At the Frost Mansion


@ 8 p.m


*Knock* *Knock*


"Enter," said Demus.

"Master, the dinner's ready," said Mansi the maid, bowing her head and not even sparing a glance straight towards her master. She was the maid in charge of the dinner hall.

"We'll be there in a while. You may leave Mansi." Said Vivian with a pleasant smile while Demus was looking out the view from the transparent crystal glass window.

"Sure, ma'am." Replied fearfully and bowed to both the people present in the master bedroom and left the place without making a single noise. A few minutes later, came another knock which was fainter than the earlier one.

"Ughh... Who is it now?" Yelled Demus, irritatingly. Slowly the door opened and only a small head peeked in from the door.

"Mommy? Daddy? Can...I come in?" Asked Daniel hesitantly with a cute look, his big round black marble-like eyes open wide giving a mix of hesitant and at the same time excitement.

" don't even need to ask for it? You are always allowed to come in. Isn't that right Demi hun?" Asked Vivian adding honey-coated words just to diverge the gloomy mood of her beloved husband which worked out for the time being.

"Of course Love. Why not? Danny is daddy's little son. So, how come he's not allowed?" Replied Demus trying to be nice towards his dear son.

"Is that so? So, whose mommy's then?" Pouting playfully asked Vivian to her son.

"No no... I'm Vili's and Vili is all mine," said Daniel innocently frowning his eyebrows and pouting his lips which were cute but not knowing the change of the atmosphere. There was a long silence after that. Daniel was looking at the glassed fish fountain which is in a beautiful aqua blue color, displayed on the right corner of the door of the hexagonal-shaped room. It was so big in size for a normal person, but not for a person like Demus.

Melting the frozen atmosphere, Vivian spoke up, "Danny? What's that on your hand?" She asked looking at the boy's hand.

"Oh... This mommy? I forgot to show you that I drew Billy the deer." Said, Daniel. A small smile graced his lips lightening up his entire face which made his mother admire her innocent , naive little boy who was unaware of the cruel world he belonged to. He gave the drawing book which was tightly held by his tiny little baby-like hands, firstly to his dad. The boy was fidgeting his fingers and pouting his pink little lips, waiting for a sweet compliment from his parents nervously. Vivian too looked at the drawing with her husband and commented,

"Awe... This baby deer looks soo cute just like my cute little Danny."

"Mommy... Danny is not cute. He is always handsome and brave" said Daniel angrily pouting his lips.

"Yeah yeah... Just like daddy, right?"


"Right, com'on let's better not wait for more. Mansi already informed me that the dinner's ready."

"But...but daddy said nothing to my Billy..." Daniel started whining and was about to cry. Vivian turned to look at Demus and gave a pleading look.

"Boy! It's beautiful. You better often draw." He said smiling and cheering his son.

"Oh reeaally?! Okayyy... I will." squeaked Daniel with joy and the three of them left the room to have their dinner. They had their dinner peacefully not realizing or rather bothering the absence of Vilian. Time flew. Everyone was up to bed. Meanwhile, Vilian was climbing up to her room silently and knocked on the glass window giving a sign for Lily to open the window, but unfortunately Lily wasn't in the room, but outside the room dealing with Nelza, the kitchen maid who was insisting on serving Vilian the dinner.


*Ring* *Ring*


Lily's phone rang. "Oh, it's her..." Mumbled Lily.

"Lily... I can't leave this place. I can't let Ms.Vilian sleep without having her dinner today too. Let. me. in."

"Wait. Just give me a sec Nelzz.." saying that Lily distanced herself a bit from Nelza and answered the call.


"Ughh.. finally open the freaking window." Grunted Vilian sternly, before lily could finish her greetings.

"Yes-" Once again she couldn't complete her sentence as Vilian ended up the call immediately without waiting for a reply from Lily. Ignoring Nelza, Lily ran into the room and shut the door tightly locking it, and slid the night black curtains which were decorated with white floral designs to open the window shutters immediately. In came Vilian and sighed out of relief.



"Are you—alright?"

"Do I look now?" Vilian Questioned back Lily. Poor little maid.

"Sorry, Mi'lady. But-"

"There's no need for sorries or buts. Go prepare my bath before it's too late. I feel so tired." said the latter part a bit exhaustedly. Lily stood there still. She sometimes could not figure out the mood swings of the lady in front of her. It was as if there wasn't another day to experience every season, all four seasons would come at once so she had to bare it all in a day.

Vilian snapped her fingers in front of the maid who was suddenly dozed off into a daze and gave a questioning look. "Apologize me Mi'lady. I'll prepare your bath right away." Said Lily snapped out of her daze and immediately ran towards the bathroom. Vilian shook her head and went into her walk-in closet to pick up sleepwear. She was uncomfortable with the dress which she was dressed in for she experienced breathing difficulties after a long time earlier this night.

For once she thought she had overcome the uneasiness and was at ease but it suddenly showed up today out of nowhere after two whole months. Coming near the walk-in closet Lily cleared her throat just to indicate her presence, but it failed to be noticed by the lady who was zoned out while going through her nightwear.

"Mi'lady, your bath is prepared." Said the maid which made Vilian startled for a while.

"I'm sorry Mi'lady. I didn't mean to startle you." Bowing her head the young maid asked for her apologies sincerely. In return, Vilian let out a tiresome long sigh, walking towards the bathroom but not before she takes the light green sleep wear out from her closet for her to wear later on after freshening herself. The long tiresome sigh of Vilian made the poor maid believe in that she was the very reason for her lady to be in this state which also made her feel so guilty and worried. Poor thing she is.


[Author's thoughts: Guys don't you think she's a sweet maid?☺️❤️ What do you think might be her breathing uneasiness might be? What do you think about this Chapter? Please leave your precious thoughts in the comment box MLI buddies😘🥰.