Naruto vs. Sasuke! Light Against the Dark!
Lightning Country, exact location unknown
Sasuke had arrived just short of seeing Itachi depart, thus he didn't know that his elder brother had been brought back. Naruto met his glance...seeing that his eyes were different. And it wasn't just from the transplant: Sasuke had a completely different look from the last two times they had fought, and the last times they had encountered each other. Images of his best friend appeared in his head as he recalled how...cocky and confident Sasuke was during their battle of the Valley of the End.
"I acknowledge you as a Leaf Ninja, Naruto!" Sasuke said as he put on his Konoha headband. "But you're still not going to get a single scratch on my forehead!"
Sasuke...what happened since we fought in Iron? Naruto thought as he grabbed his father's tri-kunai. Even then, your eyes despite being immersed in darkness still were...full of life, but now...its like that whatever light was in them has been snuffed out.
"Naruto, or should I say 'Hokage'..." Sasuke started as a bit of a deranged look appeared on his face. "I've wiped out Konoha's ROOT Division, and I've killed Danzō."
"What?!" Naruto and Hinata asked in shock.
"Hehehehe..." Sasuke started as a bead of nervous sweat appeared on Killer Bee's forehead. "It felt so great...cleansing the crime that had been done to the Uchiha. I was enthusiastic plunging my Chidori through Danzō's back and ending his disgraceful life once and for all!"
He killed Danzō? Naruto thought as he blocked Sasuke's slash with his father's kunai. "Sasuke, we have bigger things to worry about now! Madara is..."
"Shut up!" Sasuke snapped as he pointed his blade at Naruto. "I don't give a damn about what's happening in the world right now. All I care about is killing you Naruto, and ending the life of every Konoha shinobi I can find afterwards!"
Suigetsu gulped from behind. Damn Sasuke's really lost it! He's acting more like Jūgo now than himself!
Sasuke breathed in and out to calm down as his Sharingan focused on Naruto. "You can either fight back or not. Either're going to die."
"Sasuke, I beat you before..." Naruto pointed out as his Hokage jacket flapped in the wind. "And you beat me once too..." he then smirked right at his old friend. "Though this time, I'm going to save you."
"Save me?! I don't want or need saving, how many times does this need to be hammered into your skull?!"
"No, you do," Naruto said as he tightened his headband around his forehead. "And this time I'm going to succeed."
Sasuke gave a dark laugh. "All you're going to end up is dead. Your talk of 'saving me' is so hollow, and I'll show you how hollow it is. Suigetsu, Jūgo, stay out of this, all you'll do is get in the way."
"S-Sure, right Sasuke!" Suigetsu said with a gulp. Seriously, fighting Danzō has turned him into a different person! I haven't been freaked out this much ever since meeting Orochimaru for the first time! Karin really had the bright idea to leave when she did!
"As you wish, Sasuke," Jūgo said calmly, his blood lust was momentarily suppressed by Sasuke's presence despite the Uchiha's own instability.
Naruto glanced at Hinata and Bee. "Hinata-chan, Bee, please don't interfere. As Hokage...I need to do this."
"You'll beat him Naruto-kun, I know it!" Hinata said with a nod.
"Watch out for his lightning sword, or he'll run ya through like a board! Yeah!" Killer Bee rapped to give the young Hokage encouragement!
That white eyed girl...she's a Hyūga... Sasuke thought as he grabbed his sword tighter. Once Naruto is dead, she'll be next...I'll pay her back for what that white eyed bastard did to me at the Summit.
Naruto yanked out his tri-kunai and channeled his Fūton into it, creating a sword of wind from it. Clouds gathered above and rumbles of thunder were heard as Kurama began to watch intently, the darkness that Sasuke was giving off...
That brat has become more and more like Uchiha Madara, they're truly spitting images now... the giant fox thought as he looked down at Naruto. And he's...resembling the Shodaime Hokage...this battle is feeling like it was back then and it hasn't even started yet.
Kurama watched Naruto intently as the wind began to blow in the real world and a brief image of...the Rikudō Sennin appeared behind him. The Kyūbi's eyes widened a bit...and a small smirk appeared on his face.
So that's it old man? This kid's the guy you told us about? Well then...lets see what he can do against the other brat's hatred...
Across the sky a single lightning bolt streaked across the sky and the instant that Naruto and Sasuke heard the thunder they charged at each other. Sparks flew off their weapons as the Uchiha channeled a Chidori through his chokutō and clashed against the Hokage's Fūton blade. Sasuke's Sharingan easily read Naruto's movements and blocked and dodged each slash and swipe from the young Hokage.
Killer Bee watched and noticed that the Uchiha's swords play had improved since they had crossed blades. This isn't good, Naruto's being pushed back yo!
Of course he is, Sasuke has the advantage in kenjutsu, Gyūki added as Naruto made several desperate blocks as he gave ground. All Naruto can do is defend himself as best as he can until he can get some taijutsu in.
Sasuke increased the speed and power of his strikes to the point where he began to break through Naruto's guard. Scratches appeared on the young Hokage's cheek after he failed to fully block an overhand strike from the Uchiha. Sasuke then did a spin kick after stabbing his sword into the ground and slammed his heel into Naruto's stomach before following it up with two quick punches. Blood flew from the Hokage's lips from the attack as Sasuke finished up with a slash aimed at his rival's chest. Naruto blocked but it was too week and a long gash appeared on his torso as he skidded back.
"Naruto-kun!" Hinata gasped in shock as she went to try to help him, but Bee held up his arm and shook his head.
"You'll just get in the way, yo! Ya got to trust in Naru-to!"
Naruto then skidded to the side and dodged an overhand slash from Sasuke before he dropped two smoke bombs to the ground. They exploded and covered the area in smoke and obscured the Hokage from the Uchiha's line of sight. Sasuke glanced around and moved his head back and forth as he tried to get a bead on Naruto by seeing his chakra.
"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)!" Naruto called out and in dozens of bursts of smoke, the Uchiha was then surrounded.
"Falling back to that old technique!" Sasuke mocked with a smirk and he then did a seal. "Let me blow them all away!" He leaped into the air and his cheeks swelled. "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)!"
Just like Naruto thought Sasuke launched a giant fireball right into the mass of clones he had made. From the smoke three clones attacked the Uchiha from three sides, in front and on the left and right. Just as Naruto predicted Sasuke destroyed all three by charging a Chidori throughout his entire body. A fourth clone then used the opening to attack from below by burrowing through the ground. The Uchiha's eyes widened as the clone kneed him in the chin and then kicked the chokutō away to disarm him.
"Damn it!" Sasuke yelled as he back flipped and charged a Chidori through his hand and shaped it into a sword and he stabbed the clone through.
The real Naruto used that information to charge Sasuke at full speed. The Uchiha's eyes darted back and forth and his Sharingan read the Hokage's movements. He went to slash at Naruto who ducked it and he stomped his foot down and used one of the Kawazu Kumite moves despite not being in Sage Mode and he slammed his palm right into Sasuke's chest and sent him skidding back.
"You predicted my attacks?" Sasuke asked after he stopped skidding back.
"Yeah, the way you destroyed by Kage Bunshins gave me the insight I needed to find a weak in your guard despite your Sharingan being activated," Naruto said with a grin. "Little trick I learned from Kakashi-sensei."
A shadow descended over Sasuke's eyes as he looked down and...despite himself he smirked. "I see..." he wiped his cheek. "Its definitely not like our last battles if you're going to fight like that."
"I've gotten a lot stronger Sasuke," Naruto said and the Uchiha hopped back to gain more distance.
" have I!" Sasuke said as he did several seals. "Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique)!"
Naruto created a clone first before doing his own seals as a giant fireball, shaped like a dragon flew at him. "Katon: Endan (Fire Release: Flame Bullet)!"
He created oil in his stomach and exhaled it through his mouth before he ignited it to counter Sasuke's dragon fireball. Both blasts of flame impacted with massive force and fought against each other for dominance. The ground underneath the clash was incinerated and a molten crater was being gouged out by the heat. Sasuke was slowly getting the upper hand in the struggle due to Naruto's inferior skill with the Katon, but the Hokage had already planned ahead.
In a safe spot, one of his Kage Bunshins sat cross-legged as it drew upon and balanced the natural energy with its own chakra. When the fully balanced Senjutsu chakra had been created it automatically dispelled itself...and sent the balanced chakra right to the original. The reddish orange markings appeared around Naruto's eyes, which had turned yellow with a toad-like he had entered Sage Mode.
The effect was almost immediate! Naruto's Katon: Endan tripled...quadrupled in size and power and began to force Sasuke's Gōryūka back with tremendous force and power. The Uchiha gritted his teeth as his body was pushed back from the clash as he kept up his own flame's intensity.
Damn'd his attack get that strong so quickly?! Sasuke thought as the air sizzled from the heat. No matter... his eyes then spun as his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan activated. "Amaterasu!"
Just like in his battle with Itachi, where it was his elder brother who won the clash using Amaterasu, Sasuke did the same thing. The black flames engulfed his own and began to eat away at Naruto's Senjutsu powered Endan. The blazing inferno of Amaterasu completely snuffed out the Hokage's jutsu and he jumped back in surprise.
"Bringing out the Mangekyō Sharingan already?!" Naruto asked as despite himself, a grin appeared. "Getting serious already aren't you?"
Sasuke dispelled the flames and he got a close look at the Hokage, and he chuckled. "You're one to talk. That form again, just like at the Kage Summit...but..." what seemed to be dark blue flames appeared around the Uchiha. "I've gotten much stronger since then! SUSANO'O!"
Naruto grunted and shielded himself as the Susano'o rib cage formed around Sasuke which rapidly gained a torso and finally skin and clothes. But what set it part from the level he had accessed against the Hokage at the Kage Summit and what Itachi could accomplish with the jutsu...the 'complete' form was now twice as tall, nearly 30 meters tall at its full height. And had legs, and Naruto stepped back as Sasuke floated right in the head of his Susano'o.
"...well that's new," Naruto said as Sasuke formed a sword. Damn, its huge...but it doesn't have that armor he had at the Summit! Is he saving that form for something?!
By now Hinata, Killer Bee, Suigetsu, and Jūgo had evacuated the area so they weren't caught in the crossfire. The young Hyūga leader had a nervous look on her face, even without her Byakugan activated she could sense the heaviness and change of Sasuke's chakra even from the distance they were at. Suigetsu put his hand to his chin as he gave her a look.
"So what's your story?" Suigetsu asked, one of his pointy sharpened teeth showing. "I get why the scary Eight-Tails Jinchūriki, who, by the way I don't want to fight again, is here, but why you? Something about your eyes?"
Hinata didn't respond as she kept her eyes trained on the area where Naruto and Sasuke were fighting. The Hozuki then walked over and waved his hand in front of her face and she jumped and nearly instinctively got into a Jūken stance. Suigetsu laughed at that.
"Not here to fight you! Not that I'd object, but c'mon, answer my question!"
"Huh, question?"
" zoned out and watched the Hokage and Sasuke's fight this far huh...ugh its like I'm talking with Karin."
"She's Naruto's girlfriend, yo! So step off bro!" Killer Bee interjected and the Hozuki blinked.
"Huh...well that's a step Karin never got to with Sasuke so that's not the same thing," Suigetsu said with a shrug. "Though your eyes..."
"They're the Byakugan," Hinata said as she looked over at him. "I'm a Hyūga."
" that guy Sasuke fought in the Summit! Heh, never seen him get so outclassed in hand to hand like against that guy!"
"Neji-nii-san was Naruto-kun's guard for the Kage Summit, with Kakashi-sensei," Hinata said...feeling it a bit odd they were having a casual conversation with the enemy. Weren't Sasuke's allies in Akatsuki after all?
"Wait, 'nii-san'? He's your brother?" Suigetsu asked and he laughed. "If that's the case you could probably kick my ass or kick Jūgo's! Right Jūgo?"
"...Sasuke seems to be getting serious," Jūgo said as they all looked...and saw Sasuke's Susano'o standing above the trees in the area he was fighting Naruto.
Sasuke formed a sword from one of the Susano'o arrows and slashed down at Naruto with tremendous force. The Hokage jumped out of the way at the last second as the slash left a huge shock wave that cut through the the forest to its very edge. Naruto ran around Sasuke as he tried to find an opening only for the Uchiha to spin effortlessly after he tracked him and slam one of Susano'o's giant fists down.
Naruto skidded to a stop and met the punch with his own. Despite Sasuke's Susano'o towering over the Hokage he canceled out the force of the punch with his own despite the ground shattering beneath his feet. The Uchiha then followed up with a kick from Susano'o which Naruto couldn't block. He went flying backwards and crashed through several trees before smashing into and through a cliff on the other side of the battlefield.
"Ugghhh...that thing hits as hard as Nagato's Shinra Tensei..." Naruto groaned as his chakra sense flared to warn him. He immediately hopped out...just as one of the giant Susano'o arrows slammed to where he was embedded in and blew the cliff apart entirely.
Sasuke jumped into the air and charged Raiton into his Susano'o Crossbow. He then fired several literal bolts of lightning right at Naruto who dodged and ducked them before the Uchiha created a Enton blade and slashed down after he closed the distance. The Hokage leaped up and created a giant Chō Ōdama Rasengan and smashed it right into Sasuke's Susano'o's chest. Sasuke grunted and his Susano'o skidded back...and the giant Rasengan exploded with enough force to level most of the forest.
"That attack is still weaker than the one you used on me in the Summit," Sasuke taunted from inside the cloud of smoke and dust that had been kicked up from the Chō Ōdama Rasengan.
Naruto smirked. "I'm still warming up Sasuke! Just you wait!"
Sasuke then fired several more Susano'o arrows in rapid succession, including bolts of lightning and arrows sheathed in black flames. Using his chakra sensing Naruto dodged, ducked, or in the ordinary Susano'o arrows cases shattered them with a Kawazu Kumite punch or kick. He then threw his hand back and created a Rasenshuriken which blew away the remaining smoke.
"Take THIS Sasuke, Fūton: Rasenshuriken!"
Naruto threw his Rasenshuriken right at Sasuke's Susano'o which turned its crossbow into a gigantic shield. The Rasenshuriken impacted the shield with such force a halo-shaped shock wave burst from the Uchiha's shield. Sparks flew off both attack and defense as they struggled against each other and Susano'o chakra began to be cut into and shaved away. Sasuke gritted his teeth as his chakra construct began to be pushed back by the force of Naruto's technique.
And then the Rasenshuriken exploded into a giant wind dome which began to shave away more of Sasuke's Susano'o the Uchiha grunted as numerous tiny blades of chakra bombarded the giant chakra construct and layers of the defense were shaved away. But in the end...after the Fūton: Rasenshuriken subsided, Sasuke's Susano'o still stood, albeit heavily damaged.
"Without the added power of these eyes Naruto...I'd have lost to that technique just like last time," Sasuke said as he floated in the center of his Susano'o.
The damage sustained from the Fūton: Rasenshuriken had destroyed half of Sasuke's Susano'o, around the left two set of arms that had the crossbow shield. Its face had been stripped to its skeletal form, and there were places where Naruto's attack had broke through entirely. Finally, the Susano'o had its skeletal and rib cage completely exposed after being stripped by the young Hokage's Rasenshuriken.
"Damn...that thing did get tougher..." Naruto said as a bead of sweat appeared as his Sage Mode began to fade. Damn it, I wasn't able to gather enough for a full duration...
Sasuke then threw his hands out and gave a yell. More chakra was added to his Susano'o which rapidly repaired itself and when its left arms had been reformed he squeezed them to test them out. He gave a bit of an arrogant smirk at Naruto.
"Looks like this battle is ending a bit sooner than I thought it'd be," Sasuke said as he loaded a new arrow onto his reformed Susano'o crossbow. "That form of yours has already ended."
With that, yellow chakra began to burst around Naruto's body as the Susano'o arrow was fired. The Hokage stood up and turned to face Sasuke's attack as everything moved in slow motion around him. And right before the Uchiha's eyes...Naruto vanished in a yellow flash and left the arrow to hit just empty air! Sasuke's Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan eyes darted back and forth in confusion as he tried to track Naruto's movements.
What the...where the hell did he go?!
"Looking for me, Sasuke?"
Sasuke looked up to see Naruto...standing on top of his Susano'o head in his new form the Kurama Chakra Mode. The golden chakra flickered around his body like a flame, and the Uchiha could see the tomoes around Naruto's collar as well as the symbols of the new seal on his stomach, and finally could see that his hair had given him two horns. Sasuke snarled and reached to grab him only for Naruto to vanish and begin his counterattack.
"Bijū Senkōdan (Tailed Beast Flash Bullet)!" Naruto called out as he charged his speed again.
At full speed he launched a devastating side kick to Sasuke's Susano'o, hitting it in the ankle and he shattered right through it. The Uchiha stumbled as his Susano'o sank to one knee before the Hokage delivered another kick to the chakra construct's chest and it crashed onto its back. Susano'o chakra exploded off the impact point leaving a human sized hole. Sasuke reacted as quickly as he could and shaped a the crossbow into another shield as Naruto picked up speed.
To Sasuke, he was surrounded by an army of Naruto's now which flickered around him. Did he create more Kage Bunshins? His Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan rotated a bit and he could see they were created from chakra...but weren't Kage Bunshins nor simple Bunshins...but...after images. "How the...hell is he that fast?!
Immediately Sasuke's Susano'o was sent airborne after being kicked up into the sky by Naruto who appeared behind it. This time he smashed his fist into the chakra construct's back and then created two giant chakra arms which were the size of Kurama's own hands. The Uchiha grunted as the Hokage then finished his attack by smashing him with full force with the giant hands to the ground hard enough to leave a crater. The Susano'o had been stripped from Sasuke, all there was left after the impact was flickering dark blue 'flames'.
Naruto landed and his negative emotions sensing warned him and he dodged a barrage of shuriken as Sasuke, now covered in bruises and his lip bleeding slashed at him with his sword. The Hokage blocked the slash with his forearm. Sparks flew off of the blade as it tried to cut through Naruto's Kurama Chakra Mode cloak and Sasuke gritted his teeth and charged a Chidori.
"DIE, NARUTO!" he roared as he went to stab the Hokage right through the head.
His attack pierced through Naruto's face...only for Sasuke to realize it was another afterimage. The Uchiha shaped his Chidori into a Chidori Eiso and slashed wildly around in a rage. That speed...I'll beat it through the sheer number of attacks!
Sasuke's becoming really unhinged... Naruto thought as he dodged Sasuke's next attack. He's not fighting at all like he did against me at the Valley of the End nor the Kage Summit...
Pfft, of course. Look at his eyes Naruto, Kurama said and Naruto looked up. The darkness that is in his heart has completely consumed him. The times you fought him before he still had yet a sliver of light within its been snuffed out.
Then I'll just have to reignite it, Naruto thought and he dodged the Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu that the Uchiha shot out at him. "Sasuke! Remember when we fought at the Valley of the End?!"
Sasuke topped his mad assault. "I remember I won that fight."
"And you said that when two shinobi of equal skill clash, they can see into each others' hearts," Naruto said as his chakra mode flickered around him. "All I can tell from this clash is how confused you are and you're letting it consume you."
The Uchiha snarled darkly. "What would you know about it?"
"Nothing, but calm down," Naruto said and he decided to hit the part of his rivalry with Sasuke. "Or else you'll never beat me, you may have better eyes but they're right now clouded."
Sasuke paused at that and he met his old rival's gaze. He breathed out slowly and closed his eyes...and when he opened them Naruto could see they were a bit clearer than before. "Thank you Naruto, I was about to lose my head." Susano'o chakra began to form around him again. "I need to beat you without going crazy, and then Konoha will get what it deserves."
"I won't let that happen Sasuke," Naruto said with a smirk. "Since I'm gonna beat you and beat some sense into you finally!"
Sasuke gritted his teeth a bit. "Why do you even care about me this much?"
"Because I'm your friend," Naruto told him earnestly as the Uchiha's mouth opened a bit. "That's the only reason that I'll ever need."
Sasuke began to float as his Susano'o regained its full humanoid form...and it kept growing larger and larger. "Well then, I'll crush that old friendship," he announced as his Susano'o gained armor...and Naruto stepped back at the sheer size. "And accomplish my goals!"
"Hey...isn't that getting a bit bigger than normal...?" Naruto asked as the giant armored Susano'o stood above him, at nearly 400 meters tall! Dark blue chakra flickered like a flame around the chakra construct and its long armored robes completely obscured its legs, and it had a gigantic version of the crossbow that the 'complete' stage had, as well as a long sickle sword and arrows made of Raiton and Enton.
...this is bad... Kurama said in Naruto's mind. He's nearly at the stage where he can 'stabilize' that massive chakra construct and make it bigger.
You've seen this sort of giant Susano'o before?! And it can get even bigger?!
Madara can use this technique, his is blue in color, Kurama replied as he watched thro4ugh Naruto's eyes. First saw it when he used it to pin me down and take control of me for the first time, second time he used it to cover me in it to fight Hashirama. Be careful, that thing can get even bigger and stronger.
Naruto bit his thumb. He might not be big enough, but he's strong enough to go toe to toe with that giant Susano'o. The Hokage then paused. Wait, why are you helping me?
Since I don't want to die with you, idiot! Kurama snapped at him. And I want to see how far you can get against this nexus of hatred...
Naruto then slammed his palm down. "Kuchiyoise no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)!"
In a massive puff of smoke...the Hokage summoned one of the toads. He was aiming for Gamabunta...but instead...
"Heh, Naruto, you're calling me here to fight?"
"Huh?! Gamakichi?!" Naruto asked in a bit of shock. "You gotten big! But where's your dad?!"
"Heh, we toads grow fast Naruto, don't ya forget it! And dad is still recovering from a battle a few weeks ago!" Gamakichi replied as he ignited the huge cigarette in his mouth. At 120 meters in height, Gamakichi was a full twenty meters taller than his father now, and he was carrying a giant katana instead of a dosu and was wearing a gigantic version of his vest, and a new 'toad' necklace. "And he's not the only one who managed to master Sage Mode either!"
Naruto's eyes bugged out a bit but Sasuke's giant armored Susano'o kept his attention. "We'll talk later, we got some ass kicking to do!"
"Don't have to tell me twice!" Gamakichi said as the Uchiha sneered a bit.
"Bringing a over-sized toad into this? It won't change a thing," Sasuke said as he slashed right at Naruto and Gamakichi with one of his Susano'o's giant swords.
The new Toad Boss charged Senjutsu chakra into his powerful long legs and jumped right into the air at surprising speed and got far above Sasuke's giant Susano'o. Immediately he performed a seal and his cheeks swelled and then he shot a blast of oil out of his mouth. Naruto caught the idea and did a seal and blew an Katon: Endan down.
"Katon: Gamayu Endan (Fire Release: Toad Oil Flame Bullet)!"
A powerful combined flame engulfed Sasuke's giant Susano'o with enough heat and destructive firepower to melt an entire mountain down to sea level. Just as the flames finished bathing the chakra construct, one of its giant swords slashed through the flames like they were nothing. The Uchiha grinned maliciously as he pointed his new giant crossbow at Naruto and Gamakichi who landed, and he loaded one of the new Susano'o Arrows.
"Die, Naruto!"
With that, the giant arrow, which had been charged with a Chidori to make it completely electrified fired right at the giant toad and Hokage. Their danger senses allowed them to jump out of the way and the arrow smashed harmlessly into a medium sized mountain behind them...which exploded in a shower of lightning. Naruto gulped a little bit at the firepower Sasuke wielded but he turned to face his former friend once more.
"Gamakichi, keep him busy! I'm gonna mix my Chakra Mode with Sage Mode!"
"Right!" Gamakichi yelled as he launched himself at Sasuke and drew his katana. "Don't take too long!"
"Aww, the toad wants to die that quickly?" Sasuke taunted as he swung his Susano'o sword at Gamakichi.
The toad boss' son smirked and blocked...and deflected the giant blade without much effort due to his own strength being enhanced by Sage Mode. Naruto stayed still on Gamakichi's forehead as he absorbed the required amount of Natural Energy. With each blocked or traded strike, there were powerful shock waves that carved the area up and left deep furrows in the ground.
Sasuke grunted in annoyance and advanced forward to try to kick Gamakichi away. The toad boss' son jumped back and his cheeks swelled and fired several gigantic water bullets right at the chakra construct. The giant armored Susano'o shrugged off the Suitons like they were nothing with Sasuke remembering the battle Naruto had with Gaara...the battle that created storms and that level of combat was absolutely nothing to his current level now.
I was so naive at the true power of the Sharingan back then, it was pathetic... Sasuke thought as the memory hit him a bit more.
"Naruto, take Sakura and run away! I don't want to see anyone else die in front of me!"
Damn it, why am I remembering that now?! Sasuke demanded, the image of his Chūnin Exams self, plagued by the Cursed Seal struggling to fight Gaara was still etched in his mind.
"Yo Naruto, you done yet?!" Gamakichi yelled as he then jumped out of the way of another giant Susano'o Arrow, this time it was bathed in the flames of Amaterasu.
The red-orange markings appeared around Naruto's eyes...and his chakra mode flared up as it finished mixing and being balanced with Natural Energy. "Yes!" his eyes opened and the cross-shaped eyes appeared. "Thanks for buying me time, Gamakichi!"
"No problem! Lets just end this battle!"
Naruto then lifted his hand up and black and white chakra appeared around it and he focused it. The black and white chakra was spinning around it as he had it grow to the size of an Ōdama Rasengan, and finally two chakra arms added Fūton to it. Four blades spun around the dense black ball as Gamakichi disappeared in a puff of smoke to give the Hokage a smoke screen.
"Fūton: Biju Ōdama Rasengan (Wind Release: Tailed Beast Big Ball Rasengan)!"
"Another new attack, Naruto?! BRING IT!" Sasuke roared and expanded his giant Susano'o Crossbow into a huge shield like before. "YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO GET THROUGH IT!"
The Biju Ōdama Rasengan smashed into the colossal shield with enough force to make the giant chakra construct skid back a bit. Dark blue chakra flew off it as the Fūton blades that spun around the dark, dense sphere of chakra bore into the shield. Naruto slammed two chakra arms to the ground and used them to push further into the giant Susano'o.
Again...he's pushing my best ultimate defense back?! Sasuke thought angrily as he slammed his Susano'o's foot forward to try to push back. He won't win this!
"You...keep trying to push forward..." Naruto said as he sent another chakra arm to the ground. "Yet you always...take two steps BACK! You can't ever move forward by that!"
Kurama's eyebrow raised. Well I'll be...he's pushing that thing back despite only being human sized...
A knowing smirk appeared. Though that is the brat for ya...he keeps pushing forward...just like he did against me.
Both Naruto and Sasuke cried out as the Biju Ōdama Rasengan detonated with enough force to vaporize three mountains. A giant dome explosion rocked the area and Killer Bee was forced to transform into Gyūki to shield Hinata...with Suigetsu and Jūgo taking cover behind his tentacles. Earthquakes from the clash could be felt for dozens of kilometers, with even some of the Fifth Division feeling the aftershocks of the clash.
Allied Shinobi Headquarters, Kumogakure
The sensory water sphere bulged as the chakra released from Sasuke's Armored Susano'o and Naruto's Biju Ōdama Rasengan caused a mountain to appear that dwarfed the rest of the forces on the field. Even though they were hundreds of kilometers away from the battle, there were slight tremors from the force of their techniques. Shikaku frowned as he put his hand to his bearded chin.
"I never expected Sasuke to be sent into battle this soon, is he working independently or with Akatsuki?" Shikaku muttered to himself as the Sensory Team kept trying to keep the integrity of the sphere in place. "Neither Naruto or Sasuke has suffered any significant injury or chakra drain, have they?"
"No, but with the rate they're going I wouldn't expect that to last," Ao reported from his station. "I sense the mighty chakra of the Eight-Tails, it looks like Killer Bee-sama is trying to keep Hinata-san safe from the shock waves."
Given A was still at the First Division, Ōnoki at the Fourth Division, and Tsunade had entered into training to master her grandfather's Sage Mode, Shikaku was now the highest ranking officer at Headquarters. He looked at the map and made his decision.
"No matter the outcome, Madara or Kabuto will try to take advantage of the situation and try to take Naruto at his weakest," Shikaku said after a moment. "Get the Hokage Guard Platoon ready."
"For what?"
"We're sending the best medic in the world to get Naruto back to fighting shape after this fight, or save his life if Sasuke manages to get lucky," Shikaku replied. "Sakura is going to be deployed right at their position."
"Sending the message now," Inoichi said from the communications area. "Will that be enough with her there?"
"It should be. With her, Hinata, and Killer Bee-sama there, it'll be a lot harder for Madara or Kabuto to capitalize in taking Naruto," Shikaku said as he folded his hands behind his back. "Keep a close watch on the battle, I want constant updates."
"Hai, Shikaku-san!"
"They're going to need a tag to teleport to, Mabui, are there any of the Yondaime's kunai in Kumogakure?" Shikaku asked.
"We've collected many of them in the Third Shinobi World War. I'll retrieve them, Shikaku-san," Mabui said as she ran off towards the archives.
Shikaku nodded as he watched her leave. He turned back to the sensor water sphere to see the power that was swirling.
Lightning Country, exact location unknown
Naruto panted a bit as he looked up at the giant chakra construct as the smoke cleared around the area. His Sage Kurama Chakra Mode had began to flicker away, he had put more of the combined Senjutsu and Nine-Tails chakra into the attack than he anticipated. The young Hokage sank to his knees, gasping for air in exhaustion now. had worked...while the giant armored Susano'o was still standing there was a massive hole blasted through its left side, the jewel where Sasuke was floating in was cracked and its shield had been completely destroyed.
"This...this fight is not over Naruto!" Sasuke called out angrily as blood dripped from his forehead and lip. "You're almost out of power...but mine is still growing!"
The unstabilized chakra of Sasuke's armored Susano'o then bursts and expanded in size and power. It grew to over a kilometer tall...its second set of arms turned into scaled wings. The mask the Susano'o wore gained a long pointed nose with six holes where it'd attach to the armor. And its armor changed into that of a samurai...and the Uchiha then drew one of the swords that was in its wings, a giant katana.
Crap...that's really bad. Perfect Susano'o, exactly what Madara could do.
PERFECT Susano'o?!
Yes...Madara could only achieve that with those merged eyes of his...the same type that Sasuke has now.
Sasuke gave a smirk as he took a step and his giant sword was held high. "This is over, Naruto. Even if you could access that form before...this is the apex of Uchiha power! You can't defeat me!" his Sharingan could see Naruto's chakra levels were lower than normal. "Not're out of power. Time to end this."
It was at that moment Kurama made his decision. Naruto, if you wanted to borrow more of my power, I wouldn't mind.
"Another chakra tug of war?"
You idiot, we don't have to do that this time! Kurama said with a smirk. I'm gonna put my bet on you, if you can beat Sasuke...guess hatred won't be that hard to defeat, even my own.
Naruto grinned. "You sure, you always said you didn't like being in a brat like myself."
Its not too bad here anymore, especially since you recreated my den and took away the cage, Kurama said as he punched his hand-like fist forward. Connect your chakra with mine!
As they did that...Naruto grinned as he recalled Iruka's words. "He's no longer the Demon Fox! He's Uzumaki Naruto, my comrade in the Leaf!"
"You're no longer a Demon Fox! You're Kurama, my comrade in the Leaf!" Naruto said right to Kurama.
Naruto punched his fist to Kurama's...and the two grinned. And the real world the young Hokage stood up and looked up at Sasuke with renewed fire. Yellow orange chakra flared around him, far greater than it normally would be in his Kurama Chakra Mode.
"Me, out of power?! I'm only getting started Sasuke!" Naruto announced as the design of the cloak then changed!
Allied Shinobi Forces, Kumogakure
On the sensor water sphere, the 'mountains' that represented Naruto and Sasuke suddenly grew so much bigger, it felt unreal. Nearly everything else on all the battlefields were completely dwarfed by the sudden influx of chakra. Ao's eye widened as he recognize the chakra.
"Naruto...he's now unleashing the full power of the Nine-Tails!"
Shikaku frowned. "Sasuke's grown that strong huh? To think Naruto would have to let the Nine-Tails..."
"No, I still sense Naruto's chakra! Its mixed...merged with the fox's!" Ao said as he observed. "Similar to what Killer Bee-sama can do!"
Shikaku's eyes widened in recognition. "That means...he did it. He's tamed the Nine-Tails fully!"
"Lets hope it'll be enough to defeat Sasuke...I haven't sensed any power like this from him before," Ao said grimly.
Mabui then came running back in with several of Minato's kunai. "I'm all set to use my technique to get one of these to where the Hokage is fighting."
"Excellent. We'll make final preparations."
With that Mabui ran off to the platform she used for the Transport Technique. Shikaku turned to watch the battle unfold as he breathed in through his nose calmly. If the worst of the worst case scenario happened, he'd have to send in one if not more of the Divisions to save Naruto from Sasuke, but would they even be able to defeat the Uchiha in that new technique of his?
Lightning Country, exact location unknown
Black circles appeared on his hands, the Uzumaki symbol appeared on his stomach as he gained a new 'jacket' which had a black undercoat, and his eyes gained the cat-like pupil he had in his older forms. The chakra formed a collar around his neck which had three tomoe on either side of his neck, and finally his Hokage Jacket got covered by the new chakra that covered his body, with 'Sixth Hokage' being framed by four lines.
And Sasuke's shock the chakra exploded outwards and formed into a massive chakra avatar of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. It was nearly the same size as the Uchiha's own Perfect Susano'o, just a meter or two short and was covered in the same yellow orange chakra that covered Naruto's own body. Black lines went down to Kurama's hands, and there was a circle on his stomach and shoulders, and finally several thick lines went up his gigantic nine tails.
" tamed the Kyūbi to fight me?!" Sasuke asked, sounding a bit...awed and in disbelief.
"Tamed? Nope, Kurama and I are partners, and since we're sharing a body we're both gonna kick your ass!" Naruto retorted, now floating in Kurama's 'mouth'.
Careful Naruto. This is our very first full Biju transformation, by my estimate that's five minutes, Kurama advised in his mind.
Five minutes? More than enough time!
Sasuke met his attack by charging forward within his Perfect Susano'o, the ground shaking between the two gigantic chakra constructs feet. The Uchiha then did a horizontal slash which the Hokage ducked and sidestepped out of the way as a wave of destruction was unleashed from the blade. A line of six large mountains behind them were cut right in half and the rest of the area was completely flattened. Naruto retaliated as he used Kurama's tails to batter Sasuke's Perfect Susano'o, each blow unleashing the same amount of force as the initial slash the Uchiha used.
Hinata's eyes widened as her Byakugan watched the battle. "The...the level of this battle is unreal..."
Suddenly one of the Yondaime Hokage's kunai appeared right at their feet, followed by four people. The Hokage Guard Platoon...and Sakura. Hinata blinked in surprise.
"Sakura-chan? When did you...?"
"I was sent here to help Naruto after the battle..." they then felt the tremors and Sakura looked at the sheer scale of the battle. "And...he's fighting Sasuke-kun again..."
"I wouldn't be surprised if this was the level that Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara were at decades ago," Gyūki commented as he tightened his tails around them to keep the shield up. "Never thought Naruto would manage to befriend Kurama in time to fight Sasuke's giant Susano'o."
Naruto blocked Sasuke's follow up vertical slash with one of his tails as the ground burst beneath them from the force of the impact. The Uchiha gritted his teeth and spun and did another horizontal slash which another one of Kurama's tails blocked and then Naruto crossed the distance and launched a punch. Sasuke met it with his own and more earth and debris was sent flying into the air from the impact. Hinata's Byakugan saw...Naruto and Sasuke were smiling, they were enjoying the battle now.
Both of them jumped back and Sasuke lifted his hand. "I'm gonna end this now, despite how fun this is..." and a Chidori then was charged through his Perfect Susano'o! He used it to charge up the giant chakra katana to make it even more deadly.
Naruto, we need to distract him and then charge a full power Chō Bijudama to break through Sasuke's Perfect Susano'o's armor. Any normal Bijudama will just cause minor damage, if that, Kurama said as they jumped out of the way of one of Sasuke's slashes with his Susano'o: Chidori.
The giant fox construct rolled and dodged every slash which cut up and destroyed the landscape all around. Entire mountain ranges were wiped off the map from Sasuke's slashes and Killer Bee even had to deflect one with a Bijudama since it came way too close. Suigetsu was gulping nervously, his body half liquid.
"T-Thanks for that! If that hit we'd ALL be dead!"
"No problem even though you're with him, YEAH!" Killer Bee said as more dust was kicked up and the ground kept shaking.
Naruto then charged right at Sasuke and black and white chakra began to swirl around Kurama's avatar's mouth. "Renzoku Bijudama (Tailed Beast Ball Barrage)!" he called out and he fired several weaker Bijudama, ten in all right at the Uchiha's Perfect Susano'o as a distraction.
"Pfft, too weak!" Sasuke yelled as he used his giant Susano'o blade to deflect each Bijudama away, either sending them into the sky or crashing into mountains in the landscape.
Just as he finished deflecting the final one Naruto smashed Kurama's giant fist right into the Perfect Susano'o's face and sent dark blue chakra flying away in all directions. Sasuke grunted in surprise as the Hokage followed up the attack by using all nine-tails as giant clubs which smashed him down to the ground. Sasuke then kicked Kurama's Avatar in the face with one of his Perfect Susano'o's giant feet and Naruto staggered back.
"Damn that thing's hard to get through..." Naruto said as Sasuke went to stab him with his giant Susano'o katana.
The Hokage's negative emotions sensing flared and he reacted in time. He sidestepped the stab and slammed Kurama's fists right into the Perfect Susano'o's wrist with enough force to disarm him. He then used the fallen blade as leverage to leap off it and smash both of the Nine-Tails' hind legs right into Sasuke's Perfect Susano'o's chest to send it flying backwards. He then shaped one of Kurama's tails into a chakra arm and used it to grab the fallen Susano'o sword and then tossed it like a missile right at Sasuke.
The Uchiha's eyes widened and he then spread the wings his Perfect Susano'o possessed and took to the air to avoid his own weapon. It smashed into a mountain and blew it apart, sending boulders, rocks and dust into the sky with enough force to create a mushroom cloud. Sasuke then dove down at Naruto and tossed several Chidori Senbon right at him.
Naruto dodged and ducked several of the, though Kurama's tails were grazed when he tried to deflect them. Sasuke then dove down with both feet to smash the Hokage into the ground. The Nine-Tails responded first and looked up and charged chakra into his Biju Mode avatar's mouth.
"Not gonna smash us!" Kurama called out before he unleashed a gigantic roar the moment Sasuke was about to hit.
"WHAT?!" Sasuke yelled as the massive wave of defensive chakra sent him crashing back to the ground.
"We gotta wrap this up quickly Naruto, the five minutes is almost up!"
"Don't have to tell me twice!" Naruto said as he held out his hands and Kurama's avatar opened its mouth. "Time for that super technique!"
Sasuke groaned as he pulled himself back to his feet. His Perfect Susano'o was cracked and one of its wings was now unusable for flight. He then saw the Hokage begin to charge one of those strange black spheres and he gritted his teeth and panted a bit.
Can't maintain Susano'o for much longer, I have to finish this in one attack! Sasuke thought as he unsheathed two Susano'o swords...and connected them together. The Uchiha then shaped them into a bow and loaded an arrow.
Killer Bee's eyes widened, still in Gyūki's form. "Holy crap yo! Massive chakra swirling, whose gonna be whirling, yo!"
" can win! GO!" Hinata called out.
Around Sasuke's Susano'o arrow he charged lightning through it. Huge arcs of electricity cut through the ground from the epicenter and he then shaped it. A horn formed...then glowing eyes...and finally a dragon-like body with two short arms. It was his Kirin, without the need of any cumulonimbus clouds and it gave a roar.
My strongest attack now...Kirin no Ya (Kirin's Arrow)...with this I'll destroy you once and for all Naruto!
Naruto had formed a gigantic Bijudama now, the size of one which was comparable to that of five or more Biju at once. He then compressed it and began to spin it, the ground cracked and cratered from the density of the chakra under his Biju Mode's feet. He then added his own Fūton chakra to it and transformed the Chō Bijudama...into a Fūton: Chō Bijudama Rasenshuriken (Wind Release: Super Tailed Beast Ball Rasenshuriken).
With that, both fired their strongest techniques at each other. Kirin no Ya even gave a ominous roar as it was shot from Sasuke's Perfect Susano'o bow. The ultimate Raiton technique then smashed into the strongest Fūton technique with enough force to send a shock wave radiating out far enough away to be felt by even the First Division at Lightning's Ridge, Kumogakure, and the Island Turtle!
Both techniques struggled to overpower each other...until finally the Fūton: Chō Bijudama Rasenshuriken's elemental advantage won out. Sasuke's eyes widened in disbelief as his strongest technique was cut through by Naruto's. Even the Kirin seemed to roar in pain as it was forcefully dispelled.
Naruto's Fūton: Chō Bijudama Rasenshuriken then smashed into...and through Sasuke's Perfect Susano'o's chest, shattering it like glass. The Uchiha couldn't maintain his technique anymore and fell right as the giant Biju powered Rasenshuriken exited through the back of his chakra construct and blew the rings away. The Hokage had aimed it well and it smashed into several mountains before it detonated into a huge dome explosion.
Nearly everywhere in the Alliance the detonation was felt as Naruto's technique bore a crater over 100 kilometers wide into the earth. The entire geography of the battlefield had been completely changed, mountain ranges were obliterated, massive craters like a meteor shower had hit scattered the area, and what was once a forest was now a charred, burnt wasteland.
Naruto's Biju Mode ended and he dropped to the ground. He noticed the Uchiha charging right at him, his Sharingan not even active anymore and despite his exhaustion he dodged the punch and smashed his own right into Sasuke's face. Blood flew from the Uchiha's lip as he crashed to the ground and the Hokage panted.
"You...still want to...go at this huh...Sasuke?"
"" Sasuke groaned as he tried to get back to his feet but slipped. "I was...ahead of you...why can't I beat you now?! I...I have the Sharingan's ultimate form...achieved the apex of Uchiha power...and still you could fight back..."
"Since you've lost what strong Sasuke," Naruto said as he panted, but he managed to stand firm. "When our fists clash...I can see your confusion...the darkness that you walked into is in turmoil..."
"I fought...I killed Danzō..." Sasuke snarled as he tried to get back up but sank to one knee. "He...named me...the new...Shinobi no enraged was like one final mockery from that bastard..."
"Then you sought me out?" Naruto asked as he breathed in and out through his nose.
"Yes...I crush you..."
"Why?" Naruto asked him.
"So I could show that bastard I could get through the darkness and not end up like him!" Sasuke snapped as he breathed out and blood dripped from his lip.
"Sasuke...even if you had defeated me, that'd mean you would be swallowed up, you wouldn't have proven Danzō wrong at all," Naruto said softly as the Uchiha looked right at him. "You'd have proven him're usually much smarter than that."
Sasuke was silent at that as he played images of their battle through his mind. He could see their final techniques clashing...and what looked just to be a paper's width advantage Naruto's managed to defeat his.
"...if I was a bit faster...I may have won that final clash," Sasuke said after a moment. "It looked to be decided on a paper's width."
"Well that width is the gap between us!" Naruto replied and Sasuke's eyes changed a bit...the fire that used to be in them was ignited again.
"...oh shut up, dobe," Sasuke said with a groan. "...okay...I admit it...I lost."
"We'll have another fight...after this damn War," Naruto said with a grin. "That time as friends."
"...hope I'll be there," Sasuke commented as he looked around. "I was on Madara's side until now."
"Help us defeat him, and we'll be able to work something out!" Naruto said as they then heard a 'Naruto, Sasuke-kun!'
They looked over to see Sakura running over with Hinata, Killer Bee, Jūgo and Suigetsu. Naruto despite his exhaustion gave a thumb's up as his girlfriend then hugged him tightly. He put his hand around Hinata's back with a smile and Sasuke looked at Sakura and he remembered their encounter in Grass.
"...sorry about that..." Sasuke started and Sakura bopped him over the head. "OW! Don't you usually do that to Naruto?!"
"I do that to idiots Sasuke!" Sakura asserted and she blinked. "Wait...this means..."
"Yeah, Naruto opened my eyes again," Sasuke said as he rubbed his head.
"Team Seven is restored, Sakura-chan!" Naruto said cheerfully. "Just like I promised!"
" we're on their side now?" Suigetsu asked and looked at the Uchiha.
"Yes," Sasuke said as he managed to stand up. "For now on, we'll fight to end this War and protect the world."
"...that does make me feel slightly better about this," Suigetsu said as Jūgo nodded.
"As you wish, Sasuke," Jūgo said.
Kilometers away, a White Zetsu had finished observing and recording the entire fight. He sighed as he connected himself to the network to inform Madara himself. He was glad that NONE of those huge jutsus managed to come close to him.
Mountain's Graveyard
Another White Zetsu rose from the ground at Madara's secondary lab. After the first had been destroyed during the battle between Sasuke and Danzō, the leader of Akatsuki had decided to move to the secondary location. The Gedō Mazō sat cross-legged behind him and six people were on stretchers in front of the rogue ninja.
"Looks like Sasuke's jumped ship from our side after he lost to Naruto," White Zetsu reported and Madara looked up.
"I see...I'll have to change my plans then," Madara said as he did a seal. There was now a while stripe through his hair. "I'm almost finished with my Pein Rikudō..."
The Zetsu looked at them and noticed...they weren't corpses or Edo Tensei. "You brought them back to life?"
"Yes, it'll make the connection to the Biju even stronger," Madara said with a smirk behind his mask.
The six figures then opened their eyes...and there were now a Sharingan and a Rinnegan reflected in their eyes as Madara transferred his chakra to them. The rogue Uchiha gave dark smile as his technique was finished. The reincarnated brought back fully to life, were now his puppets completely.
"Lets get the final battle started," Madara said as he took his place in front of the reborn Pein Rikudō.
To be continued...
Author's Notes:
Whew, done with Naruto vs Sasuke! The purpose of this battle was to bring Naruto and Sasuke right to Hashirama and Madara's level, so greater heights can be achieved after it. Unlike in the original where it was iffy when they reached and then surpassed their predecessors. Personally, I believe Naruto at least surpassed Hashirama, if not by a little amount, when he managed to merge his Biju and Sage Mode. Sasuke is a little harder since while he did achieve Perfect Susano'o, we didn't really see it in action until he gained the Rinnegan and Hagoromo's chakra.
Also, I wanted to wrap up the evil Sasuke plot earlier than it did in the manga. Seriously, him still being Naruto's enemy even until the end of the War (despite fighting alongside him) really drew things out far longer than they should be.
As for the size increase of Naruto's Biju Mode: I wanted it to be near or at Sasuke's Perfect Susano'o size. Perfect Susano'o's, all of them are massive, over a kilometer high. Thus I had the merger of Naruto and Kurama's chakra be more complete. The Biju Mode avatar of Kurama Naruto and the Fox produces is a combination of BOTH their chakra, not just a minuscule amount of Naruto's and then a majority of Kurama's. Thus, he was able to achieve the size of Perfect Susano'o despite only having Kurama's Yang chakra. I did set up for when Kurama is complete, the size will also be increased even more due to Naruto's chakra enhancing the avatar's size. Also to note: Kurama himself isn't physically outside Naruto's seal, all that chakra is just his avatar. How did Madara even manage to seal him in canon, it doesn't make a lick of sense.