at least," Mei said as she breathed out.
"And as you know, Kabuto's raid kidnapped the Mokuton using ANBU codenamed Yamato," Onoki added as stretched his back. "Things have become even more dire."
"There is some good news though," Mei said as she looked at A. "The young Hokage has managed to get the Kyubi's power under control, from what Motoi-san told us the speed he gained in that form is pretty incredible as well as the attack power."
A nodded. "That makes sense...I assume my brother is continuing to train him?"
"Yes, I believe I overheard them talking about mastering the Bijudama," Mei said and the Raikage gave another nod.
"Good," A said as he glanced around. "We'll begin preparations to get the divisions on the move."
The other two Kage nodded in affirmative as the lower ranked ninja finally made it to the main camp. Tenko's and Hinata's jaws both hit the floor seeing the tens of thousands of shinobi and samurai from all over the Five Great Nations working together to get organized. They hadn't seen this many ninja in one place in their entire lives. There were civilian vendors from not only Kumogakure there, but Konohagakure, Kirigakure, Sunagakure, and Iwagakure. Several hundred blacksmiths were working around the clock to make as many shuriken, kunai, swords, and other weapons to be sure the army was well supplied, the sound of metal being bashed and hammered out was heard throughout the camp.
"Pretty amazing isn't it?" Kurotsuchi asked with a cheeky grin. "A force like this hasn't been seen in centuries, no when else in history have shinobi been so united!" Just as she finished saying that, a small fight broke out between a Suna ninja and a Iwa ninja which was broken up by a Kumo ninja. "...most of the time."
"Wow..." Tenko said as he looked around...several pretty women in the area caught his eye. "Heh...well...I'll see you guys later, gonna explore around a bit before I get to my Division!"
Tenko ran off, grinning a bit lecherously as a sweat drop began appearing behind Hinata's head. She chuckled weakly. Well...he is Jiraiya-sama's son...guess they aren't too far away on the family tree...
"I don't think we'll be mobilizing for a bit, but I bet the rest of your friends are here Hinata-chan, probably should check up on them!" Kurotsuchi suggested.
Hinata nodded. "That does sound like an idea..."
Kurotsuchi grinned and waved, walking off as Akatsuchi went to one of the vendors on the edge of the giant camp. Hinata nodded to herself and walked right towards the center of the giant camp and began looking around. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Haruno Sakura dressed in the same uniform she was and was helping carry some huge boxes to the medical supply tents.
"Sakura-chan!" Hinata said and she ran over to her.
"Oh Hinata-chan!" Sakura said and she turned to her friend from Team Kurenai. "I didn't know you'd be assigned to the front line divisions!"
"I back here...Naruto-kun's training is going well and I learned the Rasengan," Hinata said and she noticed...the diamond shaped mark.
Sakura grinned proudly. "I was training myself, with Kakashi-sensei. And even though Tsunade-shisho was busy I was able to work out and master Sōzō Saisei just a week ago!"
Hinata smiled. "That's incredible, Sakura-chan."
The two walked to the medical tents and the pink-haired kunoichi put the box of supplies down and put her hands onto her back and stretched. She rotated her shoulder and smiled at Hinata.
"So what division were you assigned to be in Hinata-chan?"
"Second Division, the Close Combat centered one. You?"
"Third Division under Kakashi-sensei," Sakura replied and she grinned. "Rock Lee's also in the division with Gai-sensei."
"I hope Gai-sensei's recovered from his battle with the Akatsuki member Hoshigaki Kisame," Hinata said as she rubbed the back of her head.
"Wait...Akatsuki attacked the turtle? How?"
"Kisame had smuggled himself in by hiding inside Bee-san's new sword Samehada," Hinata replied and the pink-haired kunoichi nodded.
" were lucky Hinata-chan, he was REALLY strong...even that clone that Team Gai fought struggled to beat him."
"He still got away though, Tsuchikage-sama had to move the Turtle back to the village to throw Akatsuki's tracking off," Hinata said.
"Well...did Naruto manage to do it? Get control of the Fox's chakra?" Sakura asked and the Hyuga gave an affirmative nod.
"Yep, the abilities he got...he's just so fast in that form...everything seems to be in slow motion for him. And he can use those chakra arms for enhanced dexterity and everything," Hinata replied as she rubbed the back of her head.
"Hey Hinata! Been a while!" the familiar voice of Inuzuka Kiba said as he rode over on his giant Ninken Akamaru. On his back were two new blades that Hinata could see were new. "Heh, Akamaru said you smell a bit stronger! And you kind of look more confident, all that time with Naruto did ya good!"
Hinata blushed a little bit and she poked her fingers together bashfully. "Not really...that much Kiba-kun..."
"Heh, same ol'Hinata!" Kiba said happily as Akamaru barked and went over and nuzzled her and Sakura.
"Hinata wouldn't be the same if she wasn't shy every once and a while," Hinata looked up as a swarm of Kikai Insects descended to the ground before they coalesced and formed into her teammate Aburame Shino. "Though I am curious of Naruto's growth as well."
Pfft there he goes with that new Mushi Ido no Jutsu (Insect Traveling Technique)... Kiba thought as he crossed his arms.
"Shino-kun, its good to see you," Hinata said with a smile as she scratched behind Akamaru's ear. "I haven't seen that jutsu before..."
"Its a new one I completed while you were away, Hinata," Shino said as he pushed his small black sunglasses up. "I trust your own training has gone well?"
Hinata nodded as Team Asuma came walking over. Shikamaru lifted his hand and waved. "Hey Hinata, been a while," there was a little beard growing at his chin now.
"Shikamaru here's been made the Proxy General of the Fourth Division," Ino said with a grin. She looked mostly the same though was carrying a bundle on her back, and her signature bang was moved out of the direction of her eye by a new hair-clip. "The only thing I think he likes about it is that he gets to hang around with Temari!"
Shikamaru rolled his eyes as Choji finished his bag of barbecue chips. "I don't think loud girls are really Shikamaru's type, Ino," he said with a grin. He was wearing a Konoha Flak Jacket unzipped over his normal Akimichi armor, and on his back he was carrying a bo staff. "And its great seeing ya again Hinata!"
The Hyuga Heiress gave a nod and a smile at that as she looked up, seeing her cousin Hyuga Neji walking over with his teammates Tenten and Rock Lee. "Hello Hinata-sama, I trust you're well?"
"Yes I am, Neji-nii-san," Hinata replied and she blinked, Neji's hair was now shoulder length instead of down his back. "You cut your hair?"
"Yes, so make it less likely that the enemy could grab it and use it against me," Neji replied with a nod.
Tenten grinned. "Heh, I think its because he kept having recurring nightmares of Lee putting him in women's clothing for skits or something!" On the weapon mistress's back she was wearing another large scroll over her normal weapon one.
"Yosh! I'd never do that!" Rock Lee was the same as ever...completely unchanged except for the Alliance Headband he was now wearing.
"...that...still doesn't make me feel better," Neji said after a moment and his friends and teammates laughed at that.
Kiba grinned. "Since this is probably going to be the last day before the War, I say tonight we head to Kumo to throw a little party!"
"Oh yeah! They got some really good barbecue places here!" Choji said as everyone nodded and agreed to head into the village. "Barbecue, barbecue, barbecue!"
Shikamaru grinned. "That means you'll handle the bill this time, Choji."
"WHAT?" Choji yelled and waved his arms around as they all laughed.
"How about we all pay our share then?" Tenten asked and they all nodded, the Akimichi's forehead immediately stopped sweating at the prospect of paying for everyone's meal.
With that, the group headed off to Kumo for one last night of fun. They all laughed and joked and tried to put off that they'd be in their first real War. Hinata then stopped.
"Wait, there's someone else that should go with us," she activated her Byakugan and located Tenko. "Just give me a second."
Hinata then used a Shunshin no Jutsu to appear near Tenko who was laughing and rubbing the back of his head after being shot down after he had asked one of the Kumo Jonin kunoichi's, a blond haired one with a rather full figure out. The Hyuga Heiress deadpanned as she noticed more similarities between him and his father Jiraiya.
"Oh hey Hinata!" Tenko said with a grin. "What brings you to find me?!"
"Well...I was thinking you could come with me and the rest of my friends for a dinner tonight, we were all planning on heading out now."
"Sure!" Tenko replied, his grin widened after hearing that. "Sounds fun!"
Hinata smiled. "Great, follow me."
"For what?" Tenko asked.
"Meeting the rest of Naruto-kun's friends and teammates, of course," Hinata replied with a smile. "We're all heading out to eat tonight before the War begins."
"That sounds great!" Tenko exclaimed and he grinned wider. Wonder if there are other pretty girls than Hinata that are in Naruto's class...
Soon, she and Tenko arrived back with the others and introductions were made. Ino and Sakura caught his eye...and...the pink haired kunoichi started to flush for some reason she couldn't identify. Choji, Rock Lee, and Kiba hit it right off with him, though Shikamaru had to cover Tenko's mouth when he almost called Choji 'fat' in a joking way. After that near disaster, the group walked to the village to have one last night just partying together and having fun before the War.
Mountain's Grave
Madara's wounds were now healed...he had to hook up to Hashirama's Clone directly to accelerate the healing. In the eye he sacrificed for Izanagi, he had one of Nagato's Rinnegan. While the shadows still covered his face he eased his new mask onto his face and secured it tightly. He stood up and eased his old, but repainted armor onto his body before he grasped his gunbai. White Zetsu rose from the ground and Madara's Sharingan eye glanced at him.
"The Army is all ready, all 100,000 White Zetsu have armed themselves with Mokuton weaponry and weapons, as well the enhancements Kabuto made are noticeable," White Zetsu said as he leaned back. "I tried putting spores on Kabuto like you instructed. They didn't take."
Madara frowned. "That's going to be a problem...has Kabuto at least finished his own army for us?"
" long until Sasuke is ready to fight, Madara?"
"...from his recovery, I'd say a month," Madara replied as he walked out to the main area of the hideout.
Kabuto was already waiting, dressed in the same cloak Madara was familiar with. And all around them...were dozens of coffins. Kisame was also there and he looked oddly subdued as he saw all of the Edo Tensei. Orochimaru's former assistant grinned and looked at Madara.
"Glad you could join us, I'm finished," he glanced. "First up...the late members of Akatsuki..." From the first six coffins, their doors slammed open as Yahiko, Nagato, Uchiha Itachi, Sasori of the Red Sand, Kakuzu, and Deidara all stepped out. "Then the late Kages..." From the next set of coffins, the Nidaime Tsuchikage, the Nidaime Mizukage, the Sandaime Raikage, the Yondaime Kazekage, Sandaime Kazekage, Shodaime Mizukage, Shodaime Raikage, Shodaime Tsuchikage, and the Shodaime Kazekage all stepped forward. "Then assorted famous Shinobi from all over the world..."
Uchiha Fugaku, Chiyo, Hyuga Hizashi, Hanzo the Salamander, Sarutobi Asuma, as well as nearly two dozen others, all famous shinobi from history walked out of their coffins. Madara saw them all as Kabuto raised his hands...and the last set of coffins were summoned.
"And finally, the late Jinchuriki," from the coffins, Uzumaki Mito was the first to step out, followed by Nii Yugito, Yagura, Roshi, Han, Ukataka, Fu, and Bee's cousin Killer Kai all stepped out, as well as a few others-from what Madara guessed, were other deceased Jinchiriki, perhaps of the Ichibi, standing in the background. "Such a force is unrivaled...don't you agree?"
"They better be worth it, Kabuto," Madara said with a bit of scorn in his voice.
Kabuto glanced back to see the Zetsus all beginning to rise out of the ground. They were all dressed in special wooden armor that they created for themselves, and had wooden blades and shurikens on their hips. One raised its hand and squeezed its hand into a tight fist before they all, Edo Tensei and White Zetsus began walking out of the Grave.
"With this...I declare the beginning of the Fourth Great Shinobi World War!" Madara announced and threw his fist into the air.
To Be Continued...
Author's Notes
Whew, what a chapter. I hope you enjoyed Konan's battle with 'Madara'. I wanted to give her a better showing than she had in canon, as well as keep her alive since I have more plans for her. I also hope you enjoy the skirmish Gaara had with 'Madara' as well as Tsunade's battle with Cho-Mei (the Nanabi). Hehe, I really liked writing the NaruHina scene as well as the reunion with the Rookies...and now the War is officially beginning with every Edo Tensei that is going to show up being there.
First battles are gonna start next chapter. I hope you'll enjoy! Please read and review and tell me what you liked!
Jutsu List:
Kumo-Ryū Mikazukigiri (Cloud-Style Crescent Moon Beheading): Taijutsu/Kenjutsu, B-Rank, Offensive, Close Range, users Omoi, Karui, Killer Bee, and Hideki. The user creates a crescent moon slash with their chakra, able to sever limbs, heads, or even chakra strings with a single strike.
Jiton: Kane Senpu (Magnet Release: Metal Whirlwind): Ninjutsu, No Rank, Offensive, Mid-Long Range, Kekkei Genkai, users Hideki, Toroi of the Jiton. Using the unique shuriken the user wields, the user makes them spin at high speed around each other. A powerful whirlwind is created by the spinning, enough to break through trees and branches.
Jiton: Soju-do (Metal Release: Body Manipulation): Ninjutsu, No Rank, All Ranges, Offensive, Kekkei Genkai, users Hideki: The user creates a powerful magnetic field with their chakra. Using it, they're able to manipulate the target's body due to the tiny amounts of iron inside it.
Rasenyari (Spiraling Spear): Ninjutsu, A-Rank, Offensive, Close Range, users Hyuga Hinata. Using the first two steps of the Rasengan, the user shapes the spinning chakra and adds power around the user's entire hand and forearm to give it a powerful penetrative force. Can increase in penetration with the reduction of fingers.
Chakura Ude (Chakra Arms): Ninjutsu, No Rank, Offensive/Defensive, All Ranges, Biju Skill, users Uzumaki Naruto, Killer Bee, any Jinchuriki or anyone with Biju Chakra in them: The user creates a simple arm made of chakra which can be used grab, and if necessary, crush targets, or can send normally short ranged ninjutsu into long range.
Nendo Bushin (Clay Clone): Ninjutsu, No Rank, Supplementary, Kekkei Genkai, All Ranges, users Deidara: The user simply creates a clone made of their special detonating clay.
Suiton: Mizu Misaru (Water Release: Water Missile): Ninjutsu, C-Rank, Offensive, Long Range, users Mei Terumi's Summoned Manta Ray, Mei Terumi. The user fires a high speed blast of water from their mouth, shaped into a missile that impacts with concussive force.
Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu (Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique): Ninjutsu, No Rank, Offensive, Kekkei Tota, All Ranges, users Onoki, Nidaime Tsuchikage Mu. By manipulating three elements, in the case of Jinton-Futon, Doton, and Katon, the user creates geometric shapes which engulf the target and destroy it right down to its very molecules. Users can destroy entire forests and even islands at the highest levels.
Mokuton: Jukai Kōtan (Wood Release: Nativity of a Sea of Trees): Ninjutsu, No Rank, Offensive/Supplementary, Kekkei Genkai, All Ranges, users Yamato, Shodaime Hokage Senju Hashirama, Shimura Danzo. The user creates a small forest to shape the battlefield for their own ends, can also be used as a cushion during a steep fall.
Kuchiyoise: Edo Tensei (Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation): Ninjutsu/Kinjutsu, S-Rank, Supplementary, All Ranges, users Nidaime Hokage Senju Tobirama, Orochimaru, Yakushi Kabuto. The user first finds the genetic material of the person they want to summon from the dead, stores it in a special scroll and then uses a sacrifice to bring the soul back to life as an immortal, unkillable zombie. The zombies initially have their memories and minds, but this can be eliminated via the Fuda that the user puts in their head. The zombies can also be modified, returned back to their 'prime' states of power. The only way to deal with the zombies is to either seal them, or force the summoner to break the contract which sends the souls back to the afterlife.
Katon: Amekata Doragon Kouen no Jutsu (Fire Release: Rain Style Dragon Flame Technique): Ninjutsu, A-Rank, Offensive, Long-Ranged, users Hanzo the Salamander. The user shapes a massive amount of chakra in their bodies into a giant dragon. When it comes in contact with the enemy, it explodes with enough force to destroy an entire large building.
Futton: Kōmu no Jutsu (Boil Release: Skilled Mist Technique): Ninjutsu, No Rank, Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary, Kekkei Genkai, All Ranges, users Mei Terumi. The user creates a heavy acidic mist in the immediate facility, as well as blind the target. Can be more lethal in enclosed spaces.
Yoton: Yoton no Yoroi (Lava Release Armor): Ninjutsu, No Rank, Offensive/Defensive, Kekkei Genkai, Close-Range, Kekkei Genkai, users Mei Terumi, Roshi of the Yoton. The user covers themselves in lava to act as a defense against physical attacks, as well as to make their own attacks more lethal.
Katon: Hachiman (Fire Release: Hachiman): Ninjutsu, S-Rank, Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary, All Ranges, users Hanzo the Salamander. Hanzo the Salamander's most powerful ninjutsu. Created after witnessing the legendary Uchiha Madara's Susano'o in his childhood, he creates a unique 'solid flame' defense around him and shapes it into his own War God. All but the strongest attacks will fail against its defense, and even water won't extinguish the solid flames.
Yoton: Sekkaigyō no Jutsu (Lava Release: Quicklime Congealing Technique): Ninjutsu, No-Rank, Offensive, Kekkei Genkai, Long-Range, Kekkei Genkai, user Kurotsuchi. The user manipulates the lava they create into a sticky quicklime which traps the enemy and hardens, leaving them vulnerable to attack.
Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Release: Water Trumpet): Ninjutsu, B-Rank, Offensive, Long-Range, user Kurotsuchi. The user blows out a blast of water from their lips, either to force them to the ground or spread things around.
Ranjishigami no Jutsu (Wild Lion's Mane Technique): Ninjutsu, B-Rank, Offensive/Supplementary, All Ranges, users Tenko, Jiraiya. This technique uses chakra to temporarily enhance the head's metabolism and manipulate the hair that grows longer as a result of it. There is also chakra flowing through the lengthened hair, making its hardness comparable to that of steel wire. By thickly bundling the hair, its strength is further increased, also increasing its destructive power.
Sen'ei Tajashu (Many Hidden Shadow Snake Hands): Ninjutsu, B-Rank, Offensive, Short to Mid Range, users Mitarashi Anko, Orochimaru, Yakushi Kabuto. By increasing the amount of snakes summoned with the Hidden Shadow Snake Hands, the diversity of this ninjutsu is increased. The swarm of big snakes appear in an instant, each snake individually doing something like intimidating, diverting, or capturing the enemy in a cooperative attack. Without giving them the time to react, the enemy is entangled.
Hari Jizo (Needle Jizo): Ninjutsu, B-Rank, Offensive/Defensive, Short Range, users Tenko, Jiraiya. This is a technique where the user encases themselves in a countless number of sharp needles, but in truth, the spikes are the user's hair. Chakra grants the strands of hair the hardness and shape of needles, endowed with a capacity to injure and kill on par with that of metallic weapons. In addition, if activated in response to an opponent's attack, it can also be used as a counter. The hair is made hard enough that it can withstand blows from certain types of weapons such as arrows.
Jūho Sōshiken (Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists): Taijutsu, No Rank, Offensive, Kekkei Genkai, Short Range, users Hyuga Hinata. The user strikes the targets arms and body, hitting their tenkatsu, before surrounding their arms in chakra in the shapes of lions which will rip and tear through the target if they hit. The user can also slam both lions into the target and detonate them, sending the target crashing back.
Suiton: Teppōdama (Water Release: Gunshot): Ninjutsu, C-Rank, Offensive, Long Range, users Gamabunta. The user kneads chakra, and converts it into water, and then spits it out in the form of condensed balls. The high-speed water ball attack possesses just as much power to kill as an actual gunshot. While this is a water release technique, it can still be employed someplace where no water is available, which is a great advantage. It is also possible to increase the power of destruction of the spheres themselves by building up the chakra inside of them. The number of bullets is determined while kneading chakra. By taking advantage of gravity, the bullets can brutally increase in power. With a user the size of Gamabunta, the bullets can actually be more like cannonballs, making them much deadlier.
Senpo: Kebari Senbon (Sage Art: Hair Needle Senbon): Senjutsu/Ninjutsu, No Rank, Offensive, Short to Mid Range, users Tenko, Jiraiya. This technique essentially hardens the hair on the user's head and shoots it continuously at the enemy. At the same time that Jiraiya kneads the chakra needed for Senjutsu and fires the hair needles, Fukasaku and Shima activate Jiraiya's hair roots causing the hair to grow at an accelerated rate thus making limitless rapid-fire possible. The sharpened points of the hair can turn the target's entire body into a pincushion. The sheer speed of this technique makes it the fastest attack with the widest range possible in Sage Mode to Jiraiya.
Zessenzan (Fighting Tongue Slash): Senjutsu/Ninjutsu, No Rank, Offensive, All Ranges, users Fukasaku, Shima. By kneading senjutsu chakra, user's long tongue gains utmost solidity and sharpness. It then leaps from his mouth with tremendous speed and force, even tearing a hole in the bedrock and through metal pipes. With that ground-splitting power, the enemy is cut in half. The way that both the enemy and the ground itself are cut apart is reminiscent of the strike of a great sword.
Kami Bushin (Paper Clone): Ninjutsu, A-Rank, Supplementary, All Ranges, users Konan. The user simply creates a clone out of paper. They can also conceal Explosive Tags in the paper clone and detonate them when near an enemy.
Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hidden Mist Technique): Ninjutsu, D-Rank, Supplementary, All Ranges, users Konan, Mamochi Zabuza, Mei Terumi, Hatake Kakashi, Hoshigaki Kisame. The user creates a shroud of mist to conceal movement. Due to their chakra being in the mist, Dojutsu such as the Sharingan are completely blinded, while the Byakugan can see around the mist. A specialty of Kirigakure.
Katon: Bakufū Ranbu (Fire Release: Blast Wave Dance): Ninjutsu, No Rank, Offensive, Kekkei Genkai, Long Range, users Uchiha Madara. The user creates a stream of blue flames which are enhanced by the Mangekyo Sharingan technique, Kamui, which can destroy many targets at once.
Bushin Daibakuha (Clone Great Explosion): Ninjutsu, A-Rank, Offensive, Short Range, users Uchiha Itachi, Konan. This technique is used to create a shadow clone or a clone with a medium that can be detonated. The clone looks like a normal shadow clone, which allows the user to get it close to the target without them expecting anything besides a normal attack, or the target might even close in willingly to try to attack the clone. Using multiple tricks and diversionary tactics to disguise the nature of the clone can make this technique more likely to be effective.
Kami Teikiatsu (Paper Cyclone): Ninjutsu, B-Rank, Offensive, Short to Mid Range, users Konan. The user creates a large whirlwind made of sharpened paper to keep the target inside. They then either throw projectiles in, or fly in themselves to finish off the target.
Kamui (God's Majesty): Ninjutsu, No Rank, Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary, All Ranges, users Uchiha Madara, Hatake Kakashi. This technique can be used in two ways: the first from the right eye-they can become intangible by phasing in and out of their dimension. The second way from the left eye creates a small Jikukan Barrier which can consume a target and transport them to the dimension. Both eyes can be used to send targets into the dimension by warping, as well as be used to exit the dimension or send a object or person flying out of it.
Kami no Shisha no Jutsu (Paper Person of God): Ninjutsu, S-Rank, Offensive/Supplementary, All Ranges, users Konan. The user creates a massive chasm with their paper, and splits it down the middle to form a near bottomless pit. The user can also add billions upon billions of explosive tags to the chasm of paper and detonate them simultaneously, creating a explosion that last 10 full minutes.
Kami Chakram (Paper Chakram): Ninjutsu, B-Rank, Offensive, Long Range, users Konan. The user creates a ring of paper enhanced chakra above their heads and tosses them at the enemy.
Sōzō Saisei (Creation Rebirth): Ninjutsu/Kinjutsu, S-Rank, Supplementary, users Tsunade, Haruno Sakura. The absolute pinnacle of medical ninjutsu, created by the greatest of medical ninja, Tsunade, it is the ultimate regeneration technique. By releasing volume of chakra stored in her forehead at once, the body's cell division is forcibly stimulated by proteins, reconstructing all organs and all tissues making up the human body. The technique itself does not regenerate the old cells, rather it hastens the creation of new ones through division. If this technique is used, a body whose vital organs are so gravely injured that it cannot bear it any longer will be instantly restored to its uninjured state. As long as Tsunade has chakra it is impossible for her to die by any means, as such she gains a form of "immortality" throughout the duration of the technique.
Rendan: Suna Shigure (Successive Shots: Sand Drizzle): Ninjutsu, No Rank, Offensive, Long Range, users Gaara. The user creates a shield of sand and creates 'bullets' inside them, and launches them at the enemy with great penetrative force.
Suna Bakuhatsu (Sand Explosion): Ninjutsu, No Rank, Offensive, All Ranges, users Gaara. The user injects more chakra into the sand, which makes it violently explode.
Tsūtenkyaku (Heavenly Kick of Pain): Taijutsu, C-Rank, Offensive, Short-Range, users Tsunade, Haruno Sakura. This technique is simply a falling axe kick. Tsunade concentrates her incredible strength into her heel and strikes the enemy. The power of this attack is so great that it would cause immediate death to anyone who is hit by the attack directly. It was shown that when she strikes the ground it results in a gigantic crater that can even kill an opponent caught in its immediate strike zone.
Zesshi Nensan (Tongue Tooth Sticky Acid): Ninjutsu, B-Rank, Offensive, All Ranges, users Katsuyu. A highly concentrated acidic paste is suddenly released from the mouth. The acid boasts such high density and concentration that it is even capable of diluting stone, vaporising it. There are no prerequisite moves to do before this techniques' activation. Because of this, Katsuyu can easily strike quickly and catch an enemy off-guard with this attack.
Suppaikō (Acid Rain): Ninjutsu, C-Rank, Offensive, All Ranges, users Katsuyu: The user sprays a massive amount of acid right into the sky, which falls over a wide area like rain drops.
Raiton: Ikazuchi Ryu (Lightning Release: Thunder Fist): Ninjutsu, A-Rank, Offensive, Short Range, user Tsunade. The user concentrates a large amount of Raiton Chakra to their fists, and combined with their strength they can smash through strong defenses like they're paper. Not only that, the Raiton is directly injected into the targets nervous system and scrambles it, making them unable to move in the resulting paralysis.
Betabeta no Jutsu (Sticky Technique): Ninjutsu, C-Rank, Supplementary, All Ranges, users Katsuyu. The user secretes a sticky substance on their skin, and can be used as an adhesive to firmly grasp a target.
Suna Shuriken Rendan (Sand Shuriken Shower): Ninjutsu, No Rank, Offensive, Long Range, users Gaara. The user creates dozens of shuriken made of sand and launches them in quick succession.