It was a pleasant bright morning. One could tepid easily to the sight which the sun was giving out.

The man seated on the silver-gold lavish seat which was placed Infront of a silver and gold decorated dinner table was matching the single chair occupied by the man himself who was facing the shiny bright morning sun, finished the breakfast in his private room of the Hôtel de Scorcchill at Whalesmaw was very conscious of a sense of his well-being.

The hotel was quite the pretentious one. The good was mouth watering with its aroma itself. The omelette with which Garry had begun his meal was ambrosial and not to say that the chops which followed it had come from a very young and freshly-killed baby lamb. To accompany them there were wines from the most expensive sherry wine yards.

Dabbing his lips with the napkin Garry was ready to finish his dinner and place a cigar on his thin light pink lips when an unknown call interrupted him. Grunting lowly he glanced at his P.A who was standing like the decorative stand beside him. The latter right-away understood his master's gesture and nodded his head.

Garry was calmly inhaling the cigar while Roni the P.A answered the call trying not to infuriate his master.

"Mr Zelus' P.A speaking. Care to say who it is?"

The caller's reply made the latter sharply in take his breath. Distancing the mobile phone Roni was already shivering like the withering leaf ready to speak to Garry.

"Sir! It's Malcolm. Mr. Watson's right hander. The call's for you sir." Said Roni without stuttering a word for he'll surely be fired for the small mistakes too.

"Who else would it be for, If not for me?" The cold hoarsely voice of the man was heard mockingly. A dangerous sinister smile was tugged up on his face which made a chill run down the spine of the P.A.

"Speaker!" One word from the man and Roni immediately did it as a wined-up doll out of sheer fear. Fear for his dear life.

"So... where's that workaholic boss of yours is it?" asked Garry which irked Malcolm but Astrel bothered the least rather than getting bothered with the way Garry addressed him.

Scoffing Astrel retorted, "How ridiculous of you to install your man at my mansion just to get what's mine isn't it, don't you think?" which made Garry to retain himself from not exploding into a big disaster.

Earlier if Roni was shaking and was ready to fall just like the withered leaf about to fall from the tree by a mere breeze, now was the worst. He felt like he would die just by witnessing the vast change of the temperature in the room which was suffocating him. He was trembling so hard.

'Oh my! am I living on my last few days? but... I'm still too young to die for I haven't at least had the chance to build up my own family not to add that I barely had the chance to experience how and what youth love is?' thought Roni worriedly dabbing his invisible sweat formed on his forehead.

Roni was even too scared to curse or give a false thought about his boss in his mind for he feared by any chance could read his mind.

"hahaha..." suddenly va dangerous laugh erupted on the other side of the phone call. Roni was almost about to drop the mobile phone which he was holding on to for his boss.

"Looks like someone's got tongue tied huh? Such an utter useless." gave a louder teasing thought out Astrel just to taunt the already infuriated Vulture. Astrel really was testing Garry's patience.

Heh! after all, Astrel wasn't a person who'll step out from the battlefield till he get's what he wants once he stepped in.

"Oh! by the way I'm really sad to say but I think I saw the guys who were assigned to assassinate my mansion being dragged away by my men. Mmm... probably to kill them and give it to my sweet pet Wolfy. One of them was... what was his name again Mal?" asked Astrel just to provoke Garry more.

"Jarrett Goblin, sir" came the quick reply from Malcolm who was beside Astrel which did make the voice of him crystal clear for Garry to listen what the latter said.

"Right... it's him. Mal I gotta reward you for being good in rememberance."said Astrel.

"Astrel you'll regret what your doing right now." said Garry gritting his teeth. Though he didn't care the life of whoever he hired to complete the task he gave died, but after all it was his pride that was falling apart.

"Let's see who regrets their actions." said Astrel and laughed out louder which irked Garry and he immediately took the mobile phone from Roni and threw it away which smashed.

Roni's wrist was also scratched when Garry took the phone from his hand but didn't let a single yelp out.


Two delicate wine glasses were shattered into pieces.

"URGHH!!!" grunted Garry louder holding his fists tighter.

"B-boss?" before Roni could question about the upcoming conference meeting or even try to calm down his boss the least, Garry shouted at him, "GET OUT YOU PIECE OF SH*T!!! " which made Roni run out of the room closing the door quickly as if his life depended on it.


Before Roni could sigh out of relief another glass came crashing onto the door hardly which Roni came out from. He flinched out of fear as he was leaning beside the door. The smashing sound made the man flinch and fall on the ground.

"Pheww... So... close..."

" I guess I'll have to countdown my living days from today onwards. " said Roni crying silently. The guards who were standing outside pitied the young man very badly. They felt that they were at least privileged to be a bit far away from Garry than being so close as an assistant to their boss.