Chapter 18

The War Begins! Clash on Two Fronts!

Mountain's Grave

Anko's deep penetration Reconnaissance Squadron had gotten deep into enemy territory, and were near spitting distance to Madara's own hideout and he didn't detect them. Their Aburame member, Muta, lifted her hand as several ground worms began rising out of the ground. Her eyes widened behind her sunglasses.

" seems that Akatsuki is finally on the move," Muta said as she glanced at their Hyuga member, Tokuma. "Use your Byakugan to see their troops, we need a number clarification."

"Right!" Tokuma said as his Byakugan activated and he extended his range out. Anko came walking out of the tent and wiped her lips from her afternoon snack as the Hyuga's eyes widened.

"There are...over...100,000 soldiers moving out of Akatsuki's hideout...including..." Tokuma focused and frowned. " well as several Edo Tensei..."

"Send a message to Headquarters, Akatsuki is on the move!" Anko ordered and wiped her lips.

"Right!" one of the other members, Ranka, said as he summoned a falcon and sent it off with the latest intelligence right to Headquarters.

"We should begin pulling out, the way we're situated is going to be in the enemy's path," Muta said as she pushed up her black sunglasses. "I'll begin the jamming to prevent the enemy from sensing us."

Anko nodded. "Do it. Alright people, lets move out!"

Kumogakure, Allied Forces Headquarters

After the night of hanging with each other, the Konoha 11 and Tenko were integrating into their respective divisions. Hinata and Neji went to the Second Division and the Hyuga Heiress met Karui again, as well as Kurotsuchi who looked embarrassed when she looked up at the where the Division Generals were. Tenko and Tenten arrived at the First Division and the young Sage met Hyuga Hiashi, Akimichi Choza, a hot headed Kumo shinobi named Atsui, the Chunin team of Hagane Kotetsu, and the cool headed, large chested beauty known as Samui. Tenko involuntarily winced, she was the woman he had foolheartedly asked out the night before only to get shot down. Compared to the other divisions, there was a greater amount of Kumo Shinobi in the First Division, while in the Second Division there was a greater number of Iwa Shinobi.

Sakura and Rock Lee met up with the Third Division and met up with Lee's sensei, Maito Gai, as well as the young member of the Seven Swordsmen, Chojuro. A Suna ninja that Sakura recognized from her mission to rescue the Kazekage, Maki, also met up with them. The genius medic was shocked on how...shy and nearly non-threatening Chojuro was, given that she had encountered Mamochi Zabuza. There was also a greater amount of Konoha and Kiri Shinobi in the Third Division than there were in others.

Shikamaru and Choji arrived at the Fourth Division and Temari walked over. There was a greater mass of Suna ninja in the Fourth than in the other Division due to the presence of the Kazekage being in charge. The Suna Kunoichi scowled when she saw that the Nara strategist still hadn't shaved the beard he had grown and she crossed her arms.

Ino, Kiba, Akamaru, and Shino arrived at the Fifth Division. Kiba's elder sister, Hana walked over with a few Samurai she was talking to. There were also a larger number of Samurai in this division than there were in others. The Inuzuka heir rubbed his nose and looked eager to show his stuff in the war, while the Aburame heir was as stoic as always.

"Man, I can't wait to cut loose! Maybe after the War, they'll boot Naruto out and make me Hokage!" Kiba exclaimed enthusiastically, which caused Hana to hit him on the head.

"Don't make light of War, idiot!"

The smaller divisions were being formed as well. Kankuro was talking with the members of the Ambush Division, which included him, Sai, Hyuga Hoheto, a Iwa Shinobi with brown hair and a goatee named Ittan, a Kiri shinobi with tall spiky brown hair ironically named Kiri, Omoi, and a second Konoha shinobi with long light brown hair named Zaji. Omoi took out a new lollipop and he began sucking on it as Sai walked over.

"I hope there are no hard feelings for the clash we had in Konoha..."

"Don't worry about it, its too troublesome," Omoi said as he folded his hands behind his head. He glanced at Kankuro. "Thought our commander would be older though..."

"Kankuro is the Kazekage's elder brother, and one of its premier puppeteer ninja, I think we are in safe hands," Sai said with one of his usual smiles.

In the Third Division Sakura was talking with Chojuro, getting to know the young Seven Swordsman. He was rather shy, and was surprised when he learned she was on the same team as Naruto and Sasuke which had taken down Zabuza. Rock Lee 'yoshed' and began talking enthusiastically with the young Swordsman. Gai stumbled over, interrupting the conversation as he passed out, his eyes blanked.


"Its the effects of the Gates! Why wasn't he checked out before even coming here?!" Sakura yelled as her hands glowed green and she began to heal Gai.

In the Second Division, Hinata and Neji were talking, and the Hyuga Heiress informed the Hyuga Prodigy...of the change. Of the Keihatsu Byakugan. His eyes widened in surprise, he had no idea something like that could even existed.

" was...during when Naruto-kun was trying to get control over the Kyubi," Hinata started as she activated her Byakugan. "I began...feeling worried...and hoped Naruto-kun'd be okay...eventually I...just found at peace. I knew Naruto-kun would somehow succeed...and that we didn't have to worry. And then this happened..." her eyes seemed to swirl and a yin-yang symbol appeared in both. "I awoke these..."

"That's incredible, Hinata-sama, have you told Hiashi-sama yet?" Neji asked and Hinata shook her head, her Keihatsu powering down.

"I haven't had the chance to. He's been in meetings with the Commanders and the chosen Generals of this war, as well as with the Clan Elders," Hinata replied as she rubbed the back of her head. She noticed that Neji's hands were...bandaged, just like his teammate Rock Lee. "Hopefully there'll be time..."

On one of Kumogakure's buildings, the chosen five generals were observing their assembled Divisions of nearly 14,000 shinobi and samurai each. Ranton no Darui would lead the First Division, 'Mountain Smash' Kitsuchi would lead the Second Division, 'Copy Ninja' Hatake Kakashi would lead the Third Division, Kazekage Subaku no Gaara would lead the Fourth Division-and had been made the overall battlefield commander of the entire Shinobi Forces, and General Iaido no Mifune would lead the Fifth. Also below, the members of the Sensor Division and the Medical Division were meeting, Ao being put in charge of the former, and Shizune for the latter. Shizune was busy explaining that Tonton wasn't food to the members of her division. Between those two there were nearly 1000 members.

Tenko glanced around and began to notice that there were several...minor arguments and fights that were starting between the members of different villages. "Huh...come on guys we're on the same side..."

"Ugh idiots who can't put the past in the past," Karui commented next to Hinata and Neji and folded her hands behind her head as the arguments and old grudges began getting heated.

"...its to be expected. Not once in our entire history has all Five Great Nations ever worked together on a single thing, especially not a war," Neji said as he glanced around.

"Even though its understandable...we need to all work together though," Hinata added as down the line from her, a Iwa Shinobi shoved the Suna Shinobi and insulted his lineage and village.

Sakura gritted her teeth and squeezed her hand into a tight fist. "You stupid morons, we're all on the same side!"

"Sakura-chan is right, Akatsuki is the real enemy!" Rock Lee added.

"You kids don't know anything! I lost my father in the last war with these idiots accursed village!" the Iwa Ninja yelled, shoving the Suna Ninja as similar fights started to break out.

"Your village killed a lot of our people too you idiot, I haven't forgotten Iwa's attack on the civilian convoys! My sisters died there!" the Suna Ninja retorted.

"Oh yeah?! I'll have your head!"

Up above...Gaara closed his eyes and lifted his hand. Sand began wafting up in between everyone that was arguing or fighting and it coalesced before it bursts, blowing the arguing shinobi away and getting everyone's attention. The Commander closed his eyes.

"If any of you still feel like fighting each other after this is all over, take my head instead of each other!" Gaara yelled in a booming voice. All the Shinobi looked up at him. "But right now, these old grudges, they don't matter! Not one bit!" The Kazekage closed his eyes again. "I was like all of you, thought only my pain mattered. Thought only my satisfaction in making others hurt was my purpose, that it was right! But a enemy, who defeated me in battle...gave me mercy. He helped me. And now, I want to help him! I want to protect him, but I can't do it all alone...but...please...together, we all will be!"

Gaara paused and waited for the reactions as the assembled shinobi from all five villages began cheering at the Kazekage's plea. Kakashi wiped his forehead and knew that a disaster could have been averted if not for Gaara's speech. Kitsuchi gave a sigh of relief and chuckled.

"Nice speech, Kazekage-sama, you got them all on the same side!"

"...thank you, but congratulate me after we win the War," Gaara said and Kitsuchi nodded.

Darui stretched. "Not a moment too soon, we'll be moving out soon."

"Agreed," Mifune said as he put his hand on his blade, Kurosawa.

Three of the Five Kages were gathered on a nearby building, the Raikage, Hokage, and Tsuchikage. A crossed his arms and smirked proudly, and Onoki on his right side. The wind picked up and blew Tsunade's hair on his left and she then punched her fist to her hand.

"I know it, we're going to win this War," Tsunade said and the diminutive Tsuchikage smirked.

"Was there any doubt, Tsunade-hime?" Onoki asked as he looked down at all their troops. "Never before has all five great villages worked together to a common goal...after the War is over we need to keep it this way."

"Achieving peace without our villages fighting each other anymore, I do like the sound of that," A said as the army began moving out of the valley where they were gathered and the Ambush Division took to the air to fly ahead of the rest of the divisions.

Mountain's Graveyard

Madara and Kabuto had walked out with their army, the White Zetsus all flexing their arms and hands as they prepared to move out. The Snake Sannin's disciple had formed his own Ambush Team, lead by Deidara and Sasori. Also part of the team was ROOT's former top assassin, alias known as Shin, and Chukichi of the Meiton (Dark Release). Kabuto smirked and passed on a scroll to Sasori, whose eyebrow raised.

"I believe you'll be completely fit to use your legendary Akahigi (Red Secret Technique), Sasori-dono," Kabuto said with a grin.

"Ah, my spare one, thank you," Sasori opened up his mouth and stored the scroll inside his body and Deidara made a face.

"Come on Sasori-danna couldn't you just have stored it on your back?!"

"Don't you consume your clay for your C4 technique?" Sasori asked and the mad bomber growled.

"How the hell did you know about that?!"

"We were partners, I saw you practicing," Sasori said and he glanced at Madara. "...hard to believe that Zetsu and my replacement are the only Akatsuki left alive."

Kabuto smirked. "Well Kisame is also alive, though he's already on the move. Looks to be searching for an opponent..."

"Heh, I can't wait for another shot at Naruto! I didn't get to fight him last time due to that old man!"

"Depends on how well you do in the coming battles, Deidara," Kabuto said with a smirk and Chukichi snapped up and started to resist the control.

"Akat...suki...I will not!"

Kabuto then made a seal and completely wiped Chukichi's mind. "Better keep ones like you mindless killing machines, while others will be more useful to psychologically torture the Alliance. And of course, my resurrected Akatuski won't have any troubles killing..."

Madara nodded. "I see..." his Sharingan glanced at the Zetsu gathered. "To increase the speed of deployment, use Kagerō (Mayfly). I'll stay at the base until its my time to be deployed."

"Right boss!" the Zetsus said as they began to sink into the ground.

Kabuto glanced at Madara. "It'll be better if our two forces also combine-four to six Edo Tensei will be deployed with the Zetsu that are fighting today."

"...sounds like a plan, designate the ones you want," Madara said as he glanced at the Zetsus who began to sink into the ground.

Kabuto's snake appendage then lifted up, sniffing the air and it talked to him in a language the Uchiha couldn't understand. Ah I see...they did pursue me. Excellent.

"...what is it?"

"Some interlopers, I'll go take care of them," Kabuto said with a smirk. "After all, you're not used to that Rinnegan yet...should wait until you're fully accustomed to them. Correct?"


The Edo Tensei master performed a seal and then vanished as he used Shunshin no Jutsu. The original White Zetsu moved out of the ground and looked up at Madara. The Uchiha was slightly trembling before he managed to compose himself.

"How is Sasuke's growth, Zetsu?" he asked after several seconds.

"...still same old same old..."

"...did you manage to get your spores on that snake?"

"Yep, inside and out! It's his move next!"

"Excellent...we'll wait and see. Keep an eye on him, I don't want any surprises."

Zetsu nodded and he sank right back into the ground, the remaining upgraded White Zetsus disappeared. Madara took a deep breath through his nose and glanced at the sun in the sky, the wind blew more clouds obscuring it...and the cloud turned slightly red. He smirked, the original symbol of the Akatsuki was in the sky for just a few moments.

It seems there is a good omen for us... Madara thought, but his smirk faded. Unless its favoring Konan and her ideals of peace...

Land of Frost, lower country

High in the sky, Kankuro's Ambush Squad flew on Sai's Chōjū Giga (Super Beast Imitating Drawing) birds. Omoi on his bird took out a fresh lollipop from a wrapper and plopped it into his mouth. The Kumo swordsman glanced at their Puppet Master leader.

" is this your first war, Commander?"

"...yes...I didn't engage in the Invasion of Konoha four years ago, so this is my first real War," Kankuro replied and he breathed out. "Though I'm confident we'll win..."

On his bird, Ittan glanced over. "I have experience, I fought in the Third Shinobi World War," he pulled down his black collar and exposed a jagged scar across the side of his neck. "I nearly lost my life against the Yellow Flash himself..."

Zaji's jaw dropped and Hoheto's widened. "How'd you survive? I thought only Raikage-sama and his brother had survived fighting the Yellow Flash," Kiri asked him.

Ittan grinned. "It was because of my was during one of the key battles...I was a Chunin then, barely older than 15..."

Eighteen years ago, a massive army from Iwagakure marched through the Land of Grass and had destroyed most of the opposition. However, Konoha managed to send a few divisions in which worked with the Kusagakure shinobi in an attempt to liberate their country. Several bridges across the country would have to be destroyed to eliminate the crucial supply lines that the Iwa invasion force depended on.

One of those bridges was Kannabi Bridge. Iwagakure spies in Konoha lines had managed to discover the plans to destroy the bridge. A full battalion of 20 Jonin and 30 Chunin had managed to pin down a battle group of 60 Konoha shinobi of various ranks. A young Ittan was part of the Iwagakure army at the battle.

"Alright men...get ready...!" the commander yelled as all of the Doton users combined their jutsus into a massive piece of rock high in the air.

Kunai and shuriken were being launched at them, as well as Katons and Futons from the Konoha lines tried to hamper their efforts. Ittan could see many of his fellow shinobi being picked off by the Konoha attack but he kept concentrating, adding his power to the massive stone that was in the air.

"FIRE!" the commander yelled and the massive Doton crashed right into Konoha's lines, nearly wiping out the entire battalion in that single attack.

A resounding cheer let out from the Iwa Shinobi, victory was in their sights. However...on the Konoha Lines...the Yellow Flash arrived and learned the situation from the survivor four members of the Konoha battle group. The commander squinted...and saw the glint of dozens of kunai being tossed right from the Konoha lines. And then he saw...Namikaze Minato standing right on the edge of the crater that was Konoha's lines.

"Its the...!" before he could finished a three-bladed kunai sailed past him and from it the Yellow Flash appeared and jammed the kunai he was holding right into the Iwa Commander's skull before vanishing in a flash.

Time...seemed to slow down as Ittan looked around and saw his fellow Iwa Shinobi dying one by one without any way to defend themselves. One of his friends had managed to launch a defensive Doton wall in time to block a Kunai but when Minato appeared a glowing blue sphere appeared over his hand and he smashed through the defense like it was nothing and tossed the kunai again. Ittan's friend was cut down, blood squirting and spurting from his neck as the Yellow Flash moved on. To Ittan...he was like a demon, nothing could stop him...and from the corner of his eye he could see a kunai approaching him...

'No...I have to...!' Ittan thought as the kunai sailed past and he could see Minato appearing...felt the cold steel right on his neck...but suddenly a blast of rock from his friend's direction managed to redirect Minato's full slash. Blood still burst from the young Iwa shinobi's neck as he fell to the ground and hit his head, blacking out as Minato paused...before moving on. Just as Ittan fully passed out, he could hear the screams of terror as the Yellow Flash finished his job...

"...and that's how I got it...I awoke a hour later, a relief Iwa battalion was evacuating me off the battlefield. I was...the only survivor of that battle and I got the scar on my neck," Ittan said and he breathed in. "...hard to believe his war is to protect that Demon's son."

"...Yondaime Hokage is revered as a hero in Konoha...though I guess he'd have the title of demon in your village Ittan-san," Sai commented and Ittan nodded.

"...anyway, I'll put my experience to good use, Commander Kankuro. You have my strength," Ittan said with a nod and Kankuro nodded.

"Good, we're gonna need it," Kankuro said as they flew toward the drop of point. "We'll start setting up traps throughout this area, just don't let your guard down! We're in enemy territory!"

"Understood!" the entire team said with a nod.

Up ahead, Anko had sent her team ahead when Tokuma's Byakugan had picked up Kabuto's movement. She slid under a bush as she took out a half dozen shuriken as her eyes darted back and forth. Anko then heard a viscous hiss of a snake behind her and she jumped forward and spun on a dime and tossed the shuriken right at Kabuto who grinned.

"Anko, it has been a while hasn't it?" Kabuto asked as he dodged the barrage and Anko snarled and flew through the seals.

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)!" Anko yelled and she blew out a massive fireball from her mouth which the Edo Tensei user jumped out of the way from. The fireball careened through the forest and plowed through several trees and exploded. "Still as slippery as ever, Kabuto..."

"I'm so glad you think so!" Kabuto announced as he jumped into the air. "Sen'ei Tajashu (Many Hidden Shadow Snake Hands)!"

"Sen'ei Tajashu!" Anko retorted, the two summoning dozens of small snakes from their wrists and collided in mid-air. She then barely jumped out of the way of Kabuto's tail snake which hissed, trying to bite her.

Anko gritted her teeth and grabbed a kunai from her pouch as the snake lunged and she tossed the kunai right into the roof of its mouth with such force it went slamming into a tree and was impaled upon it. However, Kabuto was already moving and his hands glowed blue and he struck Anko's ankles before he punched her hard in the stomach. She skidded back ad blood flew from her mouth and she found it harder to stand. Anko's vision blurred as she saw the snake...liquify off the tree before it came at her at startling speed. Before she could move Kabuto's snake tail bit her right in the neck and she gasped in pain.

"You truly made this a bit harder than it had to be. But don't worry, you won't die yet, I have need of you," Kabuto said as he grinned. "You did live up to being Orochimaru-sama's favorite student with your counters, I'll give you that much."

"Go to...hell..." Anko muttered as she blacked out, Kabuto's snake tail wrapped around her neck and lifted her up.

"Now I believe I'll find myself a good place..."

Her team was now fleeing from Akatsuki's Insurgency Squad, which was made up of Deidara, Sasori, Chukichi, and Shin who were flying on the mad bomber's C1 birds. Muta had dispersed her insects in a wide pattern and then activated the Mushi Jamingu no Jutsu (Insect Jamming Technique) which began blinding Chukichi while allowing Tokuma to sense with his Byakugan. Chukichi looked around robotically.

"They are...covering their tracks...well...I can't see through this...jamming..."

"Tsk, I'll just blow the entire area apart!" Deidara announced with a grin and he reached into his pockets. "Time for a bit of C2!"

After some chakra molding, a tiny dragon-shaped piece of clay was made and Deidara tossed it down and yelled 'Katsu'. In a puff of smoke, the C2 Dragon was activated and its master hopped onto its back and he grinned madly at the chance to test his art as an Edo Tensei. Sasori from his bird sighed and shook his head.

"His ego seems to have increased since I left this world," Sasori commented and he grasped his scroll.

"Yo Konoha Ninja down there!" Deidara yelled as he dove. "Lets see if you know that a BLAST?!"

On the ground, Tokuma's eyes widened at the amount of chakra inside the C2 Dragon. "Move faster! We need to get at least to where the Ambush division is so we can plan a counter attack!"

Muta was already moving, jumping through the trees as she saw the birds taking flight. In a puff of smoke, Tokuma had summoned what looked like claws for the palms of his hands to increase his Jyuken's effectiveness. It was then that Deidara shot the first of the C2 bombs from his creation's mouth. The Hyuga expelled chakra from his entire body and began to spin in a Kaiten but the C2 exploded right when it hit the chakra shield. The force of the explosion shook the entire area and flattened everything around Tokuma. When the smoke cleared, the Hyuga looked to be standing...

"Heh, that Kaiten's something hm," Deidara said with a grin as Tokuma spat out blood and dropped to his knees as blood burst from his left side. His arm had been completely disintegrated but the wound wasn't cauterized by the explosion's heat. "But yours' is apparently not strong enough. Hey Sasori-danna, wanna add a Hyuga to your inferior art collection?!"

"I have enough Hyuga puppets, thank you. I believe he does have to be finished off however," Sasori said as Shin gritted his teeth and shunshined down to the ground and he activated his Kamereon no Jutsu (Chameleon Technique) and blended with the background.

Even with Tokuma's Byakugan, he couldn't differentiate between the background and Shin until it was too late...his head went flying. Shin reappeared as he slid his tanto back into its hilt. Deidara groaned and leaned back.

"Oh come on, why did you have to stop the fun!"

"Our job isn't pointless torture to the enemy," Shin retorted as he squeezed his hand into a tight fist. And seeing a fellow Konoha shinobi tortured like that...

"As expected of The Chameleon," Sasori commented. "You were the ROOT's top assassin, you live up to the title with that technique."

Shin's eyes narrowed. "...Sasori of the Red Sand. If not for my demise, I'd have been assigned to kill you."

Shin's technique, the Kamereon no Jutsu, was rather special, inspired by the Meisaigakure no Jutsu (Hiding with Camouflage Technique) from Iwagakure, and superior to it except for its use by the Nidaime Tsuchikage Mu. His body had chromatophores integrated inside it and would change into any color from the background around him near naturally, and with his control over it he could perfectly blend in the scenery. Even dojutsu could be fooled since it was a natural ability. It was one of the reasons why he was ROOT's top assassin in life, he could stealth-fully enter a building and hit his target and exit without even being seen.

Deidara put his hand to his chin. "That ability gives me an'll be good."

"We should at least spare one of the Konoha worms," Sasori commented as he glanced at Chukichi. "That Aburame, can you still track her despite the jamming?"

"Yes..." Chukichi replied mechanically. He lifted his finger up slowly and pointed in the direction.

"Excellent," Sasori said as he unraveled his scroll and summoned two human puppets, and he flicked his fingers and began to control them expertly.

Down below, Muta was fleeing. She had sensed the Allied Shinobi nearby and he swarm flew around her actively jamming everything so her chakra signal was obscured. She had bit her lip hard enough to draw blood in frustration since she had sensed Tokuma's death, her usual Aburame stoicism cracking for a moment. Suddenly she heard the sound of what seemed like wood being rattled at high speed and she jumped out of the way of a human puppet armed with a chakra blade. Another one tried attacking the Aburame from behind and she jumped to a higher branch and extended her swarm to counter attack.

"Human puppets...that means Sasori of the Red Sand has been reincarnated as an Edo Tensei..." Muta muttered as he swarm engulfed both puppets in a giant sphere. "Hijitsu: Mushidama (Secret Technique: Insect Sphere)."

Both puppets were covered in the swarm of Kikai insects and began draining the chakra from them. The puppets fell lifelessly after just a few seconds and Muta had her swarm surround her as a protective warning shield as she continued to flee. She wiped some of the blood from her lip and did a seal and she slammed her palm down onto a branch. With a puff of smoke a giant dragonfly with a Konoha headband around its 'neck' appeared and she jumped on it. In an instant, she was taking off a speeds that her pursuers couldn't keep up with from the distance they started at.

...Tokuma-san, I won't forget your sacrifice... Muta thought as she grasped her chest before she looked up in determination.

" jamming...has increased..." Chukichi said as Deidara groaned.

"Guess we shouldn't have spent the effort on the Hyuga then, Deidara," Sasori said as the mad bomber grumbled.

"Hey at least I didn't have two of my pieces of art neutralized!"

"I can easily retrieve my puppets when we locate them, we should get to work anyway," Sasori said as Deidara's visible eye narrowed.

"Yeah yeah, we know..." Deidara grumbled as he crossed his arms on his C2 dragon.

Alliance Headquarters, Kumogakure

A tapped his finger on the table as the final preparations were finished in the War Room. Ao, the leader of the Sensor Division was sat in front of the Kanchi Shisutemu Jutsu (Sensing System Technique) which resembled a giant water ball that had tens of thousands of little dots moving across the 'map landscape' that was on it. Yamanaka Inoichi was sat in front of the telepathic, high speed communications device and was already passing on orders and formations that Nara Shikaku were making. Tsunade and Onoki were positioned next to the acting Supreme Commander as every single order and communication was sent.

"We've received word from Mitarashi Anko's Recon Squad, they were ambushed by four Edo Tensei!" Inoichi announced as he looked up. "Anko has yet to report in, but Aburame Muta has reported that Hyuga Tokuma has fallen to the enemy, the other two members of the Squadron haven't reported in!"

"Redirect Muta to join the Ambush Squad, I sense the four Edo Tensei's approaching their current location...two are Akatsuki! From the signatures..." Ao started as he looked up. "Deidara and Sasori are the two Akatsuki Edo Tensei's...the other two...I don't quite...wait...Meiton no Chukichi...damn it they even reincarnated him..."

"Meiton?" one of the younger sensors from Konoha asked.

"It is one of Kirigakure's premiere Kekkei Genkai, it has the ability to absorb and redirect mostly any ninjutsu right back at the user," Ao explained as he leaned back. "Chukichi was once its leader, as well as one of my comrades in the Hunter Ninja squads, as well as an experienced sensor ninja. He disappeared on a mission and was pronounced dead nearly two years ago..."

One of the sensors facing west looked up. "I'm detecting...20,000 enemies...those 'Zetsu' things heading straight towards the Second Division's current location! And...five Edo Tensei are with them...I can't recognize the sources though..."

The sensing water ball spun at Ao's command and a tiny hologram of the five Edo Tensei appeared in the middle of the table. Tsunade looked up at two of the Edo Tensei who were leaping from tree to tree in pace with the the White Zetsu underground. A's eyes narrowed as he saw the second one.

"Uchiha Fugaku and Hyuga Hizashi I recognize," Tsunade said after a few moments. "The Uchiha Clan's last leader and the Hyuga Clan's martyr...Kabuto isn't just bringing Edo Tensei back for power."

" wonders how many other Uchiha or Hyuga he's brought back, or even Senju members..." A said as he resisted the urge to punch the table. "These other three..."

"Gekko Hayate," Shikaku said as he recognized one. "And lets see..."

A Suna Ninja looked over after delivering a report to Mabui. "...isn't that...the boy who assassinated the Yondaime Kazekage?!"

Shikaku focused on the one that the Suna Ninja indicated. "Yes...he matches the descriptions of Orochimaru's most loyal follower that fought Rock Lee and Gaara-sama four years ago...Kimimaro..."

"He's a taijutsu specialist...and has a bloodline called Shikotsumyaku (Dead Bone Pulse)," Ao said as he looked up at the holographic picture and saw the distinct red dots above Kimimaro's eyes. "...and Orochimaru managed to get him after his clan tried their rebellion and failed."

"And the last one?" Inoichi asked as he looked up as the woman with what looked like she was clad in red armor with a...stove on her back.

"A member of the 'Steam Armor Corps'," Onoki asked as he rubbed his beard. "The same team which Han, our Gobi Jinchuriki belonged to...until she was killed in one of his rampages that is. Her name is Hyakurin Umeko...she was a highly skilled Jonin and master of the Jōki no Yoroi Jutsu (Steam Armor Jutsu)."

"Five highly skilled fighters right off the bat and at the rate they're heading, they'll arrive at the Second Division before our opposing Ambush Squads even meet up," Shikaku said as he glanced at Inoichi. "Send an order for half of the Fifth Division to extend their line to the Second. And move the Second Division in Kitsuchi can unearth those Zetsu things!"

"Understood, sending the order now!" Inoichi said as he made a seal and transmitted the messages psychically right to the front lines to the closest Communications Shinobi.

Lightning Country, Southwestern Border with Frost Country, Second Division

At the Second Division, the order came through from Headquarters to prepare to attack the enemy. Already the Fifth Division moved into get into position with them, Kiba, Shino, Inuzuka Hana, as well as several members of the Inuzuka Clan and others arrived at the cliff where Kurotsuchi and her father, Kitsuchi were positioned. The muscular Iwa General cracked his knuckles as his Yoton using daughter grumbled.

Neji glanced back seeing Kiba and Shino. "You guys got here fast."

"There weren't any enemies to delay us so we got here as soon as possible," Shino said as his insects began to swarm out of his body.

"Heh, if there were I'd have kicked their asses!" Kiba added as Akamaru barked next to him. "We'll get to fight alongside Hinata this time now, just like old times!"

"Right Kiba-kun, Shino-kun," Hinata said as her Byakugan activated. "They're coming..."

"Alright, ready Kurotsuchi?! Time for one of our combos!"

"I'm ready dad, so stop posturing!" Kurotsuchi replied as she and her father did the required seals. "Doton: Kaido Shokutsu (Earth Release: Rising Earth Evacuation)!"

Both Kitsuchi and Kurotsuchi slammed their hands to the ground and in just a few seconds a kilometer high mound of rock in the shape of a volcano rose right in front of the two divisions and the surprised White Zetsus were sent flying into the air as everyone readied their long ranged attacks. In an instant, thousands of kunai and shuriken were set lose alongside several elemental jutsus of all types. Hinata and Neji then stepped as one and drew their hands back.

"Hakke Kuhekisho (Eight Trigrams Air Palm Wall)!" both Hyuga yelled as they launched a massive combined Hakke Kusho right at the airborne Zetsus.

"Gatenga (Double Sawing Fang)!" Hana yelled as she and the Haimaru Brothers jumped into the air and moved at such high speeds they resembled buzz saws.

"Gatsuga (Double Piercing Fang)!" Kiba yelled as he and Akamaru leaped up and began to spin horizontally at such high speeds they resembled airborne drills.

"Hijitsu: Mushidama (Secret Technique: Insect Sphere)," Shino said in his usual monotone as he set a mass of his insects flying into the sky in a giant ball shape...and his skin began to turn purple.

"Kumo-Ryū Omotegiri (Cloud Style Front Beheading)!" Karui yelled as she charged her blade with a Raiton and slashed forward and sent a blade of electricity right into the air.

All the attacks impacted in the air and scattered the airborne Zetsus as Kiba, Akamaru, Hana, and the Haimaru brothers landed, the surviving Zetsus landed right in front of them and drew wooden blades. Kiba grinned and he his fingernails turned into sharp claws and he took out the blade on his back and then clashed with Akatsuki's main troops alongside his elder sister and their ninken. More Zetsus made landfall and began charging right into the main Alliance troop deployment and tossed wooden shuriken and kunai to deflect the Alliance's counter attack.

Hinata and Neji used double Kaitens to block the barrage of wooden kunai and shuriken and the Hyuga Heiress's eyes widened when she saw what happened when one of their allies were hit. A kunai had embedded itself in a nearby samurai, completely penetrating his armor and suddenly a giant root shot right out of his neck and he died painfully. More Alliance shinobi and samurai suffered the same fate and began to focus on how to defend themselves from the barrage either through evasion or blocking with their own weapons.

Karui charged forth as her blade crackled with lightning and she deflect several attacks and got up close to three Zetsus. She yelled as she dodged their strikes and then she spun and slashed right through the first two's wooden armor with a single slash before she twirled her blade, skidded in front of the third Zetsu and stabbed it right as it was getting ready to slash her with its wooden blade. Slowly she withdrew her blade and flicked it to get the Zetsu blood off of it.

Finally Shino deftly dodged several of the wooden kunai and shuriken as several Zetsus rushed him. His insects were already out and attacking several of the enemy at long range. He sidestepped the first Zetsu that got into close range with him and he tapped it on the neck and did the same thing to the last seven who got close. He then put his hands back into his coat and kicked another one that came close. One of the Zetsus laughed.

"What the hell was that? Oh, you're defenseless without your swarm right?"

"My swarm is already getting to work. Look at your comrades," Shino answered calmly as he jumped sideways from several of the Zetsus kunai and shuriken.

The Zetsu glanced back...and it saw that its brothers had started to liquify into a purple...gunk. And to its horror his own body began to be eaten away like them.

"What is this, a poison?!"

"No, they're my're already dead," Shino replied as the Zetsu charged him with his sword drawn...but he barely made it three steps before his entire body was reduced to a purple goop. The purple then lifted off of what was left of the Zetsus and rejoined Shino's body as he went to continue the fight.

Hinata was dodging Zetsu attacks left and right and slammed her palms into two of Akatsuki's foot soldiers as she sidestepped a slash. She opened her palm and the Rasengan flared to life in it and she smashed it to the nearest Zetsu and sent him spiraling into three of its fellows. With her other hand she created the Rasenyari and charged chakra to her feet to enhance her shunshin like Sakura would and she smashed through two Zetsus at the same time.

"There is like...a never ending number of them..." Hinata said as she yanked her hand out of the Zetsu corpses but two more just jumped at her.

"Hakke Kusho!" Neji yelled and hit the two attacking Zetsu from afar. "Hinata-sama, you alright?!"

"Yes, I'm...Hakke Kusho!" she started before she launched her own Hakke Kusho and hit a Zetsu that was about to attack her cousin from behind. "...fine Neji-nii-san!"

Kiba then slammed down his blade in front of a dozen Zetsus. "Senpo...Ryoga (Whirlwind Wolf Fang)!" he yelled as several drilling blades burst from the ground and tore the Zetsus to shreds before they could move. "Heh, Naruto! Your Rasengan can eat its heart out!"

Hana then tossed a dozen kunai right at the Zetsus which were converged from behind Kiba. "Keep your senses, fight now, brag later!"

Suddenly a fireball slammed into the midst of the Allied Shinobi Forces, Shino was even sent skidding back as part of his coat was scorched. Hinata and Neji's attention were drawn by the sound and they saw...the Edo Tensei shinobi arrive. Their eyes widened seeing...Hizashi among them.

"Father/Uncle!" both Neji and Hinata yelled at the same time.

Hizashi glanced over, his Byakugan active. "Hinata-sama...and...Neji..." his eyes widened slightly. " long has it been...they're almost adults..."

The white haired Kimimaro lifted his hand. "...I can feel Orochimaru-sama's chakra flowing through me...I will not fail..." Instantly, his ribcage sprouted out of his chest as several curved bone spikes appeared on his forearms and then several more appeared on his back. "Karamatsu no Mai (Dance of the Larch)!"

With that, Kimimaro ran into the mass of Alliance ninja, tossing several of them away with the impact of his attack. He dodged and ducked their attacks making it seem like he was dancing with their movements. Several shinobi tried attacking him from all sides, but ended up being impaled on the bones he brought to the surface. He then jumped back and fired his fingertips right at several advancing Allied Shinobi and cut them down utterly.

Neji's eyes narrowed. "Hinata-sama, I'll take care of that guy, stay on guard!"

"Right Neji-nii-san!" Hinata said, her Rasenyari still activated around her forearm as another Zetsu tried to attack her.

Fugaku raised his hand. "...Edo someone finally completed the blasted Nidaime Hokage's technique," he said as he squeezed his hand into a tight fist, his black pupils swirling into a Sharingan. Those eyes glanced to see Hinata. ...and the girl I intended Sasuke to wed is here...lets see her worth!

Hinata was in the midst of avoiding several wooden kunai from the Zetsus in the distance when the late Uchiha leader charged at her while he formed several seals. His hands and feet were then engulfed in flames and he began launching several jabs and kicks at the Hyuga Heiress. She gasped in surprised and crossed her arms to block the first punch but she cried out in pain from the burns.

"Hyuga Hinata...I believe. How do you like my Katon: Nensho Ryu (Fire Release: Burning Style)?" Fugaku asked as he punched forward and launched a barrage of fireballs right at her.

Acting quickly, chakra formed around Hinata's body and she let loose a defensive Kaiten which blocked the fireballs. Fugaku charged forward, drawing a long, curved kunai from his pack as well as a small fuma shuriken and he tossed the shuriken at Hinata who blocked with a Hakke Kusho. As she prepared for the next strike the late Uchiha leader slammed his foot into her face with a kick and sent her tumbling backwards. Hinata jumped back to her feet, wiping the blood off her lip.

He's strong...

"Is this all the Hyuga Heiress can do?" Fugaku asked as he charged his flames around his long curved kunai. "I'm starting to believe it was good that I didn't live to see the arrangements full filled between my clan and yours..."

"What are...?" Hinata began as Fugaku dashed ta her, slashing with his blade.

Hinata blocked with her own kunai but was forced to break off and she skidded under a punch from the Uchiha leader and assumed a stance. His Sharingan widened as he realized the implication: he was in the range of her divination.

I hope I can pull it off fully this time... "Hakke Rokujuyon Sho (Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms)!" Hinata called out and then she landed two solid blows on Fugaku's body. "Two palms!" she then landed four more. "Four palms!" and then eight. "Eight Palms!" She then unleashed a flurry of blows to reach 16. "Sixteen palms!" Hinata then unleashed another barrage, hitting 32 points. "Thirty-Two palms!" And then the final, most difficult barrage was launched...hitting a total of 64 points on Fugaku. "Sixty-Four palms!"

Hinata finished up the strikes with a strong palm-strike which sent the Uchiha leader flying back and into a cliff wall which sent a blinding dust up. The sealing teams were on their way and the Hyuga Heiress immediately created a Rasengan to make sure he was defeated. Charging chakra to her feet she launched herself right at him and threw the smoke...seeing a...surge of chakra starting at his eyes.

"RASENGAN!" Hinata yelled as she pushed her hand forward...and then hit what looked like a had...ribs? No...don't...don't tell me...

Instantly she crossed her arms and was crashed backwards as a giant, skeletal red arm battered her away like a fly. Hinata managed to regain her footing as through the dust and smoke she could see a massive...figure with glowing red eyes that surrounded Fugaku. She could even see with her Byakugan the mass of chakra flowing right through his eyes which formed this...

"...I commend you...its been a long time since I was able to use this technique. I planned on bringing it out to fight Hiruzen and Danzo during the coup, own eldest son stopped me," Fugaku said as he cracked his knuckles as his Susano'o flexed its arms, fully exposing it.

At the same moment, Kimimaro had just cut down several more Alliance ninja when he dodged two Hakke Kusho from Neji. The Shikotsumyaku user faced him and launched several bone bullets from his fingertips and the Hyuga genius used a Kaiten to deflect them all. When the Kaiten ended, Kimimaro and Neji charged each other at full speed.

Neji dodged the a stab from Kimimaro who had formed a blade of bone from his palm and began slashing and trying to hit him. His Byakugan flared and he charged chakra to his hand and met the thrust directly as the two passed each other. In a blinding flash both struck and a deep scratch appeared on the Hyuga genius' cheek...but the bone that Kimimaro had created was sent flying up until it embedded itself in a White Zetsu head.

"...impressive, you've actually broke the bone I created...its stronger than tempered steel," Kimimaro said as the ribcage and other bones on his chest and back withdrew into his body, and he then yanked an even stronger bone out of his shoulder and formed it into a sword. "This will require the Tsubaki no Mai (Dance of the Camellia) to deal with your impressive skills."

"No matter how much chakra you put into creating those bone weaponry, I'll just destroy them," Neji said confidently as he reentered a Jyuken stance.

The two charged each other at full speed as everything around them seemed to slow down. The Hyuga Genius and the Shikotsumyaku user both traded blows as in an elaborate dance. Neji drew a kunai and blocked the overhand spin slash that Kimimaro used and skid his foot back in a circle and then he pushed his hand forward and launched a Hakke Kusho at the Shikotsumyaku user. Reacting quickly Kimimaro slammed his bone blade into the ground and inverted himself to avoid the vacuum shell. He then grew blades of bone right from his knees, shoulders, elbows, and right from his palms again and instantly changed his style.

"Yagani no Mai (Dance of the Willow)," Kimimaro uttered calmly as Neji's eyes widened.

This style... he crossed his arms and jumped back but it wasn't enough for him to get out of the way of spinning slashes that the Shikotsumyaku user unleashed. Its very hard to predict...but...the way he's...

Kimimaro then leaped off his original bone blade and began launching several swift jabs and slashes right at Neji who backtracked to avoid them. He then channeled his chakra over the surface of his skin and deflected-and shattered the first blade and opened up the Shikotsumyaku user's defense and unleashed a point-blank Kaiten. Kimimaro was buffeted by the rapidly spinning chakra defense that Neji put up and his Yagani no Mai bones were worn down and he was sent flying back.

Kimimaro then landed on his feet. " are highly tell the truth you're the only person whose been really able to equal my taijutsu skills..."

"I should..." Neji said as he stopped spinning and withdrew a new kunai as an explosive tag exploded nearby. "I am Hyuga Neji of the Hyuga Clan, and I have surpassed everyone in it."

"And I am Kimimaro, Orochimaru-sama's instrument..." Kimimaro replied as Neji saw a mass of chakra explode from his chest...the Cursed Seal of Earth activated. Kimimaro's body turned ashen brown...he grew a saurian-like tail which had bony spines on it...his spine was now protruding and looking like spines and there were six, large rib-like bones on his back, two facing forward behind his shoulders, two facing both of his sides, and two facing back. "Here I come..."

Neji immediately began a Kaiten as Kimimaro charged at him at full speed, but even his defense was penetrated by the spikes on Kimimaro's back despite being worn down. The Shikotsumyaku user lifted his arm when the chakra defense shattered and smashed into the Hyuga Genius' back like Killer Bee's Lariat. Blood spat out of Neji's mouth as he was sent crashing and tumbling forward before he managed to jump back to his feet.

So...that's his power of his cursed seal...even his bloodline gets enhanced... Neji thought as he wiped his lip. I'll need Kaiten's stronger version to defend against anymore charges...

At the same moment, Kiba and Akamaru skidded back after one of their Gatsuga was intercepted by a woman in dark red armor, with what looked like a boiler on her back. She cracked her neck, her reanimated green eyes focused right on the Inuzuka heir. Akamaru growled at her as his master tightened his grip on the Senpo Ryoga.

"I was expecting a far greater attack power in the Inuzuka so called 'Piercing Fang', I guess it doesn't live up to the hype."

"Hey don't make fun of me!" Kiba yelled as the steam burst from the boiler on the woman's back and she jumped right at him with a high speed kick.

"Pisuton Kikku (Piston Kick)!" she roared, the steam bursting from the boiler on her back to increase her speed.

Kiba sidestepped and spun with his Senpo Ryoga. "I'm one of the fastest shinobi of my generation armor girl, so you'll have to do better than that. Senpo Tsuga Ryoga (Whirlwind Piercing Wolf Fang)!"

His Tsuga's power was increased by the power and speed of his Senpo Ryoga and both merged as he jumped up and then went in a massive, spinning piercing attack right at the Edo Tensei woman. She scowled and crossed her arms and took the full force of the attack and crashed through several trees. Kiba landed as Akamaru barked next to him.

"Yeah, I can still smell her boy...that armor of her's sure is tough..."

"I take it back, that Gatsuga of yours is truly impressive. You managed to crack my Jōki no Yoroi (Steam Armor)," she said as the crack on her armor sizzled before regenerating from the Edo Tensei properties. "What is your name, boy? I am known as Hyakurin Umeko, former leader of Iwagakure's Steam Corps."

"Heh, I'm Inuzuka Kiba, sixteenth heir to the Inuzuka Clan and rival to Uzumaki Naruto himself for the title of Hokage! So don't you dare underestimate me!"

Umeko smirked. "I won't, Kiba-san. Though I hope you understand you'll have to face my full power too. You're facing the woman who was put in charge of Han, the berserker Jinchuriki of the Gobi."

"Then bring it!" Kiba yelled as Akamaru barked. The Inuzuka heir tossed a soldier pill right into his ninken's mouth as he popped his own and their chakra increased to high amounts, so much so that Akamaru's fur turned red.

Umeko stomped her foot like sumo wrestler and the steam burst from her back. She then charged and drew her arms back. "Pisuton Panchi Rendan (Piston Punch Barrage)!"

She launched a wide ranged barrage of high speed punches from long range at Kiba while she shaped the steam around her fists. After shaping she launched the steam punches right at the Inuzuka heir who began dodging the barrage with Akamaru. They used their quick speed to dodge the barrage as she kept up the attack.

Its like whenever I dodge, she just adds five more punches to the barrage...! Kiba thought as he began taking glancing blows despite avoiding the steam punches. And she's punching at least 50 times per minute...!

"If you keep dodging, you'll never defeat me...!" Umeko yelled as she added more and more punches and Kiba's eyes widened as a veritable wall of steam punches smashed right into him and Akamaru.

Both of them cried out as they were sent crashing back and an explosion followed. Kiba panted and spat out some blood as he wiped his cheek. Akamaru shook his head as he jumped back onto his feet, the partners panted.

"This...isn't gonna be an easy fight...Akamaru...she's really strong..." Kiba said as Akamaru barked in affirmative.

"Which is why you should have waited for my backup," a familiar voice said from behind Umeko as a mass of Kikai insects swarmed at her from behind.

"Mushidama," Shino said as he landed, the mass of insects forming a sphere around the Steam Corps member and immediately began consuming her chakra before she could react.

"Shino! I had this under control!"

"Your injuries say otherwise, Kiba," Shino said calmly as he pushed up his glasses. "And if we don't finish up your fight soon, we won't be able to support Hinata in her battle. We are strongest as a full team, after all..."

"Grr alright that may be correct but..."

"Curious..." Shino then saw the steam bursting from 'cracks' in the Mushidama and his insects instinctively halted their attack. "It seems our opponent is far stronger than she lets on, that steam will make things difficult."

"Tell me about it..." Kiba said with a grumble.

The steam formed an even more solid armor around Umeko as her personality was completely crushed. She then let a burst of steam come off her back and she charged both Shino and Kiba at extremely high speeds with the fighting raging all around them.

Land of Frost, Ambush Division mobile base

In the lower country of the Land of Frost, Kankuro's Ambush Division had just finished setting up the traps after receiving the information that the first large-scale battle of the War had begun. Hoheto scanned the area with his Byakugan as Zaji used his sensory technique so they wouldn't be surprised. Ittan had finished setting up the layer of earthen walls which concealed the bombs Kankuro had set up, and Kankuro himself had just finished laying down the trip wires for every set of bombs and poison gas mines they had. His puppets were also out, he had added a new type called 'Kumo' or 'Spider' which was connected to each trip wire which would inform him whenever one was hit.

Omoi popped a new lollipop in his mouth as he glanced around. Having learned that the fighting had already started-especially in his sister Karui's division, had made him nervous. He was already going through worse-case scenarios in his head. He glanced at the sensor and Hyuga on the squad.

"Anything coming?"

"Not yet!" Zaji said with a grin. "If I pick..."

"Something is coming from 10 o'clock...its one of ours! From the Recon Squad...Aburame Muta!" Hoheto yelled as he watched Muta fly closer and closer on her summon.

"Sai, go up and greet her and help her find the our base camp," Kankuro ordered and Sai nodded.

"Understood," Sai said as he drew a new bird onto his scroll and animated it, and a few seconds later the ROOT ninja had flown off.

A few minutes later, Zaji was sensing movement coming from the east and Hoheto turned his Byakugan to see what was coming...when two large birds made of clay dove down. Zaji was right in the center of it as the clay birds then erupted in a massive explosion, the young Konoha sensor was completely obliterated. Hoheto crashed back to the center of the base camp covered in burns and was coughing up blood from the force of the explosion. Things moved in slow motion as a barrage of more, smaller birds were followed up from the sky as Ittan reacted the fastest and rose a massive wall to block the attack. Kankuro and Omoi immediately drew their weapons as the earth wall was shattered by the barrage of clay bombs and from the smoke nearly fifty human puppets wearing red cloaks burst through it.

"Crap!" Kankuro yelled as he summoned his Sasori puppet. "Kiri, heal Hoheto quickly!"

"On it!" Kiri yelled as he jumped over to the stricken Hyuga. Hoheto coughed up more blood right on his hands as they began glowing green. Its no good...he has multiple punctured organs from being so close to that explosion!

Omoi reacted first as he charged lightning into his katana and he did a spinning slash. "Kumo-Ryū Raikogiri (Cloud Style Lightning Beheading)!" and he unleashed a massive wave of lightning right at the mass of human puppets which slashed through several of them.

Kankuro then activated his Sasori puppet's flamethrowers and created a wave of flames which rendered over a dozen of the attacking human puppets to ash. Ittan finished up the combo by smashing two halves of a hill into the remaining marionettes. The three of them breathed quickly through their noses as Deidara and Sasori calmly flew through the smoke.

"Heh, looks like I got two this time Sasori-danna," Deidara said as he glanced at the dying Hoheto who continued to cough up blood. "And look, this one is mostly intact for your collection!"

"...though they did manage to counter the follow up..." Sasori glanced down at Kankuro who was readying himself. "Kankuro, you look like you've grown as a puppeteer. I hope you'll honor me with another showing of your skill."

"Sasori...this time I'll beat you," Kankuro said as he gritted his teeth. With our sensors taken out, we don't know if they have reinforcements or if they are the only two enemies...and damn it it had to be them of all people...

Sasori summoned another fifty human puppets from the scroll that Kabuto had retrieved for him, connecting all of them to his fingertips. Deidara grinned madly and licked his lips...wondering who and what he should blow up next. It was at that same moment Hoheto's eyes darkened as the Caged Bird Seal activated on his forehead...and sealed his Byakugan away forever as he drew his last breath.

"Let us see your new skills, Kankuro," Sasori said calmly as he sent his mass of puppets right at the opposing Ambush Squad.