Chapter 23

Battle of Lightning Coast Part I

Land of Lightning, Lightning Coast

The alarms continued to sound as the First Division scrambled into battle positions. Thousands of shinobi shunshined to the battlements or ran to them while they grabbed every weapon they could get their hands on. Three kilometers out the White Zetsu and Edo Tensei force advanced through shallow water. Up in the sky one Edo Tensei, Deidara had reached his new position. His visible eye seemed to dance at the possibility of showing this audience his art.

On the ground, Samui and her younger brother Atsui formed up with Darui and A. Atsui gave a cocky grin as he got his sword out while Samui unsheathed her tantō. The Raikage's Raiton no Yoroi sparked around him as Samui looked up and sensed several attacks that were coming. Thousands of super fast clay birds swarmed down to the encampments from the sky as the shinobi began to fight back.

"Hehehehehe, ART IS A BLAST!" Deidara yelled as he made a seal and all the clay bird bombs detonated.

"Diffuse them with lightning!" Samui yelled as the next round appeared. She did several seals. "Raiton: Raiko Hada no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Lightning Body Technique)!"

With that, the busty Kumo Kunoichi's body sparked...before she turned into a literal lightning bolt. Similar to the Hozuki Clan's Suika no Jutsu (Hydrification Technique), Raiko Hada converted the user's body into a lightning bolt so they could phase through attacks as well as attack with the force and power of lightning itself. Samui stood in her lightning form before she crouched and vanished...hitting the incoming clay bombs and she diffused most of them. A loud thunder crash was heard when she landed and Deidara's eye twitched.

"Huh...that will make things a bit tougher, yeah," Deidara then reached into his pocket and then pulled out two prepped C3 bombs and he smirked. "Have a taste of this!"

With that he tossed both C3 Bombs, this time they were shaped like sharks for aerodynamics, and Deidara did a seal and enlarged them into giant missiles capable of wiping cities off the map. He gave a smirk as the C3 broke the sound barrier several times over from their plunge...and then there was a flash of blue lightning. The first C3 was cut in half and diffused and the second was punched right into the sky.

"What the hell?!" Deidara demanded and his eye darted around as a flash of lightning appeared right in front of him...and before he could turn around the Raikage's heavy fist smashed into his face. "OH CRAP!"

The Akatsuki Mad Bomber crashed through his clay bird mount as his whole face regenerated from the blow...just as A grabbed him by the waist. He yelled and began to spin in mid air as Deidara desperately tried to fight back. Both of them slammed down and the Raikage smashed Deidara's body right into the ground and created a crater nearly 40 meters wide and three meters deep, arcs of lightning shot out in all directions.

"Seal him before he recovers!" A yelled as Deidara's body then turned to clay and his eyes darted around. He managed to pull a Kawarimi when I hit him?

A charged more lightning around him as what looked to be a giant clay centipede burst from the ground and smashed into the battlements where dozens of shinobi tried to get out of the way before it detonated. In a flash the Raikage was there but just before he could disarm it the bomb exploded point blank and carved out a large portion of the cliffs. The force of the explosion was enough to destroy several city blocks.

When the smoke cleared A was still standing, completely undamaged from the blast since his Raiton no Yoroi had shielded him from it. However dozens of Allied Shinobi weren't so lucky with several buried in debris, others who had managed to survive were mangled beyond measure, and there were dead bodies from the blast littered everywhere. The Raikage snarled at the carnage as his Raiton no Yoroi responded to his anger.

Deidara had already taken to the sky once more on a C2 Dragon as he rained down far more destruction on the Allied Shinobi Forces who desperately tried to counter with Raiton attacks, lightning bolts and even barriers of electricity were erected to diffuse the C2 dragon bombs but there were just too many for most shinobi. Darui and Samui acted as a team as Samui used her Raiko Hada to zip into and threw each clay dragon and diffuse them, or Darui used his Ranton: Reizā Sākasu (Storm Release: Laser Circus) to shoot down several dozen of the projectiles and even guided the bolts to hit more of the bombs.

"Tsk, those two are becoming troublesome, yeah," Deidara said as he put his hand to his chin. "Heh...guess I'll have to bring out my ultimate..."

On the ground, A looked up now enraged by the attack Deidara did. His hair then stood up on end and his Raiton no Yoroi became thicker and more distinct. He was now at full power...and with that...he was the fastest shinobi on earth. Even faster that Samui in her lightning form, Hatake Kakashi, Maito Gai, Uchiha Sasuke, and Sage Mode users like Jiraiya and Uzumaki Naruto. He rivaled even the Nidaime Hokage, Senju Tobirama in sheer speed and only the Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Minato was faster than him. Time slowed down as he vanished and moved faster than even a speeding meteorite.

"" Deidara was about to say as A appeared from below, through Deidara's C2 Dragon and smashed his fist through the Akatsuki bomber's chest.

"Raitoningu Sutorēto (Lightning Straight)!" A roared and shot a blast of lightning right through his fist and the discharge completely neutralized the Dragon.

Both of them plunged from the sky and the Raikage embedded Deidara in a cliff face after smashing him through it. Paper and ash wafted around him as the Akatsuki Mad Bomber began to regenerate, A reached into his pack and then slapped a sealing tag right onto his forehead after he withdrew his fist. The seal spread over Deidara's body and effectively took him out of the War for now.

"What are you standing around for you idiots!?" A demanded and turned to the rest of the invading Akatsuki force while the ninja surrounding him stood slack-jawed. "We still have a battle to win!"

"Yes Raikage-sama!"

"With Raikage-sama here we'll win this battle!"

"Yeah! Akatsuki won't get through us!"

Just as that was said, a massive, giant red tail blind sided A from the side and smashed him into and through the cliff and collapsed a massive portion of the entire cliff face on top of him while it gouged out a giant hole in the wall. Tenko and Tenten, being close enough saw three...things covered in Red Chakra right behind the White Zetsu. The Weapon Mistress blinked in surprise.

"Wait a second, they look like Naruto's Four-Tailed Form!" Tenten remarked. "Two of them...have six tails...and the other one has eight!"

"Four-tailed form?!" Tenko asked her.

"What Sakura-chan described to me...Naruto got covered in the superdense chakra of the Kyubi which provided him with a nearly impenetrable defense and gave him enough power to fight Orochimaru of all people to a standstill!" Tenten replied as she took out her scroll. "And she said Naruto went into an even higher level with six tails and a skeleton when he fought Pain after he though Pain had killed Hinata."

"...crap..." Tenko said as the giant tail was knocked away by the Raikage who grunted.

"...Kinkaku and Ginkaku...and they've transformed already," A said with a snarl, a small amount of blood dripped from his forehead and lip.

"Kinkaku and Ginkaku, Raikage-sama?" Tenko asked as he jumped back to get into guarding position.

"They are responsible for killing Senju Tobirama, the Nidaime Hokage, in an ambush with their bounty hunter team of elite shinobi," A replied as he wiped the blood off his lip as the main part of the fighting started. "Before Madara took the Kyubi as his own, Kumogakure tried to acquire the Nine-Tails. Kinkaku and Ginkaku, our 'Gold and Silver Brothers' were part of the capture team...and they ended up swallowed by the Fox who barely took notice."

Tenko blinked. "How did they survive?"

"They consumed the Kyubi's flesh and integrating its chakra into their own body, and then caused so much havoc inside Kyubi...expelled them," A replied. "From that point on, they could control Kyubi's chakra and gained so much strength...however they got greedy."

"Greedy?" Tenten asked as she launched a wave of kunai and shuriken into a mass of White Zetsu.

"During the Nidaime Raikage's reign, he attempted to form the first long lasting ninja alliance with Konohagakure. However, Kinkaku and Ginkaku viewed that as a threat to their war profiteering and attacked the Nidaime Raikage and Hokage during their peace conference," A replied as he smashed his fist right into and through a White Zetsu. "If not for my father and the future Sandaime Hokage, the KinGin Brothers would have succeeded in their coup and both villages would have been thrown into an even more brutal era of warfare."

"Katon: Endan (Fire Release: Flame Bullet)!" Tenko yelled as he shot a massive, oil enhanced blast of flame into the midst of attacking White Zetsu's. "Damn..."

A's Raiton no Yoroi flared up as dozens of White Zetsu rushed him and tossed wood kunai and shuriken at him which bounced off his lightning armor. He vanished at high speed and in an instant, three dozen White Zetsus's were bifurcated before they even knew the Raikage had moved. Tenko and Tenten formed up with him as a ways away, Darui, Samui, and her brother Atsui formed up. The First Division General had a smirk on his face.

"Well I suppose its time for me to show off why the boss put me in charge of this division," Darui then did a few seals lightning crackled around him. "Raiton: Kuropansa (Lightning Release: Black Panther)!"

The black lightning swirled around his body before it formed into a giant black cat, and its eyes glowed menacingly. It then 'leaped' off of Darui's back and smashed into the waves...and nearly all down the beach the black lightning surged, supercharged by the salt water and early 2000 White Zetsu were fried alive and several others were paralyzed. The Allied Shinobi Forces then unleashed a barrage of kunai, shuriken, fireballs, lightning bolts, and wind blasts into the mass of paralyzed White Zetsu.

"Lets push them back to the sea!"

"They won't get through us with Raikage-sama and Darui-daicho with us!"

Tenko frowned as he kept his eyes at where Kinkaku and Ginkaku were, as well as the mysterious third red-chakra covered shinobi. Kinkaku, the larger of the three sported a sadistic, bestial smirk as his gigantic tail flicked and smashed right into the the cliffs again just as Ginkaku coiled his own tails...and when he flicked them out he generated a giant, 40 meter high tsunami.

Tenko reacted quickly and he ran right in front of the wave as he weaved the seals. "Doton: Banri Doryūheki (Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall of One Thousand Ri)!"

Without the need of backup or even clones, Tenko spat out mud from his mouth in a line and a giant wall of stone raised and shielded the entire army from the tsunami Ginkaku conjured up. The young Sage leaped up onto the wall and Tenten then joined him, followed by Darui himself.

"Looks like we got a fine shinobi up there, eh Kinkaku?" Ginkaku asked, his personality unchanged even in his Version 2 form.

"Looks like it. He looks like the Toad Sage from our day, just with longer hair," Kinkaku observed. "One more softening blow..."

Both Kinkaku and Ginkaku then opened their mouths and white chakra swirled around them. Individually, they had as much power as Naruto's Version 2 four-tailed form...together when combined the destruction of their Bijudama was much greater. The sea became a swirling torrent as the black and white chakra was concentrated...and then the KinGin brothers fired. Like a giant cannon ball it shot forward towards the coast.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Darui ordered and Tenko, Tenten, and Darui leaped off the wall Tenko had created as the Allied Shinobi forces behind it moved to take cover.

A grabbed as many of his comrades as he could and used his maximum power Raiton: Shunshin to pull them out of the way...but there were still thousands in the line of fire. The wall Tenko had made was blown apart by the sheer force of the Bijudama as it careened into the cliffs behind it and bore in hundreds of meters when it hit dead center. And exploded with enough force to completely vaporize the rocks for nearly three kilometers around...and everything on them. In a single instant, Kinkaku and Ginkaku had wiped out over half of the defending shinobi force without any effort.

The wounded that were on the edge of the blast stumbled around as smoke and dust wafted up as the wind hit with an updraft. What was left of debris started to fall and bury what bodies that were left in a fine ash leaving the impression they had been caught in a volcanic eruption. Medical ninja ran into evacuate the wounded and were covered in the ash. Tenko gritted his teeth angrily and he slapped his palms together.

"Those...bastards..." he said as chakra burst around him in a visible aura. "I'm going to take them down!"

The young Sage stood still for a few seconds as he willed more chakra up...and a red outline surrounded his eyes and went down his cheeks. His nose grew a bit and gained a few warts as he grew a beard around his chin. There was a puff of smoke on his shoulder as he simultaneously summoned Shima to him.

"Tenko-chan?! I thought Pa was summoning me to help with Naruto-chan's training!"

"That will have to wait Shima-obāsan," Tenko said as he rubbed his nose and focused. Need to mold it bring out more Senjutsu Chakra...

Shima looked to see the KinGin brothers as well as the mysterious red chakra clad shinobi behind them as the red...started to recede a bit around Tenko's cheeks and his nose shrank a bit. The beard he gained also shrunk...but he had managed to mold a more perfect form of Senjutsu Chakra. Tenten glanced at him and blinked.

Isn't that the same Sage Mode that Naruto can use...though I don't think he has a beard or nose like that... she thought as she unraveled her scroll. Time to bring THAT out too...

"Oho...he can also enter that form like the Toad Sage could," Ginkaku said as he put his hand to his chin. "Must be his descendant. Bet he has a big bounty!"

"After we do this cleaning up, we'll be able to cash it brother," Kinkaku said firmly as he opened his mouth...and a sword and a fan made of red and white feathers with a jewel on its hilt dropped out. On his left arm what looked like a rope started to glow through his Version 2 cloak. "Lets have a bit of fun before we finish cleaning up.

Ginkaku grinned and lifted up the gourd he had around his shoulder. "Lets, bro," he said as he grabbed the sword while Kinkaku grabbed the fan.

Behind them the third figure then slammed his palms down. In a puff of smoke, four coffins rose out of the waves and opened and revealed...Hyuga Hizashi, Sarutobi Asuma, Katō Dan, and Sasori. The Akatsuki Puppet Master's body had been...modified, it was more puppet like like his original body. It even possessed two fan-blades on its back like before.

Samui and A then landed by Tenko, the Raikage's Raiton no Yoroi crackled around him as his eyes narrowed...and he could identify the third figure behind Kinkaku and Ginkaku. "Damn it, not Kay..."

"Kay?" Shima asked as she looked over.

"Fukui, known as Killer Kay to the rest of the world...he's Killer Bee's cousin and the former Jinchuriki of the Hachibi," A said with a snarl. "He was a good friend of mine and before Bee, had the greatest control over the Hachibi...he could keep his mind in that form you see now, but fully transforming left the beast in control."

Tenko nodded. "...I'll leave him to you then, Raikage-sama."

With that, the young Sage charged chakra to his feet and used a shunshin. Given he was in Sage Mode, his speed was greatly enhanced and he lifted a hand up into the air as he created a Rasengan over his palm. He appeared right behind his first target, Kinkaku and pushed forward.

"Bro behind you!" Ginkaku warned but Tenko smashed his Rasengan right into the pseudo-Jinchuriki's back.

Kinkaku grunted and was flew forward from the Senjutsu enhanced Rasengan that hit his back. The swirling chakra had been so intense it had stripped off part of his cloak and he crashed quite the ways away. Ginkaku flipped open the sword he had and charged Tenko.

"Lad, watch out!" Shima warned as Tenko backtracked and avoided the slashes.

He then looked up and avoided the giant tail from Kinkaku who had already recovered. The elder of the KinGin brothers then shot out his hand and it extended right at Tenko. The young Sage jumped sideways to avoid it...just as the arm split and smashed into his stomach with enough force to destroy multiple city blocks. The wind was forced out of Tenko's lungs by the hit as he flew backwards.

He managed to land on his feet and did several seals. "Katon: Dai Endan (Fire Release: Big Flame Bullet)!"

Tenko charged the Senjutsu chakra in his chest and powered up the flames that grew, and then made them stronger with the oil he kneaded his chakra into. The young Sage's cheeks swelled before he launched a gigantic blast of flame from his mouth that could be seen from all corners of the battlefield which was directly aimed right at Kinkaku. The pseudo-jinchuriki gave a smirk and grasped the feather fan in his hand.

"Bashōsen: Rappu no Mizu (Banana Palm Fan: Wrap of Water)!" Kinkaku charged his Kurama Chakra through his strange fan...and his nature type changed.

He then whipped his fan out and created a gigantic tidal wave which seemed to wrap around him like a shield. Both Tenko's town incinerating flames and the charged water hit with enough force that there was a huge explosion of steam that caught several White Zetsu in its radius and thoroughly...broiled them. Without even waiting for the steam to dissipate, Kinkaku charged right through it while he simultaneously swung his tail to disperse it.

"Tenko-chan, above!" Shima warned and Tenko dodged the tail slam.

He then grabbed onto it and swung and slammed Kinkaku into his brother with devastating force. The KinGin brothers tumbled together, Ginkaku barely avoided the rope that was around his brother's arm as they crashed right into the shoreline. Both pseudo-jinchurikis gave annoyed snarls.

"This kids pretty good..." Kinkaku grumbled as he pushed a slab of stone off of him.

"Yeah, we haven't even be able to use the Sage's weapons against him," Ginkaku said with a snarl.

Kinkaku smirked. "I'll keep him busy, you hit him with a Bijudama..."

"Heh, we'll just save the Tools for later..." Ginkaku snickered as he tightened his grip on his sword's hilt.

"Then lets get started!"

Kinkaku unleashed his chakra, sending a shock wave out in all directions that displaced the water to the point where he stood on muddy sand. Tenko covered his face to shield himself from the searing chakra that was released.

What the hell are they planning?! Don't tell me they're gonna do another one of those blasts!

"Tenko-chan, don't drop your guard!" Shima warned as her sensing abilities flared.

"Yeah, right!"

Tenko then looked up and then dodged the claw palm strike that Kinkaku launched at him after closing the distance. Despite dodging though the claws raked through his flak jacket and left four angry looking red marks across his chest. He gritted his teeth in pain, the pseudo-jinchuriki's claws were sharp enough or perhaps just launched at him with enough force to bypass his Sage Mode's durability.

Damn it that hurts! Tenko thought as his senses flared in warning.

He jumped back and caught Kinkaku's tail but since he hadn't gotten his footing crashed into the beach nearly a kilometer away. The cliff walls fell on him but he managed to protect himself and wrapped his white hair around his body as he used the Hari Jizo (Needle Jizo) technique. He punched out and sent boulders away from him...just as Kinkaku appeared right on him and slammed his fist into his jaw.

"TENKO-CHAN!" Shima yelled as Tenko slammed and bounced across the beach.

"I'm fine!" Tenko insisted as he jumped back to his feet and blood dripped from his lip. He hits really hard...what is his...

He then sensed a large chakra spike and turned to see black and white chakra coalesce into a dense black ball the size of a large cannon ball over Ginkaku's mouth. The younger of the KinGin brothers smirked maliciously and condensed the ball to a size of a baseball...

"Now die kid, BIJUDAMA!" Ginkaku roared and shot the Bijudama right at Tenko.

Tenko's eyes widened as the ball was shot right at him. He didn't have enough time to avoid it and the explosion after wards, and if it exploded near the army it would take everyone out. He decided to gamble...he pushed his hand out and charged Senjutsu chakra into his palm. If he couldn't dodge...he was either going to catch...or deflect it!

The Bijudama slammed into Tenko's palm as his Senjutsu chakra strained to contain it. He charged more chakra into his palm and into his feet as his hand started to shake. Tenko gritted his teeth as the momentum started to slow down...and then he created a Rasengan with the chakra in his palm. The Bijudama was launched from his palm right back at Ginkaku.

"What...the hell?!" Ginkaku started but it was too late, the Senjutsu Rasengan launched Bijudama hit him right in the chest and pushed him back.

Due to the added spin from the Rasengan, when his own Bijudama impacted his stomach he went spiraling backwards. Before he could cancel it out the dense ball of chakra erupted in a massive dome explosion as strong as one of Naruto's in his Four-Tailed Version 2 state. Kinkaku's eyes widened as his rage grew.


The blast was far enough away from the rest of the army that no one was caught in it. As steam rose from the explosion site, water rushed back into the crater that was left by the Bijudama. Ash and paper fluttered around on top of the rushing waters as Ginkaku regenerated. However, his cloak didn't return with him and he growled.

"Damn it!" he said and he stomped on the water comically. "How can a kid like that have such physical power?!"

Kinkaku leaped over to him, still cloaked in his Version 2 cloak. "For a moment, I forgot about the fact we're Edo Tensei..."

"I'd say this calls for a change of strategy bro," Ginkaku said and he cracked his neck. "Time for the Sage's weapons."

Kinkaku gave an animalistic smirk. With that the two got their arsenal out fully. Across the beach Shima's eyes narrowed a bit as she saw the weapons a bit better. Her eyes widened slowly in realization and Tenko picked it up.

"What is it Shima-obāsan?"

"Those are the holy weapons of the Rikudō Sennin himself..." Shima said as she breathed in. "Four out of five of them!"

"...what can they do?" Tenko asked, his hand still a bit sore from the catch and repel of the Bijudama that Ginkaku had fired at him.

"That fan...its the Bashōsen, it has the ability to give all five basic elemental natures to someone wielding it," Shima began as Tenko narrowed in on the feather fan. "The large gourd is the Benihisago, its used for sealing people who have been touched by that rope Kōkinjō which draws out the person's kotodama, their word soul...which is then severed by the Shichiseiken sword which records said kotodama to curse the target. They're very dangerous weapons."

Tenko gave a sigh. "Great. More things to worry about in this battle."

All around the battle picked up in intensity. Several large fireballs shot at the encroaching White Zetsus who either dove into the ground to avoid them or retaliated with their wooden kunai and shuriken. Bodies of both the Allied Shinobi Forces and White Zetsu were littering the waves and beach head by the hundreds already.

While Tenko fought with Kinkaku and Ginkaku, Tenten was now engaging several of the White Zetsu. She dodged their wooden projectiles as she tossed several kunai and shuriken that were perfectly aimed right at their heads. In seconds, she had killed two dozen of them.

She grinned triumphantly and dodged several roots that appeared from underneath her. From her peripheral vision she could see a Edo Tensei shinobi with long bluish-white hair advancing on her with two kunai drawn. She summoned two scythes and blocked his slash and then jumped back as Choza moved to back her up.

"Choza-san, young lady, please stop me!" the man said as he launched several kunai which were blocked by Choza's staff. "The jutsu's caster will force me to use my stronger techniques at this rate!"

"Easier said than done, Dan-sensei," Choza said and he grew massive with the Chō Baika no Jutsu.

Dan? Wait Dan Kato, Shizune-sempai's uncle and Tsunade-sama's dead boyfriend?! Tenten thought in disgust. Kabuto's REALLY low...

She dodged several kunai and shuriken from Dan as she summoned a katana and charged at him and engaged him in a fierce duel with his kunai clashing against her sword. She slid underneath a stab and used a repositioned herself so she could slash upwards. Dan however was faster and with his other hand dropped a smoke bomb which blinded her and he smashed his foot to her cheek which sent the weapon mistress backwards.

Blood dripped from her lip as she managed to regain her footing and then she jumped over the fireball which Dan had used as a follow up. She looked down desperately as she tried to pinpoint where Dan was...and she was then hit hard from behind by her opponent who used both feet to slam into her from behind. She crashed to the ground and rolled out of the way from the follow up of kunai and shuriken which Dan launched at her.

Before he could follow up Choza interrupted his attack and he was forced to jump onto the giant fist and shunshin off. Tenten groaned in pain, spitting out more blood.

Damn it, he really is strong... she thought and she wiped the blood off her lip as she managed to get back to her feet. Sandaime was considering him as a successor all those years ago and even expressed interest in training him alongside the Sannin...he's living up to that rep that's for sure!

A bead of sweat trickled down her cheek and she rolled to avoid an attack from two White Zetsus which had tried to strike her while she was distracted. Tenten retaliated with a barrage of shuriken which she summoned from her secondary scroll-unleashing them like a machine gun. She then put her hand on her largest scroll on her back which contained her secret weapon.

Choza was now stumbling backwards from a point-blank Katon: Karyū Endan (Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet) that had smashed right into his face. Dan had learned several of Hiruzen's own Katon jutsus in his quest to become Hokage, which made his arsenal a bit larger than your average Konoha ninja. The dragon-shaped flame singed and burned Choza's cheek and Dan followed up with a kick to his former student's cheek which sent him crashing to the ground in a heap.

He's as strong as I remember...the only time we were able to beat him was with Shikaku's planning and even then it was like Dan-sensei lost on purpose... Choza thought as he used his staff to pick himself up.

Tenten however had just pulled off her scroll and unraveled it. A smirk appeared...she had been dying to test this baby out but she never thought she'd get the chance so soon into the War. Her fingertips lit up as she created chakra strings and she slammed her hand down on the symbol of 'Armor' in the center of the paper. Several puffs of smoke were heard and...individual armor pieces came flying out, all were colored green and black.

Tenten leaped up and flicked the strings out so they could attach to each piece of armor. A breastplate attached itself first to her, followed by metal pants, finally a pair of metal boots attached themselves to her feet. All three hissed as she was 'sealed' inside them, and then the arm and hand pieces were attached the moment she flicked her fingers. The final part was a helmet she had custom made for herself and she attached it in an instant. On the armor's back the generators she had made for it surged and gave power to it.

"The Tenten Special Ninja Armor is all set!" Tenten announced as she landed on her feet as she selected the first control, chakra was sent to her 'boots' and she began to levitate and the shot off like a rocket. "Hey DAN-SAN!"

Dan turned just as Tenten's armored covered fist smashed into his cheek at breakneck speeds. What?!

"Time for ROUND TWO!"

Tenten had spent nearly six months constructing her 'Tenten Special Ninja Armor' inside her father's workshop. She had been determined to use it to add to her arsenal and allow her to fight alongside her teammates up close instead of merely providing support from far away. The armor boosted her taijutsu abilities by increasing her speed and strength several amounts and provided her added protection against bladed weapons. With it, she could be considered Rock Lee's and Neji's equals in taijutsu due to her own mechanical genius. Hell she had to invent a lot of the more subtle systems to control the armor such as the small portable generator and the chakra transferring system inside it so she could still use ninjutsu.

So now it was time for its full test run, and up against a really strong opponent to boot. Tenten grinned behind her helmet as Dan rebounded, his face regenerating from the swift blow she had dealt him.

Time to cut loose!

Island Turtle, Land of Lightning

As the battles raged over the continent, the young Rokudaime Hokage Uzumaki Naruto was still training. He sat cross legged as his Chakra Mode flickered around his body as he focused to draw and balance out the natural energy to create Senjutsu Chakra within his new form. Fukasaku, Killer Bee, and Iruka continued to watch him. So far, most of Naruto's attempts had been fruitless but he had started to get closer and closer to a new hybrid form.

He's doing it this time... Fukasaku thought as the orange-red pigmentation began to appear around Naruto's eyes. Combining the might of Kyubi's Yang Chakra with Natural Energy...this new chakra...I can barely fathom it!

I've done it! Naruto then thought as his eyes opened and revealed the new...combined pupil. Red from Kurama's chakra, with a toad-like rectangle pupil in the middle...with the Fox's slit intersecting in the middle to make what looked like plus signs.

The moment he completed the combination his senses expanded even more than they already were. He could not only sense evil intent, but the chakra...of everyone fighting! He even saw clear pictures of the battlefields and his eyes widened as he inadvertently sent a pulse of Senjutsu chakra out which made the white tiling around him crack and splinter and the entire chamber shake.

"Incredible!" Fukasaku gasped as Naruto stood up.

"Yeah..." he said as he looked around. Why are there two very evil signatures out there now that have Kurama's chakra-not only that a LOT of it?!

Iruka smiled. "You should be proud of yourself Naruto, I don't think even the Shodaime Hokage could have accomplished that."

Naruto grinned at that. "Thanks Iruka-sensei..." he looked around. "I think I need an update on what exactly is happening though on the battlefields though..."

"You sure?" Iruka asked in surprise.

"Yes," Naruto said with a nod. Those two Kurama chakra's...they're fighting Tenko I know it from that signature there...

A bead of sweat trickled down the young Hokage's forehead as he looked up. He squeezed his hand into a tight fist as the Senjutsu charged chakra flared around him and cracked and cratered the training area's floor.

"Bee, lets finish up this Bijudama training as soon as possible!"

Land of Lightning, Lightning Coast

The battle was now starting to wear down the First Division. On top of the Edo Tensei that the brave soldiers were engaging, thousands upon thousands of White Zetsu continued to arrive from the shore. Already several 'level's of the defense had been lost as White Zetsu and Edo Tensei shinobi pushed forward. The only Allied Shinobi Forces shinobi that were still fighting on the beach were Tenko and the Raikage, A, who were busy engaging Fukui and the KinGin brothers respectively.

The dead and dying were scattered and littered on the beach. Bodies that had been slashed and hacked, impaled, stabbed, burned, crushed or electrocuted were on the sand and rocks on the beach. Still, the battle raged with the First Division desperately trying to hold position. Darui cut in half a White Zetsu that leaped at him and then pushed his hands out.

"Ranton: Reizā Sākasu (Storm Release: Laser Circus)!" A halo of light enveloped Darui's hands and then he fired several laser-like missiles at the enemy.

Several wooden projectiles were thrown at him as he blocked with his sword. The First Division general and Raikage's right hand man had a bit of blood leaking down his forehead from nearly being caught in the combined Bijudama that Kinkaku and Ginkaku had launched at him.

"...this situation is becoming unwinnable," Darui said as he looked as another thousand White Zetsus emerged from the surf.

He glanced as several Konoha shinobi flew through the seals and then fired a massive fireball right into the center of the Zetsus who pooled their own resources and created a wall of wood to shield themselves. Now that the Zetsus had a foothold, they weren't going to be pushed back easily. Samui landed next to Darui and glanced at him.

" this rate we'll need to call a retreat," Samui said as she held her tantō, her uniform was torn in several areas from the use of her abilities.

"Agreed," Darui said as he flicked the blood off of his sword.

Tenko was now keeping his distance from Kinkaku and Ginkaku and dodged their legendary weapon attacks. Thanks to his Sage Mode's sensing, he was able to predict and avoid each swipe or punch from the pseudo-jinchuriki brothers. Kinkaku then unfurled the Kōkinjō and used it as a whip and tried to tag him.

The young sage leaped back and then had to shield himself with his arms when Ginkaku used the Bashōsen to send a wave of flames right at him. Tenko flew through the seals and then blew out his own Katon: Endan which Shima empowered with a Futon. The enhanced attack plowed through Ginkaku's Bashōsen flame and hit him dead on as Kinkaku leaped at him, the Kōkinjō wrapped around his arm now.

Shit it was a distraction!

Tenko barely dodged as Kinkaku followed up with a viscous, Nine-Tails enhanced punch to the young Sage's stomach. Tenko coughed up blood and crashed into a cliff face. He fought through the pain and did a seal and his hair suddenly grew.

"Senpō: Ranjishigami no Jutsu (Sage Art: Wild Lion's Mane Technique)!" he yelled as his now strengthened and hardened hair smashed into the sand and waves as Kinkaku charged at him. "NOW!"

The hair then wrapped around the six-tailed form of Kinkaku and stopped his next swipe with the Kōkinjō. The Senjutsu enhanced ninjutsu clashed with the Nine-Tails enhanced power of the Gold brother of the two. Then the main part of the attack literally roared at Kinkaku and the lion-shaped hair lunged and sunk it's 'teeth' into the pseudo-jinchuriki's body. He gasped in surprise as his cloak was completely bypassed by the power of the technique and Tenko followed up by lunging himself with his right hand drawn back.


He smashed the Rasengan hard into Kinkaku's face and the force of the Ranjishigami and the ball of chakra literally ripped Kinkaku's body in two and sent the pseudo-jinchuriki flying back. Ginkaku ran to aid his brother and Tenko tossed the Kōkinjō wrapped arm and slammed it right into the younger silver brother's face.

"GAH!" Ginkaku cried out as he stumbled back, the Shichiseiken and Benihisago dropped from his arms.

Tenko then finished off the combo by landing a solid flying side kick to Ginkaku's face as he scooped up both of the dropped weapons. The young Sage held the Shichiseiken and Benihisago in both hands as Ginkaku's kotodama was drawn out.

"Lad! Slash that and we can end this!" Shima yelled at Tenko.

"RIGHT!" Tenko yelled and he lunged and slashed the kotodama.

"Now yell RECORD!"

"Record!" Tenko finished and the kotodama was sucked right into the Benihisago. On the Shichiseiken the word 'Kinkaku' was scrawled on it. "Heh...what do you know..."

Ginkaku glanced fearfully at his elder brother who was finishing his regeneration. "Kinkaku..."

"...and that is why you lose," Tenko said and the Benihisago started to suck and Ginkaku was instantly pulled in despite his resistance.

"NO...BROTHER!" Ginkaku screamed as he was sucked into the sealed.

Tenko smirked and he felt the chakra drain...if it wasn't for him being in Sage Mode, nor his own huge reserves, he would have been brought to his knees. He glanced at Kinkaku whose six-tailed form was shuddering in rage.

"That's one down..." he said with a smirk.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT YOU LITTLE FUCKING BASTARD!" Kinkaku roared as Kurama's red chakra swirled around his entire body. He gave a loud, demonic roar as the entire area shuddered.

Tenko crossed his arms as he skidded back in shock. He has this much chakra?! Its...its like I'm facing the Kyubi itself!

The water exploded around Kinkaku and steam rose. The fighting stopped around the entire area and A glanced...his eyes widened. The Raikage's jaw lowered in fear as now Kinkaku's pseudo-jinchuriki form grew to tremendous proportions, now nearly the size of Kurama itself. Eight tails whipped behind him as inside avatar Kinkaku floated in the giant fox's head.

"THIS IS MY FULL POWER YOU FUCKING SHIT! WITH THIS I CRUSHED EVEN THE NIDAME HOKAGE!" Kinkaku stomped his chakra forefoot and sent a massive shock wave in all directions that blew White Zetsus and Allied Shinobi Forces personnel flying away like rag-dolls.

The force of the stomp also split the cliffs completely in half and Kinkaku followed up and unleashed a massive roar that further devastated everything. Tenko stepped back and held his new weapons tightly and he swallowed nervously.

"...I'm in trouble," Tenko uttered as Kinkaku charged at him with surprising speed and whipped his tails out as he simultaneously swiped his giant claws at the young Sage. The impact had made Shima unsummon herself and she puffed away against her will.

Tenko was hit like a freight train and was sent crashing into the crevice that Kinkaku had created. The pseudo-jinchuriki slammed his chakra forehand in and grabbed Tenko and dragged the young Sage through all the rock and stone and smashed him back down onto the beach. Despite being in Sage Mode still...all that HURT. Blood leaked from Tenko's lip as he struggled to get out of Kinkaku's iron grip.

Just as he was about to finish Tenko off a glowing blue fist smashed right into Kinkaku's Kurama avatar, making him stumble back. Standing there was now Choza Akimichi...he had ate the red pill in his pack and now he had chakra butterfly wings extended out. Tenko coughed out in pain as he got back up to his feet.

"Thanks Choza-san..." Tenko said as he groaned in pain, his swollen shut. "I thought you...were helping Tenten-san..."

"She's fighting evenly with Dan-sensei needed my help more..." Choza said and he breathed in and out. "And I doubled the power I can normally put out for this fight."


"I used my clan's Hiden ninjutsu Karorī Kontorōru (Calorie Control)...and took the last of the Sanshoku no Gan'yaku (Three Colored Pills)," Choza said as he breathed in slowly. "My body is deteriorating keeping this power output...but I won't have it give out until we beat this guy!"

Tenko swiped the blood from his cheek and did a seal and he slammed his hand down. In a puff of smoke, Gamabunta now appeared alongside Choza's giant form. Kinkaku stomped forward and he snarled through his Kurama avatar, the eight tails behind him whipped out with enough force he created a tsunami.

"Lets finish this," Tenko said as he felt Gamabunta enter Sage Mode and the two 'fused' with the Senpō: Ryōsei no Jutsu (Sage Art: Amphibian Sage Technique) so they could be in it indefinitely.

"Well said, boy," Gamabunta said and he stomped forward. "Just like fighting alongside Minato and Jiraiya..."

Kinkaku gave a roar and charged, the entire area shaking with the chakra he gave off. Tenko and Choza then met his roar as the boss toad pulled out his giant dosu blade, his speed, strength, and durability enhanced from Sage Mode. The impact of their collision sent another shock wave out as chakra flew out in all directions. The final part of the duel had begun...

To be continued...

Author's Notes:

Sorry for the long, long wait for this chapter. A combination of writer's block, not motivated due to how the Naruto manga had been going at the time, and general tiredness made me kept putting it off and off. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I never got the hate for Kinkaku and Ginkaku, I thought they were rather nice villains. A common misconception was that they were 'fodderized'...even though they practically played ping-pong with Darui's entire team and Ginkaku was only sealed by his own weapons. And Kinkaku, at Six-Tails V2 form was wrecking the entire first division on his own and required two entire divisions to fight. Only Madara Uchiha had a better performance than that, Kinkaku alone was like the third strongest Edo Tensei summoned by Kabuto, right under Madara and Nagato.

For the fic, I've expanded on their powers. I gave both Kinkaku and Ginkaku the usage of the Bijudama as well as their weaponry. And for Kinkaku, I thought a Eight-Tailed Biju Mode (like Naruto's) would be fitting for his standing, this had been inspired by the filler arc Chikara we had earlier with a Naruto clone getting his own Biju Mode (Not as strong as Naruto's though).

Also, I hoped you enjoyed the Yondaime Raikage, A, cutting lose and fighting Deidara! Thought that would be needed to give A more feats as well as establish his power more, after all he had been the only Kage I hadn't been able to expand upon besides Onoki.