Puppeteer vs Puppeteer, Mangekyo vs Keihatsu
Land of Frost, Ambush Division Mobile Base
Sai flew next to Aburame Muta as they started the return approach to the mobile base that the Ambush Division was using. The two were sharing intel and Muta was learning that the rest of the Recon Squad hadn't reported in yet. She pursed her lips at that and her hand tensed a bit. Sai glanced a bit surprised of her reaction.
"Were you close to your squad, Muta-san?"
"Several of them were my friends, yes. It is...logical that I experience some grief if they have all been lost," Muta replied.
"...I see...I suppose Shino-san'd act in the same way," Sai said as they continued to fly.
They then felt the shockwave of an explosion from where the base camp was. Instantly, Sai and Muta picked up the pace and flew back towards the the camp. From the distance they could see two enormous slabs of stone rise up and smash what looked like puppets into dust. The ROOT shinobi's eyes narrowed as he picked up the pace on his animated bird.
At the base itself, the five shinobi squared off and waited for who to make the first move. Deidara smirked, his C2 Garuda still hovered right above Kankuro, Ittan, and Omoi. Electricity flowed through Omoi's blade as he prepared for the next attack. Sasori acted calmly as his puppets levitated around him from his chakra threads. Kankuro's eyes darted back and forth as he counted the puppets he had hidden for traps and weighed them against the miniature army that the master of the Red Secret Technique had brought to bare.
I have two Sanshōuo (Salamanders) hidden underground, five Karasu (Crows) in the trees, and three Kuroari (Black Ants) in strategic positions...as well as my Sasori puppet for main combat... Kankuro thought as the standoff continued. Ittan's Dotons will seriously even the odds, but I think I might need to take out those puppets to stand a chance against these numbers...
"If you're not going to attack, why don't I?!" Deidara asked gleefully as he began to fire several C2 bombs right at the assembled shinobi.
Ittan flew through several seals and then slammed his hands down. "Doton: Chidōkaku (Earth Release: Moving Earth Core)!"
The ground underneath their feet as well as the surrounding area immediately shot nearly a hundred meters underground just in time for the C2 bomb to fly over their heads and detonate harmlessly in the forest behind them. Sasori's puppets then swarmed to them all of which brandished poison tipped swords are nearly impossible to block blades of pure chakra. Ittan did a seal and suddenly the sides of the depression he had created jutted out and smashed into half of the puppets but the other half were then pelted by Kankuro's Sasori puppet's flamethrowers. The walls then exploded as several dozen smaller C2 bombs in the shape of canaries flew towards them.
"Raiton: Ryu Hensei (Lightning Release: Dragon Formation)!" Omoi called out as he shaped the lightning around his blade into that of a large, serpentine dragon which slammed into the C2 bombs.
The C2 bombs sparked and were deactivated by the charge of Raiton that Omoi sent through them and Sasori who was preparing to summon more puppets got caught right in it. He winced as the chakra that controlled the clay bird he was flying on plummeted to the ground. He jumped off, his body feeling the numbing effects of the Raiton and he slipped off the wall before landing on his feet right in front of Kankuro.
"Time to join my puppet show, Sasori!" Kankuro yelled as from the ground one of his Sanshōuo puppets burst with its back open right around the puppet master. "Kurohigi: Sanshōuo (Black Secret Technique: Salamander)!" Have to neutralize him fast...as of right now he's of a lower threat than his partner!
Damn it...the that blasted Ration... Sasori thought bitterly as he was then swallowed up fully by the Sanshōuo puppet.
"Not done yet!" Kankuro yelled as he flicked his fingers to a Kuroari in the trees and yanked it apart. "Kurohigi: Kugutsu Fuin no Jutsu (Black Secret Technique: Puppet Sealing Technique)!"
From slots in the Sanshōuo puppet the Kuroari's blades impaled Sasori from all sides before the head smashed down right on the Akatsuki puppet master inside. Sasori gave a cry of annoyance before feeling shock...a Sealing Tag had formed on Kuroari's head and wrapped around the Sanshōuo.
"That's one down..." Kankuro said as he glanced at the remaining puppets that Sasori had...which all fell lifelessly to the ground, and then to Omoi. "If it wasn't for that Raiton of yours, he wouldn't have been stunned enough for me to get him in that formation."
"Thanks, I didn't think it would work," he said as he slashed through two more bombs. "I was going through scenarios in my head if it didn't work, so I'm glad it succeeded."
Deidara frowned as he flew in. "Beaten already Sasori?! I thought you were stronger than me, but again we proved that I'm the stronger of us, and that my art's better!" he said with a laugh. His enhanced eye then noticed miniscule amounts of movement on the ground and he smirked. And our assassin is in the perfect position to eliminate their medic, excellent.
Kiri was trying to resuscitate the deceased Hoheto, sending electric shocks right into his body to try to restart his heart. He wasn't even aware of Shin's approach, much less heard the drawing of the blade. The Kirigakure medic was just so focused in trying to revive his patient he didn't even register the danger...
Suddenly there was a mass of insects attacking Deidara from all sides as a black-haired object bolted through the distraction. The mad bombing artist didn't even notice the object as he tried fighting off the kikai. Just as Shin was about to stab Kiri from behind...the object smashed right down on his neck and sent him crashing to the ground. Kankuro, Ittan, and Omoi glanced to see Sai now standing there, his blade drawn as his adopted brother jumped back-now perfectly visible.
"...your senses have improved a lot if you could notice me, little brother," Shin said as his body regenerated from the damage Sai had inflicted and a small smile appeared on his face. "...though it is good to see you again."
"...brother..." Sai said as he kept his cool. "...its good to see you again as well. And...I'm not the same trainee you mentored in ROOT."
"Then show it Sai..." Shin said as his Kamereon no Jutsu activated again. "Since I can't go easy on you with my body being controlled against my will."
Sai frowned and kept his hand on his blade as Deidara flew down-well crashed down. His C2 Dragon was now completely drained of chakra from being ambushed by Muta's Kikai swarm. Deidara snarled and reached into his pack and created a C1 bird and immediately took flight as Muta landed near her comrades-her swarm now fully fed.
Lightning Country, Second Division Battlefield
With the help of their Edo Tensei reinforcements, the superior numbers of White Zetsu slowly started to turn the tied against the Allied Shinobi Forces. Hyuga Hizashi and Hayate Gekko smashed into the Allied Shinobi ranks, killing several shinobi with their techniques while many individual members of the alliance struggled in their own battles against the other Edo Tensei summoned. Neji was being severely pressured by Kimimaro now due to the Shikotsumyaku user's Cursed Seal. Kiba and Shino were in the middle of a hard fight with the Steam Armor user Umeko. And as for Hinata, she was now facing Fugaku who had revealed his trump card...the Mangekyo Sharingan.
"How...?" Hinata whispered, her Byakugan indirectly looking at Fugaku's eyes...the design was similar to a curved, five pointed shuriken, with the 'star' colored red in a black pupil. The dark red Susano'o was now more visible as it batted the smoke away for it to be shown in full view. "How do you have the Mangekyo Sharingan, Fugaku-dono...?"
"...I'm surprised you know of my clan's secret Dojutsu," Fugaku said, his Susano'o's skeletal structure having finished in full now. In comparison to his son's, the skull had a leaner, narrower look compared to either of them, and lacked the horns that Sasuke's had. Instead it had a spike on the chin, and like the other two Susano'o's in the family it had three forearms, two connected to the left arm. "I suppose Itachi told Konoha all about the Mangekyo after completing his mission, isn't that right?"
"...actually Kakashi-sensei had to fight him several times while he was working for the organization that resurrected you, Fugaku-dono..." Hinata replied and Fugaku laughed.
"Is that so...I guess he didn't stay long in Konoha. Now Sasuke, is he fighting on another front? Or did Danzo kill him?" Fugaku asked as his Susano'o formed two sickle-swords and brandished them in front of Hinata. "Though I suppose it doesn't matter..."
With that, Fugaku's Susano'o surged forth and gave somewhat of a roar. Hinata jumped right out of the way of the giant blade that slashed the ground and killed two White Zetsus that were about to attack her from behind. She used a mid air Hakke Kusho to get her out of the range of a diagonal slash and then saw the Uchiha leader finish a few seals. He then blew out a massive fireball from his mouth as Hinata landed.
"Kaiten!" Hinata called out as she spun rapidly as her chakra formed a defensive dome to deflect the massive fireball and sent the flames crashing around in all directions. As her Kaiten slowed down Fugaku appeared with his Susano'o and he launched a punch right at her and sent her flying back and she crashed right into several Alliance shinobi. The...striking power...ow...
Blood dribbled down her forehead as she pushed herself back up and Kurotsuchi helped her up since she had crashed next to her. "Hinata-chan, are you alright?!"
"Yeah, I'm-move!" Hinata started before pushing the Tsuchikage's granddaughter with her right out of the way of Fugaku's Susano'o's fist.
"Running away, little Hyuga?!" Fugaku taunted as his Susano'o slashed horizontally and bisected several Allied Shinobi who moved to stop him.
Hinata back flipped with Kurotsuchi and she drew her hands back. "Hakke Kusho Rendan (Eight Trigrams Air Palm Barrage)!" she yelled and launched several Hakke Kusho's consecutively right at Fugaku's Susano'o.
The barrage smashed into it and the Uchiha leader skidded back. Her eyes widened when she realized that despite her technique hitting the Susano'o, it didn't even dent it! Hinata breathed in and out through her nose quickly as Kurotsuchi then did her own seals.
"Yoton: Sekkaigyō no Jutsu (Lava Release: Quicklime Congealing Technique)!" Kurotsuchi called out and spat out the quicklime type of lava from her mouth that hit Fugaku's Susano'o. It splattered over its chest and arms, but it didn't cause damage.
Fugaku smirked. "I was expecting something more, isn't Yoton supposed to be hot...?"
"Not done yet jackass!" Kurotsuchi yelled as she flew through the seals. "Katon: Furasshu Chori no Jutsu (Fire Release: Flash Cooking Technique)!"
She took a deep breath and then shot a stream of nearly white flames out of her mouth that bathed the Susano'o. The Uchiha leader had to raise his hand to shield his eyes from the blinding flames that Kurotsuchi had shot at him. When he lowered, he noticed that his Susano'o again was undamaged by the sheer heat of the flame.
"Was that your best shot, girl?" Fugaku started as he went to attack with Susano'o...but found its arms were having trouble moving. "...what?!"
"Heh...quicklime is a type of lava that hardens rapidly. Normally, I'd let it do it like that...but given the strength of that technique of yours I decided that putting it through a...oven of sorts. That quicklime is now super hard!" Kurotsuchi announced with a grin as the shinobi behind her and Hinata readied their techniques. "Now hammer him!"
Several Katons were launched, followed by a dozen Raitons and Suitons. There was a massive explosion-strong enough to completely demolish one of the huge skyscrapers in Amegakure, followed the attacks impact but Fugaku's Susano'o was just minimally damaged by it. A few cracks had appeared on the bones but it was no worse for wear. Much to his annoyance as well the only the quicklime on his Susano'o's chest had been destroyed, not on the arms.
Fugaku grunted as his nearly immobile Susano'o was set skidding back from the barrage and a dozen Kumo and Konoha shinobi jumped at him with weapons drawn as Iwa and Kiri shinobi from behind them hammered his Susano'o with long ranged attacks. The Uchiha leader's eyes narrowed...and his right eye began to bleed.
"Amaterasu," he then uttered as he jumped in his Susano'o...and hit the Kumo and Konoha Shinobi that had begun their attack with the inextinguishable black flames. ...Madara was right about the power of these eyes... he thought as he landed, any vision strain being repaired by his Edo Tensei state.
It was nearly a year before the Uchiha Massacre, Fugaku was leading a team of Uchiha Military Police and ANBU in investigating a series of murders. Despite the increasing tensions between the Uchiha Clan and the rest of the village, at the time Fugaku was hopeful a settlement could be made. The last thing that he and the rest of the Uchiha wanted was War.
He landed on one of the buildings in the 'inner ring' of the village and he was joined by Uchiha Heisei who was his best friend since childhood. Heisei was a tall man with raven-black hair that reached down to his waist. He wore it as a pony-tail so it wouldn't get in the way when he fought, and also on his cheek was a scar he had received in the Third Shinobi World War. He gave a smirk at the Uchiha Leader.
"So who do you think is doing these murders, eh Fugaku?" Heisei asked as he took a cigarette out of his pack, lit the tip with a Katon on his finger and began to savor the nicotine flow.
"...I thought you were quitting those," Fugaku said as he pursed his lips. "...from what the autopsies have told us, the victims were killed via a extremely powerful genjutsu."
Heisei coughed in surprise at that. "Genjutsu? But everyone knows genjutsu can't kill due to it being solely an illusion!"
"...stranger things have happened, Heisei. Our clan's disgraced Founder was known for his genjutsu- strong enough to even kill a person with just a glance of his Sharingan...or his Mangekyo Sharingan."
"Pfft, that may be true Fugaku but Madara has been dead for over four decades now! Maybe the autopsy was screwed up in some ways?"
"Unlikely," Fugaku said as he glanced at an ANBU he recognized landing on another building a dozen meters away...it was his eldest son, Itachi. ...I wonder if you're coming to the same conclusion Itachi...
Fugaku's eyes narrowed as he recalled the night of the Kyubi Attack, when he and most of the clan was thrown on a wild goose chase. It had conveniently drawn them away from the village and left it vulnerable...and by the end Fugaku had seen a man in a mask appear literally out of nowhere who had only one arm and many wounds on his body, congratulate them on their efforts, and tossed their deceased quarry. And upon the return of Konoha, he learned his friend and rival, the Yondaime Hokage Namikaze Minato was deceased as well as his wife Kushina, and whats more the Uchiha Clan came under suspicion.
"Fugaku?" Heisei asked and glanced over at his friend and leader. "You doing well?"
"Yes, I just have a lot on my mind."
"Well, we should get going to the next sector," Heisei said as he blew out some smoke from his mouth before he dropped the spent cigarette and stomped on it to put it out.
In a flash, the two leaped off the building and began fanning out as they started to look for more evidence. After several hours, they weren't able to find anything even with the ANBU aid in the investigation. However, one of the ANBU spotted some movement in one of the parks in Konoha, and Heisei and Fugaku went to check it out. They found signs of a struggle, leading into the forest themselves and jumped into the trail.
"Keep your guard up, Heisei," Fugaku said as his Sharingan activated and they leaped through the trees.
"Don't have to tell me twice Fugaku!" Heisei said as he leaped onto a branch, charged chakra through it as he activated his Sharingan and leaped off it, snapping the branch in half so they would lead a trail for the rest of their men to follow as well as the ANBU. "...you don't think that Orochimaru may be doing this?"
"...that's a possibility too...that bastard probably still has hideouts we didn't find during our investigation with Hokage-sama around the Village..."
Heisei suppressed a gulp. "Lets hope its someone we can handle then..."
Shortly, they reached a clearing and found a woman slumped against a tree, her hands...they looked like they were made part of the trunk. Heisei knelt by her and checked her pulse. Closing his eyes, he shook his head as Fugaku got a closer look...both of the woman's eyes were wide open and blood was trickling down them.
"...with the exception of the...arms embedded in the surroundings, its all the same method of death of the previous victims," Fugaku said as Heisei looked around and tried to find anymore evidence.
Behind them a man with long, spiky black hair appeared out of a swirling vortex. He was wearing a orange mask with strange designs on it, and he had a sword on his back. Taking a step, both Uchiha policeman's ears twitched and they jumped back.
"I knew if I committed enough murders that I'd get the Uchiha Military Police involved in this case," the masked man said coolly and began walking forward.
"You're the one whose..." Heisei uttered in anger as his Sharingan seemed to spin in response to his age.
"Yes, since it was the best way I could lure Fugaku-san out for a little talk that is needed," the masked man said as Heisei lifted his hands.
"...careful Heisei," Fugaku warned as he looked at the mask. "...you're the man from the night of the Kyubi Attack..."
"Indeed," the masked man's eye almost looked like a sadistic smirk.
"One more reason we have to take you in!" Heisei yelled as he flew through the seals. "Katon: Kaen Ori Kabe (Fire Release: Flame Cage Wall)!"
Fugaku leaped up as Heisei slammed his hands down and from the ground a massive wall of flames circled around the masked man who looked bored. He then slowly began walking towards the source of the flames. Heisei then jumped back as the cage completely formed and the masked man was seemingly trapped. The Uchiha smirked and took out a kunai and some bindings to take the murderer in.
"Heh, just give up!"
"A very impressive Katon, against anyone else-they may have trouble escaping. As for me?" the masked man then walked towards the flaming cage...took off in a sprint and jumped right into them. He passed through them...without even getting singed! Heisei was then kneed in the face by him, sending him crashing into the tree and he nearly crushed the dead woman's body.
Fugaku snarled and he charged flames through several shuriken and tossed them right at the masked man. They passed through his body like nothing as Heisei jumped and avoided red hot star-shaped blades. He wiped the blood off his nose as he jumped at the masked man with a kunai in his hand and managed to get a hold of him.
"Fugaku, finish him off! I'll keep hold of him!"
Fugaku flew through the seals and lowered his hand as he focused fire into his fist and soon it was covered in a dark red flame that ignited the ground below him despite not being in direct contact. He looked up slowly as he charged chakra to his feet.
"Katon: Inferuno Kobushi (Fire Release: Inferno Fist)!" Fugaku called out as he charged right at full speed at the Masked Man and Heisei.
"Ah...that style, similar to Hatake Kakashi's Chidori isn't it, or is the Rasengan you modeled it after?" the masked man asked nonchalantly as the Uchiha leader's eyes burned.
He crossed the distance in barely an instant and punched out with his flaming fist right at the masked man's stomach. However...he just...passed right through his body and before he could pull back his Inferuno Kobushi smashed right into Heisei's chest and threw it. His friend gave a bloodcurdling cry of pain as he was then ignited from the inside by the flames.
"HEISEI!" Fugaku yelled as the masked man calmly sidestepped and his eye's 'smile' seemed to grow. The Uchiha Leader hastily yanked his hand out of his best friend's chest...but it was too late...Heisei dropped to his knees and his body was completely incinerated.
"Ah...that's the difference!" the masked man said with a sadistic smirk behind his mask. "When the fist impales the target, it ignites it from the inside! A very excruciating way to go!"
"You...you bastard...who are...?" Fugaku whispered as he lifted his hand to his head...his eyes...the Sharingan slowly began rotating until a new design...of a five-pointed star with curves appeared, colored red surrounded by black. "Who the hell are you?!
"Oh, forgive me for not introducing myself Fugaku-dono," the masked man said as his Sharingan fully came into view for Fugaku. "I am Uchiha Madara..."
The memories of that night ignited a raging fire inside Fugaku's stomach. Hinata could see a chakra spike as he closed his eyes and then opened them, and his Susano'o responded by throwing its arms back and roared which shattered the hardened quicklime that was restraining it. Skin and clothing began to wrap around Fugaku's Susano'o as on his left a circular shield formed with two long spears connected behind it. The face and body of Susano'o looked somewhat to a tribal warrior and then finally, the last part of the Uchiha Leader's Susano'o literally swallowed it to give it a set of armor that had two 'horns' at the helmet. It grabbed the spear and flames were charged through it.
Since that day, I became Madara's lapdog... Fugaku thought bitterly. And my clan was led to RUIN because of that bastard! If its the last thing I do it'll be killing that monster!
Kurotsuchi gulped. "Sasuke's Susano'o only became like that after fighting Naruto..." she whispered a bit, stepping back as several ninja landed to help support them.
"We can't give up," Hinata said as her Byakugan flared at Fugaku. "If we give up against him, how do you expect we'll defeat Akatsuki?"
"Right, but this guy may be a bit out of our league..." Kurotsuchi said as several Kumo Ninja charged Raitons and shot them right at the giant, menacing chakra construct.
Fugaku calmly had his Susano'o lift its newly formed shield and blocked the Raitons without any damage being received. Two Kumo Ninja charged Raiton and Katons into their swords and leaped at the Susano'o and slashed...and their blades broke on the armor despite the elemental enhancement. They were then cut in half...and ignited by the blade at the tip of the spear.
"I don't give up, that's my ninja way...and I'm going to win!" Hinata yelled as her Byakugan changed into the Keihatsu Byakugan and the Eien Kaiten burst around her body as she leaped in front of Kurotsuchi to block the spear that was thrown by Fugaku.
White chakra smoke began wafting off of Hinata's left side of her face as Fugaku blinked in surprise. The Hyuga Heiress assumed a Jyuken stance in her Eien Kaiten and leaped right at him and smashed into the center of the Susano'o. The Uchiha Leader grunted and was sent skidding back, and a small crack appeared in Susano'o's armor.
"...now this is impressive, you're able to use the Kaiten while moving and without spinning..." Fugaku commented as Hinata landed and his Susano'o lashed out with a fresh spear and stabbed the spinning dome twice. Each time the Eien Kaiten was hit a white smoke wafted off her body. "Though you'll have to do a lot better than that!"
With that, he sheathed the spear and drew his Susano'o back, which launched a smashing, bone crushing punch right at Hinata's Kaiten. She crossed her arms inside to brace herself. The Eien Kaiten warped from the sheer force of Susano'o's blow, but also stripped the outer layer of armor off of the chakra construct's knuckles and the white smoke increased around her body. The strain from the blow however made Hinata fly back and crash into a cliff where heavy fighting was still raging, her Eien Kaiten barely protecting her from the falling stones, shinobi, and Zetsu that crashed on her from the impact. She panted and felt a bit disorientated from the blow.
Just...how much strength does the Susano'o even have?! Hinata thought as Fugaku shunshined over and battered away the Zetsu and Shinobi who were around the Hyuga Heiress. Her Kaiten was battered again and again which carved the ground out around her.
"FIGHT ME, HINATA!" Fugaku demanded before with a final blow with his Susano'o's shield, her Eien Kaiten shattered and he then grabbed her one of Susano'o's giant hands. "Now I'll end this..."
He forced her into eye contact and their Dojutsu eyes met, and his left eye cast the jutsu. "Magen: Sharingan (Demonic Illusion: Sharingan)!"
Hinata gasped as she was thrown into the illusion and her own right eye flashed. "Magen: Kagami...Do (Demonic Illusion: Mirror Eye)!" she uttered on sheer instinct...and Fugaku found himself inside his own genjutsu and being impaled from all sides by giant blades. His illusionary self spat out blood in sheer surprise and was impaled twice over from the effect he cast of his own illusion.
HOW...did she do that...?! She...she made me the subject of my own genjutsu?! Fugaku thought as as in the real world, his Susano'o dropped Hinata from its grasp who crawled back, the white smoke started to swirl around her again. "...that...I didn't expect...similar to that of the Sharingan's own Magen: Kyō Tenchi-ten (Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change)..."
"...if it makes you feel any better, I didn't know...about it either...still getting used to the Keihatsu..." Hinata replied and picked herself back up to her feet.
The smoke then began to glow as the Eien Kaiten reconstructed itself...before it shaped itself into a...ribcage around Hinata who blinked. The Kaiten itself formed the basis...of a chakra construct as all the white smoke that had been built up from the attacks on it entered to shape the chakra into a giant, light-blue colored chakra construct the same size as Susano'o. Hinata realized...that the 'smoke'...was a type of chakra...Yoton (Yang Release) chakra had been released with each hit that the Eien Kaiten had received.
"This...this is..." Hinata whispered as the chakra construct formed into a giant skeleton...as skin and finally samurai-esque like armor and in its hands carried a staff similar to that of a monk as well as a net that had a glowing hum off it. "Hoderi-no-Mikoto..."
Fugaku's eyes narrowed. "...Hoderi...one of the Hyuga's Guardian Deities..since when is that a technique the Byakugan can use?"
"...I could ask the same thing about the Sharingan summoning Susano'o itself to protect you," Hinata retorted as she fully stood up inside her Hoderi. "Now we're on an even playing field..."
"Then lets see how long you can maintain this technique, I have unlimited stamina and chakra in this form, you do not!" Fugaku charged Hinata again and his Susano'o reformed a sword instead of using one of its spears and he slashed at her.
Hinata blocked with the staff that her Hoderi had made, the shockwave of the clash blew several White Zetsus away. The Uchiha Leader began fierce series of strikes which sent the Hyuga Heiress completely on the defensive and made her step back again and again. Her staff reformed slightly into a giant Guan Dao with the priest-rings hanging from the 'neck' and she spun within her Hoderi. The giant chakra construct responded to her movement and slashed out and hit Susano'o's side with such force the armor was cracked and splintered. Fugaku gasped and stepped back as Hinata surged forward with her next attack.
"TAKE THIS!" Hinata yelled and stabbed forward with the Guan Dao which was deflected by the Uchiha Leader's shield.
Fugaku then smashed her Hoderi hard with a punch from the lower left fist and Hinata skidded back, her chakra construct's armor cracked as he followed up with a diagonal slash which made her drop to her knee. Reacting quickly, Hinata tossed the chakra net over Fugaku's Susano'o which began sending jolts of chakra right through it. The Susano'o seemed to howl as its own power from its previous attacks was sent charging right back through it.
This...is the end...! Hinata thought as she panted in exhaustion, drawing her hand back as Hoderi mimicked her, and she thrusts her palm forward. "JYUKEN (Gentle Fist)!"
Hoderi smashed its palm hard into the recovering Susano'o and right through the crack on its chest. Due to Jyuken being utilized, Fugaku's chakra construct howled as it shattered like glass and he was forced to withdraw it. Hinata's own Hoderi shuddered and disappeared, and the Uchiha Leader in a last act of desperation charged flames to his fist.
"Katon: Inferuno Kobushi!" he yelled, his fist covered in dark red flames as Hinata drew her hand back.
"Rasengan!" Hinata yelled and formed a Rasengan with her chakra and both of them charged at each other and pushed their attacks forward.
Fugaku growled as his fist was stopped by the Rasengan and both tried to overpower each other. Hinata cried out and took one more step forward...and overpowered the Inferuno Kobushi. The Uchiha's eyes widened in surprise before his fist was obliterated into ash and paper and the Hyuga Heiress smashed the Rasengan right into his stomach and sent him spinning and crashing into and through a nearby boulder. Hinata dropped to her knee, panting as reinforcements arrived, Kurotsuchi helped her up.
"Wow that was amazing Hinata-chan! You beat that guy!" she said with a grin and Hinata gave a thumb's up like Naruto would.
"He...was strong though...who'd have thought he'd have Susano'o...and the Mangekyo Sharingan anyway," Hinata asked aloud as the sealers moved in and wrapped the regenerating Uchiha Leader before he could get back into fighting shape before a Sealing Tag was put on it. Kurotsuchi handed Hinata a soldier pill so her chakra reserves and stamina would be restored. "Thank you Kurotsuchi-chan."
"No problem! The battle's still not over yet, so come on!" Kurotsuchi said as Hinata swallowed the pill, feeling her strength restored and she leaped off with the rest of the Allied Shinobi to engage Akatsuki's forces.
At the same time, Neji was desperately trying to fight back against the powered up Kimimaro. With Kimimaro's Cursed Seal level 2, all of his techniques were increased in power to an extremely high amount. The Hyuga genius blocked, dodged, but found himself unable to counter attack. The Shikotsumyaku user spun and slammed his tail right into Neji's chest and sent him skidding back.
"Your movements seem to be slowing, Hyuga," Kimimaro said as he jumped sideways and threw out his hand as his fingers split open. "Teshi Sendan (Ten-Finger Drilling Bullets)."
"Kaiten!" Neji retorted as he spun and created a shield of chakra and deflected the finger bullets that were shot at him by Kimimaro.
Kimimaro in response began to charge him at full speed again just as the rotation ended. He bit his thumb and did the seals before he slammed his hand down and summoned a tortoise with a large defensive shell which was able to block the Shikotsumyaku user's slash and Kimimaro leaped back. Neji jumped up and pushed his hands forward.
"Hakke Kūhekishō (Eight Trigrams Air Palm Wall)!" he yelled and launched an stronger version of the Hakke Kusho right at the Shikotsumyaku user.
Kimimaro grunted as he was sent flying back by the Hakke Kūhekishō, and he smashed through several trees, a large boulder, and was embedded in a cliff-face nearby but was still pushed threw it. When the rest of the Air Palm Wall smashed into the cliff-face it completely obliterated it as well. Neji landed, his Byakugan showed that Kimimaro hadn't been damaged enough for sealing and was already regenerating. From the hole that was gouged out by the Hakke Kūhekishō Kimimaro came walking out, the spikes on his back regenerating as the scar on his chest stitched itself back together.
"That was an impressive move," Kimimaro said as he bent forward as his spine then popped out and he pulled it all out which he used for a whip. "However, this is the end of our duel. Tessenka no Mai: Tsuru (Dance of the Clematis: Vine)."
Kimimaro then took off towards Neji at high speed, lashing out with his spinal whip to force the Hyuga Genius to jump back and avoid it. The Shikotsumyaku user then jumped sideways and began striking out with his whip like a giant buzz saw and making it nearly impossible for Neji to counter attack. The Hyuga Genius' Byakugan then noticed the chakra concentrating in Kimimaro's left arm...and bones sprouted out from it and formed a large, drill shape covering.
This is bad! Neji thought as he jumped back and knelt down for a half second and removed something from his legs.
Kimimaro capitalized on that and then pushed forward with his drill bone. "Tessenka no Mai: Hana (Dance of the Clematis: Flower)."
He slammed the Tessenka no Mai: Hana forward just as Neji's speed increased and he sidestepped it in time to avoid being impaled and turned to counter attack. However, the sheer speed of the thrust meant the Hyuga Genius wasn't able to completely avoid it and his flak jacket was torn off and he got a series of lacerations on his stomach and chest. Undaunted Neji then did several seals and took a deep breath.
"Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Release: Water Wall)!" Neji yelled and he charged chakra through the water with Jyuken and sent it smashing into a stunned Kimimaro.
The water wall smashed into the Shikotsumyaku user and sent him hurdling off and through a few trees and White Zetsu clones. Neji breathed in and out and spat out a bit of blood from the lacerations he sustained on his chest as he assumed...a Goken (Strong Fist) stance. Kimimaro came walking back, his neck was bent at an unnatural angle as paper and ash regenerated the damage he sustained from Neji's Jyuken enhanced Mizurappa.
"...that stance," Kimimaro commented as he met Neji eye for eye. "...so you're that green cloaked ninja's peer?"
"I am Rock Lee's teammate and friend, you mean," Neji replied calmly as he entered the first gate. "Kaimon (Gate of Opening)!" Chakra was released from Neji's reserves as Kimimaro recreated his spinal whip. "Kyūmon (Gate of Rest)!" Neji's skin then turned red and his eyes started to become even more white, green and blue colored chakra swirled around him. "Seimon (Gate of Life)!" A bit of blood dripped from Neji's nose as he pushed himself further. "Shōmon (Gate of Pain)!" And finally he managed to straighten up. "Tomon (Gate of Limit)!"
"...impressive, Hachimon, Orochimaru-sama always was interested in that taijutsu skill, and you're able to open five of them?" Kimimaro asked him as his he slashed the ground with his whip.
"Heh...Rock Lee is better than I am...he can enter six in an instant...and even open the seventh like Gai-sensei," Neji said as time seemed to slow down between the two taijutsu masters.
"Indeed...lets go."
The ground cracked, splintered, and burst when Neji launched himself like a rocket at Kimimaro. The Shikotsumyaku user mirrored the action less spectacularly however he increased himself to a high speed. The two darted between the battlefield as they traded blows or blocked and dodged and most ninja and Zetsus could only hear the clashes before seeing the shockwaves in the air and the battlefield, or were blown away by both taijutsu masters reappearing.
Neji gritted his teeth as he blocked Kimimaro's punch and then vanished at high speed as the Shikotsumyaku user lashed the whip out and cut through a tree, two White Zetsus and three Alliance shinobi. The gates then enhanced his Kaiten as he reappeared behind Kimimaro and unleashed one that was even larger than a Chou Kaiten. Kimimaro was buffeted by the chakra and managed to spin to catch his footing back
The Shikotsumyaku user then charged and created a Tessenka no Mai: Hana again which pierced the giant Kaiten and he charged right at Neji at full speed. The Hyuga Genius dodged at the last microsecond and unleashed a kick with his own chakra charged into it which shattered the strongest bone that Kimimaro created. Kimimaro leaped back and shot Teshi Sendan right back at Neji who darted back and forth between them.
Kimimaro then jumped up and nailed Neji right in the jaw with his knee and the Hyuga Genius flew backwards as blood flew from his lips. He then while in mid air pushed both feet out and launched Hakke Kusho right from them and smashed right into the Shikotsumyaku user. Kimimaro crossed his arms and blocked with a layer of bone on his skin which was torn away by the gate enhanced Hakke Kusho.
Need to...end this now! Neji thought as he landed and felt every muscle in his body start to rip and tear from the use of the gates.
Kimimaro was already charging to meet him as Neji assumed a strange stance. "Whatever you do, it'll be useless."
"Jyuken: Hakke Rokujūyon Sentō (Gentle Fist: Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Punches)!" Neji yelled and he closed his hands into tight fists. Kimimaro blinked as he entered Neji's divination as he used all of his speed to launch his attack. "Two punches!" he smashed two fists hard against Kimimaro's skin and he skidded back. "Four punches!" he then punched the Shikotsumyaku user at four tenkatsu places at high speed. "Eight punches!" another eight punches smashed into Kimimaro's body as he gasped in surprise. "Sixteen punches!" Kimimaro had attempted to create a under layer of bone armor to guard against the next set as sixteen tenkatsu were hit. "Thirty-two punches!" Neji's fists were a blur as he hit another thirty-two tenkatsu with his fists. "SIXTY-FOUR PUNCHES!" He roared and finished the combo and hit all sixty-four tenkatsu points over again before finishing with a punch that literally embedded itself in Kimimaro's stomach.
Kimimaro cried out as he crashed into a boulder and embedded himself in it. He tried to move...and from each of the tenkatsu points the chakra seemed to burst and his body started to be blown apart from the inside out. It was momentarily outpacing the Edo Tensei regeneration as the Shikotsumyaku user cried out as the top of his head blew apart into ash and paper. When it was over, the regeneration began anew and Kimimaro weakly looked at Neji as the sealers arrived.
"...I...see...in the gates...you can...force your chakra in at such a high rate that when you...complete your attack...the target's body is destroyed from the inside out..." Kimimaro said as he glanced at the sealers who were getting ready with their cloth. "...I'd never think such a thing was possible..."
Neji dropped to his knees, spitting out blood as two medical ninja jumped at him to help his healing. "...I developed it...to combat Akatsuki...you're the first person I tried it against...I guess it's a success..."
"...it is...I respect you, Hyuga Neji," Kimimaro said as the sealers tossed their cloth at him...but it was blocked by a coffin that raised around the Shikotsumyaku user. "...but apparently, Orochimaru-sama has more need of me."
The coffin slammed shut before the ninja could react and disappeared. Neji coughed up blood as two medical ninja arrived and began to heal him with their hands glowing green. The Hyuga Genius panted and lifted his hand up and wiped the blood off his lip.
At another part of the battle, Kiba and Shino were still engaging Umeko. She unleashed a wave of steam which repelled the Aburame's insects due to the extreme heat, and then she spun and smashed her heel right into the Inuzuka's stomach and sent him crashing into Akamaru. Kiba winced, he had heard a crack in that blow.
Damn it, she broke one of my ribs...
Steam burst from Umeko's back and she launched herself right at Shino with a flying side kick. The Aburame barely dodged, the shockwave from the kick sent him skidding back as his skin started to turn purple. The steam armor user smashed her foot into the ground and did several seals.
"Jōki Funka Deguchi (Steam Eruption Vent)!" Umeko yelled as right from under Shino's feet a blast of super heated steam hit him.
"Shino!" Kiba yelled as Shino then burst into a White Zetsu which took the full force of the heat and the Aburame appeared right behind Umeko and slammed his fist right into her face and she skidded back. Phew...he used a substitution...
Shino frowned as he jumped back as his nano-insects began to work on Umeko's cheek. I need to see the effectiveness these insects have on an Edo Tensei so I can formulate future strategies...
Umeko then felt her skin bubbling as the insects spread throughout her body like a fast acting poison. She dropped to her knee and gritted her teeth as the Edo Tensei regeneration started to repair the damage as quickly as it occurred. She looked up as Kiba leaped at her as he began to rapidly spin...and he switched it.
"Gatenga (Fang Rotating Fang)!" he yelled as he spun like a buzz saw and smashed right into Umeko.
Sparks flew off her armor as he tried cutting through it with his sister's technique. Umeko then charged up more steam and punched him right as his spin ended...having been unable to get through her thick armor. Her fist smashed into his arm and there was a terrible crack which was heard as he was crashed away.
"...you're a persistent little pest aren't you?" Umeko asked as half her face returned to normal while the other half experienced the poison. "But with that arm, you won't be fighting for a while."
Kiba glanced down...his left arm had been hit. A blinding pain hit him as he noticed that the bone was poking out of his bicep and he let out a bloodcurdling scream that got his sister's attention. Hana and the Haimaru brothers turned to help when they were intercepted by nearly three dozen White Zetsus who blocked their path. Hana growled and she began to fight off the horde of Zetsus that had intercepted her, slashing through them with her newly formed claws. Shino's eyes widened behind his glasses.
"Kiba!" Shino yelled uncharacteristically as he leaped to his comrade to inspect the wound. "Kiba, take your hand off I need to see how bad it is."
"I...I'll ignore it! We still have to take this bitch down!" Kiba said as he stood up. "Her armor was about to give way with that last attack...I need to do my strongest technique to get through Shino. You keep her busy."
Shino nodded. "...very well."
With that, Shino's swarm wafted off his body like smoke as Umeko cracked her neck. Since there wasn't permanent, lasting damage to her armor that required regeneration, the mark that Kiba's Gatenga had made was still there. Steam burst from the stove on her back as her chakra responded to Shino's challenge. Shino did two seals.
"Tayju Mushi Bushin no Jutsu (Multiple Insect Clone Technique)," Shino said as from the mass of insects...the Aburame created nearly three dozen clones and there were still more insects swarming in the air above them. "Lets go."
"Come, and you'll see the folly of fighting me," Umeko said as she jumped right at Shino and his army of clones.
Kiba jumped onto Akamaru with his good arm as Shino's clones met Umeko and began attacking all at once. "Alright bud, we're gonna do the Jinjū Konbi Henge: Sōtōrō (Human Beast Combination Transformation: Double-Headed Wolf), its the only attack strong enough to pierce through that armor," Akamaru whimpered in concern for his partner's arm. "Don't worry buddy, I'll just form the back legs, you'll handle the front legs...Shino can't hold the steam user forever so lets get started!"
Akamaru barked as Shino's clones were dispersed one by one by Umeko who began to create several steam vents to thin their numbers. However new ones just kept replacing the ones that were defeated as Shino himself joined the fray and began to obscure the steam armored kunoichi's vision with a cloud of Kikai. She gritted her teeth, launching a blast of steam directly from her hand to disperse the cloud as the Aburame smashed his fist into her cheek to inject more nano-insects into body.
Not these things again! Umeko snarled as she smashed her fist hard into Shino to make him fly back.
The Aburame wiped the blood off his lip as he kept the swarm attack while glancing back at his teammate as a huge burst of smoke signaled that Kiba was ready. Shino moved his hands to block Umeko's vision completely as Kiba's Sōtōrō slammed its paw down on a White Zetsu that attempted to attack and crushed it.
Umeko yelled as she shot more steam away as Kiba began his charge with Akamaru in the Sōtōrō. "Alright Akamaru...Garōga (Fang Wolf Fang)!"
They jumped into the air and began a rapidly spinning drill-like movement with an extremely sharp point. Shino commanded his swarm to disperse when Umeko was just about to be hit. Due to the poisonous nano-insects impeding her full movement she was hit with the full force of the Garōga. She cried out as her armor began cracking and splinting by the rapidly spinning two-headed wolf.
"I...I can't stop this...!" she cried out as she remembered her death...
It was nearly 20 years ago...during the Third Shinobi World War. Han and Umeko were sent after the A-Bee brothers in an attempt to eliminate the line of succession in Kumogakure. Both teams were standing in a forested area in the Land of Waterfalls, yet another battlefield of the massive worldwide War.
The future Raikage looked up. "...you again huh?" he asked as his Raiton no Yoroi burst off his body. "Didn't you learn your lesson last time?"
"...I will...kill you this time..." Han said with a snarl as steam burst from his body. "It is...my mission...and I've accepted it!"
"...very well, if you're this determined I'll defeat you yet again," A said as the lightning whipped and sizzled around his body. "Bee, keep his partner busy so she doesn't interfere!"
"On it brotha', it won't be a botha'! With Number Eight I'll take her straight down so don't frown my main bro! Whee!" Bee said as he took out his swords.
The wind blew into a fierce gale which blew leaves all around the area. The second it stopped, both A and Han charged each other at high speeds. They met, punch for punch right in the center of the clearing and the impact of both their punches colliding sent a shockwave that carved a large crater under their feet. They broke apart and A pumped more chakra into his Raiton no Yoroi as Han gave a roar and steam burst like smoke from a wildfire from his back.
There were several more impacts between them, Umeko was having trouble following their movements as both the Gobi Jinchuriki and future Raikage kept going faster and faster. There was even a red outline around Han's body as he accessed his Biju's power and he entered the initial state. Trees were demolished, the ground obtained large cracks and fissures as both fought with everything they had.
Han's fist then seemed to connect right at A's chest...which then turned hazy before he received a massive shock from the lightning inside it. The Gobi Jinchuriki snarled and powered through it as the real future Raikage appeared with his arm held out in the shape of a hook.
"Lariatto (Lariat)!" A roared and he pumped his full speed and power right into his movement and he smashed into the stunned Han's chest. The Gobi Jinchuriki's steam armor cracked and splintered from the impact as he was sent flying back.
The red chakra around Han caught him as blood flew out of his mask as a Version 1 cloak formed around him. "BRING IT ON!" he roared as he formed three tails behind him.
"Not done yet!" A's voice said from seemingly all around him, the future Raikage was moving so fast it was incredibly difficult to pin point where he was. In a flash of lightning, A reappeared right in front of Han and before the Gobi Jinchuriki could react he was lifted up by the future Raikage. "Raigā Bomu (Liger Bomb)!"
Han cried out as he was smashed down neck first into the ground by A's full physical might. The stove on his back shattered as the impact cratered the ground nearly a hundred meters down and a hundred twenty meters across with lightning bolts racing around everywhere. The Version 1 cloak slowly dissipated, having barely protected him from the lethal force of A's attack.
"Sorry Han, I win again," A said as his eyes narrowed. "As a Jinchuriki, you pale in comparison to my brother. At this point, its better to put you out of your..."
A then appeared right up at the edge of the crater. "Then lets go, Bee, father'll need our backup!"
With that, both of them vanished in a puff of smoke as Umeko slid down the crater that was left from A's Raigā Bomu and she carefully avoided the residual electric charges left from the attack. She knelt by Han and felt his pulse to see if he was still alive.
"...lets get you to a medical ninja, Han," Umeko said with a sigh. "We'll get another chance sooner or later during this War."
"No...must...pursue...must kill A..." Han muttered as he forced himself to stand, his anger started to rise. "Must not fail..."
"Its not failure if you just get treated and get stronger after," Umeko said. She had fought with Killer Bee, and had been unable to strike a decisive blow due to his control over the Hachibi. "We should focus after you're healed on controlling your demon..."
"No...time..." Han said with a growl, drool started to drip from his now exposed lips as Umeko felt a pulse of chakra. "Must...PURSUE...!
Red chakra was bubbling around his body as Umeko smashed her fist into his face in an attempt to calm him down. He skidded back as he put his hand to his head. A red dome of chakra appeared around him as his Version 2 cloak appeared and the scarred ground melted from the sheer heat of the chakra below it and five tails whipped behind his back.
"Damn it calm the hell down Han! We'll just fight him again next time!" Umeko yelled as she smashed both feet into his stomach but his cloak made her unable to inflict a crushing blow to the weak point due to the protective Version 2 shroud around him. Damn it...he just keeps pumping more and more of Gobi's chakra into that form!
"No...use...must...KILL!" he then gave a roar that sent Umeko flying back and out of the crater.
She landed on the edge of the crater as more and more steam and chakra rose from the crater, the ground started to shudder and shake as tails started to sprout from afar and smashed into the edge of the crater and demolished it. In just a few tense seconds the rest of the forest was dwarfed...by the massive, five-tailed dolphin-horse that gave a loud roar. Umeko stepped back in sheer shock, now eye level with the demonic dolphin-horse. It charged her and smashed through the crater and hit her with the full force of its mass and weight and she crashed into the ground and through several trees.
"HAN...FIGHT IT...GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF!" Umeko ordered as she tried to get back to her feet, her armor had barely cushioned her from the blow but was cracked and splintered. She noticed...the five-tails was gone from the crater...and then looked up as a massive hoof smashed down on her.
After that...everything went dark...the last thing she heard was an explosion that followed the giant stomp that the Gobi had unleashed.
...at least...this time I'll get to rest once more... Umeko thought once more. These three beat me...
And her Edo Tensei body was burst apart by the Garōga's drilling, fast spinning movement with one half being tossed to another side of the battlefield as the other crashed into a tree with ash and paper fluttering in the wind. Kiba and Akamaru's spin stopped as their Sōtōrō landed on both feet and then burst into smoke, the Inuzuka heir panted on top of his partner as sweat trickled from his forehead. The pain from his broken arm was nearly blinding now, but he couldn't help but smirk.
"Yeah...we won buddy!" Kiba cheered as he threw his good arm into the air.
Shino landed by him with two sealers and his sister. The sealer wrapped Umeko in cloth and placed the sealing tag. Hana then turned to her brother.
"Consider this an order little brother-HEAD TO THE MEDICAL AREA FOR TREATMENT NOW!"
"But...sis..." Kiba said as Hana crossed her arms. "Alright...fine..."
Kiba was about to turn to head to the medical area when there were blurs of movement all around from the White Zetsu in the trees, some of which had even became part of them. Before Shino could react, Hana jumped into their path as she pushed both Akamaru and Kiba away. Dozens of wooden kunai and shuriken embedded themselves in her back and they grew rapidly as she spat out blood, roots and branches pierced out of her chest and stomach as she dropped to her knees.
"Sis what the hell was..." Kiba began and his eyes widened as he saw blood drip from out of Hana's lip...and saw the twisted roots and branches that pierced through her jacket and shirt. "HANA!"
Hana dropped to her knees. "...get...healed...Kiba..." she spat out blood. "And...take care...of the Haimaru brothers...for me...they're you're...responsibility now..."
"No...no damn it!" Kiba yelled as he tried to support his sister with his good arm. "Medic, we need a medic now!"
"No...its...too late..." Hana whispered as her eyes slowly began closing. "Live...little brother...please..."
The Haimaru brothers all gave a mournful howl at the death of their master as Kiba began to shake and shudder, holding his dead elder sister as the battle continued to rage around him. Tears welled in his eyes as he gently laid her down and Akamaru pushed his nose comfortingly into his cheek.
"Lets...go A..."
"Kiba, head to the medical tent like your sister ordered," Shino ordered him as his swarm attacked the White Zetsus which had killed Hana with a vengeance. "You're in no condition to keep fighting, and if you do you'll just lose your life as well and make your sister's sacrifice null."
"But Shino...I can't just..."
"Do. It. NOW," Shino ordered as he pushed his hand forward and engulfed the White Zetsus in several Mushi Dama's. "Do it for her."
"...fine...! Just...just save me some of their asses to kick later!" Kiba said as he jumped onto Akamaru's back and moved off.
The Aburame slowly pushed his glasses up. "...very rarely I get angry, I usually keep it in reserve since it messes with my logical thought process," his swarm responded to his anger as his fists and face turned purple from his nano-insects. "This time, I'll make an exception."
Shino's appearance looked rather demonic as his kikai swarm formed what looked like wings behind his back and he levitated, and then he launched himself at the surviving Zetsu's. He delivered several brutal punches and even a few headbutts to inject them with his nano-insects as he landed on a branch and glanced back at his handiwork as the Zetsus crumbled into mush while screaming. A satisfied smirk appeared on Shino's face at that as he then took off to another part of the battlefield.
All over, the fighting continued. Karui herself was engaged in fierce kenjutsu combat with the reincarnated Hayate Gekko, their katana clashing against each other in a fierce brutal movement. Hinata and Kurotsuchi were fighting back to back against the Zetsu horde, the Hyuga Heiress launched several Hakke Kusho's while the Tsuchikage's granddaughter spat out lava in the shape of boulders-a trick she had learned from Roshi-her grandfather's old teammate and the Yonbi Jinchuriki. Neji himself had finished his treatment and rejoined the battle and unleashed a Kaiten to shield a few Suna Ninja who were about to be hit by his own father's Hakke Kusho and he prepared to fight him.
Kitsuchi, the general of the division had just finished gathering chakra-he sat on a virtual mountain of deceased Zetsu which had been stupid enough to fight him. "Time to end this!" he flew through the seals. "Doton: Tayju Tsuchikabe (Earth Release: Many Earth Walls)!"
And from all around the battlefield, connected to the cliffs and the artificial mountain that the general and Kurotsuchi had created were several tall walls as the message was transmitted for all forces to take to them. The Allied Shinobi Forces as a hole responded and jumped right onto the walls, Karui a bit peeved her duel being cut short. The two Edo Tensei that were still on the field were then unsummoned as the order to barrage the army of Zetsu which were now contained. Kuani, shuriken, fireballs, explosive tags, blasts of water, lightning bolts, as well as Hakke Kusho's from the Hyuga Clan members were launched all at once and the Zetsus on the ground were nearly completely wiped out.
Those that survived sunk into the ground as they retreated. The second division gave a resounding cheer as they chased off the last of their enemy on the field, Kitsuchi smiled proudly at his daughter. He turned to the Communications Ninja next to him.
"Send word to Shikaku, the tactic worked!" Kitsuchi ordered with a grin. "The battle's over, we won!"
"Right away, sir!"
The communications ninja then ran off to the main relay station to send the message. Hinata glanced down and noticed that several thousand of their own dead were still in the walled in battlefield, and she wiped her forehead. With the battle over, she had to resist the urge to vomit after seeing all the dead down below.
Land of Frost, Ambush Division base
Sai and Shin clashed, their tanto's struck against each other with horizontal slashes and sparks off their blades. Both ROOT ninja also traded taijutsu blows, punches and kicks while they attempted to break their stalemate. Deidara floated above Omoi and Ittan and evaded their attacks with ease as Kankuro sent forward his Sasori puppet so it'd get in range with its flamethrowers.
"You know, this amateur hour isn't really doing anything for me!" Deidara announced as he tossed several small C1 bombs at both Omoi and the Sasori puppet. "So I'll make everything a blast!"
"CRAP!" Omoi said as he crossed his arms as the bombs exploded at close range and he was sent crashing to the ground.
"Doton: Joto Tsuchi Makura (Earth Release: Rising Earth Pillow)!" Ittan yelled as he did the tiger and boar seals and slammed his hands to the ground to create a soft pillar of dirt for Omoi to land in. The young Kumo ninja managed made a soft landing as the C1 bombs hit the Sasori puppet. "You okay Omoi?!"
"Managed to...shield myself by pumping a bit of chakra to my arms..." Omoi replied as he sat up. His forearms were smoking and burned from the impact. "...I can keep fighting, just won't be as easy as before."
"Hah, looks like your old body is destroyed Sasori-danna!" Deidara announced triumphantly.
"Not quite," Kankuro said as he made a seal. The smoke cleared...and Deidara could see that the Sasori puppet had made a chakra shield with one of its arms which protected it from the damage of his bombs. "Akahigi Kiki Sankaku (Red Secret Technique Machinery Triangles)!"
He fired several kunai-like blades from the flamethrowers on his Sasori puppet's palms at the surprised Deidara avoided the first few but three managed to slam into his stomach and shoulders, not to mention his explosive clay bird. Then the blades exploded and the Akatsuki bomber cried out in surprised as he was sent crashing back down into the depression with his arm now vanished. He gritted his teeth as paper and ash began to flutter around his wounds as they regenerated.
Its in place anyway! Deidara thought as he landed on the side of the depression and ducked the the Sasori puppet's bladed wings which carved deeply into the stone as he kicked it away and lifted his remaining arm. "Art is a blast...KATSU!"
From the ground two C1 centipedes wrapped around the sealed Sasori in the Sanshōuo. Sai and Shin had to leap away to avoid the explosion engulfed the area and the Akatsuki puppet master was freed. Paper and ash swirled as Sasori rapidly regenerated due to his body being completely obliterated from the force of the explosion which freed him. Immediately Sasori attached his chakra threads to his puppet army to reanimated them and sent them to attack but Muta's swarm then began to harass them.
"...I never doubted that you'd be able to free me with that inferior artistic style, Deidara," Sasori said as he squeezed his hand into a tight fist as he drew his puppets away from the swarm.;
"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that Sasori-danna!" Deidara said, grumbling as Sai unraveled his scroll and quickly drew several lions and snakes as he made a seal.
"Chōjū Giga (Super Beast Imitating Drawing)!" Sai yelled as the animals he had drawn flew off the page and collided with Shin just as he activated his Kamereon no Jutsu.
Shin grunted as he skidded back, despite his jutsu activated he was completely visible due to the ink that was splashed on his body after the Chōjū Giga animals had collided with him. Before he could react Sai smashed his fist with all his strength into his brother's face and sent him falling to the ground. Ash and paper fluttered from the wound as Sai leaped into the air, his anger at its peak at the very thought and notion of Kabuto using his own brother against him and his friends.
Well done Sai...you surpassed me... Shin thought as a contented smile appeared on his face as Sai stabbed down as he landed with all his weight.
"...Kankuro...NOW!" Sai yelled as he did a seal and the drawings he had put on his blade's handle animated and wrapped around Shin as he began to regenerate.
"Right!" Kankuro yelled as he drew his Sasori puppet back and made a seal. "Sanshōuo!" The Sanshōuo puppet then swallowed Shin from underground as Sai leaped back and the Karasu puppets circled around the giant salamander puppet before stabbing inside to immobilize the target even more and the head slammed down with the sealing tag right on top. "Kurohigi: Kugutsu Fuin no Jutsu complete!"
One of Sasori's own puppets then zipped over as its nightmarish clicking and clattering sounds closed in on Kankuro. Sai intercepted it with a kunai, blocking its blade and he kicked it right in the head as the Ambush Squad leader slammed his available hand to the ground after making a seal.
"Unsummon!" he yelled and the Sanshōuo puppet burst into smoke as it was unsummoned to headquarters. "There...at least they won't be able to spring that one like Sasori..."
Deidara smirked and looked down on his opponents. "Heh, they are all looking pretty tired aren't they Sasori-danna?"
"Indeed," Sasori said, both of them were back on two clay birds that Akatsuki's mad bomber had created. "Unlike them, we don't get tired."
"Heh, we should end this," Deidara reached into his pack and summoned more clay into it, before he grabbed a handful...and began to chew it in his own mouth. "Time for my trump card that I was saving for Itachi..."
Suddenly, both Deidara and Sasori looked up as the puppet master's creations were simultaneously unsummoned. Coffins then raised up behind them and the mad bomber got an even angrier look on his face and waved his arms around.
"NOT AGAIN YOU STUPID KABUTO! IT WAS JUST GETTING GOOD!" Deidara called out as the coffins slammed shut and disappeared.
Kankuro breathed in and out. "...it...looks to be over for now..."
Omoi's arms were being treated by Kiri as Muta's swarms receded back to her body. "There, that should do Omoi," Kiri said. Muta's swarm had been used to great effect on Sasori's puppet army, able to clog up their joints and consume their chakra without much trouble.
"...thanks..." Omoi said as he pulled out a lollipop and plopped it into his mouth. "...did we manage to pull off a win or a draw, Kankuro?"
"...I'd...say the latter. We took out one of their own...but..." Kankuro glanced back to see what remained of Zaji and Hoheto's body. "...we lost people too..."
"...we managed to hold our own against Deidara and Sasori themselves, I'd say that is a minor victory in and that of itself Kankuro," Sai said as he wiped his forehead. "...what is that technique that Deidara was saving for Itachi?"
"...I don't know...couldn't be good," Kankuro commented as he unsummoned his Sasori puppet. He fell to his rear, breathing in and out. "...haven't had that tough of a fight for a long time."
"Same here," Ittan said as he used his jutsu to raise the sunken ground back to normal.
"We should send a message to Headquarters on our status," Kiri said as he wiped his forehead.
Kankuro nodded and gave the order to do so after wiping his forehead. He looked up at the sky, the battle had taken a few hours in total due to the level of their opponents so the entire Ambush Squad had been exhausted. The first full day of battle had concluded.
Lightning Country, Second Division
Hinata, Kurotsuchi, Karui and Shino were assigned to guard the squads that were retrieving the dead Alliance members from the battlefield. Already there were several hundred in body bags, while the dead Zetsus were being burned on a giant fire. The Hyuga Heiress breathed out as a few dozen more bodies of the fallen were stacked with the others.
"...that's the thousandth so far..." Shino commented. He had personally retrieved Hana's body so Kiba wouldn't go out to search for it.
"...one thousand dead...isn't that more than the first ten battles of the Third Shinobi World War combined?" Karui asked as several medical ninja carried the injured they were finding on stretchers to the field hospitals.
"Yes," Hinata said as she closed her eyes. "...and the toll will just keep rising..."
"...at least we killed a lot of Akatsuki's forces," Kurotsuchi said with a grin. "If we keep this up we'll be able to wear Akatsuki down in about a week!"
The four nodded as another injured shinobi, this one from Kiri was carried in on a medical stretcher. More and more bodies kept being piled on each other, either for disposal or sealing to prevent Kabuto from getting more specimens. Several of the Allied death were even being put in a mass grave that would be sealed to prevent Akatsuki from disturbing the dead.
"...how's Kiba-kun holding up?" Hinata asked Shino.
"...his wound should be healed in a few days, he's out of the fighting until then," Shino replied as he sighed. "But the death of Hana-san is weighing heavy on his shoulders."
"Damn it," Hinata whispered as she squeezed her hand into a tight fist in frustration.
All four of them were covered in bandages from their own battles, but they'd be alright to keep fighting. Hinata looked up at the sky and she remembered this entire war was to protect Naruto and she resolved herself once again.
Until Naruto-kun is completely safe, I won't give up. I won't back down... Hinata punched the sky like Naruto would. "...since that is my nindo."
"Hinata?" Shino asked as he looked at her.
"...just made my own vow, Shino-kun," Hinata said as another body was brought to the mass grave. "I won't back down, I won't give up. Since that is my ninja way, to endure."
Shino nodded as a small smile appeared. "Same here."
"You got that right!" Kurotsuchi added with a grin. "We'll win this thing and beat Akatsuki's ass down, and we won't give up!"
Karui gave a smirk. "Exactly, after all Bee-sensei is the person we're all trying to protect!"
"And Naruto-kun too," Hinata added as the wind kicked up a bunch of leaves. "We will endure, and we will win."
To be continued...
Author's Notes:
Whew, that was a rush. I hope you all liked the battles that I've made and the changes. As for Hana's death, she's...the first of the named 'major' characters who is going to fall. Unlike the manga canon War, I'll try to show the effects of the War more strongly, show the bodies piling up and how people can despair in hopeless situations. I also hope you enjoyed the battles that I written for each character, of all of them the Ambush Squad battle was the toughest for me to write since Deidara and Sasori honestly outclass everyone there. After each battle is complete, there's gonna be a little table I'll make of the battles to show the statistics.
Battle of the Ambush Squads:
Allied Shinobi Forces: Ambush Division
Akatsuki: Commando Squad
Commander: Kankuro, Mitarashi Anko
Commander: Chukichi
Strength: Kankuro, Mitarashi Anko, Sai, Ittan, Omoi, Hyuga Hoheto, Zaji, Kiri, Aburame Muta, Hyuga Tokuma, unnamed members of the recon squad.
Strength: Deidara, Sasori, Shin, Chukichi
Losses: Dead: Hyuga Hoheto, Zaji, Hyuga Tokuma, unnamed members of the Recon squad.
MIA: Mitarashi Anko
Losses: Sealed: Shin
Withdrawn: Deidara, Sasori
Result: Allied Shinobi Forces Strategic Victory (they held their position), Akatsuki Tactical Victory (inflicted more casualties while controlling the battlefield)
Battle in the Southern Lightning Country:
Allied Shinobi Forces: Second Division, Fifth Division
Akatsuki: White Zetsu Army, reincarnated Shinobi
Commander: Kitsuchi
Commander: none
Strength: Kitsuchi, Hyuga Hinata, Hyuga Neji, Kurotsuchi, Karui, Aburame Shino, Inuzuka Kiba, Inuzuka Hana, 16,000 shinobi total from the merge of the Second and Fifth division lines
Strength: 20,000 White Zetsu, Uchiha Fugaku, Kimimaro, Hayate Gekko, Hyakurin Umeko, Hyuga Hizashi
Losses: Killed: Inuzuka Hana, 2000 shinobi total
Wounded: 3000 injured shinobi including
Hyuga Neji and Inuzuka Kiba
Losses: Killed: 14,000 White Zetsu
Sealed: Uchiha Fugaku, Hyakurin Umeko
Withdrawn: Hayate Gekko, Kimimaro,
Hyuga Hizashi
Result: Allied Shinobi Forces Decisive Victory
Updated Stats:
Nin: 4.5 (+1
Tai: 4.5 (+0)
Gen: 3.5 (+0)
Int: 4 (+0)
Str: 2.5 (+0.5)
Spe: 4 (+1)
Sta: 3.5 (+0.5)
Sea: 3 (+0)
Total: 29.5 (from 26.5 from the last stats)
Nin: 4.5 (+1)
Tai: 4.5 (+0.5)
Gen: 2 (+0)
Int: 2.5 (+0.5)
Str: 4 (+0.5)
Spe: 5 (+0.5)
Sta: 3.5 (+0.5)
Sea: 1.5 (+0)
Total: 27.5 (from 26 from the last stats)
Nin: 5 (+0)
Tai: 3.5 (+1.5)
Gen: 3.5 (+1)
Int: 5 (+1)
Str: 2.5 (+0.5)
Spe: 4 (+1)
Sta: 4 (+1)
Sea: 2 (+0)
Total: 29.5 (from 24.5 from the last stats)
Nin: 4.5 (+0)
Tai: 5 (+0)
Gen: 4 (+0.5)
Int: 4 (+1)
Str: 4 (+2.5)
Spe: 4.5 (+0)
Sta: 4 (+0)
Sea: 3.5 (+0)
Total: 33.5 (From 31 from last stats)
Nin: 5
Tai: 4
Gen: 4.5
Int: 3.5
Str: 2.5
Spe: 4
Sta: 3
Sea: 5
Total: 31.5
Nin: 3.5
Tai: 5
Gen: 1.5
Int: 3.5
Str: 5
Spe: 3
Sta: 4.5
Sea: 1
Total: 27