[Music Recommendation: Don't Be Shy- Tiësto & Karol G]

It was morning. Just as any other day. The wind gusting and the sun shining as intensely as they always do.

The wind was sweet. Air emitting and aroma all on its own, so does the earth.

Vilian was running on her jogging suit. A black running tank top with a white running leggings which had some small vertical stripes at the bottom of the leggings. The sea shore was visible from the Oldrock park where Vilian was jogging early in the morning. It was a beautiful view which helped to ease her mind from the turmoils and negative effects.

Only a few youngsters were to be seen at the park doing exercises and more elders.The boys aren't actually there to maintain their fitness but to ogle at the chick girls out there with their eyes.

Everyone of them had their own gossip partners to keep themselves entertained during the workouts without getting bored except for one girl who was grabbing each and everyone's attention passing by her side once she arrived to that spot. Girls were envious while boys... You can't say boys for boys being boys didn't let the chance go admiring her beauty with lust. The old ones too were attentively looking at her wishing that they could make the running beauty their future granddaughter-in-law.

This was non of the girl's concern as Vilian was clearly ignoring those pests as usual. The gossiping whispers or the teasing of the lustful boys weren't able to reach her ears, for she had already plugged in her air pods.

There was a wooden bench on the far corner where no one were to be seen. She sat on the bench. This was her usual spot. Removing the air pods off her ears she left a long sigh, as she closed her eyes for a while just to enjoy the soft morning breeze. Some strands of her golden hair swayed along with the wind. Not longer did it pass, someone really had to ruin the mind relaxing peaceful moment and that someone was non other than Mia herself.

"What a tiresome day it is... isn't it?" Spoke up Mia startling Vilian a bit.

"Hehe...Mia? What a pleasant surprise." Said Vilian sarcastically. "A lazy cat like you in a jogging attire like me and tiresome you say... early in the morning huh?"

"Yeah... Tiresome it is. I had to drink a gallon of water." Said exaggerating it. "Thankfully, I said Zen to bring water bottles as much as possible. Here, drink some. You might as well feel thirsty." said Mia and gave a bottle of water to Vilian.

Vilian took the water bottle but she glanced at Zen, who was the personal bodyguard of Mia and gave a sorry look before that. She drank a mouth full of water quenching her thirst. Drops of water slipped from her rosy lips. Mia reached her hands towards her lips wiping the water drops which were near Vilian's lips slowly with her thumbs and pressed her thumbs on Vilian's lips just to tease her. Vilian swapped her hand away and said irritatingly,

"Here comes the flirty girl who flirts with her bestie." Rolling her eyes.

"You know what? Such a tempting plumpy rosy lips you have. Mmm... It makes me wanna devour savouring it slowly. Just like strawberries" teased Mia once again. Vilian gave a disgusted annoying look.

"Eww... Mia!!! Are you suppose... a lesbian or are you even a girl? It feels like I'm beside a boy." Listening to what Vilian said Mia couldn't help but burst out of laugh louder. Some of the people even turned to look at them.

"Girl... Your're... You're... Sooo... Funny. I was just... HAHAHAHA!! teasing you"

"Ha. Ha. Ha..." Fake laughed Vilian.

"Yeah...yeah.. very funny. Can you ever not attract people with your weirdness?"

"Ohh can't help it dear... I'm just beautiful you know, that they can't take their eyes off me once they give a glance at me" praised Mia herself.

"Ooooh wow!!! Look at her... She's really looking hot and sexy don't you think?" Said one of the passerby boys stalking and whistling at Vilian.

"Ufff... Boys these days..." Vilian shook her head irritatingly at their behaviour and saw Mia winking at one of the boys who was gazing at her. Vilian smacked her head.

"Ouch... Why would you do that for?"

"Know what you did." Scolded Vilian.

"Vili... I just winked at him. Don't you think he's so cute? What's wrong with me winking at him? It's not as if I asked him for a night right?" Asked Mia non stopping.

"Whatever!" Said Vilian rolling her eyes nonchalantly. "What's with your sudden presence here?"

"Ahhh! that? hehe... I actually came here to see my honeycomb. I've been missing her lately." Said Mia with honey coated words even though she met her last night. Vilian glared at her and put on her air pods to continue her jogging back to her home.

'Great.... I'm done today. I really stepped too overboard than necessary.' thought Mia and started running behind Vilian.

"Hey... Wait up... Girl...you know I can't do this running thing like you and be sticky... NO!!! I mean run and jog out here like you." 'Jeez girl. Why can't you control yourself Mia?' cursed Mia to herself for provoking Vilian more than she did earlier. Mia received no response from Vilian but the sounds of her shoes jogging, so she started running behind Vilian like a house fly pestering her from time to time by tapping her shoulder.

Mia who was jogging along with her bestie not knowing that there was something ahead her started jogging backwards in the same direction where Vilian was jogging. Jogging for a while Mia was about to hit her head on the sign post but got hit by a big palm which protected her from getting a bump on her head. But Mia still winced a bit because of the sudden incidents. She turned behind and realized that there was a sign post which could have hurt her harder as she was jogging backwards carelessly.

"Ms.Carter, are you alright ?" Asked Zen in a worried tone rubbing the back of Mia's head which gave a warmth to Mia. Though Zen was so close that the breath of him was fanning over her nose tip and lips, she didn't realize it, for she was still in a shocking daze and came out of it by Zen's voice which was a bit low and hoarse.

"Zen?" asked Mia in surprise.

"Yes Mi'lady. Are you alright?" Questioned again.

"Yes... I... I am, but look how heartless Vili is." Mia pouted her red cherry like lips worriedly. Her olive green eyes were glistening under the reflection of the day light. This was the first time Zen saw her beautiful eyes glistening in such a way and in such a close pace. "She didn't even care to see what has happened or warn me about the sign post." The second complain of Mia bought back the dazed Zen to the reality.

"Ahem... " Cleared Zen his throat and cursed himself for being so stupid and careless about his thoughts and gaze. He stepped back and Mia turned towards the opposite direction where Vilian was heading to. "It is alright Mi'lady. Let us head to the mansion. If we further delay, Master might get to know your absence. You may get a chance to reconcile with Ms.Vilian afterwards. It is better for us to leave." Said Zen trying to convince Mia.

"Your right Zen. I do not need to ask for forgiveness. After all I'm not in the wrong. Let her ask for apologies from me. Let's leave right away my handsome guard, or I'll have to protect you from the ogling eyes." Said Mia and winked at him with a smirk, then went towards her white car.

'Uhh... What did she even mean by that? Protect me... from the ogling..ohh these girls' he turned around and saw some of the girl's looking at him. ' when did I even mention such a thing against Ms.Vilian? Uhh this girl really twists my words.' thought Zen scratching his head confusingly.

"ZEN!!! Are you coming or do I have to drive myself leaving you there? " Shouted Mia from the car windshield. Zen ran towards the car, started it and left the park quickly towards the mansion.

Zen might be Mia's personal bodyguard for the past six months but unexpectedly they became so close as if they were those childhood friends that people would refer from time to time. They were like the one's who lost connection in between and refound eachother after a long period of time. One would mistakenly consider the two as a couple, if it weren't for Zen's working attire. It was a black suit which had a royal red dragon symbol on the left corner upper chest. It was an identity of the people who worked in Caster Mansion.

Zen who was assigned to be a personal guard of Mia by Mr.Caster, Mia's father, was the youngest of all the workers in the Caster mansion. Not only was he young but handsome and intelligent.

Though both of the young one's were close, Zen never called her by her name, even when Mia insisted him several times to say so. He was such a respectful gentleman type.


Vilian reached the frost mansion with in the fifteen minutes of jogging. Opening the refrigerator she took out a bottle filled with mango crush. Drinking in one go she put the bottle in the trash bin.

"Good morning Ms.Vilian."

"Good morning to you too aunt Nelza. How have you been? Has Grace's health recovered?"

"By the god's mercy she has turned to being normal and I am doing healthy and safe. Thank you for your concern Mi'lady. Yesterday..." before Nelza could complete what she was about to say she saw the presence of someone approaching towards the kitchen side so she shut her mouth. Vilian was confused and turned behind following the eyesight of the old maid.


[Author's thoughts: Hey guys!!! what do you think of Zen and Mia? Do you think they might fall in love or will it turn into love triangle? share your thoughts below in the comment section.

BTW, don't forget to read the Author's thoughts. It's about the WPC contest❤️]