Chapter 34

The Power of a God? Madara Uchiha's Terrifying Assault!

Land of Lightning, Location Unknown

After considerable rest after the battle with Sasuke, Naruto was in battle form once more. His Kurama Chakra Mode burst to life around him as he closed his eyes...and sensed dozens of kilometers away the evil intent of...him. Madara himself was making a beeline towards the young Hokage and his team. Hinata straightened her outfit...she and Naruto had cuddled while he took the time to rest and recuperate, and Killer Bee was writing more wrap lyrics nearby. Sakura looked to be more cheerful again and the Hokage Guard Platoon was getting ready. Sasuke himself looked into the sky as if deep in thought while Jūgo and Suigetsu just chat among themselves.

"Everyone, on high alert!" Naruto announced and everyone looked at him. "The enemy is coming this way, and we're going to go to intercept them!"

Sasuke walked over. "What do you need me to do?"

"Form up with me, Hinata-chan, and Sakura-chan. Bee will be behind us," Naruto replied as Hinata walked over. "It'll be a delta formation, with Bee guarding our rear."

"Yo, what about us?" Suigetsu asked as he walked over.

"You guys, with the Hokage Guard Platoon, will go reinforce the Mizukage in her position," Naruto replied.

Jūgo frowned. "We are basically Sasuke's bodyguards, and you're sending us away?"

"The formation chosen relies on a lot of teamwork," Naruto replied and he looked right at the Cursed Seal progenitor. "That's why I'm going to need you and..."


"-Suigetsu, to head to the Mizukage's position and back her up with the Guard Platoon," Naruto said as he punched his hand to his fist. "You two will have added firepower needed there."

Sasuke looked at them. "You heard him. Jūgo, listen to everything the Mizukage tells you, and keep those urges under control."

"Yes Sasuke," Jūgo said as he bowed.

Suigetsu groaned. "Fine, fine...kind of still feels really weird with Karin being gone..."

"Karin?" Sakura asked. "Red hair, red eyes, glasses?"

"Yeah, how do you know her?"

"We served together in the Third Division," Sakura replied as Sasuke glanced at her. "Right now I think she's still at Lightning Ridge."

"Suigetsu said she had been killed," he looked right at the Hozuki who gulped.

"Uhh...I MIIIGGGHHHHTTTT have made a mistake to think she was dead," Suigetsu said and Sasuke sighed.

"Doesn't matter now, we have more pressing concerns right now," Sasuke said. "Though it is good to hear that Karin survived that battle with Danzō and his men."

Hinata activated her Byakugan and stretched out her senses. "I'm not seeing Madara yet, but I don't think we should keep standing here while he's on the move."

Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke nodded at that while Bee came over. "Yo yo, we shipping out bros? Number Eight is ready to give a killer straight to the fool Madara, he's such a tool!"

Jūgo and Suigetsu shortly teleported with the Hiraishin no Jutsu with the Hokage Guard Platoon and arrived where the Mizukage's Daimyo Guard Division were. The guards quickly informed Mei Terumi of the situation and she acknowledged it, but reluctantly accepted the two criminals into her ranks. At the same moment Naruto, Hinata, Sakura, Sasuke, and Bee leaped into the trees. The young Hyūga Leader had her Byakugan active for early warning, and Sasuke had his Sharingan activated. Gyūki's Jinchūriki wrote more lyrics into his book but he was otherwise completely serious, and the wind blew to the north...Naruto's chakra cloak flapped in it as he jumped from tree to tree and led the way.

Fourth Division, Land of Lightning Desert

While Naruto's Bunshin, Ōnoki, Gaara, and Temari had engaged the rest of the Edo Tensei Kages, they had completely overlooked the fact that the Nidaime Tsuchikage hadn't actually been defeated. Mū had managed to activate one of his secret Kinjutsu techniques...the Bunretsu no Jutsu (Fission Technique). Unlike the Kage Bunshin technique or other cloning techniques, his body was literally split into two copies, much like what happens when a cell divides, and the one that was split hid in the rubble while the original had been sealed. However despite being an Edo Tensei, the sheer power of the young Hokage's attack made him unable to regenerate in time to free the original and rejoin the battle.

"You are still naive Ō didn't even try to figure out if I had something like this planned..." Mū stated to himself as he put his hand to his stomach after he pushed off a giant boulder from his body. There were still the four holes that had been drilled into his body from Naruto's attack, ash and paper slowly built up around them. "Still the power of this attack, even the Nidaime Hokage's jutsu is having trouble compensating."

After a few minutes the holes that had been born into his body had completely regenerated. Mū then walked over to to where his other half was sealed and put his hand on the tag. He pursed his lips behind his bandages as he found himself unable to remove the seal.

"Hm...this is quite an impressive seal," Mū commented as he looked at the design. "Looks like one of those created in Konohagakure...but adapted for Sunagakure usage. Even the interwoven seals look they are a merge of the two styles."

The Tsuchikage lowered his hands and he sighed. Despite his knowledge of seals, he was completely unable to undo the one on his other half at this time. If he had at least a week, maybe two, he could dispel the seal but he had a feeling his summoner wouldn't allow him. He was summoned for one purpose, to fight and win this war against the Shinobi Alliance.

Suddenly his head shot up and he received Kabuto's command. He moved away from his sealed other half and then slammed his hand down and made a single seal and held it up while he charged his summoner's chakra through his body.

...whatever the summoner is planning...this is's going to take a little bit of time to accumulate the power needed to summon whatever this Edo Tensei is... Mū thought as he breathed out through his nose. At this point in the War, I'd assume he's bringing out his best...weapon.

The designs of the summoning seal appeared on the ground as the very air began to crackle with chakra. Small bolts of energy exploded all around Mū as the Kuchiyoise began, and the Nidaime Tsuchikage felt a tremendous amount of power from the seal. To his surprise there was a rumble of thunder and a thunderstorm manifested above the desert.

"This chakra...this power..." Mū whispered as his chakra sense flared. "Its...him..."

Thunder roared in the sky as more bolts of lightning struck the surrounding area. Hurricane force winds battered the area as the chakra of the summoning coalesced within the seal. It wasn't astounding large...but it was extremely powerful to the point where sensors from all over the continent picked up the energy. After a few agonizing minutes for Mū the coffin rose right out of the ground on the seal and he breathed in.

From the inside...the stone began to be battered in...and then exploded with such force that several of the stone pillars in front of it were completely flattened. The figure stumbled out, obscured by the smoke as he lifted his gloved hands up.

"Finally...that little brat Nagato has finally grown enough to use Gedō: Rinne Tensei (Outer Path: Samara Rebirth) huh?" the figure asked as he then squeezed his hands into a tight fist.

"I don't know what that technique is...but this is Kuchiyoise: Edo Tensei I'm afraid," Mū replied as the figure shot a look at him.

"Edo Tensei?!" he asked in shock and disgust. "...what the hell has that Tobi been doing in my absence? The plan has completely gone off the rails."

"Hell if I know. All that I know is that we're fighting a force of shinobi that consists of combatants from all Five Great Nations," Mū reported and the figure looked up.

"Ah...that is why I sensed all sorts of different chakra signatures nearby," the figure said as the storm clouds cleared.

"I suggest we should confront them before they decide to investigate your chakra signature..." Mū suggested as he looked up. "The storm that appeared from your chakra will have caught their attention."

"Agreed. I suppose it is time to see if these children have grown since my time..."

Nearly a kilometer away, Ōnoki frowned as he looked at the sky. The strange storm had ended and Naruto looked around in a bit of amazement, while Gaara and Temari looked worried. Freak storms like that didn't often happen in the dessert, and even when they did happen it'd last a lot longer than the few minutes of downpour that just happened.

"That was no natural storm..." Gaara said as he knelt down. "I've been feeling a great sense of unease after it..."

"Same Gaara," Temari said as she grasped her fan tightly. "The battle here isn't over yet."

"But we fought the Kages here, and they were really strong!" Naruto pointed out. "Who could have Kabuto summoned to fight us when we're in a better position?"

"We still don't know all the cards that maniac has to play, Hokage," Ōnoki said as he looked around. "Keep on guard and prepare for anything!"

Several sensors then picked up the nauseatingly evil chakra that was coming...and they pointed and gasped. All the members of the Fourth Division looked up as Mū himself stepped onto the top of a rock pillar...and a second figure appeared. Dressed in old-style armor, colored crimson red the same as blood with a black undershirt and pants he stood...with an air of superiority. Long black hair was blown to his left in a sudden burst of wind...before everyone could see the red eyes standing out in in the sea of black in his eyes. The red eyes...of the Sharingan.

It couldn't be...was the collective thought. It had to be impossible. But...right before the army stood one of the legendary, mythical figures of the Shinobi World. Someone that was supposedly alive, someone that started this war. Someone who was on a different front entirely! Their eyes were deceiving them however...for Uchiha Madara himself had been summoned to the battlefield.

"That's...Uchiha Madara!" Ōnoki gasped as he nearly took a step back on instinct.

"But the masked guy, he's supposed to be Madara right?!" Naruto asked as the two figures looked down on them.

"...apparently he's deceived us," Gaara commented as sand poured from his gourd. "Get back into that form Naruto, we're gonna need to fight him at our best."

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Naruto announced as like a flame, Kurama's golden chakra burst around him to form its protective cloak in the Chakra Mode.

"Hm...from that old man's nose...that's definitely that kid who fought me in the past, Ōnoki," Madara commented calmly as he looked down. "And you were right, there are Shinobi from all over the Five Great Nations down there."

"Like I said, the entire world has united to fight whoever summoned us," Mū said simply as he leaned back. "We don't have much choice in the matter."

", maybe you don't..." Madara muttered to himself condescendingly. "Who is our summoner? He must be pretty morbid to disturb the rest of so many dead men and women for his fighting force."

"Who knows..." Mū started before his eyes turned black and he stared blankly at the legendary Uchiha. "Forgive me for not making introductions. My name is Yakushi Kabuto, I'm the one who summoned you."

"Talking through an Edo Tensei, that is even more morbid. Kabuto is your did you discover my remains?"

"I have my ways, Madara. And as you can are revived not in the state you died. I've modified your Edo Tensei specifically."

"...modified?" Madara asked as he then pulled his collar open and looked down at his chest and his eyes narrowed. "...I see..."

"I'd experimented on other Edo Tensei, but you are the masterpiece!" Kabuto exclaimed through Mū. "I've not only reincarnated you with your full power, I even enhanced it...making you stronger than you were in your prime!"

Madara's eye twitched in annoyance. "You know about my prime?"

"Yes I do. Though I wouldn't mind a demonstration of your legendary power!"

"...hmph, fine," Madara said as he looked down. "I'll show you what the power of the Uchiha can really do."

With that he leaped off the stone and landed in front of the Fourth Division. Immediately he did several hand seals that were nearly impossible to trace and he intertwined his fingers as he took a deep breath, drawing upon the chakra within his chest.

"Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku (Fire Release: Majestic Fire Annihilation)!" he called out as he then unleashed a torrent of flame from his mouth.

The blast of flame, so hot it was blue in color had a gigantic range and covered the entire battlefield. The sea of flame towered above the two story rock pillars and near instantly turned the sand, even after it had been dampened by the earlier rain, into a fine sheet of glass. The very air sizzled from the heat as the Allied Shinobi Forces began a counter attack.

"Suiton users, counterbalance that attack!" Ōnoki ordered as several shinobi from all over the Five Great Nations jumped forward and synchronized their chakra.

"Suiton: Suijinheki (Water Release: Water Wall)!"

In response to Madara's sea of flame, an massive amount of water was expelled from the Suiton users to meet his attack. Super-heated flames met cold water and the effect was explosive! The change in temperature caused the air to suddenly expand and contract and unleash a shock wave that threw the nearby shinobi off their feet before a massive screen of steam obscured their view. Then Madara himself rushed through the steam and was completely unaffected by the sheer heat and he got right into the Fourth Division's ranks.

Startled, many of the ninja rushed into attack him from all sides. His Sharingan seemed to glow as his eyes darted back and forth and read their movements. Predicting their entire method of attack he sidestepped the slash from a Kiri ninja with ease, grasped his wrist and kicked upward to break his elbow and force him to drop the sword he was carrying. He grabbed the sword before it hit the ground and spun and slashed the blade into the shoulder of a Konoha ninja that tried to stab him from behind with a kunai and then Madara kicked him away. A Suna and Kumo ninja rushed forward and tossed several shuriken at the Uchiha who effortlessly blocked with his stolen sword and rushed at them before they could counter attack and beheaded them with a single slash of his stolen blade.

Like a demented dance, Madara cut a swath of death and destruction through the Division without even taking a single scratch. Like a twisted dance, the Uchiha spun, dodged and sidestepped attacks while deftly landing devastating blows. A Suna shinobi in desperation then tossed a kunai with a explosive tag in it and Madara then caught the kunai in mid air with a finger and slapped the paper bomb onto an unfortunate Iwa shinobi and kicked him into the crowd. He desperately tried to take it off but the bomb exploded killing nearly a dozen ninja while he jumped into the smoke and killed and injured several others.

"STOP IT!" Naruto yelled as he appeared right in front of Madara in a sudden burst of speed in front of several ninja and crossed his arms as he blocked the overhand slash from the Uchiha...which shattered the blade on his chakra mode cloak and forced him to jump back.

"Impressive speed and defense boy," Madara said as he saw the cape. "Ah that explains're the current Hokage."

"You're damn right bastard!" Naruto growled as the Uchiha gave a smirk.

"Then...let me see your mettle boy Hokage," Madara said as suddenly the ground erupted and he was sent flying into the air by a rock pillar that Ōnoki had created.

"Doton: Chidōkaku (Earth Release: Moving Earth Core)!" Ōnoki yelled as he looked up. "Now Kazekage!"

Gaara flew in on a cloud of sand as he created a Suna Gatana (Sand Katana) once more to slash down at the Uchiha. Madara then looked up...patently bored as his eye swirled into his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and blue 'flames' appeared from his body. And then he was wrapped in a gigantic blue transparent rib cage which effortlessly blocked the Kazekage's slash.

"Susano'o," Madara uttered calmly as his Susano'o fully took shape and Gaara was batted away by a giant fist which his Suna no Tate (Shield of Sand) barely blocked but he crashed to the ground.

"Gaara!" Naruto yelled as the giant blue Susano'o gave a loud roar, showing Madara's own blood lust.

It was 30 meters tall and had four hands connected to a single elbow on either arm. Unlike Sasuke's or Itachi's, it lacked any 'clothing' formed from chakra, merely possessing armored 'skin' in comparison. And...disturbingly, it possessed two faces, both which had an ogre or demonic look complete with fangs and yellow glowing eyes. Madara's Susano'o then created two wavy, jagged kris blades and then slammed them down with a surprising amount of force which blew dozens of shinobi away and cut others in half.

"As I was saying..." Madara focused on Naruto solely. "Let me see if you're worthy of the title you bare, boy!"

With that the giant Susano'o stomped forward towards the young Hokage as its user who floated inside began to fire several huge, blue fireballs right at him. Time slowed down for Naruto as he then zipped between each blast of flame while Gaara raised a giant shield of sand to cover the division from the flames. Madara's Sharingan darted back and forth as he tried to predict where the Hokage would appear and then he stabbed forward and seemed to stab Naruto right through the chest! But then...the Hokage became blurry as Naruto appeared behind Madara and lifted his hand.

"Chō Wakusei Rasengan (Super Planetary Rasengan)!" Naruto called out as he created a giant Chō Ōdama Rasengan (Super Big-Ball Rasengan) with several normal sized Ōdama Rasengans formed above his hand and head.

Madara's ears twitched and his chakra senses flared at the massive amount of power behind him and he had his Susano'o spin around just as Naruto's attack smashed into his chakra armor's chest. The Susano'o seemed to growl in irritation as the Chō Wakusei Rasengan bore into it with such force it began to crack and splinter and the Uchiha recognized the danger and just as his defense was breached he jumped out of it and there was a massive explosion, powerful enough to shave through a mountain which shook the entire desert. Madara skidded back as the crater, nearly five kilometers wide and three hundred meters deep was gouged into the sand.

He then barely dodged Naruto's fist when he went to follow up on the attack. Madara blocked the next punch and sank slightly into the ground before he spun and kicked at the young Hokage who ducked and dodged. The two exchanged fierce blows at astounding speeds as Ōnoki flew up to try to assist and charged up a Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu (Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique) between his hands.

"You are quite skilled Hokage..." Madara uttered as he then ducked and spun to avoid Naruto's kick, yanked a kunai out of his pack before he realized it and tossed it right at Ōnoki. "Better not ruin my fun, Ōnoki."

Ōnoki barely dodged and he snarled. "Damn it!"

Naruto and Madara jumped apart and the young Hokage's eyes narrowed. Its like fighting Sasuke, but this guy uses his Sharingan even better than he does...

Of course he does Naruto, Kurama said in his mind. You and Sasuke have reached Madara's and Hashirama's level, but there is something you lack at this point: the experience of thousands of battles that Madara need to think carefully and try to attack in a way that his Sharingan can't predict.

Instantly Naruto crossed his fingers and in a puff of smoke he created two Kage Bunshins and Madara's eyebrow raised. "Kage Tobirama's technique has persisted to this era..."

"You haven't seen anything yet!" the three Naruto's said as they then looked at each other and nodded...and suddenly the three vanished in a yellow flash.

Madara took a fighting stance as Gaara waited for his chance, Shukaku's chakra bubbled around his body to form a Version 1 cloak to increase his power. Ōnoki had also gotten into better position to attack Madara while Naruto kept the powerful, evil Uchiha distracted. Madara had an amused smirk as his Sharingan tried to predict where Naruto and his Bunshins would reappear while he sensed Gaara and Ōnoki's spike in power.

Suddenly the three Naruto's appeared and lifted their hands up. A large Fūton: Rasenshuriken was formed over them and the three then tossed the extremely fast wind chakra shuriken right at Madara from three different directions! If he dodged one, he'd be open to the others and wouldn't be able to avoid the explosive wind dome. A blue chakra spiked up around Madara's body as he prepared to block with his Susano'o but suddenly a large hand made of sand grabbed him and yanked him RIGHT out of his jutsu before he could finish forming it.

"Fūton: Rasenshuriken!" the three Naruto's called out as they used their chakra arms to alter the direction of their attacks.

"Jinton: Hakuri no Jutsu (Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World)!" Ōnoki called out as he fired a cylinder of the combined Katon, Fūton, and Doton Kekkei Tōta blasts right towards the Uchiha.

With his body pinned by the sand wrapped around his torso, the Uchiha started to run out of options. Suddenly a trigger of chakra hit his eyes as all four attacks converged on him...the Sharingan faded and his eyes turned purple...with concentric rings surrounding his pupil. He flexed his hand and he breathed out...

"That is too much," Madara uttered as a invisible force swirled around him. "Shinra Tensei!"

The air shimmered and then exploded outwards in a blast of repulsive force that disrupted and practically shattered the ninjutsu that had been thrown at Madara. Even the sand that pinned his body was blown off as a large crater was gouged out and Naruto, his bunshins, and Ōnoki crashed to the ground with bone crushing force. Gaara who was outside the radius managed to catch the Tsuchikage, Hokage, and one of the clones but the other burst into smoke from the force.

Naruto groaned as he pulled himself up and his eyes widened. "What...why does he..." after the Shinra Tensei faded the Hokage's jaw lowered in complete disbelief. "Why does Madara have the Rinnegan?!"

"Rinnegan?!" Ōnoki and Gaara asked at the same time.

"Only Nagato was supposed to have them...why does Madara have them?!"

Madara frowned and with a shunshin he vanished and appeared on the stone where Mū was standing. Kabuto was in complete control of the Nidaime Tsuchikage and he glanced at the Uchiha, and he seemed to have a satisfied smirk on his face.

"So my hypothesis was right," Kabuto said through the Tsuchikage. "The Sharingan and Mangekyō Sharingan are nothing more than lesser forms of the Rinnegan. Which you only attained through gaining part of Hashirama's power...correct?"

Madara's eyes narrowed. " who can't even read the Uchiha Tablet had managed to discover that secret?"

"Correct. Orochimaru-sama and I studied much about the Rikudō Sennin in our quest to discover the secrets of ninjutsu and chakra and made many hypotheses, one of which is that the Sage's descendants would be unable to unlock his power..." Kabuto explained with a smirk. "If they combined their power. Either through genetic material or integration...after all..." Madara's frown deepened. "That's how you awakened the Rinnegan in Nagato, correct?"

"" Madara snarled as he squeezed his hand into a fist before he calmed himself down. "Such insight for someone so young, what else have you discovered?"

"Like I said, you managed to combine people with the genetic heritage of the Rikudō Sennin and tried to awaken the Rinnegan that way, which you managed through a man who is distantly related to the Uchiha and a Uzumaki survivor," Kabuto replied with a smirk. "And the product was Nagato, who went onto became Pain of Akatsuki. After all, the only reason why your Edo Tensei self has the Rinnegan in the first place is because you yourself awoken it near the end of your natural life."

Madara frowned and then glanced at the battlefield. "I suppose you do realize that you can't control me, correct...Kabuto was it?"

"That has crossed my mind. Any fuda I tried to place within you automatically burned up, your power repelled my attempts..."

"Then you understand," Madara said as his Susano'o flared up. "This isn't your power, its mine. I am not one of your pawns nor will I deign myself to be one."

"Oh...of course Madara. This will be a partnership, and I'll show you that I'm a bit more...worthy of the position than Tobi is," Kabuto said as the Uchiha's Susano'o then did a seal with both sets of arms and there was a pulse of chakra throughout the area.

"Then witness...the power of Uchiha Madara, Tengai Shinsei (Shattered Heaven)!"

The members of the Fourth Division then looked up and in the sky they heard...a roar. A massive object began to come into view...larger than any of the mountains present. It was...a gigantic asteroid, nearly 15 kilometers around plummeted down towards them. Several shinobi dropped their weapons, both in fear and sheer...awe what they were witnessing. The sheer size of the asteroid was enough to completely blot out the sun and cast the desert in shadow.

"Is this...the power of a god?" Gaara whispered, his eyes wide.

"Are you planning on taking us out with them?" Kabuto asked.

"Of course I am. Edo Tensei is a technique designed to clear out battlefields for mopping up," Madara replied as he looked up at his asteroid.

Naruto spun around, seeing everyone in despair and fear and he gritted his teeth. Naruto, the recharge is finished! Transform now and blow that rock right out of the sky!

"RIGHT!" Naruto yelled as his chakra cloak flared and his Biju Mode.

The 120 meter avatar flared to life around him as Madara took a look down as the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox appeared right on the battlefield from around the young Hokage. True, it was smaller than what he was familiar with but the sheer power of the chakra was unmistakable. He...gave a smirk as Naruto floated in Kurama's avatar's head.

"Alright...we're gonna blast this piece of rock out of the sky!" Naruto yelled as Kurama's avatar opened its mouth. "BIJUDAMA!"

Black and white chakra swirled in front of the Kurama's face as the dense ball of chakra was created. Both Naruto and the fox put in more power than usual and it expanded to three times its normal size as the ground cracked and shattered underneath them. Kurama's eyes glinted and then both he and Naruto fired the Bijudama at the falling asteroid.

The Bijudama screamed as it was shot like a massive cannonball right at the asteroid. There was a sudden the dense blast of chakra then rapidly expanded and exploded and engulfed the entirety of the asteroid. The sheer power of the explosion sent a shock wave in the shape of a halo expanding all around and nearly everyone on the ground was forced to cover their eyes or brace themselves from the down burst of air that had been forced down from the blast. Madara had a smirk as he looked at the young Hokage as the dust cleared, several bolts of static electricity created lightning in the sky from the destroyed asteroid.

"Impressive Hokage...but can you deal with the second one?"

Naruto's head shot up as a second asteroid, just as large as the last one burst through the cloud of dust and smoke right down at the Division. "Damn it, Kurama! We need to fire another shot!"

"Damn it, no time to gather enough chakra to fire another one after the last one! If you were the original you'd be able to do it instantly, but through a Kage Bunshin there's limits!"

Gaara let his V1 cloak burst around him and he then lifted his arms up. "Naruto, I'll handle this one!" a gigantic shield of sand then levitated over the entire battlefield. "Chō Kūsa Bōheki (Super Sky Sand Defensive Wall)!"

"I'll slow it down too, I can't have some young whippersnappers doing all the work!" Ōnoki yelled as he then flew up and the Uchiha frowned.

"Three Kage on the battlefield working together is a quite a nuisance," Madara uttered in contempt as he looked up at the old Tsuchikage and he charged more chakra into his technique.

Ōnoki then slammed into the asteroid and he pushed his hands up. "Doton: Chōkeijūgan no Jutsu (Earth Release: Super Lightened Boulder Technique)!"

The elderly Tsuchikage put much of his chakra into the jutsu as he tried to lighten the second asteroid enough so it wouldn't fall to the earth. Gaara assisted him with his shield of sand and he tried to help hold it up. Ōnoki gave a loud yell as he pushed his hands upward to try to stop the gigantic piece of rock to the point where blood began to seep out from his fingernails from the pressure. But slowly, steadily, the two Kages managed to slow and then stop the asteroid's descent in mid-air. The Fourth Division erupted in cheers as the Tsuchikage panted and kept his hands up.

"Well done, Ōnoki," Madara commended him. "And Kazekage...but can you stop the third asteroid?"

From the sky the third and final asteroid burst from the upper layer of clouds and plunged right into the second one which was suspended in midair. Naruto reacted quickly and then extended Kurama's tails around everyone he could, most of the Division going under the Biju tails which formed a shield as Gaara tried to control more sand to add another layer of defense. Ōnoki braced himself as best he could as the asteroid he kept afloat broke and shattered apart from the one that crashed into it at full speed.

The impact of both asteroids created a tremendous shock wave that blew down trees hundreds of kilometers around and shook the entire country. Hundreds of smaller meteorites broke off from both asteroids and ignited in the atmosphere and slammed into nearby villages and forests and set them ablaze. Finally the rest of the final asteroid plowed through the second one and slammed into the ground with such force a massive explosion gouged out a crater nearly 50 kilometers across. Ash and dust was kicked up into the sky to create a new layer of clouds. Everything, absolutely everything in the entire area was devastated.

The shock wave and earthquakes were felt as far away as Kumogakure, nearly a thousand kilometers away, and kicked up tsunamis on both sides of the Land of Lightning's peninsula. Nearly every single division felt the tremors and had to deal with the shock wave in some form. Even at Orochimaru's hideout in the Land of Sound, the Snake Sannin felt the tremors of the asteroid impact that Madara had caused.

Ash and paper coalesced back into shape and form of Madara and Mū as the deceased Uchiha looked over the battlefield. A satisfied smirk appeared on Madara's face as he stood on the newly formed rock outcropping in the crater that once was the Lightning Desert while soot, dust, and stone fell from all areas.

"Now...this brings me back," Madara said with a smirk. "The chaos of the battlefield...the loss of life..."

It was only due to the second asteroid being suspended in mid-air that Madara's attack didn't cause the world to end from the full speed and power impact of the third asteroid. Small walls of Earth Release techniques had crumbled as those who tried to hide behind them fell dead. Survivors who hadn't managed to make it to the defenses the Kages had created wandered around, half-dead and gravely wounded. Shinobi and kunoichi of every village that had been caught out in the open were stumbling through the newly formed crater as the sun managed to poke through the cloud cover and reveal what was left of the third asteroid, it loomed right over everything in the area like a omen of destruction. Their clothing had been burned onto their skin...many were mangled, their arms dangled at their torsos, and they were badly burned. The victims of the impact wandered as they slowly succumbed to their horrific injuries.

But as the dust cleared there was a golden glow that broke through. Naruto's clone panted as blood dripped from his forehead and cheek, Gaara floated nearby in a similar state and his Version 1 Cloak was barely maintained. Ōnoki laid on his back nearby as a medical ninja treated his grave injuries. The elderly Tsuchikage had been badly burned from the burst of energy of the impact...there as a large, jagged piece of stone imbedded in his abdomen, and his right arm had been completely crushed. There were thousands of lives that had been saved due to the Hokage and Kazekage. Kurama's tails had withstood everything, as did the enhanced sand that Gaara had used.

"...persistent aren't they?" Kabuto quipped using Mū's body.

"...indeed, but its commendable those defenses held against that attack," Madara said as Gaara landed and clutched his limp arm.

"Gaara! Ōnoki!" Naruto yelled as he stumbled. Damn it...protecting everyone from that blast...used up nearly all of my chakra...I feel like I could burst at any moment...

Ōnoki looked up weakly, blood dribbled from his lip. "...I'm...still alive...boys..."

"We're trying to treat Tsuchikage-sama's injuries...we need Tsunade-sama here! They're too severe for me!" the Kirigakure medical ninja said as she tried to treat the old Kage's wound.

"Stabilize him!" Gaara ordered as he winced in pain, Temari managed to make it to her brother relatively unharmed.

"Gaara," she said as she rushed over. "Your arm...its..."

"It'll be fine," Gaara said as he ignored the pain. "I can manage...the enemy is still out there, keep on guard."

Naruto landed by him, breathing in and out as the Kurama Avatar faded around him. He dropped to one knee and panted from the exertion from using Kurama's tails and avatar form to protect most of the Fourth Division from the impact of Madara's asteroids. He looked up weakly to see the hundreds dead he couldn't save and he growled in anger.

"Well Hokage...Kazekage...Tsuchikage...what are you going to do now?" Madara asked in a mocking tone. "Have your dances finished?"

"Hell no..." Ōnoki said as he forced himself tried to stand up despite his injuries, but promptly fell back from the pain, but he kept a defiant glare at the reincarnated Uchiha. "As long as I have...breath in my body...I won't stop fighting you Madara!"

"The same...goes for me..." Gaara said as blood trickled down his forehead from a gash in his hair. "We'll defeat you..."

"That's right," Naruto said as he straightened up. "You're not invincible...Madara...we'll defeat you!"

Madara gave an amused smirk. "Oh really? You three can barely stand."

"Doesn't matter..." Ōnoki said as he gritted his teeth. "As long as we have the will to stand...the will to keep haven't won!"

Kabuto in Mū's body looked at Madara. "Well, what are you waiting for?"

"I'm going to wait for them to recover," Madara said as he took a seat. "They've earned at least that much after surviving an attack like that."

"What? We're so close to victory, I'll..."

"Kabuto, was it?" Madara asked as he lifted a stone up. "Like I said, this isn't your power and you cannot command me. You're too weak."

"You're only back because of my technique!"

"Its Tobirama's technique, you might have improved it, but you still don't know the dangers of it," Madara said nonchalantly. "I'm here now since I want to be here, to see if my plan can actually come to fruition."

Kabuto's eye twitched at the rebuke. "You're...I'll..."

"Monitor the other battlefields, right now I do not require your assistance," Madara said as he felt a pulse in his head. His Rinnegan eyes narrowed. "Satisfied now? You can't control me."

"...that's unprecedented..." Kabuto uttered as he growled and the Uchiha tossed a stone.

"Listen Hokage, Kazekage, Tsuchikage," Madara said. "I'm giving you a reprieve. You have an hour to either gain reinforcements or recover...then we'll begin the dance again."

Naruto panted. "Why giving us...that?"

"Its an acknowledgment of your skills," Madara replied as he looked down at them. "In the Warring States Era, if a shinobi proved to be skilled enough, his enemy would give him a reprieve so they could continue their battle. This is nothing but the highest respect I can give you." The Uchiha looked at them. "So recover as best you can, since we will continue this fight."

Alliance Headquarters, Kumogakure

Shikaku had barely gotten headquarters back in order after the aftershocks from Madara's asteroid impact subsided. The Sensing Water Sphere was showing the reincarnated Uchiha like he was his own mountain, much like what happened when Naruto combined his Sage and Chakra Modes and was constantly 'pulsing' like a volcano about to erupt. Inoichi tried to coordinate the medical divisions to move into assist in healing the wounded in the Fourth Division as Ao assessed the damage.

"...Tsuchikage-sama is badly wounded, his chakra signature is flickering between life and death..." Ao reported as a bead of sweat appeared on his forehead. "Hokage-sama's Kage Bunshin is also extremely low on chakra...and Kazekage-sama seems to be the only one there in relatively good condition. We lost nearly 5000 shinobi flat out with that strike, all who couldn't get under Hokage-sama's and Kazekage-sama's defenses. The situation on the near...apocalyptic."

Shikaku frowned. "We didn't account for the masked Madara not being the real one, and if the Edo Tensei one has the Rinnegan..."

"You're going to need all five Kage to face him," Tsunade said as she walked into the room. Her clothes were battle damaged and it looked like she had been training intensely up until that point. "If I arrive on time, I'll be able to stabilize old man Ōnoki and get him back into fighting shape."

"But that's easier said than done, Hokage-sama," the Raikage's secretary, Mabui said as she walked over. "Mizukage-sama and Raikage-sama are both on other battlefields, and Naruto-sama isn't anywhere close to back up Kazekage-sama and Tsuchikage-sama. Raikage-sama could, theoretically arrive where the Fourth Division was using his speed but it might tax his reserves..."

"If that's the case, I'll refill them. As for for the Mizukage, the Hokage Guard Platoon can use the Hiraishin no Jutsu to bring her directly to the battlefield," Tsunade said as she looked at Mabui. "And I'll need you to use your technique to send me there."

"But...that's insane! The transport technique sends the target at the speed of light, only the Sandaime Raikage or his son the Yondaime Raikage could survive it!"

"I'll use Sōzō Saisei (Creation Rebirth) to repair any damage done to my body," Tsunade told her as she pointed at the seal on her forehead. "I've spent time replenishing this, I'll be able to heal and fight right afterwards."

Shikaku nodded. "Mabui, get the Transportation Technique ready, we'll be sending Tsunade-sama there as soon as possible."

"'ll be done, Shikaku-dono," Mabui said with a nod.

Tsunade squeezed her hand into a tight fist as the message was sent to A at Lightning Ridge, while Mei and the Hokage Guard Platoon were contacted. Preparations were made as the Godaime Hokage got onto the platform where the Transportation Technique would be use and she released her Sōzō Saisei seal as Mabui finished making the necessary calculations for the technique.

Fourth Division, Land of Lightning Desert

Naruto's Bunshin panted as his chakra reserves waned and Gaara was also breathing heavily. Ōnoki had yet to regain consciousness as the medic desperately tried to stabilize the elderly Kage. Madara looked up at the sky to judge the time but it was nearly impossible to tell the time due to the massive dust cloud that covered the desert from the asteroid impact. His Rinnegan eyes twitched with impatience and he narrowed them.

"You lot still haven't recovered enough to fight?" Madara asked in a condescending tone. "I'm a bit disappointed..."

"You dropped a fricking asteroid on us and you expect us to have recovered?!" Naruto snapped at him and breathed heavily through his nose. Damn it Kurama, hurry chakra's fading fast here, I could dispel at any moment...

Kabuto in Mū's body glanced at Madara. "Lets just finish them off. We're wasting time in getting the Hachibi and Kyūbi."

Madara gave a heavy sigh. "I suppose you're right, but I gave them an hour. And it still hasn't passed yet."

"So what?" Kabuto snarled. "We need to capture Naruto, the ACTUAL Naruto to get your damn plan off the ground after all!"

"The reprieve stands," Madara stated icily. "You can't control me, boy, you lack both the power and experience. And now that I'm fully summoned you can't unsummon me."

Kabuto snapped. "You are merely my pawn here! I summoned you from Hell to fight for me! And you'll..."

Madara then glared at him with the Rinnegan eyes and even though the necromancer was hundreds of kilometers away...he felt a chill through his entire being. From the makeshift 'game board' Kabuto had made a ethereal, ghostly mass with Rinnegan eyes appeared in front of Kabuto and grasped him by the throat. Beads of sweat appeared on Kabuto's forehead as Madara's very will silenced him, and he began to fear for his very that very moment the young necromancer realized...he had unleashed a monster that he couldn't control.

"...very well..." Kabuto said through Mū's mouth to regain his composure. "You can do what you want."

Madara nodded as he glanced down directly at Naruto's bunshin. "Now Hokage, are you ready to dance again?"

Naruto gritted his teeth as he panted. Damn it he's getting impatient...if it was the real me...I'd have been recharged by now...damn it...

Suddenly their attention was caught by several long, hacking coughs and Naruto and Gaara glanced at Ōnoki. The Tsuchikage had coughed up a lot of blood and the medic next to him desperately tried to stabilize him, her hands glowed green as she tried to heal the elderly shinobi. His eye opened weakly and the two younger Kage rushed over to him.

" this is the...end of the line...for me..." Ōnoki said as he coughed again. "...fought Madara before...lost...and even all these years later...the result...didn't change..."

"Don't say that!" Naruto said as he got to the elderly Tsuchikage. "Don't talk like you're dying! Just hold out a little longer, we'll be getting backup from Obaa-chan and the other Kage!"

"Yes...your people still need you, Tsuchikage," Gaara said as Ōnoki hacked up more blood.

"...I've...been wanting to retire...for a long...time now..." Ōnoki whispered as he looked at the sky. "...Kurotsuchi...let her...let my granddaughter know...that...she's proud...and..."

"Don't talk like that!" Naruto said desperately. "You're going to be fine!"

"...Naruto..." Ōnoki whispered as he coughed up more blood. " giving'll hear my...last words..."

Gaara closed his eyes and glanced at Naruto. "...there's...nothing more that can be done Naruto."

" up...I refuse to...die on my back," Ōnoki whispered and the two younger Kage gently helped the Tsuchikage to his feet. " last act as...Tsuchikage...I command you...two to beat Madara...and the masked Madara...where I could not..." he glanced up at Madara. "The last...of my chakra..." he put his hands to their shoulders and transferred his remaining chakra to him. "Tell...Kurotsuchi...she Tsuchikage..."

While on his feet, the elderly Tsuchikage, who had survived three Shinobi World Wars and lead Iwagakure through decades of turmoil passed. However, he died proud, still standing on his feet while facing the enemy in front of him. Naruto's body shook as he squeezed his hands into tight fists and he closed his eyes.

"Naruto, don't look away from the enemy," Gaara said as he stood up. "Ōnoki entrusted us to defeat Madara..."

"The proud Fence Sitter Ōnoki dies on his feet, truly a worthy end to a shinobi," Madara said as he stood up. "From the look you two young man have now, I assume you're ready to continue this dance."

"Shut UP," Naruto snapped at Madara as Kurama was able to send the bunshin at most enough chakra for a Version 1 Cloak which bubbled to the surface. "You think this is a game? A dance?! Look at how many people you killed and its nothing to you?!"

"Their lives are inconsequential," Madara said simply. "We are shinobi, we can die in an instant. Ōnoki died as a proud one, that's the greatest compliment I can give."

Naruto growled at that but Gaara breathed in. "He's right on one thing, Naruto. Ōnoki died proud, and to honor his sacrifice...we have to beat Madara."

"That I can agree to," Naruto said after he forced himself to calm down. "One thing or another, Madara? We're going to defeat you!"

For a moment, Madara could have sworn he saw Hashirama's silhouette behind the young Hokage after the young man had made that statement. Like a flame being ignited, the Uchiha's interest in the coming battle bursts around him and he gave a satisfied smirk.

"Excellent! Then...lets see you counter THIS!" Madara then did several seals. "Mokuton Hijutsu: Jukai Kōtan (Wood Release Secret Technique: Deep Forest Creation)!"

From his vantage point several roots began to burst from the ground and an entire forest of trees advanced at the two wounded and winded Kages. Gaara prepared to raise a wall of sand as Naruto crossed his fingers, now that he had enough chakra to form a Version 1 cloak he called out his trademark technique.

"Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Multi Shadow Clone Technique)!" he yelled as nearly a thousand clones puffed into existence and they charged right forward towards the advancing forest. "Rasen Chō Ōdama Tarengan (Giant Rasengan Super Barrage)!"

Each clone created a Rasengan then enlarged it into its Ōdama form, now the size of his Senjutsu empowered variant without using Sage Mode and they bombarded the entirety of the roots and tendrils of the forest that Madara had created. The area was rocked by several explosions as the dust cloud from the asteroid impact was partially dissipated from the shock waves. When the dust settled, Naruto's original clone stood tall as he breathed in and out from the chakra exertion.

"Now...he is definitely worthy of the title of Hokage," Madara said with a smirk. "And if one of his Kage Bunshin are this strong...the original would be a worthy opponent."

"Come on...bring it!" Naruto demanded. "Come down here so I can kick your ass!"

Madara straightened up. "Very well...I'll come to you!"

With that he leaped from the vantage point he had as Naruto got ready to counter. Before the Uchiha could cross the distance however there was a crack of lightning, as well as a blinding flash. Tsunade and A simultaneously appeared right in front of the Madara. He had barely had time to raise his hands up to block the Raikage's punch...only for the Godaime Hokage to kick him with her full strength in the face with a roundhouse kick.

Madara's face exploded into a shower of ash and paper as he went crashing through the rock he had been standing on which then shattered and collapsed right ON top of him. Both Kage landed right in front of Naruto and Gaara as Mei Terumi, the Godaime Mizukage arrived and launched a barrage of lava from her mouth right onto Madara's last known position. Tsunade then did a seal and her Infūin released to deal with her injuries.

"Sōzō Saisei (Creation Rebirth)!" she yelled as all of her injuries instantly regenerated.

"O-Obaa-chan, Raikage?!" Naruto asked in a bit of shock.

"We'll catch up later, where's Ōnoki?" Tsunade said as she glanced over.

"...he...didn't make it," Naruto replied as he looked down. "Like...a lot of the army he died from Madara's meteor technique."

"...damn it," Tsunade hissed. "We took too long preparing Mabui-san's jutsu..."

From the rubble Madara's Susano'o blasted it off as he finished his regeneration. He put his hand to his chin as if he was cracking it back into place. "...that level of strength surpasses the likes of Hashirama..." his eyes narrowed as his Rinnegan saw the chakra from Tsunade. " must be his..." a image of a blond little girl appeared in his head. "Granddaughter, the Little Gambler."

Tsunade ignored him and began to heal Gaara and restore A's chakra with her medical ninjutsu. "Naruto, you're going to have to leave this to us. The real you needs this intelligence."

"But with Ōnoki dead you'd be a man down fighting Madara!" Naruto argued. "I can fight! I just need my chakra restored!"

"No, your job is to fight the other Madara. Right now the real you needs to learn what happened," Tsunade said firmly as she looked at Madara. "We'll be able to defeat Madara in your stead."

Gaara rotated his arm and a Version 1 cloak bursts around him. "She's right Naruto. This is our job in this war, you can count on us."

A activated his Raiton no Yoroi and punched his fist to his palm. "And we won't let Ōnoki's sacrifice be in vain. He'll be fighting alongside us in spirit!"

"After all...we are the latest generation of the Kage, our villages are counting on us," Mei Terumi finished after she did a seal. "Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hidden Mist Technique)!"

With that, the Mizukage blew out a thick, chakra filled mist from her mouth to cover their movements and blind Madara's Rinnegan and Sharingan. Naruto breathed in and Tsunade punched the air in emphasis and he breathed out.

"One more thing Naruto?" the four surviving Kages said at the same time. "WIN!"

And with that, Naruto's bunshin burst away to carry the latest information to the real Naruto!

Land of Lightning, Location Unknown

Naruto, Hinata, Sasuke, Sakura, and Killer Bee jumped through the forest at full speed, the Kurama Chakra Mode crackled around the young Hokage's body. Ōnoki's death, the real Madara Uchiha being summoned to the battlefield, the vast loss of life and all of Madara's powers, to that point were now in his memory. Suddenly, he detected an evil presence right in front of them and he bore his teeth as his cape fluttered behind him. Hinata activated her Byakugan and her eyes widened.

"Naruto-kun, I see him! Its Madara, he's coming right..." she started as the Hokage then vanished in a blur and nearly destroyed the tree that was under his feet.

Time slowed down as Naruto accelerated to full speed and crossed the distance extremely quickly. The masked Madara didn't even realize anything was coming until the shared vision of his customized Pein Rikudō managed to see a quickly approaching blur. But it wasn't soon enough as the Rokudaime Hokage seemed to materialize right in front of him and then unleashed a full power, full speed right hook right into his mask. Unable to activate his Kamui in time he took the full force of the blow and crashed through two trees before one of his Jinchūriki paths managed to catch him and slow him down.

"TAKE THAT YOU EVIL BASTARD!" Naruto called out as he then dodged the Jinchūriki paths attempt to counter attack and he jumped backwards to avoid several black rods that were fired at him.

"Naruto...didn't expect to see you so soon..." the masked Madara said as he lifted his hand to his mask...and traced a crack in it. "...this new mask held up better than the old one."

"Shut up," Naruto snarled. "No more games, no more deceptions. I'm not going to stop beating you down until you can't even move."

"Oho...what have I done recently to warrant such rage from you?"

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata yelled as she appeared next to him.

"You idiot were you trying to get yourself captured?!" Sasuke demanded as he was the next one.

"I swear Naruto even as a Hokage you don't change!" Sakura complained as she landed behind Naruto.

"Yo yo that was wack Naruto bro!" Killer Bee finished before Hinata looked at her boyfriend.

"Naruto-kun...? Are..."

"The front where Gaara and old man Ōnoki were...the old Tsuchikage is dead..." Naruto growled. "The real Madara killed him."

"Wait...REAL Madara?!" Sakura asked and her eyes widened. "Wait, one of the Kages is dead?!"

The masked Madara's eyes narrowed. "...the real Madara then? Curse that Kabuto...well I suppose my act is over," he gave a mocking bow. "You may call me Tobi..."

Naruto's body trembled in anger as he forced himself to calm down. The mocking tone that Tobi gave as well as the nonchalance at Ōnoki's pissed him off immensely. He then glanced around and saw the new Pein Rikudō...and then at Tobi's Sharingan and Rinnegan. Nagato's Rinnegan...

"If you're finished shaking like a leaf...I believe we should finish this Naruto," Tobi said with a smirk. "Unless you and the Hachibi want to just lay down and let me seal you, like the beasts you are."

"I won't let you hurt anyone else you bastard," Naruto snapped at him. "No one, NOT one more person will die because of YOU!"

Behind his mask Tobi smirked mockingly once more and he lifted his hand up...and from his Paths...tails formed behind them. Killer Bee tensed a little bit as he realized what they were, Sasuke's Sharingan snapped on and he unsheathed his sword, Hinata took a Jūken stance and Sakura squeezed her hand to a tight fist. The Uchiha...his own rage towards Tobi began to form from how he was used, how he had been turned into a puppet and been manipulated into trying to destroy Konoha. Like Naruto said, there'd be no more games with the elderly Uchiha in front of them.

And with that...the two groups leaped at each other to attack! The final battles of the Fourth Great Shinobi World War have begun!

To Be Continued...

Author's Notes:

Sorry about how long it took me to complete this chapter everyone. Working full time takes a LOT out of a person! Not to mention with Naruto ended, much of what I wanted to happen has happened, but my outline is still in my mind. The fic will continue, we are in the home stretch of the chapters. I just hope you have the patience to keep reading.

As for the chapter itself...I hope you liked the changes to Madara's arrival, as well as the fight. Ōnoki's death is something I tried to do justice for, I believe in the manga he had far too many death flags and honestly, being at the literal point-blank of an double asteroid impact with no protection? He should have died there to show how powerful Madara was and how grave everything was. Now it'll have to be a four on one battle instead of five, but Tsunade is ready to take up Ōnoki's weight in the battle.