Chapter 24

The Battle of Lightning Coast Part 2

Kumogakure, Allied Shinobi Forces Headquarters

Shikaku crossed his fingers calmly as he closed his eyes. On the Water Sensing Sphere, Kinkaku's chakra took a massive spike as he used more and more of Kurama's power. A small 'bulge' appeared, like a mountain had just grown on the sphere to indicate how powerful it was. Ao gritted his teeth, his eyes closed but his Byakugan was active.

"Mabui-san, how were Kinkaku and Ginkaku defeated in the first place if Kinkaku alone could access this much of the Kyubi no Yoko's power?!"Ao asked.

"The Sandaime Hokage was the one who defeated them, and Kinkaku was...always said to be stronger than Ginkaku. He got the greater share of Kyubi's power," Mabui explained as she did a seal and in a flash, several books and scrolls appeared right in front of them.. She undid one seal which showed an illustration of Kinkaku and Ginkaku's coup d'tat. "Kinkaku could form up to eight tails of the Kyubi's power and even could form a avatar of the fox itself, while Ginkaku was limited to a human sized six tailed form Killer Bee-sama claims is 'Version 2'."

Shikaku walked over and saw the illustration of the Eight-Tailed Fox with Kinkaku floating in its head smashing through an entire mountain with its tails while the smaller Ginkaku fired several small Bijudamas. He unfurled the scroll more and saw, lying in the debris and boulders the Nidaime Raikage's corpse. The next set had the younger Sandaime Raikage right in front of both brothers with his Raiton no Yoroi blazing around him.

"The Sandaime Raikage was chosen there, A's father," Mabui explained as she breathed out. "He covered the Nidaime Hokage's and his guard's escape, fighting both at the same time. It is how Kumo was able to retrieve the fifth weapon in their arsenal, the Kohaku no Jōhei."

"...the Sandaime...wasn't he known by the nickname 'Ultimate'?" Shikaku asked as he read through the illustration's text to see the Sandaime Raikage's battle with Kinkaku and Ginkaku which forced them out of the village.

"That is correct, he was the strongest Raikage our village has ever had. Even A-sama isn't as strong as him despite his legendary speed," Mabui said and Shikaku then looked up.

"Do we still retain the Kohaku no Jōhei?"

"Yes," Mabui said and Shikaku's brain began to work.

"We'll use that to seal Kinkaku then," Shikaku said as he twisted the scroll close. "Ao, contact the Second, Fourth, and Fifth Divisions, the First will need cover as it retreats."

"Wait I thought you were saying that..."

"Even if we seal Kinkaku with the Kohaku no Jōhei, the coast has became indefensible," Shikaku said as he tapped the map. "We'll have the First Division while under the cover of the Second, Fourth, and part of the Fifth's regiments fall back to Lightning Ridge, the fort located at the half-way point between Kumogakure and the coast."

Ao nodded. "Understood!"

"I'll send the orders right away!"

"I'll prepare the Kohaku no Jōhei for transfer," Mabui said as she walked to retrieve the pot from the Raikage's chambers.

"Inoichi, patch me through to the Second, Fourth, and Fifth Divisions," Shikaku said as he put his hand on his old comrade's shoulder.

"On it...patching through...NOW!"

Second Division, Frost Country

Hinata, Neji, Kiba, Shino, Kurotsuchi, and Karui were all talking together while they kept watch for anymore White Zetsu's. Hinata was forcing herself to stay positive, the death of her father had still hit her hard. Neji had helped a lot and he grieved for his uncle, and her teammates had been very supportive. Akamaru was resting his head on Hinata's lap as she pat it.

"Good boy Akamaru...thanks for this," Hinata said as she scratched behind the big dog's ear. She breathed in and hugged his head as Akamaru barked comfortingly.

"You should ask the communication's officer next time to talk with Naruto, he can probably help you out there Hinata!" Kiba suggested and folded his hands behind his head.

"'re right about that...I'll ask to be patched through to Turtle Island soon," Hinata started as the communications network 'pinged' in their heads.

Attention members of the Second Division, half the contingent will be deployed to the Land of Lightning Coast to cover the retreat of the First Division, Shikaku's voice echoed in their heads. Eight thousand will follow Kitsuchi-dono to the area, while the rest of the division will keep their position!

Everyone hopped up at that and Kiba jumped onto Akamaru's back. "You heard Shikaku-san, lets get moving!"

"Right!" everyone said and they all vanished in a shunshin to appear where Kitsuchi was.

The six shinobi were joined by columns of thousands of them from the division and they all leaped through the trees or ran on the ground to get into position. Hinata and Neji activated their Byakugan and saw the General already at the head of the pack with several hundred shinobi around him. The new Hyuga Leader breathed in slowly and she clenched her fist.

...if...if I'm lucky I'll get to fight whatever killed my father... Hinata's eyes narrowed slightly. And I'll stop it from hurting anyone ever again!

Chakra surged at Hinata's feet as she then leaped up and grabbed a branch so she could swing to pick up the pace. Neji glanced at his cousin and saw in her eyes. He breathed in slowly and leaped next to her.

"Hinata-sama, we will find who killed Hiashi-sama together. Just don't lose your head out there," Neji said cautiously and the young Leader breathed in.

"I know that Neji-nii-san...don't worry about me," Hinata said as she leaped to another tree...and shattered the branch she was on.

Kiba blinked as he dodged the splinters. Never seen Hinata like that...she did just lose her dad... his face clouded over a bit. ...and my sis died protecting me...

Akamaru barked worriedly at him and the young Inuzuka shook his head. "Yeah buddy, I'm fine," he pat his large ninken's side as his eyes darkened a bit. "Just thinking about how much ass we'll kick."

Shino glanced at his teammates with a bit of concern. He hopped in formation with them as his mind worked. With his hands still in his pockets he squeezed them inside and he closed his eyes as he thought about the situation.

Both Hinata and Kiba have lost a family member in this War already...they are keeping it together now but I hope they don't lose themselves to vengeance... Sasuke Uchiha appeared in Shino's mind. We already lost a teammate to that already... Shikamaru appeared in his mind. I need to focus their rage and anger like Shikamaru did after Asuma-sensei was killed. So another tragedy can be averted.

Resolved in that Shino leaped to another branch. Kurotsuchi and Karui made a bit of small talk as they followed close behind and saw more of their comrades forming up. The Iwa Kunoichi then leaped forward to catch up with her father who was at the head of the pack.

Fourth Division, Land of Lightning's Southern Desert

The members of Team Asuma were all sitting together as Temari arrived to join in with the conversation. Part of the Fifth Division had been assigned to help with patrols so Ino was also there and she talked with her teammates. The front they were on was almost completely quiet, the enemy apparently had made no move into it.

"...kind of feels a bit weird that we're the only division that has yet to experience any fighting," Choji commented and looked a bit worried. "All of our friends and our family members already have started fighting, right...?"

Ino kicked the sand. "Yeah I know...I was talking with the communications shinobi recently and I heard Hinata's dad is dead..."

"What?" Shikamaru asked and looked over to the Yamanaka.

"Exactly what I said," Ino said as she breathed out. "Kami knows what she is going through right now..."

" kidding," Shikamaru said as he sighed.

Suddenly they heard something...and in their mind's Shikaku's voice echoed in their head. "Members of the Fourth and Fifth Divisions, you are to send half your forces to reinforce the First Division as it falls back to the secondary defensive position of Lightning Ridge! Fourth Division send half your forces, Fifth Division a third!"

Shikamaru stood up at that. " heard that, we have our orders now.

"Shikamaru, you are in charge of leading the reinforcements from both the Fourth and Fifth," Shikaku's voice echoed in his son's head. "I also need you, Ino, and Choji to aid Tenko in sealing one of the more dangerous Edo Tensei Kabuto had summoned."

" of the more dangerous Edo Tensei?" Choji asked when that information went into his mind.

"Kinkaku...the man who fought and killed the Nidaime Hokage, Senju Tobirama. Tenko is holding his own right now, but I don't know how long that can last," Shikaku said as Ino's eyes widened.

"You're sending us after the guy who killed the Nidaime Hokage?!"

"Yes, but be strong. Even though he can do that...the Formation Ino-Shika-Cho that you three mastered will be able to defeat him," Shikaku told them. "You will forge a new legend, one that outshines even the old that took down the Nidaime Hokage."

Inoichi then chimed in. "Now surge forward and forge this new destiny! We believe in you!"

"Right!" Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji all said at the same time.

With that, the three rushed to the head of the pack to lead the Division against Kinkaku and help cover the retreat of the First Division. Shikamaru and Ino had looks of determination on their faces as Choji looked a bit apprehensive, but he continued to run forward. He wouldn't let his friends be hurt...he would protect them!

Island Turtle, Biju Temple

Inside his seal, Kurama opened a single red eye. He had regenerated much of his lost chakra already...hell the chakra he had consumed from Naruto had already made him start growing again. The emaciation from the battle aftermath was gone...and his body had already achieved nearly 120 meter height, over twice his 'original' height. At this rate...he wouldn't need his Yin half to be restored to truly full power. His tails swished and he smirked.

It seems Kinkaku and Ginkaku have already been summoned for this war. I recognize the chakra they stole from me...heh, it seems to have grown quite a lot in Kinkaku, the Fox thought as his tails swished around. If I could get ahold of full power will be completely restored and then form would be nearly the size of the Ten-Tails!

His large, red eye then focused on Naruto who was training with the chakra he had taken. ...and that boy... He was no longer bound by the Torii that had pinned him right when he was making his special Bijudama.

I won't hurt you anymore, Nine-Tails...

Kurama's lips curled and he looked as Naruto turned to him, breathing heavily. "You sensed it too, eh Kurama?"

...yes. My chakra is being used by two people who stole it long ago, Kurama replied and he stretched a bit. Took quite a bit, I'm surprised Kinkaku took that much to be honest. If I knew beforehand, I'd have vaporized both with a Bijudama instead of swallowing them.

"Kinkaku?" Naruto asked and Kurama stretched and yawned. "...wouldn't you be a bit more excited that you could gain that power back?"

Not much I can do now. Especially with your damned seal keeping me locked in here. Nothing more to do but nap.

Naruto looked at him and his eyes narrowed, and he sighed. "And if I open the seal, what would you do?"

...opened the seal? I'd probably go on a rampage...I could always use a good one and this one is long overdue.

"Heh..." Naruto started and he laughed. "Trying to put up the tough 'I am an evil demon' act again."

Kurama's eyes flashed. Of course I am! I'm literally a personification of hatred!

"Nah, I don't think that," Naruto said as he put his hand up. "At least not anymore. Our fight changed something...didn't it?"

You took my power, that's what!

"That's part of it, true," Naruto said and he sighed. "I'm only going to use that power for now on. I won't ask you for anymore unless you offer it." He gave a grin. "And eventually I think we'll become what Bee and Gyuki are, partners!"

Kurama blinked at that. So let me get this the want us to be friends?

Naruto gave his trademark smirk. "Yep! In a way, I can understand what you were going through...from mom's story you weren't in control when you attacked Konoha. And that seal she described which she had you in was really painful from what it sounded like."'re just trying to butter me up aren't you so you can steal my power again, aren't you?!

The young Hokage looked at him directly, as if he was staring right into the Biju's soul. "No, I said I wouldn't take anymore...and to prove that..."

He lifted up his shirt and his fingertips glowed. He activated the key and twisted the seal open in its entirety. Kurama blinked in confusion as the gates of the seal swung open and Naruto slowly lowered his hand. He gave a cheerful grin.

"I won't keep you caged. You're free to go about anywhere in here, and if you want to come out just ask first and I'll try to accommodate you!" Naruto said with a grin.

Kurama blinked rapidly. He...really just opened the seal? Giving me free reign?

"I gotta get back to training Kurama, enjoy!" Naruto said as he turned back to the 'sun' in his mind to pull out the chakra again for his Chakra Mode..

This...boy... Kurama lowered his head and folded his paws. I can't...believe it. Just weeks ago, he wouldn't have done the interactions with the Eight-Tails influencing him this much...?

The demon fox looked out the now open space of Naruto's mind-scape. He...decided to wait it out, see where this was going. If this was just after the Pain battle, or before...Kurama would have taken it without consequence. But...Naruto had just offered so freely...freedom, without expecting anything in return. No demands for more of his power...just...letting him be able to escape...

What the hell is wrong with me?! Why am I not just bursting out?!

Land of Lightning, Lightning Coast

Tenko, Gamabunta, and Choza prepared themselves to fight Kinkaku in his Eight-Tailed form. The elder of the two Kin-Jin Brothers crossed his arms and snarled in anger and accumulated more and more of Kurama's chakra. The already gigantic eight-tailed Kurama avatar grew more and more...until it was at Kurama's original height and length...over 400 meters tall. Huge tails whipped about and Kinkaku snarled and stomped forward.

"Are you ready boy?! Cause I'm going to kill you now!"

"Bring it on!" Tenko said as he suppressed a gulp of nervousness. The original size of the chakra avatar was bad even Gamabunta was much smaller than it!

Kinkaku put both his hands out and and white chakra began to swirl around the Kurama avatar's mouth and a Bijudama the size of Kurama's head was formed. He then pushed forward and shot the black projectile right at them. Gamabunta jumped into the air as Choza rolled to the side, all the surrounding shinobi jumped out of the way as fast as they could as the Bijudama plowed through the area. The rest of the cliffs were blown or outright vaporized by the heat the black ball of chakra emitted.

It careened into the background into several surrounding mountains before it slammed into one. Immediately it detonated and a massive dome explosion covered nearly fifteen kilometers around as the mountain was completely vaporized. Even several other mountains around were effected by the heat as the dome erupted upwards and created a mushroom cloud and lightning bolts zipped in and out of the cloud.

One of the surviving members of the First Division looked at shock. "I-Its like...fighting the Kyubi itself...the power..."

An elderly Kumo shinobi whispered. "I doubt even Bee-sama could...could defeat Kinkaku in this state..."

"Damn...that power..." Tenko said as he and Gamabunta landed and he glared at the pseudo-jinchuriki with his uninjured eye.

"Yeah its quite the amazing power, but I think the real Kyubi would be a lot stronger," Gamabunta said as he pulled out his dosu. "And unlike the previous times I've faced Biju...I'm now a lot stronger too!"

Choza ran forward as blue chakra engulfed his fist while his chakra wings fluttered. "And I'm not giving up too Tenko!"

Kinkaku smirked and had his Kurama avatar get onto its hind legs and his 'fore-paw' caught Choza's punch like it was nothing. A shock wave burst from caught punch and the Akimichi Leader's eyes widened...even stronger than he normally would be...

"You're in the way," Kinkaku then uttered coldly and stabbed one of his chakra tails forward...and it impaled the Akimichi leader right through the stomach.

"CHOZA-SAN!" Tenko yelled as Choza spat out blood in shock.

With complete contempt, Kinkaku tossed Choza away and had him crash to the ground...and due to still being in his gigantic form he had crushed a few unfortunate Allied Shinobi who were unable to escape in time. Tenko's eyes widened and Choza's blood began to turn the entire area around him red and stained the sea.

Before Tenko could come to his aid Gamabunta unsheathed his sword and charged at Kinkaku, using Sage Mode's enhancements to make his slash more fierce. The pseudo-jinchuriki gave a fierce smirk which his chakra avatar mirrored and met the charge. The giant boss toad used Kawazu Kumite (Frog Katas) to predict and avoid the slash from Kinkaku's Kurama avatar's arm.

"Senpō: Gamadosuzan (Sage Art: Toad Sword Beheading)!" Gamabunta called out and he slashed upwards...and due to the added power from being in Sage Mode he cut into...and through Kinkaku's avatar's arm.

The gigantic chakra arm was sent flying as Kinkaku winced angrily, the damage being reflected on his body as his own left arm went flying into the air. Just as he began to regenerate the Toad Boss spun and launched a kick with his powerful legs.

"Kawazu Kikku (Frog Kick)!" he yelled and kicked the Kurama Avatar's head with enough force to send it stumbling backwards on its hind legs and Gamabunta finished the combo. "Kawazu Sui-Pu (Frog Sweep)!"

And he kicked Kinkaku's Kurama Avatar's legs out and sent him crashing to the ground. Kinkaku snarled angrily and retaliated and sent his tails whipping out. Gamabunta predicted that however and just leaped high into the air to avoid it.

"Tenko! Snap out of it!" Gamabunta commanded. "This is war, people die!"

"I-I know but..."

Gamabunta slapped his hands together and formed a seal. "I'm going to use the oil! Ignite it on my signal! Get your head back in the game!"

Tenko breathed in and he steeled himself. "Yes sir!"

"Senpō..." both said as their cheeks expanded. "Katon: Gamayu Endan (Sage Art: Fire Release: Toad Oil Flame Bullet)!"

Gamabunta spat out a stream of oil as Tenko spat out a blast of flame. Both combined into a gigantic fireball which could be seen from kilometers around. White Zetsu and Allied Shinobi cleared out of the way as the giant blast of flames hit the stunned Kinkaku and his Kurama Chakra Avatar and trapped it in a massive firestorm. The flames were so hot that the sea evaporated in the immediate area and what was left of the cliffs were made molten. Gamabunta landed nearly three hundred meters away and waited.

"It'll take a lot more than that to keep him down but we bought some time," Gamabunta said and he looked at Tenko. "You doing okay, boy?"

"Yes..." Tenko said as he breathed in and out. "I just...hope this doesn't get easier."

From her vantage point while battling Dan Kato, Tenten's jaw hit the floor. "I've never seen a Katon jutsu that big! That's incredible!"

Dan nodded. "...just like Jiraiya. That he his son?"

"Yeah! At least I think so," Tenten said with a grin behind her metal helmet. "His and my idol's, Tsunade-sama!"

Dan...had to smile at that. "She was able to move on...are her and Jiraiya well?"

"...a little while ago, Jiraiya-sama died in combat against Akatsuki's leader, Pain, but he got the knowledge he gained from the battle back to Konoha so his apprentice, the current Hokage Uzumaki Naruto could defeat him!" Tenten said as she dodged Dan's strike, 'flying' back with the chakra boosters she had put on her suit's boots.

"I see..." Dan said, sounding a bit sad his old friend had also died as well. "I was hoping they were living together happily now..."

"They never got married, I don't think! If they did it was in secret!" Tenten said as from the flames one of Kinkaku's giant tails swished out.

Despite the sheer heat and power of the giant Katon, the pseudo-jinchuriki was undamaged by the attack. If anything, he looked annoyed, the damage Gamabunta had done to him was already regenerated. Kinkaku snarled and then threw his hands out and roared...the Kurama avatar responded and added chakra to it...and the flames were blown away as any and all ninja and Zetsus around him were blown away like they were caught in a hurricane.

From one of the relatively safe places, Darui gritted his teeth as he covered his eyes from debris. "As an Edo Tensei, he can maintain that form and recover a lot faster than he could at life, right Samui?"

"Yes...if I recall correctly, he could only maintain his 'Biju Mode' for five minutes due to not having the actual Kyubi sealed inside him," Samui said and she sighed. "If the Nidaime Hokage had just stalled for a bit longer, he'd have been able to kill Kinkaku despite Kinkaku's superior power..."

"Instead he ended up dying," Darui said as he looked up...and several colored trails of smoke were in the air. "Reinforcements are arriving!"

From both the ocean and from the mountains around the Lightning Cliffs, the Second, Fourth, and Fifth Divisions charged forward by the tens of thousands. Nearly 20,000 shinobi in total, mostly from the Second and Fourth Divisions surrounded the area and flanked the White Zetsu from behind. His mind began to flash back to the when he and his brother were the 'Shining Lights' of Kumogakure...and before that their time as mercenaries living for their next their childhood in the Hagoromo Clan...

Seventy-four years in the past, during the Warring States era, young brothers Kinkaku and Ginkaku were training in the Hagoromo Clan grounds, both wearing shinobi armor with their clan's symbol proudly etched onto the collars. Their swords clashed several times before they jumped back, Kinkaku smirked at his younger brother. Kinkaku was the taller of the two, and his hair was tied back in a top knot, while Ginkaku was about a foot shorter than his brother and his hair was wild. Both had a few scars on their faces from the battles they had fought in, and Kinkaku was 14 at the time...while Ginkaku was 11.

"Good one there, Ginkaku, you almost got me!"

"Heh, I'll keep getting stronger bro, just you watch!"

Both brothers were the sons of their leader, said to be descended directly from the Rikudo Sennin himself. As such, they were the guardians and caretakers of his legendary weapons, the Kōkinjō, the Benihisago, the Shichiseiken, the Bashōsen, and finally the Kohaku no Jōhei. Each weapon gave the user a tremendous power which their father and grandfather's have been able to use to turn the tide of battles that raged.

Because of this fact, the Hagoromo Clan was considered one of the strongest of its era. It could compete with both the Senju and the Uchiha Clans, as well as the Hyuga Clan and the three allied clans of Yamanaka, Akimichi, and Nara. A whistle then sounded while the bell at the center of the village was heard.

"A whistle and a bell?!" Ginkaku asked as they ran from the training area to the village.

"The village itself is under attack!" Kinkaku replied as they jumped into the trees, leaping from branch to branch.

They felt tremendous shock waves from the village and Kinkaku gritted his teeth and grasped his sword. Both brothers reached the edge of the forest around the training grounds and they landed...and they skidded to a halt. A creature smashed through every building. It had four arms...each had a kris sword in each hand. But then they noticed that someone was inside...

Uchiha. Madara. Kinkaku drew his sword on instinct but the fear and terror struck him fully. In another part of the village a dark red chakra demon that had a long spear in one of its arms and a triangle shield smashed through another building. Several dozen Hagoromo Clan ninja leaped in to attack but were cut down by a barrage of chakra needles that the the jutsu wielded. Inside...Kinkaku could recognize...Uchiha Izuna, the younger brother of Madara. The two strongest members of the Uchiha Clan were rampaging through their village...they were...unstoppable.

Madara, inside his blue Susano'o did a seal and his cheeks swelled. "Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku (Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation)!"

And with that he expelled a massive wall of flames that incinerated every building and person in its path. Several of the Hagoromo Clan tried attacking with Suitons but the intensity and strength of the advancing wall of flames were unstoppable...until...

"FATHER!" Kinkaku and Ginkaku exclaimed as their father, the leader of the clan charged his hand was the Bashōsen. He was a tall man, wearing their traditional armor, a headband with their clan symbol around his forehead, and he wore the ceremonial feather headdress on his head.

"'Bashōsen' Mizu no Koiru ('Bashōsen' Coil of Water)!" he yelled, the Hagoromo Clan Patriarch swung the fan and a massive wall of water met the wall of flames.

Both attacks clashed against each other and struggled for dominance. Ultimately however, they canceled one another out. A massive amount of steam was produced and the Hagoromo Clan leader stood firm despite the chakra strain.

"Interesting, so these are the fabled weapons," Madara commented had his Susano'o create a string of what looked like prayer beads. "Yasaka Magatama."

The 'beads' began spinning like giant shuriken and Madara launched them at full speed. Kinkaku and Ginkaku's father tried to get out of the way but the barrage was just too great. Several impacted him as he jumped too and from and exploded with enough force of an explosive tag He coughed up blood as he was tossed around by the blasts.

Still...he managed to stand up after the attack as Madara advanced. "This...betrayal and...transgression won't be forgiven...Madara..."

"You won't need to worry about it," Madara said as his Susano'o lifted its arm up. "The job here was to eliminate your clan. You shouldn't have bit the hand that feeds you."

"Your father would have never accepted the mission! We've been allies for decades!"

"I'm not my father," Madara uttered coldly and with one vertical slash of one of his kris giant kris blades.

Kinkaku charged at that moment...just as a wave of kunai and shuriken flew down at him from behind. Both he and Ginkaku were cut down...and Kinkaku looked up...seeing the rest of the Uchiha Clan diving on the Hagoromo Clan village like birds of prey. His vision began to blur as he passed out from blood loss. And in one of the great Clans of the Warring States was nearly completely of the many clans that were wiped out in the era...

The next morning...both brothers had managed to awaken to find their wounds...being treated. Several people were on cots around them and Kinkaku looked around in a bit of confusion. He saw a man wearing red armor with long black hair treating several people as another man in blue armor with white hair and red lines leaned back against the wall.

"I'm sure that is all, Hashirama," the white haired man said.

"...just twenty...damn it..." Hashirama said as he wiped his forehead. "I was hoping there'd be more survivors..."

The white-haired man sighed. "Madara and Izuna were thorough...I'm surprised they didn't take the legendary tools the clan uses."

"Not surprising, the weapons wouldn't interest Madara and Izuna doesn't have enough chakra to use them properly," Hashirama said and he looked at the man. "Tobirama, keep the sensing up. I hope there would be more survivors..."

"T-They didn't take the tools?!" Kinkaku asked as he looked right at Hashirama. "D-Did father survive his wound?!"

"...I'm afraid not...there wasn't much that could be're the Leader's son right?"

"Yes. I'm Kinkaku and that's my brother Ginkaku!"

"Then take care of this," Hashirama said as he pushed a scroll forward. "These contain your clan's weapons. Use them well."

Tobirama sighed. "I hope they last long enough."

"I'll keep my people safe, just you wait!"

Years later when Kinkaku and Ginkaku were adults, they had made a name for themselves as mercenaries that were not affiliated with any clan. Nearly four years before Konoha was founded, Kinkaku and Ginkaku managed to encounter Madara and Izuna once more while they worked for the local daimyo. The young Hagoromo leader immediately initiated a battle with them.

"MADARA!" Kinkaku roared as he drew the Kōkinjō and Shichiseiken.

Madara turned and his eyes swirled to the Sharingan. "Do I know you?"

He dodged the slash from the Shichiseiken as several blasts of wind and water were launched at him. The Uchiha Leader turned at him idly, and dodged each of the elemental blasts. He then yanked his gunbai off his back and it glowed blue...and the blasts were deflected. Kinkaku was undeterred and charged, yelling like a madman and he slashed at him.

Madara blocked and then he spun...and kicked Kinkaku so hard in the face a tooth flew out of his mouth. The Hagoromo leader staggered back as his lip bled from the impact. Madara then met his eyes...

"You're not even worth killing. Go to sleep," Madara commanded as his eyes swirled to the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Kinkaku then felt himself in an illusion...the sky turned red and right above him a massive meteor came crashing down. He gave a cry of sheer terror and his eyes rolled back as he fell backwards. Ginkaku rushed over to his brother as he blacked out, crying out his name...

In the present, Kinkaku gave a loud roar and slammed his Kurama Avatar's paw down to create a shock wave. He made it roar as his eyes flashed, thoughts of the past while he squeezed his hand into a tight, angry fist. The ground quaked as he released more of the nine-tails' chakra, making the ground crack under his feet.


Darui hefted the Kohaku no Jōhei and he lifted his hands up. "You all heard him...hit him with every attack we got!"


Bolts of lightning, massive combined fireballs, Black Lightning from Darui, massive blasts of water, the very earth itself, and a hurricane blast of wind were launched from the combined Divisions right at Kinkaku. Followed by hundreds of thousands of kunai, shuriken, explosive tags...all raining down on the pseudo-jinchuriki.

"You think these puny attacks are anything to me as I am now?!" Kinkaku taunted as his Kurama Avatar's tails wrapped in front of him and blocked the massive barrage.

Just as planned... Shikamaru thought from his position and then he did a seal as two Medics transferred their chakra to him. "Choji, you're up first!"

"R-Right!" Choji yelled as he did a seal. "Chō Baika no Jutsu (Super Multi-Size Technique)!" With that, the Akimichi Heir grew to gigantic size and he did another seal. "Akimichi Hiden: Tetsu Buddha (Akimichi Secret Technique: Iron Buddha)!" His skin turned a dull gray as he transformed it into iron and then he curled his body. "Nikudan Sensha (Human Bullet Tank)!"

Choji then spun at high speed and like a massive, iron ball he slammed right into Kinkaku's Kurama Avatar's chest while he was distracted by the barrage that the Divisions had launched at him. Kinkaku grunted in shock as his avatar was forced backwards and then he forced himself to grab the Akimichi Heir's body.

"You think this little shit can stop me!?" he yelled and tossed Choji into the air like a rag doll despite his massive weight in the Tetsu Buddha.

"Now...Kagemane no Jutsu (Shadow Possession Technique)!" Shikamaru said as both medics at his back transferred more chakra to him.

His shadow shot out and latched onto Kinkaku's Kurama Avatar, freezing it in place. He tried to move but Shikamaru's shadow held firm, a bead of sweat appeared on the Nara Heir's forehead. He struggled to keep Kinkaku immobilized for the last parts of the plan.

"You...little insect! I'll break this in an instant!" Kinkaku roared as he unleashed more chakra and the shadow possession shattered. "Now..."

Finally it was Kitsuchi's turn. The Second Division leader jumped and smashed his fists down. "Doton: Sando no Jutsu (Earth Release: Mountain Sandwich)!"

From both the sea and the cliff-face, two massive slabs of rock, the size of a small mountain smashed into Kinkaku's Kurama Avatar's sides. Kinkaku grunted as he was forced between both slabs of stone and his movements were completely restricted. He reached one of his arms out as Gamabunta surged forward and pushed him back in.

"Now girl! You're up!" Gamabunta yelled at Ino who nodded.

Ino did a seal and closed her eyes. "Shintenshin no Jutsu (Mind-body Switch Technique)!"

Before Kinkaku could recover...Ino switched minds with him and Darui yanked over the Kohaku no Jōhei. He gave a smirk and the elder of the Gold and Silver brothers then tried to break out of the mind switch technique that Ino put him under, but the Yamanaka Heiress' chakra form kept him pinned in his own mind.

"Hey Kinkaku!" Darui yelled and in his mind, Kinkaku's eyes widened as he struggled. Ino smirked.

"Yes?!" Ino, using Kinkaku's body asked and that activated the sealing jutsu.

Kinkaku's body was then lurched forward as if it was caught in a vacuum. He tried to resist the pull of the Kohaku no Jōhei but his Kurama Avatar's mouth opened as he struggled...and the avatar seemed to...throw him up. Just like how he got Kurama's powers in the first place!

This can't be! I...I'm losing to all these coppers?! He thought as Ino shot out of his body and back to her own. "This...this cannot be happening!"

His mind flashed back to his final battle...when he, Ginkaku, and their squad had tracked down Tobirama Senju once more after their failed Coup d'tat in Kumogakure. Despite killing him...both him and his brother had died. Their entire elite force of ninja which included the likes of Kakuzu had been single handily wiped out by the Nidaime Hokage.

Several dozen Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique) bombarded Kinkaku and Ginkaku's squad. On the lead Suiryūdan, Tobirama himself summoned his katana as he crashed into three of Kinkaku's men. They went flying but two retorted and sent a Raiton and Katon blast at him.

"Amateurish," Tobirama uttered as he tossed two kunai at the Raiton and Katon and did a seal. "Hiraishin Bōju (Flying Thunder God Interception)."

The kunai then 'sucked' the attacks into two small Jikukan Kekkai that manifested on the Hiraishin Seals Tobirama had put on them and both slammed into the necks of Kinkaku's men. The Nidaime Hokage then crossed his fingers and created two clones and intercepted and they scattered. Kinkaku gritted his teeth.

"Damn it I thought he was weakened enough when we attacked at the summit!"

"Lets get him bro!" Ginkaku said as he lifted the Benihisago. "We can take him!"

Kakuzu charged in his Doton: Domu armored form at Tobirama's clone. The Nidaime Hokage then charged Raiton into his sword and he ducked the punch, spun, and then stabbed backwards and impaled the Taki Missing Ninja on his blade and one of the masks on his back shattered. Tobirama's clone then slammed his knuckle right into Kakuzu's jaw as he tried to recover from his first death and he slammed into tree and through it.

Tobirama himself was virtually untouchable by their men. The Hokage killed three of them before they could blink without getting a single drop of blood on his blue armor. Kinkaku shuddered a was like Madara...all over again. The Nidaime Hokage then did a seal and his cheeks swelled.

"Suiton: Suidanha (Suiton: Water Severing Wave)!" Tobirama called out and shot a narrow blast of water at extremely high pressure...and he bisected five members of the Kinkaku Squad before they could even react.

...those that were still alive, minus Kinkaku and Ginkaku...cut their losses and fled for their lives. Tobirama's clones jumped back to him and they turned their sights on the Kin-Gin Brothers, and his eyes narrowed and he frowned.

"You two really abused the kindness my brother showed you that day," Tobirama said as he gripped his blade. "It disgusts me that you two have fallen so low."

"Shut up! We just wanted to be sure that it'd never happen again to us!" Ginkaku yelled angrily.

"Which is why you turned on the village that called you the 'Shining Lights', which revered you," Tobirama said. "Which is why you ruined an alliance between Konoha and Kumo." He let lose a burst of chakra so dense and powerful the area shook, the ground cratered under him and both Kinkaku and Ginkaku stepped back. "You two are nothing but spoiled little brats that need to be put down."

Ginkaku snarled. "Oh yeah?!"

With that, he charged the Nidaime Hokage alongside his brother. Kinkaku swung the Kōkinjō in an attempt to catch Tobirama's word-soul. In response Tobirama blocked with his sword, created another clone which blocked Ginkaku's attack before he swung his arm. The elder brother smashed into the younger hard and the both of them tumbled.

"Suiton: Suiijinheki (Water Release: Water Wall Formation)!" Tobirama then spat out a massive wall of water the size of a 100 meter tidal wave like it was nothing.

Kinkaku reacted quickly and grabbed the Bashōsen. "Bashōsen: Tsuchi no Maki (Bashōsen: Coil of Earth)!"

He swung as he charged Kurama's chakra through the fan. A massive wall of earth rose right in front of him and blocked the wave...but also blocked sight of Tobirama. Kinkaku and Ginkaku kept their eyes on the two Tobirama's darted at them from both sides. The brothers met them and the first ducked a Kōkinjō coiled punch and tapped his stomach before he vanished while the second one did the same thing with Ginkaku.

"Enough cat and mouse games!" Kinkaku roared. "Bashōsen: Kaminari no Maki (Bashōsen: Coil of Lightning)!"

He slammed the fan down and a massive lightning bolt was created and blew away the wall in front of them and both charged. Kurama's chakra leaked from their bodies, making them look animalistic. Tobirama however was ready and from his position he tossed several kunai at both brothers.

"You expect to beat us with those?!" Ginkaku yelled and blocked with his own kunai...before his stomach was torn open. His eyes widened and he spat out blood. "

"Hiraishingiri (Flying Thunder God Slash)," Tobirama said as he flicked his sword.

Kurama's chakra immediately tried to repair the damage but it was a mortal blow. And even before the regeneration could begin the Nidaime Hokage spun...and beheaded the younger of the two Kin-Gin brothers. The color drained from Kinkaku's face and he began to grit his teeth.

"GINKAKU!" he roared as more of Kurama's chakra burst from his body.

"That's one down," Tobirama started and there was a local explosion from Kinkaku's area...and the Nidaime Hokage stared a bit. He has that much of the Kyubi no Yoko's power? This could be more dangerous...

Steam wafted out of Kinkaku's mouth and suddenly black and white chakra swirled at it. Tobirama instantly got on guard as the pseudo-jinchuriki then fired a Bijudama right at him! The Nidaime used Hiraishin to teleport quickly and avoid the Bijudama as it careened through the forest before detonating. A six kilometer stretch of the forest was completely wiped out by a dome explosion as the shock wave hit Tobirama as he stood on a tree he marked.

What power...its not as close to the Nine-Tails itself but to be able to produce a blast like that in human form? Tobirama thought to himself before Kinkaku appeared right at him.

"FOUND YOU!" he roared and slashed right at the Nidaime Hokage.

Tobirama barely blocked but his arm guards were obliterated and just as he was about to use the Hiraishin Kinkaku slammed his tail right into him with such force the impact could destroy a small town. The Nidaime smashed through several trees which were also blown away by the sheer force of the tail. He managed to recover and teleported right to another tag. He spat a bit of blood and he breathed in.

"If it weren't for my armor, that'd would have been fatal," Tobirama said as blood dripped from his mouth. "I need to see how strong that...cloak of his is, and find a way to penetrate it..."

He straightened up and sensed Kinkaku was unleashing even more of Kurama's chakra. He acted quickly and crossed his fingers and channeled a massive amount of chakra. For anyone else but a Senju...this would have been a fatal amount.

"Tajū Kage Bushin no Jutsu (Multiple Shadow Clone Technique)!" And with that, Tobirama created nearly a thousand Kage Bushins.

He breathed in and out a little winded but not anymore than usual. And then...he directed his clones to attack Kinkaku from all sides. The army of Nidaime Hokages descended upon the pseudo-jinchuriki who gave a loud roar of challenge. One swipe of his tail destroyed dozens of them but the Tobirama's all attacked as one.

High pressure jets of water shot from nearly 250 of them and lanced right against Kinkaku's cloak. He grunted in pain as the next group teleported in close with the Hiraishin and all launched a Hiraishingiri on the same spot. Their swords broke but caused a substantial indent on the cloak. Several dozen more then plastered special explosive summoning tags all over his body.

"Even without Edo Tensei being a medium, this will be deadly," one of the Tobirama clones said and did the seal. "Gojō Kibaku Fuda (Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags)!"

"What?!" Kinkaku grunted as the tags began to glow...summoning thousands upon thousands of smaller ones...and all began to explode with such force and ferocity a steadily growing dome of blasts engulfed the pseudo-jinchuriki. He gave howls of pain and rage as the explosions continued and carved out a deep crater nearly five kilometers wide and dozens of meters deep.

Tobirama himself entered the fray as the explosions ended and he summoned his trump card: the Sword of Kusanagi. The sharpest, strongest blade in existence. He charged Futon chakra into it to increase its strength and sharpness as Kinkaku lowered his arms...and Tobirama unleashed another Hiraishingiri at the weakened spot.

The cloak bent and split...before the incredibly sharp blade sliced into it and Tobirama veritably gutted the pseudo-jinchuriki. Blood burst from Kinkaku's mouth in surprise as the Nidaime Hokage appeared behind him and he flicked the Sword of Kusanagi to clean off the blood. He looked at Kinkaku with a cold eye.

"This battle is over," Tobirama said as Kinkaku weakly looked around at all the clones that surrounded him...

Not like this...I won't...I haven't avenged Ginkaku...i won't die like this! Kinkaku gave a mighty roar despite his mortal wound and right before Tobirama's eyes the pseudo-jinchuriki formed a full chakra avatar of the fox with eight tails instead of nine.

"What the hell?!" Tobirama asked as his clones were all destroyed by the blast of chakra. "He had enough of the Fox's chakra to turn into a version of one?!"

"This...this is the end for you you shitty Hokage!"

He swiped right at Tobirama who barely avoided it and teleported away. Black and White chakra swirled in the avatar fox's mouth and then it began firing several Bijudama in quick succession. In moments the entirety of the forest and with it, Tobirama's cover were not only wiped out but several mountains that surrounded the area.

Tobirama appeared at one of his last surviving tags and focused. Good, Monkey got the entire group out of the country. I bought enough time now... he looked up at the sky. Just wish I could have seen his reign, he's going to be an excellent Sandaime.

Kinkaku focused on him and Tobirama turned to him. Without retreating...Tobirama entered combat once more to fight the pseudo-jinchuriki. He flicked the Kusanagi in his hand and teleported at Hiraishin's full speed to the last remaining tag. Kinkaku...seemed to have gained a bit of a 'Danger Sense' upon entering his Biju Mode and was prepared...and his chakra protected him from yet another Hiraishingiri. While Tobirama floated in the air from his failed attack the massive chakra paw went to smash him...and Tobirama teleported to the other tag again. Just as he landed Kinkaku shot another Bijudama...and this time the Nidaime couldn't avoid it.

He dodged as best he could...but half of his body was vaporized by the Bijudama which flew past him In the distance another mountain was completely obliterated from the blast and Tobirama spat out more blood...and died where he stood. However he didn't fall...he just kept standing tall like the proud Hokage he was.

"I...I did it Ginkaku...I...avenged..." Kinkaku's avatar began to break apart. "" he uttered as he clasped his wound. ...but...he beat me...if he lasted...a bit longer I'd have bled out...

In the present Kinkaku's eyes widened as he was swallowed by the Kohaku no Jōhei. His shock at remembering his own death and being defeated caused him to drop the Kōkinjō, it fell right in front of the pot. Ino had left his mind at the last instant...and the last of the Gold and Silver Brothers had been dealt with. Reawakening where she was, Ino stretched.

"We got him right Shikamaru?"

"Yep..." Shikamaru started before the chakra avatar of Kurama burst out of the Mountain Sandwich Kitsuchi created and sent Gamabunta flying back. "But why didn't that dissipate?!"

Gamabunta grunted. "All that chakra that was released has to go somewhere, that's why! When we sealed Kinkaku we inadvertently separated him from the Kyubi chakra he had manifested!" The 100 meter toad jumped back to his feet. "We have to reseal it quickly before it goes out of hand!"

"We still have the tools!"

"No good," Gamabunta said with a grunt. "Both the pot and gourd require a specific way to use...this thing is now like a Biju which lost his mind. Thus it can't answer a question of its identity nor can it give a kotodama. We need to seal it inside a human quickly before it becomes flesh and blood!"

Tenko pursed his lips and stood forward. "Use me, I'll have it sealed inside me."

"You sure lad!?" Gamabunta demanded and Tenko nodded.

"Yeah! I can handle it, don't worry!"

"Not like we have much choice! Can you do it Gamabunta-san?" Shikamaru asked as he jumped next to Tenko with Choji and Ino.

"Yes, just buy me a few minutes!"

Shikamaru nodded. "You heard him everyone!"

Hinata, Neji, and Kurotsuchi all formed up with them too, the Hyuga had their Byakugans activated as the Tsuchikage's granddaughter did a seal and slammed her palms down. She charged her chakra through the earth and unleashed her strongest attack right near Kurama's avatar.

"Yoton: Raijinguborukēno (Lava Release: Rising Volcano)!" Kurotsuchi called out as from the earth below the Kurama Avatar...a volcano burst out.

Lava from the earth itself, having been shaped and controlled by Kurotsuchi's chakra slammed right into the chakra avatar's stomach. It gave a howl as a bead of sweat dripped from the Tsuchikage's granddaughter's forehead. Hinata and Neji acted next and synced their chakra.

"Hakke Kūhekishō (Eight Trigrams Air Palm Wall)!" they yelled and increased the strength of the lava Kurotsuchi summoned with a massive air shell that they created.

Darui and the rest of the army attacked next. Ranton: Reizā Sākasu (Storm Release: Laser Circus) shot out of his hands, hundreds of beams of light from a halo he created mixing both Suiton and Raiton. Bolts of Raiton, blasts of Katon, kunai, shuriken, Futon blasts, and even Tenten launching a massive amount of weaponry from her armor all pelted the chakra avatar and kept it busy as Gamabunta focused.

Just ten more me it! Gamabunta thought as he made a tiger seal.

The avatar roared angrily, not even using any Bijudama nor even charging said roars with chakra. It just thrashed around angrily as from its tails...flesh and blood started to grow from the chakra. Gamabunta's eyes snapped open when the time was finished.

"Tenko, hop on my head now!" Gamabunta ordered and Tenko leaped right on.

"I'm here Gamabunta!" Tenko yelled as Gamabunta tapped his stomach with one of his fingers as he shot his tongue out...wrapping it around the Chakra Fox's neck.

"Gama Fuinjutsu-ryu: Hikigaeru Shita Fuin (Toad Sealing Technique Style: Toad Tongue Seal)!" Gamabunta called out...and the chakra fox was drawn through then piercings of the Toad Boss' tongue as he kept his finger right on Tenko's stomach.

He got a bit burned from doing so but he managed to channel it through his arm and right into his finger...transferring it right into Tenko's stomach. The young Sage grunted in shock as his body was weighed down by the sheer weight of the chakra...and in several moments it was completely transferred to him. A little brand with the symbol of 'Toad' appeared on his stomach appeared and Tenko coughed and...fell backwards as he blacked out.

"That...should keep it contained for now," Gamabunta grunted. "Damn I'm gonna need a rest now...until next time kid!"

With a puff of smoke, Gamabunta vanished from the battlefield as everyone cheered. Shikamaru jumped up and caught the falling Tenko and his lips pursed. He then looked back as more and more White Zetsus suddenly began arriving.

Now time for the retreat! Shikamaru thought as he looked at Ino. "Use your Shindenshin no Jutsu (Mind Body Transmission Technique) to tell the army to fall back now! We can't hold this position!"

"But I haven't done..."

"Ino, you can handle it," Shikamaru said as he stood up. "You're the Yamanaka Heiress, show your dad you don't need one of those machines to talk to the entire army."

Ino pursed her lips but nodded. She did a seal and focused. "Everyone! Hear me! Our next move now is to fall back to the fortress of the Lightning Ridge! Disengage from combat and immediately fall back!" she ordered everyone. "Even with our defeat of the Kinkaku and Ginkaku brothers here, the beach is lost! Now move!"

A grunted as he was thrown back by Fukai's Gyuki enhanced Lariat. His chest bled a bit but he could stand up. "Guess we'll have to settle this another time Fukai!"

All Fukai did to respond was give an animalistic growl...and A vanished before the next attack could come. All around the beachhead the Allied Shinobi Forces began to fall back in a fighting retreat. Tens of thousands of White Zetsu and dozens of Edo Tensei now attacked from the waves and pursued them. Shikamaru and Ino kept directing the retreat as the Raikage helped cover it.

The mass of shinobi ran, leaped, and shunshined across the horizon with Akatsuki's troops right on their heels. Earthen barriers that were hastily raised were sliced through by newer arrivals to the Edo Tensei army like Asuma Sarutobi. Dan was momentarily halted by a barrier which stopped his pursuit of them but still more and more White Zetsu surged through.

But after hours...the pursuit stopped. The White Zetsus abandoned the chase and the Edo Tensei ran back to the beach to secure it. The Zetsu's...all hungry from the days events broke off on massive raiding teams. Any inhabited city, town, and village in their path now was completely vulnerable and ripe for the picking. Tens of thousands of the Zetsus was going to be a night of slaughter.

Despite their nominal wins and securing all five of the Sage's legendary tools...the Allied Shinobi Forces were completely defeated by the sheer numbers and the quality of the forces that Akatsuki had sent to the Lightning Beaches.

Lightning Ridge, Lightning Country

The Allied Shinobi Forces were now regrouping. At the massive fortress of Lightning Ridge, medical tents were set up to tend to the wounded behind the massive wall that stretched clear across the valley. A few members of the Third Division, being medical shinobi were brought to the Ridge shortly after the attack. One of them was Haruno Sakura. She pursed her lips as she treated injured shinobi in the main tent. Despite the retreat...there were many dead and dying. She looked down and glanced at Tenko who was now resting from the sealing.

From what I heard...hes now like Naruto...having all that power sealed inside him... Sakura thought and Tenko's uninjured eye opened. His wounds had been treated and he was wrapped in bandages. After all the punishment he took its amazing he didn't outright die from the sealing...

" body hurts..." Tenko said with a groan and he sat up. "...where are we?"

"Lightning Ridge," Sakura said as she walked over. "I've been assigned to help your recovery along with the other people here."

Tenko blinked at that and he groaned. "After fighting a giant fox made of chakra...guess I am pretty banged up huh?"

"Yeah...for at least a week you're off active duty," Sakura said as her hands glowed and she checked his wounds. "Just hope the enemy gives us enough time to treat the wounded."


"We' reports. Akatsuki's White Zetsu are now raiding the towns and cities that were behind the Lightning Coast," she pursed her lips. "...with the Allied Shinobi Forces retreat, they were free game..."

"Dear...god..." Tenko said as he realized the implication. "We...we have to send people out to stop them!"

"We can't. There's too many wounded and another attack could come at anytime. If this fortress falls, Kumogakure and then even Naruto and Bee-san will be in Akatsuki's sights. We have to stop them here before we can counterattack..."

"Damn it..." Tenko said with a growl. "All those people..."

Sakura closed her eyes, sympathizing with him as she squeezed one of her hands into a tight fist. She wanted to go out and take the fight back to Akatsuki...but right now she was needed to heal the wounded. To make sure this fortress would not fall...

Hinata and Neji stood on the ramparts of the Wall, the two were talking. The earlier anger Hinata had displayed had dissipated by now, even though she wanted to avenge her father...right now wasn't the time...and she didn't want to desecrate his memory. She breathed out slowly and then glanced back and saw Kiba and Shino jumping onto the wall.

"We've all been assigned to stay here until the First Division is back to full strength," Shino reported. "Hopefully we'll be ready in time for the next attack."

"You think Akatsuki will attack so soon?" Neji asked.

"Indeed. I believe we'll only have a few days, five days at most," Shino said as he crossed his arms. "Shikamaru and I are discussing strategies."

Neji nodded. "I see..." he breathed out slowly.

"We're still going to protect Naruto-kun," Hinata said after a moment. "Even if Akatsuki comes in two days, we'll fight them with everything we have and break them."

Kiba grinned. "Heh, I was gonna say that Hinata! You're taking after Naruto a lot more now!"

Hinata blushed a bit. "Thanks Kiba-kun...but...that's just what I think Naruto-kun would say if he was here."

Kurotsuchi hopped up. "Uggghhh...its been a while since I used that attack. My entire body is are you guys doing?"

"As well as we can be expected to be, Kurotsuchi-san," Neji said as he looked around. "Where's Karui-san?"

"Checking in on Raikage-sama's injuries, seeing if he needs help," Kurotsuchi replied as she sat. "Can't wait for this stupid War to be over..."

"Not the only one sister," Kiba said as he stretched and Akamaru barked. "Remember the last time we went out on normal missions?"

"Seems like a lifetime ago, yes," Neji said and he leaned back. "But as Hinata-sama said, we'll keep fighting until we defeat Akatsuki."

With that, they all nodded before they looked up at the clear night sky. The moon was out and it was a would be fifteen days before it was full again. Neji frowned at that thought as he remembered the enemy's plan...