Chapter 25

Holding the Line, Part 1

Mountain's Graveyard

Sasuke was asleep in the room Tobi had provided him, his eyes had yet to recover from the transplant. He could already feel the new power building behind them and he relished the chance to test them, but until they had recovered they had to be covered up by the bandages. He had passed the time, blissfully unaware that the War to decide the fate of the world waged at the moment, sparring with Suigetsu and Jūgo and he had learned through painstaking effort to fight blind.

White Zetsu often guarded him but Sasuke knew it was only a matter of time till he dealt with Akatsuki's artificial human. The thing was getting on his nerves, and had quite the appetite for talking his ear off even when he was meditating. His ear tweaked at that moment as he felt something enter his room...even though he couldn't sense chakra his hearing was greatly enhanced. His hand shot out and grabbed...a white snake.

"A snake huh...?" Sasuke said coldly as it struggled to either bite him or get away. "Either Orochimaru is back or someone's taken his techniques after our battle."

Before the snake could get away Sasuke charged up a Chidori and he practically vaporized it. The last Uchiha pulled himself out of bed and frowned and he looked at his hand, flexing it a bit.

...something must be happening outside. I haven't heard Madara being here in a while. Wonder if Jūgo and Suigetsu know anything...

With that the last Uchiha turned his attention to the door and prepared to head out. He slid his chokutō onto his belt and did a stretch before he left the room. White Zetsu's head then poked out of the ground and looked at the remnants of the snake.

Is this one of Kabuto' has to be! Orochimaru is dead! I saw him get killed off finally by Itachi himself!

Land of Sound

Orochimaru had been quick to rebuild his operations in the Land of Sound. He now had the Byakugan, as well as the Sword of Totsuka in his possession now. For the last couple weeks he had been monitoring the battles that were waging over the world and saw first hand, through his many snake spies the Alliances losses and victories. As tempting as it would be to join in the War, he had his own plans.

"So Sasuke-kun has finally awakened not only the Mangekyo Sharingan, but has gotten Itachi's eyes transplanted for he Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan," Orochimaru said with a pleased smirk. "He's more ripe now for taking over than ever before."

With Kabuto now independent, Orochimaru now lacked a right hand man. Perhaps once the War was over, the two could collaborate again. However if the seasoned spy also had his eyes on Sasuke Orochimaru knew that he'd have to fight him. That thought...made the Snake Sannin tremble in a bit of excitement.

Kabuto, if you truly want to succeed me and gain Sasuke's Sharingan, I will truly enjoy testing my power against yours... two Oto Jonin, one of the few remnants of the village appeared in the room with a Shunshin.

"Orochimaru-sama, we've recovered the scroll you wished for."

Orochimaru smirked and took it. "Excellent. I knew that hideout wasn't destroyed..." pulling the string and he unraveled it. "Now if the time comes to it, I can take control of this War when I wish."

Both Jonin bowed and the Snake Sannin smirked. His new Byakugan eyes scanned the scroll and he saw what looked to be a Hanya mask with the text on it. All of his years of research will pay off since soon...he will be able to regain his arms. And Kabuto and Tobi would be none the wiser.

Mountain's Grave, Kabuto's Cave

Orochimaru's successor smiled in satisfaction. His spies had managed to get some crucial genetic material from the beaches of Lightning Country. In their haste to retreat from the overwhelming force that Akatsuki and himself had mustered the Allied Shinobi Forces didn't secure their dead and seal them like in last battles. Now...Kabuto had what he needed for the second attack on the beleaguered allied shinobi.

"Excellent, another Clan Leader to add to my army," Kabuto licked his lips like his master would. "And one of the strongest shinobi Konoha had on the field..."

He prepared his jutsu formula. His sacrifice sat in a black circle, bound and gagged. It was an unfortunate sod from Amegakure, he had snagged the sacrifice shortly after Madara's battle with Konan. Kabuto put the kunai that had been recovered with the blood he needed onto a scroll...and he did his seal.

"Kuchiyoise: Edo Tensei (Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation)!"

Ash and paper raised from the sacrifice's body and he gave a choked scream of terror and pain. His eyes blanked out as the ash and paper formed around him...and into a new shape. Where the sacrifice once knelt in terror...a proud shinobi now stood. Before he could resist Kabuto pushed a kunai with his control talisman right into his head.

"Now...I have a full set of my next attack," Kabuto said and he clapped his hands and several more Edo Tensei came walking in. "Hyuga Hizashi...Hyuga Hiashi..." the twin brothers could only be distinguished by two things-the seal on Hizashi's forehead and the flak jacket Hiashi wore when he had died. "Sarutobi Asuma and Kato Dan," Asuma and Dan came into view next to the two Hyuga. "Inuzuka Taitama and Aburame Shikuro," a tall Inuzuka with messy brown hair, red tattoos on his cheeks and a short beard on his chin came walking in next to an reincarnated dog with a Aburame who was dressed in a black hooded coat with metal plates on it, wearing old fashioned sunglasses over his eyes. "And to round, Akimichi Choza-san. My Clan Leader battalion is all set."

"" Choza uttered as he tried to force his body to move and attack Orochimaru's successor.

"Now now Choza-san, with my tag in you you can't resist my commands," Kabuto did a seal and slammed his palms to the ground...and created a earthen replica of Lightning Ridge. "Now this is what you will be attacking alongside 20,000 White Zetsu. Choza-san, your skills will be essential in breaking through these walls."

"Choji will...stop me..."

"We'll see, we'll see," he said with a smirk. "You have your orders. Form up with the Zetsu."

With that he clapped his hands and coffins rose out of the ground and the seven Edo Tensei ninja. Choza was seething in rage as the coffin closed around him and Kabuto's devious smirk widened. He even mockingly waved at the late Akimichi Clan Leader as he vanished into the ground. He then turned his attention back to his game board and his eyes flashed in excitement.

Land of Lightning, Lightning Ridge

Choji was sat on the wall as several guards walked by. He was sniffling a bit, a stream of tears had gone down his eyes...the news that his father had been killed battling Kinkaku...softly he began to sob again. He thought he had already lost his father once against Pain...but now that he lost him for had really crushed him.

Shikamaru and Ino watched him and the Yamanaka Heiress breathed out. "I've never seen Choji this depressed..." she rubbed the back of her head. "...can't blame him though..."

"...yeah...Uncle Choza was close to me too," Shikamaru sighed.

"Choji hasn't been eating too," Ino said. "I've never seen him turn down his favorite foods..."

"Yeah..." Shikamaru said as he walked over to his best friend. "Hey Choji."

"Shikamaru..." Choji said as the Nara Heir sat next to him. "...I'm...I'm trying to get my head back in the game again...but...but it hurts just so much..."

"I know man, I know," Shikamaru pat Choji's shoulder. "Take as long as you need..."

"I can't...not with this War...the enemy could attack at anytime..." Choji said as his body began to shake and tears appeared in his eyes again. "I need to be strong...for my dad...for everyone...I have to support everyone just like my dad did!"

Ino then sat Choji's other side. "We know Choji, but if you keep it bottled up you won't heal..." she breathed out. "Just like Sasuke did."

"...Sasuke..." Choji looked down. "...I...after feels like I can understand him..."

"But Choji, you're not like Sasuke," Shikamaru said and he pat his friend's back. "You're better than him. You're not attacking anyone in anger, you're not letting your rage overtake you, all you're doing is what's necessary to heal."

"...maybe Naruto can help him do just that if they fight again," Choji said and he sniffled again.

"Come on Choji, lets get you something to eat. You can't exactly heal if you're starving after all," Ino said lightheartedly. "I'll even buy for you in the camp so you can eat as much as you like."

"Thanks Ino, Shikamaru...I needed that," Choji said and he finally cleared his eyes. "With friends like you I can deal with this, I know it."

Hinata, from her post had heard the conversation. She grasped her chest and calmed herself Choji she had been letting out her sadness from losing her own father in the War too. She was worried how Hanabi took the news...and she desperately wanted to talk to Naruto...

"Ryo for your thoughts, Hinata-chan?"

"Oh, Sakura-chan," Hinata wiped her own eyes. "How is Tenko-kun's recovery coming?"

"Slow, that chakra sealed inside him keeps weighing him down," Sakura said and she pat her friend's shoulder. "Come on, lets get something to eat together. We haven't had a lot of time to talk since the War's started after all!"

Hinata gave a small smile and nodded. "Sure, sounds fine Sakura-chan."

The two walked down from the battlements as Neji took Hinata's place on them. He glanced back at his cousin and breathed in. He knew how down Hinata had been since the death of Hiashi and he hoped Sakura could help her through it. There was only so much he could do to help besides promising to help bring the person who killed Hiashi down.

Sakura stretched as she walked next to Hinata. "So have you been holding up?"

" well as it can be expected," Hinata said as she grasped her chest. "It much..."

She closed her eyes tightly and Tsunade's apprentice pat her shoulder. "I know...there's not much I can say but I'm here for you. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm around when you need me."

"Thanks Sakura-chan, you're a true friend," Hinata said and she wiped her eye a bit.

"Maybe after we eat we can talk with the communication's ninja," Sakura suggested as they walked. "You could talk to Naruto about it and everything..."

Hinata's cheeks flushed. " you...think they'd let me do that?"

"Sure!" Sakura punched the air. "Wouldn't know until we try! After all, you're the Hokage's girlfriend so I'm sure an exception can be made!"

Hinata gave an 'eek' at that and pushed her fingertips together. Sakura laughed and pat her friend's back as the two walked together to the communication's tent. At the same time, on the Wall of Lightning Ridge Shino lifted his finger as one of his insects landed. Kiba looked over as he pat Akamaru's back.

"There's movement about three kilometers away..." Shino said as his eyebrows narrowed. "Given that Akatsuki's forces destroyed much of the countryside in their victory rampage its highly likely its the enemy on the move."

Kiba nodded. "We'll get a scouting party out. I'll find Hinata!"

"That's unneeded," Neji interjected as he arrived. "I'll help you scout the area out."

Shino nodded. "Very well."

Near the edge of Lightning Ridge's sensor range, three White Zetsu were using their own Sensing abilities to determine how many shinobi were left in the fortress. One looked up and grinned as the Edo Tensei forms of Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hizashi arrived.

"Bout time you two got here, start scanning the fortress with those Byakugan to see how many of our enemy are ready to fight!"

Hiashi sneered his brother they had no choice to obey. Their Byakugan snapped open and the reincarnated Hyuga Leader expanded his vision to scan the fortress. He saw tens of thousands of Allied Shinobi around Lightning Ridge. He could see the watch positions clearly as well as on the wall thousands of the shinobi were on the defense...and behind it in the keep as well as the back of the valley he could see the medical camp where the thousands injured were being treated.

"...of the shinobi there," Hizashi started as he did a count. "...there are 25,000 which are combat ready and another 10,000 being treated for injuries from the last battle."

The White Zetsu smirked and lifted his hand up. "Great, more lunch for us!"

At the Zetsu's signal nearly 30,000 White Zetsus began to to rise from the ground and even appeared in the trees and treetops. Hiashi and Hizashi then slammed their palms down and six coffins rose from the ground and opened as the Clan Leader squad appeared. Asuma gritted his teeth a bit as replicas of his chakra blades appeared in his pack.

"Damn it...we're being deployed..."

Choza breathed in and looked at the wall. "All we can hope is that our kids are strong enough to defeat us..."

Inuzuka Taitama, along with his reincarnated ninja dog Kamaru sighed. "Not much more that we can do...the Will of Fire was passed onto this generation?"

"Yes," Asuma confirmed with a nod, and a smirk appeared. "They'll be fine against us."

"I hope you're right," Aburame Shikuro said as his skin turned purple. "We're...on the move."

Back on the wall, Kiba, Akamaru, Shino, and Neji had finished their preparations for the scouting mission when the Inuzuka's nose suddenly twitched. Akamaru barked and whined after the wind had changed as more of Shino's insects flew back to them.

"...looks like the scouting mission won't be needed," Kiba said as his hand tensed. "They're coming. They didn't even bother trying to go downwind."

Shino nodded. "My insect scouts have confirmed it. Sound the alarm."

"On it!" Kiba said as he hopped onto Akamaru barked and began running off to the signal station.

Neji activated his Byakugan and stretched it out to one kilometer away as he began to track the enemy. He pursed his lips slowly as the White Zetsus came into view by the thousands as they either charged on the ground or jumped through the trees. With the alarm sounded the entire fortress sprang to life to rush to the defense.

Hinata and Sakura both looked up and the new Hyuga Leader breathed in. "I'll have to save the call to Naruto-kun for later..."

"I'll focus on keeping the medical tents safe," Sakura said as she bit her thumb and in one of the large open spaces of the fortress she slammed her palm down and summoned Katsuyu. "Katsuyu-sama, please split yourself up onto the Allied Shinobi, I'll heal them all during the fighting!"

"As you wish, Sakura-chan," she said and in seconds, her body 'fell apart' and split across the entire Alliance. One of the Katsuyu mini-clones crawled onto Hinata's back as she ran and jumped to get onto the wall as she activated her Byakugan.

There are lots of enemies coming, Hinata thought as she jumped onto the wall and ran up it with hundreds of other shinobi.

She glanced to see Tenten nearby who already got her special armor out and was using it almost like a puppet. She then glanced to the other side to see Shikamaru, Ino, and a still depressed but now determined Choji nearby. In a few shorts seconds they were at the top of the wall and were all brandishing their weapons.

"Its like a sea of White Zetsus down there," Ino said as she grasped a kunai before she focused her sensing abilities. "There's...nearly 30,000 there..."

Shikamaru frowned as he held one of Asuma's trench knives. "They're trying to bash their way through so they can get a clear path to the Island Turtle..." he glanced at Hinata. "Hinata, do you see any Edo Tensei in the crowd? Or do you sense any Ino?"

Hinata focused her Byakugan and stretched it out to its maximum range of 10 kilometers. In the veritable sea of White Zetsu she began to see larger chakra signatures and she adjusted to 'zoom in' as their chakra networks appeared...and her voice got caught in her throat.

"Hinata?" Shikamaru asked.

"Its...its..." Hinata said as she breathed in and out to compose herself. "...Uncle"

"Kabuto used Edo Tensei on him already?" Shikamaru asked in surprise and Hinata forced herself not to shake or tremble.

"Not...not only that," she said in a low voice. "I...see Asuma-sensei...and Choza-san..." she started as Choji looked up in shock.

"What?! My dad too?!"

Hinata nodded and she squeezed her hand into a tighter fist. "...and Dan-san...and an Aburame and Inuzuka I can't identify...I don't recognize them but their chakra levels are nearly as big as my father's."

"They must be Clan Leaders then," Shikamaru said and he glanced at Choji. "...Choji I know this is going to be hard to ask...but I need you to fight your dad."


"You're probably the only one here that can stop him, Choji," Shikamaru said. "Sakura's busy keeping everyone healed and tending to the wounded, Raikage-sama will be fighting on another flank, Darui will be fighting on the other side. You're the one who knows your dad best and are the only one who is strong enough to contend with his strength."


"Choji, I know it's a lot but you have to do it," Shikamaru cut him off. "If Choza-san breaks through this wall, the wounded will be slaughtered and Akatsuki will have a clear shot to where Naruto is!"

Choji breathed in...and steeled himself. "I-I'll do my best..."

"Good and Hinata," Shikamaru looked at her. "...I need you to defeat your father. If we can take out their eyes we can cripple their forces here."

Hinata's eyes widened. "But I've never..."

"You can," Shikamaru said. "You'll be able to do it. Think Naruto is cheering you on if you need to, but you can defeat him."

"...what about us, Shikamaru?" Ino asked.

"We'll be taking down Asuma-sensei," Shikamaru said as he tightened his fingers around his trench knives. "Its our responsibility...and he would want us to."

"But if that's the case why shouldn't we hold back for Choji..."

"We don't have that luxury," Shikamaru said. "Not with Choza-san on the field."

Ino nodded and she breathed out slowly...ant pat Shikamaru's and Choji's backs. "We'll get through this together. If Shikamaru believes in you Choji, I do too!"

"Thanks Ino..." Choji said as he looked forward and he breathed out. I...I can do this! I'll stop my dad from hurting anyone, just how he would want...

All at once, the Allied Shinobi Forces drew kunai and shuriken from their packs as the White Zetsu's below charged the wall at full speed. And then they tossed the kunai and shuriken down onto the artificial humans in a massive wall of sharp metal that acted like hail. The first line of White Zetsu were hit fatally from the wall of bladed weapons but the Zetsus behind them jumped open their corpses.

The clouds began to gather above right after the first shots of the battle were fired and a rumble of lightning and thunder was heard. The fires that had been started from the White Zetsu rampages over the countryside had caused a storm front to form and a deluge began, rain fell in buckets right above the attackers and defenders.

Hinata spotted her father moving in with the Byakugan and with a bunch of the Allied Shinobi leaped off the wall as another line of defenders came up behind them to take their place. She landed right in the midst of the White Zetsu's and she slammed her palms into two as another leaped at her and was then blown out of the sky and she saw Neji rushing over as he launched another Hakke Kusho and hit a Zetsu attacking Hinata from her blind spot.


"I have your back Hinata-sama!" Neji said as he formed up behind her as more White Zetsu came charging at them. "After all, my father was brought back to fight as well..."

Hinata nodded. "We'll defeat them and make sure they can rest, Neji-nii-san!"

With that the two met the charge of the White Zetsus, their hands were a blur as they killed one after another while they advanced towards where Hiashi and Hizashi were. Chōji, Ino, and Shikamaru had landed nearby and immediately assumed the Ino-Shika-Chō Formation to plow through the White Zetsus on their way to the target.

"Kage Mane no Jutsu (Shadow Possession Technique)!" Shikamaru called out after he had tossed a light bomb to illuminate the area. His shadow lanced out and grabbed onto nearly 50 White Zetsu.

"Shinranshin no Jutsu (Mind-Body Disturbance Technique)!" Ino added and she took over the minds of the entire battalion of White Zetsu in front of her and she turned them against each other with a smirk. Mastered this technique dad!

Chōji breathed in and did his own seal. "Baika no Jutsu (Multi-Size Technique)!" he yelled as his body swelled into a massive, dense ball and his hair grew long and spiky. "Nikudan Hari Sensha (Spiked Human Bullet Tank)!"

With that he revved up and spun quickly and kicked up a bunch of dust, water and mud as the storm continued to rage ahead, and like a spiky boulder he slammed through half of the White Zetsus as he made a path towards his reincarnated father. Chōji felt his stomach churn at the thought...but he was determined to at least attempt to stop him. His Spiked Human Bullet Tank barreled over the White Zetsus in the path, impaling and flattening them like they were nothing.

Aburame Shikuro and Inuzuka Taitama ran alongside Kato Dan and Sarutobi Asuma and the Edo Tensei Aburame lifted his hands up and they turned purple. Two Allied Shinobi jumped at him as he shunshined over and then slammed them into their faces. They cried out in surprise as he slammed them to the ground with enough force to splinter the earth...and he infected them.

"Forgive me, I have no control over myself," Shikuro said as he removed his hands and the allied shinobi he infected screamed and cried out in pain as their bodies succumbed to the nano-insects.

Taitama lifted his hand and did a seal...his finger nails turning into claws as his face turned more bestial. "Alright Boromaru, Gatsūga (Fang over Fang)!"

Boromaru barked next to him and the two then spun at high speed and jumped forward and drilled into a company of Allied Shinobi and shredded them apart before continuing on the path...using the Gatsūga to travel up the wall at high speed. Shikuro had used the gap to run up the wall behind them as on top, Kiba, Akamaru, and Shino had prepared to leap down and join the fight when Akamaru barked to warn them.

"Right!" Kiba said after his nose twitched and he jumped back and avoided the Gatsūga that had been aimed for the top.

Shino then jumped out of the way to avoid the purple hand that punched at him and skidded to the side to avoid a kick, before he back flipped back to his teammate. The Aburame then pushed his sunglasses up as their opponents appeared on the wall. Both tensed as Kiba drew the blade from his back and Akamaru began to snarl.

"Now the bastard has even brought back members from our Clans," Kiba said with a snarl as he gripped the blade of the Senpū Rōga.

"I can see that, Kiba," Shino said as his insects began to swarm behind him.

Shikuro saw Shino's insects react. "You must be the current Clan Heir of our clan..."

Taitama hopped onto Boromaru, noticing the Senpū Rōga. "That's my sword..." he sniffed the air...and sensed Kiba's chakra. Wait that's Tsume's scent mixed with someone else...

"You guessed right," Shino said as he looked at Shikuro. "...Aburame Shikuro, my clan's legendary leader in the Third Shinobi World War..."

"Hey boy! What's your relationship with Tsume?!"

"...that's my mom old man!" Kiba said and Taitama laughed a bit. "What's so funny?!"

"No wonder why you have that sword," Taitama said as he slapped his thigh. "Your Tsume's boy, my grandson then!"

"Grandson...wait..." Kiba started and he looked at Taitama closely. "You're my grandpa?!"

Taitama grinned. "What a small world, I never thought I'd be facing my own grandson thanks to this jutsu! Not only that, seeing that blade again...wonder how good you are with it."

"I hate to but in on this, Taitama-san," Shikuro said as his nano-insects swarmed under his skin to the point a purple cloud began to manifest. "Our summoner won't allow us to dilly dally any longer."

His Rinkaichū are in such quantities they can manifest in a cloud like Kikaichū...I doubt even Torune-onii could manage that feat... Shino thought as his own Rinkaichū swarmed under his skin and his Kikaichū formed a cloud around his body. This will be difficult...

Akamaru barked and whined as Kiba nodded. "Right buddy, lets just give it all we have!" he said as he drew the Senpū Rōga instantly and charged chakra from it. "Old man, I'll show you what I can do with this blade!"

"Heh, look forward to it!" Taitama said as his body became more bestial. "Since you'll see while I was known as the Konoha no Hakurō (Wild Wolf of Konoha)!"

With that, Taitama released his chakra and his hair turned white and the quality and quantity of it were enough to make the stone crack around him. Kiba's nose could tell him that his late grandfather had a...large, dangerous amount of chakra and he skidded back while he squeezed the Senpū Rōga tightly. Shikuro also released a bit of his own chakra to achieve the same effect.

"...without Sakumo here, our formation seems a bit incomplete," Shikuro said as his cloud of Rinkaichū grew around him.

"We'll have to make due then!" Taitama announced as he and Boromaru gave a literal howl as the rain poured onto them.

Kiba made the first move, instead of channeling the Senpū Rōga into a Tsūga or Gatsūga, the Inuzuka heir charged the blade with his own chakra. "Inuzuka Hiden: Senpū Bakuhatsu (Inuzuka Secret Technique: Whirlwind Explosion)!"

He then slashed down and blasts of chakra rushed forward right at Shikuro and Taitama. The blasts coalesced and then exploded with such force to blow the very top part of the wall where the elder Aburame and Inuzuka stood. Taitama frowned as he landed and glanced at Kiba.

"Is that the best you can do with that sword?!" Taitama asked as he sounded a bit disappointed.

"ALL I CAN DO?!" Kiba demanded and he slashed with his blade.

"Yeah!" Taitama exclaimed as he jumped out of the way of the next Bakuhatsu. "You can't even transform the blade into the fang state!"

"...fang state?!"

"Why do you think it's called the 'Whirlwind Wolf Fang', boy?" Taitama asked as Boromaru and Akamaru got into a Tsūga duel. "When I used the blade, it looked like a giant forged fang!"

Kiba blinked before Taitama charged at him with a kunai and the two began to clash around. The younger Inuzuka was overpowered by his reincarnated grandfather who used a partial Tsūga to slash through Kiba's flak jacket and send him crashing backwards with enough force to crater the ground. He groaned, barely have kept his hand on his blade as blood dripped from his chest.

Taitama looked almost feral as he tossed dozens of kunai and shuriken at his grandson who blocked them with the Senpū Rōga and retorted with another Bakuhatsu. The elder Inuzuka then vanished with a shunshin and reappeared right in front of Kiba before he recovered and smashed his fist into Kiba's face and he tumbled on his side as blood flew from his mouth.

He's...on another level than I am! Kiba thought as he managed to get back to his feet. I can't even follow his speed and he can use Tsūga's without fully spinning! Its like... Images of the Kages and Hokages appeared behind Taitama and Kiba gulped. Fighting a Kage...or... an image of Naruto in his Hokage jacket appeared. Fighting him...

At that thought Kiba's blood boiled. He considered Naruto his rival but the Uzumaki had pulled so far ahead of him! Since Naruto had defeated him in the Chunin Exams, he had just gone onto higher and higher heights and was even trained by Jiraiya of the Sannin, defeated two members of Akatsuki, including the one which destroyed their village and became Hokage. He gritted his teeth and spat some blood out of his mouth while he tightened his grip around his blade.

If I'm to surpass Naruto, there has to be a first step! Kiba thought as he glared at Taitama. If I can defeat him at least then I'll have what it takes!

"Oho, you look like you're back in fighting form boy," Taitama said as he cracked his knuckles. "The last person to be conscious after one of my blows was Jiraiya himself."

"That's perfect then," Kiba said as he rose to his feet. "My rival was trained by Jiraiya, so if I am comparable to him I'm at least on the right track!"

He popped a soldier pill into his mouth and bit into it to increase his chakra. Visible, blue chakra burst from Kiba's body as his fangs and newly formed claws enlarged a bit and he looked even more like a wolf. He gripped the Senpū Rōga and breathed in.

Its supposed to look like a forged fang huh? How'd he do it then? Kiba thought and sniffed at the blade a few times. When I got it and performed the Senpū Bakuhatsu, mom said it was amazing that I could even use it. But if it can get even stronger...what am I missing?!

Taitama then charged him as White Zetsus managed to make it up the walls but Allied Shinobi counter attacked. Kiba's nose twitched and dodged the next punch and then retorted by slashing at the elder Inuzuka who jumped back to avoid it. The younger Inuzuka then charged forward and began to spin and unleashed a Tsūga right at him!

Taitama sidestepped him and hit Kiba on the back of the neck with a single chop. "You were too flashy there, I could easily see through that attack."

Kiba smashed into the wall but retaliated quickly despite blood dripping from his lip and tossed several kunai and shuriken at his reincarnated grandfather. Taitama followed up with a hard kick to the younger Inuzuka's stomach which sent him into a wall. Kiba spat out blood but got back to his feet and he put his hand to his shoulder.

He really hits hard... Kiba thought as his he crossed his fingers. New strategy!

Taitama smirked. "Now what are you planning on doing now?!"

"You'll see! Kage Bushin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)!" he yelled as a clone puffed into existence next to him. "Akamaru! Gonna need your help here buddy!"

Akamaru barked and broke away from combat with Boromaru. The Inuzuka ninken skidded backwards and Kiba and his clone hopped onto his back. The Inuzuka and his clone then did the tiger seal as Akamaru barked in affirmative.

"Jinjū Kongō Henge: Santōrō (Human Beast Mixture Transformation: Three Headed Wolf)!" Kiba yelled as all three burst into a puff of smoke...and in their place was a massive, white three headed wolf.

"Oho! Now that's something!" Taitama said with a smirk. "Three-Headed Wolf huh? Never thought of adding a clone for that combo before!" He stuck two fingers into his mouth and did a whistle and Boromaru hopped over to him and Taitama jumped on his partner's back. "Then lets see what's stronger...your Santōrō or my Jinjū Konbi Henge: Sōtōrō (Human Beast Mixture Transformation: Two Headed Wolf)!"

With that, Taitama and Boromaru burst into a puff of smoke and what stood in their place was a massive, two headed wolf that growled menacingly at Kiba's Santōrō. The two transformed beasts snarled at each other before they both leaped into the air, their claws gashed deep furrows through the stone they were standing on.

"Ooiga Gatenga (Tail Chasing Fang Fang Rotating Fang)!" Kiba yelled as his Santōrō began to spin in mid-air like a giant buzz saw with such force static electricity began sparking from his body like lightning bolts.

"Garōga (Fang Wolf Fang)!" Taitama roared as he began rotate his body like a drill and a similar effect happened.

Both attacks then slammed into each other with such force they created a shock-wave that dented the ground below with a small crater before they broke off, ricocheted and slammed into each other again with double the force. Due to the constant ricochets and the building up of speed, the two transformed shinobi accelerated to the point where only the likes of Kage-level shinobi, shinobi who have had high-speed training, or Kiba's teammates could even track Kiba and Taitama's Santōrō and Sōtōrō.

Damn it...all we're doing is stalemating him! Kiba thought after the next impact and crash as the bounded off yet another wall after the ricochet. And we're not inflicting enough damage to break this stalemate!

Taitama was grinning in his Sōtōrō. This boy definitely has potential! As expected from my grandson! Little by little he's chipping away at me...just wish I could see the full might of the Senpū Rōga once more!

Gonna have to time this just right! Kiba thought as within the transformation he he tightened his grip on the Senpū Rōga. Going to have to inflict a Bakuhatsu right when we collide next!

The Santōrō and Sōtōrō careened at each other at full speed and left several 'popping' sounds as they broke through the sound barrier dozens of times over. Kiba timed it perfectly as he had the center head of the Santōrō open its mouth.

"Jinjū Kongō Henge: Santōrō Senpū Bakuhatsu (Human Beast Mixture Transformation: Three-Headed Wolf Whirlwind Explosion)!" Kiba yelled and fired a point blank Senpū Bakuhatsu from the mouth of his Santōrō!

The blast of chakra slammed hard into Taitama's Sōtōrō and made him and Boromaru grunt in surprise. Their acceleration slowed down just enough for Kiba to close his Santōrō's mouth and spun quicker in the air...and he cut the Sōtōrō right in half! Kiba landed, his transformation with his clone and Akamaru ended as Boromaru and Taitama crashed to the ground. Boromaru had been cut in half and his Edo Tensei regeneration had started and Taitama had lost an arm, already regenerating.

However, before he could begin to celebrate Taitama was already on him and kicked him in the chest with enough force to fall off the wall right into the chaotic battle that raged beneath. Akamaru went to snap at him and the elder Inuzuka spun and palm struck the ninken right off the wall as Boromaru had been sealed. Kiba crashed into a dozen White Zetsu's and Taitama leaped off the wall and slammed his knee right into his grandson's stomach and blood squirted out of the Inuzuka Heir's mouth.

I...thought I damaged him enough to... Kiba thought as Taitama lifted him up with his now regenerated arm and slashed upwards and then kicked him. Out of the corner of his eye Kiba could see...Taitama's eyes had changed...his personality had been crushed. Damn he's like a puppet on Kabuto's strings...

He somehow still gripped the Senpū Rōga as blood dripped from his lip. The now mind crushed Taitama charged him with reckless abandon and Kiba forced himself to dodge the the elder Inuzuka smashed into the White Zetsus and ripped them to shreds from changing into a Tsūga in mid-leap. Kiba breathed in and out and forced himself to his feet as his blade began to pulse rapidly.

I'd rather...die on my feet than on my knees...trying to do something against him...I'm not going to back down! Kiba thought as he subconsciously grabbed the Senpū Rōga with both hands...and its pulsing quickened before it unleashed a burst of chakra on its own, impressed by its new wielder's determination. "What?!"

The Senpū Rōga unleashed a wave of red chakra as it transformed...and became shaped into a giant, forged fang-like blade. More red chakra leaked out and into Kiba's body and chakra network and his injuries began to heal, sizzling and closing up. Kiba's sword had finally achieved its full power form, the Chō Senpū Rōga (Super Whirlwind Fang)!

"Holy crap..." Kiba uttered and then he looked up as Taitama charged him again. "Alright..." he glanced to see Akamaru forming up with him despite his own injuries, the ninken was ready to fight more! "Lets see what you can do now, Senpū Rōga!"

He lifted his improved blade up high and red and white chakra swirled around it. Kiba closed his eyes momentarily...before he opened them and he stepped forward.

"Inuzuka Hiden: Senpū Bakuhatsu (Inuzuka Secret Technique: Whirlwind Explosion)!" Kiba yelled as he slashed down and several lines of red and white chakra seemed to slash forward right at Taitama and the army of White Zetsus behind him. An image of a fox-like wolf appeared behind Kiba as it seemed to claw right at the enemy.

And then...all at once, the red and white lines of chakra erupted in a massive explosion which wiped out one thousand White Zetsus with one swipe! Taitama had been thrown back, his body completely and utterly shredded by the slash and the blow was so strong he had regained his mind. A...small smile appeared on his lips as sealers jumped down from the wall to form up behind Kiba and Akamaru. that wish...saw the Senpū Rōga's true form for one final time... Taitama thought as his body began to regenerate...just as a sealing cloth wrapped around him. You're well on your way to surpass me, Kiba! Just keep going forward!

Kiba jumped and cheered. "Yahoo! I did it!"

As Kiba celebrated his victory and his sword's evolution, Shino faced Shikuro in single combat. His own Rinkaichū had formed on his skin and he and Shikuro engaged in a fierce taijutsu duel. Both the charging White Zetsu's and defending shinobi were giving them a wide berth since they knew a single touch would be fatal.

"Impressive, you're even younger than I was and already mastered the usage of Rinkaichū," Shikuro commented as he dodged Shino's kick. "And your Kikaichū swarm is working as another deterrent for me, extremely well done..."

Shikuro leaped out of the way of the Kikaichū's attempt to ensnare him. Shino then ran forward and launched a flurry of punches and kicks at the elder Aburame. Shikuro blocked and dodged and was forced back before his hand was a blur and a kunai was suddenly in it. Shino's eyes widened...he was too close as Shikuro slashed him with enough force to launch him off his feet.

Blood flew from Shino's chest as he flew backwards but he managed to regain his footing. He breathed in and out slowly and put his hand to his chest...the wound was shallow at least due to the steel plates in his flak jacket. Before he could completely recover Shikuro shunshined over and smashed his fist right into the younger Aburame's face and made him crash to the ground.

"You will need to think of a better strategy if you wish to defeat me," Shikuro said as he squeezed the kunai in his hand as Shino's blood dropped from it. "I've trained in taijutsu and bukujutsu since I was old enough to walk. My master, Danzo-sensei had drilled into me many taijutsu styles to compliment my well as bringing my Aburame techniques to a new level."

Shino pushed himself up. "I'm quite familiar, Shikuro-san. And as you know, Rinkaichū won't work on a fellow Rinkaichū user due to the antibodies the host would have to build up to home them..." holes appeared on his cheek...and Kikaichū began to flood out. "And I have done the necessary alterations. Lets go."

His new Kikaichū swarm acted like a smokescreen and obscured Shino's next move. Shikuro jumped back to avoid the swarm as they cleared, then it was revealed that the young Aburame Heir had managed to create five clones. Either Kage Bushins or Mushi Bushins, at the moment the elder Aburame couldn't tell. Either way he tightened his stance and performed his own seal after he took a deep breath.

"Aburame Hiden: Rinkaichū Kiri no Jutsu (Aburame Secret Technique: Nano-Insect Fog Technique)," Shikuro uttered as a thick...poisonous gas composed of his Rinkaichū burst from his body. "While you may be immune to my insects, the shinobi around you are not. Unless you defeat me, this gas will continue to grow in size and strength and engulf this fortress and beyond and contaminate it for years."

Shino nodded. "Understood..." he and his clones said as they charged forward right into the poisonous gas cloud. I am only going to have one shot at this, so I better plan the timing perfectly... Inside his body he nurtured the most powerful of the Aburame's insects, but they weren't ready yet...

Shikuro met the attack of the clones and dodged and ducked their blows. One of the clones rushed forward and tossed several shuriken which the elder Aburame blocked with his kunai while another tried to leap at Shikuro's blind spot. Shikuro took a...what could only be described as a Gōken (Strong Fist) stance much like what Rock Lee or Might Guy would do...and traced his foot around the ground.

He then launched a spinning side kick with enough force to send the clones off their feet as Shino maneuvered closer. He hid his surprise to keep his intentions secret from his reincarnated Clan member as the poison gas cloud continued to grow. Shikuro then jumped at high speed and slammed two of the clones together with a single punch and made them collapse into piles of Kikaichū which swarmed at him.

Perfect, Shino thought since he predicted that one or two of his Mushi Bushins would be destroyed. "Hijutsu: Mushidama (Secret Technique: Insect Sphere)."

Shikuro couldn't react in time as the Kikaichū completely covered him and began to restrain his movements a bit...and then began to consume his chakra. The elder Aburame gritted his teeth as he tried to fight the insects off but the more he did so, the more of his chakra was drained. Even though Edo Tensei have unlimited reserves of chakra and stamina, they don't have an infinite amount, thus any chakra consumed would be debilitating. Just as Shino had planned.

They're's my chance, Shino thought as he activated a shunshin as Shikuro struggled against the Mushidama.

Shino then appeared in front of him and slammed his fist lightly into the elder Aburame's chest and made him skid back. The Mushidama was dismissed as Shikuro looked confused.

"Did you use up too much chakra in the earlier attempt?"

"No, I have already won," Shino said as he pushed up his glasses...and the elder Aburame felt something...chewing on the inside of him. "You surely must have guessed by now."

"...indeed," Shikuro said a a massive beetle burst out of his neck sending ash and paper flying. "Kidaichū: Mushikui (Parasitic Giant Insect: Bug Bite), you are able to host all three types of insects at the same time...that's unheard of."

"I am going to be the next Aburame Clan leader, so I integrated Kikaichū, Rinkaichū, and Kidaichū colonies within me for years. Kidaichū are the most difficult ones," Shino explained as another beetle burst out of Shikuro's chest, and another out of his thigh. "It took much practice and chakra control, but I can control all three types. victory."

"I can't move...and my chakra's continually being consumed. I can't even maintain the Rinkaichū Kiri no Jutsu anymore," Shikuro gave a approving nod. "Its my loss."

The Rinkaichū gas cloud dissipated enough for several sealers to rush in while still wearing gas masks just in case. They tossed the binding cloth around the defeated Aburame Edo Tensei and a sealing tag was tossed when the preparation was completed. Shino dismissed his clones and did another seal...and from his body even more Kikaichū rose out and formed their own cloud.

"I will begin taking the battle to the enemy, please cover me," Shino said to the sealers that were behind him who Shino unleashed a wave of Kikaichū down the battlements. "Hijutsu: Kikaichū Tsunami (Secret Technique: Parasitic Insect Tsunami)."

As this happened, Hinata and Neji had finally reached the area where their reincarnated fathers. Around Hiashi and Hizashi were nearly a hundred dead shinobi each from each of the Five Great Nations. The ground was scorched from the Katons and Raitons that had been used to attempt to breach the late Hyuga leader's Kaiten and it was still hot to the touch despite the rain that was drenching the battlefield. Both Hinata and Neji acted quickly to capitalize on their arrival and threw their hands out.

"Hakke Kūhekishō (Eight Trigrams Air Palm Wall)!" Hinata and Neji both called out and launched a massive Air Palm Wall at their fathers.

Hiashi and Hizashi were buffeted by it and the concussive force made they fly backwards before they recovered. " were right brother, they are working well together despite the Clan divide."

"My last act dissolved the barrier between Main and Branch," Hiashi said as he got into a Jūken (Gentle Fist) stance. "...and now we have to fight it."

"Father..." Neji whispered as he saw Hizashi also assume the Jūken stance.

" look like you've grown to be a fine man," Hizashi said as chakra swirled over his palms. "You've matured...I'm so proud."

"Thank you...father...I wavered for a time but it's because of your example, as well as one of my friends I was able to break the chains of destiny that had warped me in the past," Neji said as he entered his own Jūken stance. "I protect Hinata-sama of my own accord, as well as the rest of my family in the Hyūga Clan, and proudly protect my village. No longer I view it as a curse."

Hiashi breathed in slowly. "Hinata, I never wished to fight you like body isn't under my control..."

"...father..." Hinata whispered as she fought back tears. "I know...and don't worry...I'll defeat you so you won't be forced to hurt anyone else."

Hiashi nodded. "I know you will..."

With that, the four Hyūga charged each other and a flurry of palm strikes could be seen all around. Due to the nature of Jūken, their chakra was visible whenever a strike was deflected and Neji slowly, almost deliberately began to take the upper hand over Hizashi. Hinata however was forced back by Hiashi's strikes, barely able to block them as her Byakugan tried to read his movements.

Hinata used her natural flexibility to avoid a blow to her stomach and she grasped her father's wrist and sent him sliding sideways. He quickly recovered and his body began to glow and his daughter's Byakugan widened and she immediately backpedaled.

"Kaiten!" Hiashi yelled as he spun at high speed and created a massive spinning dome of chakra which Hinata was barely able to get out of range.

As expected... Hinata thought as Hiashi paused briefly in mid spin...and she saw chakra surge in his hands as he launched Hakke Kusho from within the still spinning Kaiten.

She dodged several times as she quickly formed a strategy to counter. With the Kaiten still up, and Hiashi using it to his advantage to momentarily stop and launch Hakke Kusho's, it would be hard to break through that. She could activate her Keihatsu, but she didn't want to provide Kabuto who would undoubtedly watch and take she decided to use other techniques she had in her arsenal.

She jumped back and skid on the ground as she drew her hands back. Blue chakra, powerful enough to be visible by the shinobi around them swirled around Hinata's hands and then formed into what looked to be Chinese lions. Small sparks of chakra sizzled around them as she took a stance.

"Jūho Sōshiken (Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fist)!" Hinata called out as her right foot slipped back as another bolt of chakra zapped out. I need to use the Sōshiken to absorb the chakra from father's Kaiten...if I can't do that I'll never be able to get to him. As an Edo Tensei, he'll constantly be able to recharge the Kaiten's defense without end...

Hinata sidestepped another Hakke Kusho and then dodged another one. She then charged forward as she sidestepped and dodged each attack her father made, sometimes only by centimeters. Hinata swiped out with her left Lion Fist, and it bit into the chakra dome and yanked some out and added it to Hinata's own stamina. She swiped again and again and created holes in the defense that were slow to 'fill in' with more chakra from Hiashi.

I'm doing it! Hinata thought as she did a few more swipes when she realized that her father slowed his spin and pulled both hands back.

"Hakke Kūhekishō!" he yelled as his Kaiten abruptly dropped and he launched a massive Air Palm Wall at Hinata.

At the last second Hinata avoided with a shunshin and her Byakugan saw it obliterate nearly twenty Alliance Jonin in a single blast. Just as she landed Hiashi was on her and Hinata crossed her arms as his palm slammed right into the Lion Fists and she was sent crashing backwards. She winced and got back to her feet as her father used a Kaiten once more and sent her flying back.

"Hinata-sama!" Neji yelled, still engaged in his own battle with his father. Damn it, I can't even help her at this rate!

A bit of blood dripped from Hinata's forehead and lip as she forced herself back to her feet. She breathed in and out slowly and deliberately to calm herself and ease the pain. Hinata had managed to maintain her Jūho Sōshiken despite the heavy hit, in fact it probably saved her from a bone breaking or life threatening injury due to absorbing the chakra from Hiashi's Kaiten/

"I'm alright, Neji-nii-san," Hinata sad as she steadied herself. "Its going to take a lot more than that to defeat me..."

She ran forward again as Hiashi then began to spin at an even faster rate and expelled more chakra. Hinata recognized was a Chō Kaiten, a stronger version of the Hyuga Clan's unlimited defense. The dome increased twice its normal size and gouged out a deeper hole in the ground and she stopped her charge as through the Chō Kaiten more Hakke Kusho's were launched at her. She lunched forward and one of her Sōshiken consumed a Hakke Kusho though she was still forced to skid to a stop.

She breathed in through her nose and ignored the blood that dripped from her forehead as she took another stance. This time...Neji's eyes widened and blocked another blow from Hizashi but skidded a bit back.

She's...going to combine Hakke Rokujūyon Shō and Jūho Sōshiken? Neji thought and he saw the chakra Hinata channeled into her body. She's...came farther than I thought she had.

"Hakke Rokujūyon Shiken (Eight Trigrams Sixty Four Lion Fists)!" Hinata called out as her 'divination' appeared under her feet. "Two palm!" she yelled as she struck her father's Chō Kaiten in quick succession, two holes appeared on it. "Four palm!" four more strikes followed. "Eight palm!" eight more rapid strikes as the spinning dome of chakra began to buckle. "Sixteen palm!" Another sixteen rapid fire strikes consumed more of the Chō Kaiten's chakra. "Thirty-two palm!" And she hit sixteen times more, the Chō Kaiten began to waver. "Sixty-Four Palms!" With the final set of strikes the Chō Kaiten shattered like glass as Hinata's Jūho Sōshiken consumed the chakra as she rushed forward.

She defeated my Kaiten by absorbing its chakra... Hiashi thought as he skidded to a stop and Hinata breathed in as chakra began to swirl within each of her Sōshiken's jaws. She's...truly surpassed me...

"I defeat you father!" Hinata yelled as Rasengans appeared right in her Jūho Sōshiken's jaws. "Jūho Sōshi Rasenrengan (Gentle Step Twin Lion Twin Rasengan)!"

She ducked Hiashi's palm strikes and smashed her Jūho Sōshi Rasenrengan right into her father's stomach. The two Rasengans bore deep into his stomach as he gasped as the Sōshiken ripped off whatever chakra it could consume from him as he was sent flying back, spinning in mid air as he crashed through several stones and into a dozen White Zetsu. Hinata breathed in and out slowly, blood still dripped from her lip as she dispelled the technique. A few sealers leaped in as ash and paper swirled around Hiashi's broken body and as the regeneration started he was wrapped up by the cloth and a seal was placed on it.

She dropped to one knee and breathed in and out. I did it...but... Hinata closed her eyes as a few tears dripped from them and she wiped them. "...I didn't want to fight father like this...I wanted him to be there for me and Hanabi-chan for longer..." she squeezed her hand into a tight fist. "This damn war...these damn Akatsuki..." a new resolve appeared as she opened her eyes and the Keihatsu swirled to life. "I'll end it...and I'll keep protecting Naruto-kun and everyone I love!"

A moment later, the Hoderi burst to life from her Eien Kaiten. The Hyuga guardian deity gained a level of armor this time, complete with two feathery wings as its net and fishing pole changed into a sword an shield. With renewed determination, Hinata faced the oncoming White Zetsus and she lifted her hand...and her Hoderi's wings kicked up a massive, hurricane force wind right at them.

And Neji and Hizashi were still engaged in a fierce taijutsu exchange. Neji clearly had the advantage over his father as he countered and blocked each strike while forcing Hizashi back. His father jumped back and avoided a Hakke Kusho from his son as Neji rushed forward and hit two tenketsu points on Hizashi's arms and kicked him back.

Hizashi landed and glanced down. "You effortlessly cut off chakra to my arms...not even Hiashi could do such a thing."

"...Uncle said I have surpassed everyone in the Clan, father, around six months before the War started," Neji said as he skidded his foot back. "I'm the strongest Hyuga here."

"You live up to it...even with Hinata-sama' eyes its clear you still are a bit stronger with your Jūken mastery," Hizashi said as he hit the points to released the flow back to his arms. "Looks like I'll have to use the technique I developed."

"Technique?" Neji asked, still in his Jūken stance.

"Raiton: Hakke Mezame no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Eight Trigrams Awakening Technique)," Hizashi uttered as electricity sparked from his fingertips and he jabbed tenketsu along his chest, arms, and finally legs at high speed. Neji's Byakugan then saw his father's chakra network be supercharged...and it was as if all of his body's power was unleashed. "I was inferior to Hiashi-sama in pure Jūken since we were children. I developed this technique after studying Minato-sama's training with young Kakashi. As I am now...only two people surpass me in speed: Minato-sama and Yondaime Raikage-sama."

"What?!" Neji asked as as if Hizashi turned into a lightning bolt, he disappeared and his son's Byakugan strained to track him. This speed...I'm used to fighting fast fighters like Rock Lee and Guy-sensei, but this...its on an entirely other level!

A heavy palm hit Neji in the back and he spat out blood as he was sent flying forward. Hizashi appeared in front of him and hit his face with another palm strike and changed Neji's trajectory. He managed to get his footing before the next attack as Hizashi rushed head long...and Neji's body glowed.

"Hakke Kaiten (Eight Trigrams Heavenly Spin)!" Neji instantly began to spin and Hizashi collided with the chakra barrier with enough force to send him twenty meters back. That at least bought me time...I've never thought father could come up with such a technique... Neji stopped spinning and wiped the blood off his cheek as he felt a bruise form. A weakness in that ability seems that he can't use Jūken, but his speed and striking strength more than makes up for it. Not even Rock Lee hits me that hard when I screw up in our spars...

"Even mastering the Kaiten..." Hizashi had a happy smile on his face at that as electricity sparked more around him and his hair stood on end and began jagged. He shifted into another stance. "Raiton: Hakke Raikōtama (Lightning Release: Eight Trigrams Lightning Shell)!"

Even a long range technique?! Neji thought as a bolt of lightning shot from his father's hand and in slow motion, shaped into a compressed ball like Hakke Kusho does with air.

It was insanely fast and struck Neji in the stomach with enough force his flak jacket was obliterated and he cried out in pain as his body was electrocuted. Before he could even recover Hizashi appeared right in front of him and launched a flurry of blows which battered him. The last made him crash into a boulder and was embedded in it. Electricity was sparking around him from the Raikōtama and the barrage of blows he just taken.

Despite...all that...I think I found a weakness... Neji's Byakugan seemed to glint. And father, you've even taught me how to do this...

He pulled his arm out of the rock...his entire body felt sore as he breathed in and out. Neji's elements were Katon, Suiton, and Doton...though he had been in the process of learning Raiton during the lead up to War. Thanks to his father's attacks, he perfectly understood the ratio of chakra needed to form and shape Raiton aura on his own.

Neji lifted up two fingers as they sparked as Hizashi moved to attack his son. Immediately the young Hyuga prodigy hit the tenketsu pointed and like his father had done...and supercharged his entire network. His hair levitated from the voltage and with his Byakugan he sidestepped his father's strike which obliterated the entire boulder and dented part of a cliff behind it. Hizashi's eyes widened in surprise.

"You've...already learned it just from watching me?"

"Yes," Neji said as both of them straightened their stance. "All the techniques I've learned have just been from watching them once, I figured them out near instantly. Though yours father...I had to experience the pain and learn through the body to get the ratio right."

"Very truly live up to your title of strongest Hyuga," Hizashi said with a smile. "You've made me very proud."

"Thank you father..." tears appeared at the corner of Neji's eyes, but he forced them away. "Lets finish this..."


And with that, the two vanished as lightning formed in their former standing places. To those watching...there was no way their eyes could track such high speed. The only thing they felt was the clash of the father and son's blows. The force of which even created shock waves which stopped the train from falling. Neji and Hizashi would momentarily appear as their palms either collided, or one of them landed a blow. Each hit sounded like a thunderclap.

"I...I can't even see them!" one of the Allied Shinobi said.

"Its...its like Raikage-sama's speed!" a Kumo Allied Shinobi gasped.

Hizashi and Neji momentarily reappeared in a flash of lightning as their palms deflected from each other and created another loud thunderclap. Soon it appeared like they were in multiple places at once and one imaged showed Neji dodging a Raikōtama from his father, and another showed Hizashi dodging a kick from Neji.

I can't keep this up much longer... Neji thought as he managed to block his father's next strike. Since Jūken won't work in this state...

With that he changed his stance while he dodged Hizashi's next attack...and immediately created fists. Then he combined a shunshin in the Mezame state for even more speed and like a bullet, he attacked Hizashi with everything he had. The sudden increase of speed in the state threw his father off guard...just as Neji's fist smashed into...then through Hiashi's body. In that instant both their Mezame states flickered off as Neji pulled back.

"A...punch...on top of using a shunshin to increase the already high level of speed..." Hisahi whispered as ash and paper wafted off his body and tried to repair the damage in time.

"My master, Might Guy, he also taught me how to use Gōken, and I adapted for when the situation became appropriate..." Neji said and he breathed in and out. "...despite meeting like this again, I'm glad we could talk once more."

"You've more than made me proud, Neji," Hizashi said as tears appeared in his eyes, a sealing cloth wrapped around his body. "I love you, never forget that..."

"I won't father...and I love you too," Neji said as the cloth finished wrapping around Hizashi and the sealing tag was slapped onto it. The Hyuga prodigy sank to one knee and breathed in and out as a medic got behind him and began to heal his injuries. "Just restore my chakra and heal the serious wounds, the battle isn't over yet."

"Yes sir!"

Further ahead, through the clashes between the Allied Shinobi and White Zetsu, another duel was taking place. It had been waged for nearly an hour in comparison. There was a sudden vacuum effect...before a shock wave similar to that of a nuclear bomb blew everyone and everything nearby away. At the center were Choza and Choji Akimichi, both father and son had slammed their fists together...and they were in their full Chō Baika no Jutsu (Super Multi-Size Technique) state...over 60 meters tall.

"Choji..." Choza whispered as his son began to skid a bit back from the clash. "That blow still didn't have the power you should have! Stop holding back!"

"I'm...I'm trying dad..." Choji said as he barely blocked an upper cut from his father. "But...its dad...I..."

"Right now I'm an enemy, my body isn't my own to control!" Choza then smashed his fist into Choji's face and made him smash to the ground, which caused a mini-earthquake. Choza assumed a sumo-wrestler stance and lifted his hands as both glowed. "Chōharite (Super Open Palm Slap)!"

Choji barely rolled out of the way as his father slammed his palms down to the ground and caused a massive earthquake. Anyone nearby was thrown off their feet by the seismic wave that traveled through the ground and even caused soil liquefaction, several White Zetsus and Allied Shinobi sank right into the earth from the effect. Not only that, the sheer power of the blow had even caused the wall on Lighting Ridge to shake...Choza didn't even need to get close to barrel through it.

"Choji...the main strength you have is your kindness," Choza said as his son forced himself to get back to his feet. " need to stand and fight...use that kindness to protect everyone."


"Choji! You are now the Sixteenth Head of the Akimichi Clan!" Choza cut him off. "If you can't stop me, our entire family, our clan is in danger. You, your mother, the children...your classmates...Ino...and your best friend Shikamaru..."

Choji stumbled back at that as Choza was forced to punch his son in the stomach hard enough to make him spit out blood. Even the younger Akimichi's armor had cracked from the blow as he stumbled backwards. Choza smashed his fist right into Choji's face to follow up and made him fall.

"Everyone Choji...everyone is in danger as long as I'm not defeated by you!" Choza said in emphasis as Choji pulled himself back to his feet. "So man-up! You have what it takes!

Choji mulled over his father's words and wiped the blood from his lip. He glanced back to see Shikamaru and Ino, still engaged in battle with Asuma. He saw the horror of what this War was doing...seeing the dead bodies pile up and people like him...Hinata and Neji...forced to fight their own fathers as well. The last part...made him angry...and he squeezed his hand into a tight fist as a shadow appeared over his eyes.

I won't...I won't allow the summoner to get their way...everyone here...everyone here is depending on me...I need to step up... Choza watched as Choji lifted his head up...eyes now with new determination. "Your right dad I'm the Sixteenth Head of the Akimichi Clan...and everyone is depending on me!"

Without even needing to get the red pill...from Choji's back what looked like butterfly wings burst from his back! The amount of chakra released from this caused a circular shock wave to burst from the giant Akimichi's back, and under Choji's eyes brown markings appeared...and his face slimmed down. After three years, he had finally mastered the Akimichi Clan's ultimate technique...

"Karorī Kontorōru no Jutsu (Calorie Control Technique)!" Choji called out as he flexed and flapped his new wings. "Now...time for round two!"

Choza nodded. That's the look I wanted to see!

Their battle renewed anew, with Karorī Kontorōru activated, Choji rapidly gained the upper hand on his reincarnated father. Choza struggled to block or dodged his son's blows as he was forced back, his own butterfly chakra wings out as he tried to counter. One of Choza's punches hit Choji square in the jaw but the young Sixteenth Head countered with a right hook which made his father stagger. Ash and paper wafted from the blow, but it wasn't enough to defeat him. Each punch created massive shock waves and even seismic shocks while the battle continued to rage.

Choji then concentrated the chakra which formed in his wings to his fist which became ablaze, like it was a beautiful batch of blue fire that surrounded it. He dodged his father's next Chōharite, drew his fist back and then smashed it into Choza's chest with all his might.

"Chōdan Bakugeki (Butterfly Bullet Bombing)!" he called out as tears flew out of the corners of his eyes.

The blow was strong enough to completely shatter his father's armor plating, despite being at that size two meters thick of steel. Not only that, the fist embedded itself right in Choza's chest as Choji pushed downward...and both hit the ground. The force of the blow, as well as Choza's collapse caused a earthquake as a massive crater was carved out in the earth. It was so large it filled the entire valley that they were fighting in, and was nearly 100 meters deep and a kilometer wide...nearly as strong as one of Sakura's or Tsunade's full powered punches. A massive amount of soil and rock had been launched into the air from the force of the blow and as it fell it resembled a mushroom cloud.

"I...I did it dad...I beat you..." Choji whispered as he pulled his fist out. Choza's body shrank but there was a grin on his face.

" did...even my strongest Chōdan Bakugeki never came close to the one you just made..." Choza said, now at his original size. Several sealers scrambled to get there, due to the damage caused by the battle most of the White Zetsu had been defeated. "Keep getting stronger...and keep protecting your friends."

"I will...I will dad," Choji said as the sealers wrapped the cloth around Choza's Edo Tensei'ed body before it could finish regenerating. His wings then the point where they covered nearly the entire battlefield. "I'm going to end this battle now..."

On the wall at the same time, Karui slashed through two White Zetsus that had managed to make it up the ramparts. Her feet were glued to the stone with her chakra so she wouldn't lose balance while the battle between the two giants had waged. She covered her eyes and squinted.

"Huh...they finished..." Karui said and she saw Choji's wings extended...and from how it looked his face was also...leaner. ...whoa...he...cleans up nicely! No time to think about that now though!

She jumped off the wall to join the melee below. The White Zetsus were being forced back and their Edo Tensei 'comrades' were getting sealed one by one. Unlike the last battle, there was no way that the Allied Shinobi Forces would not press their advantage here!

Shikamaru and Ino were now tag-teaming Asuma as the battle still raged despite the damage done by Choji's and Choza's duel. The young genius was using a Kage Nui to keep his former teacher on his toes as Ino did a small series of seals as she went back to back with Shikamaru.

"Tajū Shintenshin Bushin no Jutsu (Multiple Mind Body Switch Clone Technique)!" Ino called out...and transferred twenty copies of her own mind to a bunch of White Zetsu around her, while her original mind inhabited her own body. Thanks for the tip of eliminating that weakness to Shintenshin, Shikamaru!

Not a problem, but keep sharp, we are fighting Asuma-sensei after all, Shikamaru thought back as the now mind controlled White Zetsu's leaped to attack Asuma. How long can you maintain the Shindenshin no Jutsu (Mind-Body Transmission Technique) between us?

Heh, I've got chakra to spare for that, don't worry! Ino thought as Shikamaru nodded and took out his trench knives and charged his shadow into them.

Asuma had his own knives-having been recreated by Kabuto for his arsenal out. They were glowing light blue as he charged his Futon element into them and created long swords of chakra for his Hien (Flying Swallow) technique. He turned and spun as he bisected several of the mind-controlled White Zetsus with minimum effort.

"I don't know what you're planning Shikamaru, so I better keep up on my toes..."

"Don't worry sensei, we'll defeat you...and protect the King like you said we should!" Shikamaru said as he used a feint to toss several shuriken at him.

Asuma blocked but one of the mind-controlled White Zetsus got into his guard and slashed at him with an extremely sharp wooden sword. He barely blocked and kicked away as two more hit him square in the chest with kicks. He skidded back, mostly uninjured as Ino herself, armed just with a kunai which was emblazoned with her Katon chakra to counter her sensei's.

"Don't mind if I cut in sensei?" Ino asked a bit teasingly but she still followed Shikamaru's plan to keep Asuma guessing. "As you can see I learned your Hien too!"

The flame burst from her kunai and was shaped into a blade as Asuma blocked. The two traded slashes but weren't able to get through each others guards. Despite Asuma being larger and stronger than Ino, she used her natural flexibility and agility to counter, given their speed was nearly dead even. Ino ducked and then dodged Asuma's slash before she kicked him in the chest which made him skid backwards.

Asuma then threw his trench knives in the air and did a seal. "Fūton: Fūjin no Jutsu (Wind Release: Dust Cloud Technique)!"

He took a deep breath and blew out a stream of dust particles at high speed right at Ino. She acted quickly and used a Kawarimi to replace herself with an uncontrolled White Zetsu which got obliterated by the attack. Asuma caught his blades and deflected a few Katon enhanced shuriken that were launched at him.

Ino then slid in and avoided a scissor-slash from Asuma's trench knives. She slid right between his legs and tossed a kunai right at the back of his head. He blocked but she made an opening, and she slammed her fist right into his face with a small amount of Chakra Enhanced Strength which made ash and paper waft off. She wasn't near Sakura's or Tsunade's level with it, but it was enough to cause damage as ash and paper burst off her sensei's cheek.

Alright, two more clones form up beside me! Ino thought after two of her clones also performed the Shintenshin Bushin no Jutsu to 'recruit' more followers from the White Zetsus.

Two clones formed up with her in the White Zetsu's bodies and deliberately threw themselves on Asuma's blades. His eyes widened when they grabbed his arms to keep him from moving as Shikamaru then off of Ino's shoulder and into the air...having used Hien himself to make a blade of his shadows.

"That won't hold you for long sensei, so I'll strike the final blow!" Shikamaru yelled as he slashed down with both hands on his trench knife.

"You...planned that too?!" Asuma asked as he ripped his arm free from one of the White Zetsu and slashed upwards.

Shikamaru moved out of the way just enough that his eyes would be spared when the slash hit him...a bloody line diagonally went up from his left cheek, over his nose, before 'exiting' on the forehead. Despite the now blinding pain Shikamaru's own Hien slash struck true, practically bisecting Asuma body in a diagonal fashion in the opposite direction from his own. With his other trench knife he stabbed Asuma's shadow to keep him pinned.

"Kagemane Shuriken no Jutsu (Shadow Imitation Shuriken Technique) success," Shikamaru said as did another seal. "Sensei...thank you for everything you taught me...I will never forget you...

Asuma smiled...his body regenerating but completely paralyzed due to Shikamaru's shadow. "Being beaten by you and Ino...if Choji was here instead of fighting Choza I'd have been defeated sooner. Even by my own technique...I had no idea you two learned it."

"We trained on it for the War, its our way of keeping your memory alive, sensei," Ino said as Shikamaru finished the seal sequence.

From the shadows, several Kage Nui's shot up and impaled Asuma's arms, legs, and torso to keep him immobilized...before Shikamaru slapped his hands together to finish the new seal. "Nara Hiden: Kage Tetsu Otome (Nara Secret Technique: Shadow Iron Maiden)!"

The shadows swirled around Asuma before creating a box that almost looked like a iron-maiden torture device. Shikamaru then applied Yoton (Yang Release) to his shadows...making them real and completely solid. He finished up as he tossed a sealing tag onto the Shadow Iron Maiden which completed the seal.

"We've learned everything from you, Asuma-sensei...thank you for everything," Shikamaru said as he breathed out. Ino was already near him and used her medical ninjutsu to stop the bleeding on his face, but Shikamaru now sported a scar. "Thanks Ino. Lets finish this."

"Ready when you are, Shikamaru!" Ino said as Choji's chakra wings covered them. "Holy crap...that's Choji's chakra?! Its huge!"

Shikamaru nodded. "Lets reform with him, he's going to need our help."

Finally, on the wall itself Tenten was still engaged in a duel with Dan Kato. She was still in her armor and was using seals on her armor's palms to fire a steady stream of kunai and shuriken. The late Hokage candidate dodged and ducked them as he tossed an explosive kunai at her. She breathed in and switched her scroll in her left palm to the defensive one and a large shield puffed out to deflect the explosion.

Just like last time, I can't do much against this guy! Tenten thought as activated the chakra boosters on her feet. I should try to finish it up close in this case!

"You need to act quickly! Unless I'm sealed or trapped in a Shishienjin (Four Violent Flames Formation) barrier, my Reika no Jutsu (Spirit Transformation Technique) will still be lethal!"

"Easier said than done!" Tenten yelled as she got into taijutsu range and she shifted gears and enhanced the strength and speed of her blows with timed uses of the chakra boosters on her armor's elbows and shoulders.

Dan tried to block but the increased power of the blow made him fly backwards. He managed to regain his footing as Tenten flew at him, now having summoned a large naginata for the duel. He did a single seal and his cheeks swelled.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)!" Dan called out as he breathed out a gigantic fireball right at Tenten at point-blank range.

Crap, I can't dodge! Tenten thought as she was engulfed in the flames and she cried out in pain as her armor was superheated. And then the fireball exploded and sent her skidding back on the ground. She pushed herself back on her feet.

" strategy..." Tenten started as Dan kept his Tora seal and his cheeks swelled again.

"Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique)!" Dan called out and shot out dozens of smaller fireballs right at her.

"OH CRAP!" Tenten yelled as she summoned a iron wall right in front of her to block the flames.

Dan then used a shunshin to appear right behind her and kicked her in the face. Loud clangs and the sound of metal sliding against the ground were heard as Tenten practically bounced on the ground from the blow. She managed to get to her feet and blocked the next attack and let the follow up kunai stab hit. The kunai broke on her breast plate as she slammed her forehead on Dan's face.

He stumbled backwards and Tenten summoned another naginata when he was stunned and stabbed forward. Dan was unable to get out of the way as the spear-sword penetrated his torso. Tenten then gave a loud yell as the chakra boosters activated on her armor's elbows as she twisted the blade...and cut the reincarnated Hokage candidate right in half vertically, the blade exited his head as ash and paper flew violently off.

"One more thing!" she pointed her palms at him. "I don't need anyone's help in sealing you!" A scroll appeared right in front of her, suspended by her chakra...and she did a seal. "Fūnyū no Jutsu (Enclosing Technique!)!" too damaged to resist was sucked right into the seal formula written on Tenten's scroll. In a puff of smoke, he completely vanished and was sealed inside the paper. Konoha's weapon mistress acted quickly and furled up the scroll and summoned a sealing tag right onto it. Tenten beamed at her accomplishment as she removed her helmet.

"I did it...I actually beat him this time!" she cheered and wiped the blood off her nose and lip from the blows she had taken earlier in the battle. There was still a welt on her forehead and swelling on her cheek when she landed face first, but she otherwise looked no worse for wear. "And now...time for the 'clean up'!"

The wall, now secure to Tenten finishing the battle with Dan. She jumped off it and rushed into the battle with the remaining White Zetsus, backing up her friends and teammates that were still fighting.

The battle itself waged for another three hours. Despite the increase in power from Hinata, Neji, and Choji, even they were being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of White Zetsu remaining, and then another 10,000 White Zetsus had tried to flank the Allied Shinobi Forces in the valley but were cut off by forces which were lead by the Raikage, Darui and Kitsuchi. The First Division Commander even opened up with the technique the Sandaime Raikage had passed onto him...the Ration: Kuropansa (Raiton: Black Tiger) which electrocuted nearly a thousand of the White Zetsus on the damp ground and killed them outright with it.

Not to be outdone Kitsuchi did a seal and the ground beneath half the White Zetsus rumbled...before it turned on its axis as he created a gigantic mountain to crush them. His Doton: Sando no Jutsu (Earth Release: Mountain Sandwich Technique) obliterated nearly half of Akatsuki's reinforcements before they could do any good.

The Raikage, A...finished off the last White Zetsus by himself. At a speed that no one on the battlefield could track A collided into the thousands of White Zetsu's before him. It lasted only a single second before A reappeared right behind the plant creatures...and all fell to the ground dead from the blows that they had received from the Raikage. The Raikage had his hand around the throat of the last one as it squirmed and struggled to get free...before he crushed its neck. The fastest shinobi alive had once again proven his title.

The battle was now over...the Allied Shinobi Forces had achieved a resounding Decisive Victory!

Land of Lightning, Turtle Island

Iruka had just received the latest battle report, it had been communicated on all channels: Allied Shinobi Victory at Lightning Ridge. He knew the news would help Naruto focus more on his training as he entered the Tailed Beast Temple. Inside there were 1000 half had just finished the mastering of the Katon element, and the other half had just finished the training of the Suiton element. Fukasaku gave an approving nod at his student as the real Naruto sat in meditation as he worked to make his Sage his permanent base state.

He's come so far in just two weeks! Not even Jiraiya-chan could learn two elements simultaneously while exploring another method for Sage Mode... Fukasaku thought and he grinned. Just a while more, and he could become the greatest human Sage in recorded history...

"Naruto!" Iruka called as he ran up.

Naruto's eyes snapped open. "Iruka-sensei? News from the front?"

"Yeah! Good news!" Iruka said as he unfurled the scroll which contained the message that had been printed out from the communications shinobi's computer. "We've won a major battle, Naruto, all Edo Tensei shinobi on the field were sealed and there was a complete annihilation of the 40,000 White Zetsu which attacked Lightning Ridge. Due to the defensive position, our losses were comparatively light!"

Naruto grinned and jumped to his feet, still in Sage Mode. "That's incredible Iruka-sensei!"

"And I confirmed it, all your friends and teammates made it out alive too!"

"Hinata-chan as well?!"

"Yes, she's fine, just suffering some chakra exhaustion. Shikamaru was able to lead the defense of the Ridge long enough for Raikage-sama, Darui-san, and Kitsuchi-san to arrive and hit Akatsuki's reinforcements hard!"

"Excellent!" Naruto punched his fist to his palm. "Any other news?"

"The Third Division is still struggling to contain the remaining Seven Swordsmen. There have been White Zetsu arriving there to engage in small raids, but its nothing Kakashi-dono can't handle at the moment."

Naruto nodded. "...keep me informed...I still don't like being cooped up in here."

Iruka then looked around. "Where's Bee-san?"

"Heh, he's gone to wrestle the bears to past time!" Naruto said with a grin. "Should be back at any moment now!"

While Iruka and Naruto conversed, above them floating in the sky...hidden in a storm cloud was a small cloud of Iron Sand. On it, the Sandaime Kazekage surveyed the area before he spotted the Island Turtle. His eyes turned white as Kabuto took direct control and smiled through the Kazekage's lips.

"Alright...first up we'll jam the communications," Kabuto, through the Sandaime Kazekage said with confident smirk on his face. "Then...we can start the capture operation of Uzumaki Naruto and Killer Bee with minor problems..."

Despite the failure of Kabuto's 'Clan Leader Squad', it had sufficiently distracted both Akatsuki and the Allied Shinobi Forces so he could do his own scouting of where Naruto was kept. And not only that...he had did another distraction in the Southern Lightning Desert where the majority of the Fourth Division were: he had summoned four Kages...the Yondaime Kazekage Rasa, the Nidaime Mizukage Gengetsu Hozuki, the Nidaime Raikage A the Second, and his strongest Kage on the field there, the Nidaime Tsuchikage Mu. As predicted, the Fourth Division was trying to fall back to a better defensive position before they even tried to face Mu's Jinton.

A coffin rose from a second Iron Sand cloud the Kazekage created...and the Sandaime Raikage, A the Third...the Ultimate stepped right onto it. Two of the strongest third generation Kages...were now going to be tasked with the capture of the Rokudaime Hokage and the Hachibi Jinchuriki. Kabuto licked his lips in anticipation at the data he could get from it!

Author's Notes:

Phew! Finally done, sorry for the wait. This chapter was a lot of fun to write. Finally could use Team Asuma in it in battle, so I hope you liked the changes for it. I also hope you liked how I portrayed how Choza and Choji's battles were: each blow feeling like a nuke went off in the vicinity. For their size, it seems about accurate. A skilled Akimichi is practically invulnerable to most shinobi on the battlefield. Choza himself, canonically, is given such a high military ranking for that solely.

Another thing, I believe in and out of canon, Clan Leaders are Kage-level shinobi due to the skills they learned. In fact, even canonically for example, Kakashi had remarked that Shikaku, Shikamaru's dad would have become a fine Hokage if he was chosen. two chapters will be the one where both Naruto and Sasuke enter the War. Little spoiler: the final Naruto vs Sasuke battle will happen before the Naruto vs Tobi fight. I see it as thematically better to do that, and while I enjoyed the final battle in the manga, having it take place in the War so Sasuke isn't on the edge of good and evil like he was canonically will help with the story. It'll also be used to show Naruto and Sasuke arrive on Hashirama and Madara's levels respectively...really excited for it.

Finally, the current Konoha 11 Standings right under Team Kakashi:

Akimichi Choji (Mid-High Kage Level now): I believe Choji has truly achieved this rank now. Mastering Calorie Control, as well as my fan-created Iron Buddha makes him a massively powerful threat on the battlefield. Hell, he is nearly Biju level of destruction now after mastering Calorie Control, only lacking the ability to use Bijudama.

Hyuga Neji (Mid-High Kage Level): Neji is the second strongest of the 11 (Fifth if you count Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, who are the 1. 2. and 3. positions now) due to having canonically surpassed everyone in the Hyuga Clan, as well as mastering three elements (four for the fic) canonically. And now he's the third/fourth fastest of their generation, just under Naruto, Sasuke, and Rock Lee due to mastering the technique his father created.

Aburame Shino (Mid-Kage Level): Shino has reached this rank for a while, due to his analytical mind and having three different colonies of insects in him. I feel that is something that is completely unprecedented in the Aburame Clan, and in this fic, he did defeat Aburame Shikuro who is as strong as Orochimaru in his teens (Hebi Sasuke level, basically).

Rock Lee (Mid-Kage Level): Rock Lee has mastered Six Gates (canonically), seven in the fic as you can see. This solidly places him right here on this rank. Not up to killing him he's kind of stuck until he gets The Last's upgrades (Asteroid Punching level).

Hyuga Hinata (Mid-Kage Level): Hinata has come far...canonically (at least until The Last where she shot up to demigod tier) she was at best, a high jonin level of power. But in my fic, as you've seen, Hinata has three Rasengan variants now, the Keihatsu Byakugan with a fully armored Hoderi as of this chapter, and canonically two elements (Katon and Raiton) that I'll be exploring in future chapters. Not to mention her Jūho Sōshiken is, as of the fourth kind of a broken attack since it drains chakra with every touch and adds it to Hinata.

Inuzuka Kiba (Mid-Low Kage Level): Poor, poor Kiba, treated so badly in canon. I like him, I really do, but he's Naruto's equivalent of Yamcha from Dragon Ball Z (Naruto/Goku's rival, defeated in a amusing fashion and barely fighting a sufficiently strong opponent in a later arc...we're just lucky he didn't have Yamcha's fate canonically). So I decided to throw him a bone with his canonical Senpō Rōga. I based it on the Tesseiga from Inuyasha (the blade was created after a sword from the Wolf Summon boss had absorbed too much of Kurama's chakra when he rampaged in the Inuzuka Clan's village in the era of the Warring States). When mastered, as you could see...Kiba's level is thrown high up. He's nearly base Jiraiya's level, which is a major upgrade.

Yamanaka Ino (Low-High Kage Level): Ino is one of my favorite characters from the Narutoverse. Her flirtatious and sweet personality has endeared me to her, so it was a true pleasure to give her a good fight against her former teacher. Thought her and Shikamaru mastering Hien was a good tribute to their late sensei, and her using her Yamanaka Clan ninjutsus in new ways. When it comes down to it, she has a pretty broken move pool now too, she can create her own poor-man's Six Path of Pain with her Shindenshin no Jutsu, and giving her the Shintenshin Bushin no Jutsu also gives her lots of options that should be explored more in canon.

Nara Shikamaru (Low-High Kage Level): Shikamaru's asset is his incredible mind. While his jutsus aren't the strongest, he uses them with high skill. If he had a bit more oomph and a greater chakra pool, he'd be higher, but as of now he's solidly on Kage-level, abet the low side, due to his performance in the War as well as his defeat of Hidan canonically.

Tenten (Low-Mid Kage-Level): Like Kiba, I love Tenten, but her techniques are too limited. Hence why I gave her the Armor set I introduced for her earlier. It enables her to fight nearly at Five-Gated Lee or Base Guy level, so it dramatically increases her power. And I thought she was the only shinobi on the battlefield who comes per-equipped to deal with defeated Edo Tensei's – she can easily seal them in one of her scrolls after all, giving her a broken ability as you saw. Planning on giving her a legendary weapon to make up for her deficiencies, but at least she isn't stuck at Chunin level now.

Now finally Battle Statistics:

Battle of Lightning Ridge:

Time; End of Week Two of the Fourth Shinobi World War

Result: Decisive Allied Shinobi Forces Victory

Allied Shinobi Forces Commanders: Nara Shikamaru, Darui, A, Kitsuchi

Akatsuki Commander: Edo Tensei Hyuga Hiashi, a White Zetsu 'general'

Strength: Allied Shinobi Forces 25, 000 Combat Ready

10,000 Injured

Strength: Akatsuki Five Edo Tensei,

30,000 White Zetsu,

10,000 White Zetsu reinforcement (Later)

Losses: Allied Shinobi Forces 2,500 Shinobi killed,

4,000 injured

Losses: Akatsuki Completely wiped out, no survivors or unsealed Edo Tensei