"Hey, little prince. How's my birthday boy doing?" Questioned Vilian as she tried to free her hands off Astrel's hold but he didn't let her go. Vilian glared at him but he paid no heed to her.

"Mr... Aster-rel... Good evening and thank you for coming to my party," said Daniel holding onto Vilian's left hand.

"Evening and happy birthday!" He said it expressionlessly, not bothering to put up a smile and wish the happy boy.

"Thank you, Mr. Asterel," thanked Daniel, hardly pronouncing his name. Vilian stifled her giggles which were threatening to escape from her lips.

The buzzing sound from Astrel's phone had him let go of Vilian's hand. She was more than relieved to get away from him. Before Astrel could answer the call she had escaped from his clutches taking a hold of Daniel's hand as she walked away hastily as fast as she could. Not once did she glance back at him.

Standing behind Astrel was Ashley observing everything that just happened. He could only chuckle with amusement.

"Aren't they the Watson brothers?" One of the ladies who looked like she was in her early twenties drooling over Astrel and Ashley.

"Why do you think they are here? Especially, the elder one?" questioned her friend.

"What do you think we are doing?" Questioned the lady.

"Gossiping?" Questioned her friend.

"Silly Woman! Don't you think it's unusual for them to be attending that little one's birthday party when he would have something more important than this?" Her eyes were focused on the Frosts as she admitted it.

"Why not think they are trynna hook their so-called beautiful daughter to the elder one? Didn't we all just witness the two walking side by side hooking their hands as they entered the party hall together as if they were a couple? What's there to call beautiful in that blonde girl? I see nothing but her dirty blonde hair." her friend ranted.

"Oh Kathy, Congratulations!!" she said, lighting her friend with curiosity.

"Thank you, but what for?" questioned Kathy.

Her friend laughed and said, "I bet this is the first time you've said something so sensible," and the other ladies who were with, them laughed out mockingly at her causing the lady named Kathy to roll her eyes and fume. She immediately turned around and poured the wine from her wine glass onto the servant who was serving wine to the guests who were present in the party hall.

The poor servant didn't know what just happened and was left in shock as he was wrenched in wine.

Ashley standing close by the ladies, watched the drama as he sipped the grape wine from his fancy glass as if he was watching an entertainment show. He clicked his tongue and shook his head, chuckling with amusement, "Jeez! These ladies are so stupid that act as if they are so friendly when they are actually trynna bite one another." He murmured as he walked past them. 'Now, where did my sister-in-law go?' thought Ashley as he searched for Vilian.

The party room was well arranged spaciously with extravagant to show the wealthiness of the Frosts. The hall was lit with bright lights sparkling everywhere, and the little ones were running, screaming, and playing, enjoying their best moment at the party as the soft music played in the background completing the party ambiance. The gifts bought by the people were arranged beside the stage as a show. It was a mountain of gifts wrapped beautifully with so many wrappers and styles.

Daniel was conversing with his newly found friends with so much glee while Vilian was lost in loneliness waiting for her only friend Mia. She had been waiting for her from the very moment she entered the hall, but her friend had not yet come to the party.

After what felt like hours she saw her friend entering the hall hanging with a gloomy face.

'Looks like the date hasn't gone as she had thought it to be,' thought Vilian as she approached Mia with quick steps. As she fasten her step, she misplaced her foot causing her to fall backward. She widened her eyes with a gasp as she expected herself to hit the ground, but someone caught her at the right time. She looked up only to see the person whom she expected the least to hold onto her.

Vilian stood up straight, stepping away from Eric, not bothering to thank him or give a glance at him. She walked cautiously cursing herself for not being careful. As she felt her feet hurt, she bit her lips.

"Hey, girl? What took you so long? How was the blind date?" Questioned all at once as she tried to clear her thoughts. Mia gave her a look as she observed her friend tilting her head, "What are you looking at?" questioned Vilian. "How was your date? Was the guy as per your liking?"

"Vili? Are you alright?" she questioned as she placed her palm over Vilian's forehead. Vilian swatted her hands away.


"Why do I feel like we've switched characters? You're unusually questioning a lot. By the way who was that chick guy who caught you back there?" questioned Mia as she nodded her head toward the direction where Eric was gazing shamelessly at Vilian. Vilian ignored him.

"A shameless stalker," grunted Vilian with so much hate.

"Woah!! What did he just do?"

"Enough of me, what about you?"

"Ahh!! why would you ask about it? He's just a jerk. I have no idea what was dad thinking of me when he spoke of the date. You should have seen how he was so talking like a chatter-box. Nagging me and praising too much of himself. He would be the least I'd think of as my future partner," said Mia as she wiped off the invisible sweat on her forehead.

Vilian chuckled, gazing at her annoyed friend.

"You should have seen how he treated a person who bumped off him accidentally. Jeez!! Zero humanity!" spatted Mia.

"Chill girl! We are at the party. Wish my brother or he'll nag you to no end."

"Right! Now, where's that chipmunk?"

Both the girls went in search of the boy. As everyone wished for Daniel and conversed with each other time flew and it was time for them to cut the cake.

Demus Frost held his son closer to his side as he clinked his wine glass to gain everyone's attention. The music playing stopped and the guests in the huge hall turned silent as they gave their attention to the frosts standing amidst the sea of guests listening to what Demus was to say. People moved away from them, giving them the needed space to let them speak.

"Thank you for attending the party," Demus' voice was loud and clear enough for everyone to hear. He continued, "Today we are celebrating my son Daniel's birthday as you all know. Thank you for joining the celebration, along with my wife Vivian and my daughter Vilian," he said as he hugged the side of his Wife. The mention of the daughter made the guests murmur for most of them had no idea that Demus had a daughter.

"At the mention of my daughter, I assume most of you might have not known her," Said Demus as he gave a pause and his gaze came to settle at Vilian who stood a little far away from them, "Vilian? Why don't you step forward, dear?" He said.

Vilian was caught off guard for she didn't expect her father to call her in front of everyone. Her steady heartbeats beat loudly as she stepped forward and gave an uneasy smile at everyone, but didn't near the Frosts.

Demus nodded his head as he continued, "We have a few interesting things to look forward to at this party, but I think it can wait for a little while. Why not grace your presence on the dance floor but before that my son would love to give a word to everyone present here, isn't that right, my boy?" said Demus, and Daniel nodded his head.

The guests in the room clapped as they gazed at the cute little boy.

Demus raised his hand and a man came forward handing a mic to him. He gave the mic to his son who clutched the mic tightly using both hands.

He took a deep breath as he gazed at everyone and started to speak in his adorable voice, "Hello... Good evening everyone!" he said and paused a bit, and then continued, "Thank you so much for coming to my birthday party and for all of these gifts. I just can't wait to open them. Please enjoy the party," he said with so much happiness.

The guests gave big applause to him and Vivian his mother kissed his cheeks as she hugged him. Demus gave a cheering smile and clapped his hands twice, and the music started to play. People came forward with their partners, stepped onto the dance floor, and started dancing.