Standing at the bar, Mia told Vilian about her blind date as she ordered another glass of wine.

"...so... you left him alone at the restaurant and came straight to Danny's party?"

"Yep! I bet that jerk would be standing right in front of the ladies or... maybe, worst than that," she replied and the imagination of him bought her laugh out as some of the wine slipped from her mouth.

"Savage, huh?"

"You call it savage, I call it self-defense," she said as she took a sip from the wine, "How's your knee? All healed?"

"Worsened," said Vilian causing a worried line to form on Mia's face but the next moment yesterday's incident came rushing to her head. It brought the heat to her face.

"Is that a blush that I see?" Questioned as she squinted her eyes, "What's running on that mind of yours to make your blood rush up here?" she asked as she pinched Vilian's right cheek bringing her back from her trance, "Com'on, spit it out already!" nudged Mia.

Vilian was nagged and teased by Mia till she narrate the whole incident to her, but Vilian had skipped the bathroom scene because she felt too embarrassed to say it. For heaven's sake, a man had seen her in a bath and not to say fully naked. If her best friend was to know this, she wouldn't spare her till she tease her to death. It was best to be just this way.

Though Vilian was raped in her past leaving her naked at the end she wasn't in her conscious state when she was being nude by the fucking rapist.

"Aha~ So he tended your wound~," said Mia, smiling teasingly.

"It was more like he took advantage of the situation, just so he could suck my freaking blood."

"Speak of the devil, and there he comes," remarked Mia as her gaze passed over Vilian's shoulder, nudging her to look behind.

The devil was conversing with an old man who seemed to be in his late sixties with fully gray hair. A grim expression was etched on Astrel's handsome cold face. His thin pink lips would move slowly now and then as he spoke.

"I must warn you, Love. Astrel has a high hearing sense than any other existing night creature. Let's say this hall. He can listen to everyone's chatter in this hall and far more than that. When it comes to vampires, they can sense the sound and focus on one particular thing too," explained Mia and winked at the bartender, who smiled cutely while refilling her wine glass. Being a vampire, she had high tolerance when it came to alcohol or anything related to it.

"Are you kidding me?!" exclaimed Vilian unbelievably, "So you can do that too?"

"Yep, but not so far like him," she said nonchalantly, "He's a piece of a rare kind, yuh know! Dangerous at that."

As if sensing Vilian staring at him, he looked straight into her eye. It wasn't just a glance. She felt her whole body shiver just from his mere gaze.

"You coming to the dance floor?" questioned Mia as she gulped down the sweet wine in one go. Vilian didn't respond, instead, was still spellbound by her cousin's gaze, so she stepped forward and whispered into her ear,

"A little more, and you'll wet your pants." Vilian's eyes widened at the remark of hers. She saw Astrel's lips turn to a smirk as if he had caught what Mia had whispered into her ears.

'Embarrassing! Utterly embarrassing!' screamed her mind. 'Mia!!!' she screamed again in her mind as she bit her lips, but Mia was long gone. She was dancing on the dance floor with some stranger guy. Vilian felt helpless as she glared at her friend, who had left her in an embarrassing situation.

Sighing, she didn't dare glance at the devil though she could sense his gaze already boring holes into her. She turned to the bartender and cleared her throat, gaining his attention, "Have you got anything that is un-alcoholic?"

"Sorry, ma'am, we don't, but I'm sure we have the lowest alcoholic wine. Would you want it, ma'am?"

"No, thanks!" she said, waving her hand, "Just get me a glass of water," she requested with a polite smile, and the man nodded his head.

"Tch! Tch! Tch! Still the same," came the unforgettable voice beside her, but she didn't bother to glance at him. Her heart paced faster than usual. Anger, fear, sadness, pain, and betrayal resurfaced in her mind.

Taking in a deep breath as if she could calm down the turmoil, she took the glass filled with water and gulped it down slowly, not wanting to show her nervousness.

"Isn't someone being ungrateful?" he said as he leaned on the bar and ordered a scotch. Vilian knew what was the bastard exactly talking about but tried to calm herself down first.

"Sorry, but were you talking to me?" questioned Vilian, taunting Eric. He hummed and took hold of the fancy glass, twirling it as he observed her. "Seems like Mr. Fenan is so desperate of gaining hat tips from others," remarked Vilian as she scoffed and rolled her eyes, ready to leave the bar, but Eric's fingers encircled her wrist.

She felt disgusted as she felt his very hand which groped and touched inappropriately once again in contact with her wrist. Her blank expression turned cold as she glanced at his hand and then at him.

"Take your filthy hands off me, Eric," she said with so much patience, not wanting to create a scene in front of everyone. But looks like the man had other motives.

"Oh! You do remember my name, and here I thought you didn't. How nice..." He said with an ugly grin.

"Eric, get your fucking hands off me before I create a scene,"

"You will? But I just wanna have a talk with you. Nothing more nothing less," he said simply.

"Looks like someone's out of manners, don't you think Ms. Frost?" came another voice right next to her ears bringing shivers running down her spine with his deep masculine voice. "Do you perhaps know him?" he questioned as he stood behind her and graced harshly over Eric's wrist, causing him to grunt and lose the grip on Vilian's hand. Vilian retreated her hand closer to her chest as she glanced at the dark red mark that was etched on her wrist by Eric's grip.

Even so, after a minute passed by, he had not let his hand go. Eric was grunting a little louder than earlier. Pain frowns visibly formed on his face, "Let go you damn fucker!!" he howled angrily. "Who is he? Your boyfriend?" he spatted his question toward Vilian.