Chapter 31

Gaara's Worth! Clash of Top Tier Shinobi!

Land of Lightning, Lightning Desert

The four reincarnated Kages walked through the desert at a relaxed pace in pursuit of the falling back Fourth Division. Mū the Nidaime Tsuchikage, A no Yōgan the Nidaime Raikage, Hozuki Gengetsu the Nidaime Mizukage, and finally Rasa the Yondaime Kazekage were all making their way towards the division. The Nidaime Tsuchikage had commended the shinobi, Gaara, for managing to find him when he used his Mujin Meisai (Dustless Bewildering Cover). Not since Senju Tobirama anyone had been able to locate him.

"An allied force of this size hasn't ever been fielded before, at least not from our time," Mū said as they kept walking. "I'm detecting not only shinobi of all Five Great Nations ahead, but of many minor villages to."

"Question is where is Tobirama in all this," A the Nidaime commented as they walked. "Only he could use this technique after all..."

"I'm afraid not," Rasa said as he walked forward. "Tobirama Senju has been long dead...the only shinobi I know who could use this technique is Orochimaru, a former student of the Sandaime Hokage."

"Bah! It doesn't matter who summoned us! We're being forced to fight!" Gengetsu interjected with a groan. "And we'll be fighting people from our own villages, and that doesn't sit well with me!"

"All we can do is hope the children of our villages have managed to surpass us," A the Nidaime commented as he shielded his eyes from the sun.

Rasa frowned as they kept moving. Since they are based in the desert, if Gaara survived the attack on Konoha he'll be put here to unleash Shukaku... dark lines appeared around his eyes. Only my Jiton (Magnet Release) with my Sakin (Gold Dust) can counter it!

Mū looked up sharply. "Looks like they're finally ready to fight!"

At that there was a howling roar as a wall of sand rose from the ground in the distance. It was easily as tall as a skyscraper and the crest seemed to foam like a wave of water. Gengetsu looked up and he grinned in surprise!

"Ohhh that's a LOT of sand! Wonder from which village that ninja is from!" Gengetsu said as Mū had a sweat drop at the obviousness.

Gaara must have released the Shukaku! But...I don't recall the Biju having control over that amount of sand when I fought it! Rasa thought as he did several seals and then slammed the ground...and he summoned his Sakin. "Jiton: Sakin Taisō (Magnet Release: Gold Dust Imperial Funeral)!"

The smaller, but heavier wave of Sakin which glittered in the sunlight crashed with such tremendous force against the wave of sand a massive shock wave was forced out from all directions from the sudden air being forced out of in between the two forces. A bead of sweat appeared on Rasa's forehead as he tried to counterbalance the sand...but all he managed to do was force a bit of a safe zone. Most of the the rest of the sand wave crashed down on either side of the reincarnated Kages and buried the stone pillars that littered the desert. Then...Rasa could see, floating on a cloud of sand...Gaara himself.

"Gaara?! It wasn't the Shukaku?!" Rasa gasped in shock.

"Father..." Gaara started as he locked eyes with him. "I'm no longer the Jinchūriki you created."

"WHAT?" Rasa demanded as he met his son's gaze.

"It was taken from me by the same people who used Edo Tensei on you," Gaara explained to him calmly. "My friends and Chiyo-baa-sama were able to save me after that."

"Friends? You of all people have friends?!"

"What's so shocking about that?" Gengetsu asked with a smirk. "Kids his age have lots of friends! Men with no eyebrows are really charismatic!"

"Lots of things have changed, father," Gaara said as Ōnoki waited his move with the rest of the army. "My first friend saved me from the darkness you had thrown me into...and I'm now Kazekage."

"You''re Kazekage..." Rasa whispered in shock.

"If he can control over all that sand, I say he's earned that position and then some," A the Nidaime said as he looked around.

"Heh, told you that eyebrow-less people are really charismatic!" Gengetsu bragged as Mū then flew up and put his hands up as arms of sand grabbed Rasa, A the Nidaime, and the Nidaime Mizukage simultaneously.

"Jinton: Genkai Hakuri Hashira (Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Pillar)!" Mū called out as he shot a cone of Jinton right at Gaara.

"I don't think so!" Ōnoki called out as he intercepted the Jinton Pillar. "Jinton: Genkai Hakuri (Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World)!"

Both Kekkei Tōta crashed into each other with enough force to create a giant shock wave. Both Tsuchikage struggled to get an upper hand in the clash as Gaara prepared his next move and levitated more sand. Ultimately both Jinton canceled each other out...but bore a scar into the desert of vaporized sand, gold dust, and even some of the stone pillars in a perfectly circular crater that was about three kilometers wide. Rasa slammed his palm to the ground and summoned more Sakin to overpower the sand arm that was pinning him, A the Nidaime, and Gengetsu.

The sand is even stronger than before... Rasa thought as his son's jutsu released and the three Kages jumped back.

"You're just as strong as ever, sensei," Ōnoki said as a bead of sweat appeared on his forehead. "Oh and one more thing, Yondaime Kazekage: your son is not only Kazekage, he's the Commander General of the entire Allied Shinobi Forces!"

"Commander General...of a force that consists of shinobi of all Five Great Nations..." Rasa whispered in a bit of shock.

"Heh, your son has a good head on his shoulders if he's that important!" Gengetsu commented and he put his hand to his chin. "Wonder if the current Mizukage is just as charismatic!"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to meet her," Gaara said as he slapped his hands together. "Since all four of you will be defeated here!"

"Remember Ōnoki, when this war is over you must be prepared to strike your former allies from behind to preserve the village," Mū advised as he and Ōnoki flew higher.

"I'm afraid that won't happen sensei, though I thank you for the advise!" Ōnoki replied as the two fired several Jinton attacks at each other to try to take each other out. "This War is different, all Shinobi for the first time in history are on the same side! And after this War is over, I'll keep these alliances as long as possible!"

"Alright me you surpassed me! Show me your worth!"

Gaara then lifted his hands up and then...from the sky made from a cloud of sand...rock sized hail out of sand began to fall. "Suna Arare (Sand Hail)!"

Gengetsu and A the Nidaime charged as the Suna Arare showered them. They both tried to get out of the way but there was too much. Rasa then made his move and from the ground a massive amount of Sakin lifted right off it.

"Chō Sakin Tei Kabe (Super Gold Dust Air Wall)!" Rasa yelled as the Saiken formed a huge umbrella like structure to block the Suna Arare that Gaara used to attack.

The young Kazekage was already on the move and was flying on a small cloud of sand at super speed right below the Gold Dust Air Wall. He did a tiger seal and from the cloud he began launching dozens of Fūton: Suna Tama (Wind Release: Sand Bullets) at his father who was forced to raise some Sakin in front of him to block. Gaara then threw his hand back as the sand began to gather in it...and he formed a katana.

"Suna Katana (Sand Katana)!" he yelled as he zipped right around Rasa's defense.

"What?!" Rasa blurted out in surprise as Gaara, of all people, closed in for close range combat.

The Yondaime Kazekage barely dodged the first slash as Gaara then jumped off his sand cloud and smashed his fist right into his father's face. Rasa crumpled to the ground in shock as ash and paper was sent flying from his cheek. He crashed into the ground and tumbled. He formed a seal and took a deep breath.

"Fūton: Fuzei Kizu (Wind Release: Air Cutter)!" Rasa called out as he blew out a practical blade of wind from his mouth and whipped his head around to shape it into a whip.

Gaara dodged it as he used his sand to simultaneously guard his troops. "Fūton: Suna Shuriken (Wind Release: Suna Shuriken)!"

Several dozen shuriken made of sand and enhanced in cutting power and penetration by his Fūton. Rasa gritted his teeth and blocked and dodged as Gaara again closed in for close range. He jumped this time from the ground and used the sand at his feet to launch himself at high speed. Before his father could react...Gaara completed a horizontal slash with his Suna Katana. Ash and paper burst from Rasa's 'wound' as he crashed again and in a last resort, he created a spear of Sakin.

"Sakin Yari (Gold Dust Spear)!" Rasa yelled as he sent the spear of gold dust crashing down on Gaara.

A hand made of sand...then blocked the attack and the Yondaime Kazekage's eyes widened. The sand around Gaara shaped...right into a perfect visage of Karara...Rasa's late wife, Gaara's, Temari's, and Kankuro's mother. From the ground sand rose around him...and trapped him, even flooding into the 'wound' to keep him constantly regenerating. Simultaneously Gaara caught Gengetsu and A the Nidaime in the same restraint despite not damaging them.

"Karara...even in death...she still protects you Gaara," Rasa said and Gaara looked at him with a bit of confusion. "...there's no doubt about it, you surpassed me...and you surpassed my predecessor. I didn't stand a chance."

"Your movements will be restricted," Gaara started as a sealing tag appeared in the sand. "And with this you're sealed...what were you saying about mother?"

"She loved you, Gaara," Rasa said as he breathed out. "I told Yashamaru to lie to you to test your control over the Shukaku..."

"...what?" Gaara asked as his eyes narrowed.

"Karara loved you...she died passing her chakra to you so she could protect you always," Rasa replied as a sealing tag appeared on the sand. "Even with the Shukaku, it wouldn't be able to protect you as effectively as she does..."

Gaara glanced...seeing the visage of his mother surrounding him, her hands now made of sand protected him from Rasa's attack. "Then...then why?"

"The council decided to test if you were really worthy of being Sunagakure's secret weapon...I agreed and sent Yashamaru, my ANBU Captain to test your control," Rasa explained. "He didn't want to do it, but I convinced him it was for the good of the village. Thus he attacked you...and told you that you were unloved."

"...for the good of the village?" Gaara asked in disgust. "Mentally torturing your youngest child was for the good of it? All so you could assess my control over the Shukaku?"

"Yes...we needed to be sure..."

Gaara resisted the urge to crush his father right there and he breathed out slowly to calm down. "...I see..." he said as he closed his eyes. "As Kazekage, I'll be sure no child ever has to go through what you put me through father. You're a disgrace."


"You were a Kage, everyone in the village is part of your family, but you treated those in your family as weapons and tools," Gaara said harshly. "In a way, I can understand with the pressure that the Wind Daimyo was putting on the village at the time. But it doesn't excuse what you did, nor does it excuse your eventual alliance with Orochimaru."

"I was trying to make Sunagakure great again!"

"It was great as it was. It was struggling, but it didn't need what you did," Gaara said as a tear trickled down his face. "And for the life of me, I can't hate you. Despite everything, you're still my father..." he took a deep calming breath. "...and for what its worth, I forgive you. Take that with you to the pure world when the jutsu is broken."

Gaara met Rasa's now sorrowful face as the sand continued to cover him. "'re right...I was a bad father...and a bad Kage...hopefully when you arrive in the next world, Gaara, we'll be able to start again."

With that the Yondaime Kazekage was completely covered and the sealing marks appeared over his prison. He was imprisoned until the jutsu binding him to the world was broken. Gaara was silent for a few moments and he closed his eyes, and then opened them to focus on Gengetsu and A the Nidaime.

"Heh...your dad does sound bad but you look to be outdoing him! Rooting for ya!" Gengetsu said cheerfully. "After all, no-eyebrow guys have to stick together."

"...the choices he made..." A the Nidaime started and he sighed. "Were unworthy of a Kage, I have no doubt that you'll become the best Kazekage your village has ever seen."

"Thank you," Gaara said as a sealing tag appeared on the sand that was binding the two second generation Kages.

"Alright now! Finish defeating us, we don't want to fight our own villagers!" Gengetsu ordered cheerfully.

"Working on it," Gaara said as the tag was about to start...and the two Nidaime Kage's Fuda tags forced them to respond.

"...what the?!" Gengetsu asked as oil soaked the sand around the sealing tag and made it fall off. "Oh come on! I wanted to be defeated!"

"Our bodies are being forced to respond on their own," A the Nidaime said as a Yōton no Yoroi (Lava Release Armor) wrapped around his body...and then he began to super heat the area and turned the sand into molten silica and burned up the sealing tag.

Both Kages fell to the ground as the members of the Fourth Division began to advance towards them. Gengetsu sighed but he then smirked and bit his thumb as both he and A met the charge. Both of them sent the Allied Shinobi flying into the air as they impacted them hard.

"Alright everyone, listen up I'm gonna tell you my powers so you can defeat me!" Gengetsu yelled as he was surrounded. "I'm a Suiton user and a Inton user...and I summon a GIANT CLAM!"

In a puff of smoke below Gengetsu a giant clam was summoned right under him, nearly half the size of Gamabunta himself. The sudden summoning of a creature of this size and mass sent out a massive shock wave in all directions from the air that was forced out of the immediate area and more Allied Shinobi were made airborne because of that and others skidded backwards on the sand.

And at the same time, the Nidaime Raikage glanced around as he was surrounded as well. "And listen to my powers too...I have the Yōton Kekkei Genkai as you can well as Raiton, Katon, and Doton mastery..." around his Yōton no Yoroi a...Raiton aura bursts around him. "I'm the most destructive Raikage, best not to engage me in close range."

Temari gritted her teeth. With that Yōton I can't make a difference here, I'll go and help fight the Nidaime Mizukage!

In another part of the desert Ōnoki and Mū were engaged in a fierce battle. The very shape of the battlefield was being altered from missed Jintons and Jinton clashes. The Sandaime Tsuchikage whipped around at lightning speed after his ears picked up the Nidaime Tsuchikage behind him. He used his Doton: Kajūgan no Jutsu (Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique) to fall right out of the way of Mū's Jinton and he returned fire!

"Jinton: Genkai Hakuri Hashira (Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World)!" Ōnoki called out as he fired and he managed to blast Mū's arm off. "Got you, sensei!"

"Impressive...but in this form that's not enough to defeat me," Mū replied as his arm instantly regenerated as his body disappeared using Mujin Meisai (Dustless Bewildering Cover) to vanish from view. "Be sure to hit a killing blow on me you cannot win..."

Ōnoki's eyes narrowed. "Iwa Bunshin no Jutsu (Rock Clone Technique)!" and with that he created five clones out of rock. "I'll be sure to hit that killing blow, Mū-sensei!"

With that the battle renewed as the Iwa Bunshins spread out. It was a virtual stalemate in midair as both waited to make a move. And all over the desert, the battle against the Edo Tensei Kage raged, Gaara immediately flew to back up Ōnoki as Temari tried to cover the rest of the division from Gengetsu's counter attacks.

Land of Lightning, location unknown

Three reincarnated shinobi were now advancing towards the last known location where Naruto, Killer Bee, and Hinata had been spotted. All three were members of Akatsuki...the leader and master of the Rinnegan Nagato, Uchiha Itachi, and Kakuzu. Itachi's Sharingan were activated as he helped the late Akatsuki leader along.

" you're Pain, I didn't expect that," Itachi said as they moved along. "Even during my years of Akatsuki I couldn't figure out who you exactly were."

"I kept my secret well. Only Jiraiya-sensei was able to figure it out," Nagato replied as they moved faster.

"Can you even fight without the use of your legs?" Kakuzu asked as he scanned the area.

"Yes, I can. You don't have to worry about it," Nagato replied.

"Indeed. With his Rinnegan, and my Sharingan, we could perhaps accomplish absolutely anything," Itachi observed as the Jiongu (Earth Grudge Fear) user nodded.

Nagato then looked up and sensed three individuals. "Well I'll be...this will be nostalgic."

"Nagato?! Itachi?! ...tentacle guy?" the voice of a young man yelled as he landed.

"Naruto...I haven't been dead for long, but it looks like you've changed a lot," Nagato said with a smirk. "As expected from my kōhai."

"Naruto?" Itachi asked and looked...and saw the robes Naruto was wearing. "You're...Hokage now Naruto? I didn't expect that."

"Hm...that glow around your body..." Nagato started.

"This is what happens when I have the Nine-Tails chakra under complete control," Naruto said proudly. "I've been training hard."

Hinata's eyes widened as she instantly recognized the three. Its...Pain...Uchiha Itachi...and the Akatsuki member Naruto defeated nearly a year ago!

" you're the brat who defeated definitely look worthy of a high bounty," Kakuzu said with a grunt...before his eye twitched. "...tentacle guy?"

Itachi breathed in. "Naruto, I have something to ask you: did Sasuke return to the village? Is he fighting on another front?"

"No..." Naruto said as he met Itachi's gaze. "After learning what you did to try to save Konoha, he joined Akatsuki. He wants to destroy Konoha in revenge."

"What he did for Konoha?" Hinata asked in a bit of confusion. "What are you talking about Naruto-kun?"

"...Itachi's kind of been on our side the entire time," Naruto replied. "He was a spy within Akatsuki for us...and had stopped the Uchiha Clan from launching a violent Coup D'Tat."

"...Hinata-dono, could you keep that secret? I want the Uchiha's honor to be retained..." Itachi requested and the new Hyūga Leader nodded with a gulp. "Thank you."

Only the Kages know the truth, and it was made into a S-Class secret... Naruto thought as Kabuto finally got to his Akatsuki trio.

Nagato's, Itachi's, and Kakuzu's eyes all flashed. The Uchiha's cheeks then flushed before he shot out a giant Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Great Fireball Technique) at Naruto, Hinata, and Killer Bee. Hinata's Byakugan activated as Gyūki's Jinchūriki unsheathed Samehada and hopped in front of them. He then cut down with the chakra absorbing blade and the sheer force of his slash cut the fireball in half without any chakra absorbed.

"Yo yo, I know bro! Fire was far to hot so using you against it is a not!" Killer Bee said as the Uchiha infiltrator saw the sword which shuddered.

"So I guess even Kisame is dead now," Itachi said as he disappeared in a puff of smoke and went in for a direct attack.

"Naruto, watch out!" Nagato yelled. "Our bodies are moving on their own, we can't hold back even if we wanted to!"

"On it!" Naruto said as his negative emotions sensing picked Itachi up immediately and he charged chakra to his feet.

Time slowed down for Naruto as Itachi went into free fall and took out a kunai. The Rokudaime Hokage then vanished in a yellow flash right in front of the Uchiha Infiltrator's Sharingan. Itachi's eyes darted back and forth as he tried to predict where Naruto would appear... just as the young Hokage's fist smashed into his face with enough force to send him flying backwards towards the ground.

The...sheer speed of this form... Itachi thought in surprise. Even my Sharingan can't keep up!

He crashed right into the ground, bounced a few times before he managed to get back to his feet. Itachi grimaced as ash and paper repaired the damage. Kakuzu then launched himself towards Hinata who created Jūho Sōshiken around her arms to deflect his punch and she skidded away from the sheer strength behind him. Then from the Akatsuki Bounty Hunter's back one of his mask, the Katon one appeared and a flame ignited from it.

"Disappear!" Kakuzu roared as a blast of flame was released from the mask. "Katon: Zukokku (Fire Release: Intelligent Hard Work)!

"Kaiten!" Hinata called out as she began to spin rapidly and created a barrier of chakra around her to deflect the powerful Katon.

"Hinata-chan!" Naruto called as he was about to go back her up by he was then seized. Damn it, that Rinnegan power!

"I'm afraid I'm your opponent, Naruto. Bansho Ten'in!" Nagato yelled as he pulled Naruto towards him with a powerful gravitational force while simultaneously yanking a building sized asteroid out of space.

Naruto gritted his teeth and created a Rasengan and smashed right through the meteor that the Rinnegan user had pulled down from space and destroyed it and he skidded to a halt. "I'm a lot stronger than I was the last time we fought, Nagato!"

"I can see that...and even if I could hold back, my body is forcing me to fight at full power," Nagato performed a summoning seal and focused. He then slammed his hand down...and in a puff of smoke...six bodies appeared before him. "Time for the rebirth of the Pein Rikudō (Six Paths of Pain)!"

Then behind Nagato the King of Hell summoned appeared, bathed in blackish purple flames. From its mouth it grabbed the destroyed paths of Pain and yanked them back into its mouth all at once. A bead of sweat appeared on Naruto's forehead as he watched as the summon 'chewed' each path...before spitting them out. First out was Yahiko...the now reborn Tendō (Deva Path. And then the demonic Shuradō (Asura Path) came out. And then the female Chikushōdō (Animal Path). The long haired Ningendō (Human Path), its body fully restored despite the Rasenshuriken reducing it to just the top of its head was next. The fat Gakidō (Preta Path), its body now restored to flesh and bone from the stone it transformed into was next. And finally...Jigokudō (Naraka Path) emerged.

"This definitely won't be an easy fight..." Naruto said as he glanced at the Paths.

Nagato himself...then used Shuradō on his own body to create three arms on either side of his body...and then used them to repair his damaged legs. He then summoned his giant Rinnegan bird and the multiplying dog directly to widen the range of shared vision.

"This'll be the first time you'll fight me at full power, Naruto," Nagato said as he focused. "Give me all you got!"

"Don't worry Nagato, I'm gonna take you down!" Naruto yelled as he crossed his fingers. "Kage Bushin no Jutsu!"

At the same moment, Killer Bee and Itachi were facing off. Itachi tossed a dozen well aimed and timed shuriken at Bee who spun and deflected them with Samehada. The Uchiha then used a shunshin to close the distance as he completed a seal and his cheeks swelled, and he shot a Gōkakyū no Jutsu right at him at point blank. At that moment the Gyūki Jinchūriki wrapped himself in a eight-tail Version 1 cloak and took the blast straight on.

"Gonna have ta do a lot better than that if you want to beat this rap!"

With that, he shot out a chakra arm right out of the smoke that covered him from the point blank giant fireball right at Itachi who jumped out of the way at the last moment. The Uchiha's Sharingan was reading every moment Bee made as he prepared his next move. The smoke burst apart as Bee himself launched right at him.

"LARIAT!" Bee called out as he used his cloak to form a etheral ox skull to increase the power of his blow.

"Far too linear, that'll never hit me," Itachi commented as he moved...predicting the path with his Sharingan and he hopped right on the Gyūki Jinchūriki before launching himself into the air and he pulled out several kunai.

"That other Uchiha I fought did just that, pretty good for the young brat!" Bee announced as he skidded to a stop after he barreled through a few dozen trees. "But ya won't dodge again, I'll send ya to the trash bin!"

At that Itachi launched the kunai in a wide arc. Bee was ready as they curved and the Uchiha then tossed the second into the first to send them crashing down towards the Jinchūriki. Killer Bee wrapped his Version 1 tails around him to deflect them...just as Itachi closed the distance yet again and his Sharingan morphed to the Mangekyō Sharingan.

"This ends now, Tsukuyomi," Itachi uttered as Bee got caught.

"Genjutsu...damn it..."

In the genjutsu world Itachi created Bee was tied to a stake. Everything was inverted, the sky was red, the clouds were black, and there was the rumbling of thunder ahead as black rain began to fall. Itachi himself appeared and carried a lit torch of black flames.

"You will burn here continuously for 72 hours," Itachi uttered as Bee struggled. "There is no point in struggling, I control everything here. Time. Space. Pain..."

Suddenly there was rumbling that the illusion Uchiha didn't expect. Cracks began to appear everywhere as loud roaring was heard. Itachi stepped back in utter his Tsukuyomi was shattered by the fist of the Eight-Tails who hollered...


In the real world Itachi stumbled back in shock. The Eight-Tails managed to break him out before the second could pass? That's...not something I accounted for...

Bee immediately sprang back to his feet and before Itachi could fully recover from his Tsukuyomi usage the Gyūki Jinchūriki slammed his bicep right into the Uchiha's chest and sent him flying back. Ash and paper exploded from his chest as he was sent tumbling back and crashing through several trees before being embedded in a heap in a huge boulder.

"Yo yo, I'll have you know bro, a Jinchūriki who has complete control over their beast will make a feast out of genjutsu, YEAH!"

"...I' better prepared for time..." Itachi uttered as his body regenerated at a rapid rate.

Hinata was engaged in a duel with Kakuzu currently. She was dodging and avoiding his elemental ninjutsu from his masks while being pressured up close when she tried to engage in taijutsu. Her Byakugan flared as as she dodged a Raiton: Gian (Lightning Release: False Darkness) by sidestepping and leaping out of the way. Suddenly the wind mask jumped ahead of her and opened its mouth and charged a Fūton: Atsugai (Wind Release: Pressure Damage) and fired a barrage at her.

Hinata used her natural flexibility to dodge most of the barrage, each wind blast gouging out furrows and craters The one she couldn't dodge she immediately threw her hand out. "Hakke Kūshō (Eight Trigrams Air Palm)!"

The Hakke Kūshō deflected the last Atsugai and Hinata breathed in through her nose. Kakuzu smirked underneath his mask as his earth mask altered his body to make it as hard as steel with the Doton: Domu (Earth Release: Earth Spear) and he charged forward.

"Interesting, very interesting! Perhaps I'll get a high bounty from your corpse after all!" Kakuzu roared as Hinata's eyes widened.

"So fast!" Hinata said as she barely was able to cover her body with chakra in time and she began to spin. "Kai-!"

Before she could even complete her Kaiten, the Akatsuki bounty hunter broke through it like glass and sent her tumbling backwards. She spat up a bit of blood as she rolled on the ground but she managed to push herself back to her feet after she skidded to a stop. She panted and wiped the blood from her lip and she settled back into a Jūken stance.

"Hm, I was thinking you would give up," Kakuzu said as his masks landed behind him. "Though I suppose its not surprising, the last Hyūga I killed didn't give up even in his final moments, even managing to do what looked like a fuinjutsu before he died."

"The...last Hyūga you killed?" Hinata asked as her eyes slowly narrowed.

"Ah yes, I'm surprised you didn't hear. He was the current Hyūga Clan head after all, you must have been too busy guarding the Kyūbi Jinchūriki to..."

"His name was Hyūga Hiashi," Hinata cut him off tartly, raising her voice a bit from anger that swirled up in her chest. "You're unfit to even speak my father's name!"

Kakuzu's eyebrow raised...and then he stepped back as Hinata's eyes changed. What the...what type of Byakugan is that?!

The Keihatsu Byakugan activated from Hinata's anger and a Kaiten bursts around her body without her even needing to spin. It then shaped itself into a rib-cage...which grew arms and a head as the Hyūga Guardian Deity, the mighty Hoderi formed around her. 'Flesh' and 'muscle' formed around the skeleton as clothing finally appeared...and lastly armor resembling that of a samurai finished forming around her. On the Hoderi's back were wings and it was armed with both a net and a sword . that Susano'o? Like Madara's and Itachi's technique? Kakuzu thought wearily as his foot skidded back. Never heard of a Hyūga able to produce something like this...must make those rumors that the Uchiha and Hyūga are distantly related true...I need to be careful and not underestimate this girl.

At the same time Naruto's battle against Nagato and the Pains began. Due to his experience with the Pein Rikudō, the young Hokage knew which paths to take out before facing the Rinnegan user himself. One of his Kage Bunshins clashed against Tendō, while another began to trade blows with Shuradō. Chikushōdō immediately summoned the chimera chameleon and hopped into its mouth to avoid the chakra arm from another of Naruto's clones and Ningendō created a chakra rod to clash against another clone's tri-kunai. Finally Jigokudō was forced into a retreat by the clone that pursued him.

Nagato himself suddenly summoned the giant multi-headed dog, his giant bird, the ram, and the rhino to spread the shared vision to the maximum extent as they faced Naruto himself. The young Hokage grinned and charged chakra to his feet.

"I'll show you just how strong I've become, Nagato!" Naruto yelled as he charged with an explosive burst of speed.

"I look forward to it!" Nagato called out as his giant rhino and ram charged Naruto at the same time!

The ground shook and quake under the giant summons feet. Both were well over 100 meters tall and were nearly Biju size, and their Rinnegan eyes focused on the young Hokage as he met their charge fearlessly. The moment they crossed paths...Naruto created two gigantic sets of chakra arms, grabbed the rhino by the horn and then the ram by the face and smashed them to the ground with such force the ground shattered and cratered! He then used their prone bodies to anchor himself as he used two smaller chakra arms to grab a couple trees for a giant slingshot to launch himself at even greater speeds at Nagato himself and he drew his father kunai.

Nagato's summons burst away in a puff of smoke as he was forced to meet the young Hokage's slingshot maneuver. The Rinnegan master created a chakra rod from his hand and blocked Naruto's slash as sparks flew off from their weapons. His Shuradō arms then swiveled and created to chakra lasers and fired right at Naruto at point blank!

"Naruto! You should have..." Nagato yelled in concerned as Naruto turned...hazy before vanishing. An afterimage?!

"Lets see if you can tell which is the real me, Nagato!" Naruto suddenly called out from all around and the Rinnegan user found himself...surrounded by dozens of Naruto Uzumakis.

Kage Bunshins? No... Nagato's Rinnegan analyzed what Naruto was doing. Zanzō Bunshins (Afterimage Clones)...Uchiha Shisui and the current Raikage are said to be masters of this technique...Naruto's speed has increased to that amount?

And all at once the Narutos advanced right around Nagato. Immediately the Rinnegan user then threw his hands out and then unleashed a Shinra Tensei! Nearly all the afterimages were dispelled from the circular shock wave that Nagato had used and a massive crater was gouged out under his feet. His eyes darted back and forth trying to find out where Naruto landed...when a yellow streak appeared right in front of him.

"HERE I AM!" Naruto yelled and he created a chakra arm around his fist and smashed right into Nagato's side.

Nagato grunted from the force of the attack, his Shuradō modifications shattering like glass from the attack. He gritted his teeth as he skidded backwards and his Edo Tensei body already began to regenerate the damage as Naruto prepared his follow up attack. Hurricane force winds were kicked up as the sound of a rapidly ringing bell was heard.

"Fūton: Rasenshuriken!"

Naruto tossed the Rasenshuriken right at Nagato who focused and lifted his intact arm up. "Gakidō (Preta Path)!"

Chakra spun around Nagato's body and went 'inward' and created a chakra absorbing seal. The Rasenshuriken smashed into it and it was consumed by the Rinnegan user's chakra absorption. His body finished regenerating and he flicked his wrist and created another cannon with Shuradō and fired several blasts of chakra at Naruto.

Naruto used his speed and dodged it by the skin of his teeth, but the blast...hit two of the clones that were fighting the Pein Rikudō. With that, Tendō and Shuradō were free to attack the real Naruto and both charged at him from behind. Tendō drew a chakra rod and Shuradō shot out a flat huge blade from its back right at Naruto.

Idiot, behind you! Kurama's voice echoed in Naruto's mind and he snarled seeing that the young Hokage was still distracted by Nagato. Fine! I don't feel like dying today!

From Naruto's back his shroud Kurama's arms and torso appeared and he gave a loud, angry roar and slashed both Paths before they could react. Like paper, both were cut in half, mechanical pieces flying from Shuradō while blood flew out of Tendō's legs and torso. Smirking in satisfaction, the shroud of Kurama shrank back into Naruto's body.

Nagato's eye widened in surprise at that. Does he have control over the Fox itself, not just its chakra?

I'm going to need to distract him again to get a clear hit. Take out his shared vision so the rest of the paths and summons won't be able to react...that's it... Naruto thought to himself.

A spinning torrent of chakra appeared in Naruto's palm as he created a Rasengan and then added more and more chakra to it. The golden, spinning ball of chakra was gigantic, three times the size of the Hokage's own body and he stomped the ground to launch himself right at Nagato who had fully finished regenerating.

"Chō Ōdama Rasengan (Super Giant Rasengan)!" Naruto announced and just as he was about to smash into the Rinnegan user, Nagato's eyes flashed.

"Gakidō (Preta Path)!" Nagato called out as he began to absorb the gigantic Rasengan...exactly how Naruto planned.

Nagato's vision was completely blocked by the giant Rasengan's size as he absorbed it. Naruto then vanished to leave the Rinnegan user to finish consuming his technique. Just as Nagato was about to finish...the young Hokage appeared from behind him where the chakra absorption couldn't happen, a perfect blind spot! In his hand was a small, heavy black sphere.

Even if he tries to absorb this, the chakra is too dense and heavy for him to do so! Naruto thought as he pushed forward. "Chō Mini Bijudama (Super Mini-Tailed Beast Ball)!"

Nagato's eyes widened in shock just as Naruto slammed the miniature Bijudama right into his back before he could turn around. He...found a blind spot in the Gakidō's absorption?! He gritted his teeth before Naruto's attack could land. "SHINRA TENSEI!"

Using multiple path abilities at once an omnidirectional repulsive force exploded from the Rinnegan user's body. It hit Naruto point blank like a freight train and sent him flying backwards as a kilometer wide area was flattened by the force of Nagato's power. The Chō Mini Bijudama crashed to the ground and a huge dome explosion was seen outside the flattened area.

'Ow...that technique still hits me hard..." Naruto grumbled as he rubbed his jaw. Need a new plan. Something to at least force him to waste a Shinra Tensei to give me another opening to attack...

Nagato was observing through the Gedō technique, its fabled shared vision, the status of the rest of his Pains. Jigokudō was attempting to get to Tendō and Shuradō to bring them back into the fight...when two Rasengans smashed into his back from the Naruto bunshin it was fighting and neutralized it. Ningendō was in a fierce taijutsu battle, one it was steadily losing against another one of Naruto's clones, and Chikushōdō rode on the giant crustacean as it battled two of Naruto's clones. Like a flicker of a television signal being cut, the field of vision that Nagato had made was being dwindled.

Naruto by now hopped back to his feet and he gave a smirk. Alright...just will need more speed...and that'll give me a greater danger sense and power...

Around his eyes the mark of a Sage appeared as he entered Sage Mode simultaneously with his Chakra Mode. The affect was immediate and the ground even shattered at his feet from the increase of chakra and power, and like before his chakra signature appeared as its own mountain on the Sensor Sphere at Alliance Headquarters.

"Ready for round two, Nagato?!"

At the same moment Kakuzu crossed his arms and blocked the slash from the giant sword of chakra Hinata's Hoderi was wielding. Despite having Doton: Domu active, shards of his now metallic skin were sent flying from the impact. He grunted as he crashed through several trees and retained more damage.

"...the power of that technique is more than I expected..." Kakuzu admitted as his Domu finally gave out and he was forced to reapply the technique. "Not even the Nibi was able to shatter my defense..."

"I'm not done!" Hinata called out as the wings on her Hoderi opened and she went charging right at Kakuzu.

Kakuzu smirked behind his mask as he recalled his masks to his body. Suddenly a mass of black thread burst from his back...shaping into what looked to be wings as more was forced into his arms until they elongated. And finally on his shoulders...all four of his masks were pointing right at Hinata and with her Keihatsu Byakugan she could see the massive concentration of chakra in Kakuzu with this form.

"Congratulations girl, only two other shinobi have forced me to use this form," Kakuzu said with a smirk, though his mouth was completely covered by black threads. "Uzumaki Naruto and Senju Tobirama themselves."

Hinata's eyes widened a bit but she kept her charge. With Hoderi's free arm she then began to channel her original technique into it. The Rasenyari spun to life around the Hoderi's wrist and created a giant drill she sharped down to one finger.

"Then I'll defeat you with this attack! Just like Naruto-kun defeated you with his Rasenshuriken!"

The Katon, Fūton and Raiton Masks then opened up all at once. "Then I'll use a technique I wasn't able to use against your boyfriend..." Kakuzu formed a single seal as his eyes turned deadly serious. "Katon + Fūton + Raiton: Jigoku Arashi no Jutsu (Fire Release + Wind Release + Lightning Release: Hell Storm Technique)!"

First a blast of lightning shot out of the Raiton mask, which was then coated and shrouded in a blast of flame by the Katon mask, and finally the Fūton mask shot out a blast of wind which shaped and intensified the flames. Like a tremendous, directed electrical explosion, Kakuzu's attack was unleashed in full at Hinata.

The new Hyūga Leader advanced undaunted by the powerful hell storm that the elderly Akatsuki member had created. Her Rasenyari met Kakuzu's Jigoku Arashi and began to pierce through it. The heat inside the attack was so intense parts of her Hoderi began to melt, with the lightning that was at the center of the storm continuously striking and chipping away at her defenses. But still...Hinata pushed forward even though her guardian deity suffered an extreme amount of damage.

Parts of Kakuzu's own technique began to rotate into the Rasenyari's spiral, practically making it an elemental technique. Just before the elderly Akatsuki member could get out of the way...Hinata's attack burst from his Jigoku Arashi and pierced his stomach despite his Doton: Domu still being activated. He cried out in surprise as ash and paper bursts around him and the giant Rasenyari tore him in two!

She reached into her pack, as part of the standard equipment now she had a set of sealing tags. Hinata tossed one immediately at Kakuzu's head as his body began to regenerate from the powerful Hoderi: Rasenyari (Hoderi: Spiraling Spear).

" this...again..." Kakuzu groaned as the sealing marks extended down his body.

"I walk the same path as Naruto-kun...that's why you were defeated once more," Hinata said firmly as she breathed in and out.

The Hyūga Leader had expended a lot of chakra during the course of that battle, maintaining the Hoderi in that state and channeling the Rasenyari through it should have made it hard for her to stand at least. Instead...she felt...winded, but that was about it. In her mind Matatabi leaned in.

I've augmented your chakra reserves with my own, you shouldn't feel exhaustion at all Hinata-san.

Hinata jumped at that. Oh...right, I nearly forgot you had transferred your chakra and mind to me, Matatabi-san...

You did exceedingly well against that Akatsuki Edo Tensei, Matatabi complimented Hinata as blue flames continued to flow over her body. Not even Yugito could defeat him and that maniac partner.

Hinata nodded as the ground shook a bit and she blinked. She snapped on her Byakugan once more and she saw Killer Bee and Itachi in a fierce battle, as were Naruto and Nagato. Nagato had even summoned his Pains she could see, but most had been obliterated already. Then the density and power of Naruto's chakra increased and her eyes widened as she saw the markings...

"He...he combined those two forms? The chakra being produced...its incredible!" she said as the ground shook again. She saw...a golden yellow skeleton form around Itachi. "...that must be Itachi's Susano'o..."

Itachi had now formed a Susano'o rib-cage and arm around his body to soften a blow from Killer Bee's incredible strength. Bits of golden chakra bursts from the Lariat that Bee had used on him. Gyūki's Jinchūriki was covered in bubbling red chakra and eight tails were at his back.

" forced me to use Susano'o, that's no easy feat," Itachi said as he skidded back. I need a way to distract him so I can get to Naruto. The jutsu should have finished its recharge by now...

"Fool ya fool! Its like hitting a wall, so we're getting into a construct brawl!" Bee yelled a he then partially transformed his arm into Gyūki's fist as the Version 1 cloak covering him still protected his body. "And because of that you're gonna fall!"

Perfect! Itachi thought as he let the full 'complete' form of Susano'o form around him/

Bee's transformed fist smashed right into the Susano'o with such force the ground cracked and splintered. A dent appeared in the chakra construct and large cracks began to spread from the point of impact. Finally the sheer force of the blow knocked Itachi right off his feet inside the Susano'o just as he predicted. As his Susano'o crashed backwards he dropped several smoke bombs.

Bee! He's getting away!

"What?! The fool's retreatin', but I was really enjoying giving him a beatin'!"

Itachi had made his way towards where Naruto and Nagato were fighting. Despite not being a sensor, he could feel the chakra the young Hokage was producing, and for a moment his mind flashed back to when he was four and he felt the massive, incredible chakra of the Nine-Tails when it was unleashed on Konoha itself. He thought that Naruto was actually using it to battle Akatsuki's leader.

Since he's facing Nagato, he'll need an extra ally to tip the scales against him, Itachi thought as he jumped from tree to tree. The Hyūga girl...either she's dead or she defeated Kakuzu, but she won't be in a position to aid Naruto. I just pray its ready...

Itachi knew the power of the Rinnegan first hand. When he discovered Madara had been the one manipulating both the village heads and his father closer and closer to war between Konoha and the Uchiha Clan, he went to confront the ancient Uchiha. He had been determined to expose everything to avert the conflict...

The masked Madara looked up as a barrage of shuriken and kunai came flying at him through the bushes. His Sharingan activated and he traced each blade with his visual prowess...and just stood there and let them pass through his body with Kamui. He looked calmly and dispassionately as Itachi himself landed, dressed in his ANBU uniform as he drew his tantō.

"You have a bit more fire in you since the last I saw you," Madara said as he sidestepped Itachi's slash without even bothering to phase through it. "Has losing your best friend left you unhinged?"

"Shut up," Itachi said as his Sharingan flared and he did several seals and took a deep breath. "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Grand Fireball Technique)!"

He shot a massive blast of flame at Madara who idly looked up. "Pain, it looks like he's going to be a bit difficult."

Pain...? Itachi thought in confusion as his Sharingan picked up a blur of movement and a man with light brown hair...covered in piercings and wearing a black robe with red cloud symbols appeared. He had a partner? I miscalculated...

"Shinra Tensei!" A massive...shock wave...or repulsive force buffered Itachi's fireball and dispersed it on top of making Itachi skid back as he shielded his face. He opened his eyes a bit...and they widened a bit.

"Grayish purple eyes...with concentric pattern from the pupil...?" Itachi uttered in a bit of awe.. "The...Rinnegan..."

"Indeed," Madara said with a smirk behind his mask. "Pain is an associate of mine, one of my allies. Since the Yondaime Hokage's death and the sealing of the Kyūbi, if I ever want to destroy the village, which is what I plan on doing in the future, I'll just send him."

"You better make this worthwhile, Madara," Pain said as he created a black rod from his palm. "Shall I evaluate or kill him?"

"Evaluate. He'll be a valuable member of our organization," Madara replied.

With that Pain charged forward right at Itachi at startling speeds. His Sharingan red his movement and he blocked the slashes and stabs from the Rinnegan user. Their arms were a blur as sparks flew off their weapons. Itachi blocked again and he found himself struggling against the sheer strength behind the Rinnegan user's strikes. He backed off before he could be overwhelmed and pulled out several kunai and shuriken from his pack and tossed them at Pain.

Pain just blocked them as Itachi predicted, spinning the black rod to deflect them away and he apparently didn't notice the wires the Uchiha had attached to a few of the shuriken. He then tossed the curved shuriken of his clan's specialty right at the Rinnegan user and as he thought Pain deflected it. Now that the web was in place Itachi yanked the wires and Pain was suddenly bound.

"Now with your movements restricted, I'll just strike you down!" Itachi yelled as he rushed forward, his Sharingan morphing to the Mangekyō Sharingan as he thrusts the tantō forward.

"...too weak," Pain uttered as the blade hit an...invisible wall. "Shinra Tensei."

Itachi's eyes widened in shock as a point blank shock wave sent him flying back as well as destroying the entirety of the wire network he had created with his shurikenjutsu! He crashed into several trees before falling face forward to the ground. He panted and winced in pain as Pain himself jumped, kicked his tantō out of his hand...and stabbed his hand with the chakra rod. The presence of the Rinnegan user was forced into his own chakra system...and his eyes widened.

"Are you done fighting yet?" Pain asked him as he broke the blade. "Otherwise, I'm going to keep you pinned."

Itachi looked up at him...and he understood. There was a gap between their a gulf between them. Pain far, the strongest shinobi he ever, or would ever encounter. And this man...was working with Madara He breathed out calmly and let his Mangekyō Sharingan, and then his Sharingan turn off.

"I'm done," Itachi said as Pain then withdrew his black rod from his hand. Madara idly walked over. "...I presume you want to recruit me?"

"Exactly. You did much better against Pain than a few of our...other recruits, but the outcome was all the same," Madara said as his Sharingan looked eyes with Itachi's.

"Fine, I'll join you: on one condition," Itachi sad as he wrapped his hand wound with a bandage.

"And that condition is? How funny you think you actually can use something against us," Madara said as Itachi saw the movement...and five more people arrived. All with the Rinnegan and the same piercings.

...I...never stood a chance... Itachi thought to himself but he stood firm. "I'll help you get revenge on the Uchiha, but you have to leave the Village alone. Or I won't work with you."

" well," Madara said as his eyes danced. "You have the courage to at least do this in the face of these odds, I will commend you for that."

"I'll help you wipe out the Uchiha Clan, but my younger brother will be spared. Got it?"

Ah yes, that boy...he'll be a amusing pawn in this outcome... Madara thought to himself. "Yes indeed. I'll assume you'll make the preparations?"

"...yes. I'll report to Danzō-sama."

In all his years with Akatsuki, Itachi had been unable to discover its secrets: Madara's phasing technique nor Pain's true identity. Hence when he saw Nagato, armed with the Rinnegan for the first time he had been a bit shock that he was the person who controlled the Pain jutsu. From his observations he had thought it was the Tendō path which controlled the rest, never thinking that there was a literal puppet master.

There was a huge shock wave he felt as Naruto smashed into the giant multi-headed dog with a jutsu Itachi didn't recognize, but from the burst of wind he could tell it was a powerful Fūton. Nagato himself was flying on top of a giant bird as the young Hokage landed on the top of the dog's back as more heads burst from it.

"Damn, this one's tougher than I remember!"

"The only way to defeat it is to defeat me Naruto! Show me the full power of that new form!"

New form? Did Naruto get another one? Itachi thought as he heard the bushes and glanced back to see...Hinata and Bee in quick pursuit of him. The Hyūga girl defeated Kakuzu? That's unexpected...and will be an added help in taking Nagato down.

The reincarnated Itachi then jumped up and his eye began to bleed. Both Naruto and Nagato sensed the buildup of chakra and glanced right at him

"Itachi!" both said in shock as the Uchiha opened his eye wide.

"Amaterasu!" Itachi called out as he focused right on Naruto. Let this work!

"No ya fool, I won't let you!" Bee yelled as he charged up one of his stinger swords and tossed it.

"Hakke Kūshō (Eight Trigrams Air Palm)!" Hinata called out as she shot a burst of chakra from her palm right at Itachi.

Damn it my body is moving on its own! Nagato thought as he lifted his arm. "Shinra Tensei!"

With that, Bee's and Hinata's attacks were deflected from Itachi who finished the buildup...and the black flames appeared. Naruto turned...just as Amaterasu launched right at him. Itachi's eyes widened and he cursed that it had been too soon to test the technique...but the Amaterasu just hit an afterimage of the young Hokage. He had...dodged Itachi's fastest technique!

"Impossible!" Itachi exclaimed as he landed on Nagato's bird. Don't panic...I'll try again when Naruto reappears. The crow's recharge should be finished by then!

Naruto reappeared, scorch marks appeared right on the back of the giant multi-headed dog after the Amaterasu seared past him. Even he had been surprised he had been able to avoid the near instantaneous black flames that Itachi had conjured. He looked up at the reincarnated Uchiha who was building up chakra again.

This should do it...the recharge should be finished! Itachi thought as he opened his right eye as wide as possible as blood dripped from it. "Amaterasu!"

"Grrr, again?!" Naruto started and then he felt himself choking. W-What?! What the hell?!

Hinata's Byakugan saw...a crow emerge from Naruto's throat. "NARUTO-KUN!"

"Is that some technique Itachi has, since it doesn't look to pleasant and all that jazz!"

Immediately the crow looked right at the reincarnated Uchiha and focused...its own Mangekyō Sharingan right at him and Itachi stopped his attack. Nagato blinked in a bit of confusion and he glanced at his comrade in Akatsuki as the crow flew out of Naruto's mouth and landed on Itachi's shoulder.

"Itachi...what did you do?" Nagato asked him as Itachi then focused back at the Rinnegan user's summon.

"Amaterasu," Itachi uttered calmly and just as Naruto was about to move, the flames ignited the multi-headed dog's heads!

"What, did it misfire?!" Nagato asked in confusion as Naruto leaped right off the back of the summon.

"I'm afraid not," Itachi said as he turned his attention to Nagato and the giant bird.

Instantly...Nagato understood as the Uchiha ignited him with the flames of Amaterasu. "Ah...I see...I doubt our summoner prepared for this."

Hundreds of kilometers away Kabuto reacted in shock...his control of Itachi had somehow been broken. He had released the seal that had made Nagato automatically defend himself, letting the Amaterasu hit him as he tried to figure out what was going on.

Naruto, Hinata, and Bee jumped to the trees still on guard as Itachi landed across from them while Nagato's summons burst into smoke. "Calm down, I'm no longer your enemy!"

"What the hell did you do?!" Naruto asked. "That crow you shoved down my throat before you fought Sasuke, what exactly was it?!"

"Its a crow that I implanted Uchiha Shisui's Sharingan into it. Before he died, he trusted me with his dōjutsu after Danzō had stolen his other eye," Itachi explained as the crow looked around, its Mangekyō showing prominently. "Shisui awoken a particularly powerful and unique Mangekyō Sharingan, with it he could use a technique called Kotoamatsukami. Even without it, his genjutsu prowess was greater than mine."

"Kotoamatsukami? He possessed a genjutsu that strong?" Hinata asked and Itachi nodded.

"Its why Danzō, and I suspect Madara also does too, desired his eyes. However, Kotoamatsukami has a extremely long recharge time . Without Senju cells or chakra it can only be used once every decade," Itachi replied with a nod. "I programmed the eye to respond to my own Mangekyō since I wouldn't be able to use it before I died."

"What were you going to use it on? Madara? Nagato?" Naruto asked as he looked at Itachi. "Force them to stop their plans?"

"No, it was my contingency plan for Sasuke. If he was ever tainted by Madara, he'd surely take my eyes from my corpse to get stronger," Itachi said as he looked at the sky. "With it programmed to respond to my eyes, Sasuke would be forced to defend Konoha instead of fighting against it."

"Ah so that makes sense!" Naruto started as he punched his fist to his palm before his eyes widened in realization. "Wait...wait, wait. Your plan was to brainwash Sasuke if he didn't do what you wanted?"

"As a last resort, yes," Itachi said and the Hokage's eyes narrowed. " disapprove?"

"Like HELL I do!" Naruto yelled at Itachi. "Doesn't matter your intentions Itachi! Taking away Sasuke's free will is wrong, that's exactly what Akatsuki wants to do to the entire world!"

The reincarnated Uchiha blinked a bit, and then he smiled and put his hand to his head as he chuckled. "...your right. Its good that my plan backfired then," he admitted and looked at Naruto. "...its my fault Sasuke turned out this way. And I'm lucky that he still has a friend in all this in you Naruto."

Naruto paused. When he had been named Hokage...he had accepted that Sasuke was a Missing Ninja and needed to be dealt with accordingly. If he ever fought him, like they did at the Kage Summit in Iron, he'd try for capture...but was that the right thing to do? Should he abandon Sasuke to his fate...Itachi's words triggered what he told Sasuke during their battle in the Valley of the End.

"What the hell are you?!" Sasuke demanded as Naruto used more of Kurama's chakra and entered his initial Jinchūriki state.


"...your right. I'm Sasuke's friend," Naruto said as he breathed in. "And I will save him from himself. I won't abandon him since I know there is still good in him! That's a promise of a lifetime!"

"That's good," Itachi said with a nod as he breathed in.

Naruto's danger sense flared as did his chakra sense. "Hinata-chan, Bee, Itachi, MOVE!"

Hinata blinked just as a Naruto's body acted on its own and he grabbed and shielded her while Bee looked in a giant chimera chameleon turned its cloaking jutsu off and opened its mouth. Itachi activated his Susano'o as the new mind-crushed Nagato pushed his hands forward.

"Shinra Tensei!" Nagato called out and unleashed a massive shock wave...focused right through the chameleon's mouth.

It was like a energy wave and it blew Naruto, Hinata, Bee, and Itachi away like they were rag dolls while destroying the entire forest. The reincarnated Uchiha's Susano'o shattered from the force as his body was dispelled from the anti-ninjutsu effects of Shinra Tensei leaving him to need o heal. Gyūki's Jinchūriki bounced off the ground and grunted as he managed to land on his feet mostly undamaged.

Bee! 12 o'clock!

Bee blinked and glanced in front of him as Nagato appeared as he used Shuradō's chakra rockets to cross the distance while using Tendō to fly. Gyūki's Jinchūriki gritted his teeth and he was immediately cloaked in the Version 2 cloak.

"Wanna go man'o e man'o?! No problameo!" Bee yelled as he then met Nagato's charge with a burst of speed and strength. "Lariat!"

He smashed his arm right into the Rinnegan user's chest with the same force and power he did Itachi earlier. However...Nagato wasn't even damaged and he even grabbed Bee's arm and struggled to say a single word.

"Gakidō (Preta Path)," Nagato uttered dispassionately as he began to absorb the entirety of Gyūki's power that was cloaked Bee with ease. As he did...his features changed: his face filled out and his long white hair regained its deep red coloration and his emaciated body became strong again.

The Eight-Tails' chakra had returned Nagato to his prime and greatly increased his own power. He hopped and kicked Bee square in the jaw with enough force to send blood flying out. Bee grunted in pain as he crashed through several trees from the blow. He stood on his own two feet, now that his body had been healed by the Biju chakra he had taken from Killer Bee.

By now, Naruto and Hinata had recovered. The Hokage had shielded her with his own body but she had cushioned the impact by creating her Hoderi rib cage. Both groaned a bit as they stood back up again. The young Hokage rubbed his own head as he helped Hinata up.

"You okay Hinata-chan?"

"Yes, thank you Naruto-kun," Hinata said as she activated her Byakugan. "Bee-san's down! Pain took him out with a single blow! And...he looks different!"


"His hair...its red again and he doesn't look sickly or emaciated anymore," Hinata said as she focused and saw Nagato's chakra points. "Even his legs look like they have been fully repaired."

Naruto swore. "Then he's even stronger..."

Hinata's eyes widened as her Byakugan detected another giant bird flying right above them. "He managed to summon another one of them! Nagato knows where we are!"

Naruto looked right up as the bird hovered overhead before giving a loud caw. Nagato then appeared with a shunshin right in front of them and smashed his fist right into the young Hokage's face before kicking Hinata in the stomach and sending her tumbling away with the air knocked right out of her lungs. Blood flew out of Naruto's face despite being in Kurama Sage Chakra Mode, and he stomped his foot to stop himself from falling before he surged forward at super speed. The Rinnegan user then sprouted a scorpion-like tail from his back and spun to impale the Hokage.

Naruto dodged at the last second and left the tail to impale an after image as he created a Rasengan to smash into Nagato's side but the Gakidō barrier came back up and absorbed the attack. At startling speed the Rinnegan user spun to face him and with all six arms began to bombard the young Hokage relentlessly with dozens of blows. Naruto blocked some of them but several smashed into his chin and delivered a hard triple uppercut. fighting a new person compared to before! Naruto thought as blood flew out of his mouth.

"Shinra Tensei!" Nagato called out in a monotone voice and he smashed Naruto with the invisible repulsive force nearly point blank.

Naruto cried out in pain as he was smashed through several trees as the entire forest was flattened before being embedded in a massive boulder a full kilometer away. And just before he could recover...several missiles smashed into him, putting his Chakra Sage Mode durability to its limits. He coughed out dust and smoke before his body was yanked by Nagato.

"Bansho Ten'in!" Nagato uttered and yanked the young Hokage right back at his outstretched hand.

Naruto countered by shooting out dozens of chakra arms which grabbed anything they could to anchor himself. "He's planning...on finishing me off..." he groaned as he slammed his feet to the ground to stop his ascent towards Nagato, drips of blood leaking from his lip and his body was covered in small scratches from the missile barrage.

"Oh you think you can escape my grip, Naruto-kun?" the mocking voice of Kabuto asked through Nagato's mouth. "Face it, you lost. Now be a good little Jinchūriki and be brought to heel."

Naruto's eye...then twitched in rage at that. All at once he had his chakra arms let go of everything they had grabbed...he charged his speed again...and then in a yellow flash he launched himself at full speed. He vanished from Kabuto's vision through Nagato's Rinnegan and the reincarnated Rinnegan use's eyes darted around.

"You give up...trying to make ME give up!" Naruto called out as he smashed his fist so hard into Nagato's chest he ripped the Rinnegan user right in half, sending ash and paper flying everywhere as he appeared right behind him.

"How useless. Nagato can't die Naruto," Kabuto taunted as Nagato's body started to rapidly regenerate. "All you've done is get right into my..."

Dozens of shuriken, enhanced in speed and power in an air shell then hit Nagato's body directly as Hinata and Itachi appeared from the bushes to back up Naruto. And then Samehada lunged up from the ground, biting one of the robotic arms off as Bee finished the combo by smashing his bicep right int Nagato's chin which sent him skidding back.

"Yo yo, Naruto ain't fighting alone ya fool!" Bee said as he formed the formation up as the young Hokage turned and faced Nagato.

"He's right," Itachi said as his Mangekyō showed prominently. "Naruto has our strength to help him against you Kabuto."

"And like him, we don't give up!" Hinata finished as she stood next to her boyfriend. "Since that's the nindō he's shown to us all, and I follow it right beside him!"

Naruto wiped the blood away from his cheek and grinned as he regenerated the damage he had suffered and punched his fist to his hand. "And that's why, after Nagato is sealed, we're going to find and beat YOU too Kabuto."

Nagato's body fully regenerated...and slammed his hands together. "Idealistic nonsense, I'll just trap you all in Chibaku Tensei and deal with you later!"

Nagato pulled his hands a black sphere was created and he then launched it right into the sky. Almost immediately, trees, boulders, and the very earth itself were torn from the the ground. Even Kakuzu's sealed form was first dragged on the ground...before it was sent flying upwards from the massive gravitational pull. And right on the very center, the ground was pulled up underneath them as Naruto, Hinata, Killer Bee, and Itachi were sent hurtling upwards.

Kilometers away

For kilometers around, everything could see the...small moon start forming from Nagato's technique. It was like a black hole which pulled everything around it. Standing on top of a giant unsure Suigetsu gulped and glanced back. Jūgo reached his arm out and a bird landed on it and he nodded after a moment.

"Naruto is there, Sasuke," Jūgo said after a moment.

"Y-You gotta be kidding me! We're going RIGHT into that fight where fricking MOON is being formed?!" Suigetsu demanded. "Are you insane?!"

Sasuke glanced at him calmly. "We have one objective here, Suigetsu: kill Naruto. And that is where we're going."

Suigetsu was about to protest when a look from the Uchiha practically made himself liquefy. "OKAY OKAY BUT THAT'S YOUR FIGHT!" Karin had the right idea to jump ship! Sasuke's gone crazy!

"I'd kill either of you if you interfered, so that's fine with me," Sasuke said coolly. "Lets head forward."

Ground Zero of Chibaku Tensei

Hinata's eyes widened as she was pulled towards the Chibaku Tensei core alongside Naruto, Bee, and Itachi. It was steadily growing in size as a shell of stone, wood, and other debris were compressed around the black sphere.

"W-What is this technique?!" Hinata asked in shock.

"Its...Nagato's strongest jutsu I think!" Naruto replied as he steadied himself. "When I fought him, he used it to trap my Six-Tailed form!"

"How were you able to break out of it?" Itachi asked as he tried to stabilize his footing.

"Kurama, the Nine-Tails, he nearly busted out and went to the Eight-Tailed Form!" Naruto replied as he gritted his teeth. "Before that, he fired three Bijudama at the center but it did nothing, there was too much stuff in the way!"

"We don't have much choice but to try that again," Itachi said as Susano'o formed around him. "We'll all have to launch our strongest long ranged attacks at the core. Killer Bee, with the full might of the Eight-Tails, you are the best shot we have in destroying this. If it works, we'll break the pull!"

"Right!" Naruto, Hinata, and Bee said at the same time.

"Senpō: Fūton: Chō Ōdama Rasenshuriken (Sage Art: Wind Release: Super Giant Rasenshuriken)!" Naruto yelled as he created two chakra arms and created a Rasenshuriken...and grew it to the same size of Gamabunta!

Killer Bee then fully transformed into Gyūki. "Alright then, time for a Bijudama rama!" Black and white chakra swirled around Bee's mouth and he formed it up fully. The Bijudama was fully formed, the size of Gyūki's giant head.

"Hakke Kūshō Jishiken (Eight Trigrams Lion Fist)!" Hinata yelled as she first formed her Jūho Sōshiken...and she drew her hands back and cupped them together behind herself and focused both lion fists together...

"Yasaka Magatama!" Itachi finished as his Susano'o, now fully formed created three comma shaped beads connected by a chain of chakra.

"FIRE!" all of them yelled and shot their strongest long-ranged attacks right at the Chibaku Tensei core.

Bee's Bijudama, being the densest was pulled towards the core at the fastest rate, followed by Naruto's Chō Ōdama Rasenshuriken. Itachi's Yasaka Magatama was a little behind, and Hinata's Hakke Kūshō Jishiken which was shaped like a giant, flying lion's fist colored blue...with a tinge of Matatabi's blue flames from the Nibi's chakra was right behind. In almost a diamond formation all four slammed right into the core of the Chibaku Tensei...and it exploded with such force the entire area was illuminated and a massive dust cloud from the debris that had been sucked towards the gravitational point's destruction.

Nagato's eyes scanned the area...his bird managed to survive Chibaku Tensei's destruction and he could see the entire area. Due to that...just as a Itachi's Sword of Totsuka pierced through the dust cloud the Rinnegan user was already ready. Immediately Gakidō was activated and the mythical blade...was absorbed.

"Like that would work, Itachi! The Sword of Totsuka may be a spiritual weapon, but when its equipped to your Susano'o its pure chakra!" Kabuto taunted as from the dust cloud the giant fist of the Eight-Tails smashed down right in front of Nagato. "YOU MISSED!"

"Did we?" Naruto asked from behind Nagato and slammed a Rasengan right into the Rinnegan user's back.

Ash and paper blew off Nagato's back as he smashed right into Bee's giant transformed fist. It wasn't enough to put him down yet but it was enough of a distraction for Hinata to get into position. Nagato stumbled backwards...right into the range of the Hyūga Leader's divination.

"Hakke Rokujūyon Shō (Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms)!" Hinata called out as she charged. "Two palms!" she hit Nagato twice in the chest making him stumble back. "Four palms!" Four more strikes hit as he skidded back. "Eight palms!" Eight more powerful strikes hit as Nagato's chakra network started to shut down. "Sixteen palms!" Sixteen powerful strikes at key tenketsu made the Rinnegan user's Shuradō arms fall apart from the chakra being cut off. "Thirty-two palms!" More of Shuradō's chakra was cut off as Nagato's bird fell from the sky from the chakra transmission being cut off. "SIXTY-FOUR PALMS!" Hinata finished, adding another thirty-two strikes to completely close Nagato's chakra network and she slammed her palm right into his stomach to finish the combo.

"They...they boxed him...IN...?!" Kabuto gasped in shock from Nagato's mouth as his strongest Edo Tensei on the field struggled to stand up.

"You lose, Kabuto," Itachi uttered as he unleashed giant Gōkakyū which smashed into the Rinnegan user, ash and paper flew off Nagato's damaged body as an ink bunshin of Bee then grasped him. "Seal him, Bee-!"

"Alright now! Fūinjutsu: Okutopasu Hōrudo (Sealing Technique: Octopus Hold)!" Bee called out in his Gyūki form. "!"

Nagato, due to having all his chakra points sealed by Hinata couldn't even use one Tendō or Gakidō's abilities to break the hold...and his entire body was covered by ink and he was frozen in place. Kabuto's strongest on the field Edo Tensei...was defeated.

Kabuto's Hideout

Kabuto, in uncharacteristic rage smashed the ground with his fist, making all his pawns on the field shutter. He gritted his teeth as his glasses dipped down to his nose. After several moments he pushed his glasses back up with his hand and smirked.

"I underestimated them," Kabuto said as he stretched. "No matter. I still have that prepared...and since Nagato's defeated its time to send it to the field..."

From behind him the only Edo Tensei active's eyes then as it was trapped in a coffin. The necromancer smirked and his long tongue licked his sharpened teeth. Things were about to get interesting once more, and he'd finally gather the data he'd needed to...complete his power and usurp the War from Tobi.

Land of Lightning

Naruto breathed in and out, having deactivated his Chakra Mode and Sage Mode to recover his stamina a bit from the battle. Hinata's Byakugan was shut off and Bee had transformed back to his normal form. Itachi glanced at Nagato's sealed form and made sure he was truly defeated. He then turned to the young Hokage...and knelt down on one knee.

"That was a good plan you formed, Naruto," Itachi said as he looked down at the ground. "You're Hokage now...and I have a request for a mission."

Naruto blinked. "Huh? Mission request?"

"Until Edo Tensei is released, there will be more and more reincarnated shinobi the Allied Shinobi Forces will have to face," Itachi said as he looked up at the young Hokage. "Thanks to Nagato, I know Kabuto's location. I'll go and finish this."

"Alone?!" Naruto asked. "Hell no, I'll at least send a clone to help..."

"No, you need to save your strength," Itachi said as he glanced at Hinata and Bee. "I can leave you with some knowledge that you taught me, especially know that you became Hokage. Never try to do everything on your own, or else you'll fail. I tried that in life...and look where I ended up. I couldn't trust my brother enough to tell him the truth of the situation, and he has gone into darkness. I couldn't trust my comrades, thus helping Akatsuki get close to achieving its goals. In the end, everything I tried was a failure. Which is why...I'm trusting you Naruto, to set everything right again. To save Sasuke. To stop this War. But you shouldn't shoulder everything Hokage, you've become acknowledged and you depend on their strength as much as they depend on yours."

"...I...think I understand," Naruto said after a moment. "Alright. Itachi, this'll be your last S-Rank Mission: end Edo Tensei!"

"Hai, Hokage-sama," Itachi said as he looked up, his Sharingan active...and he vanished in a shunshin and disappeared into the woods. "I won't let you down."

Naruto stood there several moments and he thought about what Itachi said. He grinned...feeling the strength of everyone who trusted him...and the strength of those who were by his side now. Just as he was about to turn to get going with Hinata and Bee...several shuriken, imbued with Raiton, slammed into the ground at his feet and he jumped back.

"Hello Naruto," the familiar voice said. "I hope you have gotten stronger since the last time we fought."

"...Sasuke," Naruto said as from above them...Uchiha Sasuke descended on the summoned hawk of his. Looks like I'll get my shot in saving Sasuke early, Itachi. You finish your mission...and I'll finish this one.

To be continued...

Author's Notes:

Whew, this was a big chapter to write! Sorry it took so long, some things happened. Most importantly, I got a job in the interim between the last chapter and this one which broke up time in the writing. Now onto the chapter itself, I hoped you like it. And I'll admit, Itachi isn't my most favorite character like he is with most people. He was written to be a trademark Mary Sue, someone so perfect that any 'cool' factor he has or any flaws override the fact he is written to be an ideal character, or in Itachi's case 'an ideal ninja'. So for this, I've shown his limits, he can and does get caught off guard, and the level I saw him at in the manga. Hence, he's Jiraiya's near equal, though he'd do worse against Pain due to the simple fact his stamina can't match up and without Sage Mode to empower him he can't fight multiple paths.

Also, never sat well for Rasa, Gaara's dad to be so...easily forgiven in the manga. He was perhaps, the worse Kage, and the worst father in the entire series. Gaara understanding why he did what he did was okay...but forgiving him? Hell. No. Especially since Rasa never showed remorse for turning Gaara into a weapon, nor remorse for joining with fricking Orochimaru to crush the Leaf due to his weak ass leadership skills of Sunagakure which made the Wind Daimyo turn to Konoha for better competence.

Strongest Edo Tensei:

Uchiha Madara


Sandaime Raikage


Uchiha Itachi


