Chapter 37: Confrontation

Owen heard the howl and saw the urgency on Arion’s face.

“Get out of here, please!” she shouted at him as she took off into the trees.

He stood there frozen for a moment and then heard a harsh bark coming from the same distance. Without even thinking, Owen ran towards the sound. He couldn’t just stand by while Arion and the others risked their lives.

Owen looked around frantically to see if there were any hunters around as he kept heading towards the noises.

Cresting a small hill that overlooked a wide view of the forest, Owen laid down and peered over.

He was not prepared for what he saw next.

Owen thought he knew what laid beyond the security of the village. What his family and families before him had told them about the monsters. He always simply imagined a wolf, but this…this truly appeared to be a monster.