Team Minato!
Land of Lightning
The sun began to rise as Naruto, Hinata, and Killer Bee jumped through the forests of the eastern coast of Lightning Country. They were in a triangle formation, the young Hokage was at point as his cape-charged with Kurama Chakra Mode flapped in the wind, his girlfriend the young Hyūga Leader was at his right, and the Eight-Tail rapping Jinchūriki was at his left. Naruto breathed through his nose as he felt 10,000 enemies up ahead.
"Hinata-chan, Bee-sensei, looks like Akatsuki is already aware of us!" Naruto called out as Hinata snapped on her Byakugan.
"They already sent out an entire army to face us," Hinata reported as her Byakugan scanned the field ahead. "Your chakra must have been hard to miss, Naruto-kun, Bee-san."
Naruto smirked. "An army...good, I can finally cut loose and try out a few more new jutsus!"
Bee laughed. "Fool ya fool! We're gonna be cool and bring these fools to school! Naruto, Hinata, and Bee, super team are we! YEAAHHHH!"
Immediately Naruto lifted his hand up and a orange-red Rasenshuriken appeared above it and as he laded in the field he threw it right into the center of the White Zetsu army. The Rasenshuriken then expanded to 100 meters around and cut hundreds of White Zetsu in half before exploding! Nearly a thousand Zetsu were killed by Naruto's first attack, and the effects of his chakra was even turning those who managed to survive...into trees due to the influx of Yang Release making their Mokuton bodies grow uncontrollably.
Bee then jumped in and he began to slash and stab through the army in a blur of movement. His 'Acrobat' allowed him to easily overwhelm every Zetsu that was nearby. He then charged Raiton through his 'stingers' and tossed all of them through three Zetsus before he formed one of Gyūki's tentacles and pulled one back and he blocked another Zetsu's attack.
"Bring it on yo, I'm gonna kick your ass so, I'm Killer Bee, the world's gonna see, I'm a Eight-Tailed Raging Bull!" Bee pointed his hand up and withdrew his middle and forefinger to make bull horns. "YEAH!"
Gyūki's Jinchūriki was then surrounded by red chakra and he entered the 'Version 2' state, the ground cracked and splintered as eight tails formed at Bee's back. He then lifted his arm up...and a ox's skull formed and he zipped right into the Zetsu army with a Lariat and sent the plant men flying into the air by the hundreds with a single impact.
Naruto and Hinata were now back to back and were fighting in perfect sync. The Hyūga Leader spun as the young Hokage ducked and she unleashed a Hakke Kusho that sent the White Zetsus flying back. He then shot out a Chakra Arm and Hinata jumped over it and grabbed another Zetsu and smashed it into his own fist. It went flying back dead from the impact...and a tree sprouted from its body.
"Nice hit, Hinata-chan!" Naruto said as he kicked another Zetsu.
"You too, Naruto-kun!" Hinata called back as she slammed her palm into another Zetsu and it flew into the air.
Naruto created another Rasenshuriken and tossed it as Hinata ducked and the technique flew above her and into a mass of Zetsus and cut them all in half before it exploded into a giant wind dome. The Hyūga Leader then made a stance as the remaining Zetsus in the area charged.
"You're all in range of my divination! Hakke Rokujūyon Shō (Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms)!" Hinata called out as she lifted her hands up. "Two palms!" she slammed her fingers into one Zetsu. "Four palms!" Four more strikes into another Zetsu. "Eight palms!" another series of lethal strikes onto the next Zetsu. "Sixteen Palms!" more strikes blew away the next Zetsu that leaped into an attack. "Thirty-Two Palms!" she unleashed nearly three-dozen strikes at another Zetsu. "SIXTY-FOUR PALMS!"
Hinata spun and slammed her fingertips into the final Zetsu that was attacking her and effectively shut off its entire chakra system with sixty-four precise strikes. She then formed chakra around her arms and began to rotate around her and she withdrew her fingers down to her index one. Its final appearance vaguely looked like a drill.
"Rasenyari (Spiraling Spear)!" Hinata yelled as she pushed her Rasenyari forward and she drilled right through two Zetsus and practically destroyed their entire torsos.
She then switched stance and a lightning bolt of chakra surrounded her as her hands were engulfed in blue chakra...and she shaped them into what looked to be lion heads! Hinata breathed through her nose and added more chakra to her technique and its appearance began to change...and Killer Bee glanced back to see it.
Wait a second, that's...Matatabi! How does she have the Two-Tails' chakra?! Gyūki thought in surprise. "Did she somehow manage to fight one of her former Jinchūriki's and absorb their chakra?!"
"Jūho Sōshiken (Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists)!" Hinata called out as the lion fists changed...into small replicas of Matatabi's face and blue flame chakra wafted off her attack.
Two Zetsus attacked her just as she finished charging her attack...only for Naruto to cover her and grab both of them with chakra arms and crushed them. He gave a grin and Hinata smiled back at him before she leaped back into the fray. She leaped and slammed one of the Matatabi-faced lion heads into multiple Zetsus and absorbed their chakra...and due to the Nibi's chakra she ignited them on fire as an after effect, hot blue flames engulfed them!
"Whoa, that's amazing Hinata-chan!" Naruto said as both of them jumped back to back. "Lets use a combo attack Hinata-chan!"
"Combo attack?! What do you have in mind?!"
"Push your hand alongside mine!" Naruto replied with a grin. "Lets hit them with a Naruto ken Hinata Chō Rasengan (Naruto and Hinata Super Rasengan)!"
Hinata did so and the two put their hands next to each other. A Rasengan then formed between them and then grew to the size of their entire bodies. It sent a halo-shape pulse of energy out as they leaped into the center of the Zetsus and smashed into them. It created a massive explosion that gouged out a crater nearly 200 meters wide and 15 meters deep, and any Zetsu caught up in the explosion were killed off and turned to trees.
Bee was surprised. "That attack knocked those Zetsus out of whack, yo!"
Naruto then turned to face the remaining White Zetsus. He focused for a few seconds as he breathed out slowly through his nose. Thousands of Zetsus converged on him and Hinata and Bee then glanced back as the young Hokage vanished...and throughout the entire enemy army there was a yellow-orange flash. White Zetsus were sent flying from Rasengans, kicks, and punches as Naruto blitzed them all faster than any could react. At the end he zipped to a stop and his sandals sizzled from the friction caused from the sheer speed he used...and behind him were now a forest of trees made from dead White Zetsus.
"That did the deed! Better than bro's, yo!" Killer Bee exclaimed as he walked through the forest after he dispelled his Version 2.
"That was...amazing...all my eyes saw was a yellow-orange flash Naruto-kun!" Hinata added and Naruto grinned.
"Took a bit for me to control this after all," Naruto said as he flexed his arm and then he crossed his fingers. "Now time to hit every battlefield at once! Tajū Kage Bushin no Jutsu (Multiple Shadow Clone Technique)!"
With that, the Rokudaime Hokage made 15 clones in a puff of smoke and they leaped in the direction of every battlefield. Naruto himself breathed through his nose, thankful that Kurama didn't consume a bit of his chakra for every clone made. He had to be at full power after all to face the threats Akatsuki had in store.
Mountain Graveyard, Kabuto's Hideout
Kabuto licked his lips as his latest modified Edo Tensei was completed. He had been surprised by this one's specific powers, and they were worthy of...bringing to the prime of the shinobi he had resurrected. And he knew the perfect target...Hatake Kakashi. Take out one of the main generals of the Allied Shinobi Forces and there would be a massive blow to Alliance morale.
It looks like there were attempts to save his life after being crushed...I didn't expect Zetsu parts to be already grafted onto his body, Kabuto thought to himself as his hands glowed green over the Edo Tensei on the medical bed. "There we go, almost all done..."
"Where...where am I...?" the mysterious Edo Tensei said.
"My lab...well makeshift one," Kabuto said with a smirk, "How does it feel to be made to your physical prime..."
Two...Sharingan eyes glanced at him through the darkness. The Edo Tensei squeezed its own hands and breathed in. "Physical prime? I've...grown up?"
"I've already had experience making an elderly shinobi returned to their prime, though the difference between turning a child with great potential into their prime was more trial and error..." Kabuto said as he cracked his neck. "Soon you'll be summoned to the battlefield I want."
Kabuto stepped forward before the Edo Tensei could react and pushed a Fuda tag into its head. "Indeed. Now you have to obey my commands or I'll wipe your mind..."
The man with the Sharingan in his eyes clutched his head and gritted his teeth. "You won't...get away with this..."
"Please. I've been doing this for weeks without repercussions. After Edo Tensei is the perfect technique!"
With that, a coffin appeared around the man...and slammed shut, perfectly ready for the eventual summoning. Madara's partner and the War's...necromancer gave a sadistic smirk as he licked his lips in an Orochimaru-like fashion.
Land of Sound, Land of Frost Border
Nohara Rin leaped through the trees with the survivors of the failed attack on Mountain's Graveyard. The survivors of the attack barely numbered in twenty in number, but there was one good thing that had came out of it: they were all free from Danzō's influence. They had also managed to rescue a valued Konoha shinobi and ANBU, Yamato from enemy captivity. The Mokuton user jumped to point next to the former ROOT medic.
"So where are we heading?" Yamato asked as he leaped from tree to tree.
"The closest Allied Shinobi Forces division is the Third one in the Land of Frost, lead by Kakashi," Rin said as she breathed in. And after all these years...I finally can see him again...
"Great. I expect we'll have to go through many debriefings before we're cleared to fight on the front lines," Yamato said as he squeezed his hand.
"Right. And I don't think they'll turn away extra manpower at this time," Rin said as her long brown hair fluttered in the wind.
" said your name was Rin...Nohara Rin, right?" Yamato asked as they jumped from tree to tree. "I saw your name on the memorial stone and your grave, so how did..."
"During the Kyūbi attack, Danzō saved my life," Rin explained as she closed her eyes and thought back to that terrible day...
When most of the younger generation of shinobi had managed to be evacuated to the safe area, Rin herself had evaded detection so she could try to help the civilians caught in the Biju's rampage. During that time she had grown taller and had a more feminine figure than she was in the Third Shinobi World War due to being 15 just like Kakashi.
"Alright...I think you're safe to get up..." Rin said as she wiped her forehead after her hands stopped glowing.
"Thank...thank you miss..." the Ramen Shop owner, Teuchi said.
"Let me get you to the shelters," Rin said as she helped the chef onto her shoulder and channeled chakra to her feet and leaped up.
There was suddenly a chakra pulse and a loud roar that sent her flying backwards. Rin and Teuchi back-rolled on the ground and groaned in pain as they looked up. A massive, hand-shaped paw slammed down on a five story building and utterly crushed it as the Kyūbi looked down right at them. The fox Biju looked utterly rapid and depraved and with every breath it exhaled red chakra. The young medic glanced at Teuchi.
"Run sir! I'll try to hold it off!"
"But...that's suicide!"
"GO! I'll be fine!" Rin ordered as several more shinobi from all over leaped into attack against the Nine-Tails.
Teuchi did as he was told and Rin pulled out a kunai and charged right at the giant demonic fox. Kyūbi gave a roar of challenge as it batted away every attack from the other shinobi like they were flies. It then stood at its full height on its hind legs, nearly 600 meters high and gave another intimidating, chakra filled roar.
Rin cried out in pain as she was swept up in the shock wave from the fox Biju's roar. Nearly half a kilometer away she found herself embedded in a wall and two steel bars from the reinforced concrete that had been blown apart from the roar were impaled on her shoulder and back, barely missing her lung. The fox seemed to sense her agony as she cried out in pain despite herself and it started to advance on her. She winced in pain as she faced her fate as blood dripped from her back and shoulder.
Then there was a blur of movement and several ANBU appeared in front of her to guard her. They blew out a combined fireball at its nose. Kyūbi snarled in irritation just as several small wind bullets hit its muzzle from a nearby building. Its eyes narrowed in sheer rage and seemed to crush the user of the wind bullets beneath its well as the rest of the building he was standing on.
"Nohara Rin," a voice said from behind her as she glanced back...and recognized the man as Shimura Danzō, leader of Konoha's ROOT division. "You're too valuable to Konoha to die."
" did you...I saw you were crushed!"
"The answer will come in due time, girl," Danzō pulled out a kunai and blew and shaped his Fūton chakra around it. "Before I save you, however, I need you to agree to some...terms."
"Terms?! The Kyūbi is advancing on us now!"
"I'm afraid there are conditions, Rin," Danzō said stoically as he held the blade above the steel that was impaled around her shoulder. "I need a personal medic for one, and your expertise with dōjutsu implantation will be required. If I save you, you'll fulfill these duties as long as I'm alive, understood?"
Rin breathed in and out in a bit of pain. "Fine! I'll do it!"
The Kyūbi stopped and then began to charge a small Bijudama in front of its mouth. It then fired at Rin, Danzō and his ROOT team. The ROOT leader slashed through the steel bars that pinned Rin against the wall, grabbed her with one arm and vanished with a shunshin as the Bijudama engulfed their location.
"To Konoha now, you're effectively dead," Danzō told Rin as they stood away from the explosion that had taken out the entire district. "You will uphold your deal, correct?"
Rin carefully removed the steel as she winced. "Yes...I will...Danzō-sama..."
"...and...because of that I became a 'victim' of the Kyūbi's rampage, and couldn't work with Kakashi again..." Rin finished with a sigh. "Danzō even went so far to leave a fake body of me at the epicenter of that last attack so Konoha would truly believe I died."
"It sounds like he was scouting you for quite some time before he decided to capitalize on Kyūbi's attack to take you into ROOT," Yamato commented and the former ROOT medic gave a terse laugh.
"No doubt about that at the end of the day, Yamato-san," Rin said as she jumped to a higher branch. "But it doesn't matter anymore...I'm free, and I can come out of the shadows to help my friends and comrades once more!"
Yamato nodded at that. "Then Kakashi-senpai will be in for a good surprise to see you."
She nodded as picked up speed. The former ROOT members were a bit leery about joining the rest of the Allied Shinobi Forces, but they didn't have any other option at this point. And at least they could help avenge Danzō if they fought Akatsuki.
Land of Frost, Third Division
Kakashi breathed in and out through his nose, his hand on the Kubikiribōchō's hilt. He had taken a chakra replenishing pill to refill his stamina as he poked out from behind a tree. Hozuki Mangetsu was the only remaining member of the reincarnated Seven Swordsmen left on the field...but he was showing why he was the strongest of them. All around him were hundreds of dead Allied Shinobi Forces shinobi who failed to get past his mastery of all seven blades of the Seven Swordsmen. He glanced from behind the tree to read the next move from Mangetsu with his Sharingan.
"No wonder why he's this strong, he has counters for nearly every strategy with that Samehada replica and the Kabutowari for dealing with defenses," Kakashi said to himself as he prepared his next move.
Most of his support were either too injured to fight right now or dead from repeated clashes with Mangetsu so the Copy Ninja was on his own. With that Kakashi crossed his fingers and in a puff of smoke he created two Kage Bushins to help him fight.
Mangetsu smirked. "Come on, anyone man enough to fight me?!" he swung the Samehada replica. "I barely broke a sweat!"
He then saw a blur of movement and pointed his finger. "Sution: Mizu Kikanjū (Water Release: Water Machine Gun)!"
Mangetsu's fingertip turned into water...before it began to spray hundreds of bullets made of water at high speed out of it! They impacted to devastating effect with trees and bushes. All along his line of sight he pelted everything around with the water bullets before he heard them impact against metal. To his surprise he saw the Kubikiribōchō used as a shield.
"Heh, that's one of my favorites!" Mangetsu announced as he stopped firing...just as two more blurs cameo ut from either size of the huge blade.
"Sorry but..."
"Its been entrusted to me!"
Mangetsu jumped back and backpedaled to avoid the strikes from the two Kakashis that attacked him. He threw his left hand back and yanked the wire and the Nuibari flew into it before he got the Shibuki into his right hand. The master of the Seven Swords blocked one of the Kakashi's kunai with the Nuibari before he spun and slammed the Shibuki's blade into next clone...and then there was a giant explosion which was triggered by the blade. Mangetsu was one step ahead and he jumped into the air to avoid it. With one clone taken out he then looked right at the other.
"Alright...pierce...NUIBARI!" Mangetsu tossed the needle blade like a spear and before Kakashi's clone could react it pierced him through the stomach and pinned it to the ground. It then exploded in a puff of smoke as the real Kakashi attacked.
Mangetsu discarded Shibuki and Nuibari momentarily and grabbed the Kiba blade replicas. He charged Raiton through them and then spun gracefully. Kakashi read the movement and he charged his Raikiri through his Kubikiribōchō. The two clashed and lightning burst off their blades and their next slashes were blurs which cut up the ground and the area around it. The Copy Ninja's Sharingan kept Kakashi one step ahead and allowed him to avoid lethal strikes or block them.
The two then broke apart and Mangetsu switched strategy and grabbed the Samehada replica. He jumped right back at Kakashi with an strong overhand slash and the Copy Ninja blocked...just as the master of the Seven Swords tripled his arms muscle mass. Kakashi was forced to break the clash or he'd be crushed...and then he realized his Raikiri had been consumed by the Samehada replica. He smashed his Kubikiribōchō down and used it as a shield to block the finishing side kick that Mangetsu tried.
"Damn, you're as good as they say!" Mangetsu said with a smirk. "No wonder why you could kill thirty of Kiri's ANBU in the last War when you were 13!"
"Don't think I encountered you on the battlefield," Kakashi said as he blocked the next slash from the Samehada replica. "I've only fought two of the Seven Swordsmen until now, Zabuza and Kisame."
"Heh, my younger brother really idolized Zabuza!" Mangetsu said as he pulled the Nuibari to him and stabbed downward to try to hit Kakashi's feet.
Kakashi jumped back and avoided the slash from the Samehada replica. Kakashi then performed another Kage Bushin which charged forward at Mangetsu. The master of the Seven Swords then stabbed it through...and suddenly it turned to lightning. He cried out in pain and surprise as he was electrocuted and forced to be tangible from the electricity.
"A...Raiton Kage Bushin?!"
" Correct!" Kakashi charged Raikiri through his Kubikiribōchō again. "And now I've won this!"
With a swing that started above the Copy Ninja's head he spun...and slashed the paralyzed Mangetsu in half. Both halves of Mangetsu's body flew away as ash and paper broke off from his torso. He crawled a bit, chuckling a bit.
He was two steps ahead...all that time fighting before with the rest of his men was to just see my weak points... Mangetsu thought to himself and he rolled onto his back and laughed a bit. All he needed were three bushins to defeat me, the first two were to again probe my attacks for weakness and also make me misjudge his own strategy. In his mind he saw a chibi Kakashi make two clones and he saw a chibi version of himself attack them and then the chibi Kakashi 'nodded' when he got the info. And he deliberately made me attack his final one to paralyze me and force me to be tangible...even if it was Samehada's replica that performed it I bet I'd still fall for yet another trap...Copy Ninja Hatake Kakashi, you live up to the legend around you!
Suddenly his eyes lost what soul they had left and he was forced to clap his hands together just as the sealing cloth wrapped around his regenerating waist. Before the sealing could be completed Mangetsu then slammed his hand down to the side...and a new coffin rose out. The cloth finished wrapping around him and he was sealed but he had completed Kabuto's final command to him.
"A new Edo Tensei?! What is it?"
"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling..."
Kakashi watched as his Sharingan eye narrowed...and then the coffin popped open and his eyes widened. " can't be!"
A tall man with black, spiky hair came walking out...and he had two Sharingan eyes. He was dressed in a black long shirt with the Uchiha symbol on his back, as well as black pants. His most striking feature were what looked to be...scars on the left side of his face on top of the cracks that were apparent in all Edo Tensei.
"Uchiha...Obito?!" Kakashi gasped.
" long has it been...?" Obito asked in shock as he stepped out of the coffin."I'm...being forced to fight you?!"
"That's...the nature of Edo Tensei, Obito..." Kakashi said as his Sharingan looked at both of Obito's. He died as a does he have the body of an adult? Did Kabuto artificially age him to his prime?
The Fuda tag in Obito's head pulsed. "Kakashi...I'm being forced..." he made a seal and in a puff of smoke, two giant shuriken appeared around his arms and his Sharingan morphed into the Mangekyō, the same one his old friend had now but in both eyes. "Stop me, I don't want to hurt anyone!"
"I will, Obito!" Kakashi said as the reincarnated Uchiha then charged right at him.
Kakashi read the movement but Obito was surprisingly quick, and he swung the Kubikiribōchō right at him. Then to his shock the sword just passed through him like he was air and he was forced to jump away before the reincarnated Uchiha could lay a hand on him. His allies then began to do a barrage of Katons, Suitons, Fūtons, and kunai and shuriken. They all passed through him without dealing any damage.
"What's going on?!"
"Isn't that Madara's power?! How can he phase through attacks just like Madara?!"
"Its because Madara stole Obito's other eye from his grave," Kakashi said as his eyes narrowed. "I should have realized it sooner."
"Wait...Madara's using my eye?!" Obito asked as he was forced to go through several seals and took a deep breath. "Katon: Bakufū Ranbu (Fire Release: Blast Wave Wild Dance)!"
His Kamui made the Bakufū Ranbu even stronger and a huge, spiraling wave of flames were launched directly at Kakashi and the Allied Shinobi Forces. The Copy Ninja acted quickly and flew through the seals. He finished the sequence and pushed his hands together.
"Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu (Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique)!" Kakashi called out as the water around him from Mangetsu's earlier Suitons spun around him in a massive vortex that spun the opposite way of Obito's attack.
Both attacks smashed into each other with enough force to make the entire forest shudder and a vast amount of super heated steam was created. Kakashi and Obito struggled as their water and fire vortexes battled for dominance...until the Copy Ninja's managed to break through due to the elemental advantage. Kakashi charged his hand up with a Raikiri put it into the Daibakufu no Jutsu as it surged right at the reincarnated Uchiha.
Obito jumped right over it and Kakashi appeared right on him with his Raikiri still active. He forced himself to stab forward despite his feelings about fighting his old best friend...but he just passed through like before. The reincarnated Uchiha then spun in mid air and slammed his heel right into the Copy Ninja's face and blood flew out of his mouth and nose. Kakashi slammed back into a tree and he groaned.
Obito hits a lot harder than I remember... Kakashi said as he managed to get back to his feet and he pulled out a kunai since he was separated from the Kubikiribōchō. His Kamui phasing is far faster than Madara's it because he has both eyes here, both the one he died with and the one he gave to me?
There was now a tear in Kakashi's mask that left part of his nose and a small amount of his mouth exposed from Obito's kick. He breathed in and out as he charged a Raikiri through his kunai to increase its power and make it more lethal. The reincarnated Uchiha turned to face him, his mind was racing at this info.
That old guy calling himself Madara is using my eye?! But the masked guy...
Obito's mind flashed back to what had happened to him as his eyes narrowed...
He felt unbelievable pain and agony...his entire right side had been crushed by the giant boulder, even parts of his face. After he passed his Sharingan onto Kakashi, the Iwa Ninja used another Doton to try to bury all three of them. Kakashi grabbed Rin and pulled her out of the collapsing cave as Obito urged them to flee. As rocks and boulders continued to bury him his remaining eye...morphed in response to the situation.
Obito's body then slipped through the ground as he lost consciousness and he was then in an underground chamber. Two figures approached him and one called out 'He's still alive!' before they took him away.
Days, weeks later, he didn't know which, Obito awoke. His Sharingan was still active as he tried to sit up...and then cried out in agony. He looked down to see the right half of his body was covered in bandages and he could feel what felt keeping him together beneath the bandages.
"Don't move too hastily or you'll open your stitches and sutures," an old man with long spiky white hair said as he walked over. "I replaced half your crushed body with pieces of White Zetsu. It'll accelerate your healing but it'll take time."
Obito blinked and then he noticed the scythe the man carried. "GAH! Who are you, a Shinigami?! The Grim Reaper?!"
"...neither, I just use this to help walk around in my old age," the old man said and Obito noticed something...he had the Sharingan in his visible eye. "I'm Uchiha Madara."
"...Madara?! He's long dead, everyone knows that! The Shodaime Hokage killed him at the Valley of the End!"
"I faked my death and Hashirama believed I had died, which is exactly what I wanted," Madara said as he took a seat and the young Uchiha saw that the elder one was hooked up to what looked like...tubes. "Though my plans have...been put on hold due to my age."
"...if you're Madara, I guess I was close," Obito commented as he sat up as best he could. "The Clan calls you the 'Ghost of the Uchiha' after all."
"I've heard. Tell me..." Madara's mood turned serious. "How has the Uchiha been treated in the years I've been gone?"
Obito blinked at the question. "...don't know why you'd care given you abandoned the Clan after you were passed over for Hokage, but everything's fine! The Uchiha is fully part of Konoha and we're one of the brightest and strongest clans around! And now I'm part of that number since my Sharingan finally awakened..."
"...there has been no discrimination?" Madara asked him bluntly.
"Huh? Nope, not that I've seen! We can go anywhere in the village, my grandma is able to sell her goods in every corner, and there's dozens of new Uchiha graduating from the Academy every year and going on to be good shinobi!" Obito announced proudly...and then his eye turned 'white' as his jaw dropped. "Gah! I can't sit here talking to you about this! I gotta catch up to my team!"
"As I said earlier, your wounds are too severe at this point to move. If you want to catch up with your team, you have to heal," Madara said as Obito saw a new figure come walking out. "My assistant, and leader of the Uchiha who didn't join Konoha..."
"Call me Tobi," the man with the black and orange flame mask said. He had long black hair in the same spiky style that the elderly Uchiha had. "Though it would be more appropriate to say I'm the only survivor of the 'sub clan'."
"Wait!? Sub clan?!"
"Did you really believe that all the Uchiha would accept the Senju truce and form Konoha, kid?" Tobi asked him bluntly. "Some wounds were too deep for them, and their pride wouldn't allow it. Nearly 150 families of the Uchiha Clan split off from the main one which joined Madara in the truce that led to the village being found."
"Then...where have you all been?! What have you been doing?"
"What else? Ninja work," Tobi explained in a bit of a harsh voice. "However, Konoha and soon the rest of the ninja villages made work dry up for the 'independent clans' such as ourselves. When Madara fought Hashirama, we were the ones who made sure that the Shodaime Hokage believed he was dead. I was only 20 back then."
"Damn, you're really old too..." Obito started and then he looked at him. "Only survivor? What happened to the rest of the 'Sub Clan'?"
"They were killed in one night, only I survived and I managed to evacuate Madara to a safe location, what you're seeing here," Tobi replied as he crossed his arms. "I always suspected it was our brothers in the 'main' clan who did it, but I had no proof and they have no knowledge of our existence. That was three years ago."
Obito nodded slowly and he groaned in pain and eased his head back. His mind was trying to process this barrage of information. Madara, the Ghost of the Uchiha alive...a sub sect of the Uchiha Clan which was now extinct. His Sharingan searched and he saw the tubes that were connected to Madara's back...they went to what looked like a giant wooden statue that looked really freaky.
"In my old age now, I can't move much. I depend on the chakra of the Gedō Mazō to keep myself alive at this point," Madara said. "But that is a story for later, rest boy and get better."
Madara's eye pulsed and the young Uchiha was hit by a powerful, sleep causing genjutsu. As his eye was forced closed he heard them talking about...him...and he heard the word 'Mangekyō' used when referring to his eye. And with that...the young Uchiha blacked out.
Months passed in the interim with Madara and Tobi. Obito felt his strength returning and also felt stronger than ever before. He had also befriended two of the 'artificial humans' that had been born from the strange tree, Spiral Zetsu and White Zetsu. Spiral had so many questions about what it was like to be a 'real human'...most of which were about bodily functions.
"STOP ASKING ME ALREADY!" Obito yelled out in frustration. "I DON'T HAVE TO POOP NOW!"
"But, but, but, but..."
The young Uchiha face palmed and he groaned in a bit frustration. His hair had grown out and down to his shoulders during his time there. He had been trying to practice his agility, but no, Spiral always had one of his weird questions. Madara thought they were a bit amusing but Tobi seemed to be just as annoyed with these questions as Obito was.
"...grr...I'll tell you when it happens," Obito said with a exasperated sigh. "Just get me some kunai and shuriken, I need to practice with this new arm."
"Sure! I'll be right back Obito-san!"
Obito rubbed the bridge of his nose and then squeezed his new hand. He was feeling stronger than he ever felt before. Not only that, it was like he had much more energy than before. Though he still wasn't fully healed yet, I just a few more weeks according to Madara he would be fit to go on his way.
"Just wait sensei, Kakashi-baka, Rin! I'll be home soon and we'll be a full team again!" Obito announced to nowhere.
"They've probably forgotten about you by now," Tobi's voice said as Obito glanced to the masked man. "And you'll be treated with suspicion when you returned, ever thought of that?"
"Doesn't matter! I'm alive and I want to protect my village and my friends!" Obito shot back and the masked Uchiha smirked.
"So naïve, you truly don't know what's happening now do you?" Tobi asked him and Obito blinked. "the War is almost over for one. Iwa is suing for peace now that the Sandaime Hokage has stepped down for the new Yondaime."
"New Yondaime?! Who is it?"
"The Yellow Flash," Tobi said as he crossed his arms. "And you mentioned a 'Kakashi' a lot? Word has it he has made a name for himself as 'Sharingan Kakashi' and killed thirty Kiri ANBU in one single battle."
"...what about Rin?"
"Last I checked, she's alive, fully part of Konoha's Medical Corps." Tobi replied off-handily.
Minato-sensei Hokage?! Awesome, he always wanted that! And Kakashi killed thirty ANBU shinobi in one battle, whoa he's gotten a lot stronger too, Obito thought in sheer amazement. And Rin's part of the Medical Corps now...she'll be out of danger at least...
Obito was left to train by Tobi and the Zetsus as he focused on getting stronger and stronger. However, his rehabilitation took much longer than was originally expected...and by the time he turned 15 he had been cooped up in Madara's base for over two years. Thanks to Tobi he learned the War, now dubbed the Third Shinobi World War was over, that Konoha was thriving under the new Yondaime, and that the world was mostly at peace. Obito had also went through a considerable growth spurt , he was almost as tall as Minato was! However, Madara's health seemed to have taken a decline even with the Gedō Mazō's life force sustaining him.
"Well...he really is that old..." Obito said to himself as he leaned back against the wall. "Though why is his health getting so bad so quickly?"
White Zetsu shrugged. "Hell if I know! Maybe all the bad stuff in the past has caught up to him!"
"Bad stuff? Madara is a good person!" Spiral retorted.
"I better go talk to him. I at least want to thank him before he dies for helping me recover," Obito said as he started to walk to the room where Madara rests. "Hey Madara, I'm about to set out for home are..."
" you wish, Madara-sama," the mocking voice of Tobi was heard. "I'll be sure to accomplish your plans."
Obito walked in...and he saw the masked Uchiha stab the elderly Uchiha in the heart with such force the elongated kunai knife he used practically impaled itself through the back of Madara's body. "What the hell?! What are you doing?!"
Tobi didn't acknowledge...and he twisted the knife more and the elderly Uchiha coughed. "'re...enjoying this too much..."
"I said I would do your plans, did I? You just took too long to die," Tobi said viciously. "But don't worry, you'll be back. I assure you of that..."
Madara's eye widened as pain surged through his entire body...and he then slumped, dead on his wooden 'throne'. Tobi withdrew his arm, now he was covered in blood and he turned to Obito...and his Sharingan morphed into a three-pointed straight star. The younger Uchiha felt himself be paralyzed by the man's gaze.
"You should have left months ago, Obito-kun, you probably would have a long life if you did," Tobi said mockingly as he came up to Obito who tried to resist. "Your Mangekyō Sharingan will be a fitting replacement for my own, it has far more potential and power."
"M-Mangekyō Sharingan...what the hell are you talking about?!"
"Truly a clueless kid, even a year here and that still hasn't changed. How do you think you survived that Doton in the first place? Your eye evolved into the Mangekyō to save you and you phased through the rock till you appeared in the hideout we were using in the Land of Grass," Tobi replied mockingly as he advanced forward. "And look at it now, its already active! It responds to your will to survive...but you have no experience with it."
Damn it...can't move... Obito thought as he struggled...his eye had indeed morphed to the Mangekyō Sharingan and he was unconsciously trying to fight Tobi's genjutsu.
"You truly are a unique case," Tobi said with a smirk. "The only other known method of awakening those eyes is by killing your best friend. You beat the odds..."
"G-Get away from me!"
Tobi then stabbed forward with his long kunai...but he passed right through Obito's body harmlessly. "Just as I thought, even though you can't use it consciously, you do so unconsciously...such potential...will be mine!"
Obito was then made into a longer eye contact with the masked Uchiha. The only, ONLY thing that kept him standing at this point in their battle of eyes was his desire to see his friends, home, and Rin again. But...Tobi's experience won out and blood burst from the younger Uchiha's eye as he finally stumbled back and his Mangekyō deactivated.
"Now you're mine. Don't worry, I'll put this eye to good use," Tobi said as he loomed over Obito. "I believe an attack on Konoha will be a fitting test run of it!"
Tobi then stabbed him through the neck and the blade was twisted. He lost all feeling to his legs and choked on his own blood. Obito fell to his knees gasping for breath that wouldn't come and he fell forward...and as he lost conscious for the final time...Tobi removed his mask and knelt down and whispered into his ear.
"When I do the attack, I believe I'll target those friends of yours..." Tobi said in a dark, menacing voice. "Especially this 'Rin'..."
Obito gritted his teeth a bit angrily as he avoided Kakashi's next attack. The Copy Ninja dodged the reincarnated Uchiha's forced slash with the giant shuriken. Obito then let several attacks from the rest of the Allied Shinobi Forces gather pass through him harmlessly.
"Kakashi! Was Konoha attacked two years after the Third Shinobi World War?!"
"Attacked?" Kakashi asked in a bit of surprise. "The Kyūbi had been summoned by Madara to attack, according to Naruto's info he had learned from Minato-sensei and Kushina herself."
"Damn it...if only I was stronger..." Obito said with a growl. "That wasn't Madara! That was his treacherous assistant, he called himself Tobi!"
Kakashi blinked in surprise. "But his powers...and he could control the Kyūbi..."
"He used my eye to do so! I saw him murder Madara myself!" Obito said as he was forced to attack again. " doesn't matter at this point, you need to defeat me!"
"Working on it, Obito!" Kakashi called out as he kept his Raikiri around his kunai. There has to be a limit to his Kamui phasing duration. From Konan's instill on Madara's...or whoever the masked man is, its five minutes, but that is with one eye, with both it might be double that. Not to mention how fast it is...only Yondaime or from reports Naruto could be remotely fast enough to capitalize on the time he's solid...
The gears began to turn in Kakashi's mind as an image of chibi Obito appeared in it, as well as himself. He thought tossing attacks randomly and all passing through Obito's body and then seeing himself open for counter attacks. No matter what he thought of, Obito wouldn't stay solid enough for a blow to hit...unless...
That's it! But I need to test it! Kakashi thought as he jumped back to fight alongside his men. "On my signal, launch a combined Katon at him!"
"Hai, Kakashi-daicho!"
Obito was on the attack already as the Copy Ninja charged to meet him. His Sharingan then morphed to the Mangekyō Sharingan and mirrored his former friend's. He then tossed his Raikiri charged kunai right at the reincarnated Uchiha who let it pass through him, and due to Kabuto's commands he kicked it right back at Kakashi!
"Kamui!" Kakashi called out as he activated his own Kamui and sucked the Raikiri kunai right into it. "Everyone attack now!"
A combined fireball was launched at the reincarnated Uchiha who predictably used his own Kamui to phase through it. Just as he did however...ash and paper exploded off his cheek and he went stumbling back. Kakashi looked pleased with himself while the rest of his troops looked confused, as did Obito.
"How'd you...what did you do?" Obito asked in a bit of shock.
"When you phase, you send your body or parts of it to the Kamui dimension," Kakashi explained as a chibi Obito appeared in his mind. "But when I use Kamui...that dimension is connected to anything I send into it." The chibi Obito phased just as an attack hit him, but chibi Kakashi used his own Kamui to teleport the Raikiri Kunai into it. "Thus, when you phase...any attack I send in through my Kamui will hit you."
"Damn..." Obito said as his cheek repaired itself, and he grinned. "As expected of Kakashi! That mind of yours hasn't changed since we were kids!"
Even then, I need to use the best timing I can get...the only way for us to attack him with impunity is to use Kamui to teleport someone...or a bushin in... Kakashi thought. Either force him to Kamui it or do it myself.
Kakashi's stamina had improved greatly since Naruto had returned from his training with Jiraiya. He could now use Kamui multiple times on top of being able to use Kage Bushin, his trademark Raikiri, and dozens of other jutsus in his arsenal. Due to this, his power was rapidly approaching the likes of Jiraiya. He crossed his fingers and in a puff of smoke he created two Kage Bushin.
I'm going to have to make Obito think he destroyed one of the clones so I can transport it into the Kamui dimension without Kabuto realizing it, Kakashi thought as his Mangekyō Sharingan analyzed everything it could. Only going to have one shot at this!
With that, Kakashi and his clones charged right at Obito who was forced to prepare for the next attack. The reincarnated Uchiha then did a seal and a Kamui rift the opposite direction. To the Copy Ninja's surprise Obito then began to launch through his reverse Kamui dozens of giant kunai and shuriken from an unknown location. Due to the suction of the reverse Kamui, they were launched at an even greater velocity and speed!
Land of Frost, ROOT Remnant
Yamato could sense the chakra released during the battle Kakashi was having. He glanced at Rin who was looking even more determined. She could tell who the chakra signature was and when she landed on a branch she sent a burst of chakra to her feet to pick up speed and obliterated it. He could almost tell that she was shaking a bit, but if it was fear or anger he couldn't tell.
"...that chakra..." Rin said as she jumped again. "Its Obito's...Akatsuki brought him back..."
"You're a sensor?"
"Yes, though I only learned how to sense chakra when I was in Danzō's...employ," Rin replied as she leaped to another tree. "It was a way I could more accurately perform my surgeries and transplants."
Yamato nodded. "Obito was your teammate who died in the Third Shinobi World War, right?"
"He...sacrificed himself to save Kakashi after he had gotten hit by a fallen rock in his blind spot," Rin said as she jumped to another branch. "Obito knew he was going to die so he had me transplant his newly awakened Sharingan to Kakashi so he'd have a new eye." that's how senpai got his Sharingan...most of the ANBU in our unit made it seem like he stole it...and he never wanted to talk about his past...
"We'll be arriving to help Kakashi in just a few minutes," Rin said as she charged more chakra to her feet.
With that she used a enhanced shunshin to increase her speed, Yamato and the other ROOT remnants were quickly following her. Team Minato's former medic had a determined look on her face and she silently vowed to help Kakashi and the Allied Shinobi Forces defeat Akatsuki.
Land of Frost, Third Division
Kakashi and his trio of clones all stood at the ready in front of the reincarnated Obito Uchiha. The Fuda tag in the reincarnated Uchiha's head and his Kamui activated and began shooting out dozens of giant shuriken right at the Copy Ninja and his clones. They scattered and used several shunshins to avoid Obito's attack.
Kakashi's clones took out several shuriken of their own and tossed them right at the reincarnated Uchiha's sides. As predicted he phased right through them while the original charged forward with a full speed Raikiri around his hand. Obito reacted and let him phase through him and just as he had passed through entirely the reincarnated Uchiha used Kamui to summon another giant shuriken and he spun it around his arm like a buzz saw. He then slashed across Kakashi's back and sent him crashing forward as blood bursts from the wound.
"Kakashi!" Obito called out in shock as his body was forced to press the attack.
Kakashi despite the pain rolled out of the way and his own Sharingan morphed back into the Mangekyō Sharingan. He struggled to get back to his feet and dodged the next slash from Obito and his clones charged forward for support. As Kakashi predicted Obito turned his attention to the first clone and his Mangekyō Sharingan shimmered.
Just as the Kage Bushin was about to be hit...Kakashi used Kamui to suck it right into the Kamui Dimension. It happened so fast Obito, and by extension Kabuto, didn't realize, only thinking he had destroyed the clone from the smoke bomb that the clone had dropped before it was sucked into the dimension. Despite the chakra drain the Copy Ninja then did several seals and took a deep breath.
"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)!" Kakashi blew out a building-sized fireball from his mouth and sent it careening towards Obito.
The reincarnated Uchiha merely stood there and let the fireball wash over him...and he phased right through it without any apparent damage. And then...Obito's chest suddenly exploded in a flurry of ash and paper. Cracks spread from the wound as he staggered in shock and surprise, his Sharingan deactivated from the damage.
"What...what just...happened?!"
"That clone that you thought you destroyed? I sent it to the Kamui Dimension," Kakashi explained as the sealers moved in. "Since our eyes were linked to that dimension, you'd be completely vulnerable inside it."
Obito dropped to his knees as his wound began to regenerate slowly from the ash and paper. "Damn...I didn't even think something like that was possible...still as sharp and strong as ever."
"Honestly...without the eye you gave me I don't think I could have beat you," Kakashi said as he deactivated his Mangekyō Sharingan and pulled his headband down over his eye. "The only thing I think that could would have been sensei's Hiraishin...and maybe Naruto's reported new found speed."
"Heh..." Obito said as the sealers wrapped him in cloth. "...hopefully we'll be able to meet again in other circumstances...old friend..."
With that the sealing tag was applied and Obito was neutralized. Kakashi almost immediately fell to one knee, panting in exhaustion. He hadn't taxed his body that hard in a long time, only since the fight with Nagato's Tendō (Deva Path) and Shuradō (Asura Path) had he both got this injured and used this much chakra. He wasn't in the red yet...possibly due to the chakra replenishing pills he had took before.
Just as he was about to pass out there were a chorus of new voices... "Kakashi!" "Kakashi-sempai!"
He fell forward and blacked out from the pain and exhaustion just as a few people arrived...and after proving they weren't Edo Tensei were allowed to come forward...
A few hours later, the Copy Ninja awoke at one of the field hospitals that the Medical Division had set up in the Land of Frost. To his surprise, he found himself with a new mask over the lower end of his face and his torso was covered in bandages. But...what shocked him was...
"R-Rin?!" Kakashi's instincts nearly flared up as he instinctively performed a Genjutsu: Kai (Genjutsu: Cancel) before crumpling back into bed from the pain of his injuries. "Its...its real? You're really here?"
"Yes Kakashi...its a long story," Rin was dressed in the Allied Shinobi Forces Medical Division uniform now. "I'm alive...I was just in a bind for all these years."
The Copy Ninja sat up and gently reached...and he covered she was really there. And also confirmed that she wasn't reincarnated since her cheek didn't feel artificial. His visible eye widened in surprise as he fell back slightly in bed.
"But...but how...I saw the aftermath of what the Kyūbi did to that area of Konoha...and your body was confirmed..."
"A ruse...Danzō used the attack to...recruit me," Rin said with a sigh. "Its a long, long story like I said..."
"...well..." Kakashi groaned. "Its not like I'll be going anywhere soon, I'll be glad to hear it...and catch up."
...Rin hugged him at that, closing her eyes and the two began to talk about the years she was away...why she wasn't able to get in contact with Kakashi and what Danzō required of her. The two talked for hours and hours and shred different stories...both the good and the bad. The last surviving members of Team Minato had finally been reunited.
Land of Lightning, Lightning Desert
Almost the entirety of the Fourth Division was at the same time on standby for an combined attack. Gaara, the Allied Shinobi Force's Battlefield Commander of the combined forces and the Fourth Division's General waited patiently on a ridge alongside Ōnoki, the Sandaime Tsuchikage. The Tsuchikage had flown to reinforce the Kazekage's position when it was learned that his master...and the late Nidaime Tsuchikage Mū had been summoned to attack the Division after Gaara's sand had detected him. With Mū's Jinton (Dust Release) he could easily counter the superior numbered forces of the Fourth Division without Ōnoki to counter him. And to compound that, Mū had summoned three other Kages: the Yondaime Kazekage Rasa, the Nidaime Mizukage and his nemesis Hozuki Gengetsu, and the Nidaime Raikage Yōgan A.
"All the preparations are ready Kazekage-sama, Tsuchikage-sama, to prepare our assault," Gaara heard one of his commanders, a skilled Kumo Jōnin named Dodai report.
"...any survivors of the scouting parties we sent ahead?"
"...I'm afraid none...their chakra disappeared nearly an hour ago."
"They were probably detected and wiped out," Ōnoki said with a sign. "At least sensei and the others are in range for the assault now."
Gaara nodded. "Right. I've gathered enough chakra to make the first move."
With that...the entire Division stood at the ready as Gaara closed his eyes and began to life his hands. A tremendous amount of sand, nearly the entire desert in the immediate area began to levitate. Millions of tons loomed ahead of the Allied Shinobi as they looked in awe as it formed a tremendous wave, nearly the size of a skyscraper and as wide as an entire city. Much more sand than even Shukaku could even wield had been used. When it was finished...Gaara unleashed his Sabaku Taisō (Sand Imperial Waterfall)!
To be continued...
Author's Notes:
Whew! What a chapter, and a good first for 2016! And this is the definitive showing that Tobi is NOT Obito within my fic, we saw Tobi is a mysterious figure all the way back to the Third Shinobi World War, and before. Not only that, the long awaited reunion of Rin and Kakashi, and how Rin's death was faked, was revealed. The next chapter will be the Battle of Kages, it'll be a bit like the Manga but with some obvious changes. Not to mention I'll be extending and prolonging the fight between Gaara and his dad.