Chapter 20

Clash in the Mists: Seven Swordsmen Reincarnated! Part I

Island Turtle, Tailed Beast Temple

Naruto had just summoned Fukasaku to help with his next bit of training...the combining of his Chakra Mode and his Sage Mode. Hopefully, he thought, he'd become strong enough to lift the incredibly dense chakra that formed the Bijudama long enough to get the ratio down. He sat cross legged on the ground as he breathed in through his nose and his Chakra Mode flared up.

So that's the lad's control over the Kyubi's chakra...such incredible chakra! Fukasaku thought, his hands on the black staff. And even all that power isn't enough to handle a Biju's strongest attack...

"...I'm ready now Fukasaku-sensei," Naruto said as he breathed in and began to pull in the Natural Energy all around them.

"Don't be a fool Naruto just jump into the pool! Get that mode down so we can get to you getting the Nine-tails' abode!" Bee said as he moved his hand to a strange beat.

"...yes, that will be very helpful," Fukasaku commented sarcastically.

The centuries old toad recalled the conversation he had with Naruto just after being summoned. The young Hokage had told him of when he had faced Nagato and Madara, how he could integrate Kurama's chakra into his Sage Mode for an even greater power boost than both modes, but it never lasted long. However, he had hoped now that he had the Kyubi Chakra Mode, he could make the boost last longer-or at least as long as a standard Sage Mode duration.

Hey Bee, perhaps I can be of more help, Gyuki said in Bee's mind.

"Okay, okay but don't take all day! Gotta get my Enka rap down pat!"

A sweat drop seemed to appear behind the massive ushi-oni's head as his strange, white eyes narrowed. ...I'll try to stay as long as Naruto needs help, okay?

Fukasaku then looked back as Bee leaped back...and fully transformed into the giant, eight-tailed ushi-oni. "...well what do ya know, he can transform at will! I din't believe ma own ears when I heard of it!"

...that's a bit better, I can finally stretch, Gyuki said as he looked down at Naruto. How is this coming along, Naruto?

"...heh...its a little bit harder to sense the Natural Energy in this chamber...but I think I can pull it in," Naruto said with a grin. "Its just the matter of balancing it..."

I see, I see...I've seen Senjutsu users over the centuries, but they always take on animal characteristics while fighting like Jiraiya-san...

"That's incomplete Sage Mode, Hachibi-san," Fukasaku said as Naruto drew in the Natural Energy as he breathed out slowly, a reddish orange pigment appeared around his eyes but due to the sheer amount of Kurama's chakra in Chakra Mode, he had a harder time balancing it and his cheeks began swelling like a toad's. "Not gonna let that happen youngin!"

With that, Fukasaku whacked Naruto on the back of the head with his black staff to force the natural energy out. The shroud protected the young Hokage from the blow, but the energy he was gathering had been forced out.

"Grr I almost had it that time..." Naruto said as he growled in frustration.

"Then lets get you back onto it, we'll get it down Naruto-boy!" Fukasaku ordered as the young Hokage nodded.

"Right!" he said as the yellow orange chakra flared around him and he breathed out slowly to calm himself...

Just as Iruka came walking in with the latest report from the War. He had been assigned to the island turtle with Aburame Shibi, Akimichi Chokai, and Akimichi Chozu to be the young Hokage's personal bodyguards by Tsunade herself, as well as the 'first line' of deterrence if he decided to enter the War prematurely. The former Academy Teacher carried in his hands a few papers.

"Naruto, got some things that you'd want to hear-being the Supreme Commander of the Shinobi Alliance after all," Iruka said as Naruto then looked up and his Chakra Mode fizzled out.

"What Iruka-sensei?" Naruto asked as he stood up.

"The status of the War, for one," Iruka said as the young Hokage looked at him at apt attention. "We managed to tie in the battle with Akatsuki's Commando unit, as well as win the Battle of Lower Lightning Country."

"Thank god..." Naruto said as he looked at Iruka. "...what were the losses...?"

"In the battle of the commando squads, we lost five members including one from the Recon Squad," Iruka said as he breathed out. "As for the Second Division's losses, they total two thousand with three thousand injuries. We have confirmation that none of your classmates are among the fallen though, Naruto."

"...still...two thousand people..." Naruto gritted his teeth. "...and all I can do is sit here...and learn each body count...damn it!"

The young Hokage's Kyubi Chakra Mode flared as he activated it again and punched the ground so hard, it cracked, shattered and cratered while Iruka stumbled and tried to keep his footing. His first teacher managed to balance himself as he took a deep breath. Iruka then rubbed the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes.

"I know its difficult Naruto, but as the leader of this Alliance, and as the Rokudaime Hokage you need to stay here until you're truly needed. The faster you master this new power means the faster you get to get onto the battlefield," Iruka said as Naruto sighed and his Chakra Mode flared off. "I know that even though we won those first two crucial battles, the loss of life is horrible. But we have to keep pushing forward so their sacrifice isn't in vain."

Naruto breathed out. "...I...think I understand this what all the previous Hokages went through...?" he paused for a second. Is that what Nagato went through during his wars?

"You try to see a greater meaning behind the slaughter...but there is only hatred...and pain...and nothing you can do about it. Pointless death...bottomless hatred...unending pain...that is war. will be up to you to face it all. My role ends here. Naruto...maybe you can really do it..."

...what can I really do though...fight of course when its my time to...but... Naruto breathed out as he looked at Iruka and then Fukasaku and Bee. ...I'll have to figure it out during the War...maybe my training will give me some insights...

Naruto closed his eyes and he breathed out. He settled in his crater again to begin his training once more, his Chakra Mode flared around him and then he began to draw Natural Energy into himself in an attempt to balance the energies.

Alliance Headquarters

The Allied Shinobi Forces headquarters was abuzz with activity as information arrived from the various battlefronts. The few survivors of the Recon Squad had notified the high command that Mitarashi Anko had chose to stay behind to try to hold off the enemy to buy time for her team. Due to her being trained by Orochimaru and possessing a Cursed Seal, she was one of the few people they couldn't afford to lose in the War against Akatsuki according to Tsunade. This was due to Orochimaru's chakra that was sealed away in the Cursed Seal-something that'd be extremely valuable to someone with the late Sannin's cells in their body. Ao sat in front of the sensor water ball, his eyes closed as he had it rotated it trying to sense Anko's specific chakra.

"...its faint...but I believe I've found it," Ao said as he looked up. "She's still alive...and Kabuto is nearby her."

"Despite the risk, we need to send in a team to retrieve her from Kabuto's captivity," Tsunade said after a few moments and Shikaku nodded.

"Inoichi, contact Hikoro Kuro's ANBU team on the field, we're sending them in for a rescue operation," Shikaku ordered and Inoichi nodded.

"Sending the message now..." Inoichi said as he closed his eyes in the Telepathy Communication Machine. "Sent. Kuro's squad is all ready to head out."

"Sai's flying recon in the Land of Hotsprings now, the Third Division is closing is about five minutes away so they'll be ready to assist if any enemy movements are started," Shikaku looked at the map and noted where the ROOT's position was, as well as the Third Division.

Ao then checked. "...there is movement...three Edo Tensei are approaching Sai's is...Mamochi Zabuza!"

" least Sai's airborne, tell him to try to deal with them from a distance with long-ranged attacks," Shikaku ordered.

"Understood, sending the latest information now!" Inoichi announced as he sent the information to Sai's team.

" all we have to do is watch and wait..."

Mountain's Grave

A team of five ANBU managed to get past Akatsuki's defenses and penetrate deep into the territory of the Mountain's Grave. They leaped from tree to tree at high speed, and they were all ANBU of each village: the leader Hikoro Kuro was leading at point wearing a tiger mask. His short black hair was caught in the wind as he kept up his speed up as his number two in the squad, Uzuki Yugao, jumped nearby.

"Anko's chakra signature is on the move Kuro-san," Yugao said as she leaped to another branch. "And the muddled chakra signature...that has to be Kabuto with her."

"What do you think her status is?" Kuro asked.

"...I believe unconscious, her chakra levels are low now," Yugao replied as they leaped to another tree. "If we keep out current speed up, we'll intercept them in the next two hours."

"Lets pick up speed and make it in one," Kuro ordered and charged more chakra to his feet to increase his speed, the rest of the ANBU did the same.

"We don't know what traps that Akatsuki has set up, so we should approach with a bit more caution Kuro-san," the Suna ANBU said as he jumped from another branch. "If there are any traps up ahead, I'll neutralize them with my technique."

"Right Zaki-san," Kuro said as he smirked behind his mask, but he frowned. ...I have a feeling my brother will be an enemy soon...

Kuro's elder brother, Hikoro Hiro had defected from Kumogakure in the chaos of Bee's capture. He had killed several people in the village before making his escape, the Raikage had been furious. Deep down, the ANBU hoped his brother had been caught in the same mind control jutsu that Akatsuki had used to control people in their last attacks on Suna, but no evidence had been found. He breathed in and leaped clear across a small gorge with a single jump, the rest of the ANBU following suit.

Third Division, Land of Frost

Kakashi had temporarily halted the division's advance through the Land of Frost so he could send scouts out to survey where the latest Edo Tensei or White Zetsu were. The division was in a heavily forested area, a large, open field with several small cliffs was about a kilometer ahead-a perfect area to stage for a battle. Sakura walked over to where Rock Lee was-he was in conversation with the Seven Swordsman named Chojuro.

He's part of the same group Zabuza and Kisame were from? Sakura thought in a bit of surprise. Shouldn't or something?

Sakura then glanced over to a few of the kunoichi, specifically the one which Kakashi had been put in charge of. She had been, surprisingly part of Sasuke's group of Missing Ninja that had attacked the Kage Summit, but had defected after the Uchiha had abused her a bit during the fight with Danzo-which had been even more surprising to Ibiki and his interrogators, as well as Tsunade herself. Thus, after much convincing, the kunoichi known as Karin had been given a commission as a Konoha Ninja with the rank of Chunin after giving all the information she had about Sasuke, Kabuto, and Orochimaru that she knew of to the people she surrendered to. In turn, Kakashi had direct responsibility over her, if she had stepped out of line she'd immediately be sent back to Konoha's prison.

The red haired kunoichi glanced over at Sakura. "Yes, can I help you with something?"

"...just was hoping we could talk," Sakura said as she walked over.

"Sure, whatever," Karin said as she leaned back. "What about? Excuse me for not being too friendly but I kinda hate being on a leash right now."

"...well I heard you agreed to it...but its beside the point..." Sakura replied as she waved her off. "I kind of ask about Sasuke. I couldn't talk to Naruto since he immediately left...and you were with him most recently."

Karin rubbed the bridge of her nose. "What were you, his old girlfriend or something?"

"...I loved him back then, before he left...but we were never together. We were teammates," Sakura replied after a few moments and Karin blinked at her. "I just...want to know if you know why he's become what he's become..."

"...nothing good. He's become a hate filled, arrogant bastard who really only cares about himself, everyone else is secondary," Karin said after a few moments and looked up at the sky. "...he isn't the same Sasuke that saved me from the giant bear during the Chunin Exams..."

Sakura blinked rapidly. "Wait, the Chunin Exams?! You were there?!"

"Yeah. I was a Kusa Kunoichi then, one of the applicants. I got separated from my teammates when they went to pursue a couple Konoha genin for their scroll, and I walked into a giant bear's habitat. I was carrying the scroll of my team myself when, out of nowhere, Sasuke came out and drop kicked the bear before it could get to me. He saw that he had the same scroll as me, said to watch out, before saying 'See ya' and left," Karin replied fondly as she leaned back. "...but Sasuke isn't that way anymore. He's cold. He's angry. He's driven to hurt anyone who gets in his way. Hell I think-despite what he told us? I think he wants to destroy Konoha down to the last child. And then probably raze all the other villages to boot."

Sakura felt a cold chill go down her spine at that. "...I see..." she said as she took a seat next to Karin. "The days when old Team Seven were together get farther and farther away...Sasuke goes deeper into depravity...Naruto becomes Hokage like he always wanted on top of saving the village from Pain...and me...?"

Karin glanced at Sakura, specifically noticing the comparatively large diamond shape on her forehead. "Isn't that the Godaime Hokage's technique on your forehead?"

"Actually...its a seal of my own design after I studied Tsunade-shisho's Infūin (Yin Seal), I call it the Byakugō no In (White Strength Seal)," Sakura said proudly. "I completed it during the last spar I had with my shisho before we both went to Kumogakure...I stored chakra in this one place for three entire years to activate it. With it, I can use my sensei's Sōzō Saisei (Creation Rebirth)...and Byakugō no Jutsu (Strength of a Hundred Technique), though unlike my shisho I don't have to focus on keeping myself young...thus my power, speed, and strength raised by a factor of a hundred!"

"Wow," Karin said with a smirk. "Seems like you accomplished something big there Sakura-san!"

"Heh...yeah..." Sakura said as she breathed out and remembered that spar.

Sakura had been training with Kakashi intensely for the past few days, and had been training like that ever since he had returned from Iron after escorting Naruto to the Kage Summit. He had helped her hone a lot of her skills...taught her several new elemental ninjutsu and even helped her create a Raiton technique similar to her master's Ikazuchi Ryu and she had expanded her Doton repertoire. Kakashi skidded back, the force of Sakura's blow had made him back off from attacking directly in the spar.

Even though she didn't hit me directly...the force is really incredible... Kakashi thought as his Sharingan rotated and locked right onto his student. "Genjutsu: Sharingan!"

Sakura let herself fall under the genjutsu...then she slammed her hands together. "KAI (Release)!" and shattered the illusion as her fist charged up. "Raiton: Raiko Kado Ryu (Lightning Release: Lightning Vortex Fist)!"

Lightning burst around her fist and it appeared like a swirling vortex around it. Several bolts lashed out and sliced through the ground as she controlled the electrical whirlpool that surrounded her fist. Kakashi slid his foot back and dropped his hand.

"Raikiri (Lightning Blade)!" Kakashi countered and lightning surrounded his hand as he formed a knife-hand, several bolts also arched out and slashed the ground as he put more chakra into it.

Wordlessly, both student and teacher charged each other at high speed. Sakura's green eyes darted back and forth and kept her eyes on Kakashi's footwork as her sensei's Sharingan read her body movements and both pushed their attacks forward-the Copy Ninja's as a knife hand and the Slug Sannin Apprentice as a closed fist. Bolts of lightning discharged as both attacks fought for dominance before there was a small explosion that sent both Kakashi and Sakura backwards as they slid on the ground.

"...impressive," Kakashi said as he sank to one knee. "You've gotten much stronger than the last time we sparred, Sakura."

"Thanks, sensei! I worked hard!" Sakura said with a wide grin.

"I can tell," Kakashi said as he flexed his hand before he grabbed a bandage from his pack. "Like Naruto, you've become stronger than I am." Sakura's eyes widened at that. "If I were to peg'd be as strong as he was when he returned to save the village from Pain."

"Are you...sure sensei?"

Kakashi nodded as both looked up as Tsunade arrived, having finished her final work in Konoha itself until the War would end. "Mind if I really tested that, Kakashi? She is my Apprentice after all."

"By all means, Tsunade-sama. Are you up for this, Sakura?"

Sakura breathed in and glanced at the Hokage, her master, the most powerful kunoichi in the entire world. She could even see the chakra spike around her as she threw off her green over jacket to show she was serious about this spar. All their previous spars,had ended with Sakura knocked out within the first five minutes, she had barely been able to hold her own at all against her master. things were different-she was stronger now...and she needed to prove to herself that she was catching up to Naruto and Sasuke.

I need to accept the challenge... Sakura thought as she gritted her teeth. "Alright, Tsunade-shisho, lets do this!"

"Excellent!" Tsunade said as she smashed her fist into her palm, and there was a slight shockwave. Kakashi stepped back and gave the two kunoichi room to battle.

On the training field, Sakura and Tsunade slowly paced parallel to each other as they entered taijutsu stance. The wind blew in and blew a leaf up...which both kunoichi took as their signal to start. Both charged at each other, their fists drawn back and when they were close they punched out. Their fists impacted with such force the ground cracked and cratered tremendously at their feet, so much so they sank nearly 40 meters into the earth. But the force then sent Sakura backwards into the air, crashing into the edge of the crater as she tried to correct herself and smashed through several tree branches.

She wouldn't be Hokage if she didn't have that strength! Sakura thought, her knuckles pulsed in pain from the impact. Just as she had recovered Tsunade was already upon her.

"We're fighting for real now, Sakura! Give it all you got!" Tsunade yelled as she dropped her heel. "Tsūtenkyaku!"

Sakura barely had time to react as she flung herself to the left and charged chakra to her feet to use a shunshin to escape the blast radius of Tsunade's Tsūtenkyaku. The impact of the kick flattened an area a kilometer in diameter down to at least six meters deep and 100 meters deep at the epicenter and sent trees and rocks into the air as they rained down like deadly debris. Sakura was on the outer edge of the kick but she still had to shield herself from the shockwave.

"Damn..." Sakura whispered as Tsunade again attacked and barely gave Sakura any time to recover once more.

The two traded fierce taijutsu blows, but the pink-haired medic began giving ground due to the Hokage's superior taijutsu skill and experience. Sakura gritted her teeth and sidestepped a blow strong enough to knock her out. Tsunade then lashed out with a roundhouse kick and the pink-haired medic ducked and rolled and then grabbed the Hokage's ankle and yanked with all her strength to knock her shisho off her feet. The tactic worked and Sakura took out one of her specially made smoke bombs just as Tsunade slammed her heel out and hit her student in the stomach.

Sakura gasped in pain and crashed backwards and flew through several trees for a half a kilometer. She dropped to her knees and spat out a bit of blood and used a quick diagnostic jutsu to see the problem before she healed the damage with the Shōsen Jutsu (Mystical Palm Technique). Sakura pushed herself back to her feet.

" the rate I'm going, she's gonna beat me soon...damn it Naruto'd or Sasuke'd do better..." she gritted her teeth. "No, I can't compare myself. I need to focus on my own strengths..." Her eyes turned steel-like. "I need to finish the seal..."

Just as she had said that she dodged a tree that had been forcibly charged by Tsunade's Ikazuchi Ryu as well as several boulders and other debris, finally kunai and shuriken that had been charged rounded out the barrage. Sakura used her evasive training to dodge the barrage as she focused more and more chakra into the developing seal on her forehead. A thin diamond outline appeared on her forehead as Tsunade herself launched herself in a flying sidekick. Sakura managed to sidestep as she read the path and counter and slam her fist right into the Hokage's face and sent her in the opposite direction by the force of the blow.

Sakura breathed in and out and still focused on completing the seal on her forehead. Tsunade wasn't down for more than two seconds and charged at her like a bull, and the pink haired medic first tossed one of the smoke bombs in her path. The Hokage didn't hesitate once the bomb exploded in her face and drew her fist back and charged lightning into it.

"I'm the one who created the formula in those smoke bombs, Sakura! I'm immune to the effects remember?!"

"I remember," Sakura said as she did three seals, the ox, tiger, then snake. "Magen: Hana no Fuzui (Demonic Illusion: Flowers of Paralysis)!"

Tsunade blinked in surprise and skidded to a stop as flowers grew all around her and began to bloom, and a pink colored pollen wafted up into her nose. She tried to take a step but found herself nearly unable to move. Sakura breathed in relief, the seal on her forehead now three quarters full.

Well I'll be damned...she caught me in a genjutsu, Tsunade thought as she attempted to lift her arms up. Pretty damn strong too...

That won't hold her for long... Sakura thought as she focused, the seal almost completely filled in now.

Tsunade managed after a few moments to raise her hands. "KAI!" with that, she shattered Sakura's illusion and charged her again with her fist drawn back once more. "I'll admit, that genjutsu threw me off! But I think I've won this match Sakura!"

Sakura's eyes widened and she dodged and launched her punch right at Tsunade's stomach. Tsunade's movement stopped, but she wasn't hurt...but now the pink haired medic's seal was finished. She smirked and squeezed her right hand into a tight fist.

"Sorry Tsunade-shisho, I've won!" With that, Sakura launched her punch right at Tsuande's stomach...and to the Hokage's surprise she flew back at insane speeds through the trees as the pink haired kunoichi followed up and jumped after her at full speed. "SHANNARO!"

Tsunade crossed her arms but Sakura smashed her fist into her stomach and the entire area exploded with such force, a shock wave was sent to where Kakashi was standing and birds all around the area fled the forest. A massive amount of rock and soil was launched a kilometer into the air and came crashing down in a wave, and in the center was a massive crater a kilometer and a half in diameter and over 200 meters deep. The Hokage panted as the debris rained down around them, and she gave a proud smile at Sakura.

"...damn..." Tsunade said as she pushed herself up as her broken bones and ruptured organs knitted themselves back together due to her Sōzō Saisei being active. "That's why you were stalling back were completing your own In Fuin..." the Hokage then glanced at the seal on Sakura's forehead, noticing it was larger than her own. "Or maybe, you're own unique seal..."

"I...based it on the the released state of your In Fuin, shisho," Sakura said with a smile and helped Tsunade back to her feet. "I call it Byakugō no In (White Strength Seal) since, if gives the same qualities that your Byakugō no Jutsu (Strength of a Hundred Technique) does. And...I can use both it and Sōzō Saisei and Byakugō no Jutsu."

Tsunade smiled. "I see...congratulations Sakura, you're stronger than me now. Especially since you don't have to spend time keeping yourself youthful like I have. You'll do fine in the War, but remember to protect your comrades."

Sakura nodded. "Will do shisho!"

Karin had listened to it all, her eyes widened. "That...that is're as strong as a Kage?"

"Heh...yeah..." Sakura said as the former Taka kunoichi nodded.

Before they could continue, there was a whistle heard which made everyone get up and into attention. The enemy had been spotted and an advanced team lead by Sai had encountered an enemy unit of Edo Tensei on the move towards the Third Division's position, and Kakashi had ordered the division to get on the move to reinforce them.

In the Skies of the Land of Frost

Sai pursed his lips as he flew on his ink bird in formation with a few local birds to hide his approach. With him with Omoi and on the second bird in the formation was Aburame Muta and Kiri. Muta had spread her insects out and was having them scout ahead while Kiri checked his medical supplies and looked around the area. Down below them four Edo Tensei - two of which Sai and Kiri recognized leaped from tree to tree in the forest.

From the descriptions...those two are Naruto and Sakura's very first opponents...Mamochi Zabuza and Haku of the Yuki Clan... Sai thought to himself as he began to draw several smaller birds onto his scroll with dozens of explosive tags attached to their tails. Zabuza is an elite shinobi, a Jonin of especially high caliber despite not having his Kubikiribocho on him, attacking close combat is the worse I can do due to his techniques. And Haku-dono...from how Sakura-san described him he was also Jonin level in power with Naruto only being able to defeat him upon accessing the Kyubi's chakra for the first time which Haku was unprepared for...two strong opponents of Kirigakure...and the other two...

On the ground, Haku, Zabuza, and their comrades reincarnated with them, a beautiful kunoichi with green hair up in a bun that had orange on the bangs that framed her face and orange eyes while she wore a dark top with bandages around her stomach, with a small dress that opened from the sides named Shakuton no Pakura (Pakura of the Scorch Release). The shinobi next to her had light brown hair that was arranged in a spiky star like pattern, and he had a pronounced jaw and cheekbones with green eyes while wearing a traditional Iwagakure Flak was Bakuton no Gari (Gari of the Blast Release). Haku glanced back at Zabuza who jumped from tree to tree.

"...this blasted technique..." Zabuza said with a growl and jumped to another branch. "Bringing us out of the afterlife we earned..."

"...Zabuza-sama...I'm sorry I wasn't able to prevent your death," Haku said with an ashamed sigh. "I was useless after all in the end."

"...forget about it Haku, its in the past," Zabuza said after a moment as all four of them froze.

"Heh, you're all in for a treat, one of the last living members of Akatsuki is going to rendezvous with you," Kabuto said in their minds. "You should be honored!"

Pakura scowled. "Back when I was alive, Akatsuki was a small time organization...who'd have thought we'd be reincarnated to fight for their behalf..."

"Least you died before one of your members joined it," Gari commented as he leaped to another tree.

"What member of Akatsuki?" Haku asked as he landed on another branch.

"Oh one that Zabuza knows well!" Kabuto replied in their minds eagerly. "Hoshigaki Kisame! And I'll have more...surprises for a old fashioned reunion...hehehehehe..."

Kisame...that bastard... Zabuza thought as he squeezed his hands into tight fists. "Whoever you are, I'll find a way to kill you somehow. Just wait!"

"That's the spirit! Now I bet Tobi...oh I mean Madara is gonna send you some other reinforcements after that in the White Zetsus. A good old fashioned battle. Sounds fun doesn't it?"

In the air, Muta's insects had returned and were practically frantic. She blinked when one landed on her finger and began relaying her the information it had discovered. Muta glanced in the distance and began to physically...feel the chakra approaching.

"These chakra levels...they're insane...its like they belong to Naruto-dono," Muta whispered as she could practically...picture a shark's dorsal fin appearing in the sea of trees towards the Edo Tensei's location. "Sai-dono, trouble is coming. I'd attack now and take our chances."

"Understood," Sai said as he lifted his hand with two fingers. "Chōjū Giga (Super Beast Imitating Drawing)."

With that from his scroll several birds flew off, each with a dozen explosive tags attached to their legs. They dove right at the four Edo Tensei on the ground at high speed as the tags began to ignite. Haku glanced up and acted quickly and did two seals.

"Hyoton: Koori no Engai (Ice Release: Dome of Ice)!" Haku yelled as a huge dome made out of ice was formed around himself, Zabuza, Pakura, and Gari-though Gari was on the edge of it.

The ink birds with explosive tags impacted with such force on the dome that an entire section of the forest had been completely leveled. Zabuza looked up through the dome of ice...noticing the birds that were in the sky. He also glanced at Gari who was already regenerating from the blast that hit him. He glanced at Haku who immediately understood and created one of his Makyō Hyōshō (Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals) mirrors and stepped into it.

In the air Sai was preparing another volley with no one realizing another ice mirror appeared right behind them. Haku brought out a handful of senbon and he breathed in and moved out of the mirror and tossed all the sharp needles at them. Their birds were all destroyed and the commando team was sent crashing down from the sky...Kiri had gotten a few senbons in his neck and back from the attack.

Sai, Omoi, and Muta tried to control their fall as they grabbed onto branches and tried to charge charka to their feet to stick to the bark but their velocity stopped them, however they were slowed down. The slammed to the forest floor and back-rolled into a clearing, and Kiri's body smashed and rolled on its side next to them. Omoi groaned and looked up and saw four high speed blurs that approached them with weapons drawn.

"Crap..." Omoi started as a whistle was heard as well and a green flare was sent into the sky...and there were several blurs that approached in front of the three.

Kakashi, Sakura, Rock Lee, and Maito Gai all blocked Zabuza's, Pakura's, Gari's, and Haku's charge, their kunai's clashed against their weapons. The Suna Kunoichi and Iwa Shinobi gasped in shock as they saw the age of the people they were sent to fight against. Their weapons threw off sparks as they struggled to gain ground against each other.

"What the hell, they're just kids!" Pakura yelled in shock as her kunai screeched against Sakura's.

"Damn these bastards..." Gari muttered in anger as he began giving ground against Rock Lee's superior physical strength.

"Still as good as ever Kakashi..." Zabuza commented as he gritted his teeth and tried to push forward.

One of the Suna ninja gasped. "Its Shakuton no Pakura, she was the Yondaime Kazekage's teammate and the hero of our entire village!"

"And that one, its Bakuton no Gari! Leader of the Blast Corps!" an Iwa Ninja said as a Kiri Ninja's eyes widened.

"Damn it, its one of the Yuki Clan ninja, a user of Hyoton!"

"All of them have powerful Kekkei Genkai!" a Kumo ninja said as Zabuza chuckled.

"Except for me," Zabuza said as there was a burst of smoke behind them, Muta looked up alarmingly.

"Kakashi-dono, fall back! That chakra I sensed before has arrived!"

A massive, serated blade with shark-like scales on its top and bottom appeared out of the smoke and swung in a horizontal slash. All eight ninja leaped away, the four Edo Tensei jumping behind the smoke as Kakashi, Sakura, Rock Lee, and Gai skidded backwards from the force of the slash and they heard a chuckling. Gai looked up, as if he recognized the voice.

"Ahhh...finally I can come into the War and fight some people," the voice said as the smoke cleared...and Hoshigaki Kisame stood in front of everyone as he shouldered his Sameha. "And my new sword is really eager for battle!"

"That voice, I believe I recognize you!" Maito Gai said in shock as Rock Lee looked at his sensei dramatically.

"Isn't he..." Rock Lee started before it dawned on him. "A fish-like person, sensei?!"

"Yes, and he wields a sword! Though its different!"

A bead of sweat seemed to appear behind everyone's head as Rock Lee and Gai went on about the 'mysterious fish-like sword user' which appeared before them. Kisame groaned and put his hand to his head and swung Sameha in an arch which cut through the soft earth with a furrow. Zabuza then walked up and glanced at his fellow swordsman.

"Something happened to Samehada, Kisame?" Zabuza asked as he twirled his curved kunai. "Since that's the Shodaime Mizukage's blade."

"Well it rejected me, so I had to get its big brother," Kisame said cheerfully. "Gonna summon the Kubikiribocho back from Suigetsu? I doubt the boy has properly mastered it-he still can't wield it without strain after all."

"The junior Hozuki brat has my sword? That leaves a bad taste in my mouth," Zabuza said with a grunt as he then looked at Kakashi. "You better be prepared to stop me again Kakashi, I don't know how long I'll be able to control myself."

Kakashi nodded. "I understand, prepare to be defeated then..."

"...all I can do now is just fight...I can't atone for failing Zabuza-sama...I'm a broken tool," Haku said as he breathed in.

"You're wrong, Zabuza didn't die because you failed Haku," Kakashi said as the Demon of the Hidden Mist and Haku both looked up...their consciousness being crushed.

"Damn it...tell...the bastard is...increasing his control over us," Zabuza growled as an aura rose from his back and Haku's...Zabuza's took the appearance of a demon...while the area got colder around the Hyoton user.

"He really cared for you Haku," Kakashi said as a single tear fell from Haku's eye.

"I...see..." Haku said as his personality was completely crushed, as was Zabuza's.

"Aww I was hoping to talk about the old days with Zabuza," Kisame said as he bore his shark-like teeth. "Though we'll have a bit of fun anyways!"

Kakashi's visible eye narrowed. "Lets get this started then..."

With that, Zabuza, Haku, Pakura, Gari, and Kisame all charged the Alliance's position, weapons drawn as the Third Division charged to counter. The Akatsuki swordsman felt extremely excited, his world without lies would be revealed soon! And he'd get to fight some good fights before it happened too and he became even more excited. Two Kumo Ninja leaped at him with two meat-cleaver like swords that were charged with Raiton and he slashed at them...and like a chainsaw his Sameha's 'teeth' shredded through the opposing swords, consumed the Raiton chakra flowing through it and he cut the two shinobi in half with a single swing.

Mountain's Graveyard, Kabuto's location

Kabuto grinned, the battle with the Second Division was starting off nicely. Tobi had confronted him on why he had kept Anko alive and on Edo Tensei and how to counter it, and he had given the Akatsuki leader a complete demonstration even informing him that the reincarnated would possess whatever Kekkei Genkai they had in life due to their genetic code, such as Itachi's Sharingan or Nagato's Rinnegan. He had also told him a counter-a seal sequence that wouldn't work. That had let him go with Anko in toe so he could siphon off Orochimaru's chakra from her cursed seal to empower the Edo Tensei. He looked at his little 'game board', having placed stones which represented his Edo Tensei on the field.

"Hm...these the rest will be good here...some heavy hitters to fight against Kakashi and Maito Gai will be needed," Kabuto said to himself and glanced at Anko. "Unless you have a suggestion?"

Anko groaned, half conscious from the poison that was pumped into her body and the drain of the chakra from the Cursed Seal on the back of her neck. Kabuto smirked at that and his body snake hissed as it stuck its tongue out.

"I thought not..." Kabuto said with a smirk as he looked at his board. His head suddenly shot up and he dodged a dozen shuriken that had lightning wrapped around them. "I have some party crashers apparently..."

Just as he said that a dozen fireballs enhanced by a blast of wind converged on him and he jumped into the trees just as he saw two blurs of movement and his snake hissed a warning as two purple haired kunoichi in ANBU masks swung their swords in a crescent slash. He ducked the slash as it cut through tree and his hand was enveloped in chakra and he slashed upwards predicting the final attack...but he miscalculated. Instead, the leader of the ANBU, a man in a tiger mask with short black her appeared right in front of Kabuto with his hands out.

"Ranton: Reizā Sākasu (Storm Release: Laser Circus)!" Kuro yelled as a halo of blue light surrounded his hands and several bolts of energy shot out at Kabuto nearly point blank.

Kabuto was hit and he opened his mouth, his body and his cloak sizzled from the attack...and he used Orochimaru-Ryu no Kawarimi no Jutsu (Orochimaru-style Body Replacement Technique) to evacuate his old form and appear on the ground in a new cloak. He smirked and pushed his glasses up and glanced at the ANBU attackers who had already gotten between him and Anko. The Suna ANBU then lifted Anko out of the draining seal that Kabuto had put her in.

"I'm sorry, I am not finished with her yet," Kabuto said politely as he pushed up his glasses. "You'll have to return her to me."

Kuro's eyes narrowed behind his mask. "Not going to happen," he said as he got his tanto into his hand and with his left three blades made entirely of lightning shot up from the top of his wrist.

"Ah, the Raiton: Sanju Risutoken (Lightning Release: Triple Wrist Blade), that is quite a difficult technique..." Kabuto charged at him as his hands glowed with the Chakura no Mesu but Yugao immediately slammed several smoke bombs to the ground and temporarily blinded Orochimaru's successor.

They used the smoke as cover to leap away into the forest while they carried Anko and used a Shunshin to cover more area at high speed. Kabuto's trademark smirk narrowed into an annoyed, thin line as he slashed the air to clear the smoke from his face. He sighed and shook his head.

"Now that was just rude," Kabuto said as he bit his thumb and then smashed his hand down and a Kuchiyoise seal appeared below it and there was a massive burst of smoke...and Manda II was summoned to the scene. "Manda II, pursue them. Secure Anko and kill them all."

The island sized snake gave a roaring hiss at the order and then slammed down to the ground and moved an extremely high speed. Its belly scales dragged it along the earth as its small, dragon-like arms clawed into the dirt to pull it at even greater speeds. Trees were uprooted, flattened, or even thrown high into the air with each dragging slither.

The ANBU team had barely gotten a kilometer away when they noticed the ground shuddering at their feet and they looked back to see the gigantic Manda II surging towards them. It gave a hissing roar as it began to close the gap. Kuro then skidded on a branch and turned to face the gigantic serpent that was rapidly closing on them.

"I'll hold this thing off, get Anko to Alliance lines!" Kuro ordered as he pulled up his sleeves to reveal kanji scrawled on the bottom of his arms.

"Right Kuro-san!" Yugao said as they picked up the pace, leaping from tree to tree as they tried to get into the canopy.

Kuro did several seals as he charged lightning through his arms. The kanji scrolled on the bottom of his arms disappeared as he shaped the now released chakra through his body. The force and power of the chakra caused his mask to crack and fly off as he finished the seal sequence. His eyes briefly lit up as the electricity also charged them.

"Hikoro-Ryu Raiton: Nibai Raiko Doragon (Hikoro-Style Lightning Release: Double Lightning Dragon)!" Kuro yelled as he then threw out both hands and natural lightning in the shape of dragons roared out and set the forest ablaze with the heat of the lightning. The Hikoro-Ryu Ninjutsu allows the user to seal elements inside their bodies and were even used to create the very seals for Killer Bee and Yugito. However, the elemental seals were hard to develop and were extremely dangerous and took a lot of chakra to unleash.

The gigantic lightning dragons charged right at Manda II's open mouth and the effect was almost immediate. Manda II howled in pain as its nerves were fried as the bolts of electricity surged through its body. From its back the surge was so much its spine exploded out from the overload and in an attempt to save itself, it burst away in a puff of smoke. Kuro dropped to his knees and he panted, breathing in and out as drops of sweat fell from his brow.

"Can't waste time resting..." Kuro said as he forced himself to stand up. "I'm still behind enemy lines."

With that, the ANBU Captain leaped back into the trees to catch up with his team. From Kabuto's summoning point, he had seen what happened. He sighed and pushed his glasses back up with his palm, looking at the devastation.

"Looks like I'll have to go for Plan B on keeping my Edo Tensei powered up, luckily Tobi has already provided it for me," Kabuto said with a smirk.

Third Division, Land of Frost

The battle against Kisame and the Edo Tensei that were summoned had already become very fierce. Scores of shinobi were dying as they attempted to fight the Edo Tensei that Kabuto had summoned to fight them. Kakashi was personally engaged in battle with Zabuza as Haku created hundreds of Makyō Hyōshō so he was virtually teleporting throughout the entire battlefield while killing dozens of Chunin and Jonin class shinobi. Sakura herself was engaged in combat with Pakura, her Chunin wakizashi was clashing against the Suna Kunoichi's kunai. And Rock Lee and Gai had engaged Gari in battle alongside several Kumo Shinobi.

Sakura and Pakura tossed several shuriken at each other which collided as they leaped in the air. The Suna kunoichi slashed and the pink-haired kunoichi dodged and unleashed a kick instead of slashing. Pakura grabbed a chain from her pack and latched around a tree to pull herself out of the way as Sakura landed and created a deep crater.

"That fighting style, its from the Legendary Sannin Tsunade..."

"She's my master," Sakura said as she widened her stance. I can't spend much time fighting her, the casualties are starting to rise...

"Indeed, which is why I should use my full power against you," Pakura said as she made a tiger seal. "Don't take it personally, I have no grudge against Konoha."

Sakura nodded as three...sun-like spheres formed on Pakura's back. This must have been what got her her nicknamed from before...Shakuton no Pakura.

"Shakuton: Kajōsatsu (Scorch Release: Extreme Steaming Murder)," Pakura said as she then took out another kunai. "Prepare yourself..."

"Haruno Sakura," Sakura said as she bit her thumb. Summoning Katsuyu and using Enkaku Chiyu (Remote Healing) will be the best strategy to fight her!

With that, Sakura slammed her palm to the ground and the jutsu's marks appeared on the ground. In a massive puff of smoke, the gigantic, 120 meter blue and white slug Katsuyu appeared. The pink-haired kunoichi stood on top of the giant slug's head as the wind whipped around her and her hair fluttered in the wind. Pakura didn't look too concerned as she prepared for battle.

"Katsuyu-sama, please distribute yourself amongst our forces," Sakura said as she did a seal. "Use the chakra from my seal to begin healing our allies."

"As you wish Sakura-chan," Katsuyu said as she did her mass division. One of her smaller copies crawled onto Sakura's shoulder and glowed green as it transferred the chakra with the Enkaku Chiyu.

All over the battlefield, the dying and wounded shinobi had Katsuyu's miniature clones attach to them and their wounds began to heal. Several critical shinobi were stabilized from the emergency transfer of chakra that Sakura had gave to them. But for many, it was too little too late-and Sakura felt every person she couldn't save.

Damn it... Sakura thought as she and Pakura began their duel anew.

Rock Lee and Gai had now split apart to deal with the threats of Gari and Haku respectively. The taijutsu masters engaged the Bakuton and Hyoton users at the same time, trying to keep them boxed in. Gari launched a sidekick that Rock Lee dodged.

"Bakuton: Jiraihando (Explosion Release: Landmine Kick)!" Gari yelled and slammed his heel into a unsuspecting Iwa Shinobi...and the shinobi cried out as he exploded in a shower of blood.

"Konoha Daisenpu (Leaf Great Whirlwind)!" Lee yelled as he swept the Bakuton user's ankle to trip him before he slammed his heel into Gari's stomach and sent him flying back as his arm was crushed and severed from the impact.

The damage from the kick had fractured Gari's Edo Tensei body and blown off his arm. Immediately he regenerated and he gave a grin. When it was fully reformed, he squeezed his hand into a tight fist and cracked his neck. The Bakuton user looked like he was excited.

"Its been a LONG time since I've faced a skilled taijutsu user!" Gari said as he got into a boxing-like stance. "I'm gonna enjoy this fight!"

Rock Lee tightened his Goken stance. "It will be an honor to fight you, Gari-san! I am Rock Lee, Konoha's Beautiful Green Beast!"

"Ah, that explains it, you're Maito Gai's protege!" Gari exclaimed with a grin. "Now I'm even more excited!"

I can't hold back! Time to go all out! Rock Lee thought as he reached into his leg warmers and then tossed the weights he was carrying away, the second they hit the ground they caused a large explosion. "My youth is going to blow you away!"

Rock Lee then ran full speed at Gari and the two began a fierce taijutsu duel. Lee was careful not to be hit or even block the Bakuton Taijutsu user's fists or kicks due to the danger of a explosion, instead he dodged and ducked every blow. However, when he attempted to counterattack with a roundhouse Gari blocked with his arm.

Undeterred, Rock Lee leaped back and then charged at full speed. He then vanished right from Gari's sight when he tried to punch him...and then Lee's heel smashed into his chin so hard his face was sent flying off...with the rest of his body. Rock Lee then appeared right behind him, his bandages now loose.

"Kage Buyō (Dancing Leaf Shadow)!" Lee yelled as his bandages moved on their own and wrapped around Gari. When Gari was completely immobilized by the bandages he grasped his shoulders. "Omote Renge (Front Lotus)!"

The two then spun at incredibly high speeds as they plunged to the ground. Lee let go just before they hit and the entire area cracked and splintered from the impact. He breathed in and out through his nose as he then yanked his bandages away...and saw...Gari had switched out with a log. Rock Lee blinked in surprise and his eyes darted back and forth before the log began glowing.

"Bakuton: Bakuyaku Dainyu no Jutsu (Explosion Release: Explosive Substitution Technique)," Gari said calmly as he reappeared and smashed his fists down onto two Kumo Ninja. "And a Bakuton: Jiraiken (Explosion Release: Landmine Fist) for good measure!"

The substituted log then exploded with such force Lee was sent flying off his feet and his flak jacket and green tights were torn. He managed to land on his feet but Gari was already on him, launching a flurry of punches and kicks. Disoriented from the explosion Rock Lee struggled to dodge each blow and then the Bakuton Taijutsu user's fist grazed his forearm and Lee felt himself be launched back by an explosion.

Lee rolled back and cried out in pain before he leaped back to his feet and winced in pain as blood began leaking from his arm. He squeezed his hand into a fist to test if his arm was still of use and he mentally breathed a sigh of relief.

"How did you get that substitution in time?" Rock Lee asked. "My kick practically destroyed your face, that should have incapacitated you!"

"Oh its not my first time facing the legendary Omote Renge, the first time it happened I was bedridden for nearly a month...I've learned to counter such an attack," Gari replied with a grin as a stray kunai with a explosive tag embedded itself in the ground behind him and ignited. "So I suggest if you have any long-ranged ninjutsu, you should use them. Fighting me close combat is suicide."

"Sorry...can't do," Rock Lee said as he straightened up. "You see, I'm a ninja who is unable to use ninjutsu or genjutsu! So I do everything with taijutsu!"

Gari blinked at that, and laughed. "Oh, that explains it..."

"And because of that, I'm going to defeat you!" Rock Lee announced and did a good guy pose. "So you can go back to sleep after this fight!"

And at the same moment, Kisame grinned madly as he slashed through several fireballs, wind blasts, and lightning bolts launched from a team of Konoha, Suna, and Kumo ninja right at him. He swung Sameha with one arm and slashed two of them in half before he punched another so hard he smashed into and through a tree. The Akatsuki swordsman gave a viscous grin as his shark-like eyes darted back and forth.

"Come on, anyone willing to really challenge me?!" he asked as the young Seven Swordsman jumped at him with his Hirameki drawn.

"Kisame-sempai, I will be your opponent!" Chojuro yelled as his Hirameki unleashed its chakra and formed a giant sword.

"Oohhh the new runt of the litter wants to fight!" Kisame yelled as he blocked Chojuro's attack and the two began a fierce sword duel. "Though I was hoping that dull beast would notice what I'm doing!"

Its just like my master says...his power is unbelievable! Chojuro thought as he ducked Kisame's punch and parried his blow.

The two then jumped back and Kisame then did several seals. "Suiton: Suikōdan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Shark Missile)!"

The Akatsuki Swordsman's cheeks bulged and he then shot out a gigantic water missile in the shape of a great white shark right at Chojuro who stood his ground and did his own seals. His own cheeks bulged a little bit and he lifted up two fingers. Breathing out through his nose he focused and his eyes narrowed behind his glasses.

"Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Missile)!" Chojuro yelled and water burst from his mouth and in the shape of a dragon.

Both Suitons collided with explosive force and drenched the entire battlefield. Kisame didn't wait for the result though and charged through the shower at high speed while dragging Sameha on the ground to build up momentum. He slashed right at Chojuro who spun, had his Hirameki reform from a giant sword-blade into a hammer and smashed it full force right at Kisame.

Kisame shifted and hefted Sameha up and blocked with the flat side of her sword. "Very, very impressive kid. You're wielding that sword as good as Mangetsu did, making the Seven Swordsmen name proud."

"Not that I don't like the compliment but I'm not gonna stop until you're put down, Kisame-sempai!" Chojuro said with fire in his eyes.

"Oho, the little minnow from back then has grown into a shark himself, I like that," Kisame said as he then spun and hit the young Seven Swordsmen in the back with the flat side of Samehada hard enough to launch him into a tree. "But you still have a long way to reach my level."

Chojuro spat out blood as he collided with several shinobi who were trying to get into attacking position on Kisame. The young Seven Swordsman plunged the Hirameki into the ground and he forced himself to stand up despite the injury. It felt like his entire body had turned into jelly from the impact but he was standing on sheer willpower.

"I said...Kisame-sempai...I won't stop until I bring you down!" Chojuro announced as he panted and winced in pain.

"Grow a bit more and you'll manage to amuse me, Chojuro," Kisame said with a smirk. "And then you'll get to be a worthy opponent for me..."

From the water that was now scattered on the battlefield, Kisame created yet another shark missile and jumped onto its back as he saw a green blur. He smirked and then set off like a bullet right after the blur which was chasing a darker colored blur from mirror to mirror. He grinned like a madman as he lifted his Sameha over his head.

"And right here is the truly strange beast which I was hunting all over the battlefield!" He yelled as he brought his sword down to slash at Maito Gai.

Gai broke off his pursuit of Haku and skidded back...his old foe Kisame Hoshigaki now standing right in front of him after leaping off his shark missile which smashed into a few Kiri shinobi. The Akatsuki Swordsman then hefted his blade onto his shoulder and smirked.

"Now I have a question you dull beast..." Kisame started as his smirk widened. "Do you finally remember who I actually am?"

" appears we have fought in the past...after all you wield a giant sword!" Maito Gai said as he pointed at Kisame who sighed.

"...hopefully fourth time will be the charm for you to remember your damn opponent," Kisame said as he charged right at Gai.

Mountain's Graveyard, Kabuto's location

Kabuto had now...shed his skin and stood right in front of it. He smirked and charged chakra to his hand...and smashed it right into his old skin. From it five White Zetsus were forced out from rapid maturation and were left sprawled on the ground immobilized as large pythons that Kabuto had summoned restrained them and kept them from touching the ground. His smirk widened as the Zetsus all looked at him in shock.

"How...did us...?"

"Hard not to notice some of Hashirama's DNA being sprinkled onto me," Kabuto said with a grin as he looked like a kid in candy store. "I only wanted one, but Tobi decided to spoil me. Such a 'good guy'..."

"Tobi...won't let you get away with this!" one of the Zetsus protested.

"And now I think I have a volunteer. This will be my first Fushi Tensei (Living Corpse Reincarnation), so you will have to bear with me," Kabuto said as he did a seal and the Zetsu's mouth was forced open by the python constricting its coils.

The yellow eyes of the Zetsu widened as Kabuto's true serpentine form leaped out of his mouth. Before the Zetsu could even scream the necromancer plunged right into his mouth and down his throat. His brethren looked on in horror as the unfortunate White Zetsu's appearance changed...his pupil-less yellow eyes then gained the cat-like slit that had been in Kabuto's own and scales appeared. The python that had restrained it loosened its grip as it pushed itself up...Kabuto now was in full control as a snake grew out of his stomach and coiled around him like a tail.

"Ahhhh...the power of Hashirama Senju himself now..." Kabuto said as he squeezed his hand into a tight fist. He picked up his glasses and put his cloak back on. "Makes up for the loss of Anko's Curse Seal..." He took out a scroll and did three seals. "And now you four will be of some great use for my experiments later."

The four Zetsu cried out as they were sucked into the scroll and the character for 'White' appeared on it. Kabuto's abnormally long tongue flicked out like a snake as he grinned, he had turned a loss into a gain and had gained full control over the Mokuton ability that Orochimaru himself coveted. He glanced at his other scrolls...other samples of genetic material he would integrate into himself later. Kabuto walked over to where his 'game board' was to look at the progress of the current battle.

"Now I believe it is time to raise the stakes," he said as he pulled out seven new white pieces and then laid them onto the board where Zabuza, Gari, Pakura, and Haku were engaged with the Third Division.

Third Division, Land of Frost

On command, Pakura and Gari then leaped away from their duels with Sakura and Rock Lee as Haku and Zabuza themselves landed in the same area. At the same time, the Shakuton and Bakuton users smashed their hands to the ground and the summoning markings appeared coffins began rising. There was also another puff of smoke and Zabuza himself retrieved his legendary Kubikiribocho and swung it in one hand.

Kakashi's eye widened. "Everyone! Attack now before they finish summoning!"

All at once, the Third Division launched barrage of fireballs, lightning bolts, wind blasts, water blasts, earth projectiles, as well as giant shuriken, kunai, weapons laden with explosive tags, and even acid from the mini-Katsuyu's and lava from the Yoton users in the division. There were also several superheated ash blasts from the sole Haiton (Ash Release) user in the division which bolstered the power of the barrage. All the attacks hit home and there was a massive blast that shook the area but as the smoke cleared...the Third Division was beset by the entire lineup of the Seven Swordsmen themselves...and the Yondaime Mizukage himself.

Kisame jumped over and stood by his former comrades. "Hehehehe looks like the gang is ALL back together...!"

"...the situation has gotten even worse..." Kakashi said as he saw each Seven Swordsmen...and the dreaded Yondaime Mizukage Yagura.

Zabuza lifted his hand up and then unleashed the Kirigakure no Jutsu. As the mist covered the area, everyone around was blinded. Kakashi breathed in as the Allied Shinobi Forces all leaped into a defensive Manji position, they were back to back...and then the carnage began anew.

To be continued...

Author's Notes:

Sorry it took a while for an update. Lets just say the manga kind of left a lot of motivation to write out of it for a while, but that's mostly over now. I worked hard to get this chapter done and I hope you enjoy, so please read and review. Below will be some extra stuff (updated stats for Rock Lee and Sakura) as well as Kage Rankings and their Destructive Capabilities!



Nin: 5 (+1.5)

Tai: 4.5 (+0.5)

Gen: 5(+1)

Int: 4 (+0)

Str: 5 (+2)

Spe: 4 (+1)

Sta: 3.5 (+1)

Sea: 4 (+0.5)

Total: 35

Rock Lee:

Nin: 0.5 (+0)

Tai: 5 (+0)

Gen: 1 (+0)

Int: 3 (+1)

Str: 5 (+0.5)

Spe: 5 (+0.5)

Sta: 5 (+1.5)

Sea: 1 (+0)

Total: 25.5 (Would be higher if he could use Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, from 22 in the Third Databook, no change due to his inability to use Ninjutsu and Genjutsu.)


Nin: 3.5

Tai: 4.5

Gen: 2

Int: 4

Str: 5

Spe: 4

Sta: 3.5

Sea: 3

Total: 29.5


Nin: 5

Tai: 4

Gen: 3

Int: 5

Str: 2

Spe: 4.5

Sta: 3

Sea: 5

Total: 31.5


Nin: 4

Tai: 5

Gen: 2

Int: 3

Str: 5

Spe: 4.5

Sta: 3.5

Sea: 2

Total: 29

Kabuto Yakushi:

Nin: 5

Tai: 4

Gen: 5

Int: 5

Str: 3.5

Spe: 4.5

Sta: 5

Sea: 5

Total: 37


Nin: 5

Tai: 4.5

Gen: 5

Int: 5

Str: 4

Spe: 5

Sta: 5

Sea: 5

Total: 38.5

Hashirama Senju:

Nin: 5

Tai: 5

Gen: 5

Int: 4.5

Str: 5

Spe: 4.5

Sta: 5

Sea: 5

Total: 39

Tobirama Senju:

Nin: 5

Tai: 5

Gen: 3

Int: 5

Str: 5

Spe: 5

Sta: 5

Sea: 5

Total: 38

Minato Namikaze:

Nin: 5

Tai: 4.5

Gen: 4.5

Int: 5

Str: 4.5

Spe: 5

Sta: 4.5

Sea: 5

Total: 38

Current Gokage Rankings:

1. Sandaime Tsuchikage Onoki

Destructive Capability: Small City (1 megaton-5 megatons of power) to Small island (1 gigaton – 4 gigatons of power)

Strengths: Flight, Jinton, and Doton mastery makes him a masterful long-ranged combatant

Weaknesses: Old Age and a bad back, and not very fast

2. Godaime Hokage Tsunade

Destructive Capacity: Small City (1 megaton – 5 megatons of power)

Strengths: Extremely high Super Strength (strongest around next to Sage Mode/Kurama Chakra Mode Naruto), Regeneration, Indestructible Boss Summon in Katsuyu, extremely dangerous close combatant

Weaknesses: Lacks long ranged techniques

3. Godaime Kazekage Gaara

Destructive Capacity: Large Town Level (Around 135 Kilotons, Large town level goes up to 999 kilotons from 50 kilotons)

Strengths: Able to control an energy desert, as well as his super strong and fast gourd sand, as well as Futons (Wind Release Techniques) and flight, and near impenetrable defense

Weaknesses: Limited close combat techniques, larger techniques drain his impressive stamina quickly

4. Godaime Mizukage Mei Terumi

Destructive Capacity: Town Level (Around 20-49 kilotons based on her melting of Sasuke's Susano'o and her highly impressive Suitons)

Strengths: Two Kekkei Genkai in Yoton and Futton, both of which are able to damage a technique like Susano'o despite its extremely high defense, and her incredible Sutions and Manta Ray summon gives her flight

Weaknesses: Close combat, she is passable in it but not as good as others.

5. Yondaime Raikage A

Destructive Capacity: High Multi-City Block Level (Between 700 tons to 5.99 Kilotons)

Strengths: Fastest Shinobi alive (not counting Naruto and Minato), which means he's in the Massively Hypersonic (Mach 100+) range compared to most high level shinobi which are above Mach 40+, and he has a massive amount of physical strength behind him (though less than Tsunade), Raiton no Yoroi provides him a high level of defense and he has high pain tolerance

Weaknesses: Versatility. He has absolutely no long-ranged techniques and focuses solely on his nintaijutsu instead of any other Ninjutsu techniques. In canon, he also lacks his primary, strongest arm.

Note: It is possible for A to win against any of them due to his high level of speed, but he's at a decided disadvantage against most of the other Kages. They all have answers for his techniques, and some (such as Tsunade and Gaara) have reactions to at least react to him, or regenerate (like Tsunade) from his hit. All the Gokage are generally around the same level, though there has to be the strongest of the group.