The girl awoke to the sounds of birds chirping in her garden. She opened her eyes and then shut them again against the brilliance of the sun shining through the windows of her chamber, which she had left uncurtained, the night before. She lay there and was conscious of yesterday's event. Her smile spread on her face just like the sunrise. She was very much thankful, for she didn't get caught in her stupidness. Though there was this strange man, who she didn't know the name or anything about him, who saw her, she was still much confident that the person wouldn't say it to anyone, for he too didn't know her name, right?

She was too lazy to come out of her bed. It was a Queen sized bed cushioned with white bedsheets. Her pillows had the feeling of fluffy cotton candy. Lay your head, and it will give you the perfect warm place to dream and will give you the feeling of a safe and coziness.

She had no idea to get off the bed, but unfortunately, the circumstances said the other way round. If it weren't for it, she would not mind spending the rest of the day on her bed reading her favorite book. How nice and wonderful would the day turn out to be, right?

As the thought went through her mind, not a single minute passed through suddenly, someone dashed into her room through the door. "Uhh... How many times do I have to remind you guys not to enter my room unless I let you in? Do you not know the purpose of a door? Who is it today?" She screamed out of annoyance.

"I'm sorry, Mi'lady, I knocked on the door, but I guess you were asleep or perhaps didn't hear me out?" It sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Uff whatever... What's up today?"

"Mi'lady... Master Demus awaits for your presence at the dining hall along with the guests who are to arrive too," said Lily, Vilian's maid, who was also a very close friend to her.

"Oh please, Lily, not today... I'm just feeling so sleepy... Let me enjoy the moment. Go say father, I'm still asleep. By the way, bring me my morning coffee with..." Without letting her finish her line to be said she was interrupted by her father Demus,

"Is that so? So are you asleep now?"

"Father!" She said it out a bit louder and groaned inwardly as she expected her dad to be here the least.

"Good morning to you too, my spoiled little princess! You were to reject dad's summon with a pure lie, weren't you?"

"Oh, Father! It wasn't a pure lie as you think it is, I was half asleep.. look at me. Look. My voice. They are still sleepy aren't they?..."

"Is it so?" Demus asked sarcastically, but Vilian narrowed her eyes and pouted her lips, "Ok.. ok... you win. I'm sorry to say you, but you have to join the breakfast today. We have some guests who arrived yesterday. It's quite impolite to not introduce my loving children to my close friends, isn't it? So, I hope you wouldn't like your father being disgraced in front of their friends, would you?"

"Uhh... Okay... I'll be right down there at the dining hall. Just give me ten minutes, father. I'll be there."

"Sure, princess. That's my girl. I'll be down waiting for you" saying that he ruffled her hair and left the room, leaving Vilian all alone.

Lily had already left the room summoning the maids to prepare the bath for Vilian when Demus arrived. Vilian was so lazy that she slept for five more minutes and had to force herself to stand upright but ended up stretching her limbs and hands just like a lazy cat waking up after taking its evening nap.

It was already 8.05 a.m when she was up. Vilian went to her bathroom, completed her morning chores, and was dressed up in formal wear for she had to be presentable in front of the guests, who were mentioned earlier by her father.

She was wearing a beige gauze with a soft light beige fichu draped around her shoulders and caught at the breast with a bunch of baby pink tiny rose flowers. Her hair was put up into a messy bun which was done by herself for she didn't like any of the maids dressing up her.

She looked very young and quite sophisticated. Neither did she wear an eye-catching dress nor did she decorate herself with jewels. She would call upon everyone's gaze on her for she had the most elegant and confident walk. The maids appreciated and admired her very much.

Walking down the stairways she went directly to the dining hall which was always a welcoming way for her. Her gaze caught her father figure. Slowly walking towards her father, she bowed her head in respect. Yeah, you may say it's quite formal to behave in such a way towards her father, but can't help it for it's a complicated relationship that they have.

She heard her father ending the call and nodded his head as a gesture of acceptance.

"Why don't we take a seat? Mathias has made your favourite dish. Tortilla. Which is less spicy as per your taste," said Demus.

"Whoa! Thanks, Mathi! It looks sooo appetizing." She sat on the right side of the head's seat which belonged to her father Demus. The dinner table was possibly enough for more than twenty members to join the meal. Although the family consists of only five members. The table was decorated with sweet desserts, fruits, and various types of food for one to drool and feel hungry with the yummy aroma it gave.

When Vilian was about to have the tortilla Demus hit her with the fork which was on the table. "Ouch.. why'd you do that for?" Winced overly.

"Be like a lady. You are not supposed to have your meal before the guests arrive and as I'm the head of the table it is better that you start the meal once the head allows you to do so. Looks like you are forgetting your lessons. You wouldn't want me to teach you once again, would you?" Asked Demus sternly while glaring at her.

"No father. I do remember everything perfectly and will follow it perfectly." Said Vilian bowing her head as she feared she'll have to once again have to suffer under the name 'punishment'.

"Uhh let me have it. Looks like they aren't arriving anytime soon..." Mumbled Vilian with annoyance but obeyed as her father said, for she didn't like to face the bad consequences that may be awaiting as per her mistakes from her father for who knows what might be.

"By the way where's mom?" She asked after a long deafening silence.

"She said she'll be going shopping with Mrs.Henry. Probably might return at noon."

Suddenly, it was announced that the Watson brothers have arrived at the entrance of the dining hall. Demus let them in with a word.

As the two of them entered villain expected the least to meet the person who she considered to be the strange unknown person. Their eyes met for a brief moment. One in shock while the other in an amused expression. Of course, Astrel was expecting to meet her, for he was the one who asked Demus to introduce themselves, saying that he'd love to meet the little Demus' figures, with the idea of wanting to see the turn of events that might occur by the presence of the girl, he met the previous night, though he got to know that the girl wasn't lying about her identity through Malcolm, his loyal page.

Demus greeted, "Good morning my dear sons!" As Demus was used to addressing them as his sons wholeheartedly since the birth of both brothers, he gestured to the Watsons to take a seat at the dining table and Astrel nodded as a yes sign and sat in front of vilian and beside Ashley who sat before his brother eagerly to fill his tummy.

As it was a table manner to start the meal once the head of the table starts it, Vilian and Ashley, who were waiting for their meal which was watering their tongue, could no longer wait to gobble the food down, but sadly they had to wait till Demus gestured them to eat... One was in a dilemma that she was in front of the guests and her father while the other was one of the guests at the home and not in his home. Poor they.

"Before we start this peaceful morning with our meal let me introduce each of you two to my only daughter Vilian. My dear, this here is Astrel Wattson and his only brother Ashley Wattson, sons of my closest departed friend Bethan Douglas, from the Wattson family" said the latter part with a sigh. If one were to see the person's eyes intently, the sadness would be visible, but the person who we are talking about was, Demus whose best to cover his expressions with a perfect smile, for he was used to such situations.

Astrel glanced at Vilian and just nodded nonchalantly while Ashley being the friendly type, gave a relaxed friendly smile greeting,

"Hello, I'm Ashley. Pleasant in meeting you, Ms. Vilian."

Vilian too returned the gesture pleasantly, giving the beautiful smile genuinely and bowing her head as an accepted sign, she felt a comfortable aura with the person who greeted her. It was quite the friendly type.

"So... what are we waiting for, let us celebrate this happy morning with a light glass of wine and sweet words," Demus said, raising the glass of wine which was in his hand.

Well, do you think Vilian is allowed to drink wine? It's a big NOPE... Though she wishes she could... Hmm, she's 18, and she has not yet tasted even a drop of wine, so as usual, she drank the orange and mango mixed fruit Juice which she loves thickly. 'Finally, I'm gonna have my breakfast... It feels like an eternity to not eat you my dear tortilla,' thought Vilian, in her mind.

Saying that in her mind Vilian had her breakfast cheerfully like a kid while Demus was speaking with the Watsons.

"How was your sleep Astrel, Ashley? I couldn't prepare the rooms as per your wish as it was a sudden turn of events to be."

Ashley was the first to reply carefreely and said, "You need not worry uncle. We were perfectly fine, weren't we brother?"

Astrel glanced at Vilian as if to say something which was only understandable by Vilian, for she was wide-eyed, thinking that he might reveal about her entering his room. She was pleading with her eye not to utter anything. Seeing this, Astrel smirked at her small action, which made him amused. Then he looked towards Demus and said nonchalantly, "Hmm... Yes, we were."

Vilian sighed out of relief once he didn't say anything about it. And so on, the dinner talk went on with a serious talk between Demus and the other two, discussing some Assassins invading someone's mansion, which Vilian didn't take in concern for she was so engrossed in the food which was waiting to jump into her mouth. But once she was done with her meal, they were still speaking so seriously. For once, Vilian felt like she was a part of the wall decor.

So, Vilian tried her best to get away from the place slowly without any of their gazes, but little did she know that there was a person who was a keen observer of his surroundings.

She was about to pass through the double door of the hall, but unexpectedly the door opened swiftly and loudly to get the attention of everyone. In came a small figure screaming out of excitement," Vileee..." Running towards Vilian and hugged her tightly with his small baby-like hands, for he could barely reach her waist.