Chapter 33

Clash of the Kage!

Lightning Country, exact location unknown

A modest tent had been set up in the aftermath of Naruto and Sasuke's battle in what little forest there was left for cover. The entire landscape was still suffering from the after affects of the battle, dust and debris that had been kicked up by either the Bijudamas, Perfect Susano'o slashes, or the final clash was starting to rain down from huge dust clouds that had accumulated in the sky. At the very center of the giant, 100 kilometer wide crater Naruto had created was a massive funnel cloud that had been created in the after effects of the mass of wind chakra used. Suigetsu gave a gulp as he looked around from his guard post.

" fricking strong are those two now anyway?" Suigetsu commented as he looked at the 'beheaded' mountain ranges, the imploded mountains from Sasuke's arrows, and the massive crater-one which a country could fit in from Naruto's final attack.

"I'm not surprised," Jūgo said as a bird landed on his shoulder to give some scouting reports. "According to the Hachibi Jinchūriki's beast, that level is what the Shinobi no Kami and Madara were at decades ago."

Inside the tent, Sakura's hands glowed green as she healed both Naruto and Sasuke. The members of the Hokage Guard Platoon wanted to at least apprehend the last Uchiha for his past crimes, however the Hokage had ordered them to stand down. Sasuke was on their side now and they were gonna need all the help they could get to defeat Madara and Kabuto after all.

"But...Hokage-sama, he abandoned our village for Orochimaru, attacked Kumogakure, and attacked the Summit," Raidō protested a bit. "He even killed several members of their Samurai Security force!"

"And you did say he admitted to killing Danzō-sama," Genma added and the Uchiha sighed.

"I know," Naruto said as he glanced at his friend. "But these things can be answered to after the War."

Iwashi sighed. "...very well Hokage-sama. I just hope the fellow Kage agree with your decision."

"We do need all the help we can get," Naruto pointed out as Sakura finished.

"...there, you two are nearly all the way healed," Sakura said with a grin. "Did any of the Kage Bunshins you created before your fight with Sasuke be dispelled from the battle?"

"Nope," Naruto said. "They are still active, and should be arriving at the battlefields any moment now."

"You created that many clones before even fighting me?" Sasuke asked in a bit of surprise. "No wonder why I lost, if you fought me at full power I don't even think my new Susano'o would have helped much."

"Heh, we'll be able to test out that theory after this whole thing is over," Naruto said with a grin. "But right now, Team 7 has been reborn. Right Sasuke, Sakura-chan?"

Sakura grinned. "Well you did keep your promise..." she looked at Sasuke a bit, still mulling over their final encounters: first the night he had left...the 'thank you' that still stuck in her mind...and the near emotionless Sasuke that they fought two and a half years later.

Sasuke noticed she stared at him. "Sakura?"

She pursed her lips. "I'll get something to eat. You both used up a lot of chakra and need to replenish it."

Hinata walked back into the tent just as their medic rushed out. "...what just happened?" she asked as she walked over.

"Sasuke, go talk with her. She's been waiting for you to come back to your senses for years," Naruto said and the Uchiha blinked.

"...very well," Sasuke said as he stood up and left the tent, leaving Naruto and Hinata alone.

"Hey Naruto, I think you should connect your chakra with Hinata now."

Huh, why Kurama?

"She has Matatabi in her, and I think its time for us three Biju to start trying to think of a strategy against Akatsuki together now."

WHAT? Are you sure?!

"Positive, just do it."

"Uh hey Hinata-chan, this is going to seem a bit weird..." Naruto said as he walked over. "But I want you to fist bump with me."

Hinata blinked. "Fist bump with you?"

"Yeah. Kurama suggested it," Naruto said as he held his fist up and the Hyūga Leader came walking over.

"Alright..." Hinata replied as she still not understood, but she pushed her fist against her boyfriend's.

Immediately both were then in a pure white space and looked around...and Hinata stumbled back in surprise to see the Nine-Tailed Fox Kurama for the first time in the flesh behind Naruto. And she bumped into the giant paw of Matatabi behind her, and she saw the young Hokage was equally surprised. He gawked at the giant twin-tailed flaming cat that was now in this...white space.

"H-Hinata-chan, what...?"

Its the Two-Tails, Naruto. I sensed her in Hinata for quite some time now, just didn't decide to inform you until now.

You may call me Matatabi, Naruto-dono, Matatabi said respectfully. I managed to transfer my chakra, and my consciousness to Hinata-dono during the Battle of Lightning Ridge, when Madara used the Gedō Mazō to engage the Allied Shinobi Forces there.

"You mean...the same battle where Hinata-chan was promoted to Jōnin she got part of yourself in her?" Naruto asked as he slowly tried to understand. "This makes Hinata-chan a Jinchūriki too?"

In a way, yes. I transferred a bit more power than I thought I initially did, leaving most of myself still sealed within the demonic statue, Matatabi said as she looked down at Hinata. And everyday since then, my power has been increasing inside her. My chakra seems to resonate with Hinata-dono's, allowing it to increase bit by bit while increasing her own reserves which was my original intent.

Naruto closed his eyes and jutted his bottom lip out as he thought about that, and he crossed his arms. Kurama gave a smirk. The sort of plan I'd thought you'd come up with. Much better than our dumb tanuki brother.

You still are holding that same grudge against Shukaku that you had millennium ago, Matatabi sighed as she shook her head.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, Naruto-kun...we just...never got the chance to talk about this," Hinata said as Naruto gave a grin.

"That's okay!" Naruto gave a thumb's up. "Heh, we're both Jinchūriki now, that's awesome!"

Hinata's cheeks flushed as Naruto began to hug her happily and he picked her up and spun her around with joy. Kurama watched the scene with Matatabi who then glanced at the giant fox. The giant twin-tailed cat looked up at the space.

That boy...can't believe you finally decided to work with a human instead of against them.

Eh, he grew on me, Kurama said as he crossed his arms. And...anyway...I think he's the person that the old man would tell us about after he made us.

What Hagoromo predicted? Matatabi asked in surprise and she watched Naruto lower Hinata down, the two laughing a bit before they shared a happy kiss. just fits. Look, I've been within him ever since he was a baby, I've seen him grow...seen how his past shaped him, and how he moved towards the future, Kurama said as he watched his Jinchūriki. He has some special power that I don't understand that allows him to bring the best out in others...

Matatabi nodded. At the same time Sasuke had managed to catch up with Sakura. The medic was rooting through her pack in an attempt to keep busy as she pursed her lips. He heard Sasuke's footsteps behind her and stopped.

" there something I can do for you, Sasuke?" Sakura asked after a few moments.

"...Naruto said that we should talk and...I guess clear the air?" Sasuke replied a bit awkwardly and his teammate sighed.

"I'm not the same helpless girl you left on the bench four years ago anymore, Sasuke," Sakura said a bit sharply. "Nor am I the same girl you nearly killed on a whim in Orochimaru's hideout."

"...I've sensed you've gotten much stronger, and that medical ninjutsu of yours restored Naruto's and mine's bodies quickly," Sasuke said, missing the point as the medic crushed a stone.

"What I mean is that I'm not your fan girl anymore," Sakura stated angrily. "Even though I still care about you deeply...even though I'm..." she gritted her teeth. "...even though you don't deserve it, I still love you, but you haven't done anything to earn it."

Sasuke was silent for a few moments at that. "...Sakura, I'm going to earn your respect back aren't I?"

"More than that, you idiot!" Sakura snapped. "You're going to have to earn not only my forgiveness, but the rest of our friends forgiveness too! And you see, unlike before I won't let you walk all over me or insist this is how you're going to do things."

Sasuke breathed out through his nose. "That's fair."

"Naruto vouching for you won't be enough. You'll have to earn everything you threw away back," Sakura said as she stood up. "Now...I'm going to go train to clear my head. If you want to do anything now keep watch, make sure the enemy doesn't come to take Naruto or Bee-san."

With that the medic left and Sasuke watched her go. He wouldn't admit it...but her words hurt. They had cut deep into what little pride he had left. Even though Naruto was vouching for him...not even Sakura was willing to give him a chance yet. And for some reason he couldn't explain...Sakura telling him point blank that she loved him but he didn't deserve it made him feel...strange.

I have to think things over... Sasuke thought as he assumed the part of lookout for the area.

Alliance Headquarters, Kumogakure

The Allied Shinobi Headquarters was in chaos as the sensing sphere showed a massive counter attack from Akatsuki on all the fronts. The Fourth Division was still pinned by three extremely powerful Edo Tensei Kages, and masses of White Zetsu and low powered Edo Tensei appeared from Lightning Ridge to the Land of Frost. Tens of thousands of enemies had appeared to push whatever advantage Akatsuki had over the edge.

"Another 10,000 enemies attacking the Third Division," Ao reported as he pursed his lips. "And four Edo Tensei on top of 5.000 White Zetsu are attacking the Fifth Division's flank. Mifune is barely holding his own since two of the Edo Tensei are fighting him together."

"Which two?" Shikaku asked.

"The Shikotsumayku user and...Hanzō the Salamander," Inoichi said after a moment. "The same man that named the Sannin..."

Shikaku pursed his lips. "What of the other Edo Tensei?"

"Puppet Master Chiyo of Sunagakure, and..." Inoichi blinked. "Feels like a Kage there as well."

"A Kage?" Ao asked as he focused and his eyes widened. "Sandaime Mizkuage-sama..."

"The Sandaime Mizukage?! Kabuto had managed to find his remains?" Shikaku asked with a snarl. "Intel, I need it now..."

Land of Lightning, Lightning Desert

In the large desert that was littered with two-story tall rock pillars, Ōnoki panted as he floated in mid air. Gaara levitated on a cloud of sand next to him, the two fighting back to back against the Nidaime Tsuchikage Mū. All over their battlefield there were perfectly shaped holes bored into the sand or pillars from the clash on Jinton between the two Tsuchikages.

"What's wrong Ōnoki? Getting tired?" a voice asked as the Kazekage spun and let a wave of sand go to the source of the sound. "Old age really has weakened you..."

"Silence!" Ōnoki yelled as he created a cylinder-shaped Jinton. "My age has granted me wisdom and has heightened by instincts, Mū-sensei!"

He lashed out as Gaara's sand exposed where Mū floated. Surprised at the sudden blast of Kekkei Tōta the Nidaime Tsuchikage couldn't even charge his own and he barely avoided 'lethal' damage. But Ōnoki's attack had blasted one of Mū's arms off and ash and paper flew off his body as he began to rapidly regenerate.

"I'm impressed you managed to hit me," Mū said as his arm fully regenerated. "If I were alive you'd have won just now but due to being reincarnated I can recover from that..."

There was a yellow blur that appeared behind the Nidaime Tsuchikage and Naruto himself...or at least his Kage Bunshin appeared and created a Wakusei Rasengan over his hand. Mū's chakra sense flared in warning as Naruto fell behind him in an attempt to attack. As quickly as he could the Nidaime Tsuchikage flew out of the way and the young Hokage's attack missed.

"You're going to have to do a lot better than that..." Mū noted and he saw the cape flap behind Naruto's back. "They're sending a Hokage out now..."

"Gaara! Sand platform please!" Naruto yelled as the young Kazekage recovered from the shock and created a platform of sand for the young Hokage to slam a chakra arm into to launch himself back up.

"A brilliant attempt but you won't reach me in time," Mū said as he held his hands out. "My attack will..."

In response Naruto shot out a second chakra arm from his back and sent the Wakusei Rasengan into Mū's stomach before he could finish his sentence. The moment it impact the several different rotations of each Rasengan began to bore into the Nidaime Tsuchikage's torso before he was sent flying by several tornado-size vortexes from the power of the attack. Unlike the Sandaime Raikage who was undamaged by the force of the attack...Mū was torn apart from the inside out! And he crashed into the ground before he smashed through several of the stone pillars. Ōnoki used his flight and his speed to appear behind his old teacher and stop him before he could crash into another pillar.

"I've weighted you down, sensei, you won't be fighting any longer," Ōnoki said a his jutsu took effect and made the Nidaime Tsuchikage sink into the ground.

"Ahh...that mastered in well..." Mū said as the sand began to wrap around his body. "Ōnoki, be careful I..."

Before he could complete his sentence Gaara's sand completely engulfed him and a sealing tag appeared. Naruto grinned, glancing at Ōnoki who straightened up and his back cracked a bit, wincing a bit. Gaara walked over to the Hokage and Tsuchikage and he glanced at his first friend.

"Naruto, what happened. Why are you on the battlefield?!"

"Hiding wasn't going to work. The enemy found the Island Turtle and attacked," Naruto replied as he stretched, his Kurama Chakra Mode flickered around his body. "I fought the Sandaime Raikage and Bee fought the Sandaime Kazekage."

Ōnoki frowned. "So our efforts to keep it hidden were for naught then. Damn Akatsuki bastards..."

They felt an explosion and glanced at the distance. "The battle is still raging, we'll talk more after the remaining Edo Tensei Kages are dealt with," Gaara said as the three of them ran back into the battle.

Around the Nidaime Raikage Dodai led the counter attack. A no Yōgan was surrounded by a lake of molten rock that responded to his commands. The older Kumo shinobi blocked a wave of lava with his own Yōton (Lava Release) and he created a wall of rubber to shield his comrades...but it soon began to melt. Yōgan sighed as he did a seal.

"Defending won't get you much, Dodai-san," Yōgan commented as the lake of lava suddenly formed a wall to deflect a dozen kunai from his flank. "Nor weak attacks like that will penetrate my defense."

"Easier said than done...Raikage-sama..." Dodai said as he panted, a bit of sweat appeared on his forehead from the heat produced by the lake of lava.

Of all the Raikage, Yōgan was the second most powerful of the lot with the greatest destructive power. While the Ultimate was the strongest of the entire line, he lacked the versatility that his predecessor had with his Yōton which gave him the ability to attack, defend, and counter attack with ease without requiring seals. In many ways his Yōton manipulation was similar to Gaara's own sand manipulation...

On another part of the battlefield Gengetsu Hozuki, the Nidaime Mizukage faced an army of Allied Shinobi led by Temari. The eyebrowless Mizukage was seemingly impaled onto one of the pillars by several large shuriken and kunai. However, he just...walked through the weapons that pinned him. He sighed and shook his head and acted like he was lecturing children.

"Look, my jutsu is easy to beat! You just gotta find the clam!" Gengetsu announced as he pointed to himself. "This is just a mirage! Don't attack it, attack the real me or real clam!"

"How are we supposed to do that?!" one Kirigakure Jōnin demanded while he held two kunai.

Gengetsu paused...and then he pointed at Temari. "You girl! Your Fūtons should be able to blow the mist away that's projecting it!"

"I've been trying that! The damn clam keeps pumping out even more mist!" Temari snapped at him as she kept her hand on her big fan as her weasel summon Kamitachi floated next to her with his scythe.

"Just make a bigger one!" Gengetsu said as he pointed. "Those winds were strong enough to cut those rock pillars in half! You just have to make them stronger to blow the entirety of the mist away!"

Temari gritted her teeth. Easier said than done...the only technique in my arsenal that might do that is Sunagakure's most powerful Fūton...but with the Mizukage attacking like this I can't even pull it off!

Gengetsu then froze and he lifted his arms up...and did several seals. "Guys! Watch out, I'm being forced to attack again!" he yelled as he finished the seal sequence...and from his body a massive dragon made of water had been made. "Suiton: Mizu Ryu Dō (Water Release: Water Dragon Body)!"

The dragon was made out of the Mizukage's own body and it smashed into the Allied Shinobi Forces and created dozens of shock waves which not only blew them back but several were quickly drowned from the torrent. Temari herself quickly used a Fūton to launch herself in the air and she then swung it with all her might and launched a massive wave of wind which counterbalanced the torrent of water. She landed and immediately smashed her fan into the ground for a shield as Gengetsu reformed into his original form before he did several seals.

"Crap, this is a Hozuki Style technique!" Gengetsu yelled as he finished the seals and lifted his arms up...and pointed a finger at everyone. "Suiton: Yakuza no Jutsu (Water Release: Yakuza Technique)!"

With that bullets made of water began to be rapidly fired from the Mizukage's fingertip much like a machine gun. Temari's fan-shield held against the barrage and several Iwagakure shinobi managed to create walls of earth for a shield. But...the barrage inflicted high casualties to the Allied Shinobi Forces. In a perfect circle all around the Mizukage the dead and dying were scattered everywhere by the hundreds.

"...heh...guess I'm too strong?" Gengetsu asked out loud as he saw the carnage had been forced to unleash as Temari panted and poked out from her fan.

He...he wiped out a majority of my battalion in almost an strong is this guy?! Temari thought as she ducked back behind her fan.

Suddenly there was a golden flash and Gengetsu blinked, Temari peered out and her eyes widened. "What's with the glow of this guy?" the Mizukage asked and he saw the newcomer's cape flutter behind him.

"Naruto?!" Temari asked in surprise.

Naruto cracked his knuckles...he was in his new 'Kurama Mode', the enhanced Kurama Chakra Mode he had attained upon his friendship with Kurama. Still, on his back the symbols of the 'Rokudaime Hokage' showed brightly. Gengetsu leaned forward, the chakra around the young Hokage made the air sizzle even with the mirage around.

"Huh...that's new I guess. Never seen a shinobi glowing so much before, kind of makes stealth hard doesn't it?" Gengetsu asked as he put his hand to his chin...and he saw the Hokage characters on the cape. "Wait you're this era's Hokage?! You look far more relaxed than the Nidaime Hokage, he was really stuck up!"

Naruto blinked a bit. "Huh..." he asked and glanced at Temari.

"He's the Nidaime Hokage...don't let him fool you. He's real strong," Temari said as she looked around. "You're in his genjutsu now, like all of us. Its subtle and causes an illusion, and according to him the only way to deactivate it is to find the clam producing the mist."

Naruto nodded. "I see..." he said as he glanced around and tried to sense the clam. "I'm guessing its hidden from normal chakra sensing?"

"Even dōjutsu too," Temari confirmed as she looked around. "The mist that's being produced acts like the Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hidden Mist Technique), the only thing our Byakugan users could see was a cloud of chakra and nothing in it."

The Hokage then created a Rasengan above his hand and then zipped right into the illusion. "I'm going to try to hit it by sensing its intent!"

"What?! That's insane you're completely left open!" Temari cried out as Naruto vanished in a a yellow flash.

"Whoa! What type of jutsu is THAT?!" Gengetsu asked in shock and his body responded from within the illusion. "Crap, I'm attacking!"

With that, the Nidaime Mizukage began to pepper the area with water bullets again which forced Temari to hide behind her fan again and begin to concentrate chakra. Naruto himself effortlessly dodged as he slammed his Rasengan down to where he thought he sensed the clam only for him to smash into and obliterate a rock pillar instead. He created a chakra arm which acted as a shield for when the Nidaime Mizukage's fire concentrated on him. Again, he got a warning of negative emotions and this time he created a Rasenshuriken and tossed it right in the direction of them.

C'mon hit! Naruto thought as the Rasenshuriken tore through the mist-actually destabilizing it due to the vast amount of wind that was kicked up by it and then smashed right into where he thought the clam was.

A massive dome of wind chakra a kilometer wide bore through the ground but it didn't hit the clam, nor did it blow away the mirage illusion. The Hokage then vanished and appeared in front of several shinobi who were about to be hit by the Nidaime Mizukage's attack and he formed Kurama's head to block the attack.

Temari's, as well as the Allied Shinobis' jaws dropped. "Did...did he just bring out the Kyūbi to protect us?!" an Iwagakure shinobi asked in shock.

"Its true then, Naruto did manage to tame the Kyūbi!" a Konoha Jōnin exclaimed in amazement.

"Name's Kurama, get my damn name right!" Kurama barked at them and the shinobi blinked. "Anyway, this damn mist...even usual genjutsu dispelling methods don't work. Girl?"

Temari's eyebrow twitched. "Name's Temari, what is it?"

"You're better with Fūton than Naruto. Got any wide scale techniques that could blow away the mist long enough for us to hit the clam?"

"...yeah, I do. But it'll take time for me to gather the chakra needed to do it," Temari replied with a bit of a sweat drop. I'm actually talking with a demon fox about strategy...never thought I'd see the day...

"Fine then, Naruto and I'll provide the distraction you need to keep get the chakra gathered!" Kurama said and he then formed fully around Naruto's body...and the Nine-Tailed Fox stood on the battlefield with its tails swishing behind him, and Naruto floated in his head.

Unlike against Sasuke though, the Biju Mode was far smaller due to being used through a Kage Bunshin that had been created before Naruto and Kurama's alliance. Thus the Biju Mode avatar was just a little bit taller than that of Gyūki, around 120 meters tall but it'd be enough to keep the division safe.

Gengetsu's jaw dropped. "Okay...he's a Jinchūriki...of the Kyūbi...that is new!" fire then appeared in the Mizukage's eyes. "Alright then, time for a REAL fight!"

"But you said you wanted us to defeat you!" Temari pointed out as she got behind her fan for a shield.

"If you can't even defeat me? How can you defeat the guy controlling me?" Gengetsu replied as he did several seals. "This is the best thing I can do: fight you at full power so you'll be prepared for what's coming!"

He then slammed his hand to the ground and summoned another giant clam, nearly the size of Naruto's Biju Mode. Though unlike before it was covered in spikes and huge barnacles which looked like cannons. Gengetsu then stood right on top of it with a smirk.

"And this big guy is also covered by the original clam's genjutsu! Meet my battle clam, Jojo!" Gengetsu said with a smirk. "Even Mū didn't want to face this guy when I brought him out, that shell is hard and dense enough to deflect Jinton!"

Naruto grinned. "Then bring it!"

At that the massive barnacles opened on the giant battle clam's shell and Gengetsu did several seals and slammed his hand down on Jojo's back. Immediately, huge blasts of water, focused through the barnacles smashed into Kurama's chest with surprisingly force. The Biju skidded back and Naruto grunted while he floated inside the Fox's head.

"That's ANNOYING!" Kurama roared and he sent a blast of chakra through it which blew the blasts of water away.

Gengetsu shielded himself from the chakra which made even the mirage sizzle from the release, but the smaller genjutsu clam reapplied it to keep hidden. "Damn, didn't expect the fox to actually TALK! That's so cool!" he did several seals and hit Jojo's back again. "Try this! Kasui-Ko no Jutsu (Spike Cannon Technique)!"

With that the spikes on the back of Jojo launched at Naruto and the Fourth Division. The Hokage was forced to block the attacks while several hit Kurama's chest and exploded and sent shards of hardened chitin all over the area. The nine-tailed fox gave an annoyed grunt and slammed his claw down in an attempt to hit Jojo but he just phased right through it.


Temari sat with her legs crossed under her as she seemed to meditate, and she became completely still. "Just...a few more...minutes...I need to concentrate!"

The Nidaime Mizukage the increased his assault on Naruto and the Fourth Division. His summon Jojo continually blasted massive blasts of water from its giant barnacles while it rapidly fired its spikes from its back. Kurama grunted as he slammed his tails to block every attack and he gave a loud roar which made the illusion shimmer a bit.

Jojo then spun rapidly and then smashed into Kurama's chest and he crashed to the ground with enough force to smash several of the rock pillars and members of the Fourth Division were thrown off their feet. Naruto winced but he lashed out with one of Kurama's tails to try to block the next attack. He managed to hit Jojo and shifted his Biju Mode so Kurama stood on all fours to give himself better balance. He charged through the illusion of the giant clam and then slammed his tails all around as he tried to hit the pesky creature.


Naruto's glanced back at Temari and he noticed that she was meditating behind her fan for cover. His jaw dropped a little. Wait is it just me or is she...

An orange line appeared around Temari's eyes as she continued her meditation, and she gained four whisker marks on her cheeks. She then opened her eyes, which were now golden and had a cat-like slit in them. To the Hokage's shock she had...entered Sage Mode!

"Senpō: Hageshii Harike-n no Jutsu (Sage Mode: Violent Hurricane Technique)!" Temari called out as she then grasped her fan and flicked it so all three 'suns' were visible.

With that she whipped the fan around her body and began to kick up a massive amount of wind and even began to manipulate the weather in the area. The clouds above the battlefield began to violently rotate around each other and began to condense into a bigger one...if seen from space it was like a hurricane itself had been conjured right over the desert. Heavy winds that Temari had been created buffeted the entire area as the Suna Kunoichi stood proudly, glad she had gotten enough time to enter Sage Mode.

"TAKE...THAT!" Temari yelled as she pointed her fan at the mirage the Nidaime Mizukage had created. I can only maintain the storm for five minutes at my current chakra levels...after that it'd dissipate and we'd be back to square one...need to make this count!

Directed by her chakra which acted like a beacon Temari buffeted Gengetsu's genjutsu in an attempt to blow the illusion mist away. Everyone in the area except for Jojo and Naruto who floated in Kurama's Biju Mode avatar were hanging on for dear life due to the intensity of the winds. The Nidaime Mizukage covered his eyes.

"WHOOO! That's more like it girl!" Gengetsu said as the area began to shimmer. "The clam is having a hard time maintaining the genjutsu!"

The strong winds and rain finally blew away the illusion leaving both clams out in the open. Naruto acted first and created a Rasenshuriken and he tossed it right at the illusion clam before it could react. It freaked out, spinning around as the Rasenshuriken closed in and it chose to flee and in a puff of smoke it as it canceled the summoning on itself. Kurama knew his limit was up and charged right at Gengetsu and Jojo.

"Naruto, I'm going to hit this clam all out! After that fight in either Chakra or Sage Mode until we can recharge our link!" Kurama yelled as he smashed into the giant clam. Jojo spun around and shot several spikes at the Biju.

The Biju deflected the spikes with his tail before he delivered a massive uppercut to the clam's lower shell to send it crashing back. Gengetsu fell off his summon as Kurama then began to pry open Jojo's 'mouth' and black and white chakra swirled in the Fox's mouth.

"If this thing can withstand Jinton, it should be able to contain my blast!" Kurama yelled as he then shot the Bijudama right into the giant clam's gullet before he slammed the shell shut. The demon fox squeezed the clam's shell closed to contain the blast.

"GAH! THATS BRUTAL!" Gengetsu yelled after he fell off Jojo. "Guess he wouldn't be the demon fox if he didn't have a brutal execution, but damn!"

Both halves of the giant clam crashed onto the ground, smoke wafted up from the now charred innards. Kurama gave a satisfied smirk as the giant Biju Mode cloak began to fade around Naruto. With the Biju Mode expired the giant demon fox vanished and the Hokage landed on his feet face to face with the Nidaime Mizukage. The hurricane that Temari had created started to die down as Genjutsu then charged at Naruto himself. He stood still for several seconds and when he opened his eyes he had entered Sage Mode.

"I may not be the best with hand to hand but I'm still gonna give you a good fight!" Gengetsu called out as he began to fire several water bullets from his fingers at Naruto.

The Hokage dodged thanks to his Sage Mode senses and he then jumped and unleashed a kick at Gengetsu. The Nidaime Mizukage dodged...only to be hit by the invisible natural energy that surrounded Naruto. He burst into a shower of oil and then was blown away by Temari.

"Thanks!" Naruto said as he glanced back at Temari. "When did you learn Sage Mode anyway, Temari-san?!"

"Heh, the toads aren't the only ones who teach Senjutsu," Temari said as she slammed her fan down. "Ebizo-ojii-san took me to the Desert Fortress, the dwelling place of the weasels. There I learned how to enter Sage Mode from the Old Codger, the oldest and wisest weasel there."

Gengetsu's body reformed and he was forced to dodge a barrage of attacks from the Fourth Division. He partially transformed his feet into a torrent of oily water which he used to 'skate' on the ground and dodged every kunai, shuriken and elemental ninjutsu that had been launched against him but it was only a matter of time. Several Doton users slammed their hands down and raised a wall of earth right in front of him to corner him.

"Nice one, trying to get me into a corner!" Gengetsu said as more walls then raised around him. "Ohhh really trying to trap me?!"

"Alright guys, ready the sealing tags!"

Several members of the Division then tossed kunai with sealing tags right onto the Doton prison that had been erected around the Nidaime Mizukage. Just as the bindings of the seal was about to take effect...there was a massive explosion that rocked the area. A hazy cloud...which looked to have the Mizukage's facial features appeared as a random hail storm appeared.

"Been a long time since I've been forced to use this technique..." Gengetsu said behind the mist that had been created by the explosion. "Not even the mummy could figure it out!"

The cloud of mist shaped like Gengetsu's face shrank back down to normal...then even smaller until standing in front of the Fourth Division was a...bunshin of the Mizukage that was a third of the size. It had a demented permanent smile etched on its face and it then threw its arms out...and from them sprung blades made out of water.

"What the hell is that little thing?!"

"Meet my...Jōki Bōi (Steaming Danger Tyranny)!" Gengetsu announced from behind a pillar as the small clone launched itself right at the opposing ninja. "The strongest technique to ever come out of Kirigakure!"

Naruto stepped back in shock as the Jōki Bōi began to cut a swath of destruction through the Fourth Division. Its water blades slashed through any armor or blades against it and it zoomed in on Temari. While she was still in Sage Mode she blocked the slash with her fan but it was cut in half and she was kicked right in the face by the miniature bunshin!

"Oooffff!" Temari cried out as she tumbled backwards and two more ninja from the Fūton Company went to defend her but were effortlessly cut down.

"Damn it its too fast!" one of the ninja yelled out before he himself was cut down...his head flew off his shoulders from a single slash of the Jōki Bōi's water blades. In an instant, more ninja were cut down before they could even moved.

There was a scene of carnage behind the Jōki Bōi, dead and dying shinobi were littered on the sands which were now soaked in red blood. Shinobi were missing limbs...some beheaded and their eyes still opened. Another had been cut in half and was trying to keep his innards in his torso as he lost blood, and other had been cut in half diagonally. Due to Jōki Bōi's attacks any member of the Medical Division couldn't even approach to help the wound or ease the suffering of those dying.

Naruto reacted quickly and exited Sage Mode, his Kurama Chakra Mode flared back to life around him. Before the Jōki Bōi could get to its next victim it was intercepted by the Hokage's bunshin who appeared in a golden yellow blur and smashed his fist right into the Mizukage's miniature bunshin's face. Gengetsu's eyes widened from his vantage point.

"Holy crap, he's as fast as Tobirama! But where's that space-time seal he used to move that fast?!" Gengetsu whispered to himself as his Jōki Bōi bounced on the ground after the punch...and began to swell up. "But it doesn't matter, gonna take more than that to defeat Jōki Bōi!"

Naruto blinked. "What the hell?! Why is it...?"

Idiot! Wrap yourself in my chakra quickly, that thing is going to explode!

The Hokage acted quickly and managed to form one of Kurama's tail around himself and the Division behind him and used it as a gigantic shield as Jōki Bōi's swelled up even more and more and it then opened its mouth. Another massive explosion rocked the entire area and Naruto shielded his eyes with his arm as another round of hail began to fall on the area.

Wait a minute... Naruto thought as he saw the Jōki Bōi cloud again...start to shrink with the onset of the hail. Is it using the hail itself down?

Jōki Bōi reformed in its miniature form and its water blades shot out of its arms again. Temari grumbled, still in Sage Mode as she grabbed her secondary fan and jumped next to Naruto. The Hokage glanced at her with a nod.

"I think I may have a means of defeating it," Naruto whispered as the Jōki Bōi hopped up and down to taunt the Division to dare to attack him.


"I think it purposely starts...well warming itself up," Naruto said as he kept his guard up. "Noticed how every explosion hail appeared?"


"Without that hail, it wouldn't be able to cool itself down..." Naruto said as he remembered the explosions...the mist formation...and the hail. "It wouldn't be able to reform from that mist I have a feeling we have two options."

"Which are?" Temari asked, slightly surprised about Naruto's analysis.

"Both rely on the explosion's effect: we either blow the mist itself away with a powerful Fūton or blow away the hail clouds the explosion creates. Either way it'd defeat the jutsu...I think," Naruto said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Worth a shot," Temari said as she grabbed her fan. "Still owe that little imp payback for destroying my favorite fan."

Gengetsu from his vantage point breathed in heavily...just as several shuriken whizzed past him. "GAH!" he said as he jumped back.

"He's not using a genjutsu!"

"We found him!"

"His chakra levels have dropped! We can seal him!"

"GAH! Gotta book it!" Gengetsu yelled as he began to run away from the barrage of elemental ninjutsu and kunai and shuriken that were thrown at him.

Naruto now engaged Jōki Bōi itself, his Kurama Chakra Mode cloak shrugged off each slash of the water blades the miniature clone used. A Kumo shinobi jumped into the fray in an attempt to help and used a overhand slash with a fan-like sword to strike from behind but Jōki Bōi just jumped out of the way and swelled in size, but it lost none of its speed and it went to bisect its new opponent. Then Naruto grabbed it with a chakra arm and lifted it up and smashed it onto the ground.

"You're not killing anyone else on my watch!" Naruto yelled as the now bloated Jōki Bōi tried to get back to its feet but the Hokage speedblitzed it and smashed his fist right into the exploding clone's stomach.

The Jōki Bōi grunted and smashed through several two-story tall rock pillars before skidding to a stop as its mass continued to expand. But now it was far away from any of the Fourth Division with the exception of Naruto. Naruto landed right in front of the strange Mizu Bunshin as it swelled and expanded more.

"Yep...that's it big guy," Naruto said with a smirk. "Get a little frustrated and blow your top!"

Jōki Bōi stomped its feet in frustration as it swelled more and more. Naruto put his hand down and a Rasenshuriken flared to life just as the Mizukage's unique Mizu Bunshin exploded and created a vast, powerful updraft of steam that rapidly cooled and formed cumulonimbus clouds in the upper atmosphere. From the storm clouds rain began to fall...which turned into hail as Jōki Bōi's visage was seen as a hazy mist.

"Just what I was waiting for!" Naruto yelled as he drew his hand back quickly. "Fūton: RASENSHURIKEN!"

He tossed the Rasenshuriken right at the slowly reforming Jōki Bōi who gave a hiss of fear at the technique. Once it got into the mist Naruto's technique detonated and became a massive sphere of wind which dissipated Gengetsu's technique. Jōki Bōi gave one final cry as it destroyed, being tossed into the winds around the desert of the Rasenshuriken's wind dome.

Temari now had confronted Gengetsu. With Jōki Bōi defeated and him being unable to recover the chakra made from the creation of his technique, he was slammed into a rocky pillar by her fan and his hands were then pinned there by kunai. He gave a laugh as his body started to liquefy.

"Sorry that's not gonna work, even without Jōki Bōi I'm still a Kage!" he unleashed a barrage of water bullets from his fingers at the Suna Kunoichi who blocked with her fan.

"That's why we brought in Kumo Shinobi," Temari said with a smirk. "Dodai-san, now!"

"On it!" the one-eyed Kumo Shinobi said and did several seals. "Raiton: Baindo Kiba (Lightning Release: Binding Fangs)!"

Like a bear trap, several fangs made of lightning slammed the Mizukage against the wall and he grunted in annoyance as his body was forced to stay solid. Naruto arrived just as Temari tossed nearly a dozen kunai with the sealing tags right at Gengetsu. The Mizukage gave a laugh as his body was paralyzed by the lightning.

"Well, looks like this era will be just fine!" Gengetsu said and he looked at Naruto. "Hokage! You make sure the next won't repeat our mistakes!"

Naruto nodded. "We won't! I'll be sure of it!"

With a final smile, Gengetsu managed to lift his hand up...and form a thumbs up despite the paralysis and the sealing tags took hold. After the sealing was complete Temari's Sage Mode faded away and she panted and put her hands to her knees.

"Phew...wish that form didn't have that drawback..." Temari looked upwards and then towards the direction where Gaara was fighting. "I think my brother will need backup..."

Naruto grinned. "You sure? He has the Ultimate Defense..."

The Fūton Mistress pointed and the Hokage turned to see...a volcano rise from the ground in the distance and there were clouds of sand around it. Naruto gave a gulp at that as smoke and ash billowed out of the summit of the newly formed volcano with red hot lava burst out of the cone.

At the base of the newly formed summit, Gaara and Ōnoki shielded themselves from the onslaught lava that rained down upon them as the Nidaime Raikage, Yōgan came out from behind his 'masterpiece', his hands woven in the tiger seal. From their vantage point behind a wall of sand and earth the Raikage looked at them menacingly.

"Yōton: Kasai Yama (Lava Release: Fire Mountain)," Yōgan said calmly as he walked over. "Out of all of us Raikage, my techniques are the most destructive. Even the first Shinobi no Kami's fabled Mokuton had trouble with my Yōton during the First Shinobi World War."

"That doesn't change anything, we'll still beat you," Gaara said as the Nidaime Raikage was then surrounded by a Raiton no Yoroi aura...with a bit of lava mixed in on his fists.

"I certainly hope so," Yōgan said with a bit of a smirk. "Otherwise enemies even stronger than me will crush you utterly, Kazekage."

Ōnoki growled. "You'll see what we can do, Yōgan-dono!"

"I wouldn't fly if I were you," Yōgan said as he did the seals. "Yōton: Jikogu Hōgeki (Lava Release: Hell's Bombardment)!"

Yōgan's volcano started a full eruption due to the manipulation of the Raikage's chakra. Balls of lava formed and then were launched from the volcano right at the Kazekage, Tsuchikage and the Fourth Division. Gaara reacted quickly and raised a huge shield of sand to block the lava bombs which exploded with not only a massive amount of force, but due to the heat they were highly corrosive to whatever they touched. Even the mass of sand that he had used to block began to be turned into glass from the heat of the lava.

"How long can you keep this up, Kazekage?" Yōgan asked with a smirk as his Raiton no Yoroi flared. "As long as my chakra is active, the mountain will never stop erupting!"

"Then we'll take you out before it can do more damage!" Ōnoki yelled as he flew over the ground at high speed and lifted his hands up. "Jinton: Genkai Hikari no Jutsu (Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique)!"

The elderly Tsuchikage created a cylinder of chakra made out of Katon, Doton, and Fūton with the explosive center which would vaporize things caught in it down to their molecules lit inside. He fired and Yōgan dodged with a shunshin and went to counterattack immediately. Ōnoki flew backwards and dodged punches and kicks from the Nidaime Raikage but his back gave a loud crack from all rapid movement and he fell to his knees.

"I was thinking it'd be a bit harder to kill you, Ōnoki.'ve gotten so old," Yōgan said as the lava around his fists grew in power. "Yōton: Jigoku Ken (Lava Release: Hell's Fist)!"

A massive amount of lava formed around the Nidaime Raikage's fist as Ōnoki knelt prone on the ground from the pain in his back. The massive fist of lava then smashed down right on the Tsuchikage and seemingly smashed the old man flat on top of burning him immensely. However...when the dust cleared what was left of Ōnoki's body turned to sand.

"A Suna Bunshin (Sand Clone)?!" Yōgan asked and he looked around to find the still prone Tsuchikage on a cloud of sand.

"You should be wary that you have more than one opponent," Gaara said as he lifted his hands up. "Since we're both going to seal you right here and now."

Yōgan gave a smirk. "I'd like to see that, young Kazekage. You are still able to deal with the bombardment from my volcano...and you substituted the Tsuchikage with a Bunshin right at the last second. VERY impressive."

"Kazekage...I owe you one," Ōnoki said as he managed to finally get back to his feet. Damn it, the battle with Mū-sensei took a lot out of me...

"Thank me when we've won," Gaara said as sand rose up. "Rendan Suna Shigure (Sand Shower Barrage)!"

Thousands of bullets made of sand were then launched from the sediment that the Kazekage had brought up. It was wide reaching and incredibly fast so Yōgan dropped his Raiton no Yoroi and raised a wall of lava as a shield.

"Yōton: Moeru Kabe (Lava Release: Burning Wall)!" Yōgan yelled as the bullets of sand hit his wall of lava and he then gave a smirk. "Yōton: Jigoku no Kanketsusen (Lava Release: Hell's Geyser)!"

Gaara felt the ground heat up right under his feet and immediately he hopped onto a cloud of sand to avoid a point-blank eruption of lava that shot out. He gritted his teeth as he did several seals and took a deep breath while Ōnoki slapped his own hands together.

"Fūton: Daitoppa (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)!"

"Doton: Doryūheki (Earth Release: Earth Wall)!"

Gaara shot out a blast of wind right from his mouth just as a wall of earth rose from the sand behind Yōgan before he could react. His lava fist bubbled with heat on his arm and he crashed through the wall of earth that Ōnoki had created, the Kazekage's blast of wind propelled him through the hard stone. His lava fist was stripped from his arm and he suffered several scratches an cuts from the dual technique. Ash and paper flew off his body as he began to regenerate from the attack however Gaara closed the distance faster than he thought he could.

"You won't be permitted to recover," Gaara uttered as he created a a sword out of sand. "Suna Katana (Sand Katana)!"

Yōgan jumped and skidded back as Gaara slashed and stabbed at him and he kept close to the reincarnated Raikage. The Kazekage then spun and did a diagonal upwards slash and the Nidaime Raikage grunted and powered up a Raiton no Yoroi as ash and paper fluttered from his chest. He lifted his arm up and blocked the next downward slash and managed to land a single heavy punch on Gaara's face, faster than his sand could block due to how close the Kazekage was to his opponent.

Gaara's Suna no Yoroi (Armor of Sand) cracked and splintered as it protected him from the blow but the attack was hard enough to make the Kazekage bleed from his lip. Despite the pain he used the force of the blow to recover exceedingly quicker than Yōgan anticipated. He then sent a flow of Fūton chakra into his Suna Katana and did another rising diagonal slash which the Raikage again blocked...but the wind that was now around the sand blade beat out the lightning that was protecting Yōgan and cut his arm off from below the elbow. The shock of the attack made the Nidaime Raikage's Raiton no Yoroi short out and the Kazekage finished off by doing a vertical slash right down his enemy's face down to his torso.

"Its...over..." Gaara said as the Raikage stumbled back, ash and paper flew out of his 'wounds' as he began to regenerate. "I'm going to seal you...right here...and right now!"

Yōgan managed to regenerate fast enough to jump out of the Kazekage's immediate range and as soon as his left arm finished 'healing' he did a seal, his eyes completely blacked out from Kabuto taking direct control of the Raikage's body. He then did several seals and the ground started to shake and rumble.

"Oh will you Kazekage? Let me ask you, what do you think is one of the most powerful abilities of a volcano? You have learned of geology in Suna, right?" Kabuto taunted through Yōgan's mouth. "Its called the Pyroclastic Flow...when a volcano creates a special type of magma, filled with explosive gases, it blows its top. No mere lava flow...the entire mountain explodes with pumice, ash, and super heated gases...and this is the ability that made Yōgan feared throughout the world in the First and Second Shinobi World Wars. He can create that special type of magma and destroy entire armies with the explosion of ash and gas! Lets see if your puny defense can survive THIS!"

"Yōton: Jigoku no Bakuhatsu-tekina Shi no Kumo (Lava Release: Hell's Explosive Death Cloud)!" Yōgan then uttered as the volcano he created pumped out more ash and pumice, the entire area shaking as the pressure built up.

Gaara's eyes widened and he then lifted his arms up. "Everyone, behind my Fūton: Kūsa Bōheki (Wind Release: Air Sand Protective Wall)!"

A massive amount of sand, greater than that from before levitated off of the ground in response to the Kazekage's chakra. The gigantic shield was nearly five kilometers wide and some of it even encircled the volcano that Yōgan had created right down to the base of the newly created mountain. The tremors then stopped...and a loud crack was heard from inside the volcano as the gases ignited. A vast column of ash, steam, explosive gases and flaming pumice was launched from the summit and began to descend down it at nearly the speed of sound.

Ōnoki gritted his teeth. "Kazekage are you sure you can block that?! I can hear that technique's power from here!"

"I am going to give it my all," Gaara responded as he pumped more chakra into the defensive wall and a bead of sweat appeared from his forehead at the strain. If I had Shukaku still inside me...maintaining and strengthening this wall would be a lot easier...

As the initial pyroclastic smashed into the Kūsa Bōheki sand wall creating a massive impact of all the super heated matter that was smashed into it. The silica particles that made up the sand began to fuse together from the heat as Gaara gritted his teeth in an attempt to maintain the defense. More ash and pumice rained down as from every point of the battlefield everyone could see the volcano's death throes. And then another loud crack was heard as Yōgan's volcano then exploded right in the direction of Gaara, Ōnoki and the rest of the Fourth Division.

Millions of tons of earth were sent crashing down onto the gigantic shield of sand as well as what was left of the lava that had been left in the magma chamber that the Nidaime Raikage had created. Cracks began to appear at the bottom of the mass of sand that Gaara had raised in a shield, a bright yellow glow seeped through as the entirety of the defense began to buckle under the strain. The Kazekage sank to one knee as he kept his hands up as he gritted his teeth.

"No...this won't...get through..." Gaara uttered as his body started to glow with red chakra. "I'm not going to let...this technique...BEAT ME!"

The red chakra took on a vague silhouette of a tanuki...Shukaku's iconic tail whipped behind the Kazekage. Without the seal to dilute the Ichibi's remaining chakra within Gaara, it could finally form an actual chakra cloak in the version 1 state like any other Jinchūriki instead of relying on sand to create it. With the cloak around Gaara's body the strength of his sand shield increased tenfold.

"This chakra...Shukaku's?!" Gaara uttered in surprise but he turned his focused on the coming pyroclastic flow explosion.

With the added power of the chakra cloak Gaara lifted his arms up and the gigantic shield of sand morphed in shape till it literally swallowed the Nidaime Raikage's ultimate attack. The shield had changed shape to that of a giant hollow ball made out of sand which looked like a planetoid floating over the desert. He then let it fall and smash what was left of Yōgan's volcano and crushed it utterly. Before Kabuto could react the Kazekage grabbed the puppet Raikage with two arms of sand.

"Now time to complete this!" Gaara said as Yōgan struggled but more sand was piled onto him. "Sabaku Sōtaisō Fūin (Desert Imperial Pyramid Seal)!"

Gaara created a giant pyramid out of sand which built up around the Nidaime Raikage as he struggled to break free but the sheer volume, on top of the strengthened power from the Kazekage's chakra cloak had made it impossible for him to escape. In frustration Kabuto released his control over Yōgan as the pyramid finished taking shape. Sealing tags appeared all around it...and the Raikage had been completely defeated.

Ōnoki walked over to the Kazekage. "That was extremely impressive that a Bijū cloak?"

Gaara lifted up his hand. "It is...Shukaku's chakra must have stayed with me in some capacity despite him being extracted from my body...and unlike before I can completely control this amount of power."

"Han and Roshi could both get to that stage and beyond," Ōnoki said as he looked at the sealed Raikage. "They were the Gobi and Yonbi Jinchūriki respectfully..."

"I wish I could have met them, then, I think Naruto'd feel the same way about that," Gaara said as he concentrated...and the Version 1 cloak vanished. "We need to tend to the wounded, where were our highest casualties?"

"Looks like Naruto's area was, the Nidaime Mizukage didn't give him an easy time," Ōnoki said as they began to head to where the young Hokage was. "Your area of the battlefield had the least casualties due to the giant shield of sand you made."

The Kazekage nodded and he breathed through his nose as they walked. So far...there had been several losses and victories on both sides of this War. But while Akatsuki could recuperate their losses through Edo Tensei or whatever method they used to create the White Zetsu, the Alliance's were more...finite. There were only so many ninja that the villages could supply...and the death toll now had reached over 40,000 now across the entire war torn north of the continent, more than any other war in the history of the Five Great Nations. And the death toll of civilians was now in the hundreds of thousands due to Akatsuki's earlier push into Lightning Country after the Alliance had lost the coast and was forced to retreat to Lightning Ridge.

"...have we figured out how to attack Akatsuki's main base directly and engage Madara and Kabuto so we can end this war?" Gaara asked as Ōnoki shook his head.

"We're still working on it, we know that the base is somewhere in the Mountain's Graveyard, but we haven't pinpointed Kabuto's location," Ōnoki replied and he sighed. "Just like every'll get worse before it gets better, Kazekage."

The Kazekage nodded as he closed his eyes and he squeezed his hand into a tight fist. As a Kage...the death of his own people weighed heavily on him...but as the Commander General of the entire Allied Shinobi Forces, every death felt like a personal failure. In his position, every shinobi in the Alliance was under his protection. In the back of his mind a voice needled him, saying that with his abilities he should be able to save more people than he has.

"It never gets any easier, lad," Ōnoki said as they walked. "Over my long life I've seen more than my share of death...I've tried to console the families...even dealt with my own loss of family."

"Then how do you get through it?" Gaara asked the elder Kage.

"By trying my damnedest to not to make the same mistakes that led to those deaths, or make them meaningless. In Iwagakure, I go every night to thank the people who laid down their lives in the service of the village by lighting a candle at their graves...each and every tombstone, I do it," Ōnoki said as they walked. "The routine kept me sane when the deaths weighed heavily on me, but it managed to keep me grounded..."

"...I assume I'll have to do that a lot at the end of this War. Find my own routine," Gaara said as they walked.

"You wouldn't be a Kage if you didn't, but right now we have to focus on one thing," Ōnoki said as he looked up at the sky. "Finishing this War once and for all."

Alliance Headquarters

As the Tsuchikage thought of that, in every single battlefield the first round of reinforcements arrived. Naruto's mass Kage Bunshins had arrived on every battlefield, from Lightning Ridge down to the Land of Hotsprings and Land of Frost, even penetrating through the Mountain's Graveyard. Battles that looked desperate suddenly had their tides turned by Naruto's Bunshins, their power smashing through the ranks of White Zetsu and fighting the super powered Edo Tensei's to standstills. Reports from every war zone flooded into the Alliance Headquarters as little 'dots' that represented the Bunshins appeared on the Sensory Water Sphere.

"The Third Division has now regained its foothold! The Fifth Division is able to regain its defense on the battlefield now that Naruto's bunshin has arrived," Ao said as he kept his eyes closed. "Lightning Ridge came under another enemy attack just as another one of the Hokage's Bunshins arrived, they're repelling them easily. The Fourth Division seems to have wrapped up the Edo Tensei Kages that they have been fighting due to the help of another Bunshin of Naruto's. The Second Division is holding out the Southern Front...they're doing better now that Naruto's Bunshin has arrived."

"Remarkable," Mabui said as she looked at the Sphere. "Naruto-sama's very presence turned the tide of all these battles..."

"Yes, but its not over yet. We still haven't located Madara nor have we located Kabuto," Shikaku said as he folded his hands behind his back. "But with Naruto's help, we'll finally get the resources freed up to storm right into Akatsuki's stronghold and find both of them."

"They are probably hiding in the very center of the continent..." Inoichi said. "The terrain gives them a advantage. There's cliffs, mountains, and the giant skeletons which provides them plenty of places to hide..."

"...though if I were Madara," Shikaku said as he looked at the sphere. "I'd have already moved from that position long ago, either having sensed what's Naruto doing or anticipated it. Thus...I believe Madara has moved, probably heading to meet our divisions...or attempt to capture Naruto and Bee directly."

"I'll send them the warning that Madara might by on the way," Inoichi said as he closed his eyes to send the message.

Shikaku nodded and he looked at the sphere...there were cheers coming from the men within the headquarters every time a Naruto Bunshin arrived and began to turn the tide of the battles that were raging. But the Nara Clan head and Konoha's Head Jōnin knew that the War was still far from over...its merely entering a new phase.

Kabuto's Cave

Kabuto smirked as Mū's other half finished regenerating in the Lightning Desert. He was quite amazed on how long it took for him to regenerate from Naruto's attack, but the necromancer assumed it was because of the Nine-Tails chakra that he cloaked himself in. After all, when the same chakra was used in Naruto's four-tail state, even his medical ninjutsu had a difficult time healing an comparatively minor injury.

"...Naruto's is quite exceptional. If I'd knew this years ago, I wouldn't have treated him so lightly when I fought him," Kabuto licked his lips with a smirk. "Though I'll have to save the thoughts of fighting him for later. Its time for me to take true control over this War..."

He flipped up two fingers and concentrated. That coffin...the same one he had used as leverage over Tobi...he concentrated his chakra into it. It shuddered before it sank into the ground...and Kabuto gave a sadistic smirk.

"Orochimaru-sama's own modifications...the ultimate weapon in this War is going to be unleashed," Kabuto said with a smirk. "My most powerful Edo Tensei...and he is going to crush whoever is in my way. Then the secrets of" he pushed up his glasses with a smirk. "And eventually my godhood will be realized. Where Orochimaru-sama failed...I'll not only succeed, I'll surpass everything in his wildest imagination!"

Kabuto began a dark, maniacal laugh that echoed through his base of operations. If anyone or anything was in earshot, they would feel immensely uncomfortable and put on edge by the malice that emanated through each tone of laughter. True terror was about to strike the battlefield, right when the Alliance thought they won the battle...

To be continued...

Author's Notes:

Next chapter...Madara Uchiha enters the battlefield.

I turned things on their head: Naruto and Temari vs the Second Mizukage and Gaara vs the Second Raikage.

On Gaara still possessing Shukaku's chakra? I believe that a Jinchūriki retains even a piece of their Bijū's chakra even if they are extracted from them. Its just most Jinchūriki die afterwards. Its why I'm having Gaara and Kushina (don't worry, haven't forgot about her. She's heading right for Naruto to help him) possess a bit of their Bijū power even after the extraction. Plus, in canon, Gaara was able to pull Shukaku free from Obito in the chakra tug of war since he still had Shukaku's power in him.

Oh and as for Temari having Sage Mode? Thought it'd be a nice change to have someone not from Konoha who has learned how to use it. Temari was the best bet, she has the chakra for it, and has a summon which can take her for training. Plus, the thought of a Kunoichi Senjutsu user is too badass not to pass up (though Temari won't be the last).