Fiddling her fingers Kyle looked at the maid and asked, "Do you know why the female guest is here?" The maid stopped what she was doing and bowed her head, "Forgive me, Mi'lady, but I, myself am clueless of the lady. Master has forbidden us to speak a word about her and we are not allowed to speak of whatever happens in the mansion. Master would not think twice to spare my life. I'm sorry, Mi'lady," said the maid, not once glancing at Kyle she kept bowing her head and proceeded to fill the glass with apple cider.

After a little time passed Kyle tried to know about Vilian again from the maid, "How long has she been here?" The maid thought for a while and seeing there's no harm in letting her know of this small information she said, "It's... It's been two nights, Mi'lady," and bit her tongue, praying that letting her know about this would do no harm in the future.

'Two nights? What could be the reason? Astrel was not a person who'd be willing to welcome women around him let alone invade his personal space... so... What was this new thing he was doing? I must know the reason but questioning her again would rise suspicions unnecessarily,' thought Kyle. "She seems to be very nice," said Kyle giving the maid a pleasing smile. The maid agreed to her lending the glass of apple cider. Kyle drank the juice with the disturbing thoughts flowing in her mind.

"Ms. Kyle?" came the voice of Vilian following a knock on the door.

"Come in, Ms. Vilian." Opening the door not so fast Vilian came in and stood frozen but averted her gaze as soon as she saw Kyle only in her chemise. 'Why would she call me in if she was not dressed' thought Vilian with a flushed face and apologized turning to leave the room.

"Go bring me a bathrobe," ordered Kyle to the maid who ran to bring it right away. "No need to leave so soon. We can come to know each other. Come, have a seat over here," said Kyle, patting beside her. The maid came running with a light blue bathrobe. Kyle stood up and wore it with the help of the maid. "There, now I'm dressed. Come on now."

"It's ok... I'm fine," said Vilian taking a glass of water from the tray which was placed on the bedside table, sipping it avoiding Kyle's eye contact.

"Awe... aren't you a shy little thing, Ms. Vilian?" came the teasing words from Kyle. She was giggling. "You may leave now," said Kyle, to the maid and the maid left bowing her head to both the ladies. Vilian leaned on the bed pole and initiated a conversation,

"Your brother has gone to get the dress."

"Why did he go? He could have said the chauffeur to go," asked Kyle.

"Seems like the driver didn't answer his calls," said Vilian, and remembered what happened earlier. It brought a small smile and a blush to her face which didn't go unnoticed by Kyle.

"You're blushing, Ms. Vilian!" Said Kyle bringing Vilian back from her thoughts.

"What?" questioned Vilian.

"Are you in love?" She asked in a low voice, teasingly moving closer to Vilian

"WHAT?! NO!" Vilian immediately denied it.

"Everyone denies it at the beginning and so are you..." Vilian could do nothing but deny it and change the topic. They spoke of many things that usually ladies spoke of. A dress was sent to Kyle through her chauffeur. Her brother didn't come again as he had some urgent matters to attend to. Kyle got dressed in a beautiful green gown that matched her beautiful emerald eyes.

"Is it alright if I call you Vilian?" she asked after their long talks.

"And I call you Kyle?" both laughed and agreed with each other. Within a short period, they both got to know a lot about each other, like, where they live and some small details about their family. Vilian got to know that Kyle had no parents but not the real reason behind their death. She felt better than yesterday. Gone were the thoughts of the morning incidents replaced with the girl talks. It was quite understandable that Kyle was also a lonely person but was spoiled by her brother to the very highest content.

'How lucky was she to have a brother who was so caring as Kaecilius' thought Vilian. Kyle bragged mostly about her brother with many praises. Not soon, the time for lunch came. Both the ladies were escorted to the dining hall. Vilian felt like she took a visit to a royal resident. Everything looked just eye-catching.

"This is nothing compared to the other dining hall," whispered Kyle, walking close to her. 'This is nothing?' questioned Vilian to herself with her eyes widened. 'Just who the hell is this devil?' screamed vilian in her mind observing the lavishness. Her father's mansion was a piece of cake compared to his one. Two young servants who looked a little elder than her stood behind the chairs, inviting them to sit. Vilian thanked the servant who could not believe what he just heard. He looked at the other servant just sure what just happened.

"You're being too nice to them, Vilian," said Kyle, waiting for the maids to serve the food on her plate.

"I was just thanking them," she said giving a smile to them. Kyle shook her head not believing her newfound friend.

"Do you do this to your servants too?"

"What do you mean, Kyle?" asked Vilian, with a confused expression.

"Thank your servants for everything that they do?"

"I'm mostly with my maid, Lily so I rarely get a chance to interact with them but when I get a chance to appreciate I appreciate whoever they are. Lily has been the one who does everything since my childhood days," Kyle nodded her head and they started to dig in the food.

"Why is it the mansion has candles and not electric bulbs?" Kyle shrugged her shoulders, not knowing the reason and continued having their lunch.

The time of evening was approaching. Kyle and Vilian had their desserts little later after their heavy meal.

"Well, then Vilian. I'll have to part from you. Hope we meet again someday though I'm not sure," said Kyle, standing up from the couch and so Vilian stood up too after having their desserts.

"Hmm... Yeah! I had a great day spending time with you. I'll be returning home today," she said the latter enthusiastically.

"Oh!! Is it?" Asked Kyle. There was a hidden glee in her voice that Vilian understood but thought it was because she said that she'd love to go back home. Kyle spoke a little longer than she thought and left in a happy mood. Firstly, she got to know Vilian was not interested in Astrel and secondly, she got a new friend. They exchanged their contact numbers too.