Chapter 20: A Date

Oriana’s POV

After nervously sifting through outfits and getting ready, I locked up the apartment and headed downstairs to the diner. It was almost seven o’clock and Robin didn’t seem like the type to be running late.

One part of me was so excited to be going out with him, but another part of me was so dreadfully nervous that I didn’t know what to do with myself. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever gone out on a date before, unless you count making out in the backseat of a car.

So, I was a little anxious.

I never found any of the boys back home very interesting. They were never concerned with anything I had to say and constantly talked over me. So, I would just fast forward to the part where they finally shut up. Even then, it was boring.

Tonight, felt scary. At least back home I knew what to expect. Robin was new and exciting, and I actually really liked him.

That scared me too.